Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.



 * A simple sample application demonstrating requesting an auth token from a
 * variety of auth providers.
 * @author (Jason Hall)
public class OAuth2SampleEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {

    // Use the implementation of Auth intended to be used in the GWT client app.
    private static final Auth AUTH = Auth.get();

    public void onModuleLoad() {

        // Export the JS method that can be called in pure JS


    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // AUTHENTICATING WITH GOOGLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    private static final String GOOGLE_AUTH_URL = "";

    // This app's personal client ID assigned by the Google APIs Console
    // (
    private static final String GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = "";

    // The auth scope being requested. This scope will allow the application to
    // identify who the authenticated user is.
    private static final String PLUS_ME_SCOPE = "";

    // Adds a button to the page that asks for authentication from Google.
    private void addGoogleAuth() {
        // Since the auth flow requires opening a popup window, it must be started
        // as a direct result of a user action, such as clicking a button or link.
        // Otherwise, a browser's popup blocker may block the popup.
        Button button = new Button("Authenticate with Google");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                final AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(GOOGLE_AUTH_URL, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)

                // Calling login() will display a popup to the user the first time it is
                // called. Once the user has granted access to the application,
                // subsequent calls to login() will not display the popup, and will
                // immediately result in the callback being given the token to use.
                AUTH.login(req, new Callback<String, Throwable>() {
                    public void onSuccess(String token) {
                        Window.alert("Got an OAuth token:\n" + token + "\n" + "Token expires in "
                                + AUTH.expiresIn(req) + " ms\n");

                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                        Window.alert("Error:\n" + caught.getMessage());

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // AUTHENTICATING WITH INSTAGRAM ////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    private static final String INSTAGRAM_AUTH_URL = "";

    // This app's personal client ID assigned by Instagram
    // (
    private static final String INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID = "833d710a11064825a55a2374d4990d26";

    // The auth scopes being requested.

    // This scope will allow the application to read comments as if it was the
    // user.
    private static final String INSTAGRAM_COMMENTS_SCOPE = "comments";
    // This scope will allow the application to read likes as if it was the user.
    private static final String INSTAGRAM_LIKES_SCOPE = "likes";

    // Adds a button to the page that asks for authentication from Instagram.
    private void addInstagramAuth() {
        // Since the auth flow requires opening a popup window, it must be started
        // as a direct result of a user action, such as clicking a button or link.
        // Otherwise, a browser's popup blocker may block the popup.
        Button button = new Button("Authenticate with Instagram");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                final AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(INSTAGRAM_AUTH_URL, INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID)
                        .withScopes(INSTAGRAM_COMMENTS_SCOPE, INSTAGRAM_LIKES_SCOPE)
                        // Instagram expects a plus-delimited list of scopes
                AUTH.login(req, new Callback<String, Throwable>() {
                    public void onSuccess(String token) {
                        Window.alert("Got an OAuth token:\n" + token + "\n" + "Token expires in "
                                + AUTH.expiresIn(req) + " ms\n");

                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                        Window.alert("Error:\n" + caught.getMessage());

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // AUTHENTICATING WITH FOURSQURE/////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    private static final String FOURSQUARE_AUTH_URL = "";

    // This app's personal client ID assigned by the Foursquare OAuth page
    // (
    private static final String FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID = "SL3GLC45VW5T2KBD4XRQTOJQT5Y0E5CCUA10GI4RGDJ2BQX4";

    // Adds a button to the page that asks for authentication from Foursquare.
    private void addFoursquareAuth() {
        // Since the auth flow requires opening a popup window, it must be started
        // as a direct result of a user action, such as clicking a button or link.
        // Otherwise, a browser's popup blocker may block the popup.
        Button button = new Button("Authenticate with Foursquare");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                final AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(FOURSQUARE_AUTH_URL, FOURSQUARE_CLIENT_ID);
                AUTH.login(req, new Callback<String, Throwable>() {
                    public void onSuccess(String token) {
                        Window.alert("Got an OAuth token:\n" + token + "\n" + "Token expires in "
                                + AUTH.expiresIn(req) + " ms\n");

                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                        Window.alert("Error:\n" + caught.getMessage());

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // AUTHENTICATING WITH FACEBOOK /////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    private static final String FACEBOOK_AUTH_URL = "";

    // This app's personal client ID assigned by the Facebook Developer App
    // (
    private static final String FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID = "215385608478782";

    // All available scopes are listed here:
    // This scope allows the app to access the user's email address.
    private static final String FACEBOOK_EMAIL_SCOPE = "email";

    // This scope allows the app to access the user's birthday.
    private static final String FACEBOOK_BIRTHDAY_SCOPE = "user_birthday";

    // Adds a button to the page that asks for authentication from Facebook.
    // Note that Facebook does not allow localhost as a redirect URL, so while
    // this code will work when hosted, it will not work when testing locally.
    private void addFacebookAuth() {
        // Since the auth flow requires opening a popup window, it must be started
        // as a direct result of a user action, such as clicking a button or link.
        // Otherwise, a browser's popup blocker may block the popup.
        Button button = new Button("Authenticate with Facebook");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                final AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(FACEBOOK_AUTH_URL, FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID)
                        .withScopes(FACEBOOK_EMAIL_SCOPE, FACEBOOK_BIRTHDAY_SCOPE)
                        // Facebook expects a comma-delimited list of scopes
                AUTH.login(req, new Callback<String, Throwable>() {
                    public void onSuccess(String token) {
                        Window.alert("Got an OAuth token:\n" + token + "\n" + "Token expires in "
                                + AUTH.expiresIn(req) + " ms\n");

                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                        Window.alert("Error:\n" + caught.getMessage());

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // AUTHENTICATING WITH DAILYMOTION //////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // Note the addition of the ?display=popup query parameter. This is not
    // strictly required, but provides a better UI.
    // TODO(jasonhall): Allow arbitrary query parameters so this doesn't have to
    // be added to the base auth URL.
    private static final String DAILYMOTION_AUTH_URL = "";

    // This app's personal client ID assigned by the Dailymotion Developer App
    // (
    private static final String DAILYMOTION_CLIENT_ID = "e76b8eed0083ccf9abd2";

    // Adds a button to the page that asks for authentication from DailyMotion.
    // Note that Dailymotion does not allow localhost as a redirect URL, so while
    // this code will work when hosted, it will not work when testing locally.
    private void addDailymotionAuth() {
        // Since the auth flow requires opening a popup window, it must be started
        // as a direct result of a user action, such as clicking a button or link.
        // Otherwise, a browser's popup blocker may block the popup.
        Button button = new Button("Authenticate with Dailymotion");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                final AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(DAILYMOTION_AUTH_URL, DAILYMOTION_CLIENT_ID);
                AUTH.login(req, new Callback<String, Throwable>() {
                    public void onSuccess(String token) {
                        Window.alert("Got an OAuth token:\n" + token + "\n" + "Token expires in "
                                + AUTH.expiresIn(req) + " ms\n");

                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                        Window.alert("Error:\n" + caught.getMessage());

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // AUTHENTICATING WITH WINDOWS LIVE /////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    private static final String WINDOWS_LIVE_AUTH_URL = "";

    // This app's personal client ID assigned by Windows Livea
    // (
    private static final String WINDOWS_LIVE_CLIENT_ID = "000000004C08259A";

    // This scope allows access to a user's basic info.
    private static final String WINDOWS_LIVE_BASIC_SCOPE = "wl.basic";

    // Adds a button to the page that asks for authentication from Windows Live.
    // Note that Windows Live does not allow multiple redirect URLs, so while this
    // code will work when hosted, it will not work when tested locally, unless
    // you have multiple apps registered and different client IDs for testing and
    // production.
    private void addWindowsLiveAuth() {
        // Since the auth flow requires opening a popup window, it must be started
        // as a direct result of a user action, such as clicking a button or link.
        // Otherwise, a browser's popup blocker may block the popup.
        Button button = new Button("Authenticate with Windows Live");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                final AuthRequest req = new AuthRequest(WINDOWS_LIVE_AUTH_URL, WINDOWS_LIVE_CLIENT_ID)
                AUTH.login(req, new Callback<String, Throwable>() {
                    public void onSuccess(String token) {
                        Window.alert("Got an OAuth token:\n" + token + "\n" + "Token expires in "
                                + AUTH.expiresIn(req) + " ms\n");

                    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
                        Window.alert("Error:\n" + caught.getMessage());

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // AUTHENTICATING WITH GOOGLE (Using native JavaScript) /////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // Adds a button to the page that asks for authentication from Google, using
    // native JS.
    // This demonstrates how a GWT app can export the JS function so that regular
    // JS on the page can use the same OAuth 2.0 code. In this sample, we use
    // JSNI, even though this would likely only rarely be useful, but it
    // demonstrates that it's possible at least.
    // See the other sample app for a demonstration of how to use this library in
    // pure JS.
    private void addGoogleAuthNative() {
        Button button = new Button("Authenticate with Google (using native JS)");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public native void onClick(ClickEvent event) /*-{
                                                         "authUrl" : "",
                                                         "clientId" : "",
                                                         "scopes" : [
                                                         }, function(token) {
                                                         $wnd.alert("Got an OAuth token:\n" + token + "\n"
                                                         + "Token expires in " + $wnd.oauth2.expiresIn(req) + " ms\n");
                                                         }, function(error) {
                                                         $wnd.alert("Error:\n" + error);

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // CLEARING STORED TOKENS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // Clears all tokens stored in the browser by this library. Subsequent calls
    // to login() will result in the popup being shown, though it may immediately
    // disappear if the token has not expired.
    private void addClearTokens() {
        Button button = new Button("Clear stored tokens");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                Window.alert("All tokens cleared");