Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015, 2016 Ether.Camp Inc. (US) * This file is part of Ethereum Harmony. * * Ethereum Harmony is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Ethereum Harmony is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Ethereum Harmony. If not, see <>. */ package com.ethercamp.harmony.jsonrpc; import com.ethercamp.harmony.keystore.Keystore; import com.ethercamp.harmony.util.ErrorCodes; import com.ethercamp.harmony.util.exception.HarmonyException; import; import; import; import lombok.NonNull; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import; import org.ethereum.config.CommonConfig; import org.ethereum.config.SystemProperties; import org.ethereum.core.*; import org.ethereum.crypto.ECKey; import org.ethereum.crypto.HashUtil; import org.ethereum.db.BlockStore; import org.ethereum.db.ByteArrayWrapper; import org.ethereum.core.TransactionInfo; import org.ethereum.db.TransactionStore; import org.ethereum.facade.Ethereum; import org.ethereum.listener.CompositeEthereumListener; import org.ethereum.listener.EthereumListenerAdapter; import org.ethereum.manager.WorldManager; import org.ethereum.mine.BlockMiner; import org.ethereum.mine.EthashAlgo; import org.ethereum.mine.MinerIfc; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.SolidityCompiler; import org.ethereum.sync.SyncManager; import org.ethereum.util.BuildInfo; import org.ethereum.util.ByteUtil; import org.ethereum.vm.DataWord; import org.ethereum.vm.LogInfo; import org.ethereum.vm.program.invoke.ProgramInvokeFactory; import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.*; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import static com.ethercamp.harmony.jsonrpc.TypeConverter.*; import static java.math.BigInteger.valueOf; import static org.ethereum.crypto.HashUtil.sha3; import static org.ethereum.util.ByteUtil.*; /** * @author Anton Nashatyrev */ @Slf4j(topic = "jsonrpc") @Service // renamed to not conflict with class from core // wait for core class to be removed public class EthJsonRpcImpl implements JsonRpc { private static final String BLOCK_LATEST = "latest"; private volatile String hashrate; public class BinaryCallArguments { public long nonce; public long gasPrice; public long gasLimit; public String toAddress; public String fromAddress; public long value; public byte[] data; public void setArguments(CallArguments args) throws Exception { nonce = 0; if (args.nonce != null && args.nonce.length() != 0) nonce = JSonHexToLong(args.nonce); gasPrice = 0; if (args.gasPrice != null && args.gasPrice.length() != 0) gasPrice = JSonHexToLong(args.gasPrice); gasLimit = 4_000_000; if (args.gas != null && args.gas.length() != 0) gasLimit = JSonHexToLong(args.gas); toAddress = null; if ( != null && ! toAddress = JSonHexToHex(; fromAddress = null; if (args.from != null && !args.from.isEmpty()) fromAddress = JSonHexToHex(args.from); value = 0; if (args.value != null && args.value.length() != 0) value = JSonHexToLong(args.value); data = null; if ( != null && != 0) data = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(; } } @Autowired Keystore keystore; @Autowired public WorldManager worldManager; @Autowired public Repository repository; @Autowired BlockchainImpl blockchain; @Autowired Ethereum eth; @Autowired PeerServer peerServer; @Autowired SyncManager syncManager; @Autowired TransactionStore txStore; @Autowired ChannelManager channelManager; @Autowired NodeManager nodeManager; @Autowired CompositeEthereumListener compositeEthereumListener; @Autowired BlockMiner blockMiner; @Autowired TransactionStore transactionStore; @Autowired PendingStateImpl pendingState; @Autowired SystemProperties config; @Autowired ConfigCapabilities configCapabilities; @Autowired BlockStore blockStore; @Autowired ProgramInvokeFactory programInvokeFactory; @Autowired CommonConfig commonConfig = CommonConfig.getDefault(); /** * Lowercase hex address as a key. */ Map<String, Account> unlockedAccounts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * State fields */ protected volatile long initialBlockNumber; AtomicInteger filterCounter = new AtomicInteger(1); Map<Integer, Filter> installedFilters = new Hashtable<>(); Map<ByteArrayWrapper, TransactionReceipt> pendingReceipts = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap<>(1024)); Map<ByteArrayWrapper, Block> miningBlocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); volatile Block miningBlock; volatile SettableFuture<MinerIfc.MiningResult> miningTask; final MinerIfc externalMiner = new MinerIfc() { @Override public ListenableFuture<MiningResult> mine(Block block) { miningBlock = block; miningTask = SettableFuture.create(); return miningTask; } @Override public boolean validate(BlockHeader blockHeader) { return false; } }; boolean minerInitialized = false; @PostConstruct private void init() { initialBlockNumber = blockchain.getBestBlock().getNumber(); compositeEthereumListener.addListener(new EthereumListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onBlock(Block block, List<TransactionReceipt> receipts) { for (Filter filter : installedFilters.values()) { filter.newBlockReceived(block); } } @Override public void onPendingTransactionsReceived(List<Transaction> transactions) { for (Filter filter : installedFilters.values()) { for (Transaction tx : transactions) { filter.newPendingTx(tx); } } } @Override public void onPendingTransactionUpdate(TransactionReceipt txReceipt, PendingTransactionState state, Block block) { ByteArrayWrapper txHashW = new ByteArrayWrapper(txReceipt.getTransaction().getHash()); if (state.isPending() || state == PendingTransactionState.DROPPED) { pendingReceipts.put(txHashW, txReceipt); } else { pendingReceipts.remove(txHashW); } } }); } private long JSonHexToLong(String x) throws Exception { if (!x.startsWith("0x")) throw new Exception("Incorrect hex syntax"); x = x.substring(2); return Long.parseLong(x, 16); } private int JSonHexToInt(String x) throws Exception { if (!x.startsWith("0x")) throw new Exception("Incorrect hex syntax"); x = x.substring(2); return Integer.parseInt(x, 16); } private String JSonHexToHex(String x) { if (!x.startsWith("0x")) throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect hex syntax"); x = x.substring(2); return x; } private Block getBlockByJSonHash(String blockHash) throws Exception { byte[] bhash = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(blockHash); return worldManager.getBlockchain().getBlockByHash(bhash); } private Block getByJsonBlockId(String id) { if ("earliest".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return blockchain.getBlockByNumber(0); } else if ("latest".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return blockchain.getBestBlock(); } else if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return null; } else { long blockNumber = StringHexToBigInteger(id).longValue(); return blockchain.getBlockByNumber(blockNumber); } } private Repository getRepoByJsonBlockId(String id) { if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return pendingState.getRepository(); } else { Block block = getByJsonBlockId(id); return this.repository.getSnapshotTo(block.getStateRoot()); } } private List<Transaction> getTransactionsByJsonBlockId(String id) { if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(id)) { return pendingState.getPendingTransactions(); } else { Block block = getByJsonBlockId(id); return block != null ? block.getTransactionsList() : null; } } /** * @param address * @return unlocked account with private key ready for signing tx * @throws RuntimeException if account is not unlocked or not found in keystore */ protected Account getAccountFromKeystore(String address) throws RuntimeException { if (address.indexOf("0x") == 0) { address = address.substring(2); } final Account account = unlockedAccounts.get(address.toLowerCase()); if (account != null) { return account; } if (keystore.hasStoredKey(address)) { throw new HarmonyException("Unlocked account is required. Account: " + address, ErrorCodes.ERROR__101_UNLOCK_ACCOUNT); } else { throw new HarmonyException("Key not found in keystore", ErrorCodes.ERROR__102_KEY_NOT_FOUND); } } protected Account importAccount(ECKey key, String password) { final Account account = new Account(); account.init(key); keystore.storeKey(key, password); return account; } public String web3_clientVersion() { Pattern shortVersion = Pattern.compile("(\\d\\.\\d).*"); Matcher matcher = shortVersion.matcher(System.getProperty("java.version")); matcher.matches(); return Arrays .asList("Harmony", "v" + config.projectVersion(), System.getProperty(""), "Java" +, config.projectVersionModifier() + "-" + BuildInfo.buildHash) .stream().collect(Collectors.joining("/")); } public String web3_sha3(String data) throws Exception { byte[] result = HashUtil.sha3(data.getBytes()); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(result); } public String net_version() { return eth_protocolVersion(); } public String net_peerCount() { int size = channelManager.getActivePeers().size(); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(size); } public boolean net_listening() { return peerServer.isListening(); } public String eth_protocolVersion() { return configCapabilities.getConfigCapabilities().stream().filter(p -> p.isEth()) .map(p -> ((Byte) p.getVersion()).intValue()).reduce(0, (state, v) -> Math.max(state, v)) .toString(); } public Object eth_syncing() { if (syncManager.isSyncDone()) { return false; } else { return new SyncingResult(TypeConverter.toJsonHex(initialBlockNumber), TypeConverter.toJsonHex(blockchain.getBestBlock().getNumber()), TypeConverter.toJsonHex(syncManager.getLastKnownBlockNumber())); } } public String eth_coinbase() { return toJsonHex(blockchain.getMinerCoinbase()); } public boolean eth_mining() { return blockMiner.isMining(); } public String eth_hashrate() { return hashrate; } public String eth_gasPrice() { return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(eth.getGasPrice()); } public String[] eth_accounts() { return personal_listAccounts(); } public String eth_blockNumber() { return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(blockchain.getBestBlock().getNumber()); } public String eth_getBalance(String address, String blockId) throws Exception { Objects.requireNonNull(address, "address is required"); blockId = blockId == null ? BLOCK_LATEST : blockId; byte[] addressAsByteArray = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(address); BigInteger balance = getRepoByJsonBlockId(blockId).getBalance(addressAsByteArray); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(balance); } public String eth_getLastBalance(String address) throws Exception { return eth_getBalance(address, BLOCK_LATEST); } @Override public String eth_getStorageAt(String address, String storageIdx, String blockId) throws Exception { byte[] addressAsByteArray = StringHexToByteArray(address); DataWord storageValue = getRepoByJsonBlockId(blockId).getStorageValue(addressAsByteArray, new DataWord(StringHexToByteArray(storageIdx))); return storageValue != null ? TypeConverter.toJsonHex(storageValue.getData()) : null; } @Override public String eth_getTransactionCount(String address, String blockId) throws Exception { byte[] addressAsByteArray = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(address); BigInteger nonce = getRepoByJsonBlockId(blockId).getNonce(addressAsByteArray); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(nonce); } public String eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash(String blockHash) throws Exception { Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); if (b == null) return null; long n = b.getTransactionsList().size(); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(n); } public String eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber(String bnOrId) throws Exception { List<Transaction> list = getTransactionsByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); if (list == null) return null; long n = list.size(); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(n); } public String eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash(String blockHash) throws Exception { Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); if (b == null) return null; long n = b.getUncleList().size(); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(n); } public String eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber(String bnOrId) throws Exception { Block b = getByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); if (b == null) return null; long n = b.getUncleList().size(); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(n); } public String eth_getCode(String address, String blockId) throws Exception { byte[] addressAsByteArray = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(address); byte[] code = getRepoByJsonBlockId(blockId).getCode(addressAsByteArray); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(code); } /** * Sign message hash with key to produce Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (ECDSA) signature. * * Note: implementation may be different to other Ethereum node implementations. * * @param address - address to sign. Account must be unlocked * @param messageHash - sha3 of message * @return ECDSA signature (in hex) * @throws Exception */ public String eth_sign(String address, String messageHash) throws Exception { String ha = JSonHexToHex(address); Account account = getAccountFromKeystore(ha); ECKey.ECDSASignature signature = account.getEcKey().sign(Hex.decode(JSonHexToHex(messageHash))); byte[] signatureBytes = toByteArray(signature); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(signatureBytes); } private byte[] toByteArray(ECKey.ECDSASignature signature) { final byte fixedV = signature.v >= 27 ? (byte) (signature.v - 27) : signature.v; return ByteUtil.merge(ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(signature.r), ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(signature.s), new byte[] { fixedV }); } public String eth_sendTransaction(CallArguments args) throws Exception { Account account = getAccountFromKeystore(JSonHexToHex(args.from)); return sendTransaction(args, account); } private String sendTransaction(CallArguments args, Account account) { if ( != null &&"0x")) =; // convert zero to empty byte array // TEMP, until decide for better behavior final BigInteger valueBigInt = args.value != null ? StringHexToBigInteger(args.value) : BigInteger.ZERO; final byte[] value = !valueBigInt.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) ? ByteUtil.bigIntegerToBytes(valueBigInt) : EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; final Transaction tx = new Transaction( args.nonce != null ? StringHexToByteArray(args.nonce) : bigIntegerToBytes(pendingState.getRepository().getNonce(account.getAddress())), args.gasPrice != null ? StringHexToByteArray(args.gasPrice) : ByteUtil.longToBytesNoLeadZeroes(eth.getGasPrice()), args.gas != null ? StringHexToByteArray(args.gas) : ByteUtil.longToBytes(90_000), != null ? StringHexToByteArray( : EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY, value, != null ? StringHexToByteArray( : EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); tx.sign(account.getEcKey()); validateAndSubmit(tx); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(tx.getHash()); } public String eth_sendTransactionArgs(String from, String to, String gas, String gasPrice, String value, String data, String nonce) throws Exception { final Account account = getAccountFromKeystore(from); return sendTransaction(new CallArguments(from, to, gas, gasPrice, value, data, nonce), account); } public String eth_sendRawTransaction(String rawData) throws Exception { Transaction tx = new Transaction(StringHexToByteArray(rawData)); tx.rlpParse(); validateAndSubmit(tx); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(tx.getHash()); } protected void validateAndSubmit(Transaction tx) { if (tx.getValue().length > 0 && tx.getValue()[0] == 0) { // zero value should be sent as empty byte array // otherwise tx will be accepted by core, but never included in block // throw new RuntimeException("Field 'value' should not have leading zero"); log.warn("Transaction might use incorrect zero value"); } eth.submitTransaction(tx); } protected TransactionReceipt createCallTxAndExecute(CallArguments args, Block block) throws Exception { Repository repository = ((Repository) worldManager.getRepository()).getSnapshotTo(block.getStateRoot()) .startTracking(); return createCallTxAndExecute(args, block, repository, worldManager.getBlockStore()); } protected TransactionReceipt createCallTxAndExecute(CallArguments args, Block block, Repository repository, BlockStore blockStore) throws Exception { BinaryCallArguments bca = new BinaryCallArguments(); bca.setArguments(args); Transaction rawTransaction = CallTransaction.createRawTransaction(0, bca.gasPrice, bca.gasLimit, bca.toAddress, bca.value,; LocalTransaction tx = new LocalTransaction(rawTransaction.getEncoded()); // handle from address without signing if (args.from != null) { tx.setSender(hexStringToBytes(args.from)); } else { // put mock signature if not present tx.sign(ECKey.fromPrivate(new byte[32])); } try { TransactionExecutor executor = commonConfig.transactionExecutor(tx, block.getCoinbase(), repository, blockStore, programInvokeFactory, block, new EthereumListenerAdapter(), 0).setLocalCall(true); executor.init(); executor.execute(); executor.go(); executor.finalization(); return executor.getReceipt(); } finally { repository.rollback(); } } public String eth_call(CallArguments args, String bnOrId) throws Exception { TransactionReceipt res; if ("pending".equals(bnOrId)) { Block pendingBlock = blockchain.createNewBlock(blockchain.getBestBlock(), pendingState.getPendingTransactions(), Collections.<BlockHeader>emptyList()); res = createCallTxAndExecute(args, pendingBlock, pendingState.getRepository(), worldManager.getBlockStore()); } else { res = createCallTxAndExecute(args, getByJsonBlockId(bnOrId)); } return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(res.getExecutionResult()); } public String eth_estimateGas(CallArguments args) throws Exception { TransactionReceipt res = createCallTxAndExecute(args, blockchain.getBestBlock()); return TypeConverter.toJsonHex(res.getGasUsed()); } protected BlockResult getBlockResult(Block block, boolean fullTx) { if (block == null) return null; boolean isPending = ByteUtil.byteArrayToLong(block.getNonce()) == 0; BlockResult br = new BlockResult(); br.number = isPending ? null : toJsonHex(block.getNumber()); br.hash = isPending ? null : toJsonHex(block.getHash()); br.parentHash = toJsonHex(block.getParentHash()); br.nonce = isPending ? null : toJsonHex(block.getNonce()); br.sha3Uncles = toJsonHex(block.getUnclesHash()); br.logsBloom = isPending ? null : toJsonHex(block.getLogBloom()); br.transactionsRoot = toJsonHex(block.getTxTrieRoot()); br.stateRoot = toJsonHex(block.getStateRoot()); br.receiptRoot = toJsonHex(block.getReceiptsRoot()); br.miner = isPending ? null : toJsonHex(block.getCoinbase()); br.difficulty = toJsonHex(block.getDifficultyBI()); br.totalDifficulty = toJsonHex(blockStore.getTotalDifficultyForHash(block.getHash())); if (block.getExtraData() != null) br.extraData = toJsonHex(block.getExtraData()); br.size = toJsonHex(block.getEncoded().length); br.gasLimit = toJsonHex(block.getGasLimit()); br.gasUsed = toJsonHex(block.getGasUsed()); br.timestamp = toJsonHex(block.getTimestamp()); List<Object> txes = new ArrayList<>(); if (fullTx) { for (int i = 0; i < block.getTransactionsList().size(); i++) { txes.add(new TransactionResultDTO(block, i, block.getTransactionsList().get(i))); } } else { for (Transaction tx : block.getTransactionsList()) { txes.add(toJsonHex(tx.getHash())); } } br.transactions = txes.toArray(); List<String> ul = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlockHeader header : block.getUncleList()) { ul.add(toJsonHex(header.getHash())); } br.uncles = ul.toArray(new String[ul.size()]); return br; } public BlockResult eth_getBlockByHash(String blockHash, Boolean fullTransactionObjects) throws Exception { final Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); return getBlockResult(b, fullTransactionObjects); } public BlockResult eth_getBlockByNumber(String bnOrId, Boolean fullTransactionObjects) throws Exception { final Block b; if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(bnOrId)) { b = blockchain.createNewBlock(blockchain.getBestBlock(), pendingState.getPendingTransactions(), Collections.<BlockHeader>emptyList()); } else { b = getByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); } return (b == null ? null : getBlockResult(b, fullTransactionObjects)); } public TransactionResultDTO eth_getTransactionByHash(String transactionHash) throws Exception { final byte[] txHash = StringHexToByteArray(transactionHash); final TransactionInfo txInfo = blockchain.getTransactionInfo(txHash); if (txInfo == null) { return null; } final Block block = blockchain.getBlockByHash(txInfo.getBlockHash()); // need to return txes only from main chain final Block mainBlock = blockchain.getBlockByNumber(block.getNumber()); if (!Arrays.equals(block.getHash(), mainBlock.getHash())) { return null; } txInfo.setTransaction(block.getTransactionsList().get(txInfo.getIndex())); return new TransactionResultDTO(block, txInfo.getIndex(), txInfo.getReceipt().getTransaction()); } public TransactionResultDTO eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(String blockHash, String index) throws Exception { Block b = getBlockByJSonHash(blockHash); if (b == null) return null; int idx = JSonHexToInt(index); if (idx >= b.getTransactionsList().size()) return null; Transaction tx = b.getTransactionsList().get(idx); return new TransactionResultDTO(b, idx, tx); } public TransactionResultDTO eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(String bnOrId, String index) throws Exception { Block b = getByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); List<Transaction> txs = getTransactionsByJsonBlockId(bnOrId); if (txs == null) return null; int idx = JSonHexToInt(index); if (idx >= txs.size()) return null; Transaction tx = txs.get(idx); return new TransactionResultDTO(b, idx, tx); } public TransactionReceiptDTO eth_getTransactionReceipt(String transactionHash) throws Exception { final byte[] hash = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(transactionHash); final TransactionInfo txInfo = blockchain.getTransactionInfo(hash); if (txInfo == null) return null; final Block block = blockchain.getBlockByHash(txInfo.getBlockHash()); final Block mainBlock = blockchain.getBlockByNumber(block.getNumber()); // need to return txes only from main chain if (!Arrays.equals(block.getHash(), mainBlock.getHash())) { return null; } return new TransactionReceiptDTO(block, txInfo); } @Override public TransactionReceiptDTOExt ethj_getTransactionReceipt(String transactionHash) throws Exception { byte[] hash = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(transactionHash); TransactionReceipt pendingReceipt = pendingReceipts.get(new ByteArrayWrapper(hash)); TransactionInfo txInfo; Block block; if (pendingReceipt != null) { txInfo = new TransactionInfo(pendingReceipt); block = null; } else { txInfo = blockchain.getTransactionInfo(hash); if (txInfo == null) return null; block = blockchain.getBlockByHash(txInfo.getBlockHash()); // need to return txes only from main chain Block mainBlock = blockchain.getBlockByNumber(block.getNumber()); if (!Arrays.equals(block.getHash(), mainBlock.getHash())) { return null; } } return new TransactionReceiptDTOExt(block, txInfo); } @Override public BlockResult eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(String blockHash, String uncleIdx) throws Exception { Block block = blockchain.getBlockByHash(StringHexToByteArray(blockHash)); if (block == null) return null; int idx = JSonHexToInt(uncleIdx); if (idx >= block.getUncleList().size()) return null; BlockHeader uncleHeader = block.getUncleList().get(idx); Block uncle = blockchain.getBlockByHash(uncleHeader.getHash()); if (uncle == null) { uncle = new Block(uncleHeader, Collections.<Transaction>emptyList(), Collections.<BlockHeader>emptyList()); } return getBlockResult(uncle, false); } @Override public BlockResult eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(String blockId, String uncleIdx) throws Exception { Block block = getByJsonBlockId(blockId); return block == null ? null : eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(toJsonHex(block.getHash()), uncleIdx); } @Override public String[] eth_getCompilers() { return new String[] { "solidity" }; } // @Override // public CompilationResult eth_compileLLL(String contract) { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LLL compiler not supported"); // } @Override public CompilationResult eth_compileSolidity(String contract) throws Exception { SolidityCompiler.Result res = SolidityCompiler.compile(contract.getBytes(), true, SolidityCompiler.Options.ABI, SolidityCompiler.Options.BIN, SolidityCompiler.Options.INTERFACE); if (res.isFailed()) { throw new RuntimeException("Compilation error: " + res.errors); } org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult result = org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult .parse(res.output); CompilationResult ret = new CompilationResult(); org.ethereum.solidity.compiler.CompilationResult.ContractMetadata contractMetadata = result.contracts .values().iterator().next(); ret.code = toJsonHex(contractMetadata.bin); = new CompilationInfo(); = contract; = "Solidity"; = "0"; = result.version; = new CallTransaction.Contract(contractMetadata.abi).functions; return ret; } // @Override // public CompilationResult eth_compileSerpent(String contract){ // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Serpent compiler not supported"); // } // // @Override // public String eth_resend() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method eth_resend not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String eth_pendingTransactions() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method eth_pendingTransactions not implemented yet"); // } static class Filter { static final int MAX_EVENT_COUNT = 1024; // prevent OOM when Filers are forgotten static abstract class FilterEvent { public abstract Object getJsonEventObject(); } List<FilterEvent> events = new LinkedList<>(); public synchronized boolean hasNew() { return !events.isEmpty(); } public synchronized Object[] poll() { Object[] ret = new Object[events.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { ret[i] = events.get(i).getJsonEventObject(); }; return ret; } protected synchronized void add(FilterEvent evt) { events.add(evt); if (events.size() > MAX_EVENT_COUNT) events.remove(0); } public void newBlockReceived(Block b) { } public void newPendingTx(Transaction tx) { } } static class NewBlockFilter extends Filter { class NewBlockFilterEvent extends FilterEvent { public final Block b; NewBlockFilterEvent(Block b) { this.b = b; } @Override public String getJsonEventObject() { return toJsonHex(b.getHash()); } } public void newBlockReceived(Block b) { add(new NewBlockFilterEvent(b)); } } static class PendingTransactionFilter extends Filter { class PendingTransactionFilterEvent extends FilterEvent { private final Transaction tx; PendingTransactionFilterEvent(Transaction tx) { this.tx = tx; } @Override public String getJsonEventObject() { return toJsonHex(tx.getHash()); } } public void newPendingTx(Transaction tx) { add(new PendingTransactionFilterEvent(tx)); } } class JsonLogFilter extends Filter { class LogFilterEvent extends FilterEvent { private final LogFilterElement el; LogFilterEvent(LogFilterElement el) { this.el = el; } @Override public LogFilterElement getJsonEventObject() { return el; } } LogFilter logFilter; boolean onNewBlock; boolean onPendingTx; public JsonLogFilter(LogFilter logFilter) { this.logFilter = logFilter; } void onLogMatch(LogInfo logInfo, Block b, int txIndex, Transaction tx, int logIdx) { add(new LogFilterEvent(new LogFilterElement(logInfo, b, txIndex, tx, logIdx))); } void onTransactionReceipt(TransactionReceipt receipt, Block b, int txIndex) { if (logFilter.matchBloom(receipt.getBloomFilter())) { int logIdx = 0; for (LogInfo logInfo : receipt.getLogInfoList()) { if (logFilter.matchBloom(logInfo.getBloom()) && logFilter.matchesExactly(logInfo)) { onLogMatch(logInfo, b, txIndex, receipt.getTransaction(), logIdx); } logIdx++; } } } void onTransaction(Transaction tx, Block b, int txIndex) { if (logFilter.matchesContractAddress(tx.getReceiveAddress())) { TransactionInfo txInfo = blockchain.getTransactionInfo(tx.getHash()); onTransactionReceipt(txInfo.getReceipt(), b, txIndex); } } void onBlock(Block b) { if (logFilter.matchBloom(new Bloom(b.getLogBloom()))) { int txIdx = 0; for (Transaction tx : b.getTransactionsList()) { onTransaction(tx, b, txIdx); txIdx++; } } } @Override public void newBlockReceived(Block b) { if (onNewBlock) onBlock(b); } @Override public void newPendingTx(Transaction tx) { // TODO add TransactionReceipt for PendingTx // if (onPendingTx) } } @Override public String eth_newFilter(FilterRequest fr) throws Exception { LogFilter logFilter = new LogFilter(); if (fr.address instanceof String) { logFilter.withContractAddress(StringHexToByteArray((String) fr.address)); } else if (fr.address instanceof String[]) { List<byte[]> addr = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : ((String[]) fr.address)) { addr.add(StringHexToByteArray(s)); } logFilter.withContractAddress(addr.toArray(new byte[0][])); } if (fr.topics != null) { for (Object topic : fr.topics) { if (topic == null) { logFilter.withTopic((byte[][]) null); } else if (topic instanceof String) { logFilter.withTopic(new DataWord(StringHexToByteArray((String) topic)).getData()); } else if (topic instanceof String[]) { List<byte[]> t = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : ((String[]) topic)) { t.add(new DataWord(StringHexToByteArray(s)).getData()); } logFilter.withTopic(t.toArray(new byte[0][])); } } } JsonLogFilter filter = new JsonLogFilter(logFilter); int id = filterCounter.getAndIncrement(); installedFilters.put(id, filter); final Block blockFrom = fr.fromBlock == null ? null : getByJsonBlockId(fr.fromBlock); Block blockTo = fr.toBlock == null ? null : getByJsonBlockId(fr.toBlock); if (blockFrom != null) { // need to add historical data blockTo = blockTo == null ? blockchain.getBestBlock() : blockTo; for (long blockNum = blockFrom.getNumber(); blockNum <= blockTo.getNumber(); blockNum++) { filter.onBlock(blockchain.getBlockByNumber(blockNum)); } } // the following is not precisely documented if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.fromBlock) || "pending".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.toBlock)) { filter.onPendingTx = true; } else if (fr.toBlock == null || "latest".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.fromBlock) || "latest".equalsIgnoreCase(fr.toBlock)) { filter.onNewBlock = true; } return toJsonHex(id); } @Override public String eth_newBlockFilter() { int id = filterCounter.getAndIncrement(); installedFilters.put(id, new NewBlockFilter()); return toJsonHex(id); } @Override public String eth_newPendingTransactionFilter() { int id = filterCounter.getAndIncrement(); installedFilters.put(id, new PendingTransactionFilter()); return toJsonHex(id); } @Override public boolean eth_uninstallFilter(String id) { if (id == null) return false; return installedFilters.remove(StringHexToBigInteger(id).intValue()) != null; } @Override public Object[] eth_getFilterChanges(String id) { Filter filter = installedFilters.get(StringHexToBigInteger(id).intValue()); if (filter == null) return null; return filter.poll(); } @Override public Object[] eth_getFilterLogs(String id) { log.debug("eth_getFilterLogs ..."); return eth_getFilterChanges(id); } @Override public Object[] eth_getLogs(FilterRequest filterRequest) throws Exception { log.debug("eth_getLogs ..."); String id = eth_newFilter(filterRequest); Object[] ret = eth_getFilterChanges(id); eth_uninstallFilter(id); return ret; } @Override public List<Object> eth_getWork() { if (!minerInitialized) { minerInitialized = true; // this should initialize miningBlock blockMiner.setExternalMiner(externalMiner); } final Block block = miningBlock; if (block == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Mining block is not ready"); } final EthashAlgo ethash = new EthashAlgo(); final byte[] blockHash = sha3(block.getHeader().getEncodedWithoutNonce()); final byte[] seedHash = ethash.getSeedHash(block.getNumber()); final BigInteger target = valueOf(2).pow(256).divide(block.getDifficultyBI()); miningBlocks.put(new ByteArrayWrapper(blockHash), block); return Arrays.asList(toJsonHex(blockHash), toJsonHex(seedHash), toJsonHex(target)); } @Override public boolean eth_submitWork(String nonceHex, String headerHex, String digestHex) throws Exception { try { final long nonce = TypeConverter.HexToLong(nonceHex); final byte[] digest = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(digestHex); final byte[] header = TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(headerHex); final Block block = miningBlocks.remove(new ByteArrayWrapper(header)); if (block != null && miningTask != null) { block.setNonce(longToBytes(nonce)); block.setMixHash(digest); miningTask.set(new MinerIfc.MiningResult(nonce, digest, block)); miningTask = null; return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("eth_submitWork", e); return false; } } @Override public boolean eth_submitHashrate(String hashrate, String id) { this.hashrate = hashrate; return true; } // // @Override // public String db_putString() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method db_putString not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String db_getString() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method db_getString not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String db_putHex() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method db_putHex not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String db_getHex() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method db_getHex not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_post() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_post not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_version() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_version not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_newIdentity() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_newIdentity not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_hasIdentity() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_hasIdentity not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_newGroup() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_newGroup not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_addToGroup() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_addToGroup not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_newFilter() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_newFilter not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_uninstallFilter() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_uninstallFilter not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_getFilterChanges() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_getFilterChanges not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String shh_getMessages() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method shh_getMessages not implemented yet"); // } // @Override public boolean admin_addPeer(String enodeUrl) { final Node node = new Node(enodeUrl); eth.connect(node); nodeManager.getNodeHandler(node).getNodeStatistics().setPredefined(true); return true; } // // @Override // public String admin_exportChain() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_exportChain not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_importChain() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_importChain not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_sleepBlocks() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_sleepBlocks not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_verbosity() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_verbosity not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_setSolc() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_setSolc not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_startRPC() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_startRPC not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_stopRPC() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_stopRPC not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_setGlobalRegistrar() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_setGlobalRegistrar not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_setHashReg() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_setHashReg not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_setUrlHint() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_setUrlHint not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_saveInfo() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_saveInfo not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_register() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_register not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_registerUrl() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_registerUrl not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_startNatSpec() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_startNatSpec not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_stopNatSpec() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_stopNatSpec not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_getContractInfo() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_getContractInfo not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String admin_httpGet() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_httpGet not implemented yet"); // } // @Override public Map<String, ?> admin_nodeInfo() throws Exception { final String nodeId = Hex.toHexString(config.nodeId()); final String listenAddr = config.bindIp() + ":" + config.listenPort(); final BlockResult lastBlock = eth_getBlockByNumber("latest", false); final HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(); result.put("id", nodeId); result.put("name", web3_clientVersion()); result.put("enode", "enode://" + nodeId + "@" + listenAddr); result.put("ip", config.bindIp()); result.put("ports", ImmutableMap.of("discovery", config.listenPort(), "listener", config.listenPort())); result.put("listenAddr", listenAddr); result.put("protocols", ImmutableMap.of("eth", ImmutableMap.of("network", config.getProperty("peer.networkId", "undefined"), "difficulty", lastBlock.totalDifficulty, "genesis", toJsonHex(config.getGenesis().getHash()), "head", lastBlock.hash))); return result; } @Override public List<Map<String, ?>> admin_peers() { return channelManager.getActivePeers().stream() .map(c -> ImmutableMap.of("id", toJsonHex(c.getNodeId()), "name", toJsonHex(c.getNodeStatistics().getClientId()), "caps", c.getNodeStatistics() -> c != null) .map(cap -> StringUtils.capitalize(cap.getName()) + "/" + cap.getVersion()) .collect(Collectors.toList()), "network", ImmutableMap.of( // TODO put local port which initiated connection "localAddress", config.bindIp() + ":" + c.getInetSocketAddress().getPort(), "remoteAddress", c.getNode().getHost() + ":" + c.getNode().getPort(), "hostname", c.getInetSocketAddress().getHostName(), "protocols", Optional.ofNullable(c.getEthHandler()).map(ethHandler -> ImmutableMap.of("eth", ImmutableMap.of("version", c.getEthVersion().getCode(), "difficulty", toJsonHex(ethHandler.getTotalDifficulty()), "head", Optional.ofNullable(ethHandler.getBestKnownBlock()) .map(block -> toJsonHex( ethHandler.getBestKnownBlock().getHash())) .orElse(null)))) .orElse(null)))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } // // @Override // public String admin_datadir() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method admin_datadir not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String net_addPeer() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method net_addPeer not implemented yet"); // } @Override public boolean miner_start() {"miner_start requested. MaxMemory: " + Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()); final long requiredMemoryBytes = 2000L << 20; // ~2G if (config.isMineFullDataset() && Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() < requiredMemoryBytes) { final String errorMessage = "Not enough JVM heap (" + (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() >> 20) + "Mb) to generate DAG for mining (DAG requires min 1G). It is recommended to set -Xmx3G JVM option"; log.error(errorMessage); throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage); } blockMiner.startMining(); return true; } @Override public boolean miner_stop() { blockMiner.stopMining(); return true; } @Override public boolean miner_setEtherbase(String coinBase) throws Exception { blockchain.setMinerCoinbase(TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(coinBase)); return true; } @Override public boolean miner_setExtra(String data) throws Exception { blockchain.setMinerExtraData(TypeConverter.StringHexToByteArray(data)); return true; } @Override public boolean miner_setGasPrice(String newMinGasPrice) { blockMiner.setMinGasPrice(TypeConverter.StringHexToBigInteger(newMinGasPrice)); return true; } // @Override // public boolean miner_startAutoDAG() { // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean miner_stopAutoDAG() { // return false; // } // // @Override // public boolean miner_makeDAG() { // return false; // } // // @Override // public String miner_hashrate() { // return "0x01"; // } // @Override // public String debug_printBlock() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method debug_printBlock not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String debug_getBlockRlp() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method debug_getBlockRlp not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String debug_setHead() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method debug_setHead not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String debug_processBlock() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method debug_processBlock not implemented yet"); // } // @Override // public String debug_seedHash() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method debug_seedHash not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String debug_dumpBlock() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method debug_dumpBlock not implemented yet"); // } // // @Override // public String debug_metrics() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("JSON RPC method debug_metrics not implemented yet"); // } @Override public String personal_newAccount(@NonNull String password) { log.debug("personal_newAccount(...)"); // generate new private key ECKey key = new ECKey(); Account account = importAccount(key, password); return toJsonHex(account.getAddress()); } public String personal_importRawKey(String keydata, String passphrase) { log.debug("personal_importRawKey(...)"); Objects.requireNonNull(keydata, "keydata is required"); Objects.requireNonNull(passphrase, "passphrase is required"); Account account = importAccount(ECKey.fromPrivate(Hex.decode(keydata)), passphrase); return toJsonHex(account.getAddress()); } @Override public boolean personal_unlockAccount(String address, String password, String duration) {"personal_unlockAccount(" + address + ", ...)"); Objects.requireNonNull(address, "address is required"); Objects.requireNonNull(password, "password is required"); final ECKey key = keystore.loadStoredKey(JSonHexToHex(address).toLowerCase(), password); if (key != null) {"Found key address is " + Hex.toHexString(key.getAddress())); final Account account = new Account(); account.init(key);"Found account address is " + Hex.toHexString(account.getAddress())); unlockedAccounts.put(Hex.toHexString(account.getAddress()).toLowerCase(), account); return true; } else { // we can return false or send description message with exception // prefer exception for now throw new RuntimeException("No key was found in keystore for account: " + address); } } @Override public boolean personal_lockAccount(String address) { Objects.requireNonNull(address, "address is required"); unlockedAccounts.remove(address.toLowerCase()); return true; } @Override public String[] personal_listAccounts() { return keystore.listStoredKeys(); } @Override public String personal_signAndSendTransaction(CallArguments tx, String password) { final ECKey key = keystore.loadStoredKey(JSonHexToHex(tx.from).toLowerCase(), password); if (key != null) { final Account account = new Account(); account.init(key); return sendTransaction(tx, account); } else { // we can return false or send description message with exception // prefer exception for now throw new RuntimeException("No key was found in keystore for account: " + JSonHexToHex(tx.from)); } } /** * List method names for client side terminal competition. * @return array in format: `["methodName arg1 arg2", "methodName2"]` */ @Override public String[] ethj_listAvailableMethods() { final Set<String> ignore = Arrays.asList(Object.class.getMethods()).stream().map(method -> method.getName()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return Arrays.asList(EthJsonRpcImpl.class.getMethods()).stream() .filter(method -> Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) .filter(method -> !ignore.contains(method.getName())).map(method -> { List<String> params = Arrays.asList(method.getParameters()).stream() .map(parameter -> parameter.isNamePresent() ? parameter.getName() : parameter.getType().getSimpleName()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); params.add(0, method.getName()); return" ")); }).sorted(String::compareTo).toArray(size -> new String[size]); } }