Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009 Welocalize, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.globalsight.cxe.persistence.fileprofile; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.Session; import com.globalsight.cxe.adapter.copyflow.CopyFlowAdapter; import com.globalsight.cxe.adapter.msoffice.MsOfficeAdapter; import com.globalsight.cxe.adapter.pdf.PdfAdapter; import com.globalsight.cxe.adapter.quarkframe.QuarkFrameAdapter; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileextension.FileExtension; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileextension.FileExtensionImpl; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileprofile.FileProfile; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileprofile.FileProfileImpl; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.knownformattype.KnownFormatType; import com.globalsight.cxe.entity.knownformattype.KnownFormatTypeImpl; import com.globalsight.cxe.persistence.knownformattype.KnownFormatTypeDescriptorModifier; import; import; import com.globalsight.everest.webapp.pagehandler.administration.fileprofile.FileProfileConstants; import com.globalsight.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.globalsight.util.edit.EditUtil; import com.globalsight.util.system.LogManager; import com.globalsight.util.system.LogType; /** * Implements the service interface for performing CRUD operations for * FileProfiles. */ public class FileProfilePersistenceManagerLocal implements FileProfilePersistenceManager { /** * Default constructor TODO: remove throws clause. */ public FileProfilePersistenceManagerLocal() // throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { super(); } // // IMPLEMENTATION OF FileProfiles FUNCTIONALITY // /** * Creates a new FileProfile object in the data store * * @return the newly created object */ public FileProfile createFileProfile(FileProfile p_profile) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { // if this is not a duplicate name - add it if (!isFileProfileNameDuplicate(p_profile)) { p_profile); return p_profile; } else { // it is a duplicate String errorArgs[] = { p_profile.getName() }; throw new FileProfileEntityException(FileProfileEntityException.MSG_FILE_PROFILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, errorArgs, null); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Return the file profile that has the given id. * * @param p_name * - The id of the file profile. * @param p_editable * -- whether the object should be editable * @return the file profile for the given name. */ public FileProfile getFileProfileById(long p_id, boolean p_editable) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { return readFileProfile(p_id); } /** * Return the file profile with the given id from the database The returned * object is in a state that allows editing. * * @return the file profile with the given id */ public FileProfile readFileProfile(long p_id) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { return (FileProfileImpl) HibernateUtil.get(FileProfileImpl.class, p_id, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Delete the given file profile from the database. */ public void deleteFileProfile(FileProfile p_fileProfile) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { HibernateUtil.delete(p_fileProfile); LogManager.log(LogType.FILEPROFILE, LogManager.EVENT_TYPE_REMOVE, p_fileProfile.getId(), "Delete File Profile [" + p_fileProfile.getName() + "]", p_fileProfile.getCompanyId()); } catch (Exception pe) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(pe); } } /** * <p> * Update the given file profile in the database. It is assumed that the * given object is a valid clone (i.e. it was obtained from the database in * an EDITABLE state). * * <p> * This method must be changed to be a void method. */ public FileProfile updateFileProfile(FileProfile p_fileProfile) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { // verify that the name isn't a duplicate // in case the name was modified. if (!isFileProfileNameDuplicate(p_fileProfile)) { HibernateUtil.update((FileProfileImpl) p_fileProfile); } else { // it is a duplicate String errorArgs[] = { p_fileProfile.getName() }; throw new FileProfileEntityException(FileProfileEntityException.MSG_FILE_PROFILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, errorArgs, null); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } return p_fileProfile; } /** * Return all available file profiles from the database. These are returned * as EDITABLE objects. * * @return a collection of file profiles */ public Collection getAllFileProfiles() throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { Vector ids = KnownFormatTypeDescriptorModifier.getExcludedFormatIds(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); HashMap map = null; hql.append("from FileProfileImpl f where f.isActive = 'Y' "); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql.append("and f.companyId = :companyId "); map = new HashMap(); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } if (ids != null && ids.size() > 0) { hql.append("and f.knownFormatTypeId != ").append(ids.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < ids.size(); i++) { hql.append(" and f.knownFormatTypeId != ").append(ids.get(i)); } } hql.append(" order by"); return filterFileProfiles(, map)); } catch (FileProfileEntityException fpee) { throw fpee; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } public Collection getAllFileProfilesByCondition(String condition) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { Vector ids = KnownFormatTypeDescriptorModifier.getExcludedFormatIds(); StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); hql.append( "select new com.globalsight.cxe.entity.fileprofile.FileprofileVo(f,,, "); hql.append(" from FileProfileImpl f, Company c ,BasicL10nProfile lp, KnownFormatTypeImpl kft "); hql.append(" where and and"); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql.append(" and f.companyId = ").append(Long.parseLong(currentId)); } if (ids != null && ids.size() > 0) { hql.append(" and f.knownFormatTypeId != ").append(ids.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < ids.size(); i++) { hql.append(" and f.knownFormatTypeId != " + ids.get(i)); } } hql.append(" ").append(condition).append(" and f.isActive = 'Y' order by"); Query q = session.createQuery(hql.toString()); return q.list(); } catch (FileProfileEntityException fpee) { throw fpee; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * @see FileProfilePersistenceManager.getFileProfilesByExtension */ public Collection getFileProfilesByExtension(List p_extensionNames) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append(" select fp.* from FILE_PROFILE fp, "); sql.append(" FILE_PROFILE_EXTENSION fpe, EXTENSION ext "); sql.append(" where fp.is_active = 'Y' and = "); sql.append(" fpe.file_profile_id and fpe.extension_id = "); sql.append(" and in ( "); int size = p_extensionNames.size(); for (int i = 0; i < p_extensionNames.size(); i++) { sql.append("'"); String ext = (String) p_extensionNames.get(i); sql.append(ext); if (i < size - 1) { sql.append("',"); } } sql.append("') union select * from FILE_PROFILE where "); sql.append(" is_active = 'Y' and id not in ( select distinct ("); sql.append(" file_profile_id ) from FILE_PROFILE_EXTENSION ) "); return HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(FileProfileImpl.class, sql.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * @see FileProfilePersistenceManager.getFileProfilesByExtension */ public Collection getFileProfilesByExtension(List p_extensionNames, long p_companyId) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append(" select fp.* from FILE_PROFILE fp, "); sql.append(" FILE_PROFILE_EXTENSION fpe, EXTENSION ext "); sql.append(" where fp.is_active = 'Y' and = "); sql.append(" fpe.file_profile_id and fpe.extension_id = "); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(String.valueOf(p_companyId))) { sql.append(" and fp.companyId='"); sql.append(p_companyId); sql.append("'"); } sql.append(" and in ( "); int size = p_extensionNames.size(); for (int i = 0; i < p_extensionNames.size(); i++) { sql.append("'"); String ext = (String) p_extensionNames.get(i); sql.append(ext); if (i < size - 1) { sql.append("',"); } } sql.append("') union select * from FILE_PROFILE where "); sql.append(" is_active = 'Y'"); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(String.valueOf(p_companyId))) { sql.append(" and companyId='"); sql.append(p_companyId); sql.append("'"); } sql.append(" and id not in (select distinct ("); sql.append("file_profile_id) from FILE_PROFILE_EXTENSION)"); return HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(FileProfileImpl.class, sql.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Return the file profile id for the given name from the database The * returned object is in a state that does not allow editing. * * @param p_name * - The name of the file profile. * @return the file profile id for the given name. */ public long getFileProfileIdByName(String p_name) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { FileProfile fileProFile = getFileProfileByName(p_name); long id = -1; if (fileProFile != null) { id = fileProFile.getId(); } return id; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Return the file profile with the given name from the database The * returned object is in a state that does not allow editing. * * @return the file profile with the given name */ public FileProfile getFileProfileByName(String p_name) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { String hql = "from FileProfileImpl f where f.isActive = 'Y' and = :name"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("name", p_name); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and f.companyId = :companyId"; map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } hql += " order by desc"; List result =, map); FileProfile fileProfile = null; if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { fileProfile = (FileProfileImpl) result.get(0); } return fileProfile; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Return the file profile with the given name from the database The * returned object is in a state that does not allow editing. * * @return the file profile with the given name */ public FileProfile getFileProfileByName(String p_name, boolean p_isActive) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { String hql = "from FileProfileImpl f where f.isActive = '"; hql += p_isActive ? "Y" : "N"; hql += "' and = :name"; HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("name", p_name); String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and f.companyId = :companyId"; map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } hql += " order by desc"; List result =, map); FileProfile fileProfile = null; if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { fileProfile = (FileProfileImpl) result.get(0); } return fileProfile; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } // // IMPLEMENTATION OF FileExtensions FUNCTIONALITY // /** * Creates a new FileExtension object in the data store. * * @throws FileProfileEntityException * if the extension is not valid or already exists. * @return the newly created object */ public FileExtension createFileExtension(FileExtension p_extension) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { // Validation throws an exception that can be shown in the UI. validateFileExtension(p_extension); return newFileExtension(p_extension); } private FileExtension newFileExtension(FileExtension p_extension) throws FileProfileEntityException { try { p_extension); return readFileExtension(p_extension.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Creates default file extensions for each company. * * @param p_companyId * Id of the company with to be created. */ public void createDefaultFileExtension(String p_companyId) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { String[] extensions = FileProfileConstants.extensions; for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) { newFileExtension(new FileExtensionImpl(extensions[i], p_companyId)); } } /** * Returns the file profile with the given id from the database The returned * object is in a state that allows editing. * * @return the file profile with the given id */ public FileExtension readFileExtension(long p_id) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { return (FileExtensionImpl) HibernateUtil.get(FileExtensionImpl.class, p_id); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Deletes a File Extension from the datastore */ public void deleteFileExtension(FileExtension p_fileExtension) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { HibernateUtil.delete((FileExtensionImpl) p_fileExtension); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * <p> * Update the given file extension in the database. It is assumed that the * given object is a valid clone (i.e. it was obtained from the database in * an EDITABLE state). * * <p> * This method must be changed to be a void method. */ public FileExtension updateFileExtension(FileExtension p_fileExtension) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { HibernateUtil.update((FileExtensionImpl) p_fileExtension); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } return p_fileExtension; } /** * Return all available file extensions from the database. These are * returned as EDITABLE objects. * * @return a collection of file extensions */ public Collection getAllFileExtensions() throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { String hql = "from FileExtensionImpl f where f.isActive='Y' "; HashMap map = null; String currentId = CompanyThreadLocal.getInstance().getValue(); if (!CompanyWrapper.SUPER_COMPANY_ID.equals(currentId)) { hql += " and f.companyId = :companyId"; map = new HashMap(); map.put("companyId", Long.parseLong(currentId)); } return, map); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } public FileExtensionImpl getFileExtension(long id) { try { return HibernateUtil.get(FileExtensionImpl.class, id); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } public HashMap<Long, String> getIdViewFileExtensions() throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { String sql = "SELECT fp.ID fid,e.NAME ename FROM file_profile fp, extension e, file_profile_extension fpe " + "WHERE fp.ID=fpe.FILE_PROFILE_ID AND e.ID=fpe.EXTENSION_ID AND fp.IS_ACTIVE='Y' AND e.IS_ACTIVE='Y'"; Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql); Collection<Object[]> listo = query.list(); HashMap<Long, String> result = new HashMap<Long, String>(); try { for (Iterator<Object[]> a = listo.iterator(); a.hasNext();) { Object[] test =; long key = ((BigInteger) test[0]).longValue(); String value = result.get(key); if (value != null) { result.put(key, value + "<br>" + (String) test[1]); } else { result.put(key, (String) test[1]); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } return result; } /** * Return all EXTENSIONs associated with the given file profile. These are * returned as IMMUTABLE (i.e. non-editable) objects. * * @param p_fileProfile * the file profile object containing the extension ids to search * for * * @return a collection of file extension objects. */ public Collection getFileExtensionsByFileProfile(FileProfile p_fileProfile) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { Collection results = null; // if there are file profile extensions if (p_fileProfile.getFileExtensionIds().size() > 0) { Vector args = new Vector(); args.add(p_fileProfile.getFileExtensionIds()); try { String sql = fileExtensionIds(p_fileProfile.getFileExtensionIds()); results = HibernateUtil.searchWithSql(sql, null, FileExtensionImpl.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } else { results = new Vector(); } return results; } private String fileExtensionIds(Vector p_fileExtensionIds) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("SELECT * FROM EXTENSION WHERE "); addExtensionIds(sb, p_fileExtensionIds); return sb.toString(); } private void addExtensionIds(StringBuffer p_sb, Vector p_ids) { p_sb.append("ID in ("); for (int i = 0; i < p_ids.size(); i++) { p_sb.append(p_ids.elementAt(i)); if (i < p_ids.size() - 1) { p_sb.append(", "); } } p_sb.append(")"); } /** * Checks if the file profile name associated with the specified profile * already exists as an active profile. If it does, makes sure that it isn't * the same file profile being passed in (this can happeen on a modify if * the name isn't changed). This is used when creating a new profile or * modifying an existing one. * * @return 'true' if it already exists, 'false' if it doesn't. */ private boolean isFileProfileNameDuplicate(FileProfile p_profile) throws Exception { boolean isDuplicate = false; // check if an active file profile already exists with this name long fileProfileId = getFileProfileIdByName(p_profile.getName()); // If one was found verify that it isn't the same file profile // as passed in... if (fileProfileId > 0) { if (fileProfileId != p_profile.getId()) { isDuplicate = true; } } return isDuplicate; } /** * Check if the file extension entered by user is duplicate, i.e. if that * file extension already exist. * * @return 'true' if that file extension already exist, or 'false' if that * file extension is not a duplicate. */ private boolean isFileExtensionNameDuplicate(FileExtension p_extension) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { boolean result = false; FileExtensionImpl fileExtension = new FileExtensionImpl(p_extension); Collection c = getAllFileExtensions(); for (Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { FileExtensionImpl ext = (FileExtensionImpl); if ((fileExtension.getName()).equals(ext.getName())) { result = true; break; } } return result; } /** * Check if the file extension entered by user is valid, i.e. check if it is * more than 40 characters long, if it contains certain invalid characters * or if the file extension already exists. * * @return 'true' if the FileExtension is valid, 'false' if it doesn't * satisfy these 3 conditions */ private boolean validateFileExtension(FileExtension p_fileExtension) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { if (EditUtil.getUTF8Len(p_fileExtension.getName()) > 40) { String errorArgs[] = { p_fileExtension.getName() }; throw new FileProfileEntityException(FileProfileEntityException.MSG_FILE_EXTENSION_TOO_LONG, errorArgs, null, FileProfileEntityException.PROP_FILEEXTENSION_MESSAGES); } else if (!EditUtil.validateFileExtension(p_fileExtension.getName())) { String errorArgs[] = { p_fileExtension.getName() }; throw new FileProfileEntityException(FileProfileEntityException.MSG_FILE_EXTENSION_INVALID, errorArgs, null, FileProfileEntityException.PROP_FILEEXTENSION_MESSAGES); } else if (isFileExtensionNameDuplicate(p_fileExtension)) { String errorArgs[] = { p_fileExtension.getName() }; throw new FileProfileEntityException(FileProfileEntityException.MSG_FILE_EXTENSION_ALREADY_EXISTS, errorArgs, null, FileProfileEntityException.PROP_FILEEXTENSION_MESSAGES); } return true; } // // IMPLEMENTATION OF KnownFormatType FUNCTIONALITY // /** * Return all available known format types from the database. These are * returned as IMMUTABLE objects. * * @return a collection of known format types */ public Collection getAllKnownFormatTypes() throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { Vector ids = KnownFormatTypeDescriptorModifier.getExcludedFormatIds(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append("from KnownFormatTypeImpl t "); if (ids != null && ids.size() > 0) { hql.append("where != ").append(ids.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < ids.size(); i++) { hql.append(" and != ").append(ids.get(i)); } } hql.append(" order by"); List types =, null); return filterFormats(types); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Reads the KnownFormatType object from the datastore (not editable) */ public KnownFormatType queryKnownFormatType(long p_id) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { return (KnownFormatTypeImpl) HibernateUtil.get(KnownFormatTypeImpl.class, p_id); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Gets the KnownFormatType object from the datastore */ public KnownFormatType getKnownFormatTypeById(long p_id, boolean p_editable) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { try { return (KnownFormatTypeImpl) HibernateUtil.get(KnownFormatTypeImpl.class, p_id); } catch (Exception e) { throw new FileProfileEntityException(e); } } /** * Removes formats which relate to adapters that are not installed. */ private ArrayList filterFormats(Collection c) { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); Iterator iter = a.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { KnownFormatType format = (KnownFormatType); if (formatNotInstalled(format)) iter.remove(); } return a; } /** * Removes file profiles which have formats that relate to adapters that are * not installed. */ private ArrayList filterFileProfiles(Collection c) throws FileProfileEntityException, RemoteException { ArrayList a = new ArrayList(c); Iterator iter = a.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileProfile fp = (FileProfile); long formatId = fp.getKnownFormatTypeId(); KnownFormatType format = queryKnownFormatType(formatId); if (formatNotInstalled(format)) iter.remove(); } return a; } /** * Returns true if the given format is NOT installed Otherwise returns false */ private boolean formatNotInstalled(KnownFormatType p_format) { String formatName = p_format.getName(); if (formatName.startsWith(KnownFormatType.FRAME) && !QuarkFrameAdapter.isFrameInstalled()) { return true; } if (formatName.equals(KnownFormatType.QUARK) && !QuarkFrameAdapter.isQuarkInstalled()) { return true; } if (formatName.equals(KnownFormatType.QUARKMAC) && !CopyFlowAdapter.isCopyFlowInstalled()) { return true; } if ((formatName.equals(KnownFormatType.WORD) || formatName.equals(KnownFormatType.RTF)) && !MsOfficeAdapter.isWordInstalled()) { return true; } if (formatName.equals(KnownFormatType.EXCEL) && !MsOfficeAdapter.isExcelInstalled()) { return true; } if (formatName.equals(KnownFormatType.POWERPOINT) && !MsOfficeAdapter.isPowerPointInstalled()) { return true; } if (formatName.equals(KnownFormatType.PDF) && !PdfAdapter.isInstalled()) { return true; } return false; // format is installed } /** * Validate if specified file profile is a XLZ reference file profile * * @param p_fileProfileName * @return if specified file profile name is a xlz reference file profile, * return true */ public boolean isXlzReferenceXlfFileProfile(String p_fileProfileName) { try { if (p_fileProfileName != null && p_fileProfileName.endsWith("_RFP")) { String tmpFPName = p_fileProfileName.substring(0, p_fileProfileName.length() - 4); FileProfile xlzFP = getFileProfileByName(tmpFPName); if (xlzFP == null) xlzFP = getFileProfileByName(tmpFPName, false); FileProfile xlfFP = getFileProfileByName(p_fileProfileName, false); if (xlzFP != null && xlfFP != null && xlzFP.getReferenceFP() == xlfFP.getId()) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } }