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// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;

 * Provides access to features supported by a specific toolchain.
 * <p>This class can be generated from the CToolchain protocol buffer.
 * <p>TODO(bazel-team): Implement support for specifying the toolchain configuration directly from
 * the BUILD file.
 * <p>TODO(bazel-team): Find a place to put the public-facing documentation and link to it from
 * here.
 * <p>TODO(bazel-team): Split out Feature as CcToolchainFeature, which will modularize the crosstool
 * configuration into one part that is about handling a set of features (including feature
 * selection) and one part that is about how to apply a single feature (parsing flags and expanding
 * them from build variables).
public class CcToolchainFeatures implements Serializable {

     * Thrown when a flag value cannot be expanded under a set of build variables.
     * <p>This happens for example when a flag references a variable that is not provided by the
     * action, or when a flag group implicitly references multiple variables of sequence type.
    public static class ExpansionException extends RuntimeException {
        ExpansionException(String message) {

    /** Error message thrown when a toolchain does not provide a required artifact_name_pattern. */
    public static final String MISSING_ARTIFACT_NAME_PATTERN_ERROR_TEMPLATE = "Toolchain must provide artifact_name_pattern for category %s";

     * A piece of a single string value.
     * <p>A single value can contain a combination of text and variables (for example "-f
     * %{var1}/%{var2}"). We split the string into chunks, where each chunk represents either a text
     * snippet, or a variable that is to be replaced.
    interface StringChunk {

         * Expands this chunk.
         * @param variables binding of variable names to their values for a single flag expansion.
         * @param flag the flag content to append to.
        void expand(Variables variables, StringBuilder flag);

     * A plain text chunk of a string (containing no variables).
    private static class StringLiteralChunk implements StringChunk, Serializable {
        private final String text;

        private StringLiteralChunk(String text) {
            this.text = text;

        public void expand(Variables variables, StringBuilder flag) {

     * A chunk of a string value into which a variable should be expanded.
    private static class VariableChunk implements StringChunk, Serializable {
        private final String variableName;

        private VariableChunk(String variableName) {
            this.variableName = variableName;

        public void expand(Variables variables, StringBuilder stringBuilder) {
            // We check all variables in FlagGroup.expandCommandLine.
            // If we arrive here with the variable not being available, the variable was provided, but
            // the nesting level of the NestedSequence was deeper than the nesting level of the flag
            // groups.

     * Parser for toolchain string values.
     * <p>A string value contains a snippet of text supporting variable expansion. For example, a
     * string value "-f %{var1}/%{var2}" will expand the values of the variables "var1" and "var2" in
     * the corresponding places in the string.
     * <p>The {@code StringValueParser} takes a string and parses it into a list of {@link
     * StringChunk} objects, where each chunk represents either a snippet of text or a variable to be
     * expanded. In the above example, the resulting chunks would be ["-f ", var1, "/", var2].
     * <p>In addition to the list of chunks, the {@link StringValueParser} also provides the set of
     * variables necessary for the expansion of this flag via {@link #getUsedVariables}.
     * <p>To get a literal percent character, "%%" can be used in the string.
    static class StringValueParser {

        private final String value;

         * The current position in {@value} during parsing.
        private int current = 0;

        private final ImmutableList.Builder<StringChunk> chunks = ImmutableList.builder();
        private final ImmutableSet.Builder<String> usedVariables = ImmutableSet.builder();

        StringValueParser(String value) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            this.value = value;

        /** @return the parsed chunks for this string. */
        ImmutableList<StringChunk> getChunks() {

        /** @return all variable names needed to expand this string. */
        ImmutableSet<String> getUsedVariables() {

         * Parses the string.
         * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if there is a parsing error.
        private void parse() throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            while (current < value.length()) {
                if (atVariableStart()) {
                } else {

         * @return whether the current position is the start of a variable.
        private boolean atVariableStart() {
            // We parse a variable when value starts with '%', but not '%%'.
            return value.charAt(current) == '%'
                    && (current + 1 >= value.length() || value.charAt(current + 1) != '%');

         * Parses a chunk of text until the next '%', which indicates either an escaped literal '%'
         * or a variable. 
        private void parseStringChunk() {
            int start = current;
            // We only parse string chunks starting with '%' if they also start with '%%'.
            // In that case, we want to have a single '%' in the string, so we start at the second
            // character.
            // Note that for strings like "abc%%def" this will lead to two string chunks, the first
            // referencing the subtring "abc", and a second referencing the substring "%def".
            if (value.charAt(current) == '%') {
                current = current + 1;
                start = current;
            current = value.indexOf('%', current + 1);
            if (current == -1) {
                current = value.length();
            final String text = value.substring(start, current);
            chunks.add(new StringLiteralChunk(text));

         * Parses a variable to be expanded.
         * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if there is a parsing error.
        private void parseVariableChunk() throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            current = current + 1;
            if (current >= value.length() || value.charAt(current) != '{') {
                abort("expected '{'");
            current = current + 1;
            if (current >= value.length() || value.charAt(current) == '}') {
                abort("expected variable name");
            int end = value.indexOf('}', current);
            final String name = value.substring(current, end);
            chunks.add(new VariableChunk(name));
            current = end + 1;

         * @throws InvalidConfigurationException with the given error text, adding information about
         * the current position in the string.
        private void abort(String error) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid toolchain configuration: " + error + " at position "
                    + current + " while parsing a flag containing '" + value + "'");

     * A flag or flag group that can be expanded under a set of variables.
    interface Expandable {
         * Expands the current expandable under the given {@code view}, adding new flags to {@code
         * commandLine}.
         * <p>The {@code variables} controls which variables are visible during the expansion and allows
         * to recursively expand nested flag groups.
        void expand(Variables variables, List<String> commandLine);

     * A single flag to be expanded under a set of variables.
     * <p>TODO(bazel-team): Consider specializing Flag for the simple case that a flag is just a bit
     * of text.
    private static class Flag implements Serializable, Expandable {
        private final ImmutableList<StringChunk> chunks;

        private Flag(ImmutableList<StringChunk> chunks) {
            this.chunks = chunks;

        /** Expand this flag into a single new entry in {@code commandLine}. */
        public void expand(Variables variables, List<String> commandLine) {
            StringBuilder flag = new StringBuilder();
            for (StringChunk chunk : chunks) {
                chunk.expand(variables, flag);

     * A single environment key/value pair to be expanded under a set of variables.
    private static class EnvEntry implements Serializable {
        private final String key;
        private final ImmutableList<StringChunk> valueChunks;

        private EnvEntry(CToolchain.EnvEntry envEntry) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            this.key = envEntry.getKey();
            StringValueParser parser = new StringValueParser(envEntry.getValue());
            this.valueChunks = parser.getChunks();

         * Adds the key/value pair this object represents to the given map of environment variables.
         * The value of the entry is expanded with the given {@code variables}.
        public void addEnvEntry(Variables variables, ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> envBuilder) {
            StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder();
            for (StringChunk chunk : valueChunks) {
                chunk.expand(variables, value);
            envBuilder.put(key, value.toString());

    private static class VariableWithValue {
        public final String variable;
        public final String value;

        public VariableWithValue(String variable, String value) {
            this.variable = variable;
            this.value = value;

     * A group of flags. When iterateOverVariable is specified, we assume the variable is a sequence
     * and the flag_group will be expanded repeatedly for every value in the sequence.
    private static class FlagGroup implements Serializable, Expandable {
        private final ImmutableList<Expandable> expandables;
        private final ImmutableSet<String> usedVariables;
        private String iterateOverVariable;
        private final ImmutableSet<String> expandIfAllAvailable;
        private final ImmutableSet<String> expandIfNoneAvailable;
        private final String expandIfTrue;
        private final String expandIfFalse;
        private final VariableWithValue expandIfEqual;

         * TODO(b/32655571): Cleanup and get rid of usedVariables field once implicit iteration is not
         * needed.
         * @throws InvalidConfigurationException
        private FlagGroup(CToolchain.FlagGroup flagGroup) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            ImmutableList.Builder<Expandable> expandables = ImmutableList.builder();
            ImmutableSet.Builder<String> usedVariables = ImmutableSet.builder();
            Collection<String> flags = flagGroup.getFlagList();
            Collection<CToolchain.FlagGroup> groups = flagGroup.getFlagGroupList();
            if (!flags.isEmpty() && !groups.isEmpty()) {
                // If both flags and flag_groups are available, the original order is not preservable.
                throw new ExpansionException(
                        "Invalid toolchain configuration: a flag_group must not contain both a flag "
                                + "and another flag_group.");
            for (String flag : flags) {
                StringValueParser parser = new StringValueParser(flag);
                expandables.add(new Flag(parser.getChunks()));
            for (CToolchain.FlagGroup group : groups) {
                FlagGroup subgroup = new FlagGroup(group);
            if (flagGroup.hasIterateOver()) {
                this.iterateOverVariable = flagGroup.getIterateOver();
            this.usedVariables =;
            this.expandables =;
            this.expandIfAllAvailable = ImmutableSet.copyOf(flagGroup.getExpandIfAllAvailableList());
            this.expandIfNoneAvailable = ImmutableSet.copyOf(flagGroup.getExpandIfNoneAvailableList());
            this.expandIfTrue = Strings.emptyToNull(flagGroup.getExpandIfTrue());
            this.expandIfFalse = Strings.emptyToNull(flagGroup.getExpandIfFalse());
            if (flagGroup.hasExpandIfEqual()) {
                this.expandIfEqual = new VariableWithValue(flagGroup.getExpandIfEqual().getVariable(),
            } else {
                this.expandIfEqual = null;

        public void expand(Variables variables, final List<String> commandLine) {
            if (!canBeExpanded(variables)) {
            if (iterateOverVariable == null) {
                // TODO(b/32655571): Remove branch once implicit iteration is not needed anymore.
                iterateOverVariable = variables.guessIteratedOverVariable(usedVariables);
            if (iterateOverVariable != null) {
                for (VariableValue variableValue : variables.getSequenceVariable(iterateOverVariable)) {
                    Variables nestedVariables = new Variables(variables, iterateOverVariable, variableValue);
                    for (Expandable expandable : expandables) {
                        expandable.expand(nestedVariables, commandLine);
            } else {
                for (Expandable expandable : expandables) {
                    expandable.expand(variables, commandLine);

        private boolean canBeExpanded(Variables variables) {
            for (String variable : expandIfAllAvailable) {
                if (!variables.isAvailable(variable)) {
                    return false;
            for (String variable : expandIfNoneAvailable) {
                if (variables.isAvailable(variable)) {
                    return false;
            if (expandIfTrue != null
                    && (!variables.isAvailable(expandIfTrue) || !variables.getVariable(expandIfTrue).isTruthy())) {
                return false;
            if (expandIfFalse != null
                    && (!variables.isAvailable(expandIfFalse) || variables.getVariable(expandIfFalse).isTruthy())) {
                return false;
            if (expandIfEqual != null && (!variables.isAvailable(expandIfEqual.variable)
                    || !variables.getVariable(expandIfEqual.variable).getStringValue(expandIfEqual.variable)
                            .equals(expandIfEqual.value))) {
                return false;
            return true;

        private Set<String> getUsedVariables() {
            return usedVariables;

         * Expands all flags in this group and adds them to {@code commandLine}.
         * <p>The flags of the group will be expanded either:
         * <ul>
         *   <li>once, if there is no variable of sequence type in any of the group's flags, or
         *   <li>for each element in the sequence, if there is 'iterate_over' variable specified
         *       (preferred, explicit way), or
         *   <li>for each element in the sequence, if there is only one sequence variable used in the
         *       body of the flag_group (deprecated, implicit way). Having more than a single variable
         *       of sequence type in a single flag group with implicit iteration is not supported. Use
         *       explicit 'iterate_over' instead.
         * </ul>
        private void expandCommandLine(Variables variables, final List<String> commandLine) {
            expand(variables, commandLine);

     * Groups a set of flags to apply for certain actions.
    private static class FlagSet implements Serializable {
        private final ImmutableSet<String> actions;
        private final ImmutableSet<String> expandIfAllAvailable;
        private final ImmutableList<FlagGroup> flagGroups;

        private FlagSet(CToolchain.FlagSet flagSet) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            this(flagSet, ImmutableSet.copyOf(flagSet.getActionList()));

         * Constructs a FlagSet for the given set of actions.
        private FlagSet(CToolchain.FlagSet flagSet, ImmutableSet<String> actions)
                throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            this.actions = actions;
            this.expandIfAllAvailable = ImmutableSet.copyOf(flagSet.getExpandIfAllAvailableList());
            ImmutableList.Builder<FlagGroup> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
            for (CToolchain.FlagGroup flagGroup : flagSet.getFlagGroupList()) {
                builder.add(new FlagGroup(flagGroup));
            this.flagGroups =;

         * Adds the flags that apply to the given {@code action} to {@code commandLine}.
        private void expandCommandLine(String action, Variables variables, List<String> commandLine) {
            for (String variable : expandIfAllAvailable) {
                if (!variables.isAvailable(variable)) {
            if (!actions.contains(action)) {
            for (FlagGroup flagGroup : flagGroups) {
                flagGroup.expandCommandLine(variables, commandLine);

     * Groups a set of environment variables to apply for certain actions.
    private static class EnvSet implements Serializable {
        private final ImmutableSet<String> actions;
        private final ImmutableList<EnvEntry> envEntries;

        private EnvSet(CToolchain.EnvSet envSet) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            this.actions = ImmutableSet.copyOf(envSet.getActionList());
            ImmutableList.Builder<EnvEntry> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
            for (CToolchain.EnvEntry envEntry : envSet.getEnvEntryList()) {
                builder.add(new EnvEntry(envEntry));
            this.envEntries =;

         * Adds the environment key/value pairs that apply to the given {@code action} to
         * {@code envBuilder}.
        private void expandEnvironment(String action, Variables variables,
                ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> envBuilder) {
            if (!actions.contains(action)) {
            for (EnvEntry envEntry : envEntries) {
                envEntry.addEnvEntry(variables, envBuilder);

     * An interface for classes representing crosstool messages that can activate eachother
     * using 'requires' and 'implies' semantics.
     * <p>Currently there are two types of CrosstoolActivatable: Feature and ActionConfig.
    private interface CrosstoolSelectable {

         * Returns the name of this selectable.
        String getName();

     * Contains flags for a specific feature.
    private static class Feature implements Serializable, CrosstoolSelectable {
        private final String name;
        private final ImmutableList<FlagSet> flagSets;
        private final ImmutableList<EnvSet> envSets;

        private Feature(CToolchain.Feature feature) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
   = feature.getName();
            ImmutableList.Builder<FlagSet> flagSetBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
            for (CToolchain.FlagSet flagSet : feature.getFlagSetList()) {
                flagSetBuilder.add(new FlagSet(flagSet));
            this.flagSets =;

            ImmutableList.Builder<EnvSet> envSetBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
            for (CToolchain.EnvSet flagSet : feature.getEnvSetList()) {
                envSetBuilder.add(new EnvSet(flagSet));
            this.envSets =;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

         * Adds environment variables for the given action to the provided builder.
        private void expandEnvironment(String action, Variables variables,
                ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> envBuilder) {
            for (EnvSet envSet : envSets) {
                envSet.expandEnvironment(action, variables, envBuilder);

         * Adds the flags that apply to the given {@code action} to {@code commandLine}.
        private void expandCommandLine(String action, Variables variables, List<String> commandLine) {
            for (FlagSet flagSet : flagSets) {
                flagSet.expandCommandLine(action, variables, commandLine);

     * An executable to be invoked by a blaze action.  Can carry information on its platform
     * restrictions.
    static class Tool {
        private final String toolPathString;
        private final ImmutableSet<String> executionRequirements;

        private Tool(CToolchain.Tool tool) {
            toolPathString = tool.getToolPath();
            executionRequirements = ImmutableSet.copyOf(tool.getExecutionRequirementList());

        public Tool(String toolPathString, ImmutableSet<String> executionRequirements) {
            this.toolPathString = toolPathString;
            this.executionRequirements = executionRequirements;

         * Returns the path to this action's tool relative to the provided crosstool path.
        PathFragment getToolPath(PathFragment crosstoolTopPathFragment) {
            return crosstoolTopPathFragment.getRelative(toolPathString);

         * Returns a list of requirement hints that apply to the execution of this tool.
        ImmutableSet<String> getExecutionRequirements() {
            return executionRequirements;

     * A container for information on a particular blaze action.
     * <p>An ActionConfig can select a tool for its blaze action based on the set of active
     * features.  Internally, an ActionConfig maintains an ordered list (the order being that of the
     * list of tools in the crosstool action_config message) of such tools and the feature sets for
     * which they are valid.  For a given feature configuration, the ActionConfig will consider the
     * first tool in that list with a feature set that matches the configuration to be the tool for
     * its blaze action.
     * <p>ActionConfigs can be activated by features.  That is, a particular feature can cause an
     * ActionConfig to be applied in its "implies" field.  Blaze may include certain actions in
     * the action graph only if a corresponding ActionConfig is activated in the toolchain - this
     * provides the crosstool with a mechanism for adding certain actions to the action graph based
     * on feature configuration.
     * <p>It is invalid for a toolchain to contain two action configs for the same blaze action.  In
     * that case, blaze will throw an error when it consumes the crosstool.
    static class ActionConfig implements Serializable, CrosstoolSelectable {

        public static final String FLAG_SET_WITH_ACTION_ERROR = "action_config %s specifies actions.  An action_config's flag sets automatically apply "
                + "to the configured action.  Thus, you must not specify action lists in an "
                + "action_config's flag set.";

        private final String configName;
        private final String actionName;
        private final List<CToolchain.Tool> tools;
        private final ImmutableList<FlagSet> flagSets;

        private ActionConfig(CToolchain.ActionConfig actionConfig) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
            this.configName = actionConfig.getConfigName();
            this.actionName = actionConfig.getActionName();
   = actionConfig.getToolList();

            ImmutableList.Builder<FlagSet> flagSetBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
            for (CToolchain.FlagSet flagSet : actionConfig.getFlagSetList()) {
                if (!flagSet.getActionList().isEmpty()) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException(String.format(FLAG_SET_WITH_ACTION_ERROR, configName));

                flagSetBuilder.add(new FlagSet(flagSet, ImmutableSet.of(actionName)));
            this.flagSets =;

        public String getName() {
            return configName;

         * Returns the name of the blaze action this action config applies to.
        private String getActionName() {
            return actionName;

         * Returns the path to this action's tool relative to the provided crosstool path given a set
         * of enabled features.
        private Tool getTool(final Set<String> enabledFeatureNames) {
            Optional<CToolchain.Tool> tool = Iterables.tryFind(tools, new Predicate<CToolchain.Tool>() {
                // We select the first listed tool for which all specified features are activated
                // in this configuration
                public boolean apply(CToolchain.Tool input) {
                    Collection<String> featureNamesForTool = input.getWithFeature().getFeatureList();
                    return enabledFeatureNames.containsAll(featureNamesForTool);
            if (tool.isPresent()) {
                return new Tool(tool.get());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matching tool for action " + getActionName() + " not "
                        + "found for given feature configuration");

         * Adds the flags that apply to this action to {@code commandLine}.
        private void expandCommandLine(Variables variables, List<String> commandLine) {
            for (FlagSet flagSet : flagSets) {
                flagSet.expandCommandLine(actionName, variables, commandLine);

    /** A description of how artifacts of a certain type are named. */
    private static class ArtifactNamePattern {

        private final ArtifactCategory artifactCategory;
        private final ImmutableList<StringChunk> chunks;

        private ArtifactNamePattern(CToolchain.ArtifactNamePattern artifactNamePattern)
                throws InvalidConfigurationException {

            ArtifactCategory foundCategory = null;
            for (ArtifactCategory artifactCategory : ArtifactCategory.values()) {
                if (artifactNamePattern.getCategoryName().equals(artifactCategory.getCategoryName())) {
                    foundCategory = artifactCategory;
            if (foundCategory == null) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String.format("Artifact category %s not recognized",
            this.artifactCategory = foundCategory;

            StringValueParser parser = new StringValueParser(artifactNamePattern.getPattern());
            this.chunks = parser.getChunks();

        /** Returns the ArtifactCategory for this ArtifactNamePattern. */
        ArtifactCategory getArtifactCategory() {
            return this.artifactCategory;

         * Returns the artifact name that this pattern selects.
        public String getArtifactName(Map<String, String> variables) {
            StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            Variables artifactNameVariables = new Variables.Builder().addAllStringVariables(variables).build();
            for (StringChunk chunk : chunks) {
                chunk.expand(artifactNameVariables, resultBuilder);
            String result = resultBuilder.toString();
            return result.charAt(0) == '/' ? result.substring(1) : result;

     * Configured build variables usable by the toolchain configuration.
     * <p>TODO(b/32655571): Investigate cleanup once implicit iteration is not needed. Variables
     * instance could serve as a top level View used to expand all flag_groups.
    public static class Variables {

        /** An empty variables instance. */
        public static final Variables EMPTY = new Variables.Builder().build();

         * Variables can be either String values or an arbitrarily deeply nested recursive sequences,
         * which we represent as a tree of {@code VariableValue} nodes. The nodes are {@code Sequence}
         * objects, while the leafs are {@code StringSequence} objects. We do not allow {@code
         * StringValue} objects in the tree, as the object memory overhead is too large when we have
         * millions of values. If we find single element {@code StringSequence} in memory profiles in
         * the future, we can introduce another special case type.
        interface VariableValue {

             * Return string value of the variable, if the variable type can be converted to string (e.g.
             * StringValue), or throw exception if it cannot (e.g. Sequence).
             * @param variableName name of the variable value at hand, for better exception message.
            String getStringValue(String variableName);

             * Return Iterable value of the variable, if the variable type can be converted to a Iterable
             * (e.g. Sequence), or throw exception if it cannot (e.g. StringValue).
             * @param variableName name of the variable value at hand, for better exception message.
            Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName);

            // TODO(b/32655571): Remove once implicit iteration is not needed
            boolean isSequence();

             * Return value of the field, if the variable is of struct type or throw exception if it is
             * not or no such field exists.
             * @param variableName name of the variable value at hand, for better exception message.
            VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field);

            /** Return true if the variable is truthy */
            boolean isTruthy();

        /** Interface for VariableValue builders */
        public interface VariableValueBuilder {
            VariableValue build();

        /** Builder for StructureSequence. */
        public static class StructureSequenceBuilder implements VariableValueBuilder {

            private final ImmutableList.Builder<ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue>> values = ImmutableList

            /** Adds a structure to the sequence. */
            public StructureSequenceBuilder addValue(ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue> value) {
                return this;

            /** Returns an immutable structure sequence. */
            public StructureSequence build() {
                return new StructureSequence(;

        /** Builder for StringSequence. */
        public static class StringSequenceBuilder implements VariableValueBuilder {

            private final ImmutableList.Builder<String> values = ImmutableList.builder();

            /** Adds a value to the sequence. */
            public StringSequenceBuilder addValue(String value) {
                return this;

            /** Returns an immutable string sequence. */
            public StringSequence build() {
                return new StringSequence(;

        /** Builder for Sequence. */
        public static class SequenceBuilder implements VariableValueBuilder {

            private final ImmutableList.Builder<VariableValue> values = ImmutableList.builder();

            /** Adds a value to the sequence. */
            public SequenceBuilder addValue(VariableValue value) {
                return this;

            /** Adds a value to the sequence. */
            public SequenceBuilder addValue(VariableValueBuilder value) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(value != null, "Cannot use null builder for a sequence value");
                return this;

            /** Adds a value to the sequence. */
            public SequenceBuilder addValues(ImmutableList<VariableValueBuilder> builders) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(builders != null, "Cannot use null builders as a sequence value");
                for (VariableValueBuilder builder : builders) {
                return this;

            /** Returns an immutable sequence. */
            public Sequence build() {
                return new Sequence(;

        /** Builder for StructureValue. */
        public static class StructureBuilder implements VariableValueBuilder {

            private final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, VariableValue> fields = ImmutableMap.builder();

            /** Adds a field to the structure. */
            public StructureBuilder addField(String name, VariableValue value) {
                fields.put(name, value);
                return this;

            /** Adds a field to the structure. */
            public StructureBuilder addField(String name, VariableValueBuilder valueBuilder) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(valueBuilder != null,
                        "Cannot use null builder to get a field value for field '%s'", name);
                return this;

            /** Adds a field to the structure. */
            public StructureBuilder addField(String name, String value) {
                fields.put(name, new StringValue(value));
                return this;

            /** Adds a field to the structure. */
            public StructureBuilder addField(String name, int value) {
                fields.put(name, new IntegerValue(value));
                return this;

            /** Adds a field to the structure. */
            public StructureBuilder addField(String name, ImmutableList<String> values) {
                fields.put(name, new StringSequence(values));
                return this;

            /** Returns an immutable structure. */
            public StructureValue build() {
                return new StructureValue(;

         * A sequence of structure values. Exists as a memory optimization - a typical build can contain
         * millions of feature values, so getting rid of the overhead of {@code StructureValue} objects
         * significantly reduces memory overhead.
        public static class LibraryToLinkValue implements VariableValue {

            public static final String OBJECT_FILES_FIELD_NAME = "object_files";
            public static final String NAME_FIELD_NAME = "name";
            public static final String TYPE_FIELD_NAME = "type";
            public static final String IS_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_FIELD_NAME = "is_whole_archive";

            private enum Type {
                OBJECT_FILE("object_file"), OBJECT_FILE_GROUP("object_file_group"), INTERFACE_LIBRARY(
                        "interface_library"), STATIC_LIBRARY("static_library"), DYNAMIC_LIBRARY(
                                "dynamic_library"), VERSIONED_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY("versioned_dynamic_library");

                private final String name;

                Type(String name) {
           = name;

            private final String name;
            private final ImmutableList<String> objectFiles;
            private final boolean isWholeArchive;
            private final Type type;

            public static LibraryToLinkValue forDynamicLibrary(String name, boolean isWholeArchive) {
                return new LibraryToLinkValue(name, null, isWholeArchive, Type.DYNAMIC_LIBRARY);

            public static LibraryToLinkValue forVersionedDynamicLibrary(String name, boolean isWholeArchive) {
                return new LibraryToLinkValue(name, null, isWholeArchive, Type.VERSIONED_DYNAMIC_LIBRARY);

            public static LibraryToLinkValue forInterfaceLibrary(String name, boolean isWholeArchive) {
                return new LibraryToLinkValue(name, null, isWholeArchive, Type.INTERFACE_LIBRARY);

            public static LibraryToLinkValue forStaticLibrary(String name, boolean isWholeArchive) {
                return new LibraryToLinkValue(name, null, isWholeArchive, Type.STATIC_LIBRARY);

            public static LibraryToLinkValue forObjectFile(String name, boolean isWholeArchive) {
                return new LibraryToLinkValue(name, null, isWholeArchive, Type.OBJECT_FILE);

            public static LibraryToLinkValue forObjectFileGroup(ImmutableList<String> objects,
                    boolean isWholeArchive) {
                return new LibraryToLinkValue(null, objects, isWholeArchive, Type.OBJECT_FILE_GROUP);

            private LibraryToLinkValue(String name, ImmutableList<String> objectFiles, boolean isWholeArchive,
                    Type type) {
       = name;
                this.objectFiles = objectFiles;
                this.isWholeArchive = isWholeArchive;
                this.type = type;

            public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected sequence, "
                                + "found structure (LibraryToLink)", variableName));

            public boolean isSequence() {
                return false;

            public VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field) {
                if (NAME_FIELD_NAME.equals(field) && !type.equals(Type.OBJECT_FILE_GROUP)) {
                    return new StringValue(name);
                } else if (OBJECT_FILES_FIELD_NAME.equals(field) && type.equals(Type.OBJECT_FILE_GROUP)) {
                    return new StringSequence(objectFiles);
                } else if (TYPE_FIELD_NAME.equals(field)) {
                    return new StringValue(;
                } else if (IS_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_FIELD_NAME.equals(field)) {
                    return new IntegerValue(isWholeArchive ? 1 : 0);
                } else if ("whole_archive_presence".equals(field)) {
                    // TODO(b/33403458): Cleanup this workaround once bazel >=0.4.3 is released.
                    return isWholeArchive ? new IntegerValue(0) : null;
                } else if ("no_whole_archive_presence".equals(field)) {
                    // TODO(b/33403458): Cleanup this workaround once bazel >=0.4.3 is released.
                    return !isWholeArchive ? new IntegerValue(0) : null;
                } else {
                    // TODO(b/33403458): Cleanup this workaround once bazel >=0.4.3 is released.
                    for (Type t : Type.values()) {
                        if (( + "_presence").equals(field)) {
                            return type.equals(t) ? new IntegerValue(0) : null;
                    return null;

            public String getStringValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected string, "
                                + "found structure (LibraryToLink)", variableName));

            public boolean isTruthy() {
                return true;

         * A sequence of structure values. Exists as a memory optimization - a typical build can contain
         * millions of feature values, so getting rid of the overhead of {@code StructureValue} objects
         * significantly reduces memory overhead.
        private static final class StructureSequence implements VariableValue {

            private final ImmutableList<ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue>> values;

            private StructureSequence(ImmutableList<ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue>> values) {
                this.values = values;

            public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName) {
                final ImmutableList.Builder<VariableValue> sequences = ImmutableList.builder();
                for (ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue> value : values) {
                    sequences.add(new StructureValue(value));

            public boolean isSequence() {
                return true;

            public VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s.%s': variable '%s' is "
                                + "sequence, expected structure", variableName, field, variableName));

            public String getStringValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected string, "
                                + "found sequence", variableName));

            public boolean isTruthy() {
                return !values.isEmpty();

         * A sequence of simple string values. Exists as a memory optimization - a typical build can
         * contain millions of feature values, so getting rid of the overhead of {@code StringValue}
         * objects significantly reduces memory overhead.
        private static final class StringSequence implements VariableValue {

            private final Iterable<String> values;

            public StringSequence(Iterable<String> values) {
                Preconditions.checkNotNull(values, "Cannot create StringSequence from null");
                this.values = values;

            public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName) {
                final ImmutableList.Builder<VariableValue> sequences = ImmutableList.builder();
                for (String value : values) {
                    sequences.add(new StringValue(value));

            public boolean isSequence() {
                return true;

            public VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s.%s': variable '%s' is "
                                + "sequence, expected structure", variableName, field, variableName));

            public String getStringValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected string, "
                                + "found sequence", variableName));

            public boolean isTruthy() {
                return !Iterables.isEmpty(values);

        /** Sequence of arbitrary VariableValue objects. */
        private static final class Sequence implements VariableValue {

            private final ImmutableList<VariableValue> values;

            public Sequence(ImmutableList<VariableValue> values) {
                this.values = values;

            public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName) {
                return values;

            public boolean isSequence() {
                return true;

            public VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s.%s': variable '%s' is "
                                + "sequence, expected structure", variableName, field, variableName));

            public String getStringValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected string, "
                                + "found sequence", variableName));

            public boolean isTruthy() {
                return values.isEmpty();

         * Single structure value. Be careful not to create sequences of single structures, as the
         * memory overhead is prohibitively big. Use optimized {@link StructureSequence} instead.
        private static final class StructureValue implements VariableValue {

            private final ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue> value;

            public StructureValue(ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue> value) {
                this.value = value;

            public String getStringValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected string, "
                                + "found structure", variableName));

            public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected sequence, "
                                + "found structure", variableName));

            public VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field) {
                if (value.containsKey(field)) {
                    return value.get(field);
                } else {
                    return null;

            public boolean isSequence() {
                return false;

            public boolean isTruthy() {
                return !value.isEmpty();

         * The leaves in the variable sequence node tree are simple string values. Note that this should
         * never live outside of {@code expand}, as the object overhead is prohibitively expensive.
        private static final class StringValue implements VariableValue {

            private final String value;

            public StringValue(String value) {
                Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "Cannot create StringValue from null");
                this.value = value;

            public String getStringValue(String variableName) {
                return value;

            public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected sequence, "
                                + "found string", variableName));

            public VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s.%s': variable '%s' is "
                                + "string, expected structure", variableName, field, variableName));

            public boolean isSequence() {
                return false;

            public boolean isTruthy() {
                return !value.isEmpty();

         * The leaves in the variable sequence node tree are simple integer values. Note that this
         * should never live outside of {@code expand}, as the object overhead is prohibitively
         * expensive.
        static final class IntegerValue implements VariableValue {

            private final int value;

            public IntegerValue(int value) {
                this.value = value;

            public String getStringValue(String variableName) {
                return Integer.toString(value);

            public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceValue(String variableName) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s': expected sequence, "
                                + "found integer", variableName));

            public VariableValue getFieldValue(String variableName, String field) {
                throw new ExpansionException(String
                        .format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s.%s': variable '%s' is "
                                + "integer, expected structure", variableName, field, variableName));

            public boolean isSequence() {
                return false;

            public boolean isTruthy() {
                return value != 0;

         * Builder for {@code Variables}.
        public static class Builder {
            private final Map<String, VariableValue> variablesMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            private final Map<String, String> stringVariablesMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

            /** Add a variable that expands {@code name} to {@code value}. */
            public Builder addStringVariable(String name, String value) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(!variablesMap.containsKey(name), "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'",
                Preconditions.checkArgument(!stringVariablesMap.containsKey(name), "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'",
                Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "Cannot set null as a value for variable '%s'", name);
                stringVariablesMap.put(name, value);
                return this;

             * Add a sequence variable that expands {@code name} to {@code values}.
             * <p>Accepts values as ImmutableSet. As ImmutableList has smaller memory footprint, we copy
             * the values into a new list.
            public Builder addStringSequenceVariable(String name, ImmutableSet<String> values) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(!variablesMap.containsKey(name), "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'",
                ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
                variablesMap.put(name, new StringSequence(;
                return this;

             * Add a sequence variable that expands {@code name} to {@code values}.
             * <p>Accepts values as NestedSet. Nested set is stored directly, not cloned, not flattened.
            public Builder addStringSequenceVariable(String name, NestedSet<String> values) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(!variablesMap.containsKey(name), "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'",
                variablesMap.put(name, new StringSequence(values));
                return this;

             * Add a sequence variable that expands {@code name} to {@code values}.
             * <p>Accepts values as Iterable. The iterable is stored directly, not cloned, not iterated.
             * Be mindful of memory consumption of the particular Iterable. Prefer ImmutableList, or
             * be sure that the iterable always returns the same elements in the same order, without any
             * side effects.
            public Builder addStringSequenceVariable(String name, Iterable<String> values) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(!variablesMap.containsKey(name), "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'",
                variablesMap.put(name, new StringSequence(values));
                return this;

             * Add a variable built using {@code VariableValueBuilder} api that expands {@code name} to
             * the value returned by the {@code builder}.
            public Builder addCustomBuiltVariable(String name, Variables.VariableValueBuilder builder) {
                Preconditions.checkArgument(!variablesMap.containsKey(name), "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'",
                        "Cannot use null builder to get variable value for variable '%s'", name);
                return this;

            /** Add all string variables in a map. */
            public Builder addAllStringVariables(Map<String, String> variables) {
                for (String name : variables.keySet()) {
                    Preconditions.checkArgument(!variablesMap.containsKey(name), "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'",
                            "Cannot overwrite variable '%s'", name);
                return this;

            /** Adds all variables to this builder. Note: cannot override already added variables. */
            public Builder addAll(Variables variables) {
                SetView<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(variables.variablesMap.keySet(),
                SetView<String> stringIntersection = Sets.intersection(variables.stringVariablesMap.keySet(),
                Preconditions.checkArgument(intersection.isEmpty(), "Cannot overwrite existing variables: %s",
                Preconditions.checkArgument(stringIntersection.isEmpty(), "Cannot overwrite existing variables: %s",
                return this;

             * Add all variables to this builder, possibly overriding variables already present in the
             * builder. Use cautiously, prefer {@code addAll} if possible.
             * TODO(b/32893861) Clean 'module_files' to be registered only once and remove this method.
            Builder addAndOverwriteAll(Variables overwrittenVariables) {
                return this;

             * @return a new {@Variables} object.
            Variables build() {
                return new Variables(ImmutableMap.copyOf(variablesMap), ImmutableMap.copyOf(stringVariablesMap));

         * A group of extra {@code Variable} instances, packaged as logic for adding to a
         * {@code Builder}
        public interface VariablesExtension {
            void addVariables(Builder builder);

        private final ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue> variablesMap;
        private final ImmutableMap<String, String> stringVariablesMap;
        private final Variables parent;

        private Variables(ImmutableMap<String, VariableValue> variablesMap,
                ImmutableMap<String, String> stringVariablesMap) {
            this.variablesMap = variablesMap;
            this.stringVariablesMap = stringVariablesMap;
            this.parent = null;

         * Creates a variables instance nested under the @param parent, and binds variable named @param
         * name to @param value
        private Variables(Variables parent, String name, VariableValue value) {
            this.variablesMap = ImmutableMap.of(name, value);
            this.stringVariablesMap = ImmutableMap.of();
            this.parent = parent;

         * Get a variable value named @param name. Supports accessing fields in structures (e.g.
         * 'libraries_to_link.interface_libraries')
         * @throws ExpansionException when no such variable or no such field are present, or when
         *     accessing a field of non-structured variable
        public VariableValue getVariable(String name) {
            return lookupVariable(name, true);

         * Lookup a variable named @param name or return a reason why the variable was not found.
         * Supports accessing fields in structures.
         * @return Pair<VariableValue, String> returns either (variable value, null) or (null, string
         *     reason why variable was not found)
        private VariableValue lookupVariable(String name, boolean throwOnMissingVariable) {
            VariableValue nonStructuredVariable = getNonStructuredVariable(name);
            if (nonStructuredVariable != null) {
                return nonStructuredVariable;
            VariableValue structuredVariable = getStructureVariable(name, throwOnMissingVariable);
            if (structuredVariable != null) {
                return structuredVariable;
            } else if (throwOnMissingVariable) {
                throw new ExpansionException(
                        String.format("Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot find variable named '%s'.", name));
            } else {
                return null;

        private VariableValue getNonStructuredVariable(String name) {
            if (variablesMap.containsKey(name)) {
                return variablesMap.get(name);
            if (stringVariablesMap.containsKey(name)) {
                return new StringValue(stringVariablesMap.get(name));

            if (parent != null) {
                return parent.getNonStructuredVariable(name);

            return null;

        private VariableValue getStructureVariable(String name, boolean throwOnMissingVariable) {
            if (!name.contains(".")) {
                return null;

            Stack<String> fieldsToAccess = new Stack<>();
            String structPath = name;
            VariableValue variable;

            do {
                fieldsToAccess.push(structPath.substring(structPath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
                structPath = structPath.substring(0, structPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
                variable = getNonStructuredVariable(structPath);
            } while (variable == null && structPath.contains("."));

            if (variable == null) {
                return null;

            while (!fieldsToAccess.empty()) {
                String field = fieldsToAccess.pop();
                variable = variable.getFieldValue(structPath, field);
                if (variable == null) {
                    if (throwOnMissingVariable) {
                        throw new ExpansionException(String.format(
                                "Invalid toolchain configuration: Cannot expand variable '%s.%s': structure %s "
                                        + "doesn't have a field named '%s'",
                                structPath, field, structPath, field));
                    } else {
                        return null;
            return variable;

        public String getStringVariable(String variableName) {
            return getVariable(variableName).getStringValue(variableName);

        public Iterable<? extends VariableValue> getSequenceVariable(String variableName) {
            return getVariable(variableName).getSequenceValue(variableName);

        private String guessIteratedOverVariable(ImmutableSet<String> usedVariables) {
            String sequenceName = null;
            for (String usedVariable : usedVariables) {
                VariableValue variableValue = lookupVariable(usedVariable, false);
                if (variableValue != null && variableValue.isSequence()) {
                    if (sequenceName != null) {
                        throw new ExpansionException(
                                "Invalid toolchain configuration: trying to expand two variable list in one "
                                        + "flag group: '" + sequenceName + "' and '" + usedVariable + "'");
                    } else {
                        sequenceName = usedVariable;
            return sequenceName;

        /** Returns whether {@code variable} is set. */
        boolean isAvailable(String variable) {
            return lookupVariable(variable, false) != null;

     * Captures the set of enabled features and action configs for a rule.
    public static class FeatureConfiguration {
        private final ImmutableSet<String> enabledFeatureNames;
        private final Iterable<Feature> enabledFeatures;
        private final ImmutableSet<String> enabledActionConfigActionNames;

        private final ImmutableMap<String, ActionConfig> actionConfigByActionName;

        public FeatureConfiguration() {
            this(ImmutableList.<Feature>of(), ImmutableList.<ActionConfig>of(),
                    ImmutableMap.<String, ActionConfig>of());

        private FeatureConfiguration(Iterable<Feature> enabledFeatures, Iterable<ActionConfig> enabledActionConfigs,
                ImmutableMap<String, ActionConfig> actionConfigByActionName) {
            this.enabledFeatures = enabledFeatures;

            this.actionConfigByActionName = actionConfigByActionName;
            ImmutableSet.Builder<String> featureBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
            for (Feature feature : enabledFeatures) {
            this.enabledFeatureNames =;

            ImmutableSet.Builder<String> actionConfigBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder();
            for (ActionConfig actionConfig : enabledActionConfigs) {
            this.enabledActionConfigActionNames =;

         * @return whether the given {@code feature} is enabled.
        public boolean isEnabled(String feature) {
            return enabledFeatureNames.contains(feature);

        /** @return true if tool_path in action_config points to a real tool, not a dummy placeholder */
        public boolean hasConfiguredLinkerPathInActionConfig() {
            return isEnabled("has_configured_linker_path");

        /** @return whether an action config for the blaze action with the given name is enabled. */
        boolean actionIsConfigured(String actionName) {
            return enabledActionConfigActionNames.contains(actionName);

         * @return the command line for the given {@code action}.
        List<String> getCommandLine(String action, Variables variables) {
            List<String> commandLine = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Feature feature : enabledFeatures) {
                feature.expandCommandLine(action, variables, commandLine);

            if (actionIsConfigured(action)) {
                actionConfigByActionName.get(action).expandCommandLine(variables, commandLine);

            return commandLine;

        /** @return the environment variables (key/value pairs) for the given {@code action}. */
        ImmutableMap<String, String> getEnvironmentVariables(String action, Variables variables) {
            ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> envBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
            for (Feature feature : enabledFeatures) {
                feature.expandEnvironment(action, variables, envBuilder);

         * Returns a given action's tool under this FeatureConfiguration.
        Tool getToolForAction(String actionName) {
                    "Action %s does not have an enabled configuration in the toolchain.", actionName);
            ActionConfig actionConfig = actionConfigByActionName.get(actionName);
            return actionConfig.getTool(enabledFeatureNames);

    /** All artifact name patterns defined in this feature configuration. */
    private final ImmutableList<ArtifactNamePattern> artifactNamePatterns;

     * All features and action configs in the order in which they were specified in the configuration.
     * <p>We guarantee the command line to be in the order in which the flags were specified in the
     * configuration.
    private final ImmutableList<CrosstoolSelectable> selectables;

     * Maps the selectables's name to the selectable.
    private final ImmutableMap<String, CrosstoolSelectable> selectablesByName;

     * Maps an action's name to the ActionConfig.
    private final ImmutableMap<String, ActionConfig> actionConfigsByActionName;

     * Maps from a selectable to a set of all the selectables it has a direct 'implies' edge to.
    private final ImmutableMultimap<CrosstoolSelectable, CrosstoolSelectable> implies;

     * Maps from a selectable to all features that have an direct 'implies' edge to this
     * selectable.
    private final ImmutableMultimap<CrosstoolSelectable, CrosstoolSelectable> impliedBy;

     * Maps from a selectable to a set of selecatable sets, where:
     * <ul>
     * <li>a selectable set satisfies the 'requires' condition, if all selectables in the
     *        selectable set are enabled</li>
     * <li>the 'requires' condition is satisfied, if at least one of the selectable sets satisfies
     *        the 'requires' condition.</li>
     * </ul>
    private final ImmutableMultimap<CrosstoolSelectable, ImmutableSet<CrosstoolSelectable>> requires;

     * Maps from a selectable to all selectables that have a requirement referencing it.
     * <p>This will be used to determine which selectables need to be re-checked after a selectable
     * was disabled.
    private final ImmutableMultimap<CrosstoolSelectable, CrosstoolSelectable> requiredBy;

     * A cache of feature selection results, so we do not recalculate the feature selection for
     * all actions.
    private transient LoadingCache<Collection<String>, FeatureConfiguration> configurationCache = buildConfigurationCache();

     * Constructs the feature configuration from a {@code CToolchain} protocol buffer.
     * @param toolchain the toolchain configuration as specified by the user.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the configuration has logical errors.
    public CcToolchainFeatures(CToolchain toolchain) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        // Build up the feature/action config graph.  We refer to features/action configs as
        // 'selectables'.
        // First, we build up the map of name -> selectables in one pass, so that earlier selectables
        // can reference later features in their configuration.
        ImmutableList.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable> selectablesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
        HashMap<String, CrosstoolSelectable> selectablesByName = new HashMap<>();

        // Also build a map from action -> action_config, for use in tool lookups
        ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ActionConfig> actionConfigsByActionName = ImmutableMap.builder();

        for (CToolchain.Feature toolchainFeature : toolchain.getFeatureList()) {
            Feature feature = new Feature(toolchainFeature);
            selectablesByName.put(feature.getName(), feature);

        for (CToolchain.ActionConfig toolchainActionConfig : toolchain.getActionConfigList()) {
            ActionConfig actionConfig = new ActionConfig(toolchainActionConfig);
            selectablesByName.put(actionConfig.getName(), actionConfig);
            actionConfigsByActionName.put(actionConfig.getActionName(), actionConfig);

        this.selectables =;
        this.selectablesByName = ImmutableMap.copyOf(selectablesByName);


        this.actionConfigsByActionName =;

        ImmutableList.Builder<ArtifactNamePattern> artifactNamePatternsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (CToolchain.ArtifactNamePattern artifactNamePattern : toolchain.getArtifactNamePatternList()) {
            artifactNamePatternsBuilder.add(new ArtifactNamePattern(artifactNamePattern));
        this.artifactNamePatterns =;

        // Next, we build up all forward references for 'implies' and 'requires' edges.
        ImmutableMultimap.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable, CrosstoolSelectable> implies = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
        ImmutableMultimap.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable, ImmutableSet<CrosstoolSelectable>> requires = ImmutableMultimap
        // We also store the reverse 'implied by' and 'required by' edges during this pass.
        ImmutableMultimap.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable, CrosstoolSelectable> impliedBy = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
        ImmutableMultimap.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable, CrosstoolSelectable> requiredBy = ImmutableMultimap

        for (CToolchain.Feature toolchainFeature : toolchain.getFeatureList()) {
            String name = toolchainFeature.getName();
            CrosstoolSelectable selectable = selectablesByName.get(name);
            for (CToolchain.FeatureSet requiredFeatures : toolchainFeature.getRequiresList()) {
                ImmutableSet.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable> allOf = ImmutableSet.builder();
                for (String requiredName : requiredFeatures.getFeatureList()) {
                    CrosstoolSelectable required = getActivatableOrFail(requiredName, name);
                    requiredBy.put(required, selectable);
            for (String impliedName : toolchainFeature.getImpliesList()) {
                CrosstoolSelectable implied = getActivatableOrFail(impliedName, name);
                impliedBy.put(implied, selectable);
                implies.put(selectable, implied);

        for (CToolchain.ActionConfig toolchainActionConfig : toolchain.getActionConfigList()) {
            String name = toolchainActionConfig.getConfigName();
            CrosstoolSelectable selectable = selectablesByName.get(name);
            for (String impliedName : toolchainActionConfig.getImpliesList()) {
                CrosstoolSelectable implied = getActivatableOrFail(impliedName, name);
                impliedBy.put(implied, selectable);
                implies.put(selectable, implied);

        this.implies =;
        this.requires =;
        this.impliedBy =;
        this.requiredBy =;

    private static void checkForActivatableDups(Iterable<CrosstoolSelectable> selectables)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        Collection<String> names = new HashSet<>();
        for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : selectables) {
            if (!names.add(selectable.getName())) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid toolchain configuration: feature or "
                        + "action config '" + selectable.getName() + "' was specified multiple times.");

    private static void checkForActionNameDups(Iterable<CToolchain.ActionConfig> actionConfigs)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        Collection<String> actionNames = new HashSet<>();
        for (CToolchain.ActionConfig actionConfig : actionConfigs) {
            if (!actionNames.add(actionConfig.getActionName())) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid toolchain configuration: multiple action "
                        + "configs for action '" + actionConfig.getActionName() + "'");

     * Assign an empty cache after default-deserializing all non-transient members.
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
        this.configurationCache = buildConfigurationCache();

     * @return an empty {@code FeatureConfiguration} cache. 
    private LoadingCache<Collection<String>, FeatureConfiguration> buildConfigurationCache() {
        return CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                // TODO(klimek): Benchmark and tweak once we support a larger configuration. 
                .maximumSize(10000).build(new CacheLoader<Collection<String>, FeatureConfiguration>() {
                    public FeatureConfiguration load(Collection<String> requestedFeatures) {
                        return computeFeatureConfiguration(requestedFeatures);

     * Given a list of {@code requestedFeatures}, returns all features that are enabled by the
     * toolchain configuration.
     * <p>A requested feature will not be enabled if the toolchain does not support it (which may
     * depend on other requested features).
     * <p>Additional features will be enabled if the toolchain supports them and they are implied by
     * requested features.
    public FeatureConfiguration getFeatureConfiguration(Collection<String> requestedFeatures) {
        return configurationCache.getUnchecked(requestedFeatures);

    private FeatureConfiguration computeFeatureConfiguration(Collection<String> requestedFeatures) {
        // Command line flags will be output in the order in which they are specified in the toolchain
        // configuration.
        return new FeatureSelection(requestedFeatures).run();

     * Given a list of {@code requestedFeatures}, returns all features that are enabled by the
     * toolchain configuration.
     * <p>A requested feature will not be enabled if the toolchain does not support it (which may
     * depend on other requested features).
     * <p>Additional features will be enabled if the toolchain supports them and they are implied by
     * requested features.
    public FeatureConfiguration getFeatureConfiguration(String... requestedFeatures) {
        return getFeatureConfiguration(Arrays.asList(requestedFeatures));

     * @return the selectable with the given {@code name}.
     * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if no selectable with the given name was configured.
    private CrosstoolSelectable getActivatableOrFail(String name, String reference)
            throws InvalidConfigurationException {
        if (!selectablesByName.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Invalid toolchain configuration: feature '" + name
                    + "', which is referenced from feature '" + reference + "', is not defined.");
        return selectablesByName.get(name);

    Collection<String> getActivatableNames() {
        Collection<String> featureNames = new HashSet<>();
        for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : selectables) {
        return featureNames;

     * Returns the artifact selected by the toolchain for the given action type and action category,
     * or null if the category is not supported by the action config.
    String getArtifactNameForCategory(ArtifactCategory artifactCategory, String outputName)
            throws ExpansionException {
        PathFragment output = new PathFragment(outputName);

        ArtifactNamePattern patternForCategory = null;
        for (ArtifactNamePattern artifactNamePattern : artifactNamePatterns) {
            if (artifactNamePattern.getArtifactCategory() == artifactCategory) {
                patternForCategory = artifactNamePattern;
        if (patternForCategory == null) {
            throw new ExpansionException(String.format(MISSING_ARTIFACT_NAME_PATTERN_ERROR_TEMPLATE,

        return patternForCategory.getArtifactName(ImmutableMap.of("output_name", outputName, "base_name",
                output.getBaseName(), "output_directory", output.getParentDirectory().getPathString()));

    /** Returns true if the toolchain defines an ArtifactNamePattern for the given category. */
    boolean hasPatternForArtifactCategory(ArtifactCategory artifactCategory) {
        for (ArtifactNamePattern artifactNamePattern : artifactNamePatterns) {
            if (artifactNamePattern.getArtifactCategory() == artifactCategory) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Implements the feature selection algorithm.
     * <p>Feature selection is done by first enabling all features reachable by an 'implies' edge, and
     * then iteratively pruning features that have unmet requirements.
    private class FeatureSelection {

         * The selectables Bazel would like to enable; either because they are supported and generally
         * useful, or because the user required them (for example through the command line).
        private final ImmutableSet<CrosstoolSelectable> requestedSelectables;

         * The currently enabled selectable; during feature selection, we first put all selectables
         * reachable via an 'implies' edge into the enabled selectable set, and than prune that set
         * from selectables that have unmet requirements.
        private final Set<CrosstoolSelectable> enabled = new HashSet<>();

        private FeatureSelection(Collection<String> requestedSelectables) {
            ImmutableSet.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
            for (String name : requestedSelectables) {
                if (selectablesByName.containsKey(name)) {
            this.requestedSelectables =;

         * @return a {@code FeatureConfiguration} that reflects the set of activated features and
         * action configs.
        private FeatureConfiguration run() {
            for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : requestedSelectables) {

            ImmutableList.Builder<CrosstoolSelectable> enabledActivatablesInOrderBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
            for (CrosstoolSelectable selectable : selectables) {
                if (enabled.contains(selectable)) {

            ImmutableList<CrosstoolSelectable> enabledActivatablesInOrder = enabledActivatablesInOrderBuilder
            Iterable<Feature> enabledFeaturesInOrder = Iterables.filter(enabledActivatablesInOrder, Feature.class);
            Iterable<ActionConfig> enabledActionConfigsInOrder = Iterables.filter(enabledActivatablesInOrder,

            return new FeatureConfiguration(enabledFeaturesInOrder, enabledActionConfigsInOrder,

         * Transitively and unconditionally enable all selectables implied by the given selectable
         * and the selectable itself to the enabled selectable set.
        private void enableAllImpliedBy(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) {
            if (enabled.contains(selectable)) {
            for (CrosstoolSelectable implied : implies.get(selectable)) {

         * Remove all unsupported features from the enabled feature set.
        private void disableUnsupportedActivatables() {
            Queue<CrosstoolSelectable> check = new ArrayDeque<>(enabled);
            while (!check.isEmpty()) {

         * Check if the given selectable is still satisfied within the set of currently enabled
         * selectables.
         * <p>If it is not, remove the selectable from the set of enabled selectables, and re-check
         * all selectables that may now also become disabled.
        private void checkActivatable(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) {
            if (!enabled.contains(selectable) || isSatisfied(selectable)) {

            // Once we disable a selectable, we have to re-check all selectables that can be affected
            // by that removal.
            // 1. A selectable that implied the current selectable is now going to be disabled.
            for (CrosstoolSelectable impliesCurrent : impliedBy.get(selectable)) {
            // 2. A selectable that required the current selectable may now be disabled, depending on
            // whether the requirement was optional.
            for (CrosstoolSelectable requiresCurrent : requiredBy.get(selectable)) {
            // 3. A selectable that this selectable implied may now be disabled if no other selectables
            // also implies it.
            for (CrosstoolSelectable implied : implies.get(selectable)) {

         * @return whether all requirements of the selectable are met in the set of currently enabled
         * selectables.
        private boolean isSatisfied(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) {
            return (requestedSelectables.contains(selectable) || isImpliedByEnabledActivatable(selectable))
                    && allImplicationsEnabled(selectable) && allRequirementsMet(selectable);

         * @return whether a currently enabled selectable implies the given selectable.
        private boolean isImpliedByEnabledActivatable(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) {
            return !Collections.disjoint(impliedBy.get(selectable), enabled);

         * @return whether all implications of the given feature are enabled.
        private boolean allImplicationsEnabled(CrosstoolSelectable selectable) {
            for (CrosstoolSelectable implied : implies.get(selectable)) {
                if (!enabled.contains(implied)) {
                    return false;
            return true;

         * @return whether all requirements are enabled.
         * <p>This implies that for any of the selectable sets all of the specified selectable
         *   are enabled.
        private boolean allRequirementsMet(CrosstoolSelectable feature) {
            if (!requires.containsKey(feature)) {
                return true;
            for (ImmutableSet<CrosstoolSelectable> requiresAllOf : requires.get(feature)) {
                boolean requirementMet = true;
                for (CrosstoolSelectable required : requiresAllOf) {
                    if (!enabled.contains(required)) {
                        requirementMet = false;
                if (requirementMet) {
                    return true;
            return false;