Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010-2011 eBusiness Information, Groupe Excilys ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.excilys.soja.server.handler; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame.COMMAND_ACK; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame.COMMAND_CONNECT; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame.COMMAND_DISCONNECT; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame.COMMAND_HEARBEAT; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame.COMMAND_SEND; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame.COMMAND_SUBSCRIBE; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame.COMMAND_UNSUBSCRIBE; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_ACCEPT_VERSION; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_ACK; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_DESTINATION; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_LOGIN; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_MESSAGE_ID; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_PASSCODE; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_RECEIPT_ID_REQUEST; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_SUBSCRIPTION; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_SUBSCRIPTION_ID; import static com.excilys.soja.core.model.Header.HEADER_TRANSACTION; import static com.excilys.soja.server.StompServer.STOMP_VERSION; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.excilys.soja.core.handler.StompHandler; import com.excilys.soja.core.model.Ack; import com.excilys.soja.core.model.Frame; import com.excilys.soja.core.model.frame.ConnectedFrame; import com.excilys.soja.core.model.frame.ErrorFrame; import com.excilys.soja.core.model.frame.MessageFrame; import com.excilys.soja.core.utils.FrameFactory; import com.excilys.soja.server.StompServer; import com.excilys.soja.server.authentication.Authentication; import; import com.excilys.soja.server.exception.AlreadyConnectedException; import com.excilys.soja.server.exception.UnsupportedVersionException; import com.excilys.soja.server.manager.SubscriptionManager; import com.excilys.soja.server.model.AckWaiting; import com.excilys.soja.server.model.Subscription; /** * @author dvilleneuve * */ public class ServerHandler extends StompHandler { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerHandler.class); private static final String[] SEND_USER_HEADERS_FILTER = new String[] { HEADER_DESTINATION, HEADER_TRANSACTION, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, HEADER_RECEIPT_ID_REQUEST }; private static final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = SubscriptionManager.getInstance(); private static final Map<String, AckWaiting> waitingAcks = new HashMap<String, AckWaiting>(); private final List<StompServerListener> stompServerListeners = new ArrayList<StompServerListener>(); private final Authentication authentication; private final Map<Channel, String> clientsSessionToken = new HashMap<Channel, String>(); public ServerHandler(Authentication authentication) { this.authentication = authentication; } @Override public void channelConnected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception { super.channelConnected(ctx, e); LOGGER.debug("Channel connected to {}. Starting client session", ctx.getChannel().getRemoteAddress()); } @Override public void channelDisconnected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception { super.channelDisconnected(ctx, e); handleDisconnectingClient(ctx.getChannel()); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ExceptionEvent e) throws Exception { LOGGER.debug("Exception thrown by Netty. Closing channel : {}", e.getCause()); ctx.getChannel().close(); } @Override public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent event) throws Exception { if (!(event.getMessage() instanceof Frame)) { LOGGER.error("Not a frame... {}", event.getMessage()); return; } Channel channel = ctx.getChannel(); Frame frame = (Frame) event.getMessage(); LOGGER.trace("Received frame from {} : {}", channel.getRemoteAddress(), frame); // CONNECT if (frame.isCommand(COMMAND_CONNECT)) { try { handleConnect(channel, frame); } catch (RuntimeException e) {"Login failed", e); disconnectClient(event.getChannel()); } } // DISCONNECT else if (frame.isCommand(COMMAND_DISCONNECT)) { handleDisconnect(channel, frame); disconnectClient(event.getChannel()); } // SUBSCRIBE else if (frame.isCommand(COMMAND_SUBSCRIBE)) { handleSubscribe(channel, frame); } // UNSUBSCRIBE else if (frame.isCommand(COMMAND_UNSUBSCRIBE)) { handleUnsubscribe(channel, frame); } // SEND else if (frame.isCommand(COMMAND_SEND)) { handleSend(channel, frame); } // ACK else if (frame.isCommand(COMMAND_ACK)) { handleAck(channel, frame); } // HEARTBEAT else if (frame.isCommand(COMMAND_HEARBEAT)) { handleHeartBeat(channel, frame); } // UNKNOWN else { handleUnknown(channel, frame); } } /** * Handle CONNECT command * * @param frame * @throws SocketException */ public void handleConnect(final Channel channel, Frame frame) throws LoginException, UnsupportedVersionException, AlreadyConnectedException, SocketException { // Retrieve the session for this client if (clientsSessionToken.containsKey(channel)) { throw new AlreadyConnectedException("User try to connect but it seems to be already connected"); } String[] acceptedVersions = frame.getHeader().get(HEADER_ACCEPT_VERSION, "").split(","); // Check the compatibility of the client and server STOMP version if (!ArrayUtils.contains(acceptedVersions, STOMP_VERSION)) { sendError(channel, "Supported version doesn't match", "Supported protocol version is " + STOMP_VERSION); throw new UnsupportedVersionException( "The server doesn't support the same STOMP version as the client : server=" + STOMP_VERSION + ", client=" + acceptedVersions); } String login = frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_LOGIN); String password = frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_PASSCODE); try { LOGGER.trace("Check credentials for {}", login); // Check the credentials of the user String clientSessionToken = authentication.connect(login, password); clientsSessionToken.put(channel, clientSessionToken); // Create the frame to send ConnectedFrame connectedFrame = new ConnectedFrame(STOMP_VERSION); connectedFrame.setSession(clientSessionToken); connectedFrame.setServerName(StompServer.SERVER_HEADER_VALUE); // Start the heart-beat scheduler if needed if (startLocalHeartBeat(channel, frame)) { connectedFrame.setHeartBeat(getLocalGuaranteedHeartBeat(), getLocalExpectedHeartBeat()); } sendFrame(channel, connectedFrame); fireConnectedListeners(channel); } catch (LoginException e) { sendError(channel, "Bad credentials", "Username or passcode incorrect"); throw e; } } /** * Handle DISCONNECT command * * @param frame * @throws SocketException */ public void handleDisconnect(final Channel channel, Frame frame) throws SocketException { ChannelFuture channelFuture = sendReceiptIfRequested(channel, frame); // If a receipt was sent, wait until the request is completed before processing disconnection if (channelFuture != null) { channelFuture.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { handleDisconnectingClient(channel); } }); } } /** * Handle SEND command * * @param sendFrame * @throws SocketException */ public void handleSend(Channel channel, Frame sendFrame) throws SocketException { String topic = sendFrame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_DESTINATION); synchronized (authentication) { if (!authentication.canSend(clientsSessionToken.get(channel), topic)) { sendError(channel, "Can't send message", "You're not allowed to send a message to the topic" + topic); return; } } // Retrieve subscribers for the given topic Set<Subscription> subscriptions = null; subscriptions = subscriptionManager.retrieveSubscriptionsByTopic(topic); if (subscriptions != null && subscriptions.size() > 0) { // Construct the MESSAGE frame MessageFrame messageFrame = new MessageFrame(topic, sendFrame.getBody(), null); // Add content-type if it was present on the SEND command String contentType = sendFrame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType != null) { messageFrame.setContentType(contentType); } // Add user keys if there was some on the SEND command Set<String> userKeys = sendFrame.getHeader().allKeys(SEND_USER_HEADERS_FILTER); for (String userKey : userKeys) { messageFrame.getHeader().put(userKey, sendFrame.getHeaderValue(userKey)); } // Create a set of subscription which will be used for ACKs requests TreeSet<Long> acks = new TreeSet<Long>(); // Send the message frame to each subscriber for (Subscription subscription : subscriptions) { // If an ack is needed for this client, add the subscription to the ACKs queue. if (subscription.getAckMode() != Ack.AUTO) { acks.add(subscription.getSubscriptionId()); } messageFrame.setHeaderValue(HEADER_SUBSCRIPTION, subscription.getSubscriptionId().toString()); sendFrame(subscription.getChannel(), messageFrame); } if (acks.size() > 0) { synchronized (waitingAcks) { String messageId = messageFrame.getMessageId(); waitingAcks.put(messageId, new AckWaiting(channel, acks, sendFrame)); } } else { sendReceiptIfRequested(channel, sendFrame); return; } } sendReceiptIfRequested(channel, sendFrame); } /** * Handle SUBSCRIBE command * * @param frame * @throws SocketException */ public void handleSubscribe(Channel channel, Frame frame) throws SocketException { String topic = frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_DESTINATION); Long subscriptionId = Long.valueOf(frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)); Ack ackMode = Ack.parseAck(frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_ACK)); String clientSessionToken = clientsSessionToken.get(channel); if (authentication.canSubscribe(clientSessionToken, topic)) { subscriptionManager.addSubscription(channel, clientSessionToken, subscriptionId, topic, ackMode); sendReceiptIfRequested(channel, frame); } else { sendError(channel, "Can't subscribe", "You're not allowed to subscribe to the topic" + topic); } } /** * Handle UNSUBSCRIBE command * * @param frame * @throws SocketException */ public void handleUnsubscribe(Channel channel, Frame frame) throws SocketException { Long subscriptionId = Long.valueOf(frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)); subscriptionManager.removeSubscription(clientsSessionToken.get(channel), subscriptionId); sendReceiptIfRequested(channel, frame); } /** * Handle ACK command * * @param frame * @throws SocketException */ public void handleAck(Channel channel, Frame frame) throws SocketException { Long subscriptionId = Long.valueOf(frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_SUBSCRIPTION)); String messageId = frame.getHeaderValue(HEADER_MESSAGE_ID); synchronized (waitingAcks) { // Create a set of subscription which will be used for ACKs requests AckWaiting waitingAck = waitingAcks.get(messageId); if (waitingAck != null) { waitingAck.removeSubscriptionId(subscriptionId); if (waitingAck.getSubscriptionIds().isEmpty()) { sendReceiptIfRequested(waitingAck.getChannel(), waitingAck.getSendFrame()); waitingAcks.remove(messageId); } } } } /** * Handle UNKNOWN command * * @param frame * @throws SocketException */ public void handleUnknown(Channel channel, Frame frame) throws SocketException { sendError(channel, "Unkown command", "The command '" + frame.getCommand() + "' is unkown and can't be managed"); } /** * Send a STOMP error frame. this kind of frame is only available on server-side. * * @param shortMessage * @param detailedMessage * @throws SocketException */ public void sendError(Channel channel, String shortMessage, String detailedMessage) throws SocketException { ErrorFrame errorFrame = new ErrorFrame(shortMessage); if (detailedMessage != null) { errorFrame.setDescription(detailedMessage); } sendFrame(channel, errorFrame); } /** * Send a receipt if it was requested. * * @param frame * @return a <code>ChannelFuture</code> if a receipt was requests, <code>null</code> else * @throws SocketException */ public ChannelFuture sendReceiptIfRequested(Channel channel, Frame frame) throws SocketException { Frame receiptFrame = FrameFactory.createReceipt(frame); if (receiptFrame != null) { return sendFrame(channel, receiptFrame); } return null; } public void disconnectAllClients() { Set<Channel> channelClientsSet = clientsSessionToken.keySet(); for (Channel channelClient : channelClientsSet) { disconnectClient(channelClient); } } private void disconnectClient(Channel channel) { LOGGER.debug("Disconnecting client {}...", channel.getRemoteAddress()); channel.close().awaitUninterruptibly(15000); channel.unbind().awaitUninterruptibly(15000); } public void addListener(StompServerListener stompServerListener) { stompServerListeners.add(stompServerListener); } public void removeListener(StompServerListener stompServerListener) { stompServerListeners.remove(stompServerListener); } /** * Clean session information and remove subscriptions for this channel then notify all listeners * * @param channel */ private void handleDisconnectingClient(Channel channel) { // Remove all subscription for this client's session subscriptionManager.removeSubscriptions(clientsSessionToken.get(channel)); // Remote session token clientsSessionToken.remove(channel); fireDisconnectedListeners(channel); } protected void fireConnectedListeners(Channel channel) { for (StompServerListener stompServerListener : stompServerListeners) { stompServerListener.clientConnected(channel.getRemoteAddress()); } } protected void fireDisconnectedListeners(Channel channel) { for (StompServerListener stompServerListener : stompServerListeners) { stompServerListener.clientDisconnected(channel.getRemoteAddress()); } } }