Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import android.databinding.AndroidDataBinding; import android.databinding.cli.ProcessXmlOptions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; /** * Provides a wrapper around the AOSP build tools for resource processing. */ public class AndroidResourceProcessor { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AndroidResourceProcessor.class.getName()); /** * Options class containing flags for Aapt setup. */ public static final class AaptConfigOptions extends OptionsBase { @Option(name = "buildToolsVersion", defaultValue = "null", converter = RevisionConverter.class, category = "config", help = "Version of the build tools (e.g. aapt) being used, e.g. 23.0.2") public Revision buildToolsVersion; @Option(name = "aapt", defaultValue = "null", converter = ExistingPathConverter.class, category = "tool", help = "Aapt tool location for resource packaging.") public Path aapt; @Option(name = "annotationJar", defaultValue = "null", converter = ExistingPathConverter.class, category = "tool", help = "Annotation Jar for builder invocations.") public Path annotationJar; @Option(name = "androidJar", defaultValue = "null", converter = ExistingPathConverter.class, category = "tool", help = "Path to the android jar for resource packaging and building apks.") public Path androidJar; @Option(name = "useAaptCruncher", defaultValue = "auto", category = "config", help = "Use the legacy aapt cruncher, defaults to true for non-LIBRARY packageTypes. " + " LIBRARY packages do not benefit from the additional processing as the resources" + " will need to be reprocessed during the generation of the final apk. See" + " for a discussion of the" + " different png crunching methods.") public TriState useAaptCruncher; @Option(name = "uncompressedExtensions", defaultValue = "", converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class, category = "config", help = "A list of file extensions not to compress.") public List<String> uncompressedExtensions; @Option(name = "assetsToIgnore", defaultValue = "", converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class, category = "config", help = "A list of assets extensions to ignore.") public List<String> assetsToIgnore; @Option(name = "debug", defaultValue = "false", category = "config", help = "Indicates if it is a debug build.") public boolean debug; @Option(name = "resourceConfigs", defaultValue = "", converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class, category = "config", help = "A list of resource config filters to pass to aapt.") public List<String> resourceConfigs; private static final String ANDROID_SPLIT_DOCUMENTATION_URL = "" + "#QualifierRules"; @Option(name = "split", defaultValue = "required but ignored due to allowMultiple", category = "config", allowMultiple = true, help = "An individual split configuration to pass to aapt." + " Each split is a list of configuration filters separated by commas." + " Configuration filters are lists of configuration qualifiers separated by dashes," + " as used in resource directory names and described on the Android developer site: " + ANDROID_SPLIT_DOCUMENTATION_URL + " For example, a split might be 'en-television,en-xxhdpi', containing English" + " assets which either are for TV screens or are extra extra high resolution." + " Multiple splits can be specified by passing this flag multiple times." + " Each split flag will produce an additional output file, named by replacing the" + " commas in the split specification with underscores, and appending the result to" + " the output package name following an underscore.") public List<String> splits; } /** * {@link AaptOptions} backed by an {@link AaptConfigOptions}. */ public static final class FlagAaptOptions implements AaptOptions { private final AaptConfigOptions options; public FlagAaptOptions(AaptConfigOptions options) { this.options = options; } @Override public Collection<String> getNoCompress() { if (!options.uncompressedExtensions.isEmpty()) { return options.uncompressedExtensions; } return ImmutableList.of(); } @Override public String getIgnoreAssets() { if (!options.assetsToIgnore.isEmpty()) { return Joiner.on(":").join(options.assetsToIgnore); } return null; } @Override public boolean getFailOnMissingConfigEntry() { return false; } @Override public List<String> getAdditionalParameters() { return ImmutableList.of(); } } /** Shutdowns and verifies that no tasks are running in the executor service. */ private static final class ExecutorServiceCloser implements Closeable { private final ListeningExecutorService executorService; private ExecutorServiceCloser(ListeningExecutorService executorService) { this.executorService = executorService; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { List<Runnable> unfinishedTasks = executorService.shutdownNow(); if (!unfinishedTasks.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Shutting down the executor with unfinished tasks:" + unfinishedTasks); } } public static Closeable createWith(ListeningExecutorService executorService) { return new ExecutorServiceCloser(executorService); } } private static final ImmutableMap<SystemProperty, String> SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMES = Maps .toMap(Arrays.asList(SystemProperty.values()), new Function<SystemProperty, String>() { @Override public String apply(SystemProperty property) { if (property == SystemProperty.PACKAGE) { return "applicationId"; } else { return property.toCamelCase(); } } }); private static final Pattern HEX_REGEX = Pattern.compile("0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}"); private final StdLogger stdLogger; public AndroidResourceProcessor(StdLogger stdLogger) { this.stdLogger = stdLogger; } /** * Copies the R.txt to the expected place. * * @param generatedSourceRoot The path to the generated R.txt. * @param rOutput The Path to write the R.txt. * @param staticIds Boolean that indicates if the ids should be set to 0x1 for caching purposes. */ public void copyRToOutput(Path generatedSourceRoot, Path rOutput, boolean staticIds) { try { Files.createDirectories(rOutput.getParent()); final Path source = generatedSourceRoot.resolve("R.txt"); if (Files.exists(source)) { if (staticIds) { String contents = HEX_REGEX.matcher(Joiner.on("\n").join(Files.readAllLines(source, UTF_8))) .replaceAll("0x1"); Files.write(rOutput, contents.getBytes(UTF_8)); } else { Files.copy(source, rOutput); } } else { // The R.txt wasn't generated, create one for future inheritance, as Bazel always requires // outputs. This state occurs when there are no resource directories. Files.createFile(rOutput); } // Set to the epoch for caching purposes. Files.setLastModifiedTime(rOutput, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Creates a zip archive from all found files. */ public void createSrcJar(Path generatedSourcesRoot, Path srcJar, boolean staticIds) { try { Files.createDirectories(srcJar.getParent()); try (final ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(srcJar)))) { SymbolFileSrcJarBuildingVisitor visitor = new SymbolFileSrcJarBuildingVisitor(zip, generatedSourcesRoot, staticIds); Files.walkFileTree(generatedSourcesRoot, visitor); } // Set to the epoch for caching purposes. Files.setLastModifiedTime(srcJar, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Creates a zip archive from all found R.class (and inner class) files. */ public void createClassJar(Path generatedClassesRoot, Path classJar) { try { Files.createDirectories(classJar.getParent()); try (final ZipOutputStream zip = new ZipOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(classJar)))) { ClassJarBuildingVisitor visitor = new ClassJarBuildingVisitor(zip, generatedClassesRoot); Files.walkFileTree(generatedClassesRoot, visitor); visitor.writeManifestContent(); } // Set to the epoch for caching purposes. Files.setLastModifiedTime(classJar, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Copies the AndroidManifest.xml to the specified output location. * * @param androidData The MergedAndroidData which contains the manifest to be written to * manifestOut. * @param manifestOut The Path to write the AndroidManifest.xml. */ public void copyManifestToOutput(MergedAndroidData androidData, Path manifestOut) { try { Files.createDirectories(manifestOut.getParent()); Files.copy(androidData.getManifest(), manifestOut); // Set to the epoch for caching purposes. Files.setLastModifiedTime(manifestOut, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Creates a zip file containing the provided android resources and assets. * * @param resourcesRoot The root containing android resources to be written. * @param assetsRoot The root containing android assets to be written. * @param output The path to write the zip file * @param compress Whether or not to compress the content * @throws IOException */ public void createResourcesZip(Path resourcesRoot, Path assetsRoot, Path output, boolean compress) throws IOException { try (ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(output)))) { if (Files.exists(resourcesRoot)) { ZipBuilderVisitor visitor = new ZipBuilderVisitor(zout, resourcesRoot, "res"); visitor.setCompress(compress); Files.walkFileTree(resourcesRoot, visitor); } if (Files.exists(assetsRoot)) { ZipBuilderVisitor visitor = new ZipBuilderVisitor(zout, assetsRoot, "assets"); visitor.setCompress(compress); Files.walkFileTree(assetsRoot, visitor); } } } // TODO(bazel-team): Clean up this method call -- 13 params is too many. /** Processes resources for generated sources, configs and packaging resources. */ public void processResources(Path aapt, Path androidJar, @Nullable Revision buildToolsVersion, VariantType variantType, boolean debug, String customPackageForR, AaptOptions aaptOptions, Collection<String> resourceConfigs, Collection<String> splits, MergedAndroidData primaryData, List<DependencyAndroidData> dependencyData, @Nullable Path sourceOut, @Nullable Path packageOut, @Nullable Path proguardOut, @Nullable Path mainDexProguardOut, @Nullable Path publicResourcesOut, @Nullable Path dataBindingInfoOut) throws IOException, InterruptedException, LoggedErrorException, UnrecognizedSplitsException { Path androidManifest = primaryData.getManifest(); final Path resourceDir = processDataBindings(primaryData.getResourceDir(), dataBindingInfoOut, variantType, customPackageForR, androidManifest); final Path assetsDir = primaryData.getAssetDir(); if (publicResourcesOut != null) { prepareOutputPath(publicResourcesOut.getParent()); } runAapt(aapt, androidJar, buildToolsVersion, variantType, debug, customPackageForR, aaptOptions, resourceConfigs, splits, androidManifest, resourceDir, assetsDir, sourceOut, packageOut, proguardOut, mainDexProguardOut, publicResourcesOut); // The R needs to be created for each library in the dependencies, // but only if the current project is not a library. if (sourceOut != null && variantType != VariantType.LIBRARY) { writeDependencyPackageRJavaFiles(dependencyData, customPackageForR, androidManifest, sourceOut); } // Reset the output date stamps. if (proguardOut != null) { Files.setLastModifiedTime(proguardOut, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } if (mainDexProguardOut != null) { Files.setLastModifiedTime(mainDexProguardOut, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } if (packageOut != null) { Files.setLastModifiedTime(packageOut, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); if (!splits.isEmpty()) { Iterable<Path> splitFilenames = findAndRenameSplitPackages(packageOut, splits); for (Path splitFilename : splitFilenames) { Files.setLastModifiedTime(splitFilename, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } } } if (publicResourcesOut != null && Files.exists(publicResourcesOut)) { Files.setLastModifiedTime(publicResourcesOut, FileTime.fromMillis(0L)); } } public void runAapt(Path aapt, Path androidJar, @Nullable Revision buildToolsVersion, VariantType variantType, boolean debug, String customPackageForR, AaptOptions aaptOptions, Collection<String> resourceConfigs, Collection<String> splits, Path androidManifest, Path resourceDir, Path assetsDir, Path sourceOut, @Nullable Path packageOut, @Nullable Path proguardOut, @Nullable Path mainDexProguardOut, @Nullable Path publicResourcesOut) throws InterruptedException, LoggedErrorException, IOException { AaptCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new AaptCommandBuilder(aapt).forBuildToolsVersion(buildToolsVersion) .forVariantType(variantType) // first argument is the command to be executed, "package" .add("package") // If the logger is verbose, set aapt to be verbose .when(stdLogger.getLevel() == StdLogger.Level.VERBOSE).thenAdd("-v") // Overwrite existing files, if they exist. .add("-f") // Resources are precrunched in the merge process. .add("--no-crunch") // Do not automatically generate versioned copies of vector XML resources. .whenVersionIsAtLeast(new Revision(23)).thenAdd("--no-version-vectors") // Add the android.jar as a base input. .add("-I", androidJar) // Add the manifest for validation. .add("-M", androidManifest.toAbsolutePath()) // Maybe add the resources if they exist .when(Files.isDirectory(resourceDir)).thenAdd("-S", resourceDir) // Maybe add the assets if they exist .when(Files.isDirectory(assetsDir)).thenAdd("-A", assetsDir) // Outputs .when(sourceOut != null).thenAdd("-m").add("-J", prepareOutputPath(sourceOut)) .add("--output-text-symbols", prepareOutputPath(sourceOut)).add("-F", packageOut) .add("-G", proguardOut).whenVersionIsAtLeast(new Revision(24)).thenAdd("-D", mainDexProguardOut) .add("-P", publicResourcesOut).when(debug).thenAdd("--debug-mode") .add("--custom-package", customPackageForR) // If it is a library, do not generate final java ids. .whenVariantIs(VariantType.LIBRARY).thenAdd("--non-constant-id") .add("--ignore-assets", aaptOptions.getIgnoreAssets()) .when(aaptOptions.getFailOnMissingConfigEntry()).thenAdd("--error-on-missing-config-entry") // Never compress apks. .add("-0", "apk") // Add custom no-compress extensions. .addRepeated("-0", aaptOptions.getNoCompress()) // Filter by resource configuration type. .add("-c", Joiner.on(',').join(resourceConfigs)) // Split APKs if any splits were specified. .whenVersionIsAtLeast(new Revision(23)).thenAddRepeated("--split", splits); try { new CommandLineRunner(stdLogger).runCmdLine(, null); } catch (LoggedErrorException e) { // Add context and throw the error to resume processing. throw new LoggedErrorException(e.getCmdLineError(), getOutputWithSourceContext(aapt, e.getOutput()), e.getCmdLine()); } } /** Adds 10 lines of source to each syntax error. Very useful for debugging. */ private List<String> getOutputWithSourceContext(Path aapt, List<String> lines) throws IOException { List<String> outputWithSourceContext = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : lines) { if (line.contains("Duplicate file") || line.contains("Original")) { String[] parts = line.split(":"); String fileName = parts[0].trim(); outputWithSourceContext.add("\n" + fileName + ":\n\t"); outputWithSourceContext.add(Joiner.on("\n\t") .join(Files.readAllLines(aapt.getFileSystem().getPath(fileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } else if (line.contains("error")) { String[] parts = line.split(":"); String fileName = parts[0].trim(); try { int lineNumber = Integer.valueOf(parts[1].trim()); StringBuilder expandedError = new StringBuilder("\nError at " + lineNumber + " : " + line); List<String> errorSource = Files.readAllLines(aapt.getFileSystem().getPath(fileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); for (int i = Math.max(lineNumber - 5, 0); i < Math.min(lineNumber + 5, errorSource.size()); i++) { expandedError.append("\n").append(i).append("\t: ").append(errorSource.get(i)); } outputWithSourceContext.add(expandedError.toString()); } catch (IOException | NumberFormatException formatError) { outputWithSourceContext.add("error parsing line" + line); stdLogger.error(formatError, "error during reading source %s", fileName); } } else { outputWithSourceContext.add(line); } } return outputWithSourceContext; } /** * If resources exist and a data binding layout info file is requested: processes data binding * declarations over those resources, populates the output file, and creates a new resources * directory with data binding expressions stripped out (so aapt, which doesn't understand * data binding, can properly read them). * * <p>Returns the resources directory that aapt should read. */ private Path processDataBindings(Path resourceDir, Path dataBindingInfoOut, VariantType variantType, String packagePath, Path androidManifest) throws IOException { if (dataBindingInfoOut == null) { return resourceDir; } else if (!Files.isDirectory(resourceDir)) { // No resources: no data binding needed. Create a dummy file to satisfy declared outputs. Files.createFile(dataBindingInfoOut); return resourceDir; } // Strip the file name (the data binding library automatically adds it back in). // ** The data binding library assumes this file is called "". ** dataBindingInfoOut = dataBindingInfoOut.getParent(); if (Files.notExists(dataBindingInfoOut)) { Files.createDirectory(dataBindingInfoOut); } Path processedResourceDir = resourceDir.resolveSibling("res_without_databindings"); if (Files.notExists(processedResourceDir)) { Files.createDirectory(processedResourceDir); } ProcessXmlOptions options = new ProcessXmlOptions(); options.setAppId(packagePath); options.setLibrary(variantType == VariantType.LIBRARY); options.setResInput(resourceDir.toFile()); options.setResOutput(processedResourceDir.toFile()); options.setLayoutInfoOutput(dataBindingInfoOut.toFile()); options.setZipLayoutInfo(true); // Aggregate data-bound .xml files into a single .zip. try { Object minSdk = AndroidManifest.getMinSdkVersion(new FileWrapper(androidManifest.toFile())); if (minSdk instanceof Integer) { options.setMinSdk(((Integer) minSdk).intValue()); } else { // TODO(bazel-team): Enforce the minimum SDK check. options.setMinSdk(15); } } catch (XPathExpressionException | StreamException e) { // TODO(bazel-team): Enforce the minimum SDK check. options.setMinSdk(15); } try { AndroidDataBinding.doRun(options); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(t); } return processedResourceDir; } /** Task to parse java package from AndroidManifest.xml */ private static final class PackageParsingTask implements Callable<String> { private final File manifest; PackageParsingTask(File manifest) { this.manifest = manifest; } @Override public String call() throws Exception { return VariantConfiguration.getManifestPackage(manifest); } } /** Task to load and parse R.txt symbols */ private static final class SymbolLoadingTask implements Callable<Object> { private final SymbolLoader symbolLoader; SymbolLoadingTask(SymbolLoader symbolLoader) { this.symbolLoader = symbolLoader; } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { symbolLoader.load(); return null; } } @Nullable public SymbolLoader loadResourceSymbolTable(List<SymbolFileProvider> libraries, String appPackageName, Path primaryRTxt, Multimap<String, SymbolLoader> libMap) throws IOException { // The reported availableProcessors may be higher than the actual resources // (on a shared system). On the other hand, a lot of the work is I/O, so it's not completely // CPU bound. As a compromise, divide by 2 the reported availableProcessors. int numThreads = Math.max(1, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2); ListeningExecutorService executorService = MoreExecutors .listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads)); try (Closeable closeable = ExecutorServiceCloser.createWith(executorService)) { // Load the package names from the manifest files. Map<SymbolFileProvider, ListenableFuture<String>> packageJobs = new HashMap<>(); for (final SymbolFileProvider lib : libraries) { packageJobs.put(lib, executorService.submit(new PackageParsingTask(lib.getManifest()))); } Map<SymbolFileProvider, String> packageNames = new HashMap<>(); try { for (Map.Entry<SymbolFileProvider, ListenableFuture<String>> entry : packageJobs.entrySet()) { packageNames.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().get()); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to load package name: ", e); } // Associate the packages with symbol files. for (SymbolFileProvider lib : libraries) { String packageName = packageNames.get(lib); // If the library package matches the app package skip -- the final app resource IDs are // stored in the primaryRTxt file. if (appPackageName.equals(packageName)) { continue; } File rFile = lib.getSymbolFile(); // If the library has no resource, this file won't exist. if (rFile.isFile()) { SymbolLoader libSymbols = new SymbolLoader(rFile, stdLogger); libMap.put(packageName, libSymbols); } } // Even if there are no libraries, load fullSymbolValues, in case we only have resources // defined for the binary. File primaryRTxtFile = primaryRTxt.toFile(); SymbolLoader fullSymbolValues = null; if (primaryRTxtFile.isFile()) { fullSymbolValues = new SymbolLoader(primaryRTxtFile, stdLogger); } // Now load the symbol files in parallel. List<ListenableFuture<?>> loadJobs = new ArrayList<>(); Iterable<SymbolLoader> toLoad = fullSymbolValues != null ? Iterables.concat(libMap.values(), ImmutableList.of(fullSymbolValues)) : libMap.values(); for (final SymbolLoader loader : toLoad) { loadJobs.add(executorService.submit(new SymbolLoadingTask(loader))); } try { Futures.allAsList(loadJobs).get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to load SymbolFile: ", e); } return fullSymbolValues; } } void writeDependencyPackageRJavaFiles(List<DependencyAndroidData> dependencyData, String customPackageForR, Path androidManifest, Path sourceOut) throws IOException { List<SymbolFileProvider> libraries = new ArrayList<>(); for (DependencyAndroidData dataDep : dependencyData) { SymbolFileProvider library = dataDep.asSymbolFileProvider(); libraries.add(library); } String appPackageName = customPackageForR; if (appPackageName == null) { appPackageName = VariantConfiguration.getManifestPackage(androidManifest.toFile()); } Multimap<String, SymbolLoader> libSymbolMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Path primaryRTxt = sourceOut != null ? sourceOut.resolve("R.txt") : null; if (primaryRTxt != null && !libraries.isEmpty()) { SymbolLoader fullSymbolValues = loadResourceSymbolTable(libraries, appPackageName, primaryRTxt, libSymbolMap); if (fullSymbolValues != null) { writePackageRJavaFiles(libSymbolMap, fullSymbolValues, sourceOut); } } } private void writePackageRJavaFiles(Multimap<String, SymbolLoader> libMap, SymbolLoader fullSymbolValues, Path sourceOut) throws IOException { // Loop on all the package name, merge all the symbols to write, and write. for (String packageName : libMap.keySet()) { Collection<SymbolLoader> symbols = libMap.get(packageName); SymbolWriter writer = new SymbolWriter(sourceOut.toString(), packageName, fullSymbolValues); for (SymbolLoader symbolLoader : symbols) { writer.addSymbolsToWrite(symbolLoader); } writer.write(); } } void writePackageRClasses(Multimap<String, SymbolLoader> libMap, SymbolLoader fullSymbolValues, String appPackageName, Path classesOut, boolean finalFields) throws IOException { for (String packageName : libMap.keySet()) { Collection<SymbolLoader> symbols = libMap.get(packageName); RClassGenerator classWriter = RClassGenerator.fromSymbols(classesOut, packageName, fullSymbolValues, symbols, finalFields); classWriter.write(); } // Unlike the generation, we also write the app's R.class file so that the class // jar file can be complete (aapt doesn't generate it for us). RClassGenerator classWriter = RClassGenerator.fromSymbols(classesOut, appPackageName, fullSymbolValues, ImmutableList.of(fullSymbolValues), finalFields); classWriter.write(); } /** Finds aapt's split outputs and renames them according to the input flags. */ private Iterable<Path> findAndRenameSplitPackages(Path packageOut, Iterable<String> splits) throws UnrecognizedSplitsException, IOException { String prefix = packageOut.getFileName().toString() + "_"; // The regex java string literal below is received as [\\{}\[\]*?] by the regex engine, // which produces a character class containing \{}[]*? // The replacement string literal is received as \\$0 by the regex engine, which places // a backslash before the match. String prefixGlob = prefix.replaceAll("[\\\\{}\\[\\]*?]", "\\\\$0") + "*"; Path outputDirectory = packageOut.getParent(); ImmutableList.Builder<String> filenameSuffixes = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); try (DirectoryStream<Path> glob = Files.newDirectoryStream(outputDirectory, prefixGlob)) { for (Path file : glob) { filenameSuffixes.add(file.getFileName().toString().substring(prefix.length())); } } Map<String, String> outputs = SplitConfigurationFilter.mapFilenamesToSplitFlags(, splits); ImmutableList.Builder<Path> outputPaths = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> splitMapping : outputs.entrySet()) { Path resultPath = packageOut.resolveSibling(prefix + splitMapping.getValue()); outputPaths.add(resultPath); if (!splitMapping.getKey().equals(splitMapping.getValue())) { Path sourcePath = packageOut.resolveSibling(prefix + splitMapping.getKey()); Files.move(sourcePath, resultPath); } } return; } public MergedAndroidData processManifest(VariantType variantType, String customPackageForR, String applicationId, int versionCode, String versionName, MergedAndroidData primaryData, Path processedManifest) throws IOException { ManifestMerger2.MergeType mergeType = variantType == VariantType.DEFAULT ? ManifestMerger2.MergeType.APPLICATION : ManifestMerger2.MergeType.LIBRARY; String newManifestPackage = variantType == VariantType.DEFAULT ? applicationId : customPackageForR; if (versionCode != -1 || versionName != null || newManifestPackage != null) { Files.createDirectories(processedManifest.getParent()); // The generics on Invoker don't make sense, so ignore them. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Invoker<?> manifestMergerInvoker = ManifestMerger2.newMerger(primaryData.getManifest().toFile(), stdLogger, mergeType); // Stamp new package if (newManifestPackage != null) { manifestMergerInvoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.PACKAGE, newManifestPackage); } // Stamp version and applicationId (if provided) into the manifest if (versionCode > 0) { manifestMergerInvoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.VERSION_CODE, String.valueOf(versionCode)); } if (versionName != null) { manifestMergerInvoker.setOverride(SystemProperty.VERSION_NAME, versionName); } MergedManifestKind mergedManifestKind = MergedManifestKind.MERGED; if (mergeType == ManifestMerger2.MergeType.APPLICATION) { manifestMergerInvoker.withFeatures(Invoker.Feature.REMOVE_TOOLS_DECLARATIONS); } try { MergingReport mergingReport = manifestMergerInvoker.merge(); switch (mergingReport.getResult()) { case WARNING: mergingReport.log(stdLogger); writeMergedManifest(mergedManifestKind, mergingReport, processedManifest); break; case SUCCESS: writeMergedManifest(mergedManifestKind, mergingReport, processedManifest); break; case ERROR: mergingReport.log(stdLogger); throw new RuntimeException(mergingReport.getReportString()); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled result type : " + mergingReport.getResult()); } } catch (IOException | MergeFailureException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return new MergedAndroidData(primaryData.getResourceDir(), primaryData.getAssetDir(), processedManifest); } return primaryData; } /** * A logger that will print messages to a target OutputStream. */ private static final class PrintStreamLogger implements ILogger { private final PrintStream out; public PrintStreamLogger(PrintStream stream) { this.out = stream; } @Override public void error(@Nullable Throwable t, @Nullable String msgFormat, Object... args) { if (msgFormat != null) { out.println(String.format("Error: " + msgFormat, args)); } if (t != null) { out.printf("Error: %s%n", t.getMessage()); } } @Override public void warning(@NonNull String msgFormat, Object... args) { out.println(String.format("Warning: " + msgFormat, args)); } @Override public void info(@NonNull String msgFormat, Object... args) { out.println(String.format("Info: " + msgFormat, args)); } @Override public void verbose(@NonNull String msgFormat, Object... args) { out.println(String.format(msgFormat, args)); } } /** * Merge several manifests into one and perform placeholder substitutions. This operation uses * Gradle semantics. * * @param manifest The primary manifest of the merge. * @param mergeeManifests Manifests to be merged into {@code manifest}. * @param mergeType Whether the merger should operate in application or library mode. * @param values A map of strings to be used as manifest placeholders and overrides. packageName * is the only disallowed value and will be ignored. * @param output The path to write the resultant manifest to. * @param logFile The path to write the merger log to. * @return The path of the resultant manifest, either {@code output}, or {@code manifest} if no * merging was required. * @throws IOException if there was a problem writing the merged manifest. */ public Path mergeManifest(Path manifest, Map<Path, String> mergeeManifests, MergeType mergeType, Map<String, String> values, Path output, Path logFile) throws IOException { if (mergeeManifests.isEmpty() && values.isEmpty()) { return manifest; } Invoker<?> manifestMerger = ManifestMerger2.newMerger(manifest.toFile(), stdLogger, mergeType); MergedManifestKind mergedManifestKind = MergedManifestKind.MERGED; if (mergeType == MergeType.APPLICATION) { manifestMerger.withFeatures(Feature.REMOVE_TOOLS_DECLARATIONS); } // Add mergee manifests List<Pair<String, File>> libraryManifests = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry<Path, String> mergeeManifest : mergeeManifests.entrySet()) { libraryManifests.add(Pair.of(mergeeManifest.getValue(), mergeeManifest.getKey().toFile())); } manifestMerger.addLibraryManifests(libraryManifests); // Extract SystemProperties from the provided values. Map<String, Object> placeholders = new HashMap<>(); placeholders.putAll(values); for (SystemProperty property : SystemProperty.values()) { if (values.containsKey(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMES.get(property))) { manifestMerger.setOverride(property, values.get(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAMES.get(property))); // The manifest merger does not allow explicitly specifying either applicationId or // packageName as placeholders if SystemProperty.PACKAGE is specified. It forces these // placeholders to have the same value as specified by SystemProperty.PACKAGE. if (property == SystemProperty.PACKAGE) { placeholders.remove(PlaceholderHandler.APPLICATION_ID); placeholders.remove(PlaceholderHandler.PACKAGE_NAME); } } } // Add placeholders for all values. // packageName is populated from either the applicationId override or from the manifest itself; // it cannot be manually specified. placeholders.remove(PlaceholderHandler.PACKAGE_NAME); manifestMerger.setPlaceHolderValues(placeholders); try { MergingReport mergingReport = manifestMerger.merge(); if (logFile != null) { logFile.getParent().toFile().mkdirs(); try (PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(logFile.toFile())) { mergingReport.log(new PrintStreamLogger(stream)); } } switch (mergingReport.getResult()) { case WARNING: mergingReport.log(stdLogger); Files.createDirectories(output.getParent()); writeMergedManifest(mergedManifestKind, mergingReport, output); break; case SUCCESS: Files.createDirectories(output.getParent()); writeMergedManifest(mergedManifestKind, mergingReport, output); break; case ERROR: mergingReport.log(stdLogger); throw new RuntimeException(mergingReport.getReportString()); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled result type : " + mergingReport.getResult()); } } catch (MergeFailureException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return output; } private void writeMergedManifest(MergedManifestKind mergedManifestKind, MergingReport mergingReport, Path manifestOut) throws IOException { String manifestContents = mergingReport.getMergedDocument(mergedManifestKind); String annotatedDocument = mergingReport.getMergedDocument(MergedManifestKind.BLAME); stdLogger.verbose(annotatedDocument); Files.write(manifestOut, manifestContents.getBytes(UTF_8)); } public void writeDummyManifestForAapt(Path dummyManifest, String packageForR) throws IOException { Files.createDirectories(dummyManifest.getParent()); Files.write(dummyManifest, String.format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + "<manifest xmlns:android=\"\"" + " package=\"%s\">" + "</manifest>", packageForR).getBytes(UTF_8)); } /** * Overwrite the package attribute of {@code <manifest>} in an AndroidManifest.xml file. * * @param manifest The input manifest. * @param customPackage The package to write to the manifest. * @param output The output manifest to generate. * @return The output manifest if generated or the input manifest if no overwriting is required. */ /* TODO(apell): switch from custom xml parsing to Gradle merger with NO_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACEMENT * set when android common is updated to version 2.5.0. */ public Path writeManifestPackage(Path manifest, String customPackage, Path output) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(customPackage)) { return manifest; } try { Files.createDirectories(output.getParent()); XMLEventReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLEventReader(Files.newInputStream(manifest),; XMLEventWriter writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLEventWriter(Files.newOutputStream(output),; XMLEventFactory eventFactory = XMLEventFactory.newInstance(); while (reader.hasNext()) { XMLEvent event = reader.nextEvent(); if (event.isStartElement() && event.asStartElement().getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("manifest")) { StartElement element = event.asStartElement(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Attribute> attributes = element.getAttributes(); ImmutableList.Builder<Attribute> newAttributes = ImmutableList.builder(); while (attributes.hasNext()) { Attribute attr =; if (attr.getName().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("package")) { newAttributes.add(eventFactory.createAttribute("package", customPackage)); } else { newAttributes.add(attr); } } writer.add(eventFactory.createStartElement(element.getName(),, element.getNamespaces())); } else { writer.add(event); } } writer.flush(); } catch (XMLStreamException | FactoryConfigurationError | IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return output; } /** * Merges all secondary resources with the primary resources, given that the primary resources * have not yet been parsed and serialized. */ public MergedAndroidData mergeData(final UnvalidatedAndroidData primary, final List<? extends SerializedAndroidData> direct, final List<? extends SerializedAndroidData> transitive, final Path resourcesOut, final Path assetsOut, @Nullable final PngCruncher cruncher, final VariantType type, @Nullable final Path symbolsOut) throws MergingException { try { final ParsedAndroidData parsedPrimary = ParsedAndroidData.from(primary); return mergeData(parsedPrimary, primary.getManifest(), direct, transitive, resourcesOut, assetsOut, cruncher, type, symbolsOut, null /* rclassWriter */); } catch (IOException e) { throw MergingException.wrapException(e).build(); } } /** * Merges all secondary resources with the primary resources, given that the primary resources * have been separately parsed and serialized. */ public MergedAndroidData mergeData(final SerializedAndroidData primary, final Path primaryManifest, final List<? extends SerializedAndroidData> direct, final List<? extends SerializedAndroidData> transitive, final Path resourcesOut, final Path assetsOut, @Nullable final PngCruncher cruncher, final VariantType type, @Nullable final Path symbolsOut, @Nullable final AndroidResourceClassWriter rclassWriter) throws MergingException { final ParsedAndroidData.Builder primaryBuilder = ParsedAndroidData.Builder.newBuilder(); final AndroidDataSerializer serializer = AndroidDataSerializer.create(); primary.deserialize(serializer, primaryBuilder.consumers()); ParsedAndroidData primaryData =; return mergeData(primaryData, primaryManifest, direct, transitive, resourcesOut, assetsOut, cruncher, type, symbolsOut, rclassWriter); } /** * Merges all secondary resources with the primary resources. */ private MergedAndroidData mergeData(final ParsedAndroidData primary, final Path primaryManifest, final List<? extends SerializedAndroidData> direct, final List<? extends SerializedAndroidData> transitive, final Path resourcesOut, final Path assetsOut, @Nullable final PngCruncher cruncher, final VariantType type, @Nullable final Path symbolsOut, @Nullable AndroidResourceClassWriter rclassWriter) throws MergingException { Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); final ListeningExecutorService executorService = MoreExecutors .listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(15)); try (Closeable closeable = ExecutorServiceCloser.createWith(executorService)) { AndroidDataMerger merger = AndroidDataMerger.createWithPathDeduplictor(executorService); UnwrittenMergedAndroidData merged = merger.loadAndMerge(transitive, direct, primary, primaryManifest, type != VariantType.LIBRARY); logger.fine(String.format("merge finished in %sms", timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); timer.reset().start(); if (symbolsOut != null) { AndroidDataSerializer serializer = AndroidDataSerializer.create(); merged.serializeTo(serializer); serializer.flushTo(symbolsOut); logger.fine( String.format("serialize merge finished in %sms", timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); timer.reset().start(); } if (rclassWriter != null) { merged.writeResourceClass(rclassWriter); logger.fine(String.format("write classes finished in %sms", timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); timer.reset().start(); } AndroidDataWriter writer = AndroidDataWriter.createWith(resourcesOut.getParent(), resourcesOut, assetsOut, cruncher, executorService); return merged.write(writer); } catch (IOException e) { throw MergingException.wrapException(e).build(); } finally { logger.fine(String.format("write merge finished in %sms", timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); } } /** * Shutdown AOSP utilized thread-pool. */ public void shutdown() { FullyQualifiedName.logCacheUsage(logger); // AOSP code never shuts down its singleton executor and leaves the process hanging. ExecutorSingleton.getExecutor().shutdownNow(); } @Nullable private Path prepareOutputPath(@Nullable Path out) throws IOException { if (out == null) { return null; } return Files.createDirectories(out); } /** Deserializes a list of serialized resource paths to a {@link ParsedAndroidData}. */ public ParsedAndroidData deserializeSymbolsToData(List<Path> symbolPaths) throws IOException, MergingException { AndroidDataSerializer serializer = AndroidDataSerializer.create(); final ListeningExecutorService executorService = MoreExecutors .listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(15)); final Builder deserializedDataBuilder = ParsedAndroidData.Builder.newBuilder(); try (Closeable closeable = ExecutorServiceCloser.createWith(executorService)) { List<ListenableFuture<Boolean>> deserializing = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Path symbolPath : symbolPaths) { deserializing.add( executorService.submit(new Deserialize(serializer, symbolPath, deserializedDataBuilder))); } FailedFutureAggregator<MergingException> aggregator = FailedFutureAggregator .createForMergingExceptionWithMessage("Failure(s) during dependency parsing"); aggregator.aggregateAndMaybeThrow(deserializing); } return; } /** * A FileVisitor that will add all files to be stored in a zip archive. */ private static class ZipBuilderVisitor extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> { // The earliest date representable in a zip file, 1-1-1980 (the DOS epoch). private static final long ZIP_EPOCH = 315561600000L; // ZIP timestamps have a resolution of 2 seconds. // see private static final long MINIMUM_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT = 2000L; private final ZipOutputStream zip; protected final Path root; private final String directoryPrefix; private int storageMethod = ZipEntry.STORED; ZipBuilderVisitor(ZipOutputStream zip, Path root, String directory) { = zip; this.root = root; this.directoryPrefix = directory; } public void setCompress(boolean compress) { storageMethod = compress ? ZipEntry.DEFLATED : ZipEntry.STORED; } /** * Normalize timestamps for deterministic builds. Stamp .class files to be a bit newer * than .java files. See: * {@link} */ protected long normalizeTime(String filename) { if (filename.endsWith(".class")) { return ZIP_EPOCH + MINIMUM_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT; } else { return ZIP_EPOCH; } } protected void addEntry(Path file, byte[] content) throws IOException { String prefix = directoryPrefix != null ? (directoryPrefix + "/") : ""; String relativeName = root.relativize(file).toString(); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(prefix + relativeName); entry.setMethod(storageMethod); entry.setTime(normalizeTime(relativeName)); entry.setSize(content.length); CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32(); crc32.update(content); entry.setCrc(crc32.getValue()); zip.putNextEntry(entry); zip.write(content); zip.closeEntry(); } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(file); addEntry(file, content); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } } /** * A FileVisitor that will add all files to be stored in a zip archive. */ private static final class SymbolFileSrcJarBuildingVisitor extends ZipBuilderVisitor { static final Pattern PACKAGE_PATTERN = Pattern .compile("\\s*package ([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\\d_$]*(?:\\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\\d_$]*)*)"); static final Pattern ID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("public static int ([\\w\\.]+)=0x[0-9A-fa-f]+;"); static final Pattern INNER_CLASS = Pattern.compile("public static class ([a-z_]*) \\{(.*?)\\}", Pattern.DOTALL); private final boolean staticIds; private SymbolFileSrcJarBuildingVisitor(ZipOutputStream zip, Path root, boolean staticIds) { super(zip, root, null); this.staticIds = staticIds; } private String replaceIdsWithStaticIds(String contents) { Matcher packageMatcher = PACKAGE_PATTERN.matcher(contents); if (!packageMatcher.find()) { return contents; } String pkg =; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); Matcher innerClassMatcher = INNER_CLASS.matcher(contents); while (innerClassMatcher.find()) { String resourceType =; Matcher idMatcher = ID_PATTERN.matcher(; StringBuffer resourceIds = new StringBuffer(); while (idMatcher.find()) { String javaId =; idMatcher.appendReplacement(resourceIds, String.format("public static int %s=0x%08X;", javaId, Objects.hash(pkg, resourceType, javaId))); } idMatcher.appendTail(resourceIds); innerClassMatcher.appendReplacement(out, String.format("public static class %s {%s}", resourceType, resourceIds.toString())); } innerClassMatcher.appendTail(out); return out.toString(); } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (file.getFileName().endsWith("")) { byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(file); if (staticIds) { content = replaceIdsWithStaticIds(UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(content)).toString()) .getBytes(UTF_8); } addEntry(file, content); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } } /** * A FileVisitor that will add all R class files to be stored in a zip archive. */ private static final class ClassJarBuildingVisitor extends ZipBuilderVisitor { ClassJarBuildingVisitor(ZipOutputStream zip, Path root) { super(zip, root, null); } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Path filename = file.getFileName(); String name = filename.toString(); if (name.endsWith(".class")) { byte[] content = Files.readAllBytes(file); addEntry(file, content); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } private byte[] manifestContent() throws IOException { Manifest manifest = new Manifest(); Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); attributes.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0"); Attributes.Name createdBy = new Attributes.Name("Created-By"); if (attributes.getValue(createdBy) == null) { attributes.put(createdBy, "bazel"); } ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); manifest.write(out); return out.toByteArray(); } void writeManifestContent() throws IOException { addEntry(root.resolve(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME), manifestContent()); } } /** Task to deserialize resources from a path. */ private static final class Deserialize implements Callable<Boolean> { private final Path symbolPath; private final Builder finalDataBuilder; private AndroidDataSerializer serializer; private Deserialize(AndroidDataSerializer serializer, Path symbolPath, Builder finalDataBuilder) { this.serializer = serializer; this.symbolPath = symbolPath; this.finalDataBuilder = finalDataBuilder; } @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { final Builder parsedDataBuilder = ParsedAndroidData.Builder.newBuilder();, parsedDataBuilder.consumers()); // The builder isn't threadsafe, so synchronize the copyTo call. synchronized (finalDataBuilder) { // All the resources are sorted before writing, so they can be aggregated in // whatever order here. parsedDataBuilder.copyTo(finalDataBuilder); } return Boolean.TRUE; } } }