Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.*; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static; import static; /** * A fragment that renders Google+ search results for a given query, provided as the * {@link SocialStreamFragment#EXTRA_QUERY} extra in the fragment arguments. If no * search query is provided, the conference hashtag is used as the default query. */ public class SocialStreamFragment extends ListFragment implements AbsListView.OnScrollListener, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<List<Activity>> { private static final String TAG = makeLogTag(SocialStreamFragment.class); public static final String EXTRA_QUERY = ""; public static final String EXTRA_ADD_VERTICAL_MARGINS = ""; private static final String STATE_POSITION = "position"; private static final String STATE_TOP = "top"; private static final long MAX_RESULTS_PER_REQUEST = 20; private static final String PLUS_RESULT_FIELDS = "nextPageToken,items(id,annotation,updated,url,verb,actor(displayName,image)," + "object(actor/displayName,attachments(displayName,image/url,objectType," + "thumbnails(image/url,url),url),content,plusoners/totalItems,replies/totalItems," + "resharers/totalItems))"; private static final int STREAM_LOADER_ID = 0; private String mSearchString; private List<Activity> mStream = new ArrayList<Activity>(); private StreamAdapter mStreamAdapter = new StreamAdapter(); private int mListViewStatePosition; private int mListViewStateTop; private ImageLoader mImageLoader; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); final Intent intent = BaseActivity.fragmentArgumentsToIntent(getArguments()); // mSearchString can be populated before onCreate() by called refresh(String) if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchString)) { mSearchString = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_QUERY); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchString)) { mSearchString = UIUtils.CONFERENCE_HASHTAG; } if (!mSearchString.startsWith("#")) { mSearchString = "#" + mSearchString; } mImageLoader = PlusStreamRowViewBinder.getPlusStreamImageLoader(getActivity(), getResources()); setHasOptionsMenu(true); } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (savedInstanceState != null) { mListViewStatePosition = savedInstanceState.getInt(STATE_POSITION, -1); mListViewStateTop = savedInstanceState.getInt(STATE_TOP, 0); } else { mListViewStatePosition = -1; mListViewStateTop = 0; } return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); setEmptyText(getString(R.string.empty_social_stream)); // In support library r8, calling initLoader for a fragment in a FragmentPagerAdapter // in the fragment's onCreate may cause the same LoaderManager to be dealt to multiple // fragments because their mIndex is -1 (haven't been added to the activity yet). Thus, // we do this in onActivityCreated. getLoaderManager().initLoader(STREAM_LOADER_ID, null, this); } @Override public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); final ListView listView = getListView(); if (!UIUtils.isTablet(getActivity())) { view.setBackgroundColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.plus_stream_spacer_color)); } if (getArguments() != null && getArguments().getBoolean(EXTRA_ADD_VERTICAL_MARGINS, false)) { int verticalMargin = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.plus_stream_padding_vertical); if (verticalMargin > 0) { listView.setClipToPadding(false); listView.setPadding(0, verticalMargin, 0, verticalMargin); } } listView.setOnScrollListener(this); listView.setDrawSelectorOnTop(true); listView.setDivider(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.color.transparent)); listView.setDividerHeight(getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.page_margin_width)); TypedValue v = new TypedValue(); getActivity().getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.activatableItemBackground, v, true); listView.setSelector(v.resourceId); setListAdapter(mStreamAdapter); } @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { inflater.inflate(, menu); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case Intent intent = ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.from(getActivity()).setType("text/plain") .setText(mSearchString + "\n\n").getIntent(); UIUtils.preferPackageForIntent(getActivity(), intent, UIUtils.GOOGLE_PLUS_PACKAGE_NAME); startActivity(intent); EasyTracker.getTracker().sendEvent("Home Screen Dashboard", "Click", "Post to G+", 0L); LOGD("Tracker", "Home Screen Dashboard: Click, post to g+"); return true; } return false; } @Override public void onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { } @Override public void onDestroyOptionsMenu() { } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { if (isAdded()) { View v = getListView().getChildAt(0); int top = (v == null) ? 0 : v.getTop(); outState.putInt(STATE_POSITION, getListView().getFirstVisiblePosition()); outState.putInt(STATE_TOP, top); } super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); } public void refresh(String newQuery) { mSearchString = newQuery; refresh(true); } public void refresh() { refresh(false); } public void refresh(boolean forceRefresh) { if (isStreamLoading() && !forceRefresh) { return; } // clear current items mStream.clear(); mStreamAdapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated(); if (isAdded()) { Loader loader = getLoaderManager().getLoader(STREAM_LOADER_ID); ((StreamLoader) loader).init(mSearchString); } loadMoreResults(); } public void loadMoreResults() { if (isAdded()) { Loader loader = getLoaderManager().getLoader(STREAM_LOADER_ID); if (loader != null) { loader.forceLoad(); } } } @Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { Activity activity = mStream.get(position); Intent postDetailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(activity.getUrl())); postDetailIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET); UIUtils.preferPackageForIntent(getActivity(), postDetailIntent, UIUtils.GOOGLE_PLUS_PACKAGE_NAME); startActivity(postDetailIntent); } @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView listView, int scrollState) { // Pause disk cache access to ensure smoother scrolling if (scrollState == AbsListView.OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_FLING) { mImageLoader.stopProcessingQueue(); } else { mImageLoader.startProcessingQueue(); } } @Override public void onScroll(AbsListView absListView, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) { if (!isStreamLoading() && streamHasMoreResults() && visibleItemCount != 0 && firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount >= totalItemCount - 1) { loadMoreResults(); } } @Override public Loader<List<Activity>> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { return new StreamLoader(getActivity(), mSearchString); } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<List<Activity>> listLoader, List<Activity> activities) { if (activities != null) { mStream = activities; } mStreamAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (mListViewStatePosition != -1 && isAdded()) { getListView().setSelectionFromTop(mListViewStatePosition, mListViewStateTop); mListViewStatePosition = -1; } } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader<List<Activity>> listLoader) { } private boolean isStreamLoading() { if (isAdded()) { final Loader loader = getLoaderManager().getLoader(STREAM_LOADER_ID); if (loader != null) { return ((StreamLoader) loader).isLoading(); } } return true; } private boolean streamHasMoreResults() { if (isAdded()) { final Loader loader = getLoaderManager().getLoader(STREAM_LOADER_ID); if (loader != null) { return ((StreamLoader) loader).hasMoreResults(); } } return false; } private boolean streamHasError() { if (isAdded()) { final Loader loader = getLoaderManager().getLoader(STREAM_LOADER_ID); if (loader != null) { return ((StreamLoader) loader).hasError(); } } return false; } private static class StreamLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<Activity>> { List<Activity> mActivities; private String mSearchString; private String mNextPageToken; private boolean mIsLoading; private boolean mHasError; public StreamLoader(Context context, String searchString) { super(context); init(searchString); } private void init(String searchString) { mSearchString = searchString; mHasError = false; mNextPageToken = null; mIsLoading = true; mActivities = null; } @Override public List<Activity> loadInBackground() { mIsLoading = true; // Set up the HTTP transport and JSON factory HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport(); JsonFactory jsonFactory = new AndroidJsonFactory(); // Set up the main Google+ class Plus plus = new Plus.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, null) .setApplicationName(NetUtils.getUserAgent(getContext())) .setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(new CommonGoogleClientRequestInitializer(Config.API_KEY)) .build(); ActivityFeed activities = null; try { activities = plus.activities().search(mSearchString).setPageToken(mNextPageToken) .setOrderBy("recent").setMaxResults(MAX_RESULTS_PER_REQUEST).setFields(PLUS_RESULT_FIELDS) .execute(); mHasError = false; mNextPageToken = activities.getNextPageToken(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); mHasError = true; mNextPageToken = null; } return (activities != null) ? activities.getItems() : null; } @Override public void deliverResult(List<Activity> activities) { mIsLoading = false; if (activities != null) { if (mActivities == null) { mActivities = activities; } else { mActivities.addAll(activities); } } if (isStarted()) { // Need to return new ArrayList for some reason or onLoadFinished() is not called super.deliverResult(mActivities == null ? null : new ArrayList<Activity>(mActivities)); } } @Override protected void onStartLoading() { if (mActivities != null) { // If we already have results and are starting up, deliver what we already have. deliverResult(null); } else { forceLoad(); } } @Override protected void onStopLoading() { mIsLoading = false; cancelLoad(); } @Override protected void onReset() { super.onReset(); onStopLoading(); mActivities = null; } public boolean isLoading() { return mIsLoading; } public boolean hasMoreResults() { return mNextPageToken != null; } public boolean hasError() { return mHasError; } public void setSearchString(String searchString) { mSearchString = searchString; } public void refresh() { reset(); startLoading(); } } private class StreamAdapter extends BaseAdapter { private static final int VIEW_TYPE_ACTIVITY = 0; private static final int VIEW_TYPE_LOADING = 1; @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() { return false; } @Override public boolean isEnabled(int position) { return getItemViewType(position) == VIEW_TYPE_ACTIVITY; } @Override public int getViewTypeCount() { return 2; } @Override public boolean hasStableIds() { return true; } @Override public int getCount() { return mStream.size() + ( // show the status list row if... ((isStreamLoading() && mStream.size() == 0) // ...this is the first load || streamHasMoreResults() // ...or there's another page || streamHasError()) // ...or there's an error ? 1 : 0); } @Override public int getItemViewType(int position) { return (position >= mStream.size()) ? VIEW_TYPE_LOADING : VIEW_TYPE_ACTIVITY; } @Override public Object getItem(int position) { return (getItemViewType(position) == VIEW_TYPE_ACTIVITY) ? mStream.get(position) : null; } @Override public long getItemId(int position) { // TODO: better unique ID heuristic return (getItemViewType(position) == VIEW_TYPE_ACTIVITY) ? mStream.get(position).getId().hashCode() : -1; } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { if (getItemViewType(position) == VIEW_TYPE_LOADING) { if (convertView == null) { convertView = getLayoutInflater(null).inflate(R.layout.list_item_stream_status, parent, false); } if (streamHasError()) { convertView.findViewById(; ((TextView) convertView.findViewById(; } else { convertView.findViewById(; ((TextView) convertView.findViewById(; } return convertView; } else { Activity activity = (Activity) getItem(position); if (convertView == null) { convertView = getLayoutInflater(null).inflate(R.layout.list_item_stream_activity, parent, false); } PlusStreamRowViewBinder.bindActivityView(convertView, activity, mImageLoader, false); return convertView; } } } }