Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Rui Gu ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.repository.Impl; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.core.exceptions.ProcessingException; import; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory; import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonValidator; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.annotation.JsonSchemaValid; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.annotation.RedissonCounter; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.annotation.RedissonEntity; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.annotation.RedissonIndex; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.annotation.RedissonUnique; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.repository.RedisRepository; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.repository.RedisRepositoryFactory; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.repository.RepositoryException; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.repository.index.LexicalScoreResolver; import com.github.jackygurui.vertxredissonrepository.repository.index.RedisPreciseTimeExpiryResolver; import com.github.reinert.jjschema.v1.JsonSchemaV4Factory; import io.netty.util.concurrent.GenericFutureListener; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResultHandler; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.core.json.Json; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger; import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanMap; import org.redisson.Redisson; import org.redisson.client.codec.StringCodec; import org.redisson.core.RBatch; import org.simondean.vertx.async.Async; /** * * @author Rui Gu * @param <T> */ public class RedisRepositoryImpl<T> implements RedisRepository<T> { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisRepositoryImpl.class); private static final JsonValidator VALIDATOR = JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault().getValidator(); private static final com.github.reinert.jjschema.v1.JsonSchemaFactory schemaFactory = new JsonSchemaV4Factory(); static { schemaFactory.setAutoPutDollarSchema(true); } private final Vertx vertx; private final Redisson redissonRead; private final Redisson redissonWrite; private final Redisson redissonOther; private final JsonNode schema; private final Class<T> cls; private final RedisRepositoryFactory factory; public RedisRepositoryImpl(Vertx vertx, Redisson redissonRead, Redisson redissonWrite, Redisson redissonOther, Class<T> cls, RedisRepositoryFactory factory) { this.vertx = vertx; this.redissonRead = redissonRead; this.redissonWrite = redissonWrite; this.redissonOther = redissonOther; this.schema = cls.isAnnotationPresent(JsonSchemaValid.class) ? schemaFactory.createSchema(cls) : null; this.cls = cls; this.factory = factory; } @Override public void get(String id, AsyncResultHandler<T> resultHandler) { vertx.<T>executeBlocking(f -> { getBlocking(id, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void getBlocking(String id, AsyncResultHandler<T> resultHandler) { idExist(id, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && r.result()) { deepFetch(id, resultHandler); } else { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(r.cause())); } }); } @Override public void getAll(AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<T>>executeBlocking(f -> { getAllBlocking(r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void getAllBlocking(AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { Async.waterfall().<List<String>>task(this::getAllIds).<List<T>>task(this::getByListBlocking) .run(resultHandler); } @Override public void getAllIds(AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<String>>executeBlocking(f -> { getAllIdsBlocking(r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void getAllIdsBlocking(AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { redissonOther.<String, String>getMap(getStorageKey(), StringCodec.INSTANCE).keySetAsync() .addListener(future -> { resultHandler.handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture( ((Set<String>) future.get()).stream().collect(Collectors.toList())) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException("No search result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Get ALL Keys in Unique [" + getUniqueKey("id") + "] Success."); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Get ALL Keys in Unique [" + getUniqueKey("id") + "] Failed: ", future.cause()); } }); } @Override public void getByList(List<String> ids, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<T>>executeBlocking(f -> { getByListBlocking(ids, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void getByListBlocking(List<String> ids, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { if (ids == null) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("List of ids can't be null."))); return; } else if (ids.isEmpty()) { resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(Collections.emptyList())); return; } AtomicLong c = new AtomicLong(0); ArrayList<T> l = new ArrayList<>(ids.size()); IntStream.range(0, ids.size()).forEach(i -> l.add(null)); -> { getBlocking(e, r -> { l.set(ids.indexOf(e), r.result()); if (c.incrementAndGet() == ids.size()) { resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture( -> s != null).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)))); } }); }); } @Override public void searchUniqueIndex(String fieldName, String value, AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { vertx.<String>executeBlocking(f -> { getIdByUnique(fieldName, value, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } @Override public void searchUniqueIndexAndGet(String fieldName, String value, AsyncResultHandler<T> resultHandler) { vertx.<T>executeBlocking(f -> { getByUniqueBlocking(fieldName, value, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void getByUniqueBlocking(String fieldName, String value, AsyncResultHandler<T> resultHandler) { Async.waterfall().<String>task(t -> getIdByUnique(fieldName, value, t)).<T>task(this::deepFetch) .<T>run(resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByPosition(String fieldName, Integer start, Integer stop, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { searchIndexByPosition(fieldName, "DEFAULT", start, stop, resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByPosition(String fieldName, String indexName, Integer start, Integer stop, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<String>>executeBlocking(f -> { searchIndexByPositionBlocking(fieldName, indexName, start, stop, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void searchIndexByPositionBlocking(String fieldName, String indexName, Integer start, Integer stop, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { redissonOther.getScoredSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName, indexName), StringCodec.INSTANCE) .valueRangeAsync(start, stop).addListener(future -> { Collection<String> res = (Collection<String>) future.get(); try { ArrayList<String> ids = -> lookupIdFromIndex(r, fieldName, indexName)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); resultHandler .handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture(ids) : Future.failedFuture( new RepositoryException("No search result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Position Success. Records: " + ((Collection<String>) future.get()).size()); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Position Failure.", future.cause()); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e.getCause())); logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Position Failure.", e); } }); } @Override public void searchIndexByScore(String fieldName, Double min, Double max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { searchIndexByScore(fieldName, "DEFAULT", min, max, offset, limit, resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByScore(String fieldName, String indexName, Double min, Double max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<String>>executeBlocking(f -> { searchIndexByScoreBlocking(fieldName, indexName, min, max, offset, limit, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void searchIndexByScoreBlocking(String fieldName, String indexName, Double min, Double max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { redissonOther .<String>getScoredSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName, indexName), StringCodec.INSTANCE) .valueRangeAsync(min, true, max, true, offset, limit).addListener(future -> { Collection<String> res = (Collection<String>) future.get(); try { ArrayList<String> ids = -> lookupIdFromIndex(r, fieldName, indexName)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); resultHandler .handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null || ids == null ? Future.succeededFuture(ids) : Future.failedFuture( new RepositoryException("No search result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Score Success. Records: " + ((Collection<String>) future.get()).size()); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Score Failure.", future.cause()); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e.getCause())); logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Score Failure.", e); } }); } @Override public void searchIndexByValue(String fieldName, String min, String max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { searchIndexByValue(fieldName, "DEFAULT", min, max, offset, limit, resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByValue(String fieldName, String indexName, String min, String max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<String>>executeBlocking(f -> { searchIndexByValueBlocking(fieldName, indexName, min, max, offset, limit, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void searchIndexByValueBlocking(String fieldName, String indexName, String min, String max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<String>> resultHandler) { redissonOther.<String>getLexSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName, indexName)) .lexRangeAsync(min, true, max, true, offset, limit).addListener(future -> { Collection<String> res = (Collection<String>) future.get(); try { ArrayList<String> ids = -> lookupIdFromIndex(r, fieldName, indexName)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); resultHandler .handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture(ids) : Future.failedFuture( new RepositoryException("No search result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Value Success. Records: " + ((Collection<String>) future.get()).size()); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Value Failure.", future.cause()); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e.getCause())); logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Search Index By Value Failure.", e); } }); } @Override public void searchIndexByPositionAndGet(String fieldName, Integer start, Integer stop, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { searchIndexByPositionAndGet(fieldName, "DEFAULT", start, stop, resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByPositionAndGet(String fieldName, String indexName, Integer start, Integer stop, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<T>>executeBlocking(f -> { searchIndexByPositionAndGetBlocking(fieldName, indexName, start, stop, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void searchIndexByPositionAndGetBlocking(String fieldName, String indexName, Integer start, Integer stop, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { Async.waterfall() .<List<String>>task(t -> searchIndexByPositionBlocking(fieldName, indexName, start, stop, t)) .<List<T>>task(this::getByListBlocking).run(resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByScoreAndGet(String fieldName, Double min, Double max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { searchIndexByScoreAndGet(fieldName, "DEFAULT", min, max, offset, limit, resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByScoreAndGet(String fieldName, String indexName, Double min, Double max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<T>>executeBlocking(f -> { searchIndexByScoreAndGetBlocking(fieldName, indexName, min, max, offset, limit, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void searchIndexByScoreAndGetBlocking(String fieldName, String indexName, Double min, Double max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { Async.waterfall() .<List<String>>task( t -> searchIndexByScoreBlocking(fieldName, indexName, min, max, offset, limit, t)) .<List<T>>task(this::getByListBlocking).run(resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByValueAndGet(String fieldName, String min, String max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { searchIndexByValueAndGet(fieldName, "DEFAULT", min, max, offset, limit, resultHandler); } @Override public void searchIndexByValueAndGet(String fieldName, String indexName, String min, String max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { vertx.<List<T>>executeBlocking(f -> { searchIndexByValueAndGetBlocking(fieldName, indexName, min, max, offset, limit, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void searchIndexByValueAndGetBlocking(String fieldName, String indexName, String min, String max, Integer offset, Integer limit, AsyncResultHandler<List<T>> resultHandler) { Async.waterfall() .<List<String>>task( t -> searchIndexByValueBlocking(fieldName, indexName, min, max, offset, limit, t)) .<List<T>>task(this::getByListBlocking).run(resultHandler); } @Override public void create(String data, AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { create(data, null, resultHandler); } private void create(String data, RBatch redissonBatch, AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { vertx.<JsonObject>executeBlocking(f -> { JsonObject d = new JsonObject(data); if (schema == null && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(d); return; } try { ProcessingReport validate = VALIDATOR.validate(schema, Json.mapper.readTree(data)); if (validate.isSuccess() && !d.containsKey("id") && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(d); } else if (!f.isComplete()) { RepositoryException("Invalid Data")); } } catch (ProcessingException | IOException ex) { if (!f.isComplete()) {; } } }, result -> { if (result.succeeded()) { createWithoutValidate(result.result(), redissonBatch, resultHandler); } else { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(result.cause())); } }); } private void createWithoutValidate(JsonObject data, RBatch redissonBatch, AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { AtomicReference<String> id = new AtomicReference<>(); Async.waterfall().<String>task(this::newId).<String>task((i, t) -> { id.set(i); ensureUniqueAndIndexing(id.get(), data, true, rs -> { if (rs.succeeded() && rs.result() == null) { t.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } else if (rs.result() != null) { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(rs.result()))); } else { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(rs.cause())); } }); }).<Boolean>task((rs, t) -> { persist(id.get(), data.put("id", id.get()), redissonBatch, t); }).run(run -> { resultHandler .handle(run.succeeded() ? Future.succeededFuture(id.get()) : Future.failedFuture(run.cause())); }); } @Override public void update(String id, String data, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { update(id, data, null, resultHandler); } private void update(String id, String data, RBatch redissonBatch, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { vertx.<JsonObject>executeBlocking(f -> { JsonObject d = new JsonObject(data); if (schema == null && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(d); return; } try { ProcessingReport validate = VALIDATOR.validate(schema, Json.mapper.readTree(data)); if (id != null && validate.isSuccess() && d.containsKey("id") && id.equals(d.getString("id")) && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(d); } else if (!f.isComplete()) { RepositoryException("Invalid Data")); } } catch (ProcessingException | IOException ex) { if (!f.isComplete()) {; } } }, result -> { if (result.succeeded()) { updateWithoutValidate(id, result.result(), redissonBatch, resultHandler); } else { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(result.cause())); } }); } private void updateWithoutValidate(String id, JsonObject data, RBatch redissonBatch, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { vertx.<Boolean>executeBlocking(f -> { Async.waterfall().<Boolean>task(t -> idExist(id, t)).<String>task((idExist, t) -> { if (!idExist) { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException("ID: " + id + " does not exist"))); return; } ensureUniqueAndIndexing(id, data, false, rs -> { if (rs.succeeded() && rs.result() == null) { t.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } else if (rs.result() != null) { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(rs.result())); } else { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(rs.cause())); } }); }).<Boolean>task((rs, t) -> persist(id, data, redissonBatch, t)).run(run -> { if (run.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(run.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } @Override public void delete(String id, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { vertx.executeBlocking(f -> { deleteBlocking(id, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void deleteBlocking(String id, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { RBatch batch = redissonWrite.createBatch(); //remove the indexes. batch.<String, String>getMap(getStorageKey(), StringCodec.INSTANCE).fastRemoveAsync(id); batch.getAtomicLongAsync(getCounterKey()).decrementAndGetAsync(); batch.executeAsync().addListener(future -> { resultHandler.handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture(((Integer) ((List) future.get()).get(0)) == 1) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException("No batch result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Delete Success : " + id); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Delete Failure : " + id, future.cause()); } }); } @Override public void totalCount(Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> resultHandler) { redissonOther.<String, String>getAtomicLong(getCounterKey()).getAsync().addListener(future -> { resultHandler.handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture((Long) future.get()) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException("No search result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getCounterKey() + "] Count Success : " + (Long) future.get()); } else { logger.debug("[" + getCounterKey() + "] Count Failure ", future.cause()); } }); } private void idExist(String id, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { redissonOther.<String, String>getMap(getStorageKey(), StringCodec.INSTANCE).containsKeyAsync(id) .addListener(future -> { resultHandler .handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture((Boolean) future.get()) : Future.failedFuture( new RepositoryException("No search result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] ID Exist Success : " + id); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] ID Exist Failure : " + id, future.cause()); } }); } private void getIdByUnique(String fieldName, String value, AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { redissonOther.<String, String>getMap(getUniqueKey(fieldName)).getAsync(value).addListener(future -> { resultHandler.handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture((String) future.get()) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException("No search result returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Get ID By Unique Success : " + value + " - " + (String) future.get()); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Get ID By Unique : " + value, future.cause()); } }); } private void prepareEnsureUnique(String id, JsonObject instance, RBatch redissonBatch, ArrayList<String> pList, String parent) throws RepositoryException { try { BeanMap pMap = new BeanMap(cls.newInstance()); pMap.keySet().forEach(e -> { if ("class".equals(e) || instance.getValue(e.toString()) == null) { return; } Class type = pMap.getType(e.toString()); String fieldName = (parent == null ? "" : parent.concat(".")).concat(e.toString()); if (isRedisEntity(type)) { try { RedisRepositoryImpl innerRepo = (RedisRepositoryImpl) factory.instance(type); innerRepo.prepareEnsureUnique(id, instance.getJsonObject(e.toString()), redissonBatch, pList, fieldName); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { try { if (cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonUnique.class)) { redissonBatch.getMap(getUniqueKey(e.toString())) .putIfAbsentAsync(instance.getValue(e.toString()), id); pList.add(fieldName); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException ex) { throw new RepositoryException(ex); } } private void prepareUndoUnique(String id, JsonObject instance, RBatch redissonBatch, ArrayList<String> pList, String parent) throws RepositoryException { try { BeanMap pMap = new BeanMap(cls.newInstance()); pMap.keySet().forEach(e -> { if ("class".equals(e) || instance.getValue(e.toString()) == null) { return; } Class type = pMap.getType(e.toString()); String fieldName = (parent == null ? "" : parent.concat(".")).concat(e.toString()); if (isRedisEntity(type)) { try { RedisRepositoryImpl innerRepo = (RedisRepositoryImpl) factory.instance(type); innerRepo.prepareUndoUnique(id, instance.getJsonObject(e.toString()), redissonBatch, pList, fieldName); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { try { if (cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonUnique.class) && pList.contains(fieldName)) { redissonBatch.getMap(getUniqueKey(e.toString())) .removeAsync(instance.getValue(e.toString()), id); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException ex) { throw new RepositoryException(ex); } } private void ensureUniqueAndIndexing(String id, JsonObject data, Boolean isNew, AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { vertx.<String>executeBlocking(f -> ensureUniqueAndIndexingBlocking(id, data, isNew, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }), resultHandler); } private void ensureUniqueAndIndexingBlocking(String id, JsonObject data, Boolean isNew, AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { Async.waterfall().<String>task(t -> { RBatch batch = redissonOther.createBatch(); ArrayList<String> pList = new ArrayList(); try { prepareEnsureUnique(id, data, batch, pList, null); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(ex)); return; } if (pList.isEmpty()) { t.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); return; } batch.executeAsync().addListener(future -> { if (future.isSuccess() && future.get() != null) { List<String> result = (List<String>) future.get(); Stream<String> filter = p -> result.get(pList.indexOf(p)) != null && !result.get(pList.indexOf(p)).equals(id));//uniques are ensured by using putIfAbsent and all results should be null or itself to indicate no violation. Object[] filterArray = filter.toArray(); if (filterArray.length != 0) { t.handle(Future.succeededFuture( new JsonObject().put("uniqueViolation", Json.encode(filterArray)).encode())); //now undo these things. ArrayList<String> undoList = .filter(p -> result.get(pList.indexOf(p)) == null || result.get(pList.indexOf(p)).equals(id)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); Async.<Void>waterfall().<Void>task(task -> { RBatch b = redissonOther.createBatch(); try { prepareUndoUnique(id, data, b, undoList, null); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { task.handle(Future.failedFuture(ex)); } b.executeAsync().addListener(fu -> { task.handle(fu.isSuccess() ? Future.succeededFuture((Void) fu.get()) : Future.failedFuture(fu.cause())); }); }).run(run -> { logger.debug("Parallel undo indexing [id: " + id + "] " + (run.succeeded() ? "successed." : "failed.")); }); } else { t.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } } else { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(!future.isSuccess() ? future.cause().fillInStackTrace() : new RepositoryException("No unique check result returned"))); } }); }).<String>task((violations, t) -> { if (violations != null) { t.handle(Future.failedFuture(violations)); return; } else { t.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } //parallel indexing Async.<Void>waterfall().<T>task(task -> { if (!isNew) { fetch(id, Boolean.TRUE, task); } else { task.handle(Future.succeededFuture(null)); } }).<Void>task((r, task) -> { reIndex(id, r, data, isNew, ri -> { task.handle( ri.succeeded() ? Future.succeededFuture(ri.result()) : Future.failedFuture(ri.cause())); }); }).run(run -> { logger.debug("Parallel Indexing [id: " + id + "] " + (run.succeeded() ? "successed." : "failed."), run.cause()); }); }).run(resultHandler); } private void reIndex(String id, T r, JsonObject data, Boolean isNew, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler) { vertx.<Void>executeBlocking(f -> reIndexBlocking(id, r, data, isNew, re -> { if (re.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(re.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }), resultHandler); } private void prepareEnsuerIndex(String id, T r, JsonObject instance, Boolean isNew, RBatch redissonBatch, ArrayList<String> pList, String parent) throws RepositoryException { try { BeanMap pMap = new BeanMap(r == null ? cls.newInstance() : r); pMap.keySet().forEach(e -> { if ("class".equals(e) || instance.getValue(e.toString()) == null) { return; } Class type = pMap.getType(e.toString()); String fieldName = (parent == null ? "" : parent.concat(".")).concat(e.toString()); if (isRedisEntity(type)) { try { RedisRepositoryImpl innerRepo = (RedisRepositoryImpl) factory.instance(type); innerRepo.prepareEnsuerIndex(id, pMap.get(e), instance.getJsonObject(e.toString()), isNew, redissonBatch, pList, fieldName); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { try { if (cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.class)) { RedissonIndex index = cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()) .getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.class); if (index.indexOnSave()) { prepareEnsuerIndex(id, r, instance, redissonBatch, index, e.toString(), pMap.get(e)); } } else if (cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()) .isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.List.class)) { RedissonIndex.List indexList = cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()) .getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.List.class); -> f.indexOnSave()) .forEach(index -> prepareEnsuerIndex(id, r, instance, redissonBatch, index, e.toString(), pMap.get(e))); } if (cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonCounter.class)) { RedissonCounter counter = cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()) .getAnnotation(RedissonCounter.class); prepareEnsuerCounter(id, r, instance, isNew, redissonBatch, counter, e.toString(), pMap.get(e)); } else if (cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()) .isAnnotationPresent(RedissonCounter.List.class)) { RedissonCounter.List counterList = cls.getDeclaredField(e.toString()) .getAnnotation(RedissonCounter.List.class); -> prepareEnsuerCounter(id, r, instance, isNew, redissonBatch, index, e.toString(), pMap.get(e))); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException ex) { throw new RepositoryException(ex); } } private void prepareEnsuerIndex(String id, T r, JsonObject instance, RBatch redissonBatch, RedissonIndex index, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) throws RuntimeException { try { Object value = instance.getValue(fieldName); String resolve = index.valueResolver().newInstance().resolve(value, instance, id, fieldName, index); if (index.scoreResolver().isAssignableFrom(LexicalScoreResolver.class)) { redissonBatch.getLexSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName,; if (r != null && !value.equals(fieldValue)) { redissonBatch.getLexSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName, .removeAsync(index.valueResolver().newInstance().resolve(fieldValue, instance, id, fieldName, index)); } } else { Double score = index.scoreResolver().newInstance().resolve(value, instance, id, fieldName, index); redissonBatch .getScoredSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName,, StringCodec.INSTANCE) .addAsync(score, resolve); if (r != null && !value.equals(fieldValue)) { redissonBatch .getScoredSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName,, StringCodec.INSTANCE) .removeAsync(index.valueResolver().newInstance().resolve(fieldValue, instance, id, fieldName, index)); } } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void indexValue(String id, String fieldName, String indexName, JsonObject instance, AsyncResultHandler<Boolean> resultHandler) { vertx.<Boolean>executeBlocking(f -> indexValueBlocking(id, fieldName, indexName, instance, re -> { if (re.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(re.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }), resultHandler); } private void indexValueBlocking(String id, String fieldName, String indexName, JsonObject instance, AsyncResultHandler<Boolean> resultHandler) { try { if (cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.class)) { RedissonIndex index = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName).getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.class); indexValue(id, fieldName, index, instance, resultHandler); } else if (cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.List.class)) { RedissonIndex.List indexList = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName) .getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.List.class); -> .ifPresent(index -> indexValue(id, fieldName, index, instance, resultHandler)); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException | RuntimeException e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } } private void indexValue(String id, String fieldName, RedissonIndex index, JsonObject instance, AsyncResultHandler<Boolean> resultHandler) { try { Object value = instance.getValue(fieldName); String resolve = index.valueResolver().newInstance().resolve(value, instance, id, fieldName, index); GenericFutureListener<io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<Boolean>> futureListener = ( io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<Boolean> future) -> { resultHandler .handle(future.isSuccess() && future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture(future.get()) : Future.failedFuture(future.cause())); }; if (index.scoreResolver().isAssignableFrom(LexicalScoreResolver.class)) { redissonOther.getLexSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName, .addListener(futureListener); } else { Double score = index.scoreResolver().newInstance().resolve(value, instance, id, fieldName, index); redissonOther .getScoredSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName,, StringCodec.INSTANCE) .addAsync(score, resolve).addListener(futureListener); } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } } @Override public void unindexValue(String id, String fieldName, String indexName, JsonObject instance, AsyncResultHandler<Boolean> resultHandler) { vertx.<Boolean>executeBlocking(f -> unindexValueBlocking(id, fieldName, indexName, instance, re -> { if (re.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(re.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }), resultHandler); } private void unindexValueBlocking(String id, String fieldName, String indexName, JsonObject instance, AsyncResultHandler<Boolean> resultHandler) { try { if (cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.class)) { RedissonIndex index = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName).getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.class); unindexValue(id, fieldName, index, instance, resultHandler); } else if (cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName).isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.List.class)) { RedissonIndex.List indexList = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName) .getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.List.class); -> .ifPresent(index -> unindexValue(id, fieldName, index, instance, resultHandler)); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException | RuntimeException e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } } private void unindexValue(String id, String fieldName, RedissonIndex index, JsonObject instance, AsyncResultHandler<Boolean> resultHandler) { try { Object value = instance.getValue(fieldName); String resolve = index.valueResolver().newInstance().resolve(value, instance, id, fieldName, index); GenericFutureListener<io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<Boolean>> futureListener = ( io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<Boolean> future) -> { resultHandler .handle(future.isSuccess() && future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture(future.get()) : Future.failedFuture(future.cause())); }; if (index.scoreResolver().isAssignableFrom(LexicalScoreResolver.class)) { redissonOther.getLexSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName, .addListener(futureListener); } else { redissonOther .getScoredSortedSet(getScoredSortedIndexKey(fieldName,, StringCodec.INSTANCE) .removeAsync(resolve).addListener(futureListener); } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } } private void prepareEnsuerCounter(String id, T r, JsonObject instance, Boolean isNew, RBatch redissonBatch, RedissonCounter counter, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) throws RuntimeException { try { if (isNew) { redissonBatch.getAtomicLongAsync(getCounterKey(fieldName,; } Object value = instance.getValue(fieldName); if (counter.expiryResolver().isAssignableFrom(RedisPreciseTimeExpiryResolver.class)) { redissonBatch.getAtomicLongAsync(getCounterKey(fieldName, counter.expiryResolver().newInstance().resolve(value, instance, id, fieldName, counter)); } else if (isNew || counter.resetOnUpdate()) { redissonBatch.getAtomicLongAsync(getCounterKey(fieldName, counter.expiryResolver().newInstance().resolve(value, instance, id, fieldName, counter), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void reIndexBlocking(String id, T r, JsonObject data, Boolean isNew, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler) { RBatch updateIndexBatch = redissonOther.createBatch(); ArrayList<String> pList = new ArrayList(); try { prepareEnsuerIndex(id, r, data, isNew, updateIndexBatch, pList, null); } catch (Exception e) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); return; } updateIndexBatch.executeAsync().addListener(f -> { resultHandler.handle(f.isSuccess() ? Future.succeededFuture() : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(f.cause()))); if (f.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Re Index Success : " + id); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Re Index Failure", f.cause()); } }); } private void newId(AsyncResultHandler<String> resultHandler) { redissonOther.getAtomicLong(getSequenceKey()).incrementAndGetAsync().addListener(future -> { resultHandler.handle(future.isSuccess() ? (future.get() != null ? Future.succeededFuture(future.get().toString()) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException("No sequence returned"))) : Future.failedFuture(new RepositoryException(future.cause()))); if (future.isSuccess()) { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] New ID Success : " + future.get().toString()); } else { logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] New ID Failure", future.cause()); } }); } private T prepareInstanceAndFetchList(String id, RBatch redissonBatch, ArrayList<String> pList, String parent, Boolean deepFetch) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { BeanMap pMap = new BeanMap(cls.newInstance()); try { pMap.keySet().forEach(e -> { if ("class".equals(e)) { return; } Class type = pMap.getType(e.toString()); String fieldName = (parent == null ? "" : parent.concat(".")).concat(e.toString()); if (isRedisEntity(type)) { if (deepFetch) { try { RedisRepositoryImpl innerRepo = (RedisRepositoryImpl) factory.instance(type); pMap.put(e.toString(), innerRepo.prepareInstanceAndFetchList(id, redissonBatch, pList, fieldName, deepFetch)); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RepositoryException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } else { if ("id".equals(e)) { redissonBatch.getMap(getStorageKey(), StringCodec.INSTANCE).getAsync(id); } else { redissonBatch.getMap(getStorageKey(e.toString())).getAsync(id); } pList.add(fieldName); } }); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw new InstantiationException(); } return (T) pMap.getBean(); } private T mapResults(T instance, List results, ArrayList<String> pList) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { pList.parallelStream().forEach(e -> { Object o = instance; for (String fieldName : e.split("\\.")) { BeanMap m = new BeanMap(o); Class type = m.getType(fieldName); if (isRedisEntity(type)) { o = m.get(fieldName); } else { Object value; Object result = results.get(pList.indexOf(e)); if (result == null) { value = null; } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { value = result.toString(); } else if (type.isEnum()) { try { value = type.getMethod("valueOf", String.class).invoke(null, results.get(pList.indexOf(e))); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } else if (result.getClass().isAssignableFrom(type)) { value = type.cast(result); } else { try { value = type.getConstructor(result.getClass()).newInstance(result); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } m.put(fieldName, value); } } }); return instance; } private void deepFetch(String id, AsyncResultHandler<T> resultHandler) { fetch(id, Boolean.TRUE, resultHandler); } private void fetch(String id, Boolean deepFetch, AsyncResultHandler<T> resultHandler) { vertx.executeBlocking(f -> { if (isRedisEntity()) { try { RBatch batch = redissonRead.createBatch(); ArrayList<String> pList = new ArrayList(); T instance = prepareInstanceAndFetchList(id, batch, pList, null, deepFetch); batch.executeAsync().addListener(future -> { if (future.isSuccess() && !f.isComplete()) { List results = (List) future.get(); f.complete(mapResults(instance, results, pList)); } else if (!f.isComplete()) { RepositoryException(future.cause())); } }); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { if (!f.isComplete()) { RepositoryException(ex))); } } } else { redissonRead.<String, String>getMap(getStorageKey(), StringCodec.INSTANCE).getAsync(id) .addListener(future -> { if (future.isSuccess() && future.get() != null && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(Json.decodeValue((String) future.get(), cls)); logger.debug( "[" + getStorageKey() + "] Fetch Success : " + id + " - " + future.get()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) { != null ? new RepositoryException(future.cause()) : new RepositoryException("No search result returned")); logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Fetch Failure : " + id, future.cause()); } }); } }, resultHandler); } private void persist(String id, JsonObject data, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { persist(id, data, null, resultHandler); } private void persist(String id, JsonObject data, RBatch redissonBatch, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { vertx.executeBlocking(f -> { persistBlocking(id, data, redissonBatch, r -> { if (r.succeeded() && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete(r.result()); } else if (!f.isComplete()) {; } }); }, resultHandler); } private void persistBlocking(String id, JsonObject data, RBatch redissonBatch, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { RBatch batch = redissonBatch == null ? redissonWrite.createBatch() : redissonBatch; AtomicBoolean failed = new AtomicBoolean(false); try { BeanMap pMap = new BeanMap(cls.newInstance()); //remove the indexes; if (isRedisEntity()) { AtomicBoolean finished = new AtomicBoolean(false); AtomicBoolean hasNested = new AtomicBoolean(false); AtomicLong stack = new AtomicLong(); pMap.forEach((k, v) -> { if ("class".equals(k)) { return; } Class<?> type = pMap.getType((String) k); if (!isRedisEntity(type)) { //recreate the indexes; if ("id".equals(k)) { batch.getMap(getStorageKey(), StringCodec.INSTANCE).fastPutAsync(id, id); } else { batch.getMap(getStorageKey((String) k)).fastPutAsync(id, data.getValue((String) k)); } } else { hasNested.set(true); stack.incrementAndGet(); RedisRepositoryImpl<?> innerRepo; try { innerRepo = (RedisRepositoryImpl) factory.instance(type); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } JsonObject value = data.getJsonObject((String) k); final boolean newOne = !value.containsKey("id") || value.getString("id") == null || "null".equals(value.getString("id")); final String ID = newOne ? id : value.getString("id"); innerRepo.persist(ID, value, batch, c -> {//making the nested entity shares the same id as the parent when its 1:1 relation. This makes fetch a lot faster since it doesn't not need to resolve the reference when fetching 1:1 nested objects. if (c.succeeded()) { long s = stack.decrementAndGet(); if (newOne) { batch.getMap(getStorageKey((String) k)).fastPutAsync(id, ID);//different to the update, create needs to add the reference field to batch } if (s == 0 && finished.get() && !failed.get()) { //finished iterating and no outstanding processes. if (redissonBatch == null) {//if it's not inside a nested process. finishPersist(id, data, batch, resultHandler); } else {//if it is inside a nested process. resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(true)); } } //else wait for others to complete } else { boolean firstToFail = failed.compareAndSet(false, true); if (firstToFail) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(c.cause())); } } }); } }); batch.getAtomicLongAsync(getCounterKey()).incrementAndGetAsync(); finished.set(true); if (!hasNested.get()) {//does not have nested RedissonEntity within if (redissonBatch == null) {//if it's not inside a nested process. finishPersist(id, data, batch, resultHandler); } else {//if it is inside a nested process. resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(true)); } } } else {//not a RedissonEntity class, persist as json string. //recreate the indexes; batch.<String, String>getMap(getStorageKey(), StringCodec.INSTANCE).fastPutAsync(id, Json.encode(data)); batch.getAtomicLongAsync(getCounterKey()).incrementAndGetAsync(); if (redissonBatch == null) {//if it's not inside a nested process. finishPersist(id, data, batch, resultHandler); } else {//if it is inside a nested process. resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(true)); } } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | RuntimeException ex) { failed.set(true); resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(ex)); } } private void finishPersist(String id, JsonObject data, RBatch batch, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> resultHandler) { vertx.executeBlocking(f -> { batch.executeAsync().addListener(future -> { if (future.isSuccess()) { if (future.get() != null && !f.isComplete()) { f.complete((Boolean) ((List) future.get()).get(0)); logger.debug( "[" + getStorageKey() + "] Persist Success : " + id + " - " + Json.encode(data)); } else if (!f.isComplete()) { RepositoryException("No save result returned")); logger.debug( "[" + getStorageKey() + "] Persist Failure : " + id + " - " + Json.encode(data), future.cause()); } } else if (!f.isComplete()) { RepositoryException(future.cause())); logger.debug("[" + getStorageKey() + "] Persist Failure : " + id + " - " + Json.encode(data), future.cause()); } }); }, resultHandler); } private String lookupIdFromIndex(String indexedValue, String fieldName, String indexName) throws RuntimeException { try { RedissonIndex index = null; Field field = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName); if (field.isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.List.class)) { RedissonIndex.List list = field.getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.List.class); index = ->; } if (field.isAnnotationPresent(RedissonIndex.class)) { index = field.getAnnotation(RedissonIndex.class); if (! { throw new NoSuchElementException("Index not found: " + indexName); } } if (index == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return index.valueResolver().newInstance().lookup(indexedValue, index); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchElementException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can not find index " + indexName + " for field " + fieldName + " under class " + cls.getCanonicalName() + " to resolve value " + indexedValue, e); } } private boolean isRedisEntity() { return isRedisEntity(this.cls); } private boolean isRedisEntity(Class cls) { return cls != null && cls.isAnnotationPresent(RedissonEntity.class); } private String getSequenceKey() { return cls.getCanonicalName().concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_SUFFIX); } private String getCounterKey() { return getInstanceCounterKey(this.cls); } private String getInstanceCounterKey(Class cls) { return cls.getCanonicalName().concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(DEFAULT_COUNTER_SUFFIX); } private String getStorageKey() { return cls.getCanonicalName().concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(DEFAULT_ID_SUFFIX); } private String getStorageKey(String fieldName) { return cls.getCanonicalName().concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(fieldName); } private String getUniqueKey(String fieldName) { return getUniqueKey(cls, fieldName); } private String getUniqueKey(Class cls, String fieldName) { return cls.getCanonicalName().concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(fieldName).concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR) .concat(DEFAULT_UNIQUE_SUFFIX); } private String getCounterKey(String fieldName) { return getCounterKey(cls, fieldName); } private String getCounterKey(Class cls, String fieldName) { return getCounterKey(cls, fieldName, DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME); } private String getCounterKey(String fieldName, String counterName) { return getCounterKey(cls, fieldName, counterName); } private String getCounterKey(Class cls, String fieldName, String counterName) { return cls.getCanonicalName().concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(fieldName).concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR) .concat(DEFAULT_COUNTER_SUFFIX).concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(counterName); } private String getScoredSortedIndexKey(String fieldName) { return getScoredSortedIndexKey(cls, fieldName); } private String getScoredSortedIndexKey(String fieldName, String indexName) { return getScoredSortedIndexKey(cls, fieldName, indexName); } private String getScoredSortedIndexKey(Class cls, String fieldName) { return getScoredSortedIndexKey(cls, fieldName, DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME); } private String getScoredSortedIndexKey(Class cls, String fieldName, String indexName) { return cls.getCanonicalName().concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(fieldName).concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR) .concat(DEFAULT_INDEX_SUFFIX).concat(DEFAULT_SEPERATOR).concat(indexName); } }