Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-present Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.facebook.buck.cli; import; import; import; import com.facebook.buck.event.BuckEventBus; import com.facebook.buck.event.LogEvent; import com.facebook.buck.event.TraceEventLogger; import com.facebook.buck.rules.InstallableApk; import com.facebook.buck.step.ExecutionContext; import com.facebook.buck.util.NamedTemporaryFile; import com.facebook.buck.util.ProjectFilesystem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * ExopackageInstaller manages the installation of apps with the "exopackage" flag set to true. */ public class ExopackageInstaller { /** * Pattern that matches safe package names. (Must be a full string match). */ private static final Pattern PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[\\w.-]+"); /** * Prefix of the path to the agent apk on the device. */ private static final String AGENT_DEVICE_PATH = "/data/app/" + AgentUtil.AGENT_PACKAGE_NAME; /** * Command line to invoke the agent on the device. */ private static final String JAVA_AGENT_COMMAND = "dalvikvm -classpath " + AGENT_DEVICE_PATH + "-1.apk:" + AGENT_DEVICE_PATH + "-2.apk " + " "; /** * Port to use for sending dex files. */ private static final int AGENT_PORT = 2828; /** * Maximum length of commands that can be passed to "adb shell". */ private static final int MAX_ADB_COMMAND_SIZE = 1019; private static final boolean USE_NATIVE_AGENT = true; private final ProjectFilesystem projectFilesystem; private final BuckEventBus eventBus; private final AdbHelper adbHelper; private final InstallableApk apkRule; private final String packageName; private final InstallableApk.ExopackageInfo exopackageInfo; /** * Set in {@link #install}. */ private IDevice device = null; /** * Set after the agent is installed. */ private String nativeAgentPath; @VisibleForTesting static class PackageInfo { final String apkPath; final String nativeLibPath; final String versionCode; private PackageInfo(String apkPath, String nativeLibPath, String versionCode) { this.nativeLibPath = Preconditions.checkNotNull(nativeLibPath); this.apkPath = Preconditions.checkNotNull(apkPath); this.versionCode = Preconditions.checkNotNull(versionCode); } } public ExopackageInstaller(ExecutionContext context, AdbHelper adbHelper, InstallableApk apkRule) { this.adbHelper = Preconditions.checkNotNull(adbHelper); this.projectFilesystem = context.getProjectFilesystem(); this.eventBus = context.getBuckEventBus(); this.apkRule = Preconditions.checkNotNull(apkRule); this.packageName = AdbHelper.tryToExtractPackageNameFromManifest(apkRule); Preconditions.checkArgument(PACKAGE_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(packageName).matches()); Optional<InstallableApk.ExopackageInfo> exopackageInfo = apkRule.getExopackageInfo(); Preconditions.checkArgument(exopackageInfo.isPresent()); this.exopackageInfo = exopackageInfo.get(); } /** * Installs the app specified in the constructor. This object should be discarded afterward. */ public synchronized boolean install() { Preconditions.checkState(device == null, "ExopackageInstaller.install called twice.");; boolean success = adbHelper.adbCall(new AdbHelper.AdbCallable() { @Override public boolean call(IDevice device) throws Exception { ExopackageInstaller.this.device = device; return doInstall(); } @Override public String toString() { return "install exopackage"; } });, success)); return success; } private boolean doInstall() throws Exception { Optional<PackageInfo> agentInfo = installAgentIfNecessary(); if (!agentInfo.isPresent()) { return false; } nativeAgentPath = agentInfo.get().nativeLibPath; final File apk = apkRule.getApkPath().toFile(); // TODO(user): Support SD installation. final boolean installViaSd = false; if (shouldAppBeInstalled()) { try (TraceEventLogger ignored = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "install_exo_apk")) { boolean success = adbHelper.installApkOnDevice(device, apk, installViaSd); if (!success) { return false; } } } final ImmutableMap<String, String> hashToBasename = getRequiredDexFiles(); final ImmutableSet<String> requiredHashes = hashToBasename.keySet(); final ImmutableSet<String> presentHashes = prepareSecondaryDexDir(requiredHashes); final Set<String> hashesToInstall = Sets.difference(requiredHashes, presentHashes); installSecondaryDexFiles(hashesToInstall, hashToBasename); // TODO(user): Make this work on Gingerbread. AdbHelper.executeCommandWithErrorChecking(device, "am force-stop " + packageName); return true; } private String getAgentCommand() { if (USE_NATIVE_AGENT) { return nativeAgentPath + "/ "; } else { return JAVA_AGENT_COMMAND; } } private Optional<PackageInfo> getPackageInfo(final String packageName) throws Exception { try (TraceEventLogger ignored = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "get_package_info", ImmutableMap.of("package", packageName))) { /* This produces output that looks like Package [com.facebook.katana] (4229ce68): userId=10145 gids=[1028, 1015, 3003] pkg=Package{42690b80 com.facebook.katana} codePath=/data/app/com.facebook.katana-1.apk resourcePath=/data/app/com.facebook.katana-1.apk nativeLibraryPath=/data/app-lib/com.facebook.katana-1 versionCode=1640376 targetSdk=14 versionName= ... */ String lines = AdbHelper.executeCommandWithErrorChecking(device, "dumpsys package " + packageName); return parsePackageInfo(packageName, lines); } } @VisibleForTesting static Optional<PackageInfo> parsePackageInfo(String packageName, String lines) { final String packagePrefix = " Package [" + packageName + "] ("; final String otherPrefix = " Package ["; boolean sawPackageLine = false; final Splitter splitter = Splitter.on('=').limit(2); String codePath = null; String resourcePath = null; String nativeLibPath = null; String versionCode = null; for (String line : Splitter.on("\r\n").split(lines)) { // Just ignore everything until we see the line that says we are in the right package. if (line.startsWith(packagePrefix)) { sawPackageLine = true; continue; } // This should never happen, but if we do see a different package, stop parsing. if (line.startsWith(otherPrefix)) { break; } // Ignore lines before our package. if (!sawPackageLine) { continue; } // Parse key-value pairs. List<String> parts = splitter.splitToList(line.trim()); if (parts.size() != 2) { continue; } switch (parts.get(0)) { case "codePath": codePath = parts.get(1); break; case "resourcePath": resourcePath = parts.get(1); break; case "nativeLibraryPath": nativeLibPath = parts.get(1); break; case "versionCode": // Extra split to get rid of the SDK thing. versionCode = parts.get(1).split(" ", 2)[0]; break; default: break; } } if (!sawPackageLine) { return Optional.absent(); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(codePath, "Could not find codePath"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(resourcePath, "Could not find resourcePath"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(nativeLibPath, "Could not find nativeLibraryPath"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(versionCode, "Could not find versionCode"); if (!codePath.equals(resourcePath)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Code and resource path do not match"); } return Optional.of(new PackageInfo(codePath, nativeLibPath, versionCode)); } /** * @return PackageInfo for the agent, or absent if installation failed. */ private Optional<PackageInfo> installAgentIfNecessary() throws Exception { Optional<PackageInfo> agentInfo = getPackageInfo(AgentUtil.AGENT_PACKAGE_NAME); if (!agentInfo.isPresent()) { logFine("Agent not installed. Installing."); return installAgentApk(); } logFine("Agent version: %s", agentInfo.get().versionCode); if (!agentInfo.get().versionCode.equals(AgentUtil.AGENT_VERSION_CODE)) { return installAgentApk(); } return agentInfo; } private Optional<PackageInfo> installAgentApk() throws Exception { try (TraceEventLogger ignored = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "install_agent_apk")) { String apkFileName = System.getProperty("buck.android_agent_path"); if (apkFileName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Android agent apk path not specified in properties"); } File apkPath = new File(apkFileName); boolean success = adbHelper.installApkOnDevice(device, apkPath, /* installViaSd */ false); if (!success) { return Optional.absent(); } return getPackageInfo(AgentUtil.AGENT_PACKAGE_NAME); } } private boolean shouldAppBeInstalled() throws Exception { Optional<PackageInfo> appPackageInfo = getPackageInfo(packageName); if (!appPackageInfo.isPresent()) {"App not installed. Installing now.")); return true; } logFine("App path: %s", appPackageInfo.get().apkPath); String installedAppSignature = getInstalledAppSignature(appPackageInfo.get().apkPath); String localAppSignature = AgentUtil.getJarSignature(apkRule.getApkPath().toString()); logFine("Local app signature: %s", localAppSignature); logFine("Remote app signature: %s", installedAppSignature); if (!installedAppSignature.equals(localAppSignature)) { logFine("App signatures do not match. Must re-install."); return true; } logFine("App signatures match. No need to install."); return false; } private String getInstalledAppSignature(final String packagePath) throws Exception { try (TraceEventLogger ignored = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "get_app_signature")) { String command = getAgentCommand() + "get-signature " + packagePath; logFine("Executing %s", command); String output = AdbHelper.executeCommandWithErrorChecking(device, command); String result = output.trim(); if (result.contains("\n") || result.contains("\r")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected return from get-signature:\n" + output); } return result; } } private ImmutableMap<String, String> getRequiredDexFiles() throws IOException { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> hashToBasenameBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (String line : projectFilesystem.readLines(exopackageInfo.metadata)) { List<String> parts = Splitter.on(' ').splitToList(line); if (parts.size() < 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Illegal line in metadata file: " + line); } hashToBasenameBuilder.put(parts.get(1), parts.get(0)); } return; } private ImmutableSet<String> prepareSecondaryDexDir(ImmutableSet<String> requiredHashes) throws Exception { try (TraceEventLogger ignored = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "prepare_dex_dir")) { final ImmutableSet.Builder<String> foundHashes = ImmutableSet.builder(); AdbHelper.executeCommandWithErrorChecking(device, "run-as " + packageName + " mkdir -p app_exopackage/secondary-dex"); String output = AdbHelper.executeCommandWithErrorChecking(device, "run-as " + packageName + " ls app_exopackage/secondary-dex"); ImmutableSet.Builder<String> toDeleteBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); scanSecondaryDexDir(output, requiredHashes, foundHashes, toDeleteBuilder); ImmutableList<String> filesToDelete = FluentIterable.from( .transform(new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable String input) { return "app_exopackage/secondary-dex/" + input; } }).toList(); String commandPrefix = "run-as " + packageName + " rm "; // Add a fudge factor for separators and error checking. final int overhead = commandPrefix.length() + 100; for (List<String> rmArgs : chunkArgs(filesToDelete, MAX_ADB_COMMAND_SIZE - overhead)) { String command = commandPrefix + Joiner.on(' ').join(rmArgs); logFine("Running: %s", command); AdbHelper.executeCommandWithErrorChecking(device, command); } return; } } /** * @param output Output of "ls" command. * @param requiredHashes Hashes of dex files required for this apk. * @param foundHashesBuilder Builder to receive hashes that we need and were found. * @param toDeleteBuilder Builder to receive files that we need to delete. */ @VisibleForTesting static void scanSecondaryDexDir(String output, ImmutableSet<String> requiredHashes, ImmutableSet.Builder<String> foundHashesBuilder, ImmutableSet.Builder<String> toDeleteBuilder) { Pattern dexFilePattern = Pattern.compile("secondary-([0-9a-f]+)\\.[\\w.-]*"); for (String line : Splitter.on("\r\n").split(output)) { if (line.equals("metadata.txt") || line.startsWith(AgentUtil.TEMP_PREFIX)) { toDeleteBuilder.add(line); continue; } Matcher m = dexFilePattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { if (requiredHashes.contains( { foundHashesBuilder.add(; } else { toDeleteBuilder.add(line); } } } } private void installSecondaryDexFiles(Set<String> hashesToInstall, ImmutableMap<String, String> hashToBasename) throws Exception { try (TraceEventLogger ignored1 = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "install_secondary_dexes")) { device.createForward(AGENT_PORT, AGENT_PORT); try { for (String hash : hashesToInstall) { String basename = hashToBasename.get(hash); try (TraceEventLogger ignored2 = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "install_secondary_dex", ImmutableMap.of("basename", basename))) { installSecondaryDex(device, AGENT_PORT, hash, exopackageInfo.dexDirectory.resolve(basename)); } } try (TraceEventLogger ignored2 = TraceEventLogger.start(eventBus, "install_secondary_dex_metadata")) { // This is a bit gross. It was a late addition. Ideally, we could eliminate this, but // it wouldn't be terrible if we don't. We store the dexed jars on the device // with the full SHA-1 hashes in their names. This is the format that the loader uses // internally, so ideally we would just load them in place. However, the code currently // expects to be able to copy the jars from a directory that matches the name in the // metadata file, like "secondary-1.dex.jar". We don't want to give up putting the // hashes in the file names (because we use that to skip re-uploads), so just hack // the metadata file to have hash-like names. try (NamedTemporaryFile temp = new NamedTemporaryFile("metadata", "tmp")) { .toString(exopackageInfo.metadata.toFile(), Charsets.UTF_8) .replaceAll("secondary-(\\d+)\\.dex\\.jar (\\p{XDigit}{40}) ", "secondary-$2.dex.jar $2 "), temp.get().toFile(), Charsets.UTF_8); installFile(device, AGENT_PORT, "metadata.txt", temp.get()); } } } finally { device.removeForward(AGENT_PORT, AGENT_PORT); } } } private void installSecondaryDex(final IDevice device, final int port, String hash, final Path source) throws Exception { installFile(device, port, "secondary-" + hash + ".dex.jar", source); } private void installFile(IDevice device, final int port, String basename, final Path source) throws Exception { CollectingOutputReceiver receiver = new CollectingOutputReceiver() { private boolean sentPayload = false; @Override public void addOutput(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { super.addOutput(data, offset, length); if (!sentPayload && getOutput().length() >= AgentUtil.TEXT_SECRET_KEY_SIZE) { logFiner("Got key: %s", getOutput()); sentPayload = true; try (Socket clientSocket = new Socket("localhost", port)) { logFiner("Connected"); OutputStream outToDevice = clientSocket.getOutputStream(); outToDevice.write(getOutput().substring(0, AgentUtil.TEXT_SECRET_KEY_SIZE).getBytes()); logFiner("Wrote key");; logFiner("Wrote file"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }; // In some emulators, running the agent under run-as caused an EACCES during // the socket operation. String runAsPrefix; String dataDirPrefix; if (!device.isEmulator()) { runAsPrefix = "run-as " + packageName + " "; dataDirPrefix = ""; } else { runAsPrefix = ""; dataDirPrefix = "/data/data/" + packageName + "/"; } String targetFileName = dataDirPrefix + "app_exopackage/secondary-dex/" + basename; String command = runAsPrefix + getAgentCommand() + "receive-file " + port + " " + Files.size(source) + " " + targetFileName + " ; echo -n :$?"; logFine("Executing %s", command); // If we fail to execute the command, stash the exception. My experience during development // has been that the exception from checkReceiverOutput is more actionable. Exception shellException = null; try { device.executeShellCommand(command, receiver); } catch (Exception e) { shellException = e; } try { AdbHelper.checkReceiverOutput(command, receiver); } catch (Exception e) { if (shellException != null) { e.addSuppressed(shellException); } throw e; } if (shellException != null) { throw shellException; } if (device.isEmulator()) { // The standard Java libraries on Android always create new files un-readable by other users. // In the emulator, we use root to create these files, so we need to explicitly set the mode // to allow the app to read them. Ideally, the agent would do this automatically, but // there's no easy way to do this in Java. AdbHelper.executeCommandWithErrorChecking(device, "chmod 644 " + targetFileName); } } private void logFine(String message, Object... args) {, args)); } private void logFiner(String message, Object... args) {, args)); } /** * Breaks a list of strings into groups whose total size is within some limit. * Kind of like the xargs command that groups arguments to avoid maximum argument length limits. * Except that the limit in adb is about 1k instead of 512k or 2M on Linux. */ @VisibleForTesting static ImmutableList<ImmutableList<String>> chunkArgs(Iterable<String> args, int sizeLimit) { ImmutableList.Builder<ImmutableList<String>> topLevelBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); ImmutableList.Builder<String> chunkBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); int chunkSize = 0; for (String arg : args) { if (chunkSize + arg.length() > sizeLimit) { topLevelBuilder.add(; chunkBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); chunkSize = 0; } // We don't check for an individual arg greater than the limit. // We just put it in its own chunk and hope for the best. chunkBuilder.add(arg); chunkSize += arg.length(); } ImmutableList<String> tail =; if (!tail.isEmpty()) { topLevelBuilder.add(tail); } return; } }