Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Main Activity of the application where "Grocery List" is displayed, edited and saved. */ public class MainActivity extends BaseDemoActivity { private static final String TAG = "MainActivity"; protected EditText groceryListEditText; protected Button updateGroceryListButton; // Instance variables used for DriveFile and DriveContents to help initiate file conflicts. protected DriveFile groceryListFile; protected DriveContents groceryListContents; // Receiver used to update the EditText once conflicts have been resolved. protected BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle b) { super.onCreate(b); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); groceryListEditText = (EditText) findViewById(; updateGroceryListButton = (Button) findViewById(; updateGroceryListButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (groceryListContents != null) { groceryListContents.reopenForWrite(getGoogleApiClient()) .setResultCallback(updateDriveContensCallback); // Disable update button to prevent double taps. updateGroceryListButton.setEnabled(false); } } }); // When conflicts are resolved, update the EditText with the resolved list // then open the contents so it contains the resolved list. broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (intent.getAction().equals(ConflictResolver.CONFLICT_RESOLVED)) { Log.d(TAG, "Received intent to update edit text."); String resolvedStr = intent.getStringExtra("conflictResolution"); groceryListEditText.setText(resolvedStr); // Open {@code groceryListFile} in read only mode to update // {@code groceryListContents} to current base state., DriveFile.MODE_READ_ONLY, null) .setResultCallback(driveContentsCallback); } } }; } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(ConflictResolver.CONFLICT_RESOLVED)); } @Override protected void onStop() { LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(broadcastReceiver); super.onStop(); } @Override public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) { super.onConnected(connectionHint); // Syncing to help devices use the same file. Drive.DriveApi.requestSync(getGoogleApiClient()).setResultCallback(syncCallback); } // Callback when requested sync returns. private ResultCallback<Status> syncCallback = new ResultCallback<Status>() { @Override public void onResult(Status status) { if (!status.isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to sync."); } Query query = new Query.Builder().addFilter( Filters.eq(SearchableField.TITLE, getResources().getString(R.string.groceryListFileName))) .build(); Drive.DriveApi.query(getGoogleApiClient(), query).setResultCallback(metadataCallback); } }; // Callback when search for the grocery list file returns. It sets {@code groceryListFile} if // it exists or initiates the creation of a new file if no file is found. private ResultCallback<DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult> metadataCallback = new ResultCallback<DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult>() { @Override public void onResult(DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult metadataBufferResult) { if (!metadataBufferResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { showMessage("Problem while retrieving results."); return; } int results = metadataBufferResult.getMetadataBuffer().getCount(); if (results > 0) { // If the file exists then use it. DriveId driveId = metadataBufferResult.getMetadataBuffer().get(0).getDriveId(); groceryListFile = Drive.DriveApi.getFile(getGoogleApiClient(), driveId);, DriveFile.MODE_READ_ONLY, null) .setResultCallback(driveContentsCallback); } else { // If the file does not exist then create one. Drive.DriveApi.newDriveContents(getGoogleApiClient()).setResultCallback(newContentsCallback); } } }; // Callback when {@code groceryListContents} is reopened for writing. private ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveContentsResult> updateDriveContensCallback = new ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveContentsResult>() { @Override public void onResult(DriveApi.DriveContentsResult driveContentsResult) { if (!driveContentsResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to updated grocery list."); return; } DriveContents driveContents = driveContentsResult.getDriveContents(); OutputStream outputStream = driveContents.getOutputStream(); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream); try { writer.write(groceryListEditText.getText().toString()); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); } // ExecutionOptions define the conflict strategy to be used. ExecutionOptions executionOptions = new ExecutionOptions.Builder().setNotifyOnCompletion(true) .setConflictStrategy(ExecutionOptions.CONFLICT_STRATEGY_KEEP_REMOTE).build(); driveContents.commit(getGoogleApiClient(), null, executionOptions) .setResultCallback(fileWrittenCallback); Log.d(TAG, "Saving file."); } }; // Callback when file has been written locally. private ResultCallback<Status> fileWrittenCallback = new ResultCallback<Status>() { @Override public void onResult(Status status) { if (!status.isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to write grocery list."); } Log.d(TAG, "File saved locally.");, DriveFile.MODE_READ_ONLY, null) .setResultCallback(driveContentsCallback); } }; // Callback when {@code DriveApi.DriveContentsResult} for the creation of a new // {@code DriveContents} has been returned. private ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveContentsResult> newContentsCallback = new ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveContentsResult>() { @Override public void onResult(DriveApi.DriveContentsResult driveContentsResult) { if (!driveContentsResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create grocery list file contents."); return; } Log.d(TAG, "grocery_list new file contents returned."); groceryListContents = driveContentsResult.getDriveContents(); MetadataChangeSet changeSet = new MetadataChangeSet.Builder() .setTitle(getResources().getString(R.string.groceryListFileName)).setMimeType("text/plain") .build(); // create a file on root folder Drive.DriveApi.getRootFolder(getGoogleApiClient()) .createFile(getGoogleApiClient(), changeSet, groceryListContents) .setResultCallback(groceryListFileCallback); } }; // Callback when request to create grocery list file is returned. private ResultCallback<DriveFolder.DriveFileResult> groceryListFileCallback = new ResultCallback<DriveFolder.DriveFileResult>() { @Override public void onResult(DriveFolder.DriveFileResult driveFileResult) { if (!driveFileResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create grocery list file."); return; } Log.d(TAG, "Grocery list file returned."); groceryListFile = driveFileResult.getDriveFile(); // Open {@code groceryListFile} in read only mode to update // {@code groceryListContents} to current base state., DriveFile.MODE_READ_ONLY, null) .setResultCallback(driveContentsCallback); } }; // Callback when request to open {@code groceryListFile} in read only mode is returned. private ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveContentsResult> driveContentsCallback = new ResultCallback<DriveApi.DriveContentsResult>() { @Override public void onResult(DriveApi.DriveContentsResult driveContentsResult) { if (!driveContentsResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to load grocery list data."); // Try to open {@code groceryListFile} again., DriveFile.MODE_READ_ONLY, null) .setResultCallback(driveContentsCallback); return; } groceryListContents = driveContentsResult.getDriveContents(); InputStream inputStream = groceryListContents.getInputStream(); String groceryListStr = ConflictUtil.getStringFromInputStream(inputStream); // Only update {@code groceryListEditText} initially when {@code groceryListFile} // is opened. if (groceryListEditText.getText().toString().equals("Loading...")) { groceryListEditText.setText(groceryListStr); } // The text in {@code groceryListEditText} should be the same as text in // {@code groceryListContents} to enable {@code updateGroceryListButton}. if (groceryListEditText.getText().toString().trim().equals(groceryListStr.trim())) { updateGroceryListButton.setEnabled(true); } } }; }