Java tutorial
// Copyright 2007 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.axis.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis.holders.UnsignedIntHolder; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.HeadMethod; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; import javax.xml.rpc.holders.StringHolder; /** * This class holds data and methods for any call to SiteData web service. * * @author amit_kagrawal */ public class SPSiteDataWS implements SiteDataWS { private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SPSiteDataWS.class.getName()); private SharepointClientContext sharepointClientContext; private String endpoint; private SiteDataSoap_BindingStub stub = null; private static final String ATTR_READSECURITY = "ReadSecurity"; /** * @param inSharepointClientContext The Context is passed so that necessary * information can be used to create the instance of current class * Web Service endpoint is set to the default SharePoint URL stored * in SharePointClientContext. * @throws SharepointException */ public SPSiteDataWS(final SharepointClientContext inSharepointClientContext) throws SharepointException { if (inSharepointClientContext != null) { sharepointClientContext = inSharepointClientContext; endpoint = Util.encodeURL(sharepointClientContext.getSiteURL()) + SPConstants.SITEDATAENDPOINT; LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Endpoint set to: " + endpoint); final SiteDataLocator loc = new SiteDataLocator(); loc.setSiteDataSoapEndpointAddress(endpoint); final SiteData servInterface = loc; try { stub = (SiteDataSoap_BindingStub) servInterface.getSiteDataSoap(); } catch (final ServiceException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); throw new SharepointException("unable to create sitedata stub"); } final String strDomain = inSharepointClientContext.getDomain(); String strUser = inSharepointClientContext.getUsername(); final String strPassword = inSharepointClientContext.getPassword(); strUser = Util.getUserNameWithDomain(strUser, strDomain); stub.setUsername(strUser); stub.setPassword(strPassword); // The web service time-out value stub.setTimeout(sharepointClientContext.getWebServiceTimeOut()); LOGGER.fine("Set time-out of : " + sharepointClientContext.getWebServiceTimeOut() + " milliseconds"); } } /** * Gets the collection of all the lists on the sharepoint server which are of * a given type. E.g., DocumentLibrary * * @param webstate The web from which the list/libraries are to be discovered * @return list of BaseList objects. */ public List<ListState> getNamedLists(final WebState webstate) throws SharepointException { final ArrayList<ListState> listCollection = new ArrayList<ListState>(); if (stub == null) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to get the list collection because stub is null"); return listCollection; } if (webstate == null) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to get the list collection because webstate is null"); return listCollection; } final Collator collator = Util.getCollator(); final ArrayOf_sListHolder vLists = new ArrayOf_sListHolder(); final UnsignedIntHolder getListCollectionResult = new UnsignedIntHolder(); try { stub.getListCollection(getListCollectionResult, vLists); } catch (final AxisFault af) { // Handling of username formats for // different authentication models. if ((SPConstants.UNAUTHORIZED.indexOf(af.getFaultString()) != -1) && (sharepointClientContext.getDomain() != null)) { final String username = Util.switchUserNameFormat(stub.getUsername()); LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Web Service call failed for username [ " + stub.getUsername() + " ]. Trying with " + username); stub.setUsername(username); try { stub.getListCollection(getListCollectionResult, vLists); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get List Collection for stubURL[ " + sharepointClientContext.getSiteURL() + " ].", e); } } else { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get List Collection for stubURL[ " + sharepointClientContext.getSiteURL() + " ].", af); } } catch (final Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get List Collection for stubURL[ " + sharepointClientContext.getSiteURL() + " ].", e); } if (vLists == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get the list collection"); return listCollection; } try { final _sList[] sl = vLists.value; if (sl != null) { webstate.setExisting(true); for (_sList element : sl) { String url = null; String strBaseTemplate = null; if (element == null) { continue; } final String baseType = element.getBaseType(); LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Base Type returned by the Web Service : " + baseType); if (!collator.equals(baseType, (SPConstants.DISCUSSION_BOARD)) && !collator.equals(baseType, (SPConstants.DOC_LIB)) && !collator.equals(baseType, (SPConstants.GENERIC_LIST)) && !collator.equals(baseType, (SPConstants.ISSUE)) && !collator.equals(baseType, (SPConstants.SURVEYS))) { continue; } url = Util.getWebApp(sharepointClientContext.getSiteURL()) + element.getDefaultViewUrl(); strBaseTemplate = element.getBaseTemplate(); if (strBaseTemplate == null) { strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.NO_TEMPLATE; } else if (collator.equals(strBaseTemplate, SPConstants.ORIGINAL_BT_SLIDELIBRARY)) {// for // SlideLibrary strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.BT_SLIDELIBRARY; } else if (collator.equals(strBaseTemplate, SPConstants.ORIGINAL_BT_TRANSLATIONMANAGEMENTLIBRARY)) {// for // TranslationManagementLibrary strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.BT_TRANSLATIONMANAGEMENTLIBRARY; } else if (collator.equals(strBaseTemplate, SPConstants.ORIGINAL_BT_TRANSLATOR)) {// for // Translator strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.BT_TRANSLATOR; } else if (collator.equals(strBaseTemplate, SPConstants.ORIGINAL_BT_REPORTLIBRARY)) {// for // ReportLibrary strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.BT_REPORTLIBRARY; } else if (collator.equals(strBaseTemplate, SPConstants.ORIGINAL_BT_PROJECTTASK)) {// for // ReportLibrary strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.BT_PROJECTTASK; } else if (collator.equals(strBaseTemplate, SPConstants.ORIGINAL_BT_SITESLIST)) {// for // ReportLibrary strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.BT_SITESLIST; } else { // for FormLibrary for (String formTemplate : sharepointClientContext.getInfoPathBaseTemplate()) { if (collator.equals(strBaseTemplate, formTemplate)) { strBaseTemplate = SPConstants.BT_FORMLIBRARY; break; } } } LOGGER.config("List URL :" + url); // Children of all URLs are discovered ListState list = new ListState(element.getInternalName(), element.getTitle(), element.getBaseType(), Util.siteDataStringToCalendar(element.getLastModified()), strBaseTemplate, url, webstate); list.setInheritedSecurity(element.isInheritedSecurity()); list.setApplyReadSecurity(element.getReadSecurity() == 2); String myNewListConst = ""; final String listUrl = element.getDefaultViewUrl();// e.g. // /sites/abc/Lists/Announcements/AllItems.aspx LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "getting listConst for list URL [ " + listUrl + " ] "); if ((listUrl != null) /* && (siteRelativeUrl!=null) */) { final StringTokenizer strTokList = new StringTokenizer(listUrl, SPConstants.SLASH); if (null != strTokList) { while ((strTokList.hasMoreTokens()) && (strTokList.countTokens() > 1)) { final String listToken = strTokList.nextToken(); if (list.isDocumentLibrary() && listToken.equals(SPConstants.FORMS_LIST_URL_SUFFIX) && (strTokList.countTokens() == 1)) { break; } if (null != listToken) { myNewListConst += listToken + SPConstants.SLASH; } } list.setListConst(myNewListConst); LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "using listConst [ " + myNewListConst + " ] for list URL [ " + listUrl + " ] "); // Apply the URL filter here // check if the entire list subtree is to excluded // by comparing the prefix of the list URL with the // patterns if (sharepointClientContext .isIncludedUrl(webstate.getWebUrl() + SPConstants.SLASH + myNewListConst)) { // is included check if actual list url itself // is to be excluded if (sharepointClientContext.isIncludedUrl(url)) { // if a List URL is included, it WILL be // sent as a // Document list.setSendListAsDocument(true); } else { // if a List URL is EXCLUDED, it will NOT be // sent as a // Document list.setSendListAsDocument(false); LOGGER.warning("excluding " + url.toString()); } // add the attribute(Metadata to the list ) list = getListWithAllAttributes(list, element); listCollection.add(list); } else { // entire subtree is to be excluded // do not construct list state LOGGER.warning("Excluding " + url + " because entire subtree of " + myNewListConst + " is excluded"); } } } // Sort the base list Collections.sort(listCollection); // dumpcollection(listCollection); } } } catch (final Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, e.getMessage(), e); return listCollection; } if (listCollection.size() > 0) {"Discovered " + listCollection.size() + " lists/libraries under site [ " + webstate + " ] for crawling"); } else { LOGGER.config("No lists/libraries to crawl under site [ " + webstate + " ]"); } return listCollection; } /** * The metadata for the list/library are set. This is required because lists * are also send as a document for indexing. * * @param list * @param documentLibrary * @return the {@link ListState} */ private ListState getListWithAllAttributes(final ListState list, final _sList documentLibrary) { if ((list == null) || (documentLibrary == null)) { return list; } String str = ""; str = documentLibrary.getDefaultViewUrl(); if ((str != null) && (!str.trim().equals(""))) { list.setAttribute(SPConstants.ATTR_DEFAULTVIEWURL, str); } str = ""; str = documentLibrary.getDescription(); if ((str != null) && (!str.trim().equals(""))) { list.setAttribute(SPConstants.ATTR_DESCRIPTION, str); } str = ""; str = documentLibrary.getTitle(); if ((str != null) && (!str.trim().equals(""))) { list.setAttribute(SPConstants.ATTR_TITLE, str); } str = ""; str += documentLibrary.getReadSecurity(); if ((str != null) && (!str.trim().equals(""))) { list.setAttribute(ATTR_READSECURITY, str); } return list; } // for debugging purpose /* * private void dumpcollection(ArrayList colln){ if(colln==null){ return; } * LOGGER.config("-----------------------------------"); for(int * i=0;i<colln.size();++i){ BaseList list = (BaseList) colln.get(i); * LOGGER.config("Internal Name: "+list.getInternalName()); * LOGGER.config("Title: "+list.getTitle()); * LOGGER.config("Type: "+list.getType()); * LOGGER.config("Type: "+list.getLastMod()); } * LOGGER.config("-----------------------------------"); } */ /** * Retrieves the title of a Web Site. Should only be used in case of SP2003 * Top URL. For all other cases, WebWS.getTitle() is the preferred method. */ //TODO: Adding VisibleForTesting throws exception when generating javadoc //@VisibleForTesting String getTitle() throws RemoteException { final UnsignedIntHolder getWebResult = new UnsignedIntHolder(); final _sWebMetadataHolder sWebMetadata = new _sWebMetadataHolder(); final ArrayOf_sWebWithTimeHolder vWebs = new ArrayOf_sWebWithTimeHolder(); final ArrayOf_sListWithTimeHolder vLists = new ArrayOf_sListWithTimeHolder(); final ArrayOf_sFPUrlHolder vFPUrls = new ArrayOf_sFPUrlHolder(); final StringHolder strRoles = new StringHolder(); final ArrayOfStringHolder vRolesUsers = new ArrayOfStringHolder(); final ArrayOfStringHolder vRolesGroups = new ArrayOfStringHolder(); try { stub.getWeb(getWebResult, sWebMetadata, vWebs, vLists, vFPUrls, strRoles, vRolesUsers, vRolesGroups); return sWebMetadata.value.getTitle(); } catch (final AxisFault af) { // Handling of username formats for // different authentication models. if ((SPConstants.UNAUTHORIZED.indexOf(af.getFaultString()) != -1) && (sharepointClientContext.getDomain() != null)) { final String username = Util.switchUserNameFormat(stub.getUsername()); LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Web Service call failed for username [ " + stub.getUsername() + " ]. Trying with " + username); stub.setUsername(username); try { stub.getWeb(getWebResult, sWebMetadata, vWebs, vLists, vFPUrls, strRoles, vRolesUsers, vRolesGroups); return sWebMetadata.value.getTitle(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get the title for web because call to the WS failed. endpoint [ " + endpoint + " ]", e); return ""; } } else { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get the title for web because call to the WS failed. endpoint [ " + endpoint + " ]", af); return ""; } } catch (final Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get the title for web because call to the WS failed. endpoint [ " + endpoint + " ]", e); return ""; } } /** * Makes a call to Site Data web service to retrieve site meta data and create * a SPDocuemnt and it returns a single SPDcoument.This method returns null if * and only if any one of SiteData stub or webState is null. * * @param webState The web from which we need to construct SPDcoument for it's * landing page. * @return a single SPDocument for the given web. * @throws SharepointException */ public SPDocument getSiteData(final WebState webState) throws SharepointException { final UnsignedIntHolder getWebResult = new UnsignedIntHolder(); final _sWebMetadataHolder sWebMetadata = new _sWebMetadataHolder(); final ArrayOf_sWebWithTimeHolder vWebs = new ArrayOf_sWebWithTimeHolder(); final ArrayOf_sListWithTimeHolder vLists = new ArrayOf_sListWithTimeHolder(); final ArrayOf_sFPUrlHolder vFPUrls = new ArrayOf_sFPUrlHolder(); final StringHolder strRoles = new StringHolder(); final ArrayOfStringHolder vRolesUsers = new ArrayOfStringHolder(); final ArrayOfStringHolder vRolesGroups = new ArrayOfStringHolder(); if (stub == null) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to get the list collection because stub is null"); // in case if SiteData web service end point is not created properly. return null; } if (webState == null) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to get the list collection because webstate is null"); // in case if the web state is null and is not existing in SharePoint // server. return null; } try { stub.getWeb(getWebResult, sWebMetadata, vWebs, vLists, vFPUrls, strRoles, vRolesUsers, vRolesGroups); } catch (final AxisFault af) { // Handling of username formats for // different authentication models. if ((SPConstants.UNAUTHORIZED.indexOf(af.getFaultString()) != -1) && (sharepointClientContext.getDomain() != null)) { final String username = Util.switchUserNameFormat(stub.getUsername()); LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Web Service call failed for username [ " + stub.getUsername() + " ]. Trying with " + username); stub.setUsername(username); try { stub.getWeb(getWebResult, sWebMetadata, vWebs, vLists, vFPUrls, strRoles, vRolesUsers, vRolesGroups); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get site data for web because call to the WS failed. endpoint [ " + endpoint + " ]", e); } } else { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get site data for web because call to the WS failed. endpoint [ " + endpoint + " ]", af); } } catch (final Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to get the data for web because call to the WS failed. endpoint [ " + endpoint + " ]", e); } final SPDocument siteDataDocument = new SPDocument( webState.getPrimaryKey() + SPConstants.DEFAULT_SITE_LANDING_PAGE + SPConstants.DOC_TOKEN + sWebMetadata.value.getWebID(), webState.getWebUrl() + SPConstants.DEFAULT_SITE_LANDING_PAGE, sWebMetadata.value.getLastModified().getInstance(), sWebMetadata.value.getAuthor(), SPConstants.SITE, webState.getTitle(), sharepointClientContext.getFeedType(), webState.getSharePointType()); HttpMethodBase method = null; String strUrl = Util.encodeURL(siteDataDocument.getUrl()); try { method = new HeadMethod(strUrl); int responseCode = sharepointClientContext.checkConnectivity(strUrl, method); if (responseCode != 200) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Possible Publishing website.Marking Url [" + strUrl + " ] with Document Type as ACL"); siteDataDocument.setDocumentType(DocumentType.ACL); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to connect [ " + strUrl + " ] marking site home page as ACL document", e); siteDataDocument.setDocumentType(DocumentType.ACL); } return siteDataDocument; } }