Java tutorial
package; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.AccessControl; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.BasePathBuilder; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.ConnectorException; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.Constants; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.ErrorCode; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.ImageProperties; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.License; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.ResourceType; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.api.ThumbnailProperties; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.plugins.FileEditorPlugin; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.plugins.ImageResizeParam; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.plugins.ImageResizePlugin; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.plugins.ImageResizeSize; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.plugins.WatermarkPlugin; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.plugins.WatermarkSettings; import com.github.zhanhb.ckfinder.connector.utils.PathUtils; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Class loads configuration from XML file. * * @author zhanhb */ public enum XmlConfigurationParser { INSTANCE; /** * bytes in KB. */ private static final int BYTES = 1024; private static final float MAX_QUALITY = 100f; /** * * @param resourceLoader resource loader to load xml configuration and * watermark resource * @param basePathBuilder base url and path builder * @param xmlFilePath string representation of the xml file * @return parsed configuration * @throws java.lang.Exception if exception occur when parse the resource */ public DefaultCKFinderContext parse(ResourceLoader resourceLoader, BasePathBuilder basePathBuilder, String xmlFilePath) throws Exception { DefaultCKFinderContext.Builder builder = DefaultCKFinderContext.builder(); Path basePath = basePathBuilder.getBasePath(); init(builder, resourceLoader, xmlFilePath, basePath, basePathBuilder); return; } /** * Initializes configuration from XML file. * * @param builder context builder * @param basePathBuilder base url and path builder * @param resourceLoader resource loader to load xml configuration * @param basePath base path * @param xmlFilePath string representation of the xml file * @throws ConnectorException when error occurs * @throws IOException when IO Exception occurs. * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException syntax error in xml file * @throws ParserConfigurationException no xml provider is avaliable */ private void init(DefaultCKFinderContext.Builder builder, ResourceLoader resourceLoader, String xmlFilePath, Path basePath, BasePathBuilder basePathBuilder) throws ConnectorException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { Resource resource = getFullConfigPath(resourceLoader, xmlFilePath); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc; try (InputStream stream = resource.getInputStream()) { doc = db.parse(stream); } doc.normalize(); License.Builder licenseBuilder = License.builder().name("").key(""); Node node = doc.getFirstChild(); ThumbnailProperties thumbnail = null; ImageProperties.Builder image = ImageProperties.builder(); if (node != null) { NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node childNode = nodeList.item(i); switch (childNode.getNodeName()) { case "enabled": builder.enabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode))); break; case "licenseName":; break; case "licenseKey": licenseBuilder.key(nullNodeToString(childNode)); break; case "imgWidth": String width = nullNodeToString(childNode); width = width.replaceAll("\\D", ""); try { image.maxWidth(Integer.parseInt(width)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { image.maxWidth(Constants.DEFAULT_IMG_WIDTH); } break; case "imgQuality": String quality = nullNodeToString(childNode); quality = quality.replaceAll("\\D", ""); image.quality(adjustQuality(quality)); break; case "imgHeight": String height = nullNodeToString(childNode); height = height.replaceAll("\\D", ""); try { image.maxHeight(Integer.parseInt(height)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { image.maxHeight(Constants.DEFAULT_IMG_HEIGHT); } break; case "thumbs": thumbnail = createThumbs(childNode.getChildNodes(), basePath, basePathBuilder); break; case "accessControls": setACLs(builder, childNode.getChildNodes()); break; case "hideFolders": setHiddenFolders(builder, childNode.getChildNodes()); break; case "hideFiles": setHiddenFiles(builder, childNode.getChildNodes()); break; case "checkDoubleExtension": builder.checkDoubleFileExtensions(Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode))); break; case "disallowUnsafeCharacters": builder.disallowUnsafeCharacters(Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode))); break; case "forceASCII": builder.forceAscii(Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode))); break; case "checkSizeAfterScaling": builder.checkSizeAfterScaling(Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode))); break; case "htmlExtensions": String htmlExt = nullNodeToString(childNode); StringTokenizer scanner = new StringTokenizer(htmlExt, ","); while (scanner.hasMoreTokens()) { String val = scanner.nextToken(); if (val != null && !val.isEmpty()) { builder.htmlExtension(val.trim().toLowerCase()); } } break; case "secureImageUploads": builder.secureImageUploads(Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode))); break; case "uriEncoding": break; case "userRoleSessionVar": builder.userRoleName(nullNodeToString(childNode)); break; case "defaultResourceTypes": String value = nullNodeToString(childNode); StringTokenizer sc = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); while (sc.hasMoreTokens()) { builder.defaultResourceType(sc.nextToken()); } break; case "plugins": setPlugins(builder, childNode, resourceLoader); break; default: break; } } } builder.image(; builder.licenseFactory(new FixLicenseFactory(; setTypes(builder.thumbnail(thumbnail), doc, basePathBuilder, thumbnail); } /** * Returns XML node contents or empty String instead of null if XML node is * empty. * * @param childNode the xml node * @return the text content */ private String nullNodeToString(Node childNode) { String textContent = childNode.getTextContent(); return textContent == null ? "" : textContent.trim(); } /** * Gets absolute path to XML configuration file. * * @param resourceLoader resource loader to load xml configuration and * watermark resource * @param xmlFilePath string representation of the xml file * @return absolute path to XML configuration file * @throws ConnectorException when absolute path cannot be obtained. */ private Resource getFullConfigPath(ResourceLoader resourceLoader, String xmlFilePath) throws ConnectorException { Resource resource = resourceLoader.getResource(xmlFilePath); if (!resource.exists()) { throw new ConnectorException(ErrorCode.FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Configuration file could not be found under specified location."); } return resource; } /** * Adjusts image quality. * * @param imgQuality Image quality * @return Adjusted image quality */ private float adjustQuality(String imgQuality) { float helper; try { helper = Math.abs(Float.parseFloat(imgQuality)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Constants.DEFAULT_IMG_QUALITY; } if (helper == 0 || helper == 1) { return helper; } else if (helper > 0 && helper < 1) { helper = (Math.round(helper * MAX_QUALITY) / MAX_QUALITY); } else if (helper > 1 && helper <= MAX_QUALITY) { helper = (Math.round(helper) / MAX_QUALITY); } else { helper = Constants.DEFAULT_IMG_QUALITY; } return helper; } /** * Sets hidden files list defined in XML configuration. * * @param builder context builder * @param childNodes list of files nodes. */ private void setHiddenFiles(DefaultCKFinderContext.Builder builder, NodeList childNodes) { for (int i = 0, j = childNodes.getLength(); i < j; i++) { Node node = childNodes.item(i); if (node.getNodeName().equals("file")) { String val = nullNodeToString(node); if (!val.isEmpty()) { builder.hiddenFile(val.trim()); } } } } /** * Sets hidden folders list defined in XML configuration. * * @param builder context builder * @param childNodes list of folder nodes. */ private void setHiddenFolders(DefaultCKFinderContext.Builder builder, NodeList childNodes) { for (int i = 0, j = childNodes.getLength(); i < j; i++) { Node node = childNodes.item(i); if (node.getNodeName().equals("folder")) { String val = nullNodeToString(node); if (!val.isEmpty()) { builder.hiddenFolder(val.trim()); } } } } /** * Sets ACL configuration as a list of access control levels. * * @param builder context builder * @param childNodes nodes with ACL configuration. */ private void setACLs(DefaultCKFinderContext.Builder builder, NodeList childNodes) { InMemoryAccessController accessControl = new InMemoryAccessController(); for (int i = 0, j = childNodes.getLength(); i < j; i++) { Node childNode = childNodes.item(i); if (childNode.getNodeName().equals("accessControl")) { AccessControlLevel acl = getACLFromNode(childNode); if (acl != null) { accessControl.addPermission(acl); } } } builder.accessControl(accessControl); } /** * Gets single ACL configuration from XML node. * * @param childNode XML accessControl node. * @return access control level object. */ private AccessControlLevel getACLFromNode(Node childNode) { String role = null; String resourceType = null; String folder = null; int mask = 0; for (int i = 0, j = childNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i < j; i++) { Node childChildNode = childNode.getChildNodes().item(i); String nodeName = childChildNode.getNodeName(); int index = 0; boolean bool = false; switch (nodeName) { case "role": role = nullNodeToString(childChildNode); break; case "resourceType": resourceType = nullNodeToString(childChildNode); break; case "folder": folder = nullNodeToString(childChildNode); break; case "folderView": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FOLDER_VIEW; break; case "folderCreate": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FOLDER_CREATE; break; case "folderRename": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FOLDER_RENAME; break; case "folderDelete": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FOLDER_DELETE; break; case "fileView": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FILE_VIEW; break; case "fileUpload": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FILE_UPLOAD; break; case "fileRename": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FILE_RENAME; break; case "fileDelete": bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childChildNode)); index = AccessControl.FILE_DELETE; break; } if (index != 0) { if (bool) { mask |= index; } else { mask &= ~index; } } } if (resourceType == null || role == null) { return null; } if (folder == null || folder.isEmpty()) { folder = "/"; } return AccessControlLevel.builder().folder(folder).resourceType(resourceType).role(role).mask(mask).build(); } /** * creates thumb properties from XML. * * @param childNodes list of thumb XML nodes * @param basePathBuilder base url and path builder * @param basePath base path * @throws ConnectorException when error occurs * @throws IOException when IO Exception occurs. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private ThumbnailProperties createThumbs(NodeList childNodes, Path basePath, BasePathBuilder basePathBuilder) throws ConnectorException, IOException { boolean enabled = true; ThumbnailProperties.Builder thumbnail = ThumbnailProperties.builder(); for (int i = 0, j = childNodes.getLength(); i < j; i++) { Node childNode = childNodes.item(i); switch (childNode.getNodeName()) { case "enabled": enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode)); break; case "url": thumbnail.url(PathUtils.normalizeUrl(basePathBuilder.getBaseUrl() + nullNodeToString(childNode).replace(Constants.BASE_URL_PLACEHOLDER, ""))); break; case "directory": String thumbsDir = nullNodeToString(childNode).replace(Constants.BASE_DIR_PLACEHOLDER, ""); Path file = getPath(basePath, thumbsDir); if (file == null) { throw new ConnectorException(ErrorCode.FOLDER_NOT_FOUND, "Thumbs directory could not be created using specified path."); } thumbnail.path(Files.createDirectories(file)); break; case "directAccess": thumbnail.directAccess(Boolean.parseBoolean(nullNodeToString(childNode))); break; case "maxHeight": String width = nullNodeToString(childNode); width = width.replaceAll("\\D", ""); try { thumbnail.maxHeight(Integer.valueOf(width)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { thumbnail.maxHeight(Constants.DEFAULT_THUMB_MAX_WIDTH); } break; case "maxWidth": width = nullNodeToString(childNode); width = width.replaceAll("\\D", ""); try { thumbnail.maxWidth(Integer.valueOf(width)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { thumbnail.maxWidth(Constants.DEFAULT_THUMB_MAX_HEIGHT); } break; case "quality": String quality = nullNodeToString(childNode); quality = quality.replaceAll("\\D", ""); thumbnail.quality(adjustQuality(quality)); } } return enabled ? : null; } /** * Creates resource types configuration from XML configuration file (from XML * element 'types'). * * @param builder context builder * @param doc XML document. * @param basePathBuilder base url and path builder * @throws IOException when IO Exception occurs. * @throws ConnectorException when error occurs */ private void setTypes(DefaultCKFinderContext.Builder builder, Document doc, BasePathBuilder basePathBuilder, ThumbnailProperties thumbnail) throws IOException, ConnectorException { NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("type"); for (int i = 0, j = list.getLength(); i < j; i++) { Element element = (Element) list.item(i); String name = element.getAttribute("name"); if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { ResourceType resourceType = createTypeFromXml(name, element.getChildNodes(), basePathBuilder, thumbnail); builder.type(name, resourceType); } } } /** * Creates single resource type configuration from XML configuration file * (from XML element 'type'). * * @param typeName name of type. * @param childNodes type XML child nodes. * @param basePathBuilder base url and path builder * @return parsed resource type * @throws IOException when IO Exception occurs. * @throws ConnectorException when error occurs */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private ResourceType createTypeFromXml(String typeName, NodeList childNodes, BasePathBuilder basePathBuilder, ThumbnailProperties thumbnail) throws IOException, ConnectorException { ResourceType.Builder builder = ResourceType.builder().name(typeName); String path = typeName.toLowerCase(); String url = typeName.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0, j = childNodes.getLength(); i < j; i++) { Node childNode = childNodes.item(i); switch (childNode.getNodeName()) { case "url": url = nullNodeToString(childNode); break; case "directory": path = nullNodeToString(childNode); break; case "maxSize": long maxSize = 0; try { parseMaxSize(nullNodeToString(childNode)); } catch (NumberFormatException | IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { } builder.maxSize(maxSize); break; case "allowedExtensions": builder.allowedExtensions(nullNodeToString(childNode)); break; case "deniedExtensions": builder.deniedExtensions(nullNodeToString(childNode)); } } url = basePathBuilder.getBaseUrl() + url.replace(Constants.BASE_URL_PLACEHOLDER, ""); url = PathUtils.normalizeUrl(url); path = path.replace(Constants.BASE_DIR_PLACEHOLDER, ""); Path p = getPath(basePathBuilder.getBasePath(), path); if (!p.isAbsolute()) { throw new ConnectorException(ErrorCode.FOLDER_NOT_FOUND, "Resource directory could not be created using specified path."); } return builder.url(url).path(Files.createDirectories(p)) .thumbnailPath(getPath(thumbnail != null ? thumbnail.getPath() : null, path)).build(); } /** * parses max size value from config (ex. 16M to number of bytes). * * @param maxSize string representation of the max size * @return number of bytes in max size. */ private long parseMaxSize(String maxSize) { char lastChar = Character.toLowerCase(maxSize.charAt(maxSize.length() - 1)); int a = 1, off = 1; switch (lastChar) { case 'k': a = BYTES; break; case 'm': a = BYTES * BYTES; break; case 'g': a = BYTES * BYTES * BYTES; break; default: off = 0; break; } long value = Long.parseLong(maxSize.substring(0, maxSize.length() - off)); return value * a; } /** * Sets plugins list from XML configuration file. * * @param builder context builder * @param childNode child of XML node 'plugins'. * @param resourceLoader resource loader to load xml configuration and * watermark resource */ private void setPlugins(DefaultCKFinderContext.Builder builder, Node childNode, ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { NodeList nodeList = childNode.getChildNodes(); int length = nodeList.getLength(); List<Plugin> plugins = new ArrayList<>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Node childChildNode = nodeList.item(i); if ("plugin".equals(childChildNode.getNodeName())) { PluginInfo pluginInfo = createPluginFromNode(childChildNode); String name = pluginInfo.getName(); if (name != null) { Plugin plugin; switch (name) { case "imageresize": try { plugin = new ImageResizePlugin(pluginInfo.getParams().entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(entry -> ImageResizeParam.valueOf(entry.getKey()), entry -> new ImageResizeSize(entry.getValue())))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { plugin = new ImageResizePlugin(ImageResizeParam.createDefaultParams()); } break; case "watermark": WatermarkSettings watermarkSettings = parseWatermarkSettings(pluginInfo, resourceLoader); plugin = new WatermarkPlugin(watermarkSettings); break; case "fileeditor": plugin = new FileEditorPlugin(); break; default: continue; } plugins.add(plugin); } } } builder.eventsFromPlugins(plugins); } private WatermarkSettings parseWatermarkSettings(PluginInfo pluginInfo, ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { WatermarkSettings.Builder settings = WatermarkSettings.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : pluginInfo.getParams().entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final String value = entry.getValue(); switch (name) { case "source": settings.source(resourceLoader.getResource(value)); break; case "transparency": settings.transparency(Float.parseFloat(value)); break; case "quality": final int parseInt = Integer.parseInt(value); final int name1 = parseInt % 101; final float name2 = name1 / 100f; settings.quality(name2); break; case "marginBottom": settings.marginBottom(Integer.parseInt(value)); break; case "marginRight": settings.marginRight(Integer.parseInt(value)); break; } } return; } /** * Creates plugin data from configuration file. * * @param element XML plugin node. * @return PluginInfo data */ private PluginInfo createPluginFromNode(Node element) { PluginInfo.Builder builder = PluginInfo.builder(); NodeList list = element.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0, l = list.getLength(); i < l; i++) { Node childElem = list.item(i); String nodeName = childElem.getNodeName(); String textContent = nullNodeToString(childElem); switch (nodeName) { case "name":; break; case "params": NodeList paramLlist = childElem.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0, m = paramLlist.getLength(); j < m; j++) { Node node = paramLlist.item(j); if ("param".equals(node.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap map = node.getAttributes(); String name = null; String value = null; for (int k = 0, o = map.getLength(); k < o; k++) { Node item = map.item(k); String nodeName1 = item.getNodeName(); if ("name".equals(nodeName1)) { name = nullNodeToString(item); } else if ("value".equals(nodeName1)) { value = nullNodeToString(item); } } builder.param(name, value); } } break; } } return; } private Path getPath(Path first, String... more) { return first == null ? null : first.getFileSystem().getPath(first.toString(), more); } }