Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2016 Antoine Nicolas SAMAHA * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. ******************************************************************************/ package com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Stack; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import com.foc.ConfigInfo; import com.foc.Globals; import com.foc.OptionDialog; import com.foc.access.AccessSubject; import com.foc.access.FocDataMap; import com.foc.admin.GroupXMLViewDesc; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.foc.dataDictionary.FocDataDictionary; import com.foc.dataDictionary.FocDataResolver_StringConstant; import; import com.foc.dataWrapper.FocDataWrapper; import com.foc.dataWrapper.FocListWrapper; import com.foc.desc.FocDesc; import com.foc.desc.FocFieldEnum; import com.foc.desc.FocObject; import com.foc.desc.field.FField; import com.foc.list.FocList; import com.foc.list.filter.FilterCondition; import com.foc.list.filter.FocListFilter; import com.foc.pivot.FPivotBreakdown; import com.foc.pivot.FPivotTable; import; import; import; import com.foc.shared.dataStore.IFocData; import com.foc.shared.xmlView.XMLViewKey; import com.foc.tree.FTree; import com.foc.util.ASCII; import com.foc.util.Utils; import com.foc.vaadin.FocCentralPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.FocWebApplication; import com.foc.vaadin.FocWebEnvironment; import com.foc.vaadin.FocWebVaadinWindow; import com.foc.vaadin.ICentralPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.IRightPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.fields.FocXMLGuiComponentCreator; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FVGUIFactory; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponent; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.FocXMLGuiComponentStatic; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.RightPanel; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.FVObjectComboBox; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.FVTableColumn; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.FVTreeTable; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.IPivotGrid; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.ITableTree; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.TableTreeDelegate; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.chart.FVChart; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.chart.FVPivotLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.pivot.FVPivotTable; import; import; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.components.tableAndTree.FVColumnGenerator; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVChartWrapperLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVEncapsulatorLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVHTMLLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVMenuLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVTableWrapperLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.FVWrapperLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.validationLayout.FVHelpLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.validationLayout.FVOptionMobileLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.validationLayout.FVValidationLayout; import com.foc.vaadin.gui.layouts.validationLayout.FValidationSettings; import com.foc.web.gui.INavigationWindow; import com.foc.web.server.xmlViewDictionary.XMLView; import com.foc.web.server.xmlViewDictionary.XMLViewDictionary; import com.foc.web.unitTesting.FocUnitDictionary; import; import; import com.vaadin.event.ItemClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractOrderedLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.JavaScript; import com.vaadin.ui.Table.ColumnGenerator; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class FocXMLLayout extends VerticalLayout implements ICentralPanel, IValidationListener, FocXMLGuiComponent, IXMLAttributeResolver { public static final String DEFAULT_DIALOG_WIDTH = "1300px"; public static final String DEFAULT_DIALOG_HEIGHT = "700px"; public static enum FullScreen { NOT_SET, TRUE, FALSE }; private FullScreen fullScreen = FullScreen.NOT_SET; private XMLView xmlView = null; private int viewRights = GroupXMLViewDesc.ALLOW_CREATION; private INavigationWindow mainWindow = null; private IFocData focData = null; private boolean focDataOwner = false; private FocDataDictionary focDataDictionary = null; private FVMenuLayout menuLayout = null; private Component firstRootComponent = null; private FValidationSettings validationSettings = null; private FVValidationLayout validationLayout = null; private Map<String, FocXMLGuiComponent> compMap = null; private Stack<Component> stack = null; private RightPanel rightPanel = null; private boolean reactToGuiChangeDisable = false; private boolean enableRightsApplicationToGuiFields = true; private FocXMLLayout parentLayout = null; private boolean commitWithParent = false; private ArrayList<FocXMLLayout> childLayoutArray = null; private boolean editable = true; private FocXMLGuiComponentListener valueChangeListener = null; private Map<String, DataPathListenerAction> propertyVisibleWhenMap = null; private boolean showValidationLayout = true; private String linkSerialisation = null; private Properties linkSerialisationProperties = null; private ITableTree tableTreeThatOpenedThisForm = null; private boolean goBackRequested = false; private Stack<com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FocXMLLayout.FocXMLHandler.FocElement> focElementStack = null; private Attributes attributesOfIncludeNode = null; // Is this really important! ArrayList<FVLayout> layouts = new ArrayList<FVLayout>(); private boolean immediateComponentAllowed = true; private String screenHelp = null; private boolean propertyChangeSuspended = false; private boolean disableCopyGuiToMemory = false; // This is the only constructor that will be called automatically // After that the init method will be called public FocXMLLayout() { setSpacing(false); setMargin(false); setCaption(null); // setHeight("99%"); } public void dispose() { if (valueChangeListener != null) { valueChangeListener.dispose(); valueChangeListener = null; } dispose_ChildLayout(); xmlView = null; mainWindow = null; parentLayout = null; dispose_ValidationSettings(); dispose_ComponentsMap(); if (isFocDataOwner() && focData != null) { focData.dispose(); } focData = null; if (focDataDictionary != null) { focDataDictionary.dispose(); focDataDictionary = null; } if (validationLayout != null) { validationLayout.dispose(); validationLayout = null; } if (stack != null) { stack.clear(); stack = null; } if (focElementStack != null) { focElementStack.clear(); focElementStack = null; } if (rightPanel != null) { rightPanel.dispose(); rightPanel = null; } if (propertyVisibleWhenMap != null) { Iterator<DataPathListenerAction> iter = propertyVisibleWhenMap.values().iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { DataPathListenerAction data =; if (data != null) { data.dispose(); } } propertyVisibleWhenMap.clear(); propertyVisibleWhenMap = null; } } if (layouts != null) { layouts.clear(); layouts = null; } tableTreeThatOpenedThisForm = null; if (linkSerialisationProperties != null) { linkSerialisationProperties.clear(); linkSerialisationProperties = null; } attributesOfIncludeNode = null; } public void dispose_ComponentsMap() { if (getComponentMap() != null) { ArrayList<FocXMLGuiComponent> toDeleteArray = new ArrayList<FocXMLGuiComponent>(); Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent current =; toDeleteArray.add(current); } } for (FocXMLGuiComponent comp : toDeleteArray) { comp.dispose(); } compMap.clear(); compMap = null; } } public void dispose_ChildLayout() { childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.dispose(); return true; } public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); if (childLayoutArray != null) { childLayoutArray.clear(); childLayoutArray = null; } } public void dispose_ValidationSettings() { if (validationSettings != null) { validationSettings.dispose(); validationSettings = null; } } public boolean isRTL() { return ConfigInfo.isGuiRTL(); } public boolean isArabic() { return ConfigInfo.isArabic(); } public void setScreenHelp(String screenHelp) { this.screenHelp = screenHelp; } public String getScreenHelpText() { return screenHelp; } public static FocObject getFocObject(IFocData focData) { FocObject focObj = null; if (focData instanceof FocObject) { focObj = (FocObject) focData; } else if (focData instanceof FocDataMap) { focData = ((FocDataMap) focData).getMainFocData(); if (focData instanceof FocObject) { focObj = (FocObject) focData; } } return focObj; } public FocObject getFocObject() { return getFocObject(getFocData()); } public FocList getFocList() { FocList focList = null; IFocData focData = getFocData(); if (focData instanceof FocDataMap) { focData = ((FocDataMap) focData).getMainFocData(); } if (focData instanceof FocListWrapper) { focList = ((FocListWrapper) focData).getFocList(); } else if (focData instanceof FocList) { focList = ((FocList) focData); } return focList; } public FTree getFocTree() { FTree fTree = null; IFocData focData = getFocData(); if (focData instanceof FTree) { fTree = (FTree) focData; } else if (focData instanceof FocDataMap) { focData = ((FocDataMap) focData).getMainFocData(); if (focData instanceof FTree) { fTree = (FTree) focData; } } return fTree; } public FocXMLGuiComponentListener getValueChangeListener() { if (valueChangeListener == null) { valueChangeListener = new FocXMLGuiComponentListener(); } return valueChangeListener; } /* * public ValueChangeListener getFormulaChangeListener(){ * if(formulaChangeListener == null){ formulaChangeListener = new * Property.ValueChangeListener() { * * @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { * if(isVisibleWhenApplicable()){ * * getValueChangeListener().valueChange(event); * * Iterator<Component> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); * while(iter != null && iter.hasNext()){ Component comp =; * FocXMLGuiComponent xmlComp = (FocXMLGuiComponent) comp; String expression = * xmlComp.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_VISIBLE_WHEN); if(expression != * null && !expression.isEmpty()){ FocSimpleFormulaContext context = null; * if(expression != null && !expression.isEmpty()){ Formula formula = new * Formula(expression); context = new FocSimpleFormulaContext(formula); } * if(context != null){ boolean visible = true; Object valueObj = * context.compute((FocObject)getFocData()); if(valueObj instanceof Boolean){ * visible = ((Boolean)valueObj).booleanValue(); }else if(valueObj instanceof * String){ visible = ((String)valueObj).toUpperCase().equals("TRUE"); } * comp.setVisible(visible); } } } } } }; } return formulaChangeListener; } */ @Override public void addComponent(Component c) { boolean firstComponent = getComponentCount() == 0; super.addComponent(c); if (firstComponent) { setExpandRatio(c, 1); firstRootComponent = c; } } public Component getFirstRootComponent() { return firstRootComponent; } public void setDataToPrintingLayout(FocXMLLayout printingLayout) { if (printingLayout != null) { FocDataDictionary srcDictionary = printingLayout.getFocDataDictionary(false); if (srcDictionary != null) { FocDataDictionary tarDictionary = getFocDataDictionary(true); tarDictionary.copy(srcDictionary); } } } protected void beforeLayoutConstruction() { } protected void afterLayoutConstruction() { } @Override public void init(INavigationWindow window, XMLView xmlView, IFocData focData) { this.mainWindow = window; this.xmlView = xmlView; setFocData(focData); FocObject newObj = getFocObject(); if (newObj != null) { if (/*!newObj.workflow_IsAllowModification() ||*/ newObj.focObject_IsLocked()) { setEditable(false); } newObj.code_resetIfApplicableAndCreated(); if (newObj.isCreated() && newObj instanceof IStatusHolder) { StatusHolder statusHolder = ((IStatusHolder) newObj).getStatusHolder(); if (statusHolder != null) { statusHolder.fillCreationInfo(); } } } } @Override public void parseXMLAndBuildGui() { beforeLayoutConstruction(); parseXML(); setDisableCopyGuiToMemory(true); mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas(); innerLayout_AfterConstruction(); afterLayoutConstruction(); setDisableCopyGuiToMemory(false); } @Override public XMLView getXMLView() { return xmlView; } public void setXMLView(XMLView xmlView) { this.xmlView = xmlView; } public boolean isConstructionMode() { return getRightPanel(false) != null; } @Override public IRightPanel getRightPanel(boolean createIfNeeded) { if (rightPanel == null && createIfNeeded) { FocDesc focDesc = null; if (focData instanceof FocObject) { focDesc = ((FocObject) focData).getThisFocDesc(); } else if (focData instanceof FocList) { focDesc = ((FocList) focData).getFocDesc(); } else if (focData instanceof FTree) { FocList list = ((FTree) focData).getFocList(); focDesc = list != null ? list.getFocDesc() : null; } rightPanel = new RightPanel(this, focDesc); rightPanel.setEditingPermission(xmlView.getViewPermission(FocWebApplication.getFocUser())); } return rightPanel; } @Override public ArrayList<FVLayout> getLayouts() { return layouts; } @Override public INavigationWindow getMainWindow() { return mainWindow; } public INavigationWindow getParentNavigationWindow() { INavigationWindow parentNavigationWindow = findAncestor(FocCentralPanel.class); if (parentNavigationWindow == null) parentNavigationWindow = getMainWindow(); return parentNavigationWindow; } @Override public FValidationSettings getValidationSettings(boolean createIfNeeded) { if (validationSettings == null && createIfNeeded) { validationSettings = new FValidationSettings(); } return validationSettings; } @Override public IFocData getFocData() { return focData; } private void parseXML() { try { XMLView xmlView = getXMLView(); InputStream xmlFileName = (xmlView != null) ? xmlView.getXMLStream_ForView() : null; if (xmlFileName != null) { if (xmlView != null && xmlView.getFullFileName() != null) { Globals.logString("Parsing FocXMLLayout Filename : " + xmlView.getFullFileName()); } SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); saxParser.parse(xmlFileName, new FocXMLHandler()); } else { Globals.logString("FocXMLLayout parseXML(): Xml View file inputstream = null"); } } catch (Exception e) { goBack(null); Globals.logExceptionWithoutPopup(e); } refresh(); /* * Globals.logString(layouts.size()+""); if (layouts.size() != 0) * ((Component) layouts.get(0)).setStyleName("bg-white"); */ } public Stack<Component> getStack() { if (stack == null) { stack = new Stack<Component>(); } return stack; } public Stack<com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FocXMLLayout.FocXMLHandler.FocElement> getFocElementStack() { if (focElementStack == null) { focElementStack = new Stack<com.foc.vaadin.gui.xmlForm.FocXMLLayout.FocXMLHandler.FocElement>(); } return focElementStack; } public FVLayout getCurrentLayout() { FVLayout layout = null; if (!getStack().empty()) { layout = (FVLayout) getStack().peek(); } return layout; } public Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> getComponentMapIterator() { Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap() != null && getComponentMap().values() != null ? getComponentMap().values().iterator() : null; return iter; } public void removeComponentByName_StartWith(String name) { ArrayList<String> arrayOfCompToRemove = null; Iterator<String> iter = getComponentMap().keySet().iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { String componentKey =; if (componentKey != null && componentKey.startsWith(name)) { if (arrayOfCompToRemove == null) arrayOfCompToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); arrayOfCompToRemove.add(componentKey); } } } if (arrayOfCompToRemove != null) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfCompToRemove.size(); i++) { getComponentMap().remove(arrayOfCompToRemove.get(i)); } } } public FocXMLGuiComponent removeComponentByName(String name) { return getComponentMap().remove(name); } public Component getComponentByName(String name) { Component comp = (Component) getComponentMap().get(name); if (comp == null) { for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size() && comp == null; i++) { comp = childLayoutArray.get(i).getComponentByName(name); } } /* if(comp == null){ Globals.logString("Could not find component : "+name); Globals.logString("Instead we have : "); debug_PrintoutAllComponents(); } */ return comp; } public void debug_PrintoutAllComponents() { Map map = getComponentMap(); if (map != null) { Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { String key = (String); Globals.logString(key); } for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++) { FocXMLLayout lay = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); if (lay != null) lay.debug_PrintoutAllComponents(); } } } public String putComponent(String name, Component component) { if (name == null) { name = ASCII.generateRandomString(10); } else { FocXMLGuiComponent oldGuiComponent = (FocXMLGuiComponent) getComponentByName(name); if (oldGuiComponent != null) { oldGuiComponent.dispose(); } } getComponentMap().put(name, (FocXMLGuiComponent) component); if (component != null) { ((FocXMLGuiComponent) component).getDelegate().setNameInMap(name); } if (component != null && ConfigInfo.isUnitDevMode() && component instanceof AbstractComponent) { if (component instanceof FVWrapperLayout) { AbstractComponent field = (AbstractComponent) ((FVWrapperLayout) component).getFormField(); if (field != null) field.setDescription("Name : " + name); } else { ((AbstractComponent) component).setDescription("Name : " + name); } } return name; } public void removeComponent(String name) { getComponentMap().remove(name); } private Map<String, FocXMLGuiComponent> getComponentMap() { if (compMap == null) { compMap = new HashMap<String, FocXMLGuiComponent>(); } return compMap; } private FVLayout addComponentToStack(Component component, String name, FocXMLAttributes attributes) { Component parent = null; if (component != null) { if (!getStack().empty()) { parent = (Component) getStack().peek(); } else { addComponent(component);// In this case this component is the root if (attributes != null && attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_ALIGNMENT) != null && !attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_ALIGNMENT).isEmpty()) { String value = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_ALIGNMENT); FocXMLGuiComponentStatic.applyAlignment(this, component, value); } else { setComponentAlignment(component, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); } } } getStack().push(component); return (FVLayout) parent; } protected void component_Added(FocXMLGuiComponent component) { } private void addComponentToGuiAndMap_AndStack(Component component, String name, FocXMLAttributes attributes) { FocXMLAttributes impl = new FocXMLAttributes(this, attributes); FVLayout parentLayout = addComponentToStack(component, name, impl); if (component != null) { addComponentToGuiAndMap(component, name, impl, (FVLayout) parentLayout); } } protected void addComponentToGuiAndMap(Component component, String name, AttributesImpl attributes, FVLayout parent) { if (component != null) { FocXMLGuiComponent xmlGuiComp = (FocXMLGuiComponent) component; xmlGuiComp.setAttributes(attributes); // FVGuiComponent.applyCommonAttributes(component, attributes); name = putComponent(name, component); if (component instanceof FVLayout) { if (layouts.size() == 0) { String heightAttrib = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_HEIGHT); if (heightAttrib != null && !heightAttrib.isEmpty()) { setHeight(heightAttrib); } } layouts.add((FVLayout) component); } if (parent != null && component != null) { parent.addComponent(component, attributes); xmlGuiComp.getDelegate().setParentComponent(parent); if (attributes != null) { String expandRatio = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_EXPAND_RATIO); if (expandRatio != null) { try { float expandRatioFloat = Float.valueOf(expandRatio); ((AbstractOrderedLayout) parent).setExpandRatio(component, expandRatioFloat); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } } else if (attributes.getIndex(FXML.ATT_IDX) != -1) { attributes.removeAttribute(attributes.getIndex(FXML.ATT_IDX)); } } } if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { createVisibleWhenFormulaContextIfNeeded(name, (FocXMLGuiComponent) component); } addListenerToField_AndSetRequired((FocXMLGuiComponent) component); component_Added((FocXMLGuiComponent) component); } } public Component newFilterConditionGuiField(DefaultHandler handler, FocListFilter listFilter, String dataPath, FocXMLAttributes attributes) { Component comp = null; if (listFilter != null && listFilter.getThisFilterDesc() != null && !Utils.isStringEmpty(dataPath)) { FilterCondition filterCond = listFilter.getThisFilterDesc().findConditionByFieldPrefix(dataPath); if (filterCond != null) { FocXMLFilterConditionBuilder.addConditionComponents(handler, this, listFilter, filterCond, attributes); } } return comp; } public Component newGuiField(FVLayout layout, String name, String dataPath, FocXMLAttributes attributes) { return newGuiField(layout, null, name, null, dataPath, null, attributes); } // This call is done from Table public Component newGuiField(String name, IFocData rootDataPath, String dataPath, FProperty property, FocXMLAttributes attributes) { if (attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_GEAR_ENABLED) == null) { attributes.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_GEAR_ENABLED, "false"); } if (!Globals.isValo() /*|| Globals.getApp().isUnitTest()*/) { if (attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_USE_POPUP_VIEW) == null) { attributes.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_USE_POPUP_VIEW, "true"); } } return newGuiField(null, null, name, rootDataPath, dataPath, property, attributes); } /** * * @param layout * The container layout. Not applicable when called from a Table or * Tree * @param xmlTagKey * Allows to get the GuiComponentCreator from the factory. When null, * will be re composed from the IFocData which should be a FProperty * @param name * @param rootFocData * the starting point to use with dataPath to get to the IFocData * @param dataPath * the dataPath to get to the IFocData starting from the rootFocData * @param focData * If null can be fetched from the dataPath and rootFocData * @param attributes * @return */ public Component newGuiField(FVLayout layout, String xmlTagKey, // Gets the // ComponentCreator // from // factory (If // null will // be fetched // by the ) String name, IFocData rootFocData, // the starting point to use with // dataPath to get to the IFocData String dataPath, // the dataPath to get to the IFocData starting from the // rootFocData IFocData focData, // If null can be fetched from the dataPath and // rootFocData FocXMLAttributes attributes) { AbstractComponent component = null; if (rootFocData == null) { rootFocData = getFocData(); } if (focData == null && rootFocData != null && dataPath != null && !dataPath.isEmpty()) { focData = getDataByPath(rootFocData, dataPath); } if (xmlTagKey == null || xmlTagKey.isEmpty()) { xmlTagKey = FVGUIFactory.getInstance().getKeyForProperty(focData); } FocXMLGuiComponentCreator vField = xmlTagKey != null ? FVGUIFactory.getInstance().get(xmlTagKey) : null; if (vField == null) { if (xmlTagKey != null) { Globals.showNotification("Tag not recognized", "" + xmlTagKey, FocWebEnvironment.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { // In this case the tag is not wrong it is null Then maybe the dataPath // was wrong String value = attributes != null ? attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_MASK_DATA_FOUND_ERROR) : null; if (value == null || (!value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && !value.equals("1"))) { if (focData == null && dataPath != null && !dataPath.isEmpty()) { if (dataPath.contains("[")) { //When the path contains an array item we do not popup an error because it is possible to have an empty list. //This was added when we encountered the Signature[1] case. The Document might not be signed yet } else { Globals.showNotification("Data not found", " for dataPath: " + dataPath + "", FocWebEnvironment.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); if (ConfigInfo.isDebugMode()) { debug_PrintFieldNames(); } } } else if (focData == null) { Globals.showNotification("Data not found", " because datapath is null or empty", FocWebEnvironment.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { Globals.showNotification("Tag not found (Data found)", " dataPath: " + dataPath + "", FocWebEnvironment.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } } else { IFocData iFocData_SentToObject = focData; if (iFocData_SentToObject instanceof FField) iFocData_SentToObject = null; FocXMLGuiComponent guiComponent = null; FProperty property = null; IFocData propFocData = rootFocData.iFocData_getDataByPath(dataPath); if (propFocData instanceof FProperty) { property = (FProperty) propFocData; } try { guiComponent = vField.newGuiComponent(FocXMLLayout.this, iFocData_SentToObject, attributes, rootFocData, dataPath); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } // If the dataPath contains . then this means that the component needs to // recall the setDataPath when some properties change. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (dataPath != null && dataPath.contains(".")) { int index = dataPath.indexOf("."); String subDataPath = dataPath.substring(0, index); mapDataPath2ListenerAction_PutGuiComponentWithDataPath(subDataPath, guiComponent); } // If any attribute contains a $F{ this means that they are dependent on // some field that might be on screen. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (attributes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { ArrayList<String> arrayOfFields = attributes.getArrayOfFieldsUsed(i); if (arrayOfFields != null) { for (int idx = 0; idx < arrayOfFields.size(); idx++) { String valueDataPath = arrayOfFields.get(idx); if (valueDataPath != null && valueDataPath.contains(".")) { int index = valueDataPath.indexOf("."); String subDataPath = valueDataPath.substring(0, index); mapDataPath2ListenerAction_PutGuiComponentWithDataPath(subDataPath, guiComponent); } } } } } component = (AbstractComponent) guiComponent; if (guiComponent != null) { guiComponent.copyMemoryToGui(); addComponentToGuiAndMap(component, name, attributes, layout); //hadi18032016 // if(guiComponent != null && ConfigInfo.isContextHelpActive() && guiComponent.getAttributes() != null && guiComponent.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_HELP) != null){ // getContextHelpComponentsList(true).add(guiComponent); // } //hadi18032016 } if (isEnableRightsApplicationToGuiFields() && !guiComponent.getDelegate().isEditable()) { if (guiComponent.getFormField() != null && !(guiComponent instanceof FVTableWrapperLayout)) { guiComponent.getFormField().setEnabled(false); } } } return component; } public void setImmediateComponentAllowed(boolean immediateComponentAllowed) { this.immediateComponentAllowed = immediateComponentAllowed; } public boolean isImmediateComponentAllowed() { return immediateComponentAllowed; } protected boolean field_IsImmediate(FocXMLGuiComponent guiComponent, IFocData focData) { boolean shouldBeImmediate = false; if (guiComponent != null) { shouldBeImmediate = isComponentSetImmediate(guiComponent); if (!shouldBeImmediate) { if (focData != null && focData instanceof FProperty) { FProperty property = (FProperty) focData; if (property.hasListeners() || mapDataPath2ListenerAction_GetListenerAction(guiComponent) != null || (property.getFocField() != null && property.getFocField().getPropertyValidator() != null || property instanceof FTime)//We always listen immediately to time in case they type with bad format ) { shouldBeImmediate = true; } } } } return shouldBeImmediate; } public void addListenerToField_AndSetRequired(FocXMLGuiComponent guiComponent) { if (guiComponent != null) { IFocData focData = guiComponent.getFocData(); //Setting the field as immediate //------------------------------ boolean shouldBeImmediate = false; if (isImmediateComponentAllowed()) { shouldBeImmediate = field_IsImmediate(guiComponent, focData); } if (shouldBeImmediate) { addFieldToValueChangeListener(guiComponent); } //Setting the field as mandatory = Required //----------------------------------------- if (focData != null && focData instanceof FProperty) { FProperty property = (FProperty) focData; FField field = property.getFocField(); if (field != null && guiComponent.getFormField() != null) { guiComponent.getFormField().setRequired(field.isMandatory()); } } } } public void addFieldToValueChangeListener(FocXMLGuiComponent guiComponent) { Field fieldToListenTo = guiComponent.getFormField(); if (fieldToListenTo != null && fieldToListenTo instanceof AbstractComponent) { getValueChangeListener().addField(fieldToListenTo); } } private boolean isComponentSetImmediate(FocXMLGuiComponent guiComp) { boolean hasTheSetImmediateAttribute = false; Attributes attr = guiComp.getAttributes(); if (attr != null) { String value = attr.getValue(FXML.ATT_IMMEDIATE); if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { if (value.equals("true")) { hasTheSetImmediateAttribute = true; } } } return hasTheSetImmediateAttribute; } public Component newGuiPaletteComponent(FVLayout layout, String compTypeName, String mapName, String dataPath, IFocData focData, Attributes attributes) { Component component = null; AttributesImpl impl = attributes != null ? new FocXMLAttributes(this, attributes) : null; FocXMLGuiComponentCreator guiCreator = FVGUIFactory.getInstance().get(compTypeName); if (guiCreator != null) { FocXMLGuiComponent guiComp = null; try { guiComp = guiCreator.newGuiComponent(FocXMLLayout.this, focData, impl, getFocData(), dataPath); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } component = (Component) guiComp; } else { Globals.showNotification("Gui XML Tag unknown", "" + compTypeName, FocWebEnvironment.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); } addComponentToGuiAndMap(component, mapName, impl, layout); return component; } public Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> getXMLComponentIterator() { return getComponentMap() != null ? getComponentMap().values().iterator() : null; } @Override public void refresh() { if (getComponentMap() != null) { ArrayList<FVTableWrapperLayout> tableWrappers = null; Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent component =; if (component != null && component instanceof FVTableWrapperLayout) { if (tableWrappers == null) tableWrappers = new ArrayList<FVTableWrapperLayout>(); tableWrappers.add((FVTableWrapperLayout) component); } //Might cause some performance issues else if (component instanceof FocXMLLayout) { FocXMLLayout layout = (FocXMLLayout) component; layout.refresh(); } } if (tableWrappers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tableWrappers.size(); i++) { tableWrappers.get(i).refresh(); } } } if (getValidationLayout() != null) { getValidationLayout().refreshFullScreenIcon(); } markAsDirtyRecursive(); } @Override public void beforeViewChangeListenerFired() { IFocData iFocData = getFocData(); if (iFocData != null && iFocData instanceof FocDataWrapper) { FocDataWrapper dataWrapper = (FocDataWrapper) iFocData; dataWrapper.removeFilter_FocXMLLayout(); } } public void re_parseXMLAndBuildGui() { removeAllComponents(); dispose_ChildLayout(); dispose_ComponentsMap(); parseXMLAndBuildGui(); if (validationLayout != null) { if (Globals.isValo()) { FocWebApplication focWebApplication = findAncestor(FocWebApplication.class); if (focWebApplication != null) { focWebApplication.replaceFooterLayout(validationLayout); } else { addComponent(validationLayout); setComponentAlignment(validationLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } } else { addComponentAsFirst(validationLayout); setComponentAlignment(validationLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } } /* if(getCentralPanel() != null){ ICentralPanel centralPanel = XMLViewDictionary.getInstance().newCentralPanel(getMainWindow(), getXMLView().getXmlViewKey(), getFocData()); getCentralPanel().changeCentralPanelContent(centralPanel, false); }else{ Globals.logString("Could not FocXMLLayout.re_parseXMLAndBuildGui() because no entral Panel!!!!!!!"); } */ } @Override public void validationDiscard(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { if (focData != null && (getValidationSettings(false) == null || getValidationSettings(false).isCommitData())) { focData.iFocData_cancel(); } //Propagating the Validation Actions to child layouts if linked... for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++) { FocXMLLayout layout = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); if (layout.isCommitWithParent()) { layout.validationDiscard(validationLayout); } } } public void popupMessageForComponent(FocXMLGuiComponent comp) { if (comp != null) { IFocData focData = comp.getFocData(); if (focData != null && focData instanceof FProperty) { FProperty prop = (FProperty) focData; if (prop != null) { FField fld = prop.getFocField(); String caption = comp.getDelegate().getCaptionFromAttributes(); if (Utils.isStringEmpty(caption)) { caption = fld.getTitle(); if (Utils.isStringEmpty(caption)) { caption = fld.getName(); } } String title = "Alert"; String message = "Please enter data for : " + caption; if (isArabic()) { title = ""; message = " " + " : " + caption; } OptionDialog dialog = new OptionDialog(title, message) { @Override public boolean executeOption(String optionName) { return false; } }; dialog.addOption("OK", isArabic() ? "" : "Ok"); if (Globals.getApp().isUnitTest()) { FocUnitDictionary.getInstance().getLogger() .addInfo("Dialog popup: " + title + " - " + message); } dialog.popup(); } } } } public boolean checkMandatoryGuiFieldsAreFilled() { boolean error = false; //Even though we have a data valildation check in the data layer or FocObject, we are doing a check on the GUI component //To be able to give a meaningful message dependent also on the FocXMLLayout language Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMapIterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent comp =; if (comp != null) { IFocData focData = comp.getFocData(); if (focData != null && focData instanceof FProperty) { FProperty prop = (FProperty) focData; if (prop != null) { FField fld = prop.getFocField(); FocObject focObj = prop.getFocObject(); if (fld != null && focObj != null && fld.isMandatory() && !focObj.isDeleted()) { boolean valid = focObj.isPropertyDataValid(fld, prop); if (!valid) { popupMessageForComponent(comp); error = true; break; } } } } } } return error; } public boolean validateDataBeforeCommit(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { boolean error = checkMandatoryGuiFieldsAreFilled(); return error; } @Override public boolean validationCheckData(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { boolean error = copyGuiToMemory(); if (!error && (getValidationSettings(false) == null || getValidationSettings(false).isCommitData())) { //We should check all before starting to save if (!error) error = innerLayout_CommitOrCheckData(false); if (!error) error = validateDataBeforeCommit(validationLayout); } //Propagating the Validation Actions to child layouts if linked... for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size() && !error; i++) { FocXMLLayout layout = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); if (layout.isCommitWithParent()) { error = layout.validationCheckData(validationLayout); } } return error; } private ILoggable pushLogInfoForLoggable() { ILoggable loggable = null; AccessSubject accessSubject = (focData != null && focData instanceof AccessSubject) ? (AccessSubject) focData : null; while (accessSubject != null && loggable == null) { if (accessSubject instanceof FocObject) { loggable = (ILoggable) ((FocObject) accessSubject).workflow_GetFirstFatherLoggable(); } accessSubject = accessSubject.getFatherSubject(); } if (loggable != null) { LoggableChangeCumulator logger = LoggableChangeCumulator.getInstanceForThread(); JSONLog log = logger.get(loggable); if (log != null) { loggable = null; } else { logger.push(loggable); } } return loggable; } private void consumeLogInfoForLoggable(ILoggable loggable) { if (loggable != null) { LoggableChangeCumulator logCumulator = LoggableChangeCumulator.getInstanceForThread(); if (logCumulator != null) logCumulator.insertLogLine_IfNotInsertedYet(loggable); } } @Override public boolean validationCommit(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { boolean error = false; if (!error && (getValidationSettings(false) == null || getValidationSettings(false).isCommitData())) { ILoggable loggable = pushLogInfoForLoggable(); if (!error) error = innerLayout_CommitOrCheckData(true); if (!error && focData != null) { error = focData.iFocData_validate(); if (!error) { consumeLogInfoForLoggable(loggable); } } } if (!error) { //Propagating the Validation Actions to child layouts if linked... for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++) { FocXMLLayout layout = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); if (layout.isCommitWithParent()) { error = layout.validationCommit(validationLayout); } } } return error; } @Override public void validationAfter(FVValidationLayout validationLayout, boolean commited) { //Propagating the Validation Actions to child layouts if linked... for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++) { FocXMLLayout layout = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); if (layout.isCommitWithParent()) { layout.validationAfter(validationLayout, commited); } } } @Override public boolean copyGuiToMemory() { return copyGuiToMemory(null, null); } private boolean copyGuiToMemoryForASingleComponent(FocXMLGuiComponent obj) { boolean error = false; if (obj != null && obj.getFocData() instanceof FProperty && (obj.getDelegate() == null || !obj.getDelegate().isSuspended())) { if (ConfigInfo.comboBoxShowDropDownEvenWhenDisabled() && !obj.getDelegate().isEditable()) { obj.copyMemoryToGui(); if (obj.getFormField() != null) obj.getFormField().markAsDirty(); } else { FProperty property = (FProperty) obj.getFocData(); if (property != null) { boolean backup = property.isDesactivateListeners(); property.setDesactivateListeners(true); error = obj.copyGuiToMemory(); property.setDesactivateListeners(backup); } else { error = obj.copyGuiToMemory(); } } } return error; } /* public FVLayout searchLayoutsByNameAttribute(String name){ FVLayout layout = null; if(!Utils.isStringEmpty(name)){ String myName = getAttributes() != null ? getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_NAME) : null; if(myName != null && myName.equals(name)){ layout = this; }else{ for(int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++){ FocXMLLayout child = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); if(child != null){ layout = child.searchLayoutsByNameAttribute(myName); layout.getAttributes() } } } } return layout; } */ public void scanLayoutsAndShowViewValidationLayouts() { for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++) { FocXMLLayout child = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); if (child != null) { child.showValidationLayout(true); child.scanLayoutsAndShowViewValidationLayouts(); } } } private void scanAllComponentsAndAddToHelpContext_Internal(final FVHelpLayout helpLayout) { try { Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent focXMLGuiComponent =; if (focXMLGuiComponent != null && focXMLGuiComponent.getAttributes() != null) { String help = focXMLGuiComponent.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_HELP); if (help != null) { helpLayout.addComponentToContextHelp(focXMLGuiComponent); // contextHelpComponentsList.add(focXMLGuiComponent); } } } } childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { @Override public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.scanAllComponentsAndAddToHelpContext_Internal(helpLayout); return false; } @Override public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logString( "EVERPRO EXCEPTION CAUGHT AT : FocXMLLayout.scanAllComponentsAndExpandAllTrees_LocalLayout()"); Globals.logException(e); } } public void scanComponentsAndAddToHelpContext(final FVHelpLayout helpLayout) { if (getParentLayout() != null) { getParentLayout().scanComponentsAndAddToHelpContext(helpLayout); } else { scanAllComponentsAndAddToHelpContext_Internal(helpLayout); } } private void scanAllComponentsAndExpandAllTrees_LocalLayout() { try { Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { Component comp = (Component); if (comp != null && comp instanceof FVTableWrapperLayout) { ITableTree tableOrTree = ((FVTableWrapperLayout) comp).getTableOrTree(); if (tableOrTree != null && tableOrTree instanceof FVTreeTable) { ((FVTreeTable) tableOrTree).expandCollapseNodes(true); } tableOrTree.getTableTreeDelegate().fitTreeToMax(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logString( "EVERPRO EXCEPTION CAUGHT AT : FocXMLLayout.scanAllComponentsAndExpandAllTrees_LocalLayout()"); Globals.logException(e); } } public void scanComponentsAndExpandAllTrees() { scanAllComponentsAndExpandAllTrees_LocalLayout(); childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { @Override public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.scanComponentsAndExpandAllTrees(); return false; } @Override public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); } private boolean scanComponentsAndcopyGuiToMemory() { boolean error = false; if (getParentLayout() != null) { error = getParentLayout().scanComponentsAndcopyGuiToMemory(); } else { error = scanComponentsAndcopyGuiToMemory_Local(); childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { @Override public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.scanComponentsAndcopyGuiToMemory_Local(); return false; } @Override public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); } return error; } private boolean scanComponentsAndcopyGuiToMemory_Local() { boolean error = false; try { Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { Component comp = (Component); if (comp.isVisible() && comp instanceof FocXMLGuiComponent) { FocXMLGuiComponent obj = (FocXMLGuiComponent) comp; if (obj.getFocData() instanceof FProperty) { boolean localError = copyGuiToMemoryForASingleComponent(obj); error = error || localError; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } return error; } public boolean propertyChangeIntention(FocObject focObject, FProperty property, Object before, String after, FocXMLGuiComponent componentModified) { return false; } public boolean isPropertyChangeSuspended() { boolean isSus = propertyChangeSuspended; for (int i = 0; !isSus && i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++) { FocXMLLayout layout = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); isSus = layout.isPropertyChangeSuspended(); } return isSus; } public boolean propertyChangeIntention_Accepted(FocXMLGuiComponent componentModified, FProperty propertyOfEvent) { boolean error = false; try { if (componentModified != null && componentModified.getDelegate() != null) componentModified.getDelegate().setSuspended(false); propertyChangeSuspended = false; error = scanComponentsAndcopyGuiToMemory(); // Because if we have 2 components CODE and NAME for the same datapath // PARTY or JOB... // the copyGuiToMemory should take into account the modified one at last // and not the other, // Otherwise we will have the last one that comes in the iteration foring // its value even though we modified the first one. boolean locError = copyGuiToMemoryForASingleComponent(componentModified); error = error || locError; if (propertyOfEvent != null && !propertyOfEvent.isDesactivateListeners()) { propertyOfEvent.notifyListeners(true); } if (componentModified != null) { DataPathListenerAction frmulasArray = mapDataPath2ListenerAction_GetListenerAction( componentModified); if (frmulasArray != null) { frmulasArray.applyFormulasOfAllContexts(); frmulasArray.resetPropertyObjects(getFocData()); } } else { mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas(); } copyMemoryToGui(); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); error = true; } return error; } public void propertyChangeIntention_Rejected(FocXMLGuiComponent componentModified, FProperty propertyOfEvent) { propertyChangeSuspended = false; if (componentModified != null) { if (componentModified.getDelegate() != null) componentModified.getDelegate().setSuspended(false); boolean backup = setReactToGuiChangeDisable(true); componentModified.copyMemoryToGui(); setReactToGuiChangeDisable(backup); } } public boolean copyGuiToMemory(FocXMLGuiComponent componentModified, FProperty propertyOfEvent) { boolean error = false; if (!isDisableCopyGuiToMemory()) { try { //PropertyChangeIntention //In This case we want to make sure that FocObject Allows the Change before triggering any listeners if (!propertyChangeSuspended) { if (propertyOfEvent != null && componentModified != null) { Object valueBefore = propertyOfEvent != null ? propertyOfEvent.getObject() : null; String valueAfter = componentModified.getValueString(); if (!error && propertyOfEvent != null) { FocObject fatherObj = propertyOfEvent.getFocObject(); boolean componentSuspendedBackup = componentModified.getDelegate() != null ? componentModified.getDelegate().setSuspended(true) : false; propertyChangeSuspended = propertyChangeIntention(fatherObj, propertyOfEvent, valueBefore, valueAfter, componentModified); if (!propertyChangeSuspended && componentModified.getDelegate() != null) { componentModified.getDelegate().setSuspended(componentSuspendedBackup); } } } } if (propertyChangeSuspended) { error = true; } else { error = propertyChangeIntention_Accepted(componentModified, propertyOfEvent); } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); error = true; } // } else { // Globals.logString("@@@ JUST DISABLED COPY GUI TO MEMORY @@@"); } return error; } public void copyMemoryToGui() { if (getParentLayout() != null) { getParentLayout().copyMemoryToGui(); } else { copyMemoryToGui_Local(); childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { @Override public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.copyMemoryToGui_Local(); return false; } @Override public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); } } protected void copyMemoryToGui_Local() { setReactToGuiChangeDisable(true); Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent obj =; if (obj.getDelegate() != null) { IFocData prevFocData = obj.getFocData(); IFocData newFocData = obj.getDelegate().refreshFocData();// ATTENTION This should not be // called systematically //If it is an Encapsulator and Data (FProperty) has changed, this might mean that the component needs to be changed. if (obj instanceof FVEncapsulatorLayout && prevFocData != newFocData) { FVEncapsulatorLayout encapsulator = (FVEncapsulatorLayout) obj; String xmlTagKey = FVGUIFactory.getInstance().getKeyForProperty(newFocData); if (xmlTagKey != null && !xmlTagKey.equals(obj.getXMLType())) { FocXMLAttributes atribs = new FocXMLAttributes(FocXMLLayout.this, obj.getAttributes()); atribs.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_ENCAPSULATE, "false"); atribs.removeAttribute(FXML.ATT_CAPTION); atribs.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_IMMEDIATE, "true"); FocXMLGuiComponentCreator vField = xmlTagKey != null ? FVGUIFactory.getInstance().get(xmlTagKey) : null; FocXMLGuiComponent newField = vField.newGuiComponent(FocXMLLayout.this, newFocData, atribs, obj.getDelegate().getRootFocData(), obj.getDelegate().getDataPath()); if (newField != null) { addFieldToValueChangeListener(newField); encapsulator.replaceField(newField); } } } } if (!(obj instanceof FocXMLLayout)) { boolean backupReadOnly = false; Field fld = obj.getFormField(); if (fld != null) { backupReadOnly = fld.isReadOnly(); fld.setReadOnly(false); } if (obj.getDelegate() == null || !obj.getDelegate().isSuspended()) { obj.copyMemoryToGui(); } if (fld != null && backupReadOnly) { fld.setReadOnly(backupReadOnly); } } } mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas(); setReactToGuiChangeDisable(false); } private IFocData getDataByPath(String path) { return getDataByPath(focData, path); } private IFocData getDataByPath(IFocData rootFocData, String path) { IFocData data = null; if (path != null) { if (path.equals(FXML.DATA_ROOT)) { data = rootFocData; } else if (path.startsWith(FXML.DATA_STORE)) { String subPath = path.substring(FXML.DATA_STORE.length(), path.length() - 1); String[] args = subPath.split(","); if (args.length == 1) { data = (IFocData) DataStore.getInstance().getList(args[0]); } } else { data = rootFocData != null ? rootFocData.iFocData_getDataByPath(path) : null; } } return data; } @Override public void goBack(FocCentralPanel focCentralPanel_BeforevalidationCheckDataIsCalled) { FocCentralPanel focCentralPanel = findAncestor(FocCentralPanel.class); if (focCentralPanel == null) {//Normally we never get inside these brackets, and even if we do the find should then give null again. Because since 2014-04-25 we have moved the find to before the validationCheckData listeners. focCentralPanel = focCentralPanel_BeforevalidationCheckDataIsCalled; } // if(focCentralPanel instanceof FocWebVaadinWindow){ FocXMLLayout root = this; while (root.getParentLayout() != null) { root = root.getParentLayout(); } if (focCentralPanel != null) focCentralPanel.goBack(root); // }else{ // FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().removeWindow(findAncestor(Window.class)); // if(getMainWindow() != null){ // getMainWindow().refreshCentralPanelAndRightPanel(); // } // } } public void print() { FocXMLLayout lay = this; while (lay.getParentLayout() != null) { lay = lay.getParentLayout(); } lay.printThisLayout2(); } /* public void printThisLayout2(Window mWindow) { // getWindow().setScrollable(false); // ((FocCentralPanel)getWindow()).getCentralPanelWrapper().setScrollable(false); getWindow().setBorder(Window.BORDER_NONE); getWindow().executeJavaScript("print();"); } */ public void printThisLayout2() { JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("print();"); // XMLView xmlView = getXMLView(); // // Window window = new Window(); //// window.setScrollable(false); // FocXMLLayout printingForm = new FocXMLLayout(); // printingForm.init((FocCentralPanel) getMainWindow(), xmlView, getFocData()); // printingForm.parseXMLAndBuildGui(); // window.setContent(printingForm); // // ExternalResource(window.getURL()), "_blank", 595, 842, // // Window.BORDER_NONE); // int prefWidth = 700; // try{ // String prefWidthStr = getPreferredPageWidth(); // // // if(prefWidthStr == null){ // prefWidthStr = "700"; // } // // // prefWidthStr = prefWidthStr.replace("px", ""); // prefWidth = Integer.parseInt(prefWidthStr); // prefWidth += FocCentralPanel.MARGIN_FOR_CENTRAL_PANEL; // }catch (Exception e){ // Globals.logException(e); // } // // window.setWidth(prefWidth+"px"); // FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().addWindow(window); //// Globals.showNotification("Foc Vaadin 7 compatibility", "FE54GQ", IFocEnvironment.TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE); //// getUI().getPage().open(window.getURL(), "_blank"); //// ExternalResource(window.getURL()), "_blank", prefWidth, 842, Window.BORDER_NONE); // JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("print();"); // JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("self.close();"); /* * Change the container of the layout we want to print without re-creating * it * //---------------------------------------------------------------------- * -- * * AbstractComponentContainer container = (AbstractComponentContainer) * getParent(); container.removeComponent(this); * * FocCentralPanel centralPanel = new FocCentralPanel(); * centralPanel.fill(); centralPanel.changeCentralPanelContent(this, true); * mWindow.getApplication().addWindow(centralPanel); * ExternalResource(centralPanel.getURL()), "_blank", 595, 842, * Window.BORDER_NONE); centralPanel.executeJavaScript("print();"); // * window.executeJavaScript("self.close();"); */ } public void printThisLayout() { XMLView xmlView = getXMLView(); Window window = new Window(); // window.setScrollable(false);//HEREHERE FocXMLLayout printingForm = new FocXMLLayout(); printingForm.init((FocCentralPanel) getMainWindow(), xmlView, getFocData()); printingForm.parseXMLAndBuildGui(); window.setContent(printingForm); FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().addWindow(window); // ExternalResource(window.getURL()), "_blank", 595, 842, // Window.BORDER_NONE); JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("print();"); JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("self.close();"); } public static final int POSITION_BOTTOM = 0; public static final int POSITION_UP = 1; public static final int POSITION_RIGHT = 2; public static final int POSITION_LEFT = 3; @Override public void showValidationLayout(boolean showBackButton) { showValidationLayout(showBackButton, POSITION_BOTTOM); } public void showValidationLayout(boolean showBackButton, int position) { if (validationSettings != null && getValidationLayoutVisible()) { XMLView xmlView = getXMLView(); if (xmlView != null && xmlView.isHelpFileExist()) { validationSettings.setWithTips(true); } validationLayout = new FVValidationLayout((INavigationWindow) getNavigationWindow(), this, validationSettings, showBackButton); // if(!FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().isMobile()){ if (Globals.isValo()) { INavigationWindow navigationindow = getParentNavigationWindow(); if (navigationindow instanceof FocWebApplication) { ((FocWebApplication) navigationindow).replaceFooterLayout(validationLayout); // FocWebApplication focWebApplication = findAncestor(FocWebApplication.class); // if(focWebApplication != null){ // focWebApplication.replaceFooterLayout(validationLayout); } else { if (position == POSITION_UP) { addComponentAsFirst(validationLayout); } else { addComponent(validationLayout); } setComponentAlignment(validationLayout, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); } } else { addComponentAsFirst(validationLayout); setComponentAlignment(validationLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } // }else{ // validationLayout.setStyleName("transparent"); // FVValidationLayout bottomValidationLayout = new FVValidationLayout((INavigationWindow) getNavigationWindow(), this, validationSettings, showBackButton); // addComponent(bottomValidationLayout); // setComponentAlignment(bottomValidationLayout, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); // if(bottomValidationLayout.getDeleteButton(false) != null){ // bottomValidationLayout.getDeleteButton(false).setIcon(FVIconFactory.getInstance().getFVIcon_Big(FVIconFactory.ICON_TRASH_BLACK)); // } // } // setExpandRatio(validationLayout, 1); validationLayout.addValidationListener(this); //Adding a default tip for tables /* if(getXMLView() != null && getXMLView().getXmlViewKey() != null && (getXMLView().getXmlViewKey().getType() == IXMLViewConst.TYPE_TABLE || getXMLView().getXmlViewKey().getType() == IXMLViewConst.TYPE_TREE)){ if(getValidationLayout().getTipsButton(false) != null){ getValidationLayout().setTipMessage("Double click any row for more details."); } } */ } } public void setValidationLayoutVisible(boolean showValidationLayout) { this.showValidationLayout = showValidationLayout; } public boolean getValidationLayoutVisible() { return showValidationLayout; } public class FocXMLHandler extends DefaultHandler { // private FocElement currentFocElement = null; private class FocElement { private String qName = null; private FocXMLAttributes attributes = null; private StringBuffer cData = null; public FocElement(String qName, FocXMLAttributes attributes) { this.qName = qName; this.attributes = attributes; } public void dispose() { qName = null; attributes = null; } public String getqName() { return qName; } public FocXMLAttributes getAttributes() { return attributes; } public void appendCData(String data) { if (cData == null) cData = new StringBuffer(); cData.append(data); } public StringBuffer getCData() { return cData; } } @Override public void characters(char[] cBuf, int start, int length) throws SAXException { // FocElement focElement = getCurrentFocElement(); FocElement focElement = getFocElementStack().peek(); if (focElement != null) { String cdata = new String(cBuf, start, length); focElement.appendCData(cdata); } /* if(focElement != null && focElement.getqName() != null){ String qName = focElement.getqName(); String cdata = new String(cBuf, start, length); boolean isHeader = qName.equals(FXML.TAG_GROUP_HEADER); boolean isFooter = qName.equals(FXML.TAG_GROUP_FOOTER); if(cdata != null && !cdata.isEmpty() && (isHeader || isFooter)){ Object object = !getStack().isEmpty() ? getStack().peek() : null; if(object instanceof FVReport){ FVReport fvReport = (FVReport) object; String breakdownName = focElement.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_BREAKDOWN_NAME); FVReportGroup iReport_Group = fvReport.getReportGroup(breakdownName); if(iReport_Group != null){ if(isHeader) iReport_Group.setHeaderXML(iReport_Group.getHeaderXML()+cdata); else iReport_Group.setFooterXML(iReport_Group.getFooterXML()+cdata); } } } } */ } public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { FocXMLAttributes focXmlAttributes = new FocXMLAttributes(FocXMLLayout.this, attributes); String name = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_NAME); String dataPath = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DATA_PATH); FocElement focElement = new FocElement(qName, focXmlAttributes); // setCurrentFocElement(focElement); getFocElementStack().push(focElement); // If the path is not specified it is the same as the name if (dataPath == null) dataPath = name; if (dataPath != null && dataPath.contains(">") && focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_CAPTION_PROPERTY) == null) { int idOf = dataPath.indexOf(">"); if (idOf + 1 < dataPath.length()) { String captionProperty = dataPath.substring(idOf + 1); focXmlAttributes.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_CAPTION_PROPERTY, captionProperty); dataPath = dataPath.substring(0, idOf); focXmlAttributes.addAttribute(FXML.ATT_DATA_PATH, dataPath); } } Component comp = null; if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_VALIDATION_SETTINGS)) { validationSettings = new FValidationSettings(); String title = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_FORM_TITLE); String withApply = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_APPLY); String withSave = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_SAVE); String withDiscard = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_DISCARD); String withStatus = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_STATUS); String withStage = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_STAGE); String discardLink = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DISCARD_LINK); String applyLink = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_APPLY_LINNK); String withPrint = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_PRINT); String withLog = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_LOG); String withAttach = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_ATTACH); String withEmail = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_EMAIL); String withInternalEmail = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_INTERNAL_EMAIL); String withTips = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_TIPS); String commitData = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_COMMIT_DATA); String withPDF = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_PDF); String withMSWord = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_WITH_MSWORD); String withViewSelector = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_SHOW_VIEW_SELECTOR); String withPrintAndExit = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_PRINT_AND_EXIT); String avoidRowBreak = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_AVOID_ROW_BREAK); validationSettings.setReportPrintAsWord( focXmlAttributes.getBoolean(FXML.ATT_ALLOW_REPORT_PRINT_AS_WORD, true)); validationSettings .setReportPrintAsRTF(focXmlAttributes.getBoolean(FXML.ATT_ALLOW_REPORT_PRINT_AS_RTF, true)); validationSettings .setReportSendEMail(focXmlAttributes.getBoolean(FXML.ATT_ALLOW_REPORT_SEND_EMAIL, true)); if (title != null) { validationSettings.setTitle(title); } if (commitData != null) { if (commitData.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setCommitData(true); } else { validationSettings.setCommitData(false); } } if (avoidRowBreak != null) { if (avoidRowBreak.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setAvoidRowBreak(true); } else { validationSettings.setAvoidRowBreak(false); } } if (withPrintAndExit != null) { if (withPrintAndExit.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setWithPrintAndExit(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithPrintAndExit(false); } } if (withApply != null) { if (withApply.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setWithApply(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithApply(false); } } if (withSave == null || withSave.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setWithSave(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithSave(false); } if (withDiscard != null) { if (withDiscard.equals("false")) { validationSettings.setWithDiscard(false); } else { validationSettings.setWithDiscard(true); } } if (discardLink != null) { validationSettings.setDiscardLink(discardLink); } if (applyLink != null) { validationSettings.setApplyLink(applyLink); } if (withPrint != null) { if (withPrint.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setWithPrint(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithPrint(false); } } if (withLog != null) { withLog = withLog.trim().toLowerCase(); if (withLog.equals("true") || withLog.equals("1")) { validationSettings.setWithLog(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithLog(false); } } if (withPDF != null) { if (withPDF.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setWithPDFGenerator(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithPDFGenerator(false); } } if (withMSWord != null) { if (withMSWord.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setWithMSWordGenerator(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithMSWordGenerator(false); } } if (withAttach != null) { if (withAttach.equals("true")) { validationSettings.setWithAttach(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithAttach(false); } } if (withEmail != null) { if (withEmail.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { validationSettings.setWithEmail(false); } else { validationSettings.setWithEmail(true); } } if (withInternalEmail != null) { if (withInternalEmail.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { validationSettings.setWithInternalEmail(false); } else { validationSettings.setWithInternalEmail(true); } } if (withViewSelector != null) { if (withViewSelector.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { validationSettings.setWithViewSelector(false); } else { validationSettings.setWithViewSelector(true); } } if (withTips != null) { if (withTips.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { validationSettings.setWithTips(true); } else { validationSettings.setWithTips(false); } } if (withStatus != null && withStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { validationSettings.setWithStatus(false); } else { validationSettings.setWithStatus(true); } if (withStage != null && withStage.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { validationSettings.setWithStage(false); } else { validationSettings.setWithStage(true); } addComponentToStack(comp, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_SCREEN_HELP)) { if (focXmlAttributes != null && focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_HELP) != null) { setScreenHelp(focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_HELP)); } addComponentToStack(null, null, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_CONDITION_FIELD)) { FocObject focObject = getFocObject(); if (focObject instanceof FocListFilter) { newFilterConditionGuiField(FocXMLHandler.this, (FocListFilter) focObject, dataPath, focXmlAttributes); } addComponentToStack(comp, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_FIELD)) { FVLayout layout = getCurrentLayout(); comp = newGuiField(layout, name, dataPath, focXmlAttributes); addComponentToStack(comp, name, focXmlAttributes); /* }else if(qName.equals(FXML.TAG_QR_CODE)){ String value = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VALUE); ByteArrayOutputStream out = QRCode.from(value).to(ImageType.PNG).stream(); ByteArrayOutputStreamToStreamResource streamResource = new ByteArrayOutputStreamToStreamResource(out, formatName + ".JPG"); FVImageField imageField = getQRCodeImageField(); if(imageField != null){ imageField.setEditable(false); imageField.getEmbedded().setSource(streamResource.getStreamResource()); } */ } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_PARAMETER) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_DATA_MAP)) { try { //These tags can either be called: //1- Inside an IncludeXML tag //2- Any where in the Layout, basically on top -> To set the default values will be overriden by Includes... Component lastComponent = getStack().peek(); FocXMLLayout includedLayout = FocXMLLayout.this; if (lastComponent instanceof FocXMLLayout) { includedLayout = (FocXMLLayout) lastComponent; } String paramName = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_PARAM_NAME); if (paramName == null) paramName = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DATA_REPLACE); String paramValue = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_PARAM_VALUE); if (paramValue == null) paramValue = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DATA_WITH); if (paramName != null && paramValue != null && includedLayout != null) { FocDataDictionary dataDictionary = includedLayout.getFocDataDictionary(true); if (dataDictionary != null && dataDictionary.getParameter(paramName) == null) { //If the parameter exists already this means that the IncludeXML tag hs set it before, //in which case we do not change it dataDictionary.putParameter(paramName, new FocDataResolver_StringConstant(paramValue)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } addComponentToGuiAndMap_AndStack(null, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_TABLE_COLUMN)) { try { Object wrapperLayout = getStack().peek(); ITableTree tableOrTree = null; if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVTableWrapperLayout) { FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapper = (FVTableWrapperLayout) wrapperLayout; tableOrTree = tableWrapper.getTableOrTree(); } else if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVChartWrapperLayout) { FVChartWrapperLayout chartWrapperLayout = (FVChartWrapperLayout) wrapperLayout; tableOrTree = chartWrapperLayout.getTableOrTree(); } else if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVPivotLayout) { FVPivotLayout pivotLayout = (FVPivotLayout) wrapperLayout; if (pivotLayout != null) { pivotLayout.addColumn(focXmlAttributes); } } else if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVReport) { FVReport report = (FVReport) wrapperLayout; tableOrTree = report.getPivotChartDelegate().getTableTree(); /*FVReport fvReport = (FVReport) wrapperLayout; if(fvReport != null){ fvReport.addColumn(focXmlAttributes); }*/ } if (tableOrTree != null) { tableOrTree.addColumn(focXmlAttributes); // if(tableColumn != null){ // tableColumn.setAttributes(focXmlAttributes); // } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } addComponentToGuiAndMap_AndStack(null, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_PIVOT_BREAKDOWN)) { try { String breakdownName = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_NAME); String groupBy = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_GROUP_BY); String sortBy = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_SORT_BY); String bkdnCapProp = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_TITLE_CAPTION); String bkdnDescriptionProp = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DESCRIPTION_CAPTION); String bkdnShowTree = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_BKDN_SHOW_TREE); String bkdnDateStart = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_BKDN_DATE_START); String bkdnDateEnd = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_BKDN_DATE_END); String bkdnCutOffDate = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_BKDN_CUT_OFF_DATE); String hideWhenAlone = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_BKDN_HIDE_WHEN_ALONE); String dateGrouping = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DATE_GROUPING); String titleWhenEmpty = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_TITLE_WHEN_EMPTY); String descriptionWhenEmpty = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_DESCRIP_WHEN_EMPTY); String wrapNativeObject = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_BKDN_WRAPE_NATIVE); Object wrapperLayout = getStack().peek(); if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVTableWrapperLayout) { if (groupBy != null) { // FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapper = (FVTableWrapperLayout) getStack().peek(); // FVPivotTable fvPivotTable = (FVPivotTable) tableWrapper.getTableOrTree(); // FPivotTable pivotTable = fvPivotTable.getPivotTable(); // FPivotTable pivotTable = null; FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapper = (FVTableWrapperLayout) getStack().peek(); if (tableWrapper.getTableOrTree() instanceof IPivotGrid) { IPivotGrid fvPivotTable = (IPivotGrid) tableWrapper.getTableOrTree(); pivotTable = fvPivotTable.getPivotTable(); } else { FVPivotTable fvPivotTable = (FVPivotTable) tableWrapper.getTableOrTree(); pivotTable = fvPivotTable.getPivotTable(); } if (pivotTable != null) { FPivotBreakdown breakdown = pivotTable.addBreakdown(breakdownName, groupBy, bkdnShowTree, bkdnCapProp, bkdnDescriptionProp, bkdnDateStart, bkdnDateEnd, hideWhenAlone, titleWhenEmpty, descriptionWhenEmpty); breakdown.setCutOffDate(bkdnCutOffDate); breakdown.setWrapeNativeObject(wrapNativeObject); breakdown.setSortBy(sortBy); breakdown.setDateGrouping(dateGrouping); } } } else if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVChartWrapperLayout) { FVChartWrapperLayout chartWrapperLayout = (FVChartWrapperLayout) wrapperLayout; if (chartWrapperLayout != null && chartWrapperLayout.getFVChart() != null) { FPivotTable pivotTable = chartWrapperLayout.getFVChart().getPivotTable(); if (pivotTable != null) { FPivotBreakdown breakdown = pivotTable.addBreakdown(breakdownName, groupBy, bkdnShowTree, bkdnCapProp, bkdnDescriptionProp, bkdnDateStart, bkdnDateEnd, hideWhenAlone, titleWhenEmpty, descriptionWhenEmpty); breakdown.setCutOffDate(bkdnCutOffDate); breakdown.setSortBy(sortBy); breakdown.setDateGrouping(dateGrouping); breakdown.setWrapeNativeObject(wrapNativeObject); } } } else if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVPivotLayout) { FVPivotLayout pivotLayout = (FVPivotLayout) wrapperLayout; if (pivotLayout != null) { FPivotTable pivotTable = pivotLayout.getPivotTable(); if (pivotTable != null) { FPivotBreakdown breakdown = pivotTable.addBreakdown(breakdownName, groupBy, bkdnShowTree, bkdnCapProp, bkdnDescriptionProp, bkdnDateStart, bkdnDateEnd, hideWhenAlone, titleWhenEmpty, descriptionWhenEmpty); breakdown.setCutOffDate(bkdnCutOffDate); breakdown.setDateGrouping(dateGrouping); breakdown.setWrapeNativeObject(wrapNativeObject); } } } else if (wrapperLayout instanceof FVReport) { FVReport report = (FVReport) wrapperLayout; if (report != null) { FPivotTable pivotTable = report.getPivotTable(); if (pivotTable != null) { FPivotBreakdown breakdown = pivotTable.addBreakdown(breakdownName, groupBy, bkdnShowTree, bkdnCapProp, bkdnDescriptionProp, bkdnDateStart, bkdnDateEnd, hideWhenAlone, titleWhenEmpty, descriptionWhenEmpty); breakdown.setCutOffDate(bkdnCutOffDate); breakdown.setWrapeNativeObject(wrapNativeObject); breakdown.setDateGrouping(dateGrouping); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } addComponentToGuiAndMap_AndStack(null, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_VIEW_KEY_OPEN) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_VIEW_KEY_NEW)) { try { FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapperLayout = (FVTableWrapperLayout) getStack().peek(); FocList list = tableWrapperLayout.getTableOrTree().getFocList(); TableTreeDelegate delegate = tableWrapperLayout.getTableOrTree().getTableTreeDelegate(); if (list != null && delegate != null) { String storageName = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_STORAGE_NAME); String typeStr = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_TYPE); String context = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_CONTEXT); String view = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_VIEW); String container = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_CONTAINER); XMLViewKey xmlViewKey = new XMLViewKey(); xmlViewKey.setStorageName( storageName != null ? storageName : list.getFocDesc().getStorageName()); if (typeStr == null) { xmlViewKey.setType(XMLViewKey.TYPE_FORM); } else { xmlViewKey.setType(typeStr); } xmlViewKey.setContext(context != null ? context : xmlView.getXmlViewKey().getContext()); xmlViewKey.setUserView(view != null ? view : xmlView.getXmlViewKey().getUserView()); if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_VIEW_KEY_OPEN)) { delegate.setXmlViewKey_Open(xmlViewKey); if (container != null) delegate.setViewContainer_ForOpen(container); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_VIEW_KEY_NEW)) { delegate.setXmlViewKey_New(xmlViewKey); if (container != null) delegate.setViewContainer_ForNew(container); } } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } addComponentToStack(comp, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_SHOW_FORM)) { try { FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapperLayout = (FVTableWrapperLayout) getStack().peek(); FocList list = tableWrapperLayout.getTableOrTree().getFocList(); TableTreeDelegate delegate = tableWrapperLayout.getTableOrTree().getTableTreeDelegate(); if (list != null && delegate != null) { String storageName = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_STORAGE_NAME); String showFormType = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_TYPE); String showFormContext = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_CONTEXT); String showFormUserView = focXmlAttributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_VIEW_KEY_VIEW); XMLViewKey xmlViewKey = new XMLViewKey(); xmlViewKey.setStorageName( storageName != null ? storageName : list.getFocDesc().getStorageName()); if (showFormType == null) { xmlViewKey.setType(XMLViewKey.TYPE_FORM); } else { xmlViewKey.setType(showFormType); } xmlViewKey.setContext( showFormContext != null ? showFormContext : xmlView.getXmlViewKey().getContext()); xmlViewKey.setUserView(showFormUserView != null ? showFormUserView : xmlView.getXmlViewKey().getUserView()); XMLView xmlView = XMLViewDictionary.getInstance().get(xmlViewKey); tableWrapperLayout.setXmlView_ShowForm(xmlView); } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } addComponentToStack(comp, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_GROUP_HEADER) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_GROUP_FOOTER)) { Object report_Obj = getStack().isEmpty() ? null : getStack().peek(); FVReport report = null; if (report_Obj != null && report_Obj instanceof FVReport) { report = (FVReport) report_Obj; report.newReportGroup(focXmlAttributes); } addComponentToStack(report, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_INCLUDE_XML)) { FVLayout layout = getCurrentLayout(); comp = newGuiPaletteComponent(layout, qName, name, dataPath, getDataByPath(dataPath), attributes); addComponentToStack(comp, name, focXmlAttributes); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_CHART_YAXIS) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_CHART_XAXIS)) { try { FVChartWrapperLayout chartWrapperLayout = (FVChartWrapperLayout) getStack().peek(); chartWrapperLayout.setAttributes(focXmlAttributes); // FVChart chart = chartWrapperLayout.getFVChart(); // if(chart != null && qName.equals(FXML.TAG_CHART_YAXIS)){ // chart.fillYAxis(); // }else if(chart != null && qName.equals(FXML.TAG_CHART_XAXIS)){ // chart.fillXAxis(); // } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } addComponentToGuiAndMap_AndStack(null, name, focXmlAttributes); } else { FVLayout layout = getCurrentLayout(); comp = newGuiPaletteComponent(layout, qName, name, dataPath, getDataByPath(dataPath), attributes); if (comp instanceof FVMenuLayout) { menuLayout = (FVMenuLayout) comp; } if (fullScreen == FullScreen.NOT_SET) { fullScreen = FullScreen.TRUE;//Default is Full Screen if (attributes != null) { String fullScreenAttribute = attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_FULL_SCREEN); if (fullScreenAttribute != null) { if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(fullScreenAttribute) && (fullScreenAttribute.toLowerCase().equals("false") || fullScreenAttribute.toLowerCase().equals("0"))) { fullScreen = FullScreen.FALSE; } } } } addComponentToStack(comp, name, focXmlAttributes); } } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { Component comp = getStack().pop(); FocElement focElement = getFocElementStack().pop(); if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_TABLE) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_TREE) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_PIVOT) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_HTML_TABLE) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_TREE_GRID) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_TABLE_GRID)) { FVTableWrapperLayout tableLayout = (FVTableWrapperLayout) comp; if (tableLayout != null && tableLayout.getTableOrTree() != null && tableLayout.getTableOrTree().getTableTreeDelegate() != null) { table_BeforeEndElement(tableLayout.getTableOrTree().getTableTreeDelegate().getTableName(), tableLayout.getTableOrTree()); } tableLayout.getTableOrTree().applyFocListAsContainer(); tableLayout.createShowFormPanelIfRequired(); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_INCLUDE_XML)) { FocXMLLayout layout = (FocXMLLayout) comp; if (layout != null) { layout.parseXMLAndBuildGui(); showValidationLayoutForInclude_IfNeeded(layout, layout.getAttributes()); // layout.setParentLayout(FocXMLLayout.this);//2017-05-04 String commitStr = layout.getAttributes() != null ? layout.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_IMPORT_COMMIT_WITH_PARENT) : null; if (commitStr != null && commitStr.toLowerCase().equals("false")) { layout.setCommitWithParent(false); } else { layout.setCommitWithParent(true); } } } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_CHART)) { FVChartWrapperLayout chartLayout = (FVChartWrapperLayout) comp; FVChart chart = chartLayout.getFVChart(); if (chart != null) { chart.applyFocListAsContainer(); chart.drawFVChart(); } } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_PIVOT_LAYOUT)) { FVPivotLayout pivotLayout = (FVPivotLayout) comp; pivotLayout.applyFocListAsContainer(); } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_REPORT)) { FVReport report = (FVReport) comp; if (report != null) { report.applyFocListAsContainer();; } } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_HTML_LAYOUT)) { FVHTMLLayout htmlLayout = (FVHTMLLayout) comp; if (htmlLayout != null && focElement != null && focElement.getCData() != null) { htmlLayout.parseAndBuildHtml(focElement.getCData().toString()); } } else if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_GROUP_HEADER) || qName.equals(FXML.TAG_GROUP_FOOTER)) { if (focElement != null && focElement.getAttributes() != null && comp != null && comp instanceof FVReport) { FVReport report = (FVReport) comp; String breakdownName = focElement.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_BREAKDOWN_NAME); if (breakdownName != null) { FVReportGroup repGroup = report.pushReportGroup(breakdownName); if (qName.equals(FXML.TAG_GROUP_HEADER)) { repGroup.setHeaderXML(focElement.getCData().toString()); repGroup.setHeaderXMLAttributes(focElement.getAttributes()); } else { repGroup.setFooterXML(focElement.getCData().toString()); repGroup.setFooterXMLAttributes(focElement.getAttributes()); } } } } if (focElement != null) { focElement.dispose(); focElement = null; } } /*public FocElement getCurrentFocElement() { return currentFocElement; } public void setCurrentFocElement(FocElement focElement) { this.currentFocElement = focElement; }*/ } private void showValidationLayoutForInclude_IfNeeded(FocXMLLayout layout, Attributes attributes) { boolean addValidationLayout = false; String showValidationLayout = attributes != null ? attributes.getValue(FXML.ATT_SHOW_VALIDATION_lAYOUT) : null; if (showValidationLayout != null && !showValidationLayout.isEmpty() && showValidationLayout.equals("true")) { addValidationLayout = true; } if (addValidationLayout) { layout.showValidationLayout(false); } } public boolean isProcessingCopyMemoryToGui() { return isReactToGuiChangeDisable(); } private boolean isReactToGuiChangeDisable() { return reactToGuiChangeDisable; } private boolean setReactToGuiChangeDisable(boolean copyingMemoryToGui) { boolean ret = this.reactToGuiChangeDisable; this.reactToGuiChangeDisable = copyingMemoryToGui; return ret; } public boolean isVisibleWhenApplicable() { return getFocData() instanceof FocObject; } private void createVisibleWhenFormulaContextIfNeeded(String compName, FocXMLGuiComponent guiComponent) { if (guiComponent != null && guiComponent.getAttributes() != null) { // String formulaExpression = // guiComponent.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_VISIBLE_WHEN); String formulaExpression = guiComponent.getAttributes() != null ? guiComponent.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_VISIBLE_WHEN) : null; if (formulaExpression != null && !formulaExpression.isEmpty()) { XMLLayoutFormulaContext xmlLayoutFormulaContext = new XMLLayoutFormulaContext(FocXMLLayout.this, guiComponent, formulaExpression); // xmlLayoutFormulaContext.plugListeners(); xmlLayoutFormulaContext.computeFormulaAndApplyVisibilityOnComponent(); } } } public FVValidationLayout getValidationLayout() { return validationLayout; } public FocDataDictionary getFocDataDictionary(boolean createIfNeeded) { if (focDataDictionary == null && createIfNeeded) { focDataDictionary = new FocDataDictionary(); focDataDictionary.setLocalDataDictionary(true); } return focDataDictionary; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // FocXMLGuiComponentListener // --------------------------------------------------------------------- public class FocXMLGuiComponentListener implements ValueChangeListener { private HashSet<Field> fieldsListenedTo = new HashSet<Field>(); public void dispose() { if (fieldsListenedTo != null) { Iterator<Field> iter = fieldsListenedTo.iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { Field fld =; if (fld != null) { fld.removeValueChangeListener(this); } } fieldsListenedTo.clear(); fieldsListenedTo = null; } } public void addField(String dataPath) { if (dataPath != null && getComponentMap() != null) { Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent guiComp =; String compDataPath = guiComp.getDelegate().getDataPath(); if (compDataPath != null) { if (guiComp != null && compDataPath.equals(dataPath)) { addField(guiComp.getFormField()); break; } } } } } public void addField(Field fld) { if (fld != null && !fieldsListenedTo.contains(fld)) { ((AbstractComponent) fld).setImmediate(true); fld.addValueChangeListener(this); fieldsListenedTo.add(fld); } } @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { try { if (!isReactToGuiChangeDisable()) { FProperty propertyModified = null; FocXMLGuiComponent componentModified = null; if (event.getProperty() instanceof FocXMLGuiComponent) { componentModified = (FocXMLGuiComponent) event.getProperty(); if (componentModified.getFocData() instanceof FProperty) {//Sometimes we get a FField propertyModified = (FProperty) componentModified.getFocData(); } } else if (event.getProperty() instanceof FProperty) { propertyModified = (FProperty) event.getProperty(); } boolean copyGuiToMemory = true; if (Globals.isValo() && event.getProperty() != null && event.getProperty().getValue() != null && event.getProperty().getValue() instanceof Integer && componentModified != null && componentModified instanceof FVObjectComboBox && (((Long) event.getProperty().getValue()) == ((FVObjectComboBox) componentModified) .getFocObjectRef_ForTheADDIcon() || ((Long) event.getProperty() .getValue()) == ((FVObjectComboBox) componentModified) .getFocObjectRef_ForTheREFRESHIcon())) { copyGuiToMemory = false; } if (copyGuiToMemory) { copyGuiToMemory(componentModified, propertyModified); } else { copyMemoryToGui(); } // copyGuiToMemory(componentModified, propertyModified); // ((FocObject)getFocData()).computePropertiesWithFormula(); } } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } } }; // ----------------------------------------- // mapDataPath2ListenerAction // ----------------------------------------- private Map<String, DataPathListenerAction> mapDataPath2ListenerAction_Get(boolean createIfNeeded) { if (propertyVisibleWhenMap == null && createIfNeeded) { propertyVisibleWhenMap = new HashMap<String, DataPathListenerAction>(); } return propertyVisibleWhenMap; } public DataPathListenerAction mapDataPath2ListenerAction_PushDataPath(String dataPath) { DataPathListenerAction listenerAction = mapDataPath2ListenerAction_Get(true).get(dataPath); if (listenerAction == null) { listenerAction = new DataPathListenerAction(); mapDataPath2ListenerAction_Get(true).put(dataPath, listenerAction); getValueChangeListener().addField(dataPath); } return listenerAction; } public void mapDataPath2ListenerAction_PutFormulaContext(String dataPath, XMLLayoutFormulaContext context) { DataPathListenerAction listenerAction = mapDataPath2ListenerAction_PushDataPath(dataPath); listenerAction.addArrayFormulaContext(context); } public void mapDataPath2ListenerAction_PutGuiComponentWithDataPath(String dataPath, FocXMLGuiComponent guiComp) { DataPathListenerAction listenerAction = mapDataPath2ListenerAction_PushDataPath(dataPath); listenerAction.addGuiComponentWithDataPath(guiComp); } public DataPathListenerAction mapDataPath2ListenerAction_GetListenerAction(FocXMLGuiComponent guiComp) { DataPathListenerAction propFormula = null; if (guiComp != null && guiComp.getDelegate() != null) { propFormula = mapDataPath2ListenerAction_GetListenerAction(guiComp.getDelegate().getDataPath()); } return propFormula; } public DataPathListenerAction mapDataPath2ListenerAction_GetListenerAction(String dataPath) { DataPathListenerAction value = null; Map<String, DataPathListenerAction> map = mapDataPath2ListenerAction_Get(false); if (map != null) { value = map.get(dataPath); } return value; } public void mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas() { if (getParentLayout() != null) { getParentLayout().mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas(); } else { mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas_Local(); childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { @Override public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas_Local(); return false; } @Override public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); } } public void mapDataPath2ListenerAction_ApplyVisibilityFormulas_Local() { Map<String, DataPathListenerAction> map = mapDataPath2ListenerAction_Get(false); if (map != null) { Iterator<DataPathListenerAction> iter = map.values().iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { DataPathListenerAction formulasCtxtArray =; formulasCtxtArray.applyFormulasOfAllContexts(); } } } // ----------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------- // FocXMLGuiComponent // ---------------------------------------- private FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate delegate = null; private Attributes attributes = null; @Override public void setFocData(IFocData focData) { if (focData instanceof FObject) { focData = ((FObject) focData).getObject_CreateIfNeeded(); } this.focData = focData; } @Override public String getXMLType() { return FXML.TAG_INCLUDE_XML; } @Override public Field getFormField() { return null; } @Override public Attributes getAttributes() { return attributes; } @Override public void setAttributes(Attributes attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; } public void setAttributesOfIncludeNode(Attributes attributes) { attributesOfIncludeNode = attributes; } public Attributes getAttributesOfIncludeNode() { return attributesOfIncludeNode; } @Override public void setDelegate(FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate getDelegate() { if (delegate == null) { delegate = new FocXMLGuiComponentDelegate(this); } return delegate; } // ---------------------------------------- @Override public String getPreferredPageWidth() { String widthAttribute = null; if (layouts != null && layouts.size() > 0) { Attributes attributed = (Attributes) layouts.get(0).getAttributes(); widthAttribute = attributed != null ? attributed.getValue(FXML.ATT_WIDTH) : null; } return widthAttribute; } @Override public void addMoreMenuItems(FVValidationLayout validationLayout) { } @Override public String getValueString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void setValueString(String value) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public boolean isEnableRightsApplicationToGuiFields() { return enableRightsApplicationToGuiFields; } public void setEnableRightsApplicationToGuiFields(boolean enableRightsApplicationToGuiFields) { this.enableRightsApplicationToGuiFields = enableRightsApplicationToGuiFields; } public FocXMLLayout getParentLayout() { return parentLayout; } public void setParentLayout(FocXMLLayout parentLayout) { this.parentLayout = parentLayout; if (parentLayout != null) { parentLayout.childXMLLayoutArray_Add(this); } } public void childXMLLayoutArray_Add(FocXMLLayout xmlLayout) { if (childLayoutArray == null) { childLayoutArray = new ArrayList<FocXMLLayout>(); } childLayoutArray.add(xmlLayout); } public void childXMLLayoutArray_Remove(FocXMLLayout xmlLayout) { if (childLayoutArray != null) { childLayoutArray.remove(xmlLayout); } } public int childXMLLayoutArray_Size() { return (childLayoutArray != null) ? childLayoutArray.size() : 0; } public FocXMLLayout childXMLLayoutArray_Get(int at) { return (childLayoutArray != null) ? childLayoutArray.get(at) : null; } public boolean childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner scanner) { boolean stop = false; if (scanner != null && childLayoutArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < childXMLLayoutArray_Size(); i++) { FocXMLLayout layout = childXMLLayoutArray_Get(i); stop = scanner.before(layout); if (!stop) { stop = layout.childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(scanner); if (!stop) { stop = scanner.after(layout); } } } } return stop; } public interface IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner { public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout); public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout); } /** * The GUI class extending FocXMLLayout can override this method take full * control of the Add event By default it just calls the addItem in the * TableTreeDelegate * * @param tableName * @param table * @param fatherObject * @return */ public FocObject table_AddItem(String tableName, ITableTree table, FocObject fatherObject) { return table != null && table.getTableTreeDelegate() != null ? table.getTableTreeDelegate().addItem_Internal(fatherObject) : null; } public void table_DeleteItem(ITableTree table, FocObject focObject) { if (table != null && table.getTableTreeDelegate() != null) { table.getTableTreeDelegate().delete_NoPopupConfirmation(focObject); } } public boolean table_LinkClicked(String tableName, ITableTree table, FVColumnGenerator colGen, FocObject focObject) { boolean consumed = false; return consumed; } /** * This method returns the same focObject in standard FocXMLLayout, but allows * for tables on join object to transform the join FocObject coming from the table * to the flat FocObject we need to open. * * @param tableName * @param table * @param focObject * @return */ public FocObject table_OpenItem_GetObjectToOpen(String tableName, ITableTree table, FocObject focObject) { return focObject; } public XMLViewKey table_OpenItem_GetXMLViewKey(String tableName, ITableTree table, FocObject focObject) { return table != null && table.getTableTreeDelegate() != null ? table.getTableTreeDelegate().getXmlViewKey_Open() : null; } public boolean table_OpenItem_IsFocDataOwner(String tableName, ITableTree table, FocObject focObject) { return false; } public ICentralPanel table_OpenItem_ShowForm(String tableName, ITableTree table, FocObject focObject, XMLViewKey xmlViewKey_Open, int viewContainer_Open) { boolean focDataOwner = table_OpenItem_IsFocDataOwner(tableName, table, focObject); ICentralPanel panel = null; // panel = XMLViewDictionary.getInstance().newCentralPanel((FocWebVaadinWindow) getMainWindow(), xmlViewKey_Open, focObject); panel = XMLViewDictionary.getInstance().newCentralPanel(getMainWindow(), xmlViewKey_Open, focObject); if (focDataOwner) { panel.setFocDataOwner(focDataOwner); } table.getTableTreeDelegate().openFormPanel(panel, viewContainer_Open); return panel; } public ICentralPanel table_OpenItem(String tableName, ITableTree table, FocObject focObject, int viewContainer_Open) { ICentralPanel panel = null; if (table != null) { table.setSelectedObject(focObject); if (table.getTableTreeDelegate() != null) { focObject = table_OpenItem_GetObjectToOpen(tableName, table, focObject); XMLViewKey xmlViewKey_Open = table_OpenItem_GetXMLViewKey(tableName, table, focObject); if (viewContainer_Open == ITableTree.VIEW_CONTAINER_NEW_BROWSER_TAB) { FocWebApplication.getFocWebSession_Static().setPrintingData(null, xmlViewKey_Open, focObject, false); UI.getCurrent().getPage().open(UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation().getPath(), "_blank"); } else { panel = table_OpenItem_ShowForm(tableName, table, focObject, xmlViewKey_Open, viewContainer_Open); } } } return panel; } public void table_ItemDoubleClick(String tableName, ITableTree table, ItemClickEvent event) { if (table != null) { if (table.getTableTreeDelegate() != null) { table.getTableTreeDelegate().defaultItemDoubleClickAction(event); } } } public ColumnGenerator table_getGeneratedColumn(String tableName, FVTableColumn tableColumn) { return null; } /** * The GUI class extending FocXMLLayout can override this method in case it * wants to popup a dialog for the add or edit item * * @param tableName * @param table * @param focObject * @return */ public ICentralPanel table_NewCentralPanel_ForForm(String tableName, ITableTree table, FocObject focObject) { return null; } protected void table_BeforeEndElement(String tableName, ITableTree table) { } public boolean isEditable() { boolean retEditable = editable; if (retEditable && getParentLayout() != null) { retEditable = getParentLayout().isEditable(); } return retEditable; } public void setEditable(boolean editable) { this.editable = editable; } @Override public int getViewRights() { return viewRights; } @Override public void setViewRights(int viewRights) { this.viewRights = viewRights; } public INavigationWindow getNavigationWindow() { return findAncestor(FocCentralPanel.class); } public FocCentralPanel getCentralPanel() { return findAncestor(FocCentralPanel.class); } private void debug_PrintAllComponents_Local() { Globals.logString("COMPONENT MAP LISTING FOR DEBBUG:"); Globals.logString("---------------------------------"); Iterator iter = getComponentMap().keySet().iterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { String key = (String); Globals.logString("COMPONENT MAP KEY = " + key); } } public void debug_PrintAllComponents() { debug_PrintAllComponents_Local(); childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.debug_PrintAllComponents_Local(); return true; } public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); } public void debug_PrintFieldNames() { FocDesc focDesc = null; FocObject focObj = getFocObject(); if (focObj != null) { focDesc = focObj.getThisFocDesc(); } else { FocList focList = getFocList(); if (focList != null) { focDesc = focList.getFocDesc(); } } if (focDesc != null) { Globals.logString("Dictionary First Level Fields:"); FocFieldEnum fieldEnum = focDesc.newFocFieldEnum(FocFieldEnum.CAT_ALL, FocFieldEnum.LEVEL_PLAIN); while (fieldEnum != null && fieldEnum.hasNext()) { FField fld = (FField) fieldEnum.nextField(); Globals.logString(" - " + fld.getName()); } Globals.logString("------------------------------"); } } @Override public void refreshEditable() { } @Override public String getLinkSerialisation() { return linkSerialisation; } @Override public void setLinkSerialisation(String serialisation) { linkSerialisation = serialisation; } public Properties getLinkSerialization_Properties() { if (linkSerialisationProperties == null && linkSerialisation != null && !linkSerialisation.isEmpty()) { try { linkSerialisationProperties = new Properties(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(linkSerialisation); linkSerialisationProperties.load(reader); reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Globals.logException(e); } } return linkSerialisationProperties; } public String getLinkSerialization_StringValue(String property) { String value = null; Properties props = getLinkSerialization_Properties(); if (props != null) { value = (String) props.get(property); } return value; } @Override public void addedToNavigator() { if (FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().isMobile() && validationLayout != null) { FocWebVaadinWindow focWebVaadinWindow = ((FocWebVaadinWindow) getMainWindow()); if (focWebVaadinWindow != null && focWebVaadinWindow.getCentralHeader() != null) { HorizontalLayout centralHeader = focWebVaadinWindow.getCentralHeader(); centralHeader.addComponent(validationLayout); centralHeader.setComponentAlignment(validationLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT); centralHeader.setExpandRatio(validationLayout, 1); centralHeader.setWidth("100%"); } } } @Override public void removedFromNavigator() { if (FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().isMobile() && validationLayout != null) { FocWebVaadinWindow focWebVaadinWindow = ((FocWebVaadinWindow) getMainWindow()); if (focWebVaadinWindow != null && focWebVaadinWindow.getCentralHeader() != null) { HorizontalLayout centralHeader = focWebVaadinWindow.getCentralHeader(); centralHeader.removeComponent(validationLayout); } } } @Override public void optionButtonClicked() { if (FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().isMobile() && getMainWindow() != null) { FVOptionMobileLayout forMobile = new FVOptionMobileLayout((FocWebVaadinWindow) getMainWindow(), validationLayout); forMobile.init(); FocWebVaadinWindow focWebVaadinWindow = ((FocWebVaadinWindow) getMainWindow()); focWebVaadinWindow.getCentralHeader().setWidth("-1px"); getMainWindow().changeCentralPanelContent(forMobile, true); } } public ITableTree getTableTreeThatOpenedThisForm() { return tableTreeThatOpenedThisForm; } public void setTableTreeThatOpenedThisForm(ITableTree tableTreeThatOpenedThisForm) { this.tableTreeThatOpenedThisForm = tableTreeThatOpenedThisForm; } public boolean isFocDataOwner() { return focDataOwner; } public void setFocDataOwner(boolean focDataOwner) { this.focDataOwner = focDataOwner; } public IFocData getFocDataToPrint() { return null; } @Override public boolean isGoBackRequested() { return goBackRequested; } @Override public void setGoBackRequested(boolean goBackRequested) { this.goBackRequested = goBackRequested; } public PrintingAction getPrintingAction() { PrintingAction printingAction = null; // if(getFocData() != null && getFocData() instanceof FocObject){ if (getFocObject() != null) { // FocObject focObject = (FocObject) getFocData(); FocObject focObject = getFocObject(); FocDesc focDesc = focObject.getThisFocDesc(); printingAction = focDesc != null ? focDesc.newPrintingAction() : null; } return printingAction; } public Component getRootComponent() { Component rootComponent = null; if (getComponentCount() > 0) { rootComponent = getComponent(0); } return rootComponent; } public static void popupInDialog(ICentralPanel contentPanel) { if (contentPanel instanceof FocXMLLayout) { ((FocXMLLayout) contentPanel).popupInDialog(); } else { popupInDialog(contentPanel, " "); } } public static void popupInDialog(ICentralPanel contentPanel, String title) { popupInDialog(contentPanel, title, DEFAULT_DIALOG_WIDTH, DEFAULT_DIALOG_HEIGHT); } public static void popupInDialog(ICentralPanel contentPanel, String title, String width, String height) { FocCentralPanel centralPanel = new FocCentralPanel(); centralPanel.fill(); centralPanel.changeCentralPanelContent(contentPanel, false); Window optionWindow = centralPanel.newWrapperWindow(); optionWindow.setResizable(true); optionWindow.setCaption(title); optionWindow.setWidth(width); optionWindow.setHeight(height); //ATTENTION-MAN // optionWindow.getContent().setWidth(width); // optionWindow.getContent().setHeight(width); //ATTENTION-MAN FocWebApplication.getInstanceForThread().addWindow(optionWindow); } public void popupInDialog() { String width = DEFAULT_DIALOG_WIDTH; String height = DEFAULT_DIALOG_HEIGHT; popupInDialog(null, width, height); } public void popupInDialog(String title, String width, String height) { Component rootComp = getRootComponent(); if (rootComp instanceof FocXMLGuiComponent) { FocXMLGuiComponent guiComp = (FocXMLGuiComponent) rootComp; String w = null; String h = null; if (guiComp.getAttributes() != null) { w = guiComp.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_WIDTH); h = guiComp.getAttributes().getValue(FXML.ATT_HEIGHT); } if (w != null) { width = w; } if (h != null) { if (h.endsWith("px")) { h = h.replace("px", ""); int hInt = Utils.parseInteger(h, 0); if (hInt != -1) { hInt += 35; } // hInt += 35; height = String.valueOf(hInt) + "px"; } else if (h.endsWith("%")) { height = h; } else { height = h + 20; } } } if (title == null) title = " "; if (getValidationSettings(false) != null) { title = getValidationSettings(false).getTitle(); } popupInDialog(FocXMLLayout.this, title, width, height); } private ArrayList<FVTableWrapperLayout> newArrayListOfTableWrapperLayouts() { //Fill array of FVTableWrapperLayout ArrayList<FVTableWrapperLayout> arrayList = new ArrayList<FVTableWrapperLayout>(); Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMapIterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent comp =; if (comp instanceof FVTableWrapperLayout) { arrayList.add((FVTableWrapperLayout) comp); } } return arrayList; } private void innerLayout_AfterConstruction() { Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMapIterator(); while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent comp =; if (comp instanceof FVTableWrapperLayout) { ((FVTableWrapperLayout) comp).innerLayout_AfterConstruction(); } } } private boolean innerLayout_CommitOrCheckData(boolean commit) { boolean error = false; //Fill array of FVTableWrapperLayout ArrayList<FVTableWrapperLayout> arrayList = newArrayListOfTableWrapperLayouts(); //Commit Not empty items for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size() && !error; i++) { FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapperLayout = arrayList.get(i); ICentralPanel centralPanel = tableWrapperLayout.innerLayout_GetICentralPanel(); if (centralPanel != null && centralPanel.getValidationLayout() != null) { boolean callCommit = true; if (centralPanel.getFocData() instanceof FocObject) { FocObject focObject = (FocObject) centralPanel.getFocData(); if (focObject.isEmpty() && focObject.isCreated()) { callCommit = false; } } if (callCommit) { if (commit) { tableWrapperLayout.innerLayout_SetEnableAddEmptyItemAfterCommit(false); error = centralPanel.getValidationLayout().commit(false, true); tableWrapperLayout.innerLayout_SetEnableAddEmptyItemAfterCommit(true); } else { error = centralPanel.getValidationLayout().commit(true, false); } } } } arrayList.clear(); return error; } @Override public ICentralPanel getRootCentralPanel() { FocXMLLayout layout = this; while (layout != null && layout.getParentLayout() != null) { layout = layout.getParentLayout(); } return layout; } @Override public boolean isRootLayout() { return getRootCentralPanel() == this; } public boolean isCommitWithParent() { return commitWithParent; } public void setCommitWithParent(boolean commitWithParent) { this.commitWithParent = commitWithParent; } /** * You can override this method * @return */ public String beforeSigning() { String error = null; return error; } public void afterSigning() { } public boolean isInnerLayout() { FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapperLayout = findAncestor(FVTableWrapperLayout.class); boolean inner = tableWrapperLayout != null; return inner; } public FocXMLLayout getMainLayoutForInnerLayout() { FocXMLLayout xmlLayout = null; FVTableWrapperLayout tableWrapperLayout = findAncestor(FVTableWrapperLayout.class); xmlLayout = tableWrapperLayout != null ? tableWrapperLayout.findAncestor(FocXMLLayout.class) : null; return xmlLayout; } private void scanComponentsAndSetWYSIWYGDropHandlers() { Iterator<FocXMLGuiComponent> iter = getComponentMap().values().iterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { FocXMLGuiComponent focXMLGuiComponent =; if (focXMLGuiComponent != null && focXMLGuiComponent instanceof FVLayout) { ((FVLayout) focXMLGuiComponent).setWYSIWYGDropHandler(); } } } childXMLLayoutArray_Scan(new IChildFocXMLLayoutScanner() { @Override public boolean before(FocXMLLayout layout) { layout.scanComponentsAndSetWYSIWYGDropHandlers(); return false; } @Override public boolean after(FocXMLLayout layout) { return false; } }); } public void setWYSIWYGActive(boolean active) { if (active) { scanComponentsAndSetWYSIWYGDropHandlers(); } } public boolean isDisableCopyGuiToMemory() { return disableCopyGuiToMemory; } public void setDisableCopyGuiToMemory(boolean disableCopyGuiToMemory) { this.disableCopyGuiToMemory = disableCopyGuiToMemory; } @Override public boolean isFullScreen() { return fullScreen != FullScreen.FALSE; } @Override public FVMenuLayout getMenuLayout() { return menuLayout; } }