Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Evolveum * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditEventRecord; import com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditEventStage; import com.evolveum.midpoint.audit.api.AuditService; import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.controller.ModelOperationTaskHandler; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.Item; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject; import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.api.RepositoryService; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskCategory; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskExecutionStatus; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskManager; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectAlreadyExistsException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.LoggingUtils; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.Trace; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.TraceManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.WorkItemType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns.model.workflow.process_instance_state_3.ProcessInstanceState; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * Manages everything related to a activiti process instance, including the task that monitors that process instance. * * This class provides a facade over ugly mess of code managing activiti + task pair describing a workflow process instance. * * For working with tasks only (e.g. not touching Job structure) it uses wfTaskUtil. * * @author mederly */ @Component public class JobController { private static final Trace LOGGER = TraceManager.getTrace(JobController.class); private static final long TASK_START_DELAY = 5000L; private static final boolean USE_WFSTATUS = true; private static final Object DOT_CLASS = JobController.class.getName() + "."; private Set<ProcessListener> processListeners = new HashSet<>(); private Set<WorkItemListener> workItemListeners = new HashSet<>(); //region Spring beans @Autowired private WfTaskUtil wfTaskUtil; @Autowired private TaskManager taskManager; @Autowired private ActivitiInterface activitiInterface; @Autowired @Qualifier("cacheRepositoryService") private RepositoryService repositoryService; @Autowired private AuditService auditService; @Autowired private MiscDataUtil miscDataUtil; @Autowired private WfConfiguration wfConfiguration; @Autowired private WorkItemProvider workItemProvider; //endregion //region Job creation & re-creation /** * Creates a job, just as prescribed by the job creation instruction. * * @param instruction the job creation instruction * @param parentJob the job that will be the parent of newly created one; it may be null */ public Job createJob(JobCreationInstruction instruction, Job parentJob, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { return createJob(instruction, parentJob.getTask(), result); } /** * As before, but this time we know only the parent task (not a job). * * @param instruction the job creation instruction * @param parentTask the task that will be the parent of the task of newly created job; it may be null */ public Job createJob(JobCreationInstruction instruction, Task parentTask, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Processing start instruction: " + instruction.debugDump()); } Task task = createTask(instruction, parentTask, result); Job job = new Job(this, task, instruction.getChangeProcessor()); if (!instruction.isNoProcess()) { startWorkflowProcessInstance(job, instruction, result); } return job; } /** * Re-creates a job, based on existing task information. * * @param task a task from task-processInstance pair * @return recreated job */ public Job recreateJob(Task task) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { return new Job(this, task, wfTaskUtil.getProcessId(task), wfTaskUtil.getChangeProcessor(task)); } /** * Re-creates a child job, knowing the task and the parent job. * * @param subtask a task from task-processInstance pair * @param parentJob the parent job * @return recreated job */ public Job recreateChildJob(Task subtask, Job parentJob) { return new Job(this, subtask, wfTaskUtil.getProcessId(subtask), parentJob.getChangeProcessor()); } /** * Re-creates a root job, based on existing task information. Does not try to find the wf process instance. */ public Job recreateRootJob(Task task) { return new Job(this, task, wfTaskUtil.getChangeProcessor(task)); } //endregion //region Working with midPoint tasks private Task createTask(JobCreationInstruction instruction, Task parentTask, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { ChangeProcessor changeProcessor = instruction.getChangeProcessor(); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("createTask starting; parent task = " + parentTask); } Task task; if (parentTask != null) { task = parentTask.createSubtask(); } else { task = taskManager.createTaskInstance(); wfTaskUtil.setTaskOwner(task, instruction.getTaskOwner()); } // initial execution state if (instruction.isCreateTaskAsSuspended() && instruction.isCreateTaskAsWaiting()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Both createSuspended and createWaiting attributes are set to TRUE."); } if (instruction.isCreateTaskAsSuspended()) { task.setInitialExecutionStatus(TaskExecutionStatus.SUSPENDED); } else if (instruction.isCreateTaskAsWaiting()) { task.setInitialExecutionStatus(TaskExecutionStatus.WAITING); } if (instruction.getTaskObject() != null) { task.setObjectRef(instruction.getTaskObject().getOid(), instruction.getTaskObject().getDefinition().getTypeName()); } else if (parentTask != null && parentTask.getObjectRef() != null) { task.setObjectRef(parentTask.getObjectRef()); } wfTaskUtil.setChangeProcessor(task, changeProcessor); wfTaskUtil.setTaskNameIfEmpty(task, instruction.getTaskName()); wfTaskUtil.setDefaultTaskOwnerIfEmpty(task, result, this); task.setCategory(TaskCategory.WORKFLOW); // push the handlers, beginning with these that should execute last wfTaskUtil.pushHandlers(task, instruction.getHandlersAfterModelOperation()); if (instruction.isExecuteModelOperationHandler()) { task.pushHandlerUri(ModelOperationTaskHandler.MODEL_OPERATION_TASK_URI, null, null); } wfTaskUtil.pushHandlers(task, instruction.getHandlersBeforeModelOperation()); wfTaskUtil.pushHandlers(task, instruction.getHandlersAfterWfProcess()); if (instruction.startsWorkflowProcess()) { wfTaskUtil.pushProcessShadowHandler(instruction.isSimple(), task, TASK_START_DELAY, result); } // put task variables for (Item item : instruction.getTaskVariables().values()) { task.setExtensionItem(item); } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Saving workflow monitoring/execution task: " + task.debugDump()); } taskManager.switchToBackground(task, result); return task; } /** * Beware, in order to make the change permanent, it is necessary to call commitChanges on * "executesFirst". It is advisable not to modify underlying tasks between 'addDependency' * and 'commitChanges' because of the savePendingModifications() mechanism that is used here. * * @param executesFirst * @param executesSecond */ public void addDependency(Job executesFirst, Job executesSecond) { Validate.notNull(executesFirst.getTask()); Validate.notNull(executesSecond.getTask()); LOGGER.trace("Setting dependency of {} on 'task0' {}", executesSecond, executesFirst); executesFirst.getTask().addDependent(executesSecond.getTask().getTaskIdentifier()); } public void resumeTask(Job job, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { taskManager.resumeTask(job.getTask(), result); } public void unpauseTask(Job job, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { taskManager.unpauseTask(job.getTask(), result); } //endregion //region Working with Activiti process instances private void startWorkflowProcessInstance(Job job, JobCreationInstruction instruction, OperationResult result) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("startWorkflowProcessInstance starting; instruction = " + instruction); } Task task = job.getTask(); // perhaps more useful would be state 'workflow process instance creation HAS BEEN requested'; // however, if we record process state AFTER the request is sent, it is possible // that the response would come even before we log the request recordProcessInstanceState(job, "Workflow process instance creation is being requested.", null, result); // prepare and send the start process instance command StartProcessCommand spc = new StartProcessCommand(); spc.setTaskOid(task.getOid()); spc.setProcessName(instruction.getProcessDefinitionKey()); spc.setSendStartConfirmation(instruction.isSendStartConfirmation()); spc.setVariablesFrom(instruction.getProcessVariables()); spc.setProcessOwner(task.getOwner().getOid()); try { activitiInterface.midpoint2activiti(spc, task, result); auditProcessStart(spc, job, result); notifyProcessStart(spc, job, result); } catch (JAXBException | SchemaException | RuntimeException e) { LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't send a request to start a process instance to workflow management system", e); recordProcessInstanceState(job, "Workflow process instance creation could not be requested: " + e, null, result); result.recordPartialError( "Couldn't send a request to start a process instance to workflow management system: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new SystemException("Workflow process instance creation could not be requested", e); } // final result.recordSuccessIfUnknown(); LOGGER.trace("startWorkflowProcessInstance finished"); } /** * Processes a message got from workflow engine - either synchronously (while waiting for * replies after sending - i.e. in a thread that requested the operation), or asynchronously * (directly from activiti2midpoint, in a separate thread). * * @param message an event got from workflow engine * @param task * @param asynchronous * @param result * @throws Exception */ // TODO fix exceptions list public void processWorkflowMessage(ActivitiToMidPointMessage message, Task task, boolean asynchronous, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, WorkflowException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, JAXBException { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Received ActivitiToMidPointMessage: " + message); } if (message instanceof ProcessEvent) { Task task1 = getTaskFromEvent((ProcessEvent) message, task, result); if (asynchronous && task1.getExecutionStatus() != TaskExecutionStatus.WAITING) { LOGGER.trace( "Asynchronous message received in a state different from WAITING (actual state: {}), ignoring it. Task = {}", task1.getExecutionStatus(), task1); } else { processProcessEvent((ProcessEvent) message, task1, result); } } else if (message instanceof TaskEvent) { processTaskEvent((TaskEvent) message, result); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown kind of event from Activiti: " + message.getClass()); } } private Task getTaskFromEvent(ProcessEvent event, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException { String taskOid = event.getTaskOid(); if (taskOid == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Got a workflow message without taskOid: " + event.toString()); } if (task != null) { if (!taskOid.equals(task.getOid())) { throw new IllegalStateException("TaskOid received from the workflow (" + taskOid + ") is different from current task OID (" + task + "): " + event.toString()); } } else { task = taskManager.getTask(taskOid, result); } return task; } private void processProcessEvent(ProcessEvent event, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, JAXBException { Job job = recreateJob(task); recordProcessInstanceState(job, getStateDescription(event), event, result); // let us record process id (if unknown or when getting "process started" event) if (job.getActivitiId() == null || event instanceof ProcessStartedEvent) { job.setWfProcessIdImmediate(event.getPid(), result); } // should we finish this task? if (event instanceof ProcessFinishedEvent || !event.isRunning()) { processFinishedEvent(event, job, result); } } private void processFinishedEvent(ProcessEvent event, Job job, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectNotFoundException, JAXBException { LOGGER.trace("processFinishedEvent starting"); LOGGER.trace("Calling onProcessEnd on {}", job.getChangeProcessor()); job.getChangeProcessor().onProcessEnd(event, job, result); job.setProcessInstanceFinishedImmediate(true, result); auditProcessEnd(event, job, result); notifyProcessEnd(event, job, result); // passive tasks can be 'let go' at this point if (job.getTaskExecutionStatus() == TaskExecutionStatus.WAITING) { job.computeTaskResultIfUnknown(result); job.removeCurrentTaskHandlerAndUnpause(result); // removes WfProcessInstanceShadowTaskHandler } LOGGER.trace("processFinishedEvent done"); } private String getStateDescription(ProcessEvent event) { String pid = event.getPid(); String stateDescription = event.getState(); if (stateDescription == null || stateDescription.isEmpty()) { if (event instanceof ProcessStartedEvent) { stateDescription = "Workflow process instance has been created (process id " + pid + ")"; } else if (event instanceof ProcessFinishedEvent) { stateDescription = "Workflow process instance has ended (process id " + pid + ")"; } else { stateDescription = "Workflow process instance has proceeded further (process id " + pid + ")"; } } return stateDescription; } private void recordProcessInstanceState(Job job, String stateDescription, ProcessEvent event, OperationResult parentResult) { LOGGER.trace("recordProcessInstanceState starting."); Task task = job.getTask(); try { task.setDescription(stateDescription); if (event != null) { wfTaskUtil.setWfLastVariables(task, dumpVariables(event)); } if (USE_WFSTATUS) { wfTaskUtil.addWfStatus(task, prepareValueForWfStatusProperty(stateDescription)); } wfTaskUtil.setLastDetails(task, stateDescription); task.savePendingModifications(parentResult); } catch (Exception ex) { // todo LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't record information from WfMS into task {}", ex, task); parentResult.recordFatalError("Couldn't record information from WfMS into task " + task, ex); } LOGGER.trace("recordProcessInstanceState ending."); } private String prepareValueForWfStatusProperty(String stateDescription) { // statusTsDt (for wfStatus): [<timestamp>: <formatted datetime>] <status description> // (timestamp is to enable easy sorting, [] to easy parsing) Date d = new Date(); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); return "[" + d.getTime() + ": " + df.format(d) + "] " + stateDescription; } // variables should be sorted in order for dumpVariables produce nice output private Map<String, Object> getVariablesSorted(ProcessEvent event) { TreeMap<String, Object> variables = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); if (event.getVariables() != null) { variables.putAll(event.getVariables()); } return variables; } // Returns the content of process variables in more-or-less human readable format. // Sorts variables according to their names, in order to be able to decide whether // anything has changed since last event coming from the process. private String dumpVariables(ProcessEvent event) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; Map<String, Object> variables = getVariablesSorted(event); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : variables.entrySet()) { if (!first) sb.append("; "); sb.append(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()); first = false; } return sb.toString(); } private ChangeProcessor getChangeProcessor(Map<String, Object> variables) { String cpName = (String) variables.get(CommonProcessVariableNames.VARIABLE_MIDPOINT_CHANGE_PROCESSOR); Validate.notNull(cpName, "Change processor is not defined among process instance variables"); return wfConfiguration.findChangeProcessor(cpName); } private ChangeProcessor getChangeProcessor(WorkItemType workItemType) { String cpName = workItemType.getChangeProcessor(); Validate.notNull(cpName, "Change processor is not defined among process instance variables"); return wfConfiguration.findChangeProcessor(cpName); } private ChangeProcessor getChangeProcessor(TaskEvent taskEvent) { return getChangeProcessor(taskEvent.getVariables()); } //endregion //region Processing work item (task) events private void processTaskEvent(TaskEvent taskEvent, OperationResult result) throws WorkflowException { // auditing & notifications if (taskEvent instanceof TaskCreatedEvent) { auditWorkItemEvent(taskEvent, AuditEventStage.REQUEST, result); try { notifyWorkItemCreated(taskEvent.getTaskName(), taskEvent.getAssigneeOid(), taskEvent.getProcessInstanceName(), taskEvent.getVariables()); } catch (JAXBException | SchemaException e) { LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't send notification about work item create event", e); } } else if (taskEvent instanceof TaskCompletedEvent) { auditWorkItemEvent(taskEvent, AuditEventStage.EXECUTION, result); try { notifyWorkItemCompleted(taskEvent.getTaskName(), taskEvent.getAssigneeOid(), taskEvent.getProcessInstanceName(), taskEvent.getVariables(), (String) taskEvent.getVariables().get(CommonProcessVariableNames.FORM_FIELD_DECISION)); } catch (JAXBException | SchemaException e) { LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't audit work item complete event", e); } } } //endregion //region Auditing and notifications private void auditProcessStart(StartProcessCommand spc, Job job, OperationResult result) { auditProcessStartEnd(spc.getVariables(), job, AuditEventStage.REQUEST, result); } private void auditProcessEnd(ProcessEvent event, Job job, OperationResult result) { auditProcessStartEnd(event.getVariables(), job, AuditEventStage.EXECUTION, result); } private void auditProcessStartEnd(Map<String, Object> variables, Job job, AuditEventStage stage, OperationResult result) { AuditEventRecord auditEventRecord = getChangeProcessor(variables) .prepareProcessInstanceAuditRecord(variables, job, stage, result); auditService.audit(auditEventRecord, job.getTask()); } private void notifyProcessStart(StartProcessCommand spc, Job job, OperationResult result) throws JAXBException, SchemaException { PrismObject<? extends ProcessInstanceState> state = job.getChangeProcessor() .externalizeProcessInstanceState(spc.getVariables()); for (ProcessListener processListener : processListeners) { processListener.onProcessInstanceStart(state, result); } } private void notifyProcessEnd(ProcessEvent event, Job job, OperationResult result) throws JAXBException, SchemaException { PrismObject<? extends ProcessInstanceState> state = job.getChangeProcessor() .externalizeProcessInstanceState(event.getVariables()); for (ProcessListener processListener : processListeners) { processListener.onProcessInstanceEnd(state, result); } } private void notifyWorkItemCreated(String workItemName, String assigneeOid, String processInstanceName, Map<String, Object> processVariables) throws JAXBException, SchemaException { ChangeProcessor cp = getChangeProcessor(processVariables); PrismObject<? extends ProcessInstanceState> state = cp.externalizeProcessInstanceState(processVariables); for (WorkItemListener workItemListener : workItemListeners) { workItemListener.onWorkItemCreation(workItemName, assigneeOid, state); } } private void notifyWorkItemCompleted(String workItemName, String assigneeOid, String processInstanceName, Map<String, Object> processVariables, String decision) throws JAXBException, SchemaException { ChangeProcessor cp = getChangeProcessor(processVariables); PrismObject<? extends ProcessInstanceState> state = cp.externalizeProcessInstanceState(processVariables); for (WorkItemListener workItemListener : workItemListeners) { workItemListener.onWorkItemCompletion(workItemName, assigneeOid, state, decision); } } private void auditWorkItemEvent(TaskEvent taskEvent, AuditEventStage stage, OperationResult result) throws WorkflowException { Task shadowTask; try { String taskOid = (String) taskEvent.getVariables() .get(CommonProcessVariableNames.VARIABLE_MIDPOINT_TASK_OID); if (taskOid == null) { LOGGER.error("Shadow task OID is unknown for work item " + taskEvent.getDebugName() + ", no audit record will be produced."); return; } shadowTask = taskManager.getTask(taskOid, result); } catch (SchemaException e) { LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't retrieve workflow-related task", e); return; } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't retrieve workflow-related task", e); return; } AuditEventRecord auditEventRecord = getChangeProcessor(taskEvent).prepareWorkItemAuditRecord(taskEvent, stage, result); auditService.audit(auditEventRecord, shadowTask); } private String getDebugName(WorkItemType workItemType) { return workItemType.getName() + " (id " + workItemType.getWorkItemId() + ")"; } public void registerProcessListener(ProcessListener processListener) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Registering process listener " + processListener); } processListeners.add(processListener); } public void registerWorkItemListener(WorkItemListener workItemListener) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Registering work item listener " + workItemListener); } workItemListeners.add(workItemListener); } //endregion //region Getters and setters public WfTaskUtil getWfTaskUtil() { return wfTaskUtil; } //endregion }