Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-present Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.facebook.buck.maven; import; import; import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildTargets; import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRule; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.maven.model.Build; import org.apache.maven.model.CiManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.Contributor; import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency; import org.apache.maven.model.DependencyManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.Developer; import org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.IssueManagement; import org.apache.maven.model.License; import org.apache.maven.model.MailingList; import org.apache.maven.model.Model; import org.apache.maven.model.Organization; import org.apache.maven.model.Parent; import org.apache.maven.model.Prerequisites; import org.apache.maven.model.Profile; import org.apache.maven.model.Repository; import org.apache.maven.model.Scm; import org.apache.maven.model.building.DefaultModelBuilderFactory; import org.apache.maven.model.building.DefaultModelBuildingRequest; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuilder; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingException; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingRequest; import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingResult; import; import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact; import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.DefaultArtifact; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class Pom { private static final MavenXpp3Writer POM_WRITER = new MavenXpp3Writer(); private static final DefaultModelBuilderFactory MODEL_BUILDER_FACTORY = new DefaultModelBuilderFactory(); /** * Consistent with the value used in the implementation of {@link MavenXpp3Writer#write} */ private static final String POM_MODEL_VERSION = "4.0.0"; private final Model model; private final MavenPublishable publishable; private final Path path; public Pom(Path path, MavenPublishable buildRule) { this.path = path; this.publishable = buildRule; this.model = constructModel(); applyBuildRule(); } public static Path generatePomFile(MavenPublishable rule) throws IOException { Path pom = getPomPath(rule); Files.deleteIfExists(pom); generatePomFile(rule, pom); return pom; } private static Path getPomPath(HasMavenCoordinates rule) { return rule.getProjectFilesystem() .resolve(BuildTargets.getGenPath(rule.getProjectFilesystem(), rule.getBuildTarget(), "%s.pom")); } @VisibleForTesting static void generatePomFile(MavenPublishable rule, Path optionallyExistingPom) throws IOException { new Pom(optionallyExistingPom, rule).flushToFile(); } private void applyBuildRule() { if (!HasMavenCoordinates.isMavenCoordsPresent(publishable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot retrieve maven coordinates for target" + publishable.getBuildTarget().getFullyQualifiedName()); } DefaultArtifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact(getMavenCoords(publishable).get()); Iterable<Artifact> deps = FluentIterable.from(publishable.getMavenDeps()) .filter(HasMavenCoordinates::isMavenCoordsPresent) .transform(input -> new DefaultArtifact(input.getMavenCoords().get())); updateModel(artifact, deps); } private Model constructModel(File file, @Nullable Model model) { ModelBuilder modelBuilder = MODEL_BUILDER_FACTORY.newInstance(); try { ModelBuildingRequest req = new DefaultModelBuildingRequest().setPomFile(file); ModelBuildingResult modelBuildingResult =; Model constructed = Preconditions.checkNotNull(modelBuildingResult.getRawModel()); return merge(model, constructed); } catch (ModelBuildingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private Model constructModel() { File file = path.toFile(); Model model = new Model(); model.setModelVersion(POM_MODEL_VERSION); if (publishable.getPomTemplate().isPresent()) { model = constructModel(publishable.getPomTemplate().get().toFile(), model); } if (file.isFile()) { model = constructModel(file, model); } return model; } private Model merge(Model first, @Nullable Model second) { if (second == null) { return first; } Model model = first.clone(); //---- Values from ModelBase List<String> modules = second.getModules(); if (modules != null) { for (String module : modules) { model.addModule(module); } } DistributionManagement distributionManagement = second.getDistributionManagement(); if (distributionManagement != null) { model.setDistributionManagement(distributionManagement); } Properties properties = second.getProperties(); if (properties != null) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { model.addProperty((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue()); } } DependencyManagement dependencyManagement = second.getDependencyManagement(); if (dependencyManagement != null) { model.setDependencyManagement(dependencyManagement); } List<Dependency> dependencies = second.getDependencies(); if (dependencies != null) { for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) { model.addDependency(dependency); } } List<Repository> repositories = second.getRepositories(); if (repositories != null) { for (Repository repository : repositories) { model.addRepository(repository); } } List<Repository> pluginRepositories = second.getPluginRepositories(); if (pluginRepositories != null) { for (Repository pluginRepository : pluginRepositories) { model.addPluginRepository(pluginRepository); } } // Ignore reports, reporting, and locations //----- From Model Parent parent = second.getParent(); if (parent != null) { model.setParent(parent); } Organization organization = second.getOrganization(); if (organization != null) { model.setOrganization(organization); } List<License> licenses = second.getLicenses(); Set<String> currentLicenseUrls = new HashSet<>(); if (model.getLicenses() != null) { for (License license : model.getLicenses()) { currentLicenseUrls.add(license.getUrl()); } } if (licenses != null) { for (License license : licenses) { if (!currentLicenseUrls.contains(license.getUrl())) { model.addLicense(license); currentLicenseUrls.add(license.getUrl()); } } } List<Developer> developers = second.getDevelopers(); Set<String> currentDevelopers = new HashSet<>(); if (model.getDevelopers() != null) { for (Developer developer : model.getDevelopers()) { currentDevelopers.add(developer.getName()); } } if (developers != null) { for (Developer developer : developers) { if (!currentDevelopers.contains(developer.getName())) { model.addDeveloper(developer); currentDevelopers.add(developer.getName()); } } } List<Contributor> contributors = second.getContributors(); Set<String> currentContributors = new HashSet<>(); if (model.getContributors() != null) { for (Contributor contributor : model.getContributors()) { currentDevelopers.add(contributor.getName()); } } if (contributors != null) { for (Contributor contributor : contributors) { if (!currentContributors.contains(contributor.getName())) { model.addContributor(contributor); currentContributors.add(contributor.getName()); } } } List<MailingList> mailingLists = second.getMailingLists(); if (mailingLists != null) { for (MailingList mailingList : mailingLists) { model.addMailingList(mailingList); } } Prerequisites prerequisites = second.getPrerequisites(); if (prerequisites != null) { model.setPrerequisites(prerequisites); } Scm scm = second.getScm(); if (scm != null) { model.setScm(scm); } String url = second.getUrl(); if (url != null) { model.setUrl(url); } String description = second.getDescription(); if (description != null) { model.setDescription(description); } IssueManagement issueManagement = second.getIssueManagement(); if (issueManagement != null) { model.setIssueManagement(issueManagement); } CiManagement ciManagement = second.getCiManagement(); if (ciManagement != null) { model.setCiManagement(ciManagement); } Build build = second.getBuild(); if (build != null) { model.setBuild(build); } List<Profile> profiles = second.getProfiles(); Set<String> currentProfileIds = new HashSet<>(); if (model.getProfiles() != null) { for (Profile profile : model.getProfiles()) { currentProfileIds.add(profile.getId()); } } if (profiles != null) { for (Profile profile : profiles) { if (!currentProfileIds.contains(profile.getId())) { model.addProfile(profile); currentProfileIds.add(profile.getId()); } } } return model; } private void updateModel(Artifact mavenCoordinates, Iterable<Artifact> deps) { model.setGroupId(mavenCoordinates.getGroupId()); model.setArtifactId(mavenCoordinates.getArtifactId()); model.setVersion(mavenCoordinates.getVersion()); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(model.getName())) { model.setName(mavenCoordinates.getArtifactId()); // better than nothing } // Dependencies ImmutableMap<DepKey, Dependency> depIndex = Maps.uniqueIndex(getModel().getDependencies(), DepKey::new); for (Artifact artifactDep : deps) { DepKey key = new DepKey(artifactDep); Dependency dependency = depIndex.get(key); if (dependency == null) { dependency = key.createDependency(); getModel().addDependency(dependency); } updateDependency(dependency, artifactDep); } } private static void updateDependency(Dependency dependency, Artifact providedMavenCoordinates) { dependency.setVersion(providedMavenCoordinates.getVersion()); dependency.setClassifier(providedMavenCoordinates.getClassifier()); } public void flushToFile() throws IOException { getModel(); // Ensure model is initialized, reading file if necessary Files.createDirectories(getPath().getParent()); try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(getPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { POM_WRITER.write(writer, getModel()); } } private static Optional<String> getMavenCoords(BuildRule buildRule) { if (buildRule instanceof HasMavenCoordinates) { return ((HasMavenCoordinates) buildRule).getMavenCoords(); } return Optional.empty(); } public Model getModel() { return model; } public Path getPath() { return path; } private static final class DepKey { private final String groupId; private final String artifactId; public DepKey(Artifact artifact) { groupId = artifact.getGroupId(); artifactId = artifact.getArtifactId(); validate(); } public DepKey(Dependency dependency) { groupId = dependency.getGroupId(); artifactId = dependency.getArtifactId(); validate(); } private void validate() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(groupId); Preconditions.checkNotNull(artifactId); } public Dependency createDependency() { Dependency dependency = new Dependency(); dependency.setGroupId(groupId); dependency.setArtifactId(artifactId); return dependency; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof DepKey)) { return false; } DepKey depKey = (DepKey) o; return Objects.equals(groupId, depKey.groupId) && Objects.equals(artifactId, depKey.artifactId); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = groupId.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + artifactId.hashCode(); return result; } } }