Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.examples.abelanav2.datastore; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.examples.abelanav2.BackendConstants; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.interval.ConfidenceInterval; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.interval.WilsonScoreInterval; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Client to make datastore request. */ public class DbClient { /** * The datastore we access. */ private Datastore datastore = null; /** * The photos entities. */ public static final String PHOTO_ENTITY = "Photo"; /** * The votes entities, children of photos. */ public static final String VOTE_ENTITY = "Vote"; /** * The flag entities, children of photos. */ public static final String FLAG_ENTITY = "Flag"; /** * The flag entities, children of photos. */ public static final String CURSOR_ENTITY = "Cursor"; /** * The type of photo list to store. */ public enum PhotoListType { /** * The photo list for the personalized stream. */ PHOTO_LIST_STREAM, /** * The photo list for the my likes stream. */ PHOTO_LIST_LIKES, /** * The photo list for the my photos stream. */ PHOTO_LIST_MINE } /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DbClient.class.getName()); /** * Constructor. */ public DbClient() { try { // Setup the connection to Google Cloud Datastore and infer // credentials from the environment. datastore = DatastoreFactory.get() .create(DatastoreHelper.getOptionsFromEnv().dataset(BackendConstants.PROJECT_ID).build()); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { LOGGER.severe("Security error connecting to the datastore: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.severe("I/O error connecting to the datastore: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets a photo by ID. * @param photoId the photo id. * @return a Photo entity. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public Entity getPhoto(final long photoId) throws DatastoreException { return DbUtils.getEntity(datastore, PHOTO_ENTITY, photoId); } /** * Gets a photo by Key. * @param photoKey the photo key. * @return a Photo entity. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public Entity getPhoto(final Key photoKey) throws DatastoreException { return DbUtils.getEntity(datastore, photoKey); } /** * Gets a photo by ID. * @param photoKey the photo key. * @return a list of Photo entities. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public List<Entity> getPhotoFlags(final Key photoKey) throws DatastoreException { return DbUtils.getChildren(datastore, photoKey, FLAG_ENTITY, false); } /** * Inserts a new photo flag. * @param photoKey the photo key. * @param userId the user flagging the picture. * @return boolean for success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public boolean insertFlag(final Key photoKey, final String userId) throws DatastoreException { List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("userId", makeValue(userId)).build(), makeProperty("date", makeValue(new Date())).build()); Entity flag = DbUtils.insertEntity(datastore, FLAG_ENTITY, photoKey, properties); return flag.hasKey(); } /** * Set photo flagged. * @param photoKey the photo key. * @return a boolean indicating success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public boolean setPhotoFlagged(final Key photoKey) throws DatastoreException { List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("flagged", makeValue(true)).build()); return DbUtils.updateEntity(datastore, photoKey, properties); } /** * Deletes a photo and its children - the votes and flags associated to it . * @param photoKey the photo key. * @return a boolean indicating the success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public boolean deletePhotoAndChildren(final Key photoKey) throws DatastoreException { Query.Builder query = Query.newBuilder(); Filter photoIdFilter = makeFilter("photoId", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(DbUtils.getEntityId(photoKey))).build(); query.setFilter(makeFilter(photoIdFilter)); query.addKindBuilder().setName(VOTE_ENTITY); RunQueryRequest request = RunQueryRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).build(); RunQueryResponse response = datastore.runQuery(request); for (EntityResult result : response.getBatch().getEntityResultList()) { DbUtils.deleteEntity(datastore, result.getEntity().getKey()); } while (response.getBatch().getMoreResults() == QueryResultBatch.MoreResultsType.NOT_FINISHED) { ByteString endCursor = response.getBatch().getEndCursor(); query.setStartCursor(endCursor); request = RunQueryRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).build(); response = datastore.runQuery(request); for (EntityResult result : response.getBatch().getEntityResultList()) { DbUtils.deleteEntity(datastore, result.getEntity().getKey()); } } return DbUtils.deleteEntityAndChildren(datastore, photoKey); } /** * Update the photo description. * @param photoKey the photo key. * @param description the new photo description. * @return a boolean indicating the success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public boolean updatePhotoDescription(final Key photoKey, final String description) throws DatastoreException { List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("description", makeValue(description)).build()); return DbUtils.updateEntity(datastore, photoKey, properties); } /** * Set a vote for the photo. * @param photoId the photo id. * @param vote the new photo vote for this user. * @param userId the user ID of the user voting. * @return a boolean indicating the success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public boolean voteForPhoto(final long photoId, final int vote, final String userId) throws DatastoreException { // Has the user already rated the picture? Query.Builder query = Query.newBuilder(); Filter userIdFilter = makeFilter("userId", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(userId)).build(); Filter photoIdFilter = makeFilter("photoId", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(photoId)).build(); query.setFilter(makeFilter(photoIdFilter, userIdFilter)); query.addKindBuilder().setName(VOTE_ENTITY); RunQueryRequest request = RunQueryRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).build(); RunQueryResponse response = datastore.runQuery(request); // if yes, update his vote if (response.getBatch().getEntityResultCount() == 1) { Entity voteEntity = response.getBatch().getEntityResultList().get(0).getEntity(); Key voteKey = voteEntity.getKey(); // Is the new vote neutral? if yes, delete the old vote if (vote == 0) { if (!DbUtils.deleteEntity(datastore, voteKey)) { return false; } } else { // If not, update the old vote List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("vote", makeValue(vote)).build(), makeProperty("date", makeValue(new Date())).build()); if (!DbUtils.updateEntity(datastore, voteKey, properties)) { return false; } } // Update photo Map<String, Value> propsVote = getPropertyMap(voteEntity); return updateVotesAndBounds(makeKey(PHOTO_ENTITY, photoId).build(), propsVote.get("vote").getIntegerValue(), vote); } else if (vote != 0) { // If this user has not rated the picture yet, create vote List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("vote", makeValue(vote)).build(), makeProperty("userId", makeValue(userId)).build(), makeProperty("photoId", makeValue(photoId)).build(), makeProperty("date", makeValue(new Date())).build()); Entity voteEntity = DbUtils.insertEntity(datastore, VOTE_ENTITY, null, properties); if (!voteEntity.hasKey()) { return false; } // Update photo return updateVotesAndBounds(makeKey(PHOTO_ENTITY, photoId).build(), 0, vote); } else { // The user had not voted and tries to put a // neutral vote. return true; } } /** * Updates the vote counts of a photo and its popularity bounds. * @param photoKey the photo key. * @param oldVote the old vote. * @param newVote the new vote. * @return a boolean indicating success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public boolean updateVotesAndBounds(final Key photoKey, final long oldVote, final long newVote) throws DatastoreException { Entity photoEntity = getPhoto(photoKey); Map<String, Value> propsPhoto = getPropertyMap(photoEntity); long newVoteCount = propsPhoto.get("numberVotes").getIntegerValue(); long newPositiveVoteCount = propsPhoto.get("numberPositiveVotes").getIntegerValue(); if (newVote == 0) { newVoteCount--; } if (oldVote == 0) { newVoteCount++; } if (oldVote == 1 && newVote != 1) { newPositiveVoteCount--; } if (oldVote != 1 && newVote == 1) { newPositiveVoteCount++; } // If there is no vote for a picture, it means that even the author // has removed his vote for this picture. Let's send it down the // abyss with upperTruePopularity of 0. If there is at least one // vote, let's compute the new popularity of the photo. double lowerTruePopularity = 0; double upperTruePopularity = 0; if (newVoteCount > 0) { WilsonScoreInterval wilsonScoreInterval = new WilsonScoreInterval(); ConfidenceInterval confidenceInterval = wilsonScoreInterval.createInterval((int) newVoteCount, (int) newPositiveVoteCount, BackendConstants.CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL); lowerTruePopularity = confidenceInterval.getLowerBound(); upperTruePopularity = confidenceInterval.getUpperBound(); } List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("numberVotes", makeValue(newVoteCount)).build(), makeProperty("numberPositiveVotes", makeValue(newPositiveVoteCount)).build(), makeProperty("lowerTruePopularity", makeValue(lowerTruePopularity)).build(), makeProperty("upperTruePopularity", makeValue(upperTruePopularity)).build()); return DbUtils.updateEntity(datastore, photoEntity.getKey(), properties); } /** * Inserts a new photo flag. * @param description the photo description. * @param userId the user flagging the picture. * @return the entity created. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public Entity insertPhoto(final String description, final String userId) throws DatastoreException { List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("description", makeValue(description)).build(), makeProperty("userId", makeValue(userId)).build(), makeProperty("date", makeValue(new Date())).build(), makeProperty("flagged", makeValue(false)).build(), makeProperty("available", makeValue(false)).build(), makeProperty("numberVotes", makeValue(0)).build(), makeProperty("numberPositiveVotes", makeValue(0)).build(), makeProperty("lowerTruePopularity", makeValue(0)).build(), makeProperty("upperTruePopularity", makeValue(0)).build()); Entity photo = DbUtils.insertEntity(datastore, PHOTO_ENTITY, null, properties); if (photo.hasKey()) { // A user always votes for his photo // Creates upper/lower bounds for ranking voteForPhoto(DbUtils.getEntityId(photo), 1, userId); } return photo; } /** * Gets a photo list. * @param userId the user flagging the picture. * @param listType the type of list to return. * @param startCursor the page cursor. * @return the photo and cursor list. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public EntityListAndCursorResult getPhotoList(final String userId, final PhotoListType listType, final ByteString startCursor) throws DatastoreException { switch (listType) { case PHOTO_LIST_MINE: return getPhotoListMine(userId, startCursor); case PHOTO_LIST_LIKES: return getPhotoListLikes(userId, startCursor); case PHOTO_LIST_STREAM: default: return getPhotoListStream(startCursor); } } /** * Gets the photo list with the user photos. * @param userId the user flagging the picture. * @param startCursor the page cursor. * @return the photo and cursor list. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ private EntityListAndCursorResult getPhotoListMine(final String userId, final ByteString startCursor) throws DatastoreException { Query.Builder query = Query.newBuilder(); query.addKindBuilder().setName(PHOTO_ENTITY); query.addOrder(makeOrder("date", PropertyOrder.Direction.DESCENDING)); Filter userIdFilter = makeFilter("userId", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(userId)).build(); Filter availableFilter = makeFilter("available", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(true)).build(); query.setFilter(makeFilter(userIdFilter, availableFilter)); query.setLimit(BackendConstants.PHOTOS_PER_PAGE); if (startCursor != null) { query.setStartCursor(startCursor); } RunQueryRequest request = RunQueryRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).build(); RunQueryResponse response = datastore.runQuery(request); List<Entity> entityList = new ArrayList<>(); for (EntityResult result : response.getBatch().getEntityResultList()) { entityList.add(result.getEntity()); } ByteString cursor = null; if (response.getBatch().hasMoreResults()) { cursor = response.getBatch().getEndCursor(); } return new EntityListAndCursorResult(ImmutableList.copyOf(entityList), cursor); } /** * Gets the photo list of the user likes. * @param userId the user flagging the picture. * @param startCursor the page cursor. * @return the photo and cursor list. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ private EntityListAndCursorResult getPhotoListLikes(final String userId, final ByteString startCursor) throws DatastoreException { Query.Builder query = Query.newBuilder(); query.addKindBuilder().setName(VOTE_ENTITY); query.addOrder(makeOrder("date", PropertyOrder.Direction.DESCENDING)); Filter userIdFilter = makeFilter("userId", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(userId)).build(); query.setFilter(makeFilter(userIdFilter)); query.setLimit(BackendConstants.PHOTOS_PER_PAGE); if (startCursor != null) { query.setStartCursor(startCursor); } RunQueryRequest request = RunQueryRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).build(); RunQueryResponse response = datastore.runQuery(request); List<Entity> entityList = new ArrayList<>(); for (EntityResult result : response.getBatch().getEntityResultList()) { Map<String, Value> propsVote = getPropertyMap(result.getEntity()); Entity photo = getPhoto(propsVote.get("photoId").getIntegerValue()); if (photo != null) { Map<String, Value> propsPhoto = getPropertyMap(photo); if (propsPhoto.get("available").getBooleanValue()) { entityList.add(photo); } } } ByteString cursor = null; if (response.getBatch().hasMoreResults()) { cursor = response.getBatch().getEndCursor(); } return new EntityListAndCursorResult(ImmutableList.copyOf(entityList), cursor); } /** * Gets the photo list stream. * @param startCursor the page cursor. * @return the photo and cursor list. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ private EntityListAndCursorResult getPhotoListStream(final ByteString startCursor) throws DatastoreException { Query.Builder query = Query.newBuilder(); query.addKindBuilder().setName(PHOTO_ENTITY); query.addOrder(makeOrder("upperTruePopularity", PropertyOrder.Direction.DESCENDING)); Filter availableFilter = makeFilter("available", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(true)).build(); query.setFilter(makeFilter(availableFilter)); if (startCursor != null) { query.setStartCursor(startCursor); query.setLimit(BackendConstants.PHOTOS_PER_PAGE); } else { // If on the first page, let's add recent photos too query.setLimit(BackendConstants.PHOTOS_PER_PAGE); } RunQueryRequest request = RunQueryRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).build(); RunQueryResponse response = datastore.runQuery(request); List<Entity> entityList = new ArrayList<>(); for (EntityResult result : response.getBatch().getEntityResultList()) { entityList.add(result.getEntity()); } ByteString cursor = null; if (response.getBatch().hasMoreResults()) { cursor = response.getBatch().getEndCursor(); } // Randomize Collections.shuffle(entityList); return new EntityListAndCursorResult(ImmutableList.copyOf(entityList), cursor); } /** * Returns the vote from a user for a specific photo. * @param photoId the photo ID. * @param userId the user ID. * @return the vote value (0 if database error). */ public long getVoteValueForPhoto(final long photoId, final String userId) { // Has the user already rated the picture? Query.Builder query = Query.newBuilder(); Filter userIdFilter = makeFilter("userId", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(userId)).build(); Filter photoIdFilter = makeFilter("photoId", PropertyFilter.Operator.EQUAL, makeValue(photoId)).build(); query.setFilter(makeFilter(photoIdFilter, userIdFilter)); query.addKindBuilder().setName(VOTE_ENTITY); RunQueryRequest request = RunQueryRequest.newBuilder().setQuery(query).build(); RunQueryResponse response; try { response = datastore.runQuery(request); if (response.getBatch().getEntityResultCount() == 1) { Entity voteEntity = response.getBatch().getEntityResultList().get(0).getEntity(); Map<String, Value> voteProp = getPropertyMap(voteEntity); return voteProp.get("vote").getIntegerValue(); } } catch (DatastoreException e) { return 0; } return 0; } /** * Inserts a new photo flag. * @param cursor the cursor to store. * @param userId the user flagging the picture. * @return boolean for success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public long insertCursor(final ByteString cursor, final String userId) throws DatastoreException { List<Property> properties = ImmutableList.of(makeProperty("userId", makeValue(userId)).build(), makeProperty("date", makeValue(new Date())).build(), makeProperty("cursor", makeValue(cursor)).build()); Entity cursorEntity = DbUtils.insertEntity(datastore, CURSOR_ENTITY, null, properties); return DbUtils.getEntityId(cursorEntity); } /** * Inserts a new photo flag. * @param cursorId the cursor id to retrieve. * @return boolean for success. * @throws DatastoreException if there is a datastore error. */ public Entity getAndDeleteCursor(final long cursorId) throws DatastoreException { Entity cursor = DbUtils.getEntity(datastore, CURSOR_ENTITY, cursorId); if (cursor != null) { DbUtils.deleteEntity(datastore, cursor.getKey()); } return cursor; } /** * Class that holds an entity list and a cursor to the next page. */ public static class EntityListAndCursorResult { /** * The list of entities. */ private final List<Entity> entityList; /** * The cursor. */ private final ByteString cursor; /** * Constructor. * @param list the List of entities. * @param cursor the cursor to the next page of results. */ public EntityListAndCursorResult(final List<Entity> list, final ByteString cursor) { this.entityList = ImmutableList.copyOf(list); this.cursor = cursor; } /** * Gets the list of entities. * @return the list of entities. */ public List<Entity> getEntityList() { return entityList; } /** * Gets the cursor. * @return the cursor. */ public ByteString getCursor() { return cursor; } } }