Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009-2014 Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * Please contact Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., 6755 Hollister Ave., Goleta * CA 93117, USA or visit if you need * additional information or have any questions. * * This file may incorporate work covered under the following copyright * and permission notice: * * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2008, Regents of the University of California * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided that the * following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. USERS OF THIS SOFTWARE ACKNOWLEDGE * THE POSSIBLE PRESENCE OF OTHER OPEN SOURCE LICENSED MATERIAL, * COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL OR PATENTED MATERIAL IN THIS SOFTWARE, * AND IF ANY SUCH MATERIAL IS DISCOVERED THE PARTY DISCOVERING * IT MAY INFORM DR. RICH WOLSKI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, * SANTA BARBARA WHO WILL THEN ASCERTAIN THE MOST APPROPRIATE REMEDY, * WHICH IN THE REGENTS' DISCRETION MAY INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, * REPLACEMENT OF THE CODE SO IDENTIFIED, LICENSING OF THE CODE SO * IDENTIFIED, OR WITHDRAWAL OF THE CODE CAPABILITY TO THE EXTENT * NEEDED TO COMPLY WITH ANY SUCH LICENSES OR RIGHTS. ************************************************************************/ package com.eucalyptus.vm; import static com.eucalyptus.util.Strings.isPrefixOf; import static com.eucalyptus.util.Strings.upper; import java.lang.Object; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.CollectionTable; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.ElementCollection; import javax.persistence.Embedded; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.PrePersist; import javax.persistence.PreRemove; import javax.persistence.PreUpdate; import javax.persistence.Table; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache; import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy; import org.hibernate.annotations.NotFound; import org.hibernate.annotations.NotFoundAction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.criterion.SimpleExpression; import com.eucalyptus.auth.Accounts; import com.eucalyptus.auth.AuthException; import com.eucalyptus.auth.policy.ern.Ern; import com.eucalyptus.auth.policy.ern.EuareResourceName; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.Account; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.InstanceProfile; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.Role; import com.eucalyptus.auth.principal.UserFullName; import com.eucalyptus.blockstorage.State; import com.eucalyptus.blockstorage.Volume; import com.eucalyptus.blockstorage.Volumes; import com.eucalyptus.compute.common.CloudMetadata.VmInstanceMetadata; import com.eucalyptus.compute.common.CloudMetadatas; import com.eucalyptus.compute.common.ImageMetadata.Platform; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.eucalyptus.cluster.Clusters; import com.eucalyptus.component.ComponentIds; import com.eucalyptus.component.Partition; import com.eucalyptus.component.Partitions; import com.eucalyptus.component.ServiceConfiguration; import com.eucalyptus.component.Topology; import; import; import; import; import com.eucalyptus.entities.UserMetadata; import com.eucalyptus.crypto.Crypto; import com.eucalyptus.crypto.util.Timestamps; import com.eucalyptus.entities.Entities; import com.eucalyptus.entities.TransactionExecutionException; import com.eucalyptus.entities.TransientEntityException; import com.eucalyptus.event.ListenerRegistry; import com.eucalyptus.images.BlockStorageImageInfo; import com.eucalyptus.images.BootableImageInfo; import com.eucalyptus.images.Emis; import com.eucalyptus.images.Emis.BootableSet; import com.eucalyptus.images.MachineImageInfo; import com.eucalyptus.keys.KeyPairs; import com.eucalyptus.keys.SshKeyPair; import; import; import; import; import com.eucalyptus.records.Logs; import com.eucalyptus.reporting.event.InstanceCreationEvent; import com.eucalyptus.tokens.AssumeRoleResponseType; import com.eucalyptus.tokens.AssumeRoleType; import com.eucalyptus.tokens.CredentialsType; import com.eucalyptus.upgrade.Upgrades.EntityUpgrade; import com.eucalyptus.upgrade.Upgrades.Version; import com.eucalyptus.util.Callback; import com.eucalyptus.util.CollectionUtils; import com.eucalyptus.util.Exceptions; import com.eucalyptus.util.FullName; import com.eucalyptus.util.OwnerFullName; import com.eucalyptus.util.RestrictedTypes; import com.eucalyptus.util.TypeMapper; import com.eucalyptus.util.TypeMappers; import com.eucalyptus.util.async.AsyncRequests; import com.eucalyptus.vm.VmBundleTask.BundleState; import com.eucalyptus.vm.VmInstance.VmState; import com.eucalyptus.vm.VmInstances.Timeout; import com.eucalyptus.vm.VmVolumeAttachment.AttachmentState; import com.eucalyptus.vm.VmVolumeAttachment.NonTransientVolumeException; import com.eucalyptus.vmtypes.VmType; import com.eucalyptus.vmtypes.VmTypes; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.AttachedVolume; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.GroupItemType; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.IamInstanceProfile; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.InstanceBlockDeviceMapping; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.InstanceStateType; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.InstanceStatusDetailsSetItemType; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.InstanceStatusDetailsSetType; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.InstanceStatusItemType; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.InstanceStatusType; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.ReservationInfoType; import edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.RunningInstancesItemType; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; @Entity @PersistenceContext(name = "eucalyptus_cloud") @Table(name = "metadata_instances") @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL) public class VmInstance extends UserMetadata<VmState> implements VmInstanceMetadata { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(VmInstance.class); private static final<MetadataKey, ImmutableMap<String, String>> metadataCache = CacheBuilder .newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES).maximumSize(1000).build(); public static final String DEFAULT_TYPE = "m1.small"; public static final String ROOT_DEVICE_TYPE_EBS = "ebs"; public static final String ROOT_DEVICE_TYPE_INSTANCE_STORE = "instance-store"; public static final String ID_PREFIX = "i"; @Embedded private VmNetworkConfig networkConfig; @Embedded private final VmId vmId; @Embedded private VmBootRecord bootRecord; @Embedded private final VmUsageStats usageStats; @Embedded private final VmLaunchRecord launchRecord; @Embedded private VmRuntimeState runtimeState; @Embedded private VmVolumeState transientVolumeState; @Embedded private final VmPlacement placement; @Column(name = "metadata_vm_expiration") private final Date expiration; @Column(name = "metadata_vm_private_networking") private final Boolean privateNetwork; @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE) @ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL) private Set<NetworkGroup> networkGroups = Sets.newHashSet(); @ElementCollection @CollectionTable(name = "metadata_vm_instance_groups") @JoinColumn(name = "metadata_vm_instance_id") @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL) private Set<NetworkGroupId> networkGroupIds = Sets.newHashSet(); @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE) @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }, orphanRemoval = true, optional = true) @JoinColumn(name = "metadata_vm_network_index", nullable = true, insertable = true, updatable = true) @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.TRANSACTIONAL) private PrivateNetworkIndex networkIndex; @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE, orphanRemoval = true, mappedBy = "instance") private Collection<VmInstanceTag> tags; @PreRemove private void cleanUp() { LOG.debug("Running cleanup for instance " + getDisplayName()); VmInstanceLifecycleHelpers.get().cleanUpInstance(this, VmState.BURIED); } public enum Filters implements Predicate<VmInstance> { BUNDLING { @Override public boolean apply(final VmInstance arg0) { return arg0.getRuntimeState().isBundling(); } } } public enum VmStateSet implements Predicate<VmInstance> { RUN(VmState.PENDING, VmState.RUNNING), CHANGING(VmState.PENDING, VmState.STOPPING, VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN) { @Override public boolean apply(final VmInstance arg0) { return super.apply(arg0) || !arg0.eachVolumeAttachment(new Predicate<VmVolumeAttachment>() { @Override public boolean apply(final VmVolumeAttachment input) { return !input.getAttachmentState().isVolatile(); } }); } }, EXPECTING_TEARDOWN(VmState.STOPPING, VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN), TORNDOWN(VmState.STOPPED, VmState.TERMINATED, VmState.BURIED), STOP(VmState.STOPPING, VmState.STOPPED), NOT_RUNNING(VmState.STOPPING, VmState.STOPPED, VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN, VmState.TERMINATED, VmState.BURIED), DONE(VmState.TERMINATED, VmState.BURIED); private final Set<VmState> states; VmStateSet(final VmState... states) { this.states = Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.copyOf(Sets.newHashSet(states))); } @Override public boolean apply(final VmInstance arg0) { return this.states.contains(arg0.getState()); } public boolean contains(final VmState state) { return this.states.contains(state); } public Predicate<VmInstance> not() { return Predicates.not(this); } public Set<VmState> set() { return states; } public VmState[] array() { return states.toArray(new VmState[states.size()]); } } public enum VmState implements Predicate<VmInstance> { PENDING(0), RUNNING(16), SHUTTING_DOWN(32), TERMINATED(48), STOPPING(64), STOPPED(80), BURIED(128, TERMINATED); private final String name; private final int code; private final VmState displayState; VmState(final int code) { this(code, null); } VmState(final int code, final VmState displayState) { ="_", "-"); this.code = code; this.displayState = Objects.firstNonNull(displayState, this); } public String getName() { return; } public int getCode() { return this.code; } public VmState getDisplayState() { return this.displayState; } public static class Mapper { private static Map<String, VmState> stateMap = getStateMap(); private static Map<String, VmState> getStateMap() { final Map<String, VmState> map = new HashMap<String, VmState>(); map.put("Extant", VmState.RUNNING); map.put("Pending", VmState.PENDING); map.put("Teardown", VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN); return map; } public static VmState get(final String stateName) { return Mapper.stateMap.get(stateName); } } @Override public boolean apply(final VmInstance arg0) { return this.equals(arg0.getState()); } public Predicate<VmInstance> not() { return Predicates.not(this); } } private enum ValidateVmInfo implements Predicate<VmInfo> { INSTANCE; @Override public boolean apply(VmInfo arg0) { if (arg0.getGroupNames().isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Instance " + arg0.getInstanceId() + " reported no groups: " + arg0.getGroupNames()); } if (arg0.getInstanceType().getName() == null) { LOG.warn("Instance " + arg0.getInstanceId() + " reported no instance type: " + arg0.getInstanceType()); } if (arg0.getInstanceType().getVirtualBootRecord().isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Instance " + arg0.getInstanceId() + " reported no vbr entries: " + arg0.getInstanceType().getVirtualBootRecord()); return false; } try { VirtualBootRecord vbr = arg0.getInstanceType().lookupRoot(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { LOG.warn("Instance " + arg0.getInstanceId() + " reported no root vbr entry: " + arg0.getInstanceType().getVirtualBootRecord()); return false; } try { Topology.lookup(ClusterController.class, Clusters.getInstance().lookup(arg0.getPlacement()).lookupPartition()); } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { return false;//GRZE:ARG: skip restoring while cluster is enabling since Builder.placement() depends on a running cluster... } return true; } } public enum RestoreAllocation implements Predicate<VmInfo> { INSTANCE; private static Function<String, NetworkGroup> transformNetworkNames(final UserFullName userFullName) { return new Function<String, NetworkGroup>() { @Override public NetworkGroup apply(final String arg0) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(NetworkGroup.class); try { SimpleExpression naturalId ="naturalId", arg0.replace(userFullName.getAccountNumber() + "-", "") + "%"); NetworkGroup result = (NetworkGroup) Entities.createCriteria(NetworkGroup.class) .add(naturalId).uniqueResult(); if (result == null) { SimpleExpression displayName ="displayName", arg0.replace(userFullName.getAccountNumber() + "-", "") + "%"); result = (NetworkGroup) Entities.createCriteria(NetworkGroup.class).add(displayName) .uniqueResult(); } db.commit(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(ex); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } }; } @Override public boolean apply(final VmInfo input) { final VmState inputState = VmState.Mapper.get(input.getStateName()); if (!VmStateSet.RUN.contains(inputState)) { return false; } else if (!ValidateVmInfo.INSTANCE.apply(input)) { return false; } else { final UserFullName userFullName = UserFullName.getInstance(input.getOwnerId()); boolean building = false; Allocation allocation = null; try { final String imageId = RestoreAllocation.restoreImage(input); final String kernelId = RestoreAllocation.restoreKernel(input); final String ramdiskId = RestoreAllocation.restoreRamdisk(input); allocation = Allocations.restore(input, RestoreAllocation.restoreLaunchIndex(input), RestoreAllocation.restoreVmType(input), RestoreAllocation.restoreBootSet(input, imageId, kernelId, ramdiskId), RestoreAllocation.restorePartition(input), RestoreAllocation.restoreSshKeyPair(input, userFullName), RestoreAllocation.restoreUserData(input), userFullName); final List<NetworkGroup> networks = RestoreAllocation.restoreNetworks(input, userFullName); allocation.setNetworkRules( CollectionUtils.putAll(networks, Maps.<String, NetworkGroup>newLinkedHashMap(), RestrictedTypes.toDisplayName(), Functions.<NetworkGroup>identity())); VmInstanceLifecycleHelpers.get().prepareAllocation(input, allocation); AdmissionControl.restore().apply(allocation); building = true; allocation.commit(); final ResourceToken token = Iterables.getOnlyElement(allocation.getAllocationTokens()); VmInstanceLifecycleHelpers.get().restoreInstanceResources(token, input); return true; } catch (final Exception ex) { if (allocation != null) allocation.abort(); LOG.error("Failed to restore instance " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex.getMessage(), /*building ? null :*/ ex); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); return false; } } //TODO:GRZE: this is the case in restore where we either need to report the failed instance restore, terminate the instance, or handle partial reporting of the instance info. // } catch ( NoSuchElementException e ) { // ClusterConfiguration config = Clusters.getInstance( ).lookup( runVm.getPlacement( ) ).getConfiguration( ); // AsyncRequests.newRequest( new TerminateCallback( runVm.getInstanceId( ) ) ).dispatch( runVm.getPlacement( ) ); } private static List<NetworkGroup> restoreNetworks(final VmInfo input, final UserFullName userFullName) { final List<NetworkGroup> networks = Lists.newArrayList(); networks.addAll(Lists.transform(input.getGroupNames(), transformNetworkNames(userFullName))); Iterables.removeIf(networks, Predicates.isNull()); if (networks.isEmpty()) { final EntityTransaction restore = Entities.get(NetworkGroup.class); int index = input.getGroupNames().get(0).lastIndexOf("-"); String truncatedSecGroup = (String) input.getGroupNames().get(0).subSequence(0, index); String orphanedSecGrp = truncatedSecGroup.concat("-orphaned"); try { NetworkGroup found = NetworkGroups.lookup(userFullName, orphanedSecGrp); networks.add(found); restore.commit(); } catch (NoSuchMetadataException ex) { try { NetworkGroup restoredGroup = NetworkGroups.create(userFullName, orphanedSecGrp, orphanedSecGrp); networks.add(restoredGroup); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Failed to restored security group : " + orphanedSecGrp); restore.rollback(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Failed to restore security group : " + orphanedSecGrp + " for InstanceID : " + input.getInstanceId() + " User Name : " + userFullName + " because of: " + e.getMessage()); restore.rollback(); } finally { if (restore.isActive()) { restore.rollback(); } } } return networks; } private static byte[] restoreUserData(final VmInfo input) { byte[] userData; try { userData = Base64.decode(input.getUserData()); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.debug("Failed to restore user data for : " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex.getMessage()); userData = new byte[0]; } return userData; } private static SshKeyPair restoreSshKeyPair(final VmInfo input, final UserFullName userFullName) { String keyValue = input.getKeyValue(); if (keyValue == null || keyValue.indexOf("@") == -1) { return KeyPairs.noKey(); } else { String keyName = keyValue.replaceAll(".*@eucalyptus\\.", ""); return SshKeyPair.withPublicKey(null, keyName, keyValue); } } private static int restoreLaunchIndex(final VmInfo input) { int launchIndex = 1; try { launchIndex = Integer.parseInt(input.getLaunchIndex()); } catch (final Exception ex1) { LOG.debug("Failed to get LaunchIndex setting it to '1' for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex1.getMessage()); launchIndex = 1; } return launchIndex; } @Nonnull private static BootableSet restoreBootSet(@Nonnull final VmInfo input, @Nullable final String imageId, @Nullable final String kernelId, @Nullable final String ramdiskId) throws MetadataException { if (imageId == null) { throw new MetadataException("Missing image id for boot set restoration"); } BootableSet bootSet; try { bootSet = Emis.recreateBootableSet(imageId, kernelId, ramdiskId); } catch (final NoSuchMetadataException e) { LOG.error("Using transient bootset in place of imageId " + imageId + ", kernelId " + kernelId + ", ramdiskId " + ramdiskId + " for " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + e.getMessage()); Platform platform; try { platform = Platform.valueOf(Strings.nullToEmpty(input.getPlatform())); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e2) { platform = Platform.linux; } bootSet = Emis.unavailableBootableSet(platform); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to recreate bootset with imageId " + imageId + ", kernelId " + kernelId + ", ramdiskId " + ramdiskId + " for " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex.getMessage()); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); if (ex instanceof MetadataException) { throw (MetadataException) ex; } else { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(ex); } } return bootSet; } private static String restoreRamdisk(final VmInfo input) { String ramdiskId = null; try { ramdiskId = input.getInstanceType().lookupRamdisk().getId(); } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { LOG.debug("No ramdiskId " + input.getRamdiskId() + " for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because vbr does not contain a ramdisk: " + input.getInstanceType().getVirtualBootRecord()); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to lookup ramdiskId " + input.getRamdiskId() + " for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex.getMessage()); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } return ramdiskId; } private static String restoreKernel(final VmInfo input) { String kernelId = null; try { kernelId = input.getInstanceType().lookupKernel().getId(); } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { LOG.debug("No kernelId " + input.getKernelId() + " for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because vbr does not contain a kernel: " + input.getInstanceType().getVirtualBootRecord()); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to lookup kernelId " + input.getKernelId() + " for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex.getMessage()); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } return kernelId; } private static String restoreImage(final VmInfo input) { String imageId = null; try { imageId = input.getInstanceType().lookupRoot().getId(); } catch (final Exception ex2) { LOG.error("Failed to lookup imageId " + input.getImageId() + " for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex2.getMessage()); Logs.extreme().error(ex2, ex2); } return imageId; } private static Partition restorePartition(final VmInfo input) { Partition partition = null; try { partition = Partitions.lookupByName(input.getPlacement()); } catch (final Exception ex2) { try { partition = Partitions .lookupByName(Clusters.getInstance().lookup(input.getPlacement()).getPartition()); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to lookup partition " + input.getPlacement() + " for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex.getMessage()); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } } return partition; } private static VmType restoreVmType(final VmInfo input) { VmType vmType = null; try { vmType = VmTypes.lookup(input.getInstanceType().getName()); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Failed to lookup vm type " + input.getInstanceType().getName() + " for: " + input.getInstanceId() + " because of: " + ex.getMessage()); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } return vmType; } } enum Transitions implements Function<VmInstance, VmInstance> { BURIED { @Override public VmInstance apply(final VmInstance v) { try { final VmInstance vm = Entities.uniqueResult(VmInstance.named(null, v.getInstanceId())); if (VmState.TERMINATED.apply(vm)) { vm.setState(VmState.BURIED); } return vm; } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().trace(ex, ex); throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup instance: " + v); } } }, TERMINATED { @Override public VmInstance apply(final VmInstance v) { try { final VmInstance vm = Entities.uniqueResult(VmInstance.named(null, v.getInstanceId())); if (VmStateSet.RUN.apply(vm)) { Reason reason = Timeout.UNREPORTED.apply(vm) ? Reason.EXPIRED : Reason.USER_TERMINATED; vm.setState(VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN, reason); } else if (VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN.equals(vm.getState())) { Reason reason = Timeout.SHUTTING_DOWN.apply(vm) || Reason.EXPIRED.apply(vm) ? Reason.EXPIRED : Reason.USER_TERMINATED; vm.setState(VmState.TERMINATED, reason); } else if (VmState.STOPPED.equals(vm.getState())) { vm.setState(VmState.TERMINATED, Reason.USER_TERMINATED); } return vm; } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().trace(ex, ex); throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup instance: " + v); } } }, STOPPED { @Override public VmInstance apply(final VmInstance v) { try { final VmInstance vm = Entities.uniqueResult(VmInstance.named(null, v.getInstanceId())); if (VmStateSet.RUN.apply(vm)) { vm.setState(VmState.STOPPING, Reason.USER_STOPPED); } else if (VmState.STOPPING.equals(vm.getState())) { vm.setState(VmState.STOPPED, Reason.USER_STOPPED); } return vm; } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().debug(ex, ex); throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup instance: " + v); } } }, DELETE { @Override public VmInstance apply(final VmInstance v) { try { final VmInstance vm = Entities.uniqueResult(VmInstance.named(null, v.getInstanceId())); Entities.delete(vm); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex); Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } v.setState(VmState.TERMINATED); return v; } }, SHUTDOWN { @Override public VmInstance apply(final VmInstance v) { try { final VmInstance vm = Entities.uniqueResult(VmInstance.named(null, v.getInstanceId())); if (VmStateSet.RUN.apply(vm)) { Reason reason = Timeout.SHUTTING_DOWN.apply(vm) ? Reason.EXPIRED : Reason.USER_TERMINATED; vm.setState(VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN, reason); } return vm; } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().debug(ex, ex); throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup instance: " + v); } } }; @Override public abstract VmInstance apply(final VmInstance v); } enum Lookup implements Function<String, VmInstance> { INSTANCE { @Nonnull @Override public VmInstance apply(final String arg0) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance vm = Entities.uniqueResult(VmInstance.named(null, arg0)); if ((vm == null)) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup vm instance: " + arg0); } db.commit(); return vm; } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { throw ex; } catch (final Exception ex) { throw new NoSuchElementException("An error occurred while trying to lookup vm instance " + arg0 + ": " + ex.getMessage() + "\n" + Exceptions.causeString(ex)); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } }; @Nonnull @Override public abstract VmInstance apply(final String arg0); } public enum Create implements Function<ResourceToken, VmInstance> { INSTANCE; /** * @see Predicate#apply(Object) */ @Override public VmInstance apply(final ResourceToken token) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { // remove existing persistent terminated instance. try { Entities.delete(Entities.uniqueResult(VmInstance.withUuid(token.getInstanceUuid()))); Entities.flush(VmInstance.class); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // OK, no persistent entity } final Allocation allocInfo = token.getAllocationInfo(); final VmInstance.Builder builder = new VmInstance.Builder(); VmInstanceLifecycleHelpers.get().prepareVmInstance(token, builder); VmInstance vmInst = builder.owner(allocInfo.getOwnerFullName()) .withIds(token.getInstanceId(), allocInfo.getReservationId(), allocInfo.getClientToken(), allocInfo.getUniqueClientToken(token.getLaunchIndex())) .bootRecord(allocInfo.getBootSet(), allocInfo.getUserData(), allocInfo.getSshKeyPair(), allocInfo.getVmType(), allocInfo.isMonitoring(), allocInfo.getIamInstanceProfileArn(), allocInfo.getIamInstanceProfileId(), allocInfo.getIamRoleArn()) .placement(allocInfo.getPartition()).networkGroups(allocInfo.getNetworkGroups()) .addressing(allocInfo.isUsePrivateAddressing()).expiresOn(allocInfo.getExpiration()) .build(token.getLaunchIndex()); vmInst.setNaturalId(token.getInstanceUuid()); vmInst = Entities.persist(vmInst); Entities.flush(vmInst); db.commit(); token.setVmInstance(vmInst); return vmInst; } catch (final ResourceAllocationException ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(ex); } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(new TransactionExecutionException(ex)); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } } private static enum VolumeAttachmentComparator implements Comparator<VmVolumeAttachment> { INSTANCE; @Override public int compare(VmVolumeAttachment arg0, VmVolumeAttachment arg1) { return arg0.getDevice().compareToIgnoreCase(arg1.getDevice()); } } public static class Builder { private VmId vmId; private VmBootRecord vmBootRecord; private VmPlacement vmPlacement; private List<NetworkGroup> networkRulesGroups; private Optional<PrivateNetworkIndex> networkIndex = Optional.absent(); private Boolean usePrivateAddressing; private OwnerFullName owner; private Date expiration = new Date(32503708800000l); // 3000 private List<Callback<VmInstance>> callbacks = Lists.newArrayList(); public Builder owner(final OwnerFullName owner) { this.owner = owner; return this; } public Builder expiresOn(final Date expirationTime) { if (expirationTime != null) { this.expiration = expirationTime; } return this; } public Builder networkGroups(final List<NetworkGroup> groups) { this.networkRulesGroups = groups; return this; } public Builder networkIndex(final PrivateNetworkIndex index) { this.networkIndex = Optional.fromNullable(index); return this; } public Builder addressing(final Boolean usePrivate) { this.usePrivateAddressing = usePrivate; return this; } public Builder withIds(@Nonnull final String instanceId, @Nonnull final String reservationId, @Nullable final String clientToken, @Nullable final String uniqueClientToken) { this.vmId = new VmId(reservationId, instanceId, clientToken, uniqueClientToken); return this; } public Builder placement(final Partition partition) { final ServiceConfiguration config = Topology.lookup(ClusterController.class, partition); this.vmPlacement = new VmPlacement(config.getName(), config.getPartition()); return this; } public Builder bootRecord(final BootableSet bootSet, final byte[] userData, final SshKeyPair sshKeyPair, final VmType vmType, final boolean monitoring, @Nullable final String iamInstanceProfileArn, @Nullable final String iamInstanceProfileId, @Nullable final String iamInstanceRoleArn) { this.vmBootRecord = new VmBootRecord(bootSet, userData, sshKeyPair, vmType, monitoring, iamInstanceProfileArn, iamInstanceProfileId, iamInstanceRoleArn); return this; } public Builder onBuild(final Callback<VmInstance> callback) { callbacks.add(callback); return this; } public VmInstance build(final Integer launchIndex) throws ResourceAllocationException { VmInstance instance = new VmInstance(this.owner, this.vmId, this.vmBootRecord, new VmLaunchRecord(launchIndex, new Date()), this.vmPlacement, this.networkRulesGroups, this.networkIndex, this.usePrivateAddressing, this.expiration); for (final Callback<VmInstance> callback : callbacks) {; } return instance; } } private VmInstance(final OwnerFullName owner, final VmId vmId, final VmBootRecord bootRecord, final VmLaunchRecord launchRecord, final VmPlacement placement, final List<NetworkGroup> networkRulesGroups, final Optional<PrivateNetworkIndex> networkIndex, final Boolean usePrivateAddressing, final Date expiration) throws ResourceAllocationException { super(owner, vmId.getInstanceId()); this.setState(VmState.PENDING); this.vmId = vmId; this.expiration = expiration; this.bootRecord = bootRecord; this.launchRecord = launchRecord; this.placement = placement; this.privateNetwork = Boolean.FALSE; this.usageStats = new VmUsageStats(this); this.runtimeState = new VmRuntimeState(this); this.transientVolumeState = new VmVolumeState(this); this.networkConfig = new VmNetworkConfig(this, usePrivateAddressing); final Function<NetworkGroup, NetworkGroup> func = Entities.merge(); this.networkGroups.addAll(Collections2.transform(networkRulesGroups, func)); this.networkIndex = networkIndex.isPresent() ? Entities.merge(networkIndex.get().set(this)) : null;; } private VmInstance(final OwnerFullName owner, final VmId vmId) { super(owner, null); this.vmId = vmId; this.expiration = null; this.runtimeState = null; this.bootRecord = null; this.launchRecord = null; this.placement = null; this.privateNetwork = null; this.usageStats = null; this.networkConfig = null; this.transientVolumeState = null; } protected VmInstance(final OwnerFullName ownerFullName, final String instanceId2) { super(ownerFullName, instanceId2); this.expiration = null; this.runtimeState = null; this.vmId = null; this.bootRecord = null; this.launchRecord = null; this.placement = null; this.privateNetwork = null; this.usageStats = null; this.networkConfig = null; this.transientVolumeState = null; } protected VmInstance() { this.expiration = null; this.vmId = null; this.bootRecord = null; this.launchRecord = null; this.placement = null; this.privateNetwork = null; this.networkIndex = null; this.usageStats = null; this.runtimeState = null; this.networkConfig = null; this.transientVolumeState = null; } /** * Clear references that are not valid for a terminated instance */ public void clearReferences() { if (bootRecord.getArchitecture() == null) bootRecord.setArchitecture(bootRecord.getMachine().getArchitecture()); bootRecord.setMachine(); bootRecord.setKernel(); bootRecord.setRamdisk(); clearRunReferences(); } /** * Clear any references that are not valid for a stopped instance */ public void clearRunReferences() { runtimeState.clearServiceTag(); } public void clearPublicAddress() { updatePublicAddress(null); } public void updateAddresses(final String privateAddr, final String publicAddr) { this.updatePrivateAddress(privateAddr); this.updatePublicAddress(publicAddr); } public void updatePublicAddress(final String publicAddr) { this.getNetworkConfig().setPublicAddress(VmNetworkConfig.ipOrDefault(publicAddr)); this.getNetworkConfig().updateDns(); } public void updatePrivateAddress(final String privateAddr) { this.getNetworkConfig().setPrivateAddress(VmNetworkConfig.ipOrDefault(privateAddr)); this.getNetworkConfig().updateDns(); } public void updateMacAddress(final String macAddress) { if (getMacAddress() == null) { getNetworkConfig().setMacAddress(macAddress); } } public VmRuntimeState getRuntimeState() { if (this.runtimeState == null) { this.runtimeState = new VmRuntimeState(this); } return this.runtimeState; } private void setRuntimeState(final VmState state) { this.setState(state, Reason.NORMAL); } void store() { this.updateTimeStamps(); this.firePersist(); this.fireUsageEvent(); } private void firePersist() { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { if (Entities.isPersistent(this)) try { Entities.merge(this); db.commit(); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.debug(ex); } } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } private void fireUsageEvent() { if (VmState.RUNNING.equals(this.getState())) { try { final OwnerFullName owner = this.getOwner(); final String userId = owner.getUserId(); final String accountId = owner.getAccountNumber(); ListenerRegistry.getInstance().fireEvent(new InstanceCreationEvent(getInstanceUuid(), getDisplayName(), this.bootRecord.getVmType().getName(), userId, Accounts.lookupUserById(userId).getName(), accountId, Accounts.lookupAccountById(accountId).getName(), this.placement.getPartitionName())); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex, ex); } } } public String getByKey(final String pathArg) { final String path = Objects.firstNonNull(pathArg, ""); final String pathNoSlash; LOG.debug("Servicing metadata request:" + path); if (path.endsWith("/")) { pathNoSlash = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } else { pathNoSlash = path; } Optional<MetadataGroup> groupOption = Optional.absent(); for (final MetadataGroup metadataGroup : MetadataGroup.values()) { if (metadataGroup.providesPath(pathNoSlash) || metadataGroup.providesPath(path)) { groupOption = Optional.of(metadataGroup); } } final MetadataGroup group = groupOption.or(MetadataGroup.Core); final Map<String, String> metadataMap = Optional.fromNullable(group.apply(this)) .or(Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()); final String value = metadataMap.get(path); return value == null ? metadataMap.get(pathNoSlash) : value; } private Map<String, String> getCoreMetadataMap() { final boolean dns = StackConfiguration.USE_INSTANCE_DNS && !ComponentIds.lookup(Dns.class).runLimitedServices(); final Map<String, String> m = Maps.newHashMap(); m.put("ami-id", this.getImageId()); if (this.bootRecord.getMachine() != null && !this.bootRecord.getMachine().getProductCodes().isEmpty()) { m.put("product-codes", Joiner.on('\n').join(this.bootRecord.getMachine().getProductCodes())); } m.put("ami-launch-index", "" + this.launchRecord.getLaunchIndex()); //ASAP: FIXME: GRZE: // m.put( "ancestor-ami-ids", this.getImageInfo( ).getAncestorIds( ).toString( ).replaceAll( "[\\Q[]\\E]", "" ).replaceAll( ", ", "\n" ) ); if (this.bootRecord.getMachine() instanceof MachineImageInfo) { m.put("ami-manifest-path", ((MachineImageInfo) this.bootRecord.getMachine()).getManifestLocation()); } if (dns) { m.put("hostname", this.getNetworkConfig().getPrivateDnsName()); } else { m.put("hostname", this.getNetworkConfig().getPrivateAddress()); } m.put("instance-id", this.getInstanceId()); m.put("instance-type", this.getVmType().getName()); if (dns) { m.put("local-hostname", this.getNetworkConfig().getPrivateDnsName()); } else { m.put("local-hostname", this.getNetworkConfig().getPrivateAddress()); } m.put("local-ipv4", this.getNetworkConfig().getPrivateAddress()); m.put("mac", upper().apply(this.getNetworkConfig().getMacAddress())); if (dns) { m.put("public-hostname", this.getNetworkConfig().getPublicDnsName()); } else { m.put("public-hostname", this.getPublicAddress()); } m.put("public-ipv4", this.getPublicAddress()); m.put("reservation-id", this.vmId.getReservationId()); if (this.getKernelId() != null) { m.put("kernel-id", this.getKernelId()); } if (this.getRamdiskId() != null) { m.put("ramdisk-id", this.getRamdiskId()); } m.put("security-groups", Joiner.on('\n') .join(Sets.newTreeSet(Iterables.transform(getNetworkGroups(), CloudMetadatas.toDisplayName())))); m.put("placement/availability-zone", this.getPartition()); return m; } private Map<String, String> getBlockDeviceMappingMetadataMap() { final Map<String, String> m = Maps.newHashMap(); // Metadata should accurately reflect all the ebs mappings and ephemeral mappings if any. // Fixes EUCA-4081, EUCA-3954 and implements EUCA-4786 if (this.bootRecord.getMachine() instanceof BlockStorageImageInfo) { // Get all the volume attachments and order them in some way (by device name for now) Set<VmVolumeAttachment> volAttachments = new TreeSet<VmVolumeAttachment>( VolumeAttachmentComparator.INSTANCE); volAttachments.addAll(this.bootRecord.getPersistentVolumes()); // Keep track of all ebs keys for populating block-device-mapping list int ebsCount = 0; // Iterate through the list of volume attachments and populate ebs mappings for (VmVolumeAttachment attachment : volAttachments) { if (attachment.getIsRootDevice()) { m.put("block-device-mapping/ami", attachment.getDevice()); m.put("block-device-mapping/emi", attachment.getDevice()); m.put("block-device-mapping/root", attachment.getDevice()); } m.put("block-device-mapping/ebs" + String.valueOf(++ebsCount), attachment.getDevice()); } // Using ephemeral attachments for bfebs instances only, can be extended to be used by all other instances // Get all the ephemeral attachments and order them in some way (by device name for now) Set<VmEphemeralAttachment> ephemeralAttachments = new TreeSet<VmEphemeralAttachment>( this.bootRecord.getEphemeralStorage()); // Iterate through the list of ephemeral attachments and populate ephemeral mappings if (!ephemeralAttachments.isEmpty()) { for (VmEphemeralAttachment attachment : ephemeralAttachments) { m.put("block-device-mapping/" + attachment.getEphemeralId(), attachment.getDevice()); } } } else { m.put("block-device-mapping/emi", "sda1"); m.put("block-device-mapping/ami", "sda1"); m.put("block-device-mapping/ephemeral", "sda2"); m.put("block-device-mapping/ephemeral0", "sda2"); m.put("block-device-mapping/swap", "sda3"); m.put("block-device-mapping/root", "/dev/sda1"); } return m; } private Map<String, String> getIamMetadataMap() { final Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>(); final String instanceProfileNameOrArn = this.getIamInstanceProfileArn(); if (instanceProfileNameOrArn != null && !instanceProfileNameOrArn.isEmpty()) { InstanceProfile profile = null; String roleName = null; String roleArn = this.getIamRoleArn(); String profileArn = this.getIamInstanceProfileArn(); try { final Account userAccount = Accounts.lookupAccountById(this.getOwnerAccountNumber()); String profileName; if (instanceProfileNameOrArn.startsWith("arn:")) { profileName = instanceProfileNameOrArn.substring(instanceProfileNameOrArn.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } else { profileName = instanceProfileNameOrArn; } profile = userAccount.lookupInstanceProfileByName(profileName); profileArn = Accounts.getInstanceProfileArn(profile); if (roleArn == null) { final Role role = profile.getRole(); if (role != null) { roleArn = Accounts.getRoleArn(role); roleName = role.getName(); } } else { // Authorized role from instance creation time must be used if present final EuareResourceName ern = (EuareResourceName) Ern.parse(roleArn); roleName = ern.getName(); } } catch (AuthException e) { LOG.debug(e); } CredentialsType credentials = null; if (roleArn != null) { final AssumeRoleType assumeRoleType = new AssumeRoleType(); assumeRoleType.setRoleArn(roleArn); assumeRoleType.setRoleSessionName(Crypto.generateId(this.getOwner().getUserId())); ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration = Topology.lookup(Tokens.class); try { credentials = ((AssumeRoleResponseType) AsyncRequests.sendSync(serviceConfiguration, assumeRoleType)).getAssumeRoleResult().getCredentials(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Unable to send assume role request to token service", e); } } if (profile != null) { m.put("iam/info/last-updated-date", Timestamps.formatIso8601Timestamp(profile.getCreationTimestamp())); //TODO : Need to collection and display the real last updated date. m.put("iam/info/instance-profile-arn", profileArn); m.put("iam/info/instance-profile-id", profile.getInstanceProfileId()); } if (roleName != null && credentials != null) { final String jsonCredentials = new JSONObject().element("Code", "Success") .element("LastUpdated", Timestamps.formatIso8601Timestamp(new Date())) .element("Type", "AWS-HMAC").element("AccessKeyId", credentials.getAccessKeyId()) .element("SecretAccessKey", credentials.getSecretAccessKey()) .element("Token", credentials.getSessionToken()) .element("Expiration", Timestamps.formatIso8601Timestamp(credentials.getExpiration())) .toString(2); m.put("iam/security-credentials/" + roleName + "/AccessKeyId", credentials.getAccessKeyId()); m.put("iam/security-credentials/" + roleName + "/Expiration", Timestamps.formatIso8601Timestamp(credentials.getExpiration())); m.put("iam/security-credentials/" + roleName + "/SecretAccessKey", credentials.getSecretAccessKey()); m.put("iam/security-credentials/" + roleName + "/Token", credentials.getSessionToken()); m.put("iam/security-credentials/" + roleName, jsonCredentials); m.put("iam/security-credentials", roleName); m.put("iam/security-credentials/", roleName); } } return m; } private Map<String, String> getPublicKeysMetadataMap() { final Map<String, String> m = Maps.newHashMap(); if (this.bootRecord.getSshKeyPair() != null) { m.put("public-keys", "0=" + this.bootRecord.getSshKeyPair().getName()); m.put("public-keys/", "0=" + this.bootRecord.getSshKeyPair().getName()); m.put("public-keys/0/openssh-key", this.bootRecord.getSshKeyPair().getPublicKey()); } return m; } public synchronized long getSplitTime() { final long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long split = time - super.getLastUpdateTimestamp().getTime(); return split; } public synchronized long getCreationSplitTime() { final long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long split = time - super.getCreationTimestamp().getTime(); return split; } public VmBundleTask resetBundleTask() { return this.getRuntimeState().resetBundleTask(); } public String getImageId() { return this.bootRecord.getDisplayMachineImageId(); } @Nullable public String getRamdiskId() { return this.bootRecord.getDisplayRamdiskImageId(); } @Nullable public String getKernelId() { return this.bootRecord.getDisplayKernelImageId(); } public boolean hasPublicAddress() { return (this.networkConfig != null) && !(VmNetworkConfig.DEFAULT_IP.equals(this.getNetworkConfig().getPublicAddress()) || this .getNetworkConfig().getPrivateAddress().equals(this.getNetworkConfig().getPublicAddress())); } public String getInstanceId() { return super.getDisplayName(); } public VmType getVmType() { return this.bootRecord.getVmType(); } public boolean isUsePrivateAddressing() { // allow for null value return Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.getNetworkConfig().getUsePrivateAddressing()); } public String getPrivateAddress() { return this.getNetworkConfig().getPrivateAddress(); } public String getPublicAddress() { return this.getNetworkConfig().getPublicAddress(); } public String getPrivateDnsName() { return this.getNetworkConfig().getPrivateDnsName(); } public String getPublicDnsName() { return this.getNetworkConfig().getPublicDnsName(); } public String getMacAddress() { return this.getNetworkConfig().getMacAddress(); } public String getPasswordData() { return this.getRuntimeState().getPasswordData(); } public void updatePasswordData(final String passwordData) { this.getRuntimeState().setPasswordData(passwordData); } /** * @return the platform */ public String getPlatform() { return this.bootRecord.getPlatform().toString(); } public String getDisplayPlatform() { return == this.bootRecord.getPlatform() ? : ""; } @Override public String getPartition() { return this.placement.getPartitionName(); } public String getInstanceUuid() { return this.getNaturalId(); } public static VmInstance named(final String instanceId) { return new VmInstance(null, instanceId); } public static VmInstance named(final OwnerFullName ownerFullName, final String instanceId) { return new VmInstance(ownerFullName, instanceId); } public static VmInstance withToken(final OwnerFullName ownerFullName, final String clientToken) { return new VmInstance(ownerFullName, new VmId(null, null, clientToken, null)); } public static VmInstance withUuid(final String uuid) { final VmInstance example = new VmInstance(); example.setNaturalId(uuid); return example; } @Override public FullName getFullName() { return FullName.create.vendor("euca").region(ComponentIds.lookup(Eucalyptus.class).name()) .namespace(this.getOwnerAccountNumber()).relativeId("instance", this.getDisplayName()); } public enum Reason implements Predicate<VmInstance> { NORMAL(""), EXPIRED("Instance expired after not being reported for %s mins.", VmInstances.Timeout.UNREPORTED.getMinutes()), FAILED( "The instance failed to start on the NC."), USER_TERMINATED( "User terminated."), USER_STOPPED( "User stopped."), USER_STARTED("User started."), APPEND(""); private String message; private Object[] args; Reason(final String message, final Object... args) { this.message = message; this.args = args; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format(this.message.toString(), this.args); } @Override public boolean apply(final VmInstance vmInstance) { return this.equals(vmInstance.getRuntimeState().reason()); } } public PrivateNetworkIndex getNetworkIndex() { return this.networkIndex; } private Boolean getPrivateNetwork() { return this.privateNetwork; } public Collection<VmInstanceTag> getTags() { return tags; } public Set<NetworkGroup> getNetworkGroups() { return (Set<NetworkGroup>) (this.networkGroups != null ? this.networkGroups : Sets.newHashSet()); } public Set<NetworkGroupId> getNetworkGroupIds() { updateGroups(); return this.networkGroupIds; } static long getSerialversionuid() { return serialVersionUID; } static Logger getLOG() { return LOG; } static String getDEFAULT_IP() { return VmNetworkConfig.DEFAULT_IP; } static String getDEFAULT_TYPE() { return DEFAULT_TYPE; } VmId getVmId() { return this.vmId; } public VmBootRecord getBootRecord() { return this.bootRecord; } VmUsageStats getUsageStats() { return this.usageStats; } VmLaunchRecord getLaunchRecord() { return this.launchRecord; } VmPlacement getPlacement() { return this.placement; } public Partition lookupPartition() { return this.placement.lookupPartition(); } /** * */ public void setState(final VmState stopping, final Reason reason, final String... extra) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(this); entity.runtimeState.setState(stopping, reason, extra); db.commit(); } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(ex); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * */ public VmVolumeAttachment lookupVolumeAttachmentByDevice(final String volumeDevice) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(this); VmVolumeAttachment ret; try { ret = entity.getTransientVolumeState().lookupVolumeAttachmentByDevice(volumeDevice); } catch (final Exception ex) { ret = Iterables.find(entity.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes(), VmVolumeAttachment.volumeDeviceFilter(volumeDevice)); } db.commit(); return ret; } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw ex; } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup volume with device: " + volumeDevice); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * */ public VmVolumeAttachment lookupVolumeAttachment(final String volumeId) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.isPersistent(this) ? this : Entities.uniqueResult(this); VmVolumeAttachment volumeAttachment; try { volumeAttachment = entity.getTransientVolumeState().lookupVolumeAttachment(volumeId); } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { volumeAttachment = Iterables.find(entity.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes(), VmVolumeAttachment.volumeIdFilter(volumeId)); } db.commit(); return volumeAttachment; } catch (final Exception ex) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup volume: " + volumeId); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } public VmVolumeAttachment lookupTransientVolumeAttachment(final String volumeId) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(this); VmVolumeAttachment volumeAttachment; try { volumeAttachment = entity.getTransientVolumeState().lookupVolumeAttachment(volumeId); db.commit(); } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { volumeAttachment = Iterables.find(entity.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes(), VmVolumeAttachment.volumeIdFilter(volumeId)); db.commit(); if (volumeAttachment != null) { throw new NonTransientVolumeException(volumeId + " is associated with boot from EBS instance " + entity.getInstanceId() + " at launch time."); } } return volumeAttachment; } catch (NonTransientVolumeException nex) { throw nex; } catch (final Exception ex) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup volume: " + volumeId); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * */ public void addTransientVolume(final String deviceName, final String remoteDevice, final Volume vol) { final Function<Volume, Volume> attachmentFunction = new Function<Volume, Volume>() { public Volume apply(final Volume input) { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(VmInstance.this); final Volume volEntity = Entities.merge(vol); VmVolumeAttachment attachVol = new VmVolumeAttachment(entity, volEntity.getDisplayName(), deviceName, remoteDevice,, new Date(), false); volEntity.setState(State.BUSY); entity.getTransientVolumeState().addVolumeAttachment(attachVol); return volEntity; } }; Entities.asTransaction(VmInstance.class, attachmentFunction, VmInstances.TX_RETRIES).apply(vol); } public void addPersistentVolume(final String deviceName, final Volume vol, final Boolean isRootDevice) { final Function<Volume, Volume> attachmentFunction = new Function<Volume, Volume>() { public Volume apply(final Volume input) { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(VmInstance.this); final Volume volEntity = Entities.merge(vol); // At this point the remote device string is not available. Setting this member to null leads to DB lookup issues later. So setting it to empty string instead final VmVolumeAttachment volumeAttachment = new VmVolumeAttachment(entity, vol.getDisplayName(), deviceName, new String(),, new Date(), true, isRootDevice); entity.bootRecord.getPersistentVolumes().add(volumeAttachment); return volEntity; } }; Entities.asTransaction(VmInstance.class, attachmentFunction, VmInstances.TX_RETRIES).apply(vol); } public void addPermanentVolume(final String deviceName, final Volume vol, final Boolean isRootDevice) { final Function<Volume, Volume> attachmentFunction = new Function<Volume, Volume>() { public Volume apply(final Volume input) { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(VmInstance.this); final Volume volEntity = Entities.merge(vol); // At this point the remote device string is not available. Setting this member to null leads to DB lookup issues later. So setting it to empty string instead final VmVolumeAttachment volumeAttachment = new VmVolumeAttachment(entity, vol.getDisplayName(), deviceName, new String(),, new Date(), false, isRootDevice); entity.bootRecord.getPersistentVolumes().add(volumeAttachment); return volEntity; } }; Entities.asTransaction(VmInstance.class, attachmentFunction, VmInstances.TX_RETRIES).apply(vol); } // Creates a DB entity associated with ephemeral devices for boot from ebs instances and stores it in the boot record public void addEphemeralAttachment(final String deviceName, final String ephemeralId) { final Function<String, String> attachmentFunction = new Function<String, String>() { public String apply(final String input) { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(VmInstance.this); final VmEphemeralAttachment ephemeralAttachment = new VmEphemeralAttachment(entity, ephemeralId, deviceName); entity.bootRecord.getEphemeralStorage().add(ephemeralAttachment); return input; } }; Entities.asTransaction(VmInstance.class, attachmentFunction, VmInstances.TX_RETRIES).apply(ephemeralId); } /** * */ public boolean eachVolumeAttachment(final Predicate<VmVolumeAttachment> predicate) { if (VmStateSet.DONE.contains(this.getState()) && !VmStateSet.EXPECTING_TEARDOWN.contains(this.getLastState())) { return false; } else { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(this); Set<VmVolumeAttachment> persistentAttachments = Sets .newHashSet(entity.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes()); boolean ret = Iterables.all(persistentAttachments, new Predicate<VmVolumeAttachment>() { @Override public boolean apply(final VmVolumeAttachment arg0) { return predicate.apply(arg0); } }); ret |= entity.getTransientVolumeState().eachVolumeAttachment(new Predicate<VmVolumeAttachment>() { @Override public boolean apply(final VmVolumeAttachment arg0) { return predicate.apply(arg0); } }); db.commit(); return ret; } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); db.rollback(); return false; } } } /** * */ public VmVolumeAttachment removeVolumeAttachment(final String volumeId) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(this); final Volume volEntity = Volumes.lookup(null, volumeId); final VmVolumeAttachment ret = entity.transientVolumeState.removeVolumeAttachment(volumeId); if (State.BUSY.equals(volEntity.getState())) { volEntity.setState(State.EXTANT); } db.commit(); return ret; } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup volume: " + volumeId); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * */ public String getServiceTag() { return this.getRuntimeState().getServiceTag(); } /** * */ public String getReservationId() { return this.vmId.getReservationId(); } /** * */ public byte[] getUserData() { return this.bootRecord.getUserData(); } /** * */ public void updateVolumeAttachment(final String volumeId, final AttachmentState newState) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(this); entity.getTransientVolumeState().updateVolumeAttachment(volumeId, newState); db.commit(); } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * */ public Predicate<VmInfo> doUpdate() { return new Predicate<VmInfo>() { @Override public boolean apply(final VmInfo runVm) { if (!Entities.isPersistent(VmInstance.this)) { throw new TransientEntityException(this.toString()); } else { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmState runVmState = VmState.Mapper.get(runVm.getStateName()); if (VmInstance.this.getRuntimeState().isBundling()) { final BundleState bundleState = BundleState.mapper .apply(runVm.getBundleTaskStateName()); VmInstance.this.getRuntimeState().updateBundleTaskState(bundleState); } else if (VmStateSet.RUN.apply(VmInstance.this) && VmStateSet.RUN.contains(runVmState)) { VmInstance.this.setState(runVmState, Reason.APPEND, "UPDATE"); this.updateState(runVm); } else if (VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN.apply(VmInstance.this) && VmState.SHUTTING_DOWN.equals(runVmState)) { VmInstance.this.setState(VmState.TERMINATED, Reason.APPEND, "DONE"); } else if (VmInstances.Timeout.SHUTTING_DOWN.apply(VmInstance.this)) { VmInstance.this.setState(VmState.TERMINATED, Reason.EXPIRED); } else if (VmInstances.Timeout.STOPPING.apply(VmInstance.this)) { VmInstance.this.setState(VmState.STOPPED, Reason.EXPIRED); } else if (VmStateSet.NOT_RUNNING.apply(VmInstance.this) && VmStateSet.RUN.contains(runVmState)) { VmInstance.this.setState(VmState.RUNNING, Reason.APPEND, "MISMATCHED"); } else { this.updateState(runVm); } db.commit(); } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } return true; } private void updateState(final VmInfo runVm) { VmInstance.this.getRuntimeState().updateBundleTaskState(runVm.getBundleTaskStateName()); VmInstance.this.updateMacAddress(runVm.getNetParams().getMacAddress()); VmInstance.this.setServiceTag(runVm.getServiceTag()); VmInstance.this.getRuntimeState().setGuestState(runVm.getGuestStateName()); if (VmStateSet.RUN.apply(VmInstance.this)) { if (!EdgeNetworking.isEnabled()) { VmInstance.this.updateAddresses(runVm.getNetParams().getIpAddress(), runVm.getNetParams().getIgnoredPublicIp()); } } if (VmState.RUNNING.apply(VmInstance.this)) { VmInstance.this.updateVolumeAttachments(runVm.getVolumes()); VmInstance.this.updateMigrationTaskState(runVm.getMigrationStateName(), Strings.nullToEmpty(runVm.getMigrationSource()), Strings.nullToEmpty(runVm.getMigrationDestination())); } if (VmInstances.Timeout.UNTOUCHED.apply(VmInstance.this)) { VmInstance.this.updateTimeStamps(); } } }; } /** * @param migrationStateName * @param migrationSource * @param migrationDestination */ protected void updateMigrationTaskState(String migrationStateName, String migrationSource, String migrationDestination) { this.getRuntimeState().setMigrationState(migrationStateName, migrationSource, migrationDestination); } /** * */ private void updateVolumeAttachments(final List<AttachedVolume> volumes) { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance entity = Entities.merge(this); entity.getTransientVolumeState().updateVolumeAttachments( Lists.transform(volumes, VmVolumeAttachment.fromAttachedVolume(entity))); db.commit(); } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * */ public void setServiceTag(final String serviceTag) { this.getRuntimeState().setServiceTag(serviceTag); } public void setNetworkIndex(final PrivateNetworkIndex networkIndex) { this.networkIndex = networkIndex; } /** * Get the state suitable for EC2 API. * * @see #getState */ VmState getDisplayState() { return getState().getDisplayState(); } @Nonnull String getDisplayPublicDnsName() { return VmStateSet.TORNDOWN.apply(this) ? "" : dns() ? getPublicDnsName() : getDisplayPublicAddress(); } @Nonnull String getDisplayPublicAddress() { return VmStateSet.TORNDOWN.apply(this) ? "" : VmNetworkConfig.DEFAULT_IP.equals( Objects.firstNonNull(Strings.emptyToNull(getPublicAddress()), VmNetworkConfig.DEFAULT_IP)) ? getDisplayPrivateAddress() : getPublicAddress(); } @Nonnull String getDisplayPrivateDnsName() { return VmStateSet.TORNDOWN.apply(this) ? "" : dns() ? getPrivateDnsName() : getDisplayPrivateAddress(); } @Nonnull String getDisplayPrivateAddress() { return VmStateSet.TORNDOWN.apply(this) ? "" : VmNetworkConfig.DEFAULT_IP.equals( Objects.firstNonNull(Strings.emptyToNull(getPrivateAddress()), VmNetworkConfig.DEFAULT_IP)) ? VmNetworkConfig.DEFAULT_IP : getPrivateAddress(); } private static boolean dns() { return StackConfiguration.USE_INSTANCE_DNS && !ComponentIds.lookup(Dns.class).runLimitedServices(); } @TypeMapper public enum Transform implements Function<VmInstance, RunningInstancesItemType> { INSTANCE; /** * @see Supplier#get() */ @Override public RunningInstancesItemType apply(final VmInstance v) { if (!Entities.isPersistent(v)) { throw new TransientEntityException(v.toString()); } else { final EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { final VmInstance input = Entities.merge(v); RunningInstancesItemType runningInstance; runningInstance = new RunningInstancesItemType(); runningInstance.setAmiLaunchIndex(Integer.toString(input.getLaunchRecord().getLaunchIndex())); final VmState displayState = input.getDisplayState(); runningInstance.setStateCode(Integer.toString(displayState.getCode())); runningInstance.setStateName(displayState.getName()); runningInstance.setPlatform(input.getPlatform()); runningInstance.setInstanceId(input.getVmId().getInstanceId()); //ASAP:FIXME:GRZE: restore. runningInstance.setProductCodes(new ArrayList<String>()); runningInstance.setImageId(input.getImageId()); runningInstance.setKernel(input.getKernelId()); runningInstance.setRamdisk(input.getRamdiskId()); runningInstance.setPlatform(Strings.emptyToNull(input.getDisplayPlatform())); runningInstance.setDnsName(input.getDisplayPublicDnsName()); runningInstance.setIpAddress(Strings.emptyToNull(input.getDisplayPublicAddress())); runningInstance.setPrivateDnsName(input.getDisplayPrivateDnsName()); runningInstance.setPrivateIpAddress(Strings.emptyToNull(input.getDisplayPrivateAddress())); if (input.getBootRecord() == null || input.getBootRecord().getArchitecture() == null) { LOG.debug("WARNING: No architecture set for instance " + input.getInstanceId() + ", defaulting to x86_64"); runningInstance.setArchitecture("x86_64"); } else { runningInstance.setArchitecture(input.getBootRecord().getArchitecture().toString()); } runningInstance.setReason(input.runtimeState.getReason()); if (input.getBootRecord().getSshKeyPair() != null) { runningInstance.setKeyName(input.getBootRecord().getSshKeyPair().getName()); if ((runningInstance.getKeyName() != null) && (runningInstance.getKeyName().isEmpty())) runningInstance.setKeyName(null); } else runningInstance.setKeyName(""); runningInstance.setInstanceType(input.getVmType().getName()); runningInstance.setPlacement(input.getPlacement().getPartitionName()); runningInstance.setLaunchTime(input.getLaunchRecord().getLaunchTime()); runningInstance.setClientToken(input.getClientToken()); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(input.getIamInstanceProfileId())) { runningInstance.setIamInstanceProfile(new IamInstanceProfile( input.getIamInstanceProfileArn(), input.getIamInstanceProfileId())); } else if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(input.getIamInstanceProfileArn()) && input.getIamInstanceProfileArn().startsWith("arn:")) { final String rawName = input.getIamInstanceProfileArn(); final int nameIndex = input.getIamInstanceProfileArn().lastIndexOf('/'); final String name = input.getIamInstanceProfileArn().substring(nameIndex + 1, rawName.length()); InstanceProfile instanceProfile; try { instanceProfile = Accounts.lookupAccountById(input.getOwnerAccountNumber()) .lookupInstanceProfileByName(name); final String profileArn = Accounts.getInstanceProfileArn(instanceProfile); IamInstanceProfile iamInstanceProfile = new IamInstanceProfile(); iamInstanceProfile.setArn(profileArn); iamInstanceProfile.setId(instanceProfile.getInstanceProfileId()); runningInstance.setIamInstanceProfile(iamInstanceProfile); } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { LOG.debug("profile arn : " + name, nsee); } } else if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(input.getIamInstanceProfileArn()) && !input.getIamInstanceProfileArn().startsWith("arn:")) { try { final InstanceProfile instanceProfile = Accounts .lookupAccountById(input.getOwnerAccountNumber()) .lookupInstanceProfileByName(input.getIamInstanceProfileArn()); final String profileArn = Accounts.getInstanceProfileArn(instanceProfile); IamInstanceProfile iamInstanceProfile = new IamInstanceProfile(); iamInstanceProfile.setArn(profileArn); iamInstanceProfile.setId(instanceProfile.getInstanceProfileId()); runningInstance.setIamInstanceProfile(iamInstanceProfile); } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { LOG.debug("profile name : " + input.getIamInstanceProfileArn(), nsee); } } if (input.getMonitoring()) { runningInstance.setMonitoring("enabled"); } else { runningInstance.setMonitoring("disabled"); } runningInstance.getGroupSet().addAll(Collections2.transform(input.getNetworkGroupIds(), TypeMappers.lookup(NetworkGroupId.class, GroupItemType.class))); Collections.sort(runningInstance.getGroupSet()); runningInstance.setVirtualizationType(input.getVirtualizationType()); if (input.isBlockStorage()) { runningInstance.setRootDeviceType(ROOT_DEVICE_TYPE_EBS); } if (input.getBootRecord().hasPersistentVolumes()) { for (final VmVolumeAttachment attachedVol : input.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes()) { runningInstance.getBlockDevices() .add(new InstanceBlockDeviceMapping(attachedVol.getDevice(), attachedVol.getVolumeId(), attachedVol.getStatus(), attachedVol.getAttachTime(), attachedVol.getDeleteOnTerminate())); if (attachedVol.getIsRootDevice()) { runningInstance.setRootDeviceName(attachedVol.getDevice()); } } } for (final VmVolumeAttachment attachedVol : input.getTransientVolumeState().getAttachments()) { runningInstance.getBlockDevices() .add(new InstanceBlockDeviceMapping(attachedVol.getDevice(), attachedVol.getVolumeId(), attachedVol.getStatus(), attachedVol.getAttachTime(), attachedVol.getDeleteOnTerminate())); } return runningInstance; } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { throw ex; } catch (final Exception ex) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Failed to lookup vm instance: " + v); } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } } } @TypeMapper public enum ReservationTransform implements Function<VmInstance, ReservationInfoType> { INSTANCE; @Override public ReservationInfoType apply(final VmInstance instance) { return new ReservationInfoType(instance.getReservationId(), instance.getOwner().getAccountNumber(), Collections2.transform(instance.getNetworkGroupIds(), TypeMappers.lookup(NetworkGroupId.class, GroupItemType.class))); } } @TypeMapper public enum NetworkGroupIdTransform implements Function<NetworkGroup, NetworkGroupId> { INSTANCE; @Override public NetworkGroupId apply(final NetworkGroup networkGroup) { return new NetworkGroupId(networkGroup.getGroupId(), networkGroup.getName()); } } @TypeMapper public enum NetworkGroupIdToGroupItemTypeTransform implements Function<NetworkGroupId, GroupItemType> { INSTANCE; @Override public GroupItemType apply(final NetworkGroupId networkGroupId) { return new GroupItemType(networkGroupId.getGroupId(), networkGroupId.getGroupName()); } } @TypeMapper public enum NetworkGroupToGroupItemTypeTransform implements Function<NetworkGroup, GroupItemType> { INSTANCE; @Override public GroupItemType apply(final NetworkGroup networkGroupId) { return new GroupItemType(networkGroupId.getGroupId(), networkGroupId.getName()); } } public boolean isBlockStorage() { return this.bootRecord.isBlockStorage(); } public boolean isEbsOptimized() { return false; } @Override public void setNaturalId(final String naturalId) { super.setNaturalId(naturalId); } public VmVolumeState getTransientVolumeState() { if (this.transientVolumeState == null) { this.transientVolumeState = new VmVolumeState(this); } return this.transientVolumeState; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(); builder2.append("VmInstance:"); if (this.networkConfig != null) builder2.append("networkConfig=").append(this.getNetworkConfig()).append(":"); if (this.vmId != null) builder2.append("vmId=").append(this.vmId).append(":"); if (this.bootRecord != null) builder2.append("bootRecord=").append(this.bootRecord).append(":"); if (this.usageStats != null) builder2.append("usageStats=").append(this.usageStats).append(":"); if (this.launchRecord != null) builder2.append("launchRecord=").append(this.launchRecord).append(":"); if (this.runtimeState != null) builder2.append("runtimeState=").append(this.runtimeState).append(":"); if (this.transientVolumeState != null) builder2.append("transientVolumeState=").append(this.transientVolumeState).append(":"); if (this.placement != null) builder2.append("placement=").append(this.placement).append(":"); if (this.privateNetwork != null) builder2.append("privateNetwork=").append(this.privateNetwork).append(":"); if (Entities.isReadable(this.networkGroups)) builder2.append("networkGroups=").append(this.networkGroups).append(":"); if (Entities.isReadable(this.networkIndex)) builder2.append("networkIndex=").append(this.networkIndex); return builder2.toString(); } private VmNetworkConfig getNetworkConfig() { if (this.networkConfig == null) { this.networkConfig = new VmNetworkConfig(this); } return this.networkConfig; } private void setNetworkGroups(final Set<NetworkGroup> networkGroups) { this.networkGroups = networkGroups; } /** * */ void setNetworkConfig(final VmNetworkConfig networkConfig) { this.networkConfig = networkConfig; } public Date getExpiration() { return this.expiration; } public Integer getLaunchIndex() { return this.getLaunchRecord().getLaunchIndex(); } @Nullable public String getClientToken() { return this.getVmId().getClientToken(); } /** * For instances created prior to 3.4. this is the ARN or the profile name. */ @Nullable public String getIamInstanceProfileArn() { return getBootRecord().getIamInstanceProfileArn(); } @Nullable public String getIamInstanceProfileId() { return getBootRecord().getIamInstanceProfileId(); } @Nullable public String getIamRoleArn() { return getBootRecord().getIamRoleArn(); } public SshKeyPair getKeyPair() { return this.getBootRecord().getSshKeyPair(); } public void release() { try { Entities.asTransaction(VmInstance.class, Transitions.DELETE, VmInstances.TX_RETRIES).apply(this); } catch (final Exception ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); } } public String getVirtualizationType() { return this.getBootRecord().getDisplayVirtualizationType().toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((this.vmId == null) ? 0 : this.vmId.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final VmInstance other = (VmInstance) obj; if (this.vmId == null) { if (other.vmId != null) { return false; } } else if (!this.vmId.equals(other.vmId)) { return false; } return true; } /** * */ public static VmInstance create() { return new VmInstance(); } public static VmInstance exampleWithPublicIp(String ip) { VmInstance vmExample = VmInstance.create(); vmExample.setNetworkConfig(VmNetworkConfig.exampleWithPublicIp(ip)); return vmExample; } public static VmInstance exampleWithPrivateIp(String ip) { VmInstance vmExample = VmInstance.create(); vmExample.setNetworkConfig(VmNetworkConfig.exampleWithPrivateIp(ip)); return vmExample; } private void setBootRecord(VmBootRecord bootRecord) { this.bootRecord = bootRecord; } @TypeMapper public enum StatusTransform implements Function<VmInstance, InstanceStatusItemType> { INSTANCE; @Override public InstanceStatusItemType apply(final VmInstance instance) { final InstanceStatusItemType instanceStatusItemType = new InstanceStatusItemType(); final VmState displayState = instance.getDisplayState(); instanceStatusItemType.setInstanceId(instance.getInstanceId()); instanceStatusItemType.setAvailabilityZone(instance.getPlacement().getPartitionName()); final InstanceStateType state = new InstanceStateType(); state.setCode(displayState.getCode()); state.setName(displayState.getName()); instanceStatusItemType.setInstanceState(state); instanceStatusItemType.setInstanceStatus(buildStatus(displayState)); instanceStatusItemType.setSystemStatus(buildStatus(displayState)); return instanceStatusItemType; } private InstanceStatusType buildStatus(final VmState vmState) { final InstanceStatusType instanceStatus = new InstanceStatusType(); if (VmState.RUNNING == vmState) { final InstanceStatusDetailsSetItemType statusDetailsItem = new InstanceStatusDetailsSetItemType(); statusDetailsItem.setName("reachability"); statusDetailsItem.setStatus("passed"); final InstanceStatusDetailsSetType statusDetails = new InstanceStatusDetailsSetType(); statusDetails.getItem().add(statusDetailsItem); instanceStatus.setStatus("ok"); instanceStatus.setDetails(statusDetails); } else { instanceStatus.setStatus("not-applicable"); } return instanceStatus; } } public Boolean getMonitoring() { return this.getBootRecord().isMonitoring(); } public void startMigration() { this.runtimeState.startMigration(); } public void abortMigration() { this.runtimeState.abortMigration(); } public VmMigrationTask getMigrationTask() { return this.runtimeState.getMigrationTask(); } @PrePersist @PreUpdate private void updateGroups() { CollectionUtils.fluent(networkGroups) .transform(TypeMappers.lookup(NetworkGroup.class, NetworkGroupId.class)).copyInto(networkGroupIds); } private enum MetadataGroup implements Function<VmInstance, Map<String, String>> { Core { @Override public Map<String, String> apply(final VmInstance instance) { return addListingEntries(instance, instance.getCoreMetadataMap(), true); } }, BlockDeviceMapping("block-device-mapping") { @Override public Map<String, String> apply(final VmInstance instance) { return addListingEntries(instance.getBlockDeviceMappingMetadataMap()); } }, Iam("iam") { @Override public Map<String, String> apply(final VmInstance instance) { try { return metadataCache.get(new MetadataKey(instance.getId(), this), new Callable<ImmutableMap<String, String>>() { @Override public ImmutableMap<String, String> call() throws Exception { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(addListingEntries(instance.getIamMetadataMap())); } }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(e); // Cache load exception not expected } } @Override protected boolean isPresent(final VmInstance instance) { return !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(instance.getIamInstanceProfileArn()); } }, PublicKeys("public-keys") { @Override public Map<String, String> apply(final VmInstance instance) { return addListingEntries(instance.getPublicKeysMetadataMap()); } @Override protected boolean isPresent(final VmInstance instance) { return instance.bootRecord.getSshKeyPair() != null; } }; private final Optional<String> prefix; private MetadataGroup() { prefix = Optional.absent(); } private MetadataGroup(final String path) { prefix = Optional.of(path); } public boolean providesPath(final String path) { return prefix.transform(Functions.forPredicate(isPrefixOf(path))).or(Boolean.FALSE); } protected boolean isPresent(final VmInstance instance) { return true; } private static Map<String, String> addListingEntries(final Map<String, String> metadataMap) { return addListingEntries(null, metadataMap, false); } private static Map<String, String> addListingEntries(@Nullable final VmInstance instance, final Map<String, String> metadataMap, final boolean addRoots) { final TreeMultimap<String, String> listingMap = TreeMultimap.create(); final Splitter pathSplitter = Splitter.on('/'); final Joiner pathJoiner = Joiner.on('/'); for (final String path : metadataMap.keySet()) { final List<String> pathSegments = Lists.newArrayList(pathSplitter.split(path)); for (int i = 0; i < pathSegments.size(); i++) { listingMap.put(pathJoiner.join(pathSegments.subList(0, i)), pathSegments.get(i) + (i < pathSegments.size() - 1 ? "/" : "")); } } if (addRoots && instance != null) { for (MetadataGroup group : MetadataGroup.values()) { if (group.isPresent(instance) && group.prefix.isPresent()) { listingMap.put("", group.prefix.get() + "/"); } } } final Joiner listingJoiner = Joiner.on("\n"); for (final String key : listingMap.keySet()) { final Set<String> values = listingMap.get(key); final Iterator<String> valueIterator = values.iterator(); while (valueIterator.hasNext()) { final String value =; if (values.contains(value + "/")) valueIterator.remove(); } if (!metadataMap.containsKey(key)) { metadataMap.put(key, listingJoiner.join(values)); } else if (!metadataMap.containsKey(key + "/")) { metadataMap.put(key + "/", listingJoiner.join(values)); } } return metadataMap; } } private static final class MetadataKey { private final String id; // internal id private final MetadataGroup metadataGroup; private MetadataKey(final String id, final MetadataGroup metadataGroup) { = id; this.metadataGroup = metadataGroup; } @SuppressWarnings("RedundantIfStatement") @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final MetadataKey that = (MetadataKey) o; if (!id.equals( return false; if (metadataGroup != that.metadataGroup) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = id.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + metadataGroup.hashCode(); return result; } } @EntityUpgrade(entities = { VmInstance.class }, since = Version.v3_3_0, value = Eucalyptus.class) public enum VmInstanceUpgrade_3_3_0 implements Predicate<Class> { INSTANCE; private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(VmInstance.VmInstanceUpgrade_3_3_0.class); @Override public boolean apply(Class arg0) { EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(VmInstance.class); try { List<VmInstance> instances = Entities.query(new VmInstance()); for (VmInstance vm : instances) { if (vm.getBootRecord().getMachine() instanceof BlockStorageImageInfo) {"Upgrading bfebs VmInstance: " + vm.toString()); if (vm.getBootRecord().getEphemeralStorage().isEmpty()) {"Adding ephemeral disk at /dev/sdb"); vm.addEphemeralAttachment("/dev/sdb", "ephemeral0"); } // Pre 3.3 code allowed only one persistent volume i.e. the root volume. Check before upgrading if (vm.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes().size() == 1) { VmVolumeAttachment attachment = vm.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes().iterator() .next();"Found the only VmVolumeAttachment: " + attachment.toString());"Setting root device flag to true"); attachment.setIsRootDevice(Boolean.TRUE);"Changing the device name to /dev/sda"); attachment.setDevice("/dev/sda"); } else { // This should not be the case updating to 3.3 // If the instance has more or less than one persistent volume, iterate through them and update the one with device "/dev/sda1" for (VmVolumeAttachment attachment : vm.getBootRecord().getPersistentVolumes()) {"Found VmVolumeAttachment: " + attachment.toString()); if (attachment.getDevice().equalsIgnoreCase("/dev/sda1")) {"Setting root device flag to true"); attachment.setIsRootDevice(Boolean.TRUE);"Changing the device name from /dev/sda1 to /dev/sda"); attachment.setDevice("/dev/sda"); } } } } Entities.persist(vm); } db.commit(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error upgrading VmInstance: ", ex); db.rollback(); throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(ex); } } } }