Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-present Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.facebook.buck.cli; import com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus; import com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventListener; import com.facebook.buck.event.LogEvent; import com.facebook.buck.event.listener.AbstractConsoleEventBusListener; import com.facebook.buck.event.listener.ChromeTraceBuildListener; import com.facebook.buck.event.listener.JavaUtilsLoggingBuildListener; import com.facebook.buck.event.listener.SimpleConsoleEventBusListener; import com.facebook.buck.event.listener.SuperConsoleEventBusListener; import com.facebook.buck.httpserver.WebServer; import; import; import com.facebook.buck.model.BuildId; import com.facebook.buck.parser.Parser; import com.facebook.buck.rules.BuildRule; import com.facebook.buck.rules.CachingBuildEngine; import com.facebook.buck.rules.KnownBuildRuleTypes; import com.facebook.buck.rules.RuleKey; import com.facebook.buck.rules.RuleKey.Builder; import com.facebook.buck.rules.RuleKeyBuilderFactory; import com.facebook.buck.timing.Clock; import com.facebook.buck.timing.DefaultClock; import com.facebook.buck.util.AndroidDirectoryResolver; import com.facebook.buck.util.Ansi; import com.facebook.buck.util.Console; import com.facebook.buck.util.DefaultAndroidDirectoryResolver; import com.facebook.buck.util.DefaultFileHashCache; import com.facebook.buck.util.DefaultPropertyFinder; import com.facebook.buck.util.FileHashCache; import com.facebook.buck.util.HumanReadableException; import com.facebook.buck.util.ProcessExecutor; import com.facebook.buck.util.ProjectFilesystem; import com.facebook.buck.util.ProjectFilesystemWatcher; import com.facebook.buck.util.PropertyFinder; import com.facebook.buck.util.ShutdownException; import com.facebook.buck.util.Verbosity; import com.facebook.buck.util.WatchServiceWatcher; import com.facebook.buck.util.WatchmanWatcher; import com.facebook.buck.util.concurrent.TimeSpan; import com.facebook.buck.util.environment.DefaultExecutionEnvironment; import com.facebook.buck.util.environment.ExecutionEnvironment; import com.facebook.buck.util.environment.Platform; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGClientListener; import com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public final class Main { /** * Trying again won't help. */ public static final int FAIL_EXIT_CODE = 1; /** * Trying again later might work. */ public static final int BUSY_EXIT_CODE = 2; private static final String DEFAULT_BUCK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = ".buckconfig"; private static final String DEFAULT_BUCK_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_FILE_NAME = ".buckconfig.local"; private static final String BUCK_VERSION_UID_KEY = "buck.version_uid"; private static final String BUCK_VERSION_UID = System.getProperty(BUCK_VERSION_UID_KEY, "N/A"); private static final String BUCKD_COLOR_DEFAULT_ENV_VAR = "BUCKD_COLOR_DEFAULT"; private static final int ARTIFACT_CACHE_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS = 15; private static final TimeSpan SUPER_CONSOLE_REFRESH_RATE = new TimeSpan(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); /** * Path to a directory of static content that should be served by the {@link WebServer}. */ private static final String STATIC_CONTENT_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("buck.path_to_static_content", "webserver/static"); private final PrintStream stdOut; private final PrintStream stdErr; private static final Semaphore commandSemaphore = new Semaphore(1); private final Platform platform; /** * Daemon used to monitor the file system and cache build rules between Main() method * invocations is static so that it can outlive Main() objects and survive for the lifetime * of the potentially long running Buck process. */ private static final class Daemon implements Closeable { private final Parser parser; private final AndroidDirectoryResolver androidDirectoryResolver; private final DefaultFileHashCache hashCache; private final EventBus fileEventBus; private final ProjectFilesystemWatcher filesystemWatcher; private final BuckConfig config; private final Optional<WebServer> webServer; private final Console console; public Daemon(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, KnownBuildRuleTypes knownBuildRuleTypes, AndroidDirectoryResolver androidDirectoryResolver, BuckConfig config, Console console) throws IOException { this.config = Preconditions.checkNotNull(config); this.console = Preconditions.checkNotNull(console); this.hashCache = new DefaultFileHashCache(projectFilesystem, console); this.parser = new Parser(projectFilesystem, knownBuildRuleTypes, console, config.getPythonInterpreter(), config.getTempFilePatterns(), createRuleKeyBuilderFactory(hashCache)); this.androidDirectoryResolver = Preconditions.checkNotNull(androidDirectoryResolver); this.fileEventBus = new EventBus("file-change-events"); this.filesystemWatcher = createWatcher(projectFilesystem); fileEventBus.register(parser); fileEventBus.register(hashCache); webServer = createWebServer(config, console, projectFilesystem); JavaUtilsLoggingBuildListener.ensureLogFileIsWritten(projectFilesystem); } private ProjectFilesystemWatcher createWatcher(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem) throws IOException { if (System.getProperty("buck.buckd_watcher", "WatchService").equals("Watchman")) { return new WatchmanWatcher(projectFilesystem, fileEventBus); } return new WatchServiceWatcher(projectFilesystem, fileEventBus, config.getIgnorePaths(), FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService()); } private Optional<WebServer> createWebServer(BuckConfig config, Console console, ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem) { // Enable the web httpserver if it is given by command line parameter or specified in // .buckconfig. The presence of a port number is sufficient. Optional<String> serverPort = Optional.fromNullable(System.getProperty("buck.httpserver.port")); if (!serverPort.isPresent()) { serverPort = config.getValue("httpserver", "port"); } Optional<WebServer> webServer; if (serverPort.isPresent()) { String rawPort = serverPort.get(); try { int port = Integer.parseInt(rawPort, 10); webServer = Optional.of(new WebServer(port, projectFilesystem, STATIC_CONTENT_DIRECTORY)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { console.printErrorText(String.format("Could not parse port for httpserver: %s.", rawPort)); webServer = Optional.absent(); } } else { webServer = Optional.absent(); } return webServer; } public Optional<WebServer> getWebServer() { return webServer; } private Parser getParser() { return parser; } private AndroidDirectoryResolver getAndroidDirectoryResolver() { return androidDirectoryResolver; } private void watchClient(final NGContext context) { context.addClientListener(new NGClientListener() { @Override public void clientDisconnected() throws InterruptedException { // Synchronize on parser object so that the main command processing thread is not // interrupted mid way through a Parser cache update by the Thread.interrupt() call // triggered by System.exit(). The Parser cache will be reused by subsequent commands // so needs to be left in a consistent state even if the current command is interrupted // due to a client disconnection. synchronized (parser) { // Client should no longer be connected, but printing helps detect false disconnections. context.err.println("Client disconnected."); throw new InterruptedException("Client disconnected."); } } }); } private void watchFileSystem(Console console, CommandEvent commandEvent, BuckEventBus eventBus) throws IOException { // Synchronize on parser object so that all outstanding watch events are processed // as a single, atomic Parser cache update and are not interleaved with Parser cache // invalidations triggered by requests to parse build files or interrupted by client // disconnections. synchronized (parser) { parser.setConsole(console); hashCache.setConsole(console); parser.recordParseStartTime(eventBus);; filesystemWatcher.postEvents(); } } /** @return true if the web server was started successfully. */ private boolean initWebServer() { if (webServer.isPresent()) { try { webServer.get().start(); return true; } catch (WebServer.WebServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(console.getStdErr()); } } return false; } public BuckConfig getConfig() { return config; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { filesystemWatcher.close(); shutdownWebServer(); } private void shutdownWebServer() { if (webServer.isPresent()) { try { webServer.get().stop(); } catch (WebServer.WebServerException e) { e.printStackTrace(console.getStdErr()); } } } } @Nullable private static volatile Daemon daemon; /** * Get or create Daemon. */ private Daemon getDaemon(ProjectFilesystem filesystem, BuckConfig config, KnownBuildRuleTypes knownBuildRuleTypes, AndroidDirectoryResolver androidDirectoryResolver, Console console) throws IOException { if (daemon == null) { daemon = new Daemon(filesystem, knownBuildRuleTypes, androidDirectoryResolver, config, console); } else { // Buck daemons cache build files within a single project root, changing to a different // project root is not supported and will likely result in incorrect builds. The buck and // buckd scripts attempt to enforce this, so a change in project root is an error that // should be reported rather than silently worked around by invalidating the cache and // creating a new daemon object. File parserRoot = daemon.getParser().getProjectRoot(); if (!filesystem.getProjectRoot().equals(parserRoot)) { throw new HumanReadableException(String.format("Unsupported root path change from %s to %s", filesystem.getProjectRoot(), parserRoot)); } // If Buck config or the AndroidDirectoryResolver has changed, invalidate the cache and // create a new daemon. if (!daemon.getConfig().equals(config) || !daemon.getAndroidDirectoryResolver().equals(androidDirectoryResolver)) { daemon.close(); daemon = new Daemon(filesystem, knownBuildRuleTypes, androidDirectoryResolver, config, console); } } return daemon; } @VisibleForTesting static void resetDaemon() { daemon = null; } @VisibleForTesting static void registerFileWatcher(Object watcher) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(daemon); daemon.fileEventBus.register(watcher); } @VisibleForTesting static void watchFilesystem() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(daemon); daemon.filesystemWatcher.postEvents(); } @VisibleForTesting public Main(PrintStream stdOut, PrintStream stdErr) { this.stdOut = Preconditions.checkNotNull(stdOut); this.stdErr = Preconditions.checkNotNull(stdErr); this.platform = Platform.detect(); } /** Prints the usage message to standard error. */ @VisibleForTesting int usage() { stdErr.println("buck build tool"); stdErr.println("usage:"); stdErr.println(" buck [options]"); stdErr.println(" buck command --help"); stdErr.println(" buck command [command-options]"); stdErr.println("available commands:"); int lengthOfLongestCommand = 0; for (Command command : Command.values()) { String name =; if (name.length() > lengthOfLongestCommand) { lengthOfLongestCommand = name.length(); } } for (Command command : Command.values()) { String name =; stdErr.printf(" %s%s %s\n", name, Strings.repeat(" ", lengthOfLongestCommand - name.length()), command.getShortDescription()); } stdErr.println("options:"); new GenericBuckOptions(stdOut, stdErr).printUsage(); return 1; } /** * @param context an optional NGContext that is present if running inside a Nailgun server. * @param args command line arguments * @return an exit code or {@code null} if this is a process that should not exit */ public int runMainWithExitCode(File projectRoot, Optional<NGContext> context, String... args) throws IOException { if (args.length == 0) { return usage(); } // Find and execute command. int exitCode; Command.ParseResult command = Command.parseCommandName(args[0]); if (command.getCommand().isPresent()) { return executeCommand(projectRoot, command, context, args); } else { exitCode = new GenericBuckOptions(stdOut, stdErr).execute(args); if (exitCode == GenericBuckOptions.SHOW_MAIN_HELP_SCREEN_EXIT_CODE) { return usage(); } else { return exitCode; } } } /** * @param context an optional NGContext that is present if running inside a Nailgun server. * @param args command line arguments * @return an exit code or {@code null} if this is a process that should not exit */ @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") public int executeCommand(File projectRoot, Command.ParseResult commandParseResult, Optional<NGContext> context, String... args) throws IOException { // Create common command parameters. projectFilesystem initialization looks odd because it needs // ignorePaths from a BuckConfig instance, which in turn needs a ProjectFilesystem (i.e. this // solves a bootstrapping issue). ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem = new ProjectFilesystem(Paths.get(projectRoot.getPath()), createBuckConfig(new ProjectFilesystem(projectRoot), platform).getIgnorePaths()); BuckConfig config = createBuckConfig(projectFilesystem, platform); Verbosity verbosity = VerbosityParser.parse(args); Optional<String> color; final boolean isDaemon = context.isPresent(); if (isDaemon && (context.get().getEnv() != null)) { String colorString = context.get().getEnv().getProperty(BUCKD_COLOR_DEFAULT_ENV_VAR); color = Optional.fromNullable(colorString); } else { color = Optional.absent(); } final Console console = new Console(verbosity, stdOut, stdErr, config.createAnsi(color)); if (commandParseResult.getErrorText().isPresent()) { console.getStdErr().println(commandParseResult.getErrorText().get()); } // No more early outs: acquire the command semaphore and become the only executing command. if (!commandSemaphore.tryAcquire()) { return BUSY_EXIT_CODE; } ProcessExecutor processExecutor = new ProcessExecutor(console); int exitCode; ImmutableList<BuckEventListener> eventListeners; BuildId buildId = new BuildId(); Clock clock = new DefaultClock(); ExecutionEnvironment executionEnvironment = new DefaultExecutionEnvironment(processExecutor); // Configure the AndroidDirectoryResolver. PropertyFinder propertyFinder = new DefaultPropertyFinder(projectFilesystem); AndroidDirectoryResolver androidDirectoryResolver = new DefaultAndroidDirectoryResolver(projectFilesystem, config.getNdkVersion(), propertyFinder); // Look up the javac version. JavaBuckConfig javaConfig = new JavaBuckConfig(config); JavaCompilerEnvironment javacEnv = javaConfig.getJavaCompilerEnvironment(processExecutor); // NOTE: If any other variable is used when configuring buildRuleTypes, it MUST be passed down // to the Daemon and implement equals/hashCode so we can invalidate the Parser if values used // for configuring buildRuleTypes have changed between builds. KnownBuildRuleTypes buildRuleTypes = KnownBuildRuleTypes.createInstance(config, androidDirectoryResolver, javacEnv); // The order of resources in the try-with-resources block is important: the BuckEventBus must // be the last resource, so that it is closed first and can deliver its queued events to the // other resources before they are closed. try (AbstractConsoleEventBusListener consoleListener = createConsoleEventListener(clock, console, verbosity, executionEnvironment); BuckEventBus buildEventBus = new BuckEventBus(clock, buildId)) { Optional<WebServer> webServer = getWebServerIfDaemon(context, projectFilesystem, config, buildRuleTypes, androidDirectoryResolver, console); eventListeners = addEventListeners(buildEventBus, projectFilesystem, config, webServer, consoleListener); ImmutableList<String> remainingArgs = ImmutableList.copyOf(Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length)); Command executingCommand = commandParseResult.getCommand().get(); String commandName =; CommandEvent commandEvent = CommandEvent.started(commandName, remainingArgs, isDaemon);; // The ArtifactCache is constructed lazily so that we do not try to connect to Cassandra when // running commands such as `buck clean`. ArtifactCacheFactory artifactCacheFactory = new LoggingArtifactCacheFactory(executionEnvironment, buildEventBus); // Create or get Parser and invalidate cached command parameters. Parser parser; if (isDaemon) { parser = getParserFromDaemon(context, projectFilesystem, config, buildRuleTypes, androidDirectoryResolver, console, commandEvent, buildEventBus); } else { // Initialize logging and create new Parser for new process. JavaUtilsLoggingBuildListener.ensureLogFileIsWritten(projectFilesystem); parser = new Parser(projectFilesystem, buildRuleTypes, console, config.getPythonInterpreter(), config.getTempFilePatterns(), createRuleKeyBuilderFactory(new DefaultFileHashCache(projectFilesystem, console))); } CachingBuildEngine buildEngine = new CachingBuildEngine(); exitCode = executingCommand.execute(remainingArgs, config, new CommandRunnerParams(console, projectFilesystem, androidDirectoryResolver, buildRuleTypes, buildEngine, artifactCacheFactory, buildEventBus, parser, platform)); // TODO(user): allocate artifactCacheFactory in the try-with-resources block to avoid leaks. artifactCacheFactory.closeCreatedArtifactCaches(ARTIFACT_CACHE_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS); // If the Daemon is running and serving web traffic, print the URL to the Chrome Trace. if (webServer.isPresent()) { int port = webServer.get().getPort();"See trace at http://localhost:%s/trace/%s", port, buildId)); }, remainingArgs, isDaemon, exitCode)); } finally { commandSemaphore.release(); // Allow another command to execute while outputting traces. } if (isDaemon && !config.getFlushEventsBeforeExit()) { context.get().in.close(); // Avoid client exit triggering client disconnection handling. context.get().exit(exitCode); // Allow nailgun client to exit while outputting traces. } for (BuckEventListener eventListener : eventListeners) { try { eventListener.outputTrace(buildId); } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("Skipping over non-fatal error"); e.printStackTrace(); } } return exitCode; } private Parser getParserFromDaemon(Optional<NGContext> context, ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, BuckConfig config, KnownBuildRuleTypes knownBuildRuleTypes, AndroidDirectoryResolver androidDirectoryResolver, Console console, CommandEvent commandEvent, BuckEventBus eventBus) throws IOException { // Wire up daemon to new client and console and get cached Parser. Daemon daemon = getDaemon(projectFilesystem, config, knownBuildRuleTypes, androidDirectoryResolver, console); daemon.watchClient(context.get()); daemon.watchFileSystem(console, commandEvent, eventBus); daemon.initWebServer(); return daemon.getParser(); } private Optional<WebServer> getWebServerIfDaemon(Optional<NGContext> context, ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, BuckConfig config, KnownBuildRuleTypes knownBuildRuleTypes, AndroidDirectoryResolver androidDirectoryResolver, Console console) throws IOException { if (context.isPresent()) { Daemon daemon = getDaemon(projectFilesystem, config, knownBuildRuleTypes, androidDirectoryResolver, console); return daemon.getWebServer(); } return Optional.absent(); } private void loadListenersFromBuckConfig(ImmutableList.Builder<BuckEventListener> eventListeners, ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, BuckConfig config) { final ImmutableSet<String> paths = config.getListenerJars(); if (paths.isEmpty()) { return; } URL[] urlsArray = new URL[paths.size()]; try { int i = 0; for (String path : paths) { String urlString = "file://" + projectFilesystem.getAbsolutifier().apply(Paths.get(path)); urlsArray[i] = new URL(urlString); i++; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new HumanReadableException(e.getMessage()); } // This ClassLoader is disconnected to allow searching the JARs (and just the JARs) for classes. ClassLoader isolatedClassLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urlsArray, null); ImmutableSet<ClassPath.ClassInfo> classInfos; try { ClassPath classPath = ClassPath.from(isolatedClassLoader); classInfos = classPath.getTopLevelClasses(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HumanReadableException(e.getMessage()); } // This ClassLoader will actually work, because it is joined to the parent ClassLoader. URLClassLoader workingClassLoader = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urlsArray); for (ClassPath.ClassInfo classInfo : classInfos) { String className = classInfo.getName(); try { Class<?> aClass = Class.forName(className, true, workingClassLoader); if (BuckEventListener.class.isAssignableFrom(aClass)) { BuckEventListener listener = aClass.asSubclass(BuckEventListener.class).newInstance(); eventListeners.add(listener); } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new HumanReadableException("Error loading event listener class '%s': %s: %s", className, e.getClass(), e.getMessage()); } } } private ImmutableList<BuckEventListener> addEventListeners(BuckEventBus buckEvents, ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, BuckConfig config, Optional<WebServer> webServer, AbstractConsoleEventBusListener consoleEventBusListener) { ImmutableList.Builder<BuckEventListener> eventListenersBuilder = ImmutableList.<BuckEventListener>builder() .add(new JavaUtilsLoggingBuildListener()) .add(new ChromeTraceBuildListener(projectFilesystem, config.getMaxTraces())) .add(consoleEventBusListener); if (webServer.isPresent()) { eventListenersBuilder.add(webServer.get().createListener()); } loadListenersFromBuckConfig(eventListenersBuilder, projectFilesystem, config); ImmutableList<BuckEventListener> eventListeners =; for (BuckEventListener eventListener : eventListeners) { buckEvents.register(eventListener); } return eventListeners; } private AbstractConsoleEventBusListener createConsoleEventListener(Clock clock, Console console, Verbosity verbosity, ExecutionEnvironment executionEnvironment) { if (console.getAnsi().isAnsiTerminal() && !verbosity.shouldPrintCommand() && verbosity.shouldPrintStandardInformation()) { SuperConsoleEventBusListener superConsole = new SuperConsoleEventBusListener(console, clock, executionEnvironment); superConsole.startRenderScheduler(SUPER_CONSOLE_REFRESH_RATE.getDuration(), SUPER_CONSOLE_REFRESH_RATE.getUnit()); return superConsole; } return new SimpleConsoleEventBusListener(console, clock); } /** * @param projectFilesystem The directory that is the root of the project being built. */ private static BuckConfig createBuckConfig(ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem, Platform platform) throws IOException { ImmutableList.Builder<File> configFileBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); File configFile = projectFilesystem.getFileForRelativePath(DEFAULT_BUCK_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); if (configFile.isFile()) { configFileBuilder.add(configFile); } File overrideConfigFile = projectFilesystem.getFileForRelativePath(DEFAULT_BUCK_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_FILE_NAME); if (overrideConfigFile.isFile()) { configFileBuilder.add(overrideConfigFile); } ImmutableList<File> configFiles =; return BuckConfig.createFromFiles(projectFilesystem, configFiles, platform); } /** * @param hashCache A cache of file content hashes, used to avoid reading and hashing input files. */ private static RuleKeyBuilderFactory createRuleKeyBuilderFactory(final FileHashCache hashCache) { return new RuleKeyBuilderFactory() { @Override public Builder newInstance(BuildRule buildRule) { RuleKey.Builder builder = RuleKey.builder(buildRule, hashCache); builder.set("buckVersionUid", BUCK_VERSION_UID); return builder; } }; } @VisibleForTesting int tryRunMainWithExitCode(File projectRoot, Optional<NGContext> context, String... args) throws IOException { // TODO(user): enforce write command exclusion, but allow concurrent read only commands? try { return runMainWithExitCode(projectRoot, context, args); } catch (HumanReadableException e) { Console console = new Console(Verbosity.STANDARD_INFORMATION, stdOut, stdErr, new Ansi(platform)); console.printBuildFailure(e.getHumanReadableErrorMessage()); return FAIL_EXIT_CODE; } catch (ShutdownException e) { stdErr.println(e); e.printStackTrace(stdErr); return 0; } } private void runMainThenExit(String[] args, Optional<NGContext> context) { File projectRoot = new File("."); int exitCode = FAIL_EXIT_CODE; try { exitCode = tryRunMainWithExitCode(projectRoot, context, args); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Exit explicitly so that non-daemon threads (of which we use many) don't // keep the VM alive. System.exit(exitCode); } } public static void main(String[] args) { new Main(System.out, System.err).runMainThenExit(args, Optional.<NGContext>absent()); } /** * When running as a daemon in the NailGun server, {@link #nailMain(NGContext)} is called instead * of {@link #main(String[])} so that the given context can be used to listen for client * disconnections and interrupt command processing when they occur. */ public static void nailMain(final NGContext context) throws InterruptedException { new Main(context.out, context.err).runMainThenExit(context.getArgs(), Optional.of(context)); } }