Java tutorial
/** * This file was auto-generated by the Titanium Module SDK helper for Android * Appcelerator Titanium Mobile * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the terms of the Apache Public License * Please see the LICENSE included with this distribution for details. * */ package com.gconstantino.audiorecorder; import; import; import org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollModule; import org.appcelerator.kroll.annotations.Kroll; import org.appcelerator.titanium.TiApplication; import org.appcelerator.kroll.common.Log; import org.appcelerator.kroll.common.TiConfig; import android.Manifest; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Environment; import; import; @Kroll.module(name = "Audiorecorder", id = "com.gconstantino.audiorecorder") public class AudiorecorderModule extends KrollModule { // Standard Debugging variables private static final String LCAT = "AudiorecorderModule"; private static final boolean DBG = TiConfig.LOGD; private MediaRecorder mRecorder = null; private String audioStoragePath; private boolean recording = false; String file = "audio.3gp"; // You can define constants with @Kroll.constant, for example: // @Kroll.constant public static final String EXTERNAL_NAME = value; public AudiorecorderModule() { super(); } @Kroll.method public boolean isStoragePermissionGranted() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { Activity thisActivity = TiApplication.getInstance().getCurrentActivity(); if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(thisActivity, android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { Log.v(LCAT, "Permission is granted"); return true; } else { Log.v(LCAT, "Permission is revoked"); ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(thisActivity, new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 1); return false; } } else { //permission is automatically granted on sdk<23 upon installation Log.v(LCAT, "Permission is granted"); return true; } } @Kroll.onAppCreate public static void onAppCreate(TiApplication app) { Log.d(LCAT, "inside onAppCreate"); // put module init code that needs to run when the application is // created } private void recordAudio() { if (!recording) { isStoragePermissionGranted(); recording = true; mRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); mRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); mRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); File directory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(), "/Audios"); boolean success = true; if (!directory.exists()) { success = directory.mkdirs(); } if (success) { Log.d(LCAT, directory + " created."); } else { Log.d(LCAT, directory + " NOT created."); } File file = new File(directory.getAbsolutePath(), this.file); audioStoragePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); Log.d(LCAT, "File: " + file + " Path: " + audioStoragePath); mRecorder.setOutputFile(audioStoragePath); mRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB); try { mRecorder.prepare(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LCAT, "prepare() failed"); Log.e(LCAT, e.toString()); } mRecorder.start(); } } private void stopRecordingAudio() { if (recording) { recording = false; mRecorder.stop(); mRecorder.release(); mRecorder = null; } } // Methods @Kroll.method public void start() { Log.d(LCAT, "start Rec called"); try { recordAudio(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.debug(LCAT, e.toString()); } } @Kroll.method public String stop() { Log.d(LCAT, "stop Rec called"); try { stopRecordingAudio(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.debug(LCAT, e.toString()); } return audioStoragePath; } @Kroll.method public boolean getRecording() { Log.d(LCAT, "get Recording called"); return this.recording; } }