Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.litho; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Deque; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager; import com.facebook.litho.config.ComponentsConfiguration; import com.facebook.proguard.annotations.DoNotStrip; import static android.content.Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE; import static com.facebook.litho.AccessibilityUtils.isAccessibilityEnabled; /** * A {@link ViewGroup} that can host the mounted state of a {@link Component}. */ public class LithoView extends ComponentHost { private ComponentTree mComponentTree; private final MountState mMountState; private boolean mIsAttached; private final Rect mPreviousMountBounds = new Rect(); private final boolean mIncrementalMountOnOffsetOrTranslationChange; private boolean mForceLayout; private boolean mSuppressMeasureComponentTree; private final AccessibilityManager mAccessibilityManager; private final AccessibilityStateChangeListener mAccessibilityStateChangeListener = new AccessibilityStateChangeListener( this); private static final int[] sLayoutSize = new int[2]; // Keep ComponentTree when detached from this view in case the ComponentTree is shared between // sticky header and RecyclerView's binder // TODO T14859077 Replace with proper solution private ComponentTree mTemporaryDetachedComponent; /** * Create a new {@link LithoView} instance and initialize it * with the given {@link Component} root. * * @param context Android {@link Context}. * @param component The root component to draw. * @return {@link LithoView} able to render a {@link Component} hierarchy. */ public static LithoView create(Context context, Component component) { return create(new ComponentContext(context), component); } /** * Create a new {@link LithoView} instance and initialize it * with the given {@link Component} root. * * @param context {@link ComponentContext}. * @param component The root component to draw. * @return {@link LithoView} able to render a {@link Component} hierarchy. */ public static LithoView create(ComponentContext context, Component component) { final LithoView lithoView = new LithoView(context); lithoView.setComponentTree(ComponentTree.create(context, component).build()); return lithoView; } public LithoView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public LithoView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(new ComponentContext(context), attrs); } public LithoView(ComponentContext context) { this(context, null); } public LithoView(ComponentContext context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, false); } public LithoView(ComponentContext context, AttributeSet attrs, boolean incrementalMountOnOffsetOrTranslationChange) { super(context, attrs); mMountState = new MountState(this); mAccessibilityManager = (AccessibilityManager) context.getSystemService(ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE); mIncrementalMountOnOffsetOrTranslationChange = incrementalMountOnOffsetOrTranslationChange; } private static void performLayoutOnChildrenIfNecessary(ComponentHost host) { for (int i = 0, count = host.getChildCount(); i < count; i++) { final View child = host.getChildAt(i); if (child.isLayoutRequested()) { // The hosting view doesn't allow children to change sizes dynamically as // this would conflict with the component's own layout calculations. child.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(child.getWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(child.getHeight(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)); child.layout(child.getLeft(), child.getTop(), child.getRight(), child.getBottom()); } if (child instanceof ComponentHost) { performLayoutOnChildrenIfNecessary((ComponentHost) child); } } } void forceRelayout() { mForceLayout = true; requestLayout(); } public void startTemporaryDetach() { mTemporaryDetachedComponent = mComponentTree; } @Override protected void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); onAttach(); } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { super.onDetachedFromWindow(); onDetach(); } @Override public void onStartTemporaryDetach() { super.onStartTemporaryDetach(); onDetach(); } @Override public void onFinishTemporaryDetach() { super.onFinishTemporaryDetach(); onAttach(); } private void onAttach() { if (!mIsAttached) { mIsAttached = true; if (mComponentTree != null) { mComponentTree.attach(); } refreshAccessibilityDelegatesIfNeeded(isAccessibilityEnabled(getContext())); AccessibilityManagerCompat.addAccessibilityStateChangeListener(mAccessibilityManager, mAccessibilityStateChangeListener); } } private void onDetach() { if (mIsAttached) { mIsAttached = false; if (mComponentTree != null) { mMountState.detach(); mComponentTree.detach(); } AccessibilityManagerCompat.removeAccessibilityStateChangeListener(mAccessibilityManager, mAccessibilityStateChangeListener); mSuppressMeasureComponentTree = false; } } /** * If set to true, the onMeasure(..) call won't measure the ComponentTree with the given * measure specs, but it will just use them as measured dimensions. */ public void suppressMeasureComponentTree(boolean suppress) { mSuppressMeasureComponentTree = suppress; } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { int width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec); int height = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec); if (mTemporaryDetachedComponent != null && mComponentTree == null) { setComponentTree(mTemporaryDetachedComponent); mTemporaryDetachedComponent = null; } if (mComponentTree != null && !mSuppressMeasureComponentTree) { boolean forceRelayout = mForceLayout; mForceLayout = false; mComponentTree.measure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec, sLayoutSize, forceRelayout); width = sLayoutSize[0]; height = sLayoutSize[1]; } setMeasuredDimension(width, height); } @Override protected void performLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { if (mComponentTree != null) { boolean wasMountTriggered = mComponentTree.layout(); final boolean isRectSame = mPreviousMountBounds != null && mPreviousMountBounds.left == left && == top && mPreviousMountBounds.right == right && mPreviousMountBounds.bottom == bottom; // If this happens the LithoView might have moved on Screen without a scroll event // triggering incremental mount. We trigger one here to be sure all the content is visible. if (!wasMountTriggered && !isRectSame && isIncrementalMountEnabled()) { performIncrementalMount(); } if (!wasMountTriggered || shouldAlwaysLayoutChildren()) { // If the layout() call on the component didn't trigger a mount step, // we might need to perform an inner layout traversal on children that // requested it as certain complex child views (e.g. ViewPager, // RecyclerView, etc) rely on that. performLayoutOnChildrenIfNecessary(this); } } } /** * Indicates if the children of this view should be laid regardless to a mount step being * triggered on layout. This step can be important when some of the children in the hierarchy * are changed (e.g. resized) but the parent wasn't. * * Since the framework doesn't expect its children to resize after being mounted, this should be * used only for extreme cases where the underline views are complex and need this behavior. * * @return boolean Returns true if the children of this view should be laid out even when a mount * step was not needed. */ protected boolean shouldAlwaysLayoutChildren() { return false; } /** * @return {@link ComponentContext} associated with this LithoView. It's a wrapper on the * {@link Context} originally used to create this LithoView itself. */ public ComponentContext getComponentContext() { return (ComponentContext) getContext(); } @Override protected boolean shouldRequestLayout() { // Don't bubble up layout requests while mounting. if (mComponentTree != null && mComponentTree.isMounting()) { return false; } return super.shouldRequestLayout(); } public ComponentTree getComponentTree() { return mComponentTree; } public void setComponentTree(ComponentTree componentTree) { mTemporaryDetachedComponent = null; if (mComponentTree == componentTree) { if (mIsAttached) { rebind(); } return; } setMountStateDirty(); if (mComponentTree != null) { if (mIsAttached) { mComponentTree.detach(); } mComponentTree.clearLithoView(); } mComponentTree = componentTree; if (mComponentTree != null) { mComponentTree.setLithoView(this); if (mIsAttached) { mComponentTree.attach(); } } } /** * Change the root component synchronously. */ public void setComponent(Component component) { if (mComponentTree == null) { setComponentTree(ComponentTree.create(getComponentContext(), component).build()); } else { mComponentTree.setRoot(component); } } /** * Change the root component measuring it on a background thread before updating the UI. * If this {@link LithoView} doesn't have a ComponentTree initialized, the root will be * computed synchronously. */ public void setComponentAsync(Component component) { if (mComponentTree == null) { setComponentTree(ComponentTree.create(getComponentContext(), component).build()); } else { mComponentTree.setRootAsync(component); } } public void rebind() { mMountState.rebind(); } /** * To be called this when the LithoView is about to become inactive. This means that either * the view is about to be recycled or moved off-screen. */ public void unbind() { mMountState.unbind(); } /** * Called from the ComponentTree when a new view want to use the same ComponentTree. */ void clearComponentTree() { if (mIsAttached) { throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to clear the ComponentTree while attached."); } mComponentTree = null; } @Override public void setHasTransientState(boolean hasTransientState) { if (isIncrementalMountEnabled()) { performIncrementalMount(null); } super.setHasTransientState(hasTransientState); } @Override public void offsetTopAndBottom(int offset) { super.offsetTopAndBottom(offset); maybePerformIncrementalMountOnView(); } @Override public void offsetLeftAndRight(int offset) { super.offsetLeftAndRight(offset); maybePerformIncrementalMountOnView(); } @Override public void setTranslationX(float translationX) { super.setTranslationX(translationX); maybePerformIncrementalMountOnView(); } @Override public void setTranslationY(float translationY) { super.setTranslationY(translationY); maybePerformIncrementalMountOnView(); } private void maybePerformIncrementalMountOnView() { if (!mIncrementalMountOnOffsetOrTranslationChange && !ComponentsConfiguration.isIncrementalMountOnOffsetOrTranslationChangeEnabled) { return; } if (!isIncrementalMountEnabled() || !(getParent() instanceof View)) { return; } int parentWidth = ((View) getParent()).getWidth(); int parentHeight = ((View) getParent()).getHeight(); final int translationX = (int) getTranslationX(); final int translationY = (int) getTranslationY(); final int top = getTop() + translationY; final int bottom = getBottom() + translationY; final int left = getLeft() + translationX; final int right = getRight() + translationX; if (left >= 0 && top >= 0 && right <= parentWidth && bottom <= parentHeight && mPreviousMountBounds.width() == getWidth() && mPreviousMountBounds.height() == getHeight()) { // View is fully visible, and has already been completely mounted. return; } final Rect rect = ComponentsPools.acquireRect(); rect.set(Math.max(0, -left), Math.max(0, -top), Math.min(right, parentWidth) - left, Math.min(bottom, parentHeight) - top); if (rect.isEmpty()) { // View is not visible at all, nothing to do. ComponentsPools.release(rect); return; } performIncrementalMount(rect); ComponentsPools.release(rect); } public void performIncrementalMount(Rect visibleRect) { if (mComponentTree == null) { return; } if (mComponentTree.isIncrementalMountEnabled()) { mComponentTree.mountComponent(visibleRect); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("To perform incremental mounting, you need first to enable" + " it when creating the ComponentTree."); } } public void performIncrementalMount() { if (mComponentTree == null) { return; } if (mComponentTree.isIncrementalMountEnabled()) { mComponentTree.incrementalMountComponent(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("To perform incremental mounting, you need first to enable" + " it when creating the ComponentTree."); } } public boolean isIncrementalMountEnabled() { return (mComponentTree != null && mComponentTree.isIncrementalMountEnabled()); } public void release() { if (mComponentTree != null) { mComponentTree.release(); mComponentTree = null; } } void mount(LayoutState layoutState, Rect currentVisibleArea) { if (isIncrementalMountEnabled() && ViewCompat.hasTransientState(this)) { return; } if (currentVisibleArea == null) { mPreviousMountBounds.setEmpty(); } else { mPreviousMountBounds.set(currentVisibleArea); } mMountState.mount(layoutState, currentVisibleArea); } public Rect getPreviousMountBounds() { return mPreviousMountBounds; } void setMountStateDirty() { mMountState.setDirty(); mPreviousMountBounds.setEmpty(); } boolean isMountStateDirty() { return mMountState.isDirty(); } MountState getMountState() { return mMountState; } @DoNotStrip @VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PRIVATE) Deque<TestItem> findTestItems(String testKey) { return mMountState.findTestItems(testKey); } private static class AccessibilityStateChangeListener extends AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat { private WeakReference<LithoView> mLithoView; private AccessibilityStateChangeListener(LithoView lithoView) { mLithoView = new WeakReference<>(lithoView); } @Override public void onAccessibilityStateChanged(boolean enabled) { final LithoView lithoView = mLithoView.get(); if (lithoView == null) { return; } lithoView.refreshAccessibilityDelegatesIfNeeded(enabled); lithoView.requestLayout(); } } }