Java tutorial
/* * IntentsLab - Android app for playing with Intents and Binder IPC * Copyright (C) 2014 Micha Bednarski * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.valueeditors.framework; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.widget.Toast; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.BuildConfig; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.R; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.Utils; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.editor.BundleAdapter; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.editor.IntentEditorActivity; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.sandbox.SandboxedObject; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.sandbox.SandboxedType; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.valueeditors.ArrayEditorFragment; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.valueeditors.BundleEditorFragment; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.valueeditors.EnumEditor; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.valueeditors.StringLikeItemEditor; import com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.valueeditors.object.ObjectEditorFragment; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Editor launcher for object editing */ public class EditorLauncher { /** * The editor registry * * @see Editor */ private static final Editor[] EDITOR_REGISTRY = { // Boolean flipper new Editor.InPlaceValueToggler() { @Override public boolean canEdit(Object value) { return value instanceof Boolean; } @Override public Object toggleObjectValue(Object originalValue) { return !((Boolean) originalValue); } }, // String like editor new StringLikeItemEditor.LaunchableEditor(), // Bundle editor new BundleEditorFragment.LaunchableEditor(), // Intent editor new IntentEditorActivity.LaunchableEditor(), // Enum editor new EnumEditor.LaunchableEditor(), // Array editor new ArrayEditorFragment.LaunchableEditor(), // Generic Parcelable object editor new ObjectEditorFragment.LaunchableEditor() }; interface EditorLauncherCallbackBase { } /** * EditorLauncher Callback * * This is interface implemented by caller of launchEditor * returning data after edit, passed to constructor */ public interface EditorLauncherCallback extends EditorLauncherCallbackBase { void onEditorResult(String key, Object newValue); } /** * EditorLauncher Callback with support for {@link #launchEditorForSandboxedObject(String, String, SandboxedObject)} * * This is interface implemented by caller of launchEditor * returning data after edit, passed to constructor */ public interface EditorLauncherWithSandboxCallback extends EditorLauncherCallback { void onSandboxedEditorResult(String key, SandboxedObject newWrappedValue); } /** * EditorLauncher Callback Delegate * * This is interface implemented by caller of launchEditor * returning data after edit, passed to constructor */ public interface EditorLauncherCallbackDelegate extends EditorLauncherCallbackBase { EditorLauncherCallback getEditorLauncherCallback(); } private static final int REQUEST_CODE_INTERNAL_EDITOR = 0; private HelperFragment mHelperFragment; HelperFragment getHelperFragment() { return mHelperFragment; } private Fragment getOwnerFragment() { return mHelperFragment.getParentFragment(); } private EditorLauncherCallback getCallback() { Fragment ownerFragment = getOwnerFragment(); if (ownerFragment instanceof EditorLauncherCallbackDelegate) { return ((EditorLauncherCallbackDelegate) ownerFragment).getEditorLauncherCallback(); } else { return (EditorLauncherCallback) ownerFragment; } } /** * For state restoring after process being killed * * ownerFragment -> editorLauncher */ private static HashMap<Fragment, EditorLauncher> sPendingInitializations = new HashMap<Fragment, EditorLauncher>(); EditorLauncher(final Fragment ownerFragment) { // Verify interface if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && !(ownerFragment instanceof EditorLauncherCallback || ownerFragment instanceof EditorLauncherCallbackDelegate)) { throw new AssertionError("Fragment doesn't implement callback interface"); } // Find existing helper fragment FragmentManager fragmentManager = ownerFragment.getChildFragmentManager(); mHelperFragment = (HelperFragment) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(TAG_HELPER_FRAGMENT); // Create it if it doesn't exist if (mHelperFragment == null) { mHelperFragment = new HelperFragment(); fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(mHelperFragment, TAG_HELPER_FRAGMENT).commit(); fragmentManager.executePendingTransactions(); // If our process has been restarted fragment manager won't // use fragment we added above. // Add owner (parent) fragment to pending initializations and let it // associate with us in it's onCreate sPendingInitializations.put(ownerFragment, this); (new Handler()).post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { sPendingInitializations.remove(ownerFragment); } }); } // Assign to helper fragment mHelperFragment.mEditorLauncher = this; } static EditorLauncher getExistingForFragment(Fragment ownerFragment) { HelperFragment helperFragment = (HelperFragment) ownerFragment.getChildFragmentManager() .findFragmentByTag(TAG_HELPER_FRAGMENT); if (helperFragment != null) { return helperFragment.mEditorLauncher; } return null; } public static <F extends Fragment & EditorLauncher.EditorLauncherCallbackBase> EditorLauncher getForFragment( F ownerFragment) { EditorLauncher editorLauncher = getExistingForFragment(ownerFragment); if (editorLauncher == null) { editorLauncher = new EditorLauncher(ownerFragment); } return editorLauncher; } /** * Start an editor or show Toast message if no applicable editor is available * * Results are returned to {@link EditorLauncher.EditorLauncherCallback#onEditorResult(String, Object) your onEditorResult method} * * @param key Key/title, will be visible to user, returned intact to onEditorResult * @param value Value to be edited */ public void launchEditor(final String key, Object value) { launchEditor(key, key, value); } /** * Start an editor or show Toast message if no applicable editor is available * * Results are returned to {@link EditorLauncherCallback#onEditorResult(String, Object) your onEditorResult method} * * @param key Key, returned to onEditorResult * @param title Title that may be displayed on editor * @param value Value to be edited */ public void launchEditor(final String key, String title, Object value) { launchEditor(key, title, value, null); } /** * Start an editor or show Toast message if no applicable editor is available * * Results are returned to {@link EditorLauncherCallback#onEditorResult(String, Object) your onEditorResult method} * * @param key Key, returned to onEditorResult * @param title Title that may be displayed on editor * @param value Value to be edited * @param type Type of value */ public void launchEditor(final String key, String title, Object value, Class<?> type) { // Create new if value is null if (value == null && type != null) { launchEditorForNew(key, new SandboxedType(type)); return; } // Find applicable editor for (Editor editor : EDITOR_REGISTRY) { if (editor.canEdit(value)) { if (editor instanceof Editor.EditorActivity) { // Editor in activity Intent editorIntent = ((Editor.EditorActivity) editor) .getEditorIntent(mHelperFragment.getActivity()); mHelperFragment.startEditorInActivity(editorIntent, key, value); } else if (editor instanceof Editor.DialogFragmentEditor) { // Editor in DialogFragment ValueEditorDialogFragment d = ((Editor.DialogFragmentEditor) editor).getEditorDialogFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(ValueEditorDialogFragment.EXTRA_KEY, key); args.putString(Editor.EXTRA_TITLE, title); BundleAdapter.putInBundle(args, Editor.EXTRA_VALUE, value); d.setArguments(args); d.setTargetFragment(mHelperFragment, 0);, "DFEditorFor" + key + Math.random()); } else if (editor instanceof Editor.FragmentEditor) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(SingleEditorActivity.EXTRA_ECHOED_KEY, key); args.putParcelable(ValueEditorFragment.ARG_EDITED_OBJECT, new SandboxedObject(value)); openEditorFragment(((Editor.FragmentEditor) editor).getEditorFragment(), args); } else if (editor instanceof Editor.InPlaceValueToggler) { // In place value toggler (eg. for Boolean) Object newValue = ((Editor.InPlaceValueToggler) editor).toggleObjectValue(value); getCallback().onEditorResult(key, newValue); } return; } } Toast.makeText(mHelperFragment.getActivity(), R.string.type_unsupported, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } public void launchEditorForNew(String key, SandboxedType type) { CreateNewDialog d = new CreateNewDialog(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(ValueEditorDialogFragment.EXTRA_KEY, key); args.putParcelable(CreateNewDialog.ARG_SANDBOXED_TYPE, type); args.putBoolean(CreateNewDialog.ARG_ALLOW_SANDBOX, false); d.setArguments(args); d.setTargetFragment(mHelperFragment, 0);, "DFNewFor" + key); } /** * Start an editor or show Toast message if no applicable editor is available * * Results are returned to {@link EditorLauncherWithSandboxCallback#onSandboxedEditorResult(String, com.github.michalbednarski.intentslab.sandbox.SandboxedObject)} * * @param key Key, returned to onEditorResult * @param title Title that may be displayed on editor * @param wrappedValue Wrapped value to be edited */ public void launchEditorForSandboxedObject(final String key, String title, SandboxedObject wrappedValue) { unwrap: { Object unwrapped; try { unwrapped = wrappedValue.unwrap(null); } catch (Throwable e) { break unwrap; } launchEditor(key, title, unwrapped); return; } Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(SingleEditorActivity.EXTRA_ECHOED_KEY, key); args.putParcelable(ValueEditorFragment.ARG_EDITED_OBJECT, wrappedValue); openEditorFragment(ObjectEditorFragment.class, args); } void openEditorFragment(Class<? extends ValueEditorFragment> editorFragment, Bundle args) { args.putString(SingleEditorActivity.EXTRA_FRAGMENT_CLASS_NAME, editorFragment.getName()); Intent intent = new Intent(mHelperFragment.getActivity(), SingleEditorActivity.class); intent.replaceExtras(args); ChildFragmentWorkaround.startActivityForResultFromFragment(mHelperFragment, intent, REQUEST_CODE_INTERNAL_EDITOR); } /** * Extra info about started activity */ private static class ActivityRequestInfo { String key; boolean isSandboxed; Class requestedType; ActivityRequestInfo(String key, boolean isSandboxed) { this.key = key; this.isSandboxed = isSandboxed; } public ActivityRequestInfo(String key, Class requestedType) { this.key = key; this.requestedType = requestedType; } Object deepCastIfNeeded(Object object) { if (object instanceof Object[] && requestedType != null && requestedType.isArray() && !requestedType.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { return Utils.deepCastArray((Object[]) object, requestedType); } return object; } // Pseudo parcelable ActivityRequestInfo(Parcel source) { key = source.readString(); isSandboxed = source.readInt() != 0; String requestedTypeName = source.readString(); if (requestedTypeName != null) { try { requestedType = Class.forName(requestedTypeName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } void writeToParcel(Parcel dest) { dest.writeString(key); dest.writeInt(isSandboxed ? 1 : 0); dest.writeString(requestedType != null ? requestedType.getName() : null); } } /** * Parcelable class managing mapping of activity request codes and key passed to launchEditor */ private static class EditorLauncherState implements Parcelable { private int nextFreeRequestCode = 1; private SparseArray<ActivityRequestInfo> requestInfos = new SparseArray<ActivityRequestInfo>(); @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { final int count = requestInfos.size(); dest.writeInt(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { dest.writeInt(requestInfos.keyAt(0)); requestInfos.valueAt(0).writeToParcel(dest); } } public static final Creator<EditorLauncherState> CREATOR = new Creator<EditorLauncherState>() { @Override public EditorLauncherState createFromParcel(Parcel source) { final EditorLauncherState editorLauncherState = new EditorLauncherState(); int count = source.readInt(); int tmpNextFreeRequestCode = 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int requestCode = source.readInt(); if (requestCode >= tmpNextFreeRequestCode) { tmpNextFreeRequestCode = requestCode + 1; } editorLauncherState.requestInfos.put(requestCode, new ActivityRequestInfo(source)); } editorLauncherState.nextFreeRequestCode = tmpNextFreeRequestCode; return editorLauncherState; } @Override public EditorLauncherState[] newArray(int size) { return new EditorLauncherState[size]; } }; int saveRequestInfoAndGetCode(ActivityRequestInfo key) { int requestCode = nextFreeRequestCode++; requestInfos.put(requestCode, key); return requestCode; } ActivityRequestInfo getRequestInfoAndReleaseCode(int requestCode) { final ActivityRequestInfo requestInfo = requestInfos.get(requestCode); requestInfos.remove(requestCode); return requestInfo; } } /** * Fragment used for activity handling and retaining state * Added as child fragment of EditorLauncher owner fragment */ public static class HelperFragment extends Fragment { public HelperFragment() { } private EditorLauncher mEditorLauncher; private EditorLauncherState mState; @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_INTERNAL_EDITOR) { if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { final String key = data.getStringExtra(SingleEditorActivity.EXTRA_ECHOED_KEY); final SandboxedObject sandboxedObject = data .getParcelableExtra(SingleEditorActivity.EXTRA_RESULT); EditorLauncherCallback callback = mEditorLauncher.getCallback(); if (callback instanceof EditorLauncherWithSandboxCallback) { ((EditorLauncherWithSandboxCallback) callback).onSandboxedEditorResult(key, sandboxedObject); } else { callback.onEditorResult(key, sandboxedObject.unwrap(null)); } } } else if (requestCode >= 1 && requestCode <= 0xffff) { final ActivityRequestInfo requestInfo = mState.getRequestInfoAndReleaseCode(requestCode); final String key = requestInfo.key; if (data != null && data.getExtras() != null) { Object newValue = data.getExtras().get(Editor.EXTRA_VALUE); if (requestInfo.isSandboxed) { ((EditorLauncherWithSandboxCallback) mEditorLauncher.getCallback()) .onSandboxedEditorResult(key, (SandboxedObject) newValue); } else { mEditorLauncher.getCallback().onEditorResult(key, requestInfo.deepCastIfNeeded(newValue)); } } } else { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } } void startEditorInActivity(Intent baseEditorIntent, String key, Object value) { Bundle extras = new Bundle(1); BundleAdapter.putInBundle(extras, Editor.EXTRA_VALUE, value); int requestCode = mState.saveRequestInfoAndGetCode(new ActivityRequestInfo(key, value.getClass())); ChildFragmentWorkaround.startActivityForResultFromFragment(this, baseEditorIntent.putExtras(extras), requestCode); } void handleDialogResponse(String key, Object newValue) { mEditorLauncher.getCallback().onEditorResult(key, newValue); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putParcelable(STATE_EDITOR_LAUNCHER_STATE, mState); Utils.putLiveRefInBundle(outState, STATE_EDITOR_LAUNCHER_INSTANCE, mEditorLauncher); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (savedInstanceState == null) { mState = new EditorLauncherState(); } else { mState = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(STATE_EDITOR_LAUNCHER_STATE); if (mEditorLauncher == null) { mEditorLauncher = Utils.getLiveRefFromBundle(savedInstanceState, STATE_EDITOR_LAUNCHER_INSTANCE); if (mEditorLauncher == null) { mEditorLauncher = sPendingInitializations.get(getParentFragment()); } if (mEditorLauncher != null) { mEditorLauncher.mHelperFragment = this; } } } } } private static final String STATE_EDITOR_LAUNCHER_STATE = "EditorLauncher.internal.genericState"; private static final String STATE_EDITOR_LAUNCHER_INSTANCE = "EditorLauncher.internal.this"; private static final String TAG_HELPER_FRAGMENT = "EditorLauncher.HF"; }