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 * Copyright 2018-present Facebook, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package com.facebook.buck.parser;

import com.facebook.buck.core.cell.Cell;
import com.facebook.buck.core.cell.CellProvider;
import com.facebook.buck.core.files.DirectoryListCache;
import com.facebook.buck.core.files.DirectoryListTransformer;
import com.facebook.buck.core.files.FileTree;
import com.facebook.buck.core.files.FileTreeCache;
import com.facebook.buck.core.files.FileTreeFileNameIterator;
import com.facebook.buck.core.files.FileTreeTransformer;
import com.facebook.buck.core.files.ImmutableFileTreeKey;
import com.facebook.buck.core.graph.transformation.ComputeResult;
import com.facebook.buck.core.graph.transformation.DefaultGraphTransformationEngine;
import com.facebook.buck.core.graph.transformation.GraphTransformationEngine;
import com.facebook.buck.core.graph.transformation.GraphTransformationStage;
import com.facebook.buck.core.graph.transformation.executor.DepsAwareExecutor;
import com.facebook.buck.core.graph.transformation.executor.impl.DefaultDepsAwareExecutor;
import com.facebook.buck.core.model.BuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.core.model.EmptyTargetConfiguration;
import com.facebook.buck.core.model.HasBuildTarget;
import com.facebook.buck.core.model.TargetConfiguration;
import com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus;
import com.facebook.buck.event.PerfEventId;
import com.facebook.buck.event.SimplePerfEvent;
import com.facebook.buck.parser.exceptions.BuildFileParseException;
import com.facebook.buck.parser.exceptions.BuildTargetException;
import com.facebook.buck.parser.exceptions.MissingBuildFileException;
import com.facebook.buck.util.MoreThrowables;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

/** Responsible for discovering all the build targets that match a set of {@link TargetNodeSpec}. */
public class TargetSpecResolver implements AutoCloseable {

    private final BuckEventBus eventBus;

    // transformation engine to be used when full file tree of given path is required
    // because different cells might have different filesystems, we have to store each engine
    // instance per each cell object
    // A better design would be to make TargetSpecResolver cell-centric, i.e. have resolver work
    // in a scope of a Cell only
    private final LoadingCache<Path, GraphTransformationEngine> graphEngineForRecursiveSpecPerRoot;

     * Create {@link TargetSpecResolver instance}
     * @param eventBus Event bus to send performance events to
     * @param numThreads Number of threads to be used by Graph Engine executor
     * @param cellProvider Provider to get a cell by path; this is a workaround for the state that
     *     cell itself is not really hashable so we use cell path instead as a key for appropriate
     *     caches
     * @param dirListCachePerRoot Global cache that stores a mapping of cell root path to a cache of
     *     all directory structures under that cell
     * @param fileTreeCachePerRoot Global cache that stores a mapping of cell root path to a cache of
     *     all file tree structures under that cell
    public TargetSpecResolver(BuckEventBus eventBus, int numThreads, CellProvider cellProvider,
            LoadingCache<Path, DirectoryListCache> dirListCachePerRoot,
            LoadingCache<Path, FileTreeCache> fileTreeCachePerRoot) {
        this.eventBus = eventBus;

        // TODO(buck_team): pass executor from upstream
        DepsAwareExecutor<ComputeResult, ?> executor = DefaultDepsAwareExecutor.of(numThreads);

        // For each cell we create a separate graph engine. The purpose of graph engine is to
        // recursively build a file tree with all files in appropriate cell for appropriate path.
        // This file tree will later be used to resolve target pattern to a list of build files
        // where those targets are defined.
        // For example, for target pattern like //project/folder/... it will return all files and
        // folders
        // under [cellroot]/project/folder recursively as FileTree object. We then traverse FileTree
        // object looking for a build file name in all subfolders recursively.
        // Graph Engines automatically ensures right amount of parallelism and does caching of the data.
        graphEngineForRecursiveSpecPerRoot = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(CacheLoader.from(path -> {
            ProjectFilesystemView fileSystemView = cellProvider.getCellByPath(path)

            DirectoryListCache dirListCache = dirListCachePerRoot.getUnchecked(path);
            Verify.verifyNotNull(dirListCache, "Injected directory list cache map does not have cell %s",

            FileTreeCache fileTreeCache = fileTreeCachePerRoot.getUnchecked(path);
            Verify.verifyNotNull(fileTreeCache, "Injected file tree cache map does not have cell %s",

            return new DefaultGraphTransformationEngine(ImmutableList.of(
                    new GraphTransformationStage<>(DirectoryListTransformer.of(fileSystemView), dirListCache),
                    new GraphTransformationStage<>(FileTreeTransformer.of(), fileTreeCache)), 16, executor);

     * @return a list of sets of build targets where each set contains all build targets that match a
     *     corresponding {@link TargetNodeSpec}.
    public <T extends HasBuildTarget> ImmutableList<ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>> resolveTargetSpecs(Cell rootCell,
            Iterable<? extends TargetNodeSpec> specs, TargetConfiguration targetConfiguration,
            FlavorEnhancer<T> flavorEnhancer, TargetNodeProviderForSpecResolver<T> targetNodeProvider,
            TargetNodeFilterForSpecResolver<T> targetNodeFilter)
            throws BuildFileParseException, InterruptedException {

        // Convert the input spec iterable into a list so we have a fixed ordering, which we'll rely on
        // when returning results.
        ImmutableList<TargetNodeSpec> orderedSpecs = ImmutableList.copyOf(specs);

        Multimap<Path, Integer> perBuildFileSpecs = groupSpecsByBuildFile(rootCell, orderedSpecs);

        // Kick off parse futures for each build file.
        ArrayList<ListenableFuture<Map.Entry<Integer, ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>>>> targetFutures = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Path buildFile : perBuildFileSpecs.keySet()) {
            Collection<Integer> buildFileSpecs = perBuildFileSpecs.get(buildFile);
            TargetNodeSpec firstSpec = orderedSpecs.get(Iterables.get(buildFileSpecs, 0));
            Cell cell = rootCell.getCell(firstSpec.getBuildFileSpec().getCellPath());

            // Format a proper error message for non-existent build files.
            if (!cell.getFilesystem().isFile(buildFile)) {
                throw new MissingBuildFileException(firstSpec.toString(),

            for (int index : buildFileSpecs) {
                TargetNodeSpec spec = orderedSpecs.get(index);
                handleTargetNodeSpec(flavorEnhancer, targetNodeProvider, targetNodeFilter, targetFutures, cell,
                        buildFile, targetConfiguration, index, spec);

        return collectTargets(orderedSpecs.size(), targetFutures);

    // Resolve all the build files from all the target specs.  We store these into a multi-map which
    // maps the path to the build file to the index of it's spec file in the ordered spec list.
    private Multimap<Path, Integer> groupSpecsByBuildFile(Cell rootCell,
            ImmutableList<TargetNodeSpec> orderedSpecs) {

        Multimap<Path, Integer> perBuildFileSpecs = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
        for (int index = 0; index < orderedSpecs.size(); index++) {
            TargetNodeSpec spec = orderedSpecs.get(index);
            Path cellPath = spec.getBuildFileSpec().getCellPath();
            Cell cell = rootCell.getCell(cellPath);
            try (SimplePerfEvent.Scope perfEventScope = SimplePerfEvent.scope(eventBus,
                    PerfEventId.of("FindBuildFiles"), "targetNodeSpec", spec)) {

                BuildFileSpec buildFileSpec = spec.getBuildFileSpec();
                ProjectFilesystemView projectFilesystemView = cell.getFilesystemViewForSourceFiles();
                if (!buildFileSpec.isRecursive()) {
                    // If spec is not recursive, i.e. //path/to:something, then we only need to look for
                    // build file under base path
                    Path buildFile = projectFilesystemView
                    perBuildFileSpecs.put(buildFile, index);
                } else {
                    // For recursive spec, i.e. //path/to/... we use cached file tree
                    Path basePath = spec.getBuildFileSpec().getBasePath();

                    // sometimes spec comes with absolute path as base path, sometimes it is relative to
                    // cell path
                    // TODO(sergeyb): find out why
                    if (basePath.isAbsolute()) {
                        basePath = cellPath.relativize(basePath);
                    FileTree fileTree = graphEngineForRecursiveSpecPerRoot.getUnchecked(cellPath)

                    for (Path path : FileTreeFileNameIterator.ofIterable(fileTree, cell.getBuildFileName())) {
                        perBuildFileSpecs.put(projectFilesystemView.resolve(path), index);
        return perBuildFileSpecs;

    private <T extends HasBuildTarget> void handleTargetNodeSpec(FlavorEnhancer<T> flavorEnhancer,
            TargetNodeProviderForSpecResolver<T> targetNodeProvider,
            TargetNodeFilterForSpecResolver<T> targetNodeFilter,
            List<ListenableFuture<Map.Entry<Integer, ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>>>> targetFutures, Cell cell,
            Path buildFile, TargetConfiguration targetConfiguration, int index, TargetNodeSpec spec) {
        if (spec instanceof BuildTargetSpec) {
            BuildTargetSpec buildTargetSpec = (BuildTargetSpec) spec;
                    node -> {
                        ImmutableSet<BuildTarget> buildTargets = applySpecFilter(spec, ImmutableList.of(node),
                                flavorEnhancer, targetNodeFilter);
                        Preconditions.checkState(buildTargets.size() == 1,
                                "BuildTargetSpec %s filter discarded target %s, but was not supposed to.", spec,
                        return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(index, buildTargets);
                    }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()));
        } else {
            // Build up a list of all target nodes from the build file.
                    Futures.transform(targetNodeProvider.getAllTargetNodesJob(cell, buildFile, targetConfiguration),
                            nodes -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(index,
                                    applySpecFilter(spec, nodes, flavorEnhancer, targetNodeFilter)),

    private ImmutableList<ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>> collectTargets(int specsCount,
            List<ListenableFuture<Entry<Integer, ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>>>> targetFutures)
            throws InterruptedException {
        // Walk through and resolve all the futures, and place their results in a multimap that
        // is indexed by the integer representing the input target spec order.
        LinkedHashMultimap<Integer, BuildTarget> targetsMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
        try {
            for (ListenableFuture<Map.Entry<Integer, ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>>> targetFuture : targetFutures) {
                Map.Entry<Integer, ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>> result = targetFuture.get();
                targetsMap.putAll(result.getKey(), result.getValue());
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            MoreThrowables.throwIfAnyCauseInstanceOf(e, InterruptedException.class);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        // Finally, pull out the final build target results in input target spec order, and place them
        // into a list of sets that exactly matches the ihput order.
        ImmutableList.Builder<ImmutableSet<BuildTarget>> targets = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (int index = 0; index < specsCount; index++) {

    private <T extends HasBuildTarget> ImmutableSet<BuildTarget> applySpecFilter(TargetNodeSpec spec,
            ImmutableList<T> targetNodes, FlavorEnhancer<T> flavorEnhancer,
            TargetNodeFilterForSpecResolver<T> targetNodeFilter) {
        ImmutableSet.Builder<BuildTarget> targets = ImmutableSet.builder();
        ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, T> partialTargets = targetNodeFilter.filter(spec, targetNodes);
        for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, T> partialTarget : partialTargets.entrySet()) {
            BuildTarget target = flavorEnhancer.enhanceFlavors(partialTarget.getKey(), partialTarget.getValue(),

    public void close() {
        graphEngineForRecursiveSpecPerRoot.asMap().values().forEach(engine -> engine.close());

    /** Allows to change flavors of some targets while performing the resolution. */
    public interface FlavorEnhancer<T extends HasBuildTarget> {
        BuildTarget enhanceFlavors(BuildTarget target, T targetNode, TargetNodeSpec.TargetType targetType);

    /** Provides target nodes of a given type. */
    public interface TargetNodeProviderForSpecResolver<T extends HasBuildTarget> {
        ListenableFuture<T> getTargetNodeJob(BuildTarget target) throws BuildTargetException;

        ListenableFuture<ImmutableList<T>> getAllTargetNodesJob(Cell cell, Path buildFile,
                TargetConfiguration targetConfiguration) throws BuildTargetException;

    /** Performs filtering of target nodes using a given {@link TargetNodeSpec}. */
    public interface TargetNodeFilterForSpecResolver<T extends HasBuildTarget> {
        ImmutableMap<BuildTarget, T> filter(TargetNodeSpec spec, Iterable<T> nodes);