Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Pedro Paulo de Amorim. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.ppamorim.prismview; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import com.facebook.rebound.SimpleSpringListener; import com.facebook.rebound.Spring; import com.facebook.rebound.SpringConfig; import com.facebook.rebound.SpringSystem; import com.facebook.rebound.SpringUtil; import com.github.ppamorim.PrismPosition; import com.github.ppamorim.SpringType; import com.github.ppamorim.creator.FragmentViewItemAdapter; /** * Provides a Facebook like * transition for your activity, this uses Rebound to provide the animations. */ public class PrismActivity extends AppCompatActivity { public static final int DEFAULT_TENSION = 40; public static final int DEFAULT_FRICTION = 5; public static final int DEFAULT_BOUNCENESS = 0; public static final int DEFAULT_SPEED = 20; public static final double DEFAULT_SMALL_RATIO = 0.8; private boolean hideEnabled = true; public int firstValue; public int secondValue; public double smallRatio = DEFAULT_SMALL_RATIO; public PrismPosition prismPosition = PrismPosition.RIGHT; public SpringType springType = SpringType.ORIGAMI; private FrameLayout root; private View mainView; private FrameLayout prismView; private FragmentViewItemAdapter fragmentViewItemAdapter; private ActivityHelper activityHelper; private Spring moveSpring; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); activityHelper = new ActivityHelper(); activityHelper.config(getWindow()); } /** * Initializes the RootView loading the activity_prism layout * and add the view of the #layoutResID in the root view. * * @param layoutResID Main view layout. */ @Override public void setContentView(int layoutResID) { super.setContentView(initializeRootView()); initialize(LayoutInflater.from(getApplicationContext()).inflate(layoutResID, null, false)); } /** * This initialize the RootView loading the activity_prism layout * and add the view of the #view in the root view. * * @param view Main view. */ @Override public void setContentView(View view) { super.setContentView(initializeRootView()); initialize(view); } @Override public void setContentView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) { super.setContentView(initializeRootView(), params); initialize(view); } /** * This check the consistency of the #mainView object and add the #mainView view * at the root view, after create a new instance of prismView and add this at the * root too. * Then, move the #prismView to the right position. * @param savedInstanceState */ @Override protected void onPostCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onPostCreate(savedInstanceState); if (mainView == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("mainView is null, did you set this view?"); } root.addView(mainView); if (prismView == null) { prismView = new FrameLayout(getApplicationContext()); prismView.setId(prismView.getClass().hashCode()); } root.addView(prismView, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); initializePositions(); } /** * Add listener for moveSpring when the activity is resumed. */ @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); initializeListeners(); } /** * Remove the listener for moveSpring when the activity is paused. */ @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); moveSpring().removeAllListeners(); } /** * Inflates the base layout if this library. * @return return the root view. */ private FrameLayout initializeRootView() { root = (FrameLayout) LayoutInflater.from(getApplicationContext()).inflate(R.layout.activity_prism, null, false); return root; } /** * Instantiates the #mainView. * @param mainView Return a instantiated #mainView. */ private void initialize(View mainView) { this.mainView = mainView; } /** * Sets X position of the main view. */ private void initializePositions() { if (prismView != null && activityHelper != null) { if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.RIGHT) { ViewCompat.setTranslationX(prismView, activityHelper.getWidth()); } else if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.LEFT) { ViewCompat.setTranslationX(prismView, -activityHelper.getWidth()); } else if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.TOP) { ViewCompat.setTranslationY(prismView, -activityHelper.getHeight()); } else if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.BOTTOM) { ViewCompat.setTranslationY(prismView, activityHelper.getHeight()); } } } private void initializeListeners() { SimpleSpringListener simpleSpringListener = null; if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.RIGHT) { simpleSpringListener = translationRight; } else if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.LEFT) { simpleSpringListener = translationLeft; } else if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.TOP) { simpleSpringListener = translationTop; } else if (prismPosition == PrismPosition.BOTTOM) { simpleSpringListener = translationBottom; } if (simpleSpringListener != null) { moveSpring().removeAllListeners().addListener(simpleSpringListener); } } /** * Load and replace the #prismView with a fragment. * Then, lazily performs a animation (reveal). * @param fragmentViewItemAdapter Instance of FragmentViewItemAdapter. */ public void setAdapter(FragmentViewItemAdapter fragmentViewItemAdapter) { this.fragmentViewItemAdapter = fragmentViewItemAdapter; } public void show(int position) { if (fragmentViewItemAdapter == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("adapter is null"); } if (fragmentViewItemAdapter.getLoadedPosition() != position) { fragmentViewItemAdapter.setLoadedPosition(position); FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); transaction.replace(prismView.getId(), fragmentViewItemAdapter.getItem(position)); transaction.commit(); } reveal(); } /** * Active this method when you don't want to hide the mainView * when the animation is complete. * @param enabled set animation enabled. */ public void setHideEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.hideEnabled = enabled; } /** * @return True if animation is enabled. */ public boolean isHideEnabled() { return hideEnabled; } public void setOrigami(int tension, int friction) { if (springType == SpringType.ORIGAMI) { this.firstValue = tension; this.secondValue = friction; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("You must use SpringType.ORIGAMI" + " if you want to use setOrigami"); } } public void setBouncenessSpeed(int bounceness, int speed) { if (springType == SpringType.SPEEDBOUNCINESS) { this.firstValue = bounceness; this.secondValue = speed; } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "You must use SpringType.SPEEDBOUNCINESS" + " if you want to use setSpeedBounceness"); } } /** * @return Min size of the #mainView when the PrismView is reveled. */ public double getSmallRatio() { return smallRatio; } /** * Set the smallest ratio of the #mainView. * @param smallRatio Need to be smaller than or equals 1. */ public void setSmallRatio(double smallRatio) { if (smallRatio <= 1) { this.smallRatio = smallRatio; } } /** * @return Type of the spring mode */ public SpringType getSpringType() { return springType; } /** * Set the type of spring mode * @param springType Enum type */ public void setSpringType(SpringType springType) { this.springType = springType; } /** * @return Position of the PrismView */ public PrismPosition getPrismPosition() { return prismPosition; } /** * Set the side of the PrismView * @param prismPosition Enum position */ public void setPrismPosition(PrismPosition prismPosition) { this.prismPosition = prismPosition; initializePositions(); initializeListeners(); } /** * Perform the reveal animation. */ public void reveal() { reset(); moveSpring().setCurrentValue(0); moveSpring().setEndValue(1); } /** * Perform the hide animation. */ public void hide() { reset(); moveSpring().setCurrentValue(1); moveSpring().setEndValue(0); } /** * @return True if getCurrentValue() is bigger than 0. */ public boolean isRevelead() { return moveSpring().getCurrentValue() > 0; } private void showMainView() { prismView.setVisibility(View.GONE); mainView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } private void showPrismView() { prismView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mainView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } /** * Reset the view to perform the reveal or hide animation. */ private void reset() { initializePositions(); prismView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mainView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } /** * Create a new instance of SimpleSpringListener that performs * a translationX, ScaleX, ScaleY and alpha value change. * * At the finish of the animation, verify if the getCurrentValue() * is equals 1, if true, show the PrismView, else, show the MainView. */ private SimpleSpringListener translationRight = new SimpleSpringListener() { @Override public void onSpringUpdate(Spring spring) { super.onSpringUpdate(spring); double currentValue = spring.getCurrentValue(); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(prismView, (float) SpringUtil.mapValueFromRangeToRange(currentValue, 0, 1, activityHelper.getWidth(), 0)); mainViewUpdate(currentValue); } @Override public void onSpringAtRest(Spring spring) { super.onSpringAtRest(spring); onSpringAtRestOut(spring); } }; /** * Create a new instance of SimpleSpringListener that performs * a translationX, ScaleX, ScaleY and alpha value change. * * At the finish of the animation, verify if the getCurrentValue() * is equals 1, if true, show the PrismView, else, show the MainView. */ private SimpleSpringListener translationLeft = new SimpleSpringListener() { @Override public void onSpringUpdate(Spring spring) { super.onSpringUpdate(spring); double currentValue = spring.getCurrentValue(); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(prismView, (float) SpringUtil.mapValueFromRangeToRange(currentValue, 0, 1, -activityHelper.getWidth(), 0)); mainViewUpdate(currentValue); } @Override public void onSpringAtRest(Spring spring) { super.onSpringAtRest(spring); onSpringAtRestOut(spring); } }; /** * Create a new instance of SimpleSpringListener that performs * a translationX, ScaleX, ScaleY and alpha value change. * * At the finish of the animation, verify if the getCurrentValue() * is equals 1, if true, show the PrismView, else, show the MainView. */ private SimpleSpringListener translationTop = new SimpleSpringListener() { @Override public void onSpringUpdate(Spring spring) { super.onSpringUpdate(spring); double currentValue = spring.getCurrentValue(); ViewCompat.setTranslationY(prismView, (float) SpringUtil.mapValueFromRangeToRange(currentValue, 0, 1, -activityHelper.getHeight(), 0)); mainViewUpdate(currentValue); } @Override public void onSpringAtRest(Spring spring) { super.onSpringAtRest(spring); onSpringAtRestOut(spring); } }; /** * Create a new instance of SimpleSpringListener that performs * a translationX, ScaleX, ScaleY and alpha value change. * * At the finish of the animation, verify if the getCurrentValue() * is equals 1, if true, show the PrismView, else, show the MainView. */ private SimpleSpringListener translationBottom = new SimpleSpringListener() { @Override public void onSpringUpdate(Spring spring) { super.onSpringUpdate(spring); double currentValue = spring.getCurrentValue(); ViewCompat.setTranslationY(prismView, (float) SpringUtil.mapValueFromRangeToRange(currentValue, 0, 1, activityHelper.getHeight(), 0)); mainViewUpdate(currentValue); } @Override public void onSpringAtRest(Spring spring) { super.onSpringAtRest(spring); onSpringAtRestOut(spring); } }; private void mainViewUpdate(double currentValue) { float ratio = (float) SpringUtil.mapValueFromRangeToRange(currentValue, 0, 1, 1, smallRatio); ViewCompat.setScaleX(mainView, ratio); ViewCompat.setScaleY(mainView, ratio); ViewCompat.setAlpha(mainView, ratio); } private void onSpringAtRestOut(Spring spring) { if (hideEnabled) { if (spring.getCurrentValue() == 1) { showPrismView(); } else { showMainView(); } } } /** * Create a new Instance of moveSpring if it's needed. * @return Instance of moveSpring. */ private Spring moveSpring() { SpringConfig springConfig = null; if (springType == SpringType.ORIGAMI) { if (isValuesNotSet()) { firstValue = DEFAULT_TENSION; secondValue = DEFAULT_FRICTION; } springConfig = SpringConfig.fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(firstValue, secondValue); } else if (springType == SpringType.SPEEDBOUNCINESS) { if (isValuesNotSet()) { firstValue = DEFAULT_BOUNCENESS; secondValue = DEFAULT_SPEED; } springConfig = SpringConfig.fromBouncinessAndSpeed(firstValue, secondValue); } if (moveSpring == null) { if (springConfig != null) { moveSpring = SpringSystem.create().createSpring().setSpringConfig(springConfig); } } else { moveSpring.setSpringConfig(springConfig); } return moveSpring; } private boolean isValuesNotSet() { return firstValue == -1 || secondValue == -1; } }