Java tutorial
/************************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008 EsperTech, Inc. All rights reserved. * * * * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license * * a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file. * **************************************************************************************/ package com.espertech.esper.core; import com.espertech.esper.client.*; import com.espertech.esper.client.annotation.Hint; import com.espertech.esper.client.annotation.Name; import com.espertech.esper.client.soda.EPStatementObjectModel; import com.espertech.esper.collection.Pair; import com.espertech.esper.epl.annotation.AnnotationUtil; import com.espertech.esper.epl.core.MethodResolutionService; import com.espertech.esper.epl.core.StreamTypeService; import com.espertech.esper.epl.core.StreamTypeServiceImpl; import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.*; import com.espertech.esper.epl.named.NamedWindowService; import com.espertech.esper.epl.spec.*; import com.espertech.esper.event.EventAdapterService; import com.espertech.esper.event.EventTypeSPI; import com.espertech.esper.event.NativeEventType; import; import com.espertech.esper.filter.FilterSpecCompiled; import com.espertech.esper.filter.FilterSpecParam; import com.espertech.esper.pattern.EvalFilterNode; import com.espertech.esper.pattern.EvalNodeAnalysisResult; import com.espertech.esper.pattern.EvalNodeUtil; import com.espertech.esper.util.ManagedReadWriteLock; import com.espertech.esper.util.UuidGenerator; import com.espertech.esper.view.ViewProcessingException; import com.espertech.esper.view.Viewable; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; /** * Provides statement lifecycle services. */ public class StatementLifecycleSvcImpl implements StatementLifecycleSvc { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StatementLifecycleSvcImpl.class); /** * Services context for statement lifecycle management. */ protected final EPServicesContext services; /** * Maps of statement id to descriptor. */ protected final Map<String, EPStatementDesc> stmtIdToDescMap; /** * Map of statement name to statement. */ protected final Map<String, EPStatement> stmtNameToStmtMap; private final EPServiceProviderSPI epServiceProvider; private final ManagedReadWriteLock eventProcessingRWLock; private final Map<String, String> stmtNameToIdMap; // Observers to statement-related events private final Set<StatementLifecycleObserver> observers; /** * Ctor. * @param epServiceProvider is the engine instance to hand to statement-aware listeners * @param services is engine services */ public StatementLifecycleSvcImpl(EPServiceProvider epServiceProvider, EPServicesContext services) { = services; this.epServiceProvider = (EPServiceProviderSPI) epServiceProvider; // lock for starting and stopping statements this.eventProcessingRWLock = services.getEventProcessingRWLock(); this.stmtIdToDescMap = new HashMap<String, EPStatementDesc>(); this.stmtNameToStmtMap = new HashMap<String, EPStatement>(); this.stmtNameToIdMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); observers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<StatementLifecycleObserver>(); } public void addObserver(StatementLifecycleObserver observer) { observers.add(observer); } public void removeObserver(StatementLifecycleObserver observer) { observers.remove(observer); } public void destroy() { this.destroyAllStatements(); } public void init() { // called after services are activated, to begin statement loading from store } public synchronized EPStatement createAndStart(StatementSpecRaw statementSpec, String expression, boolean isPattern, String optStatementName, Object userObject, EPIsolationUnitServices isolationUnitServices, String statementId, EPStatementObjectModel optionalModel) { String assignedStatementId = statementId; if (assignedStatementId == null) { assignedStatementId = UuidGenerator.generate(); } EPStatementDesc desc = createStoppedAssignName(statementSpec, expression, isPattern, optStatementName, assignedStatementId, null, userObject, isolationUnitServices, optionalModel); start(statementId, desc, true, false, false); return desc.getEpStatement(); } /** * Creates and starts statement. * @param statementSpec defines the statement * @param expression is the EPL * @param isPattern is true for patterns * @param optStatementName is the optional statement name * @param statementId is the statement id * @param optAdditionalContext additional context for use by the statement context * @param userObject the application define user object associated to each statement, if supplied * @param isolationUnitServices isolated service services * @return started statement */ protected synchronized EPStatementDesc createStoppedAssignName(StatementSpecRaw statementSpec, String expression, boolean isPattern, String optStatementName, String statementId, Map<String, Object> optAdditionalContext, Object userObject, EPIsolationUnitServices isolationUnitServices, EPStatementObjectModel optionalModel) { boolean nameProvided = false; String statementName = statementId; // find name annotation if (optStatementName == null) { if ((statementSpec.getAnnotations() != null) && (!statementSpec.getAnnotations().isEmpty())) { for (AnnotationDesc desc : statementSpec.getAnnotations()) { if ((desc.getName().equals(Name.class.getSimpleName())) || (desc.getName().equals(Name.class.getName()))) { if (desc.getAttributes().get(0) != null) { optStatementName = desc.getAttributes().get(0).getSecond().toString(); } } } } } // Determine a statement name, i.e. use the id or use/generate one for the name passed in if (optStatementName != null) { statementName = getUniqueStatementName(optStatementName, statementId); nameProvided = true; } return createStopped(statementSpec, expression, isPattern, statementName, nameProvided, statementId, optAdditionalContext, userObject, isolationUnitServices, false, optionalModel); } /** * Create stopped statement. * @param statementSpec - statement definition * @param expression is the expression text * @param isPattern is true for patterns, false for non-patterns * @param statementName is the statement name assigned or given * @param statementId is the statement id * @param optAdditionalContext additional context for use by the statement context * @param userObject the application define user object associated to each statement, if supplied * @param isolationUnitServices isolated service services * @param isFailed to start the statement in failed state * @param nameProvided true when an explicit statement name is provided * @return stopped statement */ protected synchronized EPStatementDesc createStopped(StatementSpecRaw statementSpec, String expression, boolean isPattern, String statementName, boolean nameProvided, String statementId, Map<String, Object> optAdditionalContext, Object userObject, EPIsolationUnitServices isolationUnitServices, boolean isFailed, EPStatementObjectModel optionalModel) { EPStatementDesc statementDesc; EPStatementStartMethod startMethod; Annotation[] annotations = AnnotationUtil.compileAnnotations(statementSpec.getAnnotations(), services.getEngineImportService(), expression); if (annotations != null) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof Hint) { statementSpec.setHasVariables(true); } } } String optionalCreateNamedWindowName = statementSpec.getCreateWindowDesc() != null ? statementSpec.getCreateWindowDesc().getWindowName() : null; StatementContext statementContext = services.getStatementContextFactory().makeContext(statementId, statementName, expression, statementSpec.isHasVariables(), services, optAdditionalContext, statementSpec.getOnTriggerDesc(), statementSpec.getCreateWindowDesc(), false, annotations, isolationUnitServices, optionalCreateNamedWindowName); StatementSpecCompiled compiledSpec; try { compiledSpec = compile(statementSpec, expression, statementContext, false, annotations); } catch (EPStatementException ex) { stmtNameToIdMap.remove(statementName); // Clean out the statement name as it's already assigned throw ex; } // For insert-into streams, create a lock taken out as soon as an event is inserted // Makes the processing between chained statements more predictable. if (statementSpec.getInsertIntoDesc() != null || statementSpec.getOnTriggerDesc() instanceof OnTriggerMergeDesc) { String insertIntoStreamName = null; if (statementSpec.getInsertIntoDesc() != null) { insertIntoStreamName = statementSpec.getInsertIntoDesc().getEventTypeName(); } else { insertIntoStreamName = "merge"; } String latchFactoryNameBack = "insert_stream_B_" + insertIntoStreamName + "_" + statementId; String latchFactoryNameFront = "insert_stream_F_" + insertIntoStreamName + "_" + statementId; long msecTimeout = services.getEngineSettingsService().getEngineSettings().getThreading() .getInsertIntoDispatchTimeout(); ConfigurationEngineDefaults.Threading.Locking locking = services.getEngineSettingsService() .getEngineSettings().getThreading().getInsertIntoDispatchLocking(); InsertIntoLatchFactory latchFactoryFront = new InsertIntoLatchFactory(latchFactoryNameFront, msecTimeout, locking, services.getTimeSource()); InsertIntoLatchFactory latchFactoryBack = new InsertIntoLatchFactory(latchFactoryNameBack, msecTimeout, locking, services.getTimeSource()); statementContext.getEpStatementHandle().setInsertIntoFrontLatchFactory(latchFactoryFront); statementContext.getEpStatementHandle().setInsertIntoBackLatchFactory(latchFactoryBack); } // In a join statements if the same event type or it's deep super types are used in the join more then once, // then this is a self-join and the statement handle must know to dispatch the results together boolean canSelfJoin = isPotentialSelfJoin(compiledSpec); statementContext.getEpStatementHandle().setCanSelfJoin(canSelfJoin); // add statically typed event type references: those in the from clause; Dynamic (created) types collected by statement context and added on start services.getStatementEventTypeRefService().addReferences(statementName, compiledSpec.getEventTypeReferences()); // add variable references services.getStatementVariableRefService().addReferences(statementName, compiledSpec.getVariableReferences()); // create metadata StatementMetadata statementMetadata = services.getStatementMetadataFactory() .create(new StatementMetadataFactoryContext(statementName, statementId, statementContext, statementSpec, expression, isPattern, optionalModel)); eventProcessingRWLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { // create statement - may fail for parser and simple validation errors boolean preserveDispatchOrder = services.getEngineSettingsService().getEngineSettings().getThreading() .isListenerDispatchPreserveOrder(); boolean isSpinLocks = services.getEngineSettingsService().getEngineSettings().getThreading() .getListenerDispatchLocking() == ConfigurationEngineDefaults.Threading.Locking.SPIN; long blockingTimeout = services.getEngineSettingsService().getEngineSettings().getThreading() .getListenerDispatchTimeout(); long timeLastStateChange = services.getSchedulingService().getTime(); EPStatementSPI statement = new EPStatementImpl(statementId, statementName, expression, statementSpec.getExpressionNoAnnotations(), isPattern, services.getDispatchService(), this, timeLastStateChange, preserveDispatchOrder, isSpinLocks, blockingTimeout, services.getTimeSource(), statementMetadata, userObject, compiledSpec.getAnnotations(), statementContext, isFailed, nameProvided); boolean isInsertInto = statementSpec.getInsertIntoDesc() != null; boolean isDistinct = statementSpec.getSelectClauseSpec().isDistinct(); boolean isForClause = statementSpec.getForClauseSpec() != null; statementContext.getStatementResultService().setContext(statement, epServiceProvider, isInsertInto, isPattern, isDistinct, isForClause, statementContext.getEpStatementHandle().getMetricsHandle()); // create start method startMethod = new EPStatementStartMethod(compiledSpec, services, statementContext); // keep track of the insert-into statements supplying streams. // these may need to lock to get more predictable behavior for multithreaded processing. String insertIntoStreamName = null; if (statementSpec.getInsertIntoDesc() != null) { insertIntoStreamName = statementSpec.getInsertIntoDesc().getEventTypeName(); } statementDesc = new EPStatementDesc(statement, startMethod, null, null, insertIntoStreamName, statementContext.getEpStatementHandle(), statementContext); stmtIdToDescMap.put(statementId, statementDesc); stmtNameToStmtMap.put(statementName, statement); stmtNameToIdMap.put(statementName, statementId); dispatchStatementLifecycleEvent( new StatementLifecycleEvent(statement, StatementLifecycleEvent.LifecycleEventType.CREATE)); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { stmtIdToDescMap.remove(statementId); stmtNameToIdMap.remove(statementName); stmtNameToStmtMap.remove(statementName); throw ex; } finally { eventProcessingRWLock.releaseWriteLock(); } return statementDesc; } private boolean isPotentialSelfJoin(StatementSpecCompiled spec) { // if order-by is specified, ans since multiple output rows may produce, ensure dispatch if (!spec.getOrderByList().isEmpty()) { return true; } for (StreamSpecCompiled streamSpec : spec.getStreamSpecs()) { if (streamSpec instanceof PatternStreamSpecCompiled) { return true; } } // not a self join if ((spec.getStreamSpecs().size() <= 1) && (spec.getSubSelectExpressions().isEmpty())) { return false; } // join - determine types joined List<EventType> filteredTypes = new ArrayList<EventType>(); // consider subqueryes Set<EventType> optSubselectTypes = populateSubqueryTypes(spec.getSubSelectExpressions()); boolean hasFilterStream = false; for (StreamSpecCompiled streamSpec : spec.getStreamSpecs()) { if (streamSpec instanceof FilterStreamSpecCompiled) { EventType type = ((FilterStreamSpecCompiled) streamSpec).getFilterSpec().getFilterForEventType(); filteredTypes.add(type); hasFilterStream = true; } } if ((filteredTypes.size() == 1) && (optSubselectTypes.isEmpty())) { return false; } // pattern-only streams are not self-joins if (!hasFilterStream) { return false; } // is type overlap in filters for (int i = 0; i < filteredTypes.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < filteredTypes.size(); j++) { EventType typeOne = filteredTypes.get(i); EventType typeTwo = filteredTypes.get(j); if (typeOne == typeTwo) { return true; } if (typeOne.getSuperTypes() != null) { for (EventType typeOneSuper : typeOne.getSuperTypes()) { if (typeOneSuper == typeTwo) { return true; } } } if (typeTwo.getSuperTypes() != null) { for (EventType typeTwoSuper : typeTwo.getSuperTypes()) { if (typeOne == typeTwoSuper) { return true; } } } } } // analyze subselect types if (!optSubselectTypes.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < filteredTypes.size(); i++) { EventType typeOne = filteredTypes.get(i); if (optSubselectTypes.contains(typeOne)) { return true; } if (typeOne.getSuperTypes() != null) { for (EventType typeOneSuper : typeOne.getSuperTypes()) { if (optSubselectTypes.contains(typeOneSuper)) { return true; } } } } } return false; } private Set<EventType> populateSubqueryTypes(List<ExprSubselectNode> subSelectExpressions) { Set<EventType> set = null; for (ExprSubselectNode subselect : subSelectExpressions) { for (StreamSpecCompiled streamSpec : subselect.getStatementSpecCompiled().getStreamSpecs()) { if (streamSpec instanceof FilterStreamSpecCompiled) { EventType type = ((FilterStreamSpecCompiled) streamSpec).getFilterSpec() .getFilterForEventType(); if (set == null) { set = new HashSet<EventType>(); } set.add(type); } else if (streamSpec instanceof PatternStreamSpecCompiled) { EvalNodeAnalysisResult evalNodeAnalysisResult = EvalNodeUtil .recursiveAnalyzeChildNodes(((PatternStreamSpecCompiled) streamSpec).getEvalNode()); List<EvalFilterNode> filterNodes = evalNodeAnalysisResult.getFilterNodes(); for (EvalFilterNode filterNode : filterNodes) { if (set == null) { set = new HashSet<EventType>(); } set.add(filterNode.getFilterSpec().getFilterForEventType()); } } } } if (set == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } return set; } public synchronized void start(String statementId) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(".start Starting statement " + statementId); } // Acquire a lock for event processing as threads may be in the views used by the statement // and that could conflict with the destroy of views eventProcessingRWLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { EPStatementDesc desc = stmtIdToDescMap.get(statementId); if (desc == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot start statement, statement is in destroyed state"); } startInternal(statementId, desc, false, false, false); } finally { eventProcessingRWLock.releaseWriteLock(); } } /** * Start the given statement. * @param statementId is the statement id * @param desc is the cached statement info * @param isNewStatement indicator whether the statement is new or a stop-restart statement * @param isRecoveringStatement if the statement is recovering or new * @param isResilient true if recovering a resilient stmt */ public void start(String statementId, EPStatementDesc desc, boolean isNewStatement, boolean isRecoveringStatement, boolean isResilient) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(".start Starting statement " + statementId + " from desc=" + desc); } // Acquire a lock for event processing as threads may be in the views used by the statement // and that could conflict with the destroy of views eventProcessingRWLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { startInternal(statementId, desc, isNewStatement, isRecoveringStatement, isResilient); } finally { eventProcessingRWLock.releaseWriteLock(); } } private void startInternal(String statementId, EPStatementDesc desc, boolean isNewStatement, boolean isRecoveringStatement, boolean isResilient) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(".startInternal Starting statement " + statementId + " from desc=" + desc); } if (desc.getStartMethod() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Statement start method not found for id " + statementId); } EPStatementSPI statement = desc.getEpStatement(); if (statement.getState() == EPStatementState.STARTED) { log.debug(".startInternal - Statement already started"); return; } EPStatementStartResult startResult; try { startResult = desc.getStartMethod().start(isNewStatement, isRecoveringStatement, isResilient); } catch (EPStatementException ex) { handleRemove(statementId, statement.getName()); log.debug(".start Error starting statement", ex); throw ex; } catch (ExprValidationException ex) { handleRemove(statementId, statement.getName()); log.debug(".start Error starting statement", ex); throw new EPStatementException("Error starting statement: " + ex.getMessage(), ex, statement.getText()); } catch (ViewProcessingException ex) { handleRemove(statementId, statement.getName()); log.debug(".start Error starting statement", ex); throw new EPStatementException("Error starting statement: " + ex.getMessage(), ex, statement.getText()); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { stmtIdToDescMap.remove(statementId); stmtNameToIdMap.remove(statement.getName()); stmtNameToStmtMap.remove(statement.getName()); log.debug(".start Error starting statement", ex); throw new EPStatementException("Unexpected exception starting statement: " + ex.getMessage(), ex, statement.getText()); } // add statically typed event type references: those in the from clause; Dynamic (created) types collected by statement context and added on start services.getStatementEventTypeRefService().addReferences(desc.getEpStatement().getName(), desc.getStatementContext().getDynamicReferenceEventTypes()); // hook up Viewable parentView = startResult.getViewable(); desc.setStopMethod(startResult.getStopMethod()); desc.setDestroyMethod(startResult.getDestroyMethod()); statement.setParentView(parentView); long timeLastStateChange = services.getSchedulingService().getTime(); statement.setCurrentState(EPStatementState.STARTED, timeLastStateChange); dispatchStatementLifecycleEvent( new StatementLifecycleEvent(statement, StatementLifecycleEvent.LifecycleEventType.STATECHANGE)); } private void handleRemove(String statementId, String statementName) { stmtIdToDescMap.remove(statementId); stmtNameToIdMap.remove(statementName); stmtNameToStmtMap.remove(statementName); services.getStatementEventTypeRefService().removeReferencesStatement(statementName); } public synchronized void stop(String statementId) { // Acquire a lock for event processing as threads may be in the views used by the statement // and that could conflict with the destroy of views eventProcessingRWLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { EPStatementDesc desc = stmtIdToDescMap.get(statementId); if (desc == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot stop statement, statement is in destroyed state"); } EPStatementSPI statement = desc.getEpStatement(); EPStatementStopMethod stopMethod = desc.getStopMethod(); if (stopMethod == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Stop method not found for statement " + statementId); } if (statement.getState() == EPStatementState.STOPPED) { log.debug(".startInternal - Statement already stopped"); return; } stopMethod.stop(); statement.setParentView(null); desc.setStopMethod(null); long timeLastStateChange = services.getSchedulingService().getTime(); statement.setCurrentState(EPStatementState.STOPPED, timeLastStateChange); dispatchStatementLifecycleEvent( new StatementLifecycleEvent(statement, StatementLifecycleEvent.LifecycleEventType.STATECHANGE)); } finally { eventProcessingRWLock.releaseWriteLock(); } } public synchronized void destroy(String statementId) { // Acquire a lock for event processing as threads may be in the views used by the statement // and that could conflict with the destroy of views eventProcessingRWLock.acquireWriteLock(); try { EPStatementDesc desc = stmtIdToDescMap.get(statementId); if (desc == null) { log.debug(".startInternal - Statement already destroyed"); return; } // remove referenced event types services.getStatementEventTypeRefService().removeReferencesStatement(desc.getEpStatement().getName()); // remove referenced variabkes services.getStatementVariableRefService().removeReferencesStatement(desc.getEpStatement().getName()); // remove the named window lock services.getNamedWindowService().removeNamedWindowLock(desc.getEpStatement().getName()); EPStatementSPI statement = desc.getEpStatement(); if (statement.getState() == EPStatementState.STARTED) { EPStatementStopMethod stopMethod = desc.getStopMethod(); statement.setParentView(null); stopMethod.stop(); } if (desc.getDestroyMethod() != null) { desc.getDestroyMethod().destroy(); } long timeLastStateChange = services.getSchedulingService().getTime(); statement.setCurrentState(EPStatementState.DESTROYED, timeLastStateChange); stmtNameToStmtMap.remove(statement.getName()); stmtNameToIdMap.remove(statement.getName()); stmtIdToDescMap.remove(statementId); dispatchStatementLifecycleEvent( new StatementLifecycleEvent(statement, StatementLifecycleEvent.LifecycleEventType.STATECHANGE)); } finally { eventProcessingRWLock.releaseWriteLock(); } } public synchronized EPStatement getStatementByName(String name) { return stmtNameToStmtMap.get(name); } /** * Returns the statement given a statement id. * @param id is the statement id * @return statement */ public EPStatementSPI getStatementById(String id) { EPStatementDesc statementDesc = this.stmtIdToDescMap.get(id); if (statementDesc == null) { log.warn("Could not locate statement descriptor for statement id '" + id + "'"); return null; } return statementDesc.getEpStatement(); } public synchronized String[] getStatementNames() { String[] statements = new String[stmtNameToStmtMap.size()]; int count = 0; for (String key : stmtNameToStmtMap.keySet()) { statements[count++] = key; } return statements; } public synchronized void startAllStatements() throws EPException { String[] statementIds = getStatementIds(); for (int i = 0; i < statementIds.length; i++) { EPStatement statement = stmtIdToDescMap.get(statementIds[i]).getEpStatement(); if (statement.getState() == EPStatementState.STOPPED) { start(statementIds[i]); } } } public synchronized void stopAllStatements() throws EPException { String[] statementIds = getStatementIds(); for (int i = 0; i < statementIds.length; i++) { EPStatement statement = stmtIdToDescMap.get(statementIds[i]).getEpStatement(); if (statement.getState() == EPStatementState.STARTED) { stop(statementIds[i]); } } } public synchronized void destroyAllStatements() throws EPException { String[] statementIds = getStatementIds(); for (int i = 0; i < statementIds.length; i++) { try { destroy(statementIds[i]); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Error destroying statement:" + ex.getMessage()); } } } private String[] getStatementIds() { String[] statementIds = new String[stmtNameToIdMap.size()]; int count = 0; for (String id : stmtNameToIdMap.values()) { statementIds[count++] = id; } return statementIds; } private String getUniqueStatementName(String statementName, String statementId) { String finalStatementName; if (stmtNameToIdMap.containsKey(statementName)) { int count = 0; while (true) { finalStatementName = statementName + "--" + count; if (!(stmtNameToIdMap.containsKey(finalStatementName))) { break; } if (count > Integer.MAX_VALUE - 2) { throw new EPException("Failed to establish a unique statement name"); } count++; } } else { finalStatementName = statementName; } stmtNameToIdMap.put(finalStatementName, statementId); return finalStatementName; } @Override public String getStatementNameById(String id) { EPStatementDesc desc = stmtIdToDescMap.get(id); if (desc != null) { return desc.getEpStatement().getName(); } return null; } public void updatedListeners(EPStatement statement, EPStatementListenerSet listeners) { log.debug(".updatedListeners No action for base implementation"); } /** * Compiles a statement returning the compile (verified, non-serializable) form of a statement. * @param spec is the statement specification * @param eplStatement the statement to compile * @param statementContext the statement services * @param isSubquery is true for subquery compilation or false for statement compile * @param annotations statement annotations * @return compiled statement * @throws EPStatementException if the statement cannot be compiled */ protected static StatementSpecCompiled compile(StatementSpecRaw spec, String eplStatement, StatementContext statementContext, boolean isSubquery, Annotation[] annotations) throws EPStatementException { List<StreamSpecCompiled> compiledStreams; Set<String> eventTypeReferences = new HashSet<String>(); // If not using a join and not specifying a data window, make the where-clause, if present, the filter of the stream // if selecting using filter spec, and not subquery in where clause if ((spec.getStreamSpecs().size() == 1) && (spec.getStreamSpecs().get(0) instanceof FilterStreamSpecRaw) && (spec.getStreamSpecs().get(0).getViewSpecs().isEmpty()) && (spec.getFilterRootNode() != null) && (spec.getOnTriggerDesc() == null) && (!isSubquery)) { boolean disqualified; ExprNode whereClause = spec.getFilterRootNode(); ExprNodeSubselectVisitor visitor = new ExprNodeSubselectVisitor(); whereClause.accept(visitor); disqualified = visitor.getSubselects().size() > 0; if (!disqualified) { ExprNodeViewResourceVisitor viewResourceVisitor = new ExprNodeViewResourceVisitor(); whereClause.accept(viewResourceVisitor); disqualified = viewResourceVisitor.getExprNodes().size() > 0; } if (!disqualified) { // If an alias is provided, find all properties to ensure the alias gets removed String alias = spec.getStreamSpecs().get(0).getOptionalStreamName(); if (alias != null) { ExprNodeIdentifierCollectVisitor v = new ExprNodeIdentifierCollectVisitor(); whereClause.accept(v); for (ExprIdentNode node : v.getExprProperties()) { if (node.getStreamOrPropertyName() != null && (node.getStreamOrPropertyName().equals(alias))) { node.setStreamOrPropertyName(null); } } } spec.setFilterRootNode(null); FilterStreamSpecRaw streamSpec = (FilterStreamSpecRaw) spec.getStreamSpecs().get(0); streamSpec.getRawFilterSpec().getFilterExpressions().add(whereClause); } } // compile select-clause List<SelectClauseElementCompiled> selectElements = new ArrayList<SelectClauseElementCompiled>(); SelectClauseSpecCompiled selectClauseCompiled = new SelectClauseSpecCompiled(selectElements, spec.getSelectClauseSpec().isDistinct()); for (SelectClauseElementRaw raw : spec.getSelectClauseSpec().getSelectExprList()) { if (raw instanceof SelectClauseExprRawSpec) { SelectClauseExprRawSpec rawExpr = (SelectClauseExprRawSpec) raw; selectElements.add(new SelectClauseExprCompiledSpec(rawExpr.getSelectExpression(), rawExpr.getOptionalAsName(), rawExpr.getOptionalAsName())); } else if (raw instanceof SelectClauseStreamRawSpec) { SelectClauseStreamRawSpec rawExpr = (SelectClauseStreamRawSpec) raw; selectElements.add( new SelectClauseStreamCompiledSpec(rawExpr.getStreamName(), rawExpr.getOptionalAsName())); } else if (raw instanceof SelectClauseElementWildcard) { SelectClauseElementWildcard wildcard = (SelectClauseElementWildcard) raw; selectElements.add(wildcard); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpected select clause element class : " + raw.getClass().getName()); } } // Determine Subselects for compilation, and lambda-expression shortcut syntax for named windows ExprNodeSubselectVisitor visitor; try { visitor = StatementLifecycleSvcUtil.walkSubselectAndDeclaredDotExpr(spec); } catch (ExprValidationException ex) { throw new EPStatementException(ex.getMessage(), eplStatement); } List<ExprSubselectNode> subselects = visitor.getSubselects(); if (!visitor.getChainedExpressionsDot().isEmpty()) { rewriteNamedWindowSubselect(visitor.getChainedExpressionsDot(), subselects, statementContext.getNamedWindowService()); } // Compile subselects found int subselectNumber = 0; for (ExprSubselectNode subselect : subselects) { StatementSpecRaw raw = subselect.getStatementSpecRaw(); StatementSpecCompiled compiled = compile(raw, eplStatement, statementContext, true, new Annotation[0]); subselectNumber++; subselect.setStatementSpecCompiled(compiled, subselectNumber); } // compile each stream used try { compiledStreams = new ArrayList<StreamSpecCompiled>(); int streamNum = 0; for (StreamSpecRaw rawSpec : spec.getStreamSpecs()) { streamNum++; StreamSpecCompiled compiled = rawSpec.compile(statementContext, eventTypeReferences, spec.getInsertIntoDesc() != null, Collections.singleton(streamNum)); compiledStreams.add(compiled); } } catch (ExprValidationException ex) {"Failed to compile statement: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); if (ex.getMessage() == null) { throw new EPStatementException( "Unexpected exception compiling statement, please consult the log file and report the exception", eplStatement); } else { throw new EPStatementException(ex.getMessage(), eplStatement); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { String text = "Unexpected error compiling statement"; log.error(text, ex); throw new EPStatementException(text + ": " + ex.getClass().getName() + ":" + ex.getMessage(), eplStatement); } // for create window statements, we switch the filter to a new event type if (spec.getCreateWindowDesc() != null) { try { StreamSpecCompiled createWindowTypeSpec = compiledStreams.get(0); EventType selectFromType; String selectFromTypeName; if (createWindowTypeSpec instanceof FilterStreamSpecCompiled) { FilterStreamSpecCompiled filterStreamSpec = (FilterStreamSpecCompiled) createWindowTypeSpec; selectFromType = filterStreamSpec.getFilterSpec().getFilterForEventType(); selectFromTypeName = filterStreamSpec.getFilterSpec().getFilterForEventTypeName(); if (spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getInsertFilter() != null) { throw new EPStatementException("A named window by name '" + selectFromTypeName + "' could not be located, use the insert-keyword with an existing named window", eplStatement); } } else { NamedWindowConsumerStreamSpec consumerStreamSpec = (NamedWindowConsumerStreamSpec) createWindowTypeSpec; selectFromType = statementContext.getEventAdapterService() .getExistsTypeByName(consumerStreamSpec.getWindowName()); selectFromTypeName = consumerStreamSpec.getWindowName(); if (spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getInsertFilter() != null) { ExprNode insertIntoFilter = spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getInsertFilter(); String checkMinimal = ExprNodeUtility.isMinimalExpression(insertIntoFilter); if (checkMinimal != null) { throw new ExprValidationException( "Create window where-clause may not have " + checkMinimal); } StreamTypeService streamTypeService = new StreamTypeServiceImpl(selectFromType, selectFromTypeName, true, statementContext.getEngineURI()); ExprValidationContext validationContext = new ExprValidationContext(streamTypeService, statementContext.getMethodResolutionService(), null, statementContext.getSchedulingService(), statementContext.getVariableService(), statementContext, statementContext.getEventAdapterService(), statementContext.getStatementName(), statementContext.getStatementId(), statementContext.getAnnotations()); ExprNode insertFilter = ExprNodeUtility.getValidatedSubtree( spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getInsertFilter(), validationContext); spec.getCreateWindowDesc().setInsertFilter(insertFilter); } // set the window to insert from spec.getCreateWindowDesc().setInsertFromWindow(consumerStreamSpec.getWindowName()); } Pair<FilterSpecCompiled, SelectClauseSpecRaw> newFilter = handleCreateWindow(selectFromType, selectFromTypeName, spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getColumns(), spec, eplStatement, statementContext); eventTypeReferences.add(((EventTypeSPI) newFilter.getFirst().getFilterForEventType()).getMetadata() .getPrimaryName()); // view must be non-empty list if (spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getViewSpecs().isEmpty()) { throw new ExprValidationException(NamedWindowService.ERROR_MSG_DATAWINDOWS); } // use the filter specification of the newly created event type and the views for the named window compiledStreams.clear(); List<ViewSpec> views = new ArrayList<ViewSpec>(spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getViewSpecs()); compiledStreams.add(new FilterStreamSpecCompiled(newFilter.getFirst(), views, null, spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getStreamSpecOptions())); spec.setSelectClauseSpec(newFilter.getSecond()); } catch (ExprValidationException e) { throw new EPStatementException(e.getMessage(), eplStatement); } } return new StatementSpecCompiled(spec.getOnTriggerDesc(), spec.getCreateWindowDesc(), spec.getCreateIndexDesc(), spec.getCreateVariableDesc(), spec.getCreateSchemaDesc(), spec.getInsertIntoDesc(), spec.getSelectStreamSelectorEnum(), selectClauseCompiled, compiledStreams, spec.getOuterJoinDescList(), spec.getFilterRootNode(), spec.getGroupByExpressions(), spec.getHavingExprRootNode(), spec.getOutputLimitSpec(), spec.getOrderByList(), visitor.getSubselects(), visitor.getDeclaredExpressions(), spec.getReferencedVariables(), spec.getRowLimitSpec(), eventTypeReferences, annotations, spec.getUpdateDesc(), spec.getMatchRecognizeSpec(), spec.getForClauseSpec(), spec.getSqlParameters()); } private static void rewriteNamedWindowSubselect(List<ExprDotNode> chainedExpressionsDot, List<ExprSubselectNode> subselects, NamedWindowService service) { for (ExprDotNode dotNode : chainedExpressionsDot) { String proposedWindow = dotNode.getChainSpec().get(0).getName(); if (!service.isNamedWindow(proposedWindow)) { continue; } // build spec for subselect StatementSpecRaw raw = new StatementSpecRaw(SelectClauseStreamSelectorEnum.ISTREAM_ONLY); FilterSpecRaw filter = new FilterSpecRaw(proposedWindow, Collections.<ExprNode>emptyList(), null); raw.getStreamSpecs().add(new FilterStreamSpecRaw(filter, Collections.<ViewSpec>emptyList(), proposedWindow, new StreamSpecOptions())); ExprChainedSpec firstChain = dotNode.getChainSpec().remove(0); if (!firstChain.getParameters().isEmpty()) { if (firstChain.getParameters().size() == 1) { raw.setFilterExprRootNode(firstChain.getParameters().get(0)); } else { ExprAndNode andNode = new ExprAndNodeImpl(); for (ExprNode node : firstChain.getParameters()) { andNode.addChildNode(node); } raw.setFilterExprRootNode(andNode); } } // activate subselect ExprSubselectNode subselect = new ExprSubselectRowNode(raw); subselects.add(subselect); dotNode.getChildNodes().clear(); dotNode.addChildNode(subselect); } } /** * Compile a select clause allowing subselects. * @param spec to compile * @return select clause compiled * @throws ExprValidationException when validation fails */ public static SelectClauseSpecCompiled compileSelectAllowSubselect(SelectClauseSpecRaw spec) throws ExprValidationException { // Look for expressions with sub-selects in select expression list and filter expression // Recursively compile the statement within the statement. ExprNodeSubselectVisitor visitor = new ExprNodeSubselectVisitor(); List<SelectClauseElementCompiled> selectElements = new ArrayList<SelectClauseElementCompiled>(); SelectClauseSpecCompiled selectClauseCompiled = new SelectClauseSpecCompiled(selectElements, spec.isDistinct()); for (SelectClauseElementRaw raw : spec.getSelectExprList()) { if (raw instanceof SelectClauseExprRawSpec) { SelectClauseExprRawSpec rawExpr = (SelectClauseExprRawSpec) raw; rawExpr.getSelectExpression().accept(visitor); selectElements.add(new SelectClauseExprCompiledSpec(rawExpr.getSelectExpression(), rawExpr.getOptionalAsName(), rawExpr.getOptionalAsName())); } else if (raw instanceof SelectClauseStreamRawSpec) { SelectClauseStreamRawSpec rawExpr = (SelectClauseStreamRawSpec) raw; selectElements.add( new SelectClauseStreamCompiledSpec(rawExpr.getStreamName(), rawExpr.getOptionalAsName())); } else if (raw instanceof SelectClauseElementWildcard) { SelectClauseElementWildcard wildcard = (SelectClauseElementWildcard) raw; selectElements.add(wildcard); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpected select clause element class : " + raw.getClass().getName()); } } return selectClauseCompiled; } // The create window command: // create window windowName[.window_view_list] as [select properties from] type // // This section expected s single FilterStreamSpecCompiled representing the selected type. // It creates a new event type representing the window type and a sets the type selected on the filter stream spec. private static Pair<FilterSpecCompiled, SelectClauseSpecRaw> handleCreateWindow(EventType selectFromType, String selectFromTypeName, List<ColumnDesc> columns, StatementSpecRaw spec, String eplStatement, StatementContext statementContext) throws ExprValidationException { String typeName = spec.getCreateWindowDesc().getWindowName(); EventType targetType; // Validate the select expressions which consists of properties only List<NamedWindowSelectedProps> select = compileLimitedSelect(spec.getSelectClauseSpec(), eplStatement, selectFromType, selectFromTypeName, statementContext.getEngineURI(), statementContext, statementContext.getMethodResolutionService(), statementContext.getEventAdapterService(), statementContext.getStatementName(), statementContext.getStatementId(), statementContext.getAnnotations()); // Create Map or Wrapper event type from the select clause of the window. // If no columns selected, simply create a wrapper type // Build a list of properties SelectClauseSpecRaw newSelectClauseSpecRaw = new SelectClauseSpecRaw(); Map<String, Object> properties; boolean hasProperties = false; if ((columns != null) && (!columns.isEmpty())) { properties = TypeBuilderUtil.buildType(columns); hasProperties = true; } else { properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (NamedWindowSelectedProps selectElement : select) { if (selectElement.getFragmentType() != null) { properties.put(selectElement.getAssignedName(), selectElement.getFragmentType()); } else { properties.put(selectElement.getAssignedName(), selectElement.getSelectExpressionType()); } // Add any properties to the new select clause for use by consumers to the statement itself newSelectClauseSpecRaw.add( new SelectClauseExprRawSpec(new ExprIdentNodeImpl(selectElement.getAssignedName()), null)); hasProperties = true; } } // Create Map or Wrapper event type from the select clause of the window. // If no columns selected, simply create a wrapper type boolean isOnlyWildcard = spec.getSelectClauseSpec().isOnlyWildcard(); boolean isWildcard = spec.getSelectClauseSpec().isUsingWildcard(); if (statementContext.getValueAddEventService().isRevisionTypeName(selectFromTypeName)) { targetType = statementContext.getValueAddEventService().createRevisionType(typeName, selectFromTypeName, statementContext.getStatementStopService(), statementContext.getEventAdapterService(), statementContext.getEventTypeIdGenerator()); } else if (isWildcard && !isOnlyWildcard) { targetType = statementContext.getEventAdapterService().addWrapperType(typeName, selectFromType, properties, true, false); } else { // Some columns selected, use the types of the columns if (hasProperties && !isOnlyWildcard) { targetType = statementContext.getEventAdapterService().addNestableMapType(typeName, properties, null, false, false, false, true, false); } else { // No columns selected, no wildcard, use the type as is or as a wrapped type if (selectFromType instanceof MapEventType) { MapEventType mapType = (MapEventType) selectFromType; targetType = statementContext.getEventAdapterService().addNestableMapType(typeName, mapType.getTypes(), null, false, false, false, true, false); } else { Map<String, Object> addOnTypes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); targetType = statementContext.getEventAdapterService().addWrapperType(typeName, selectFromType, addOnTypes, true, false); } } } FilterSpecCompiled filter = new FilterSpecCompiled(targetType, typeName, new ArrayList<FilterSpecParam>(), null); return new Pair<FilterSpecCompiled, SelectClauseSpecRaw>(filter, newSelectClauseSpecRaw); } private static List<NamedWindowSelectedProps> compileLimitedSelect(SelectClauseSpecRaw spec, String eplStatement, EventType singleType, String selectFromTypeName, String engineURI, ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext, MethodResolutionService methodResolutionService, EventAdapterService eventAdapterService, String statementName, String statementId, Annotation[] annotations) { List<NamedWindowSelectedProps> selectProps = new LinkedList<NamedWindowSelectedProps>(); StreamTypeService streams = new StreamTypeServiceImpl(new EventType[] { singleType }, new String[] { "stream_0" }, new boolean[] { false }, engineURI, false); ExprValidationContext validationContext = new ExprValidationContext(streams, methodResolutionService, null, null, null, exprEvaluatorContext, eventAdapterService, statementName, statementId, annotations); for (SelectClauseElementRaw raw : spec.getSelectExprList()) { if (!(raw instanceof SelectClauseExprRawSpec)) { continue; } SelectClauseExprRawSpec exprSpec = (SelectClauseExprRawSpec) raw; ExprNode validatedExpression; try { validatedExpression = ExprNodeUtility.getValidatedSubtree(exprSpec.getSelectExpression(), validationContext); } catch (ExprValidationException e) { throw new EPStatementException(e.getMessage(), eplStatement); } // determine an element name if none assigned String asName = exprSpec.getOptionalAsName(); if (asName == null) { asName = validatedExpression.toExpressionString(); } // check for fragments EventType fragmentType = null; if ((validatedExpression instanceof ExprIdentNode) && (!(singleType instanceof NativeEventType))) { ExprIdentNode identNode = (ExprIdentNode) validatedExpression; FragmentEventType fragmentEventType = singleType.getFragmentType(identNode.getFullUnresolvedName()); if ((fragmentEventType != null) && (!fragmentEventType.isNative())) { fragmentType = fragmentEventType.getFragmentType(); } } NamedWindowSelectedProps validatedElement = new NamedWindowSelectedProps( validatedExpression.getExprEvaluator().getType(), asName, fragmentType); selectProps.add(validatedElement); } return selectProps; } public void dispatchStatementLifecycleEvent(StatementLifecycleEvent event) { for (StatementLifecycleObserver observer : observers) { observer.observe(event); } } /** * Statement information. */ public static class EPStatementDesc { private EPStatementSPI epStatement; private EPStatementStartMethod startMethod; private EPStatementStopMethod stopMethod; private EPStatementDestroyMethod destroyMethod; private String optInsertIntoStream; private EPStatementHandle statementHandle; private StatementContext statementContext; /** * Ctor. * @param epStatement the statement * @param startMethod the start method * @param stopMethod the stop method * @param optInsertIntoStream is the insert-into stream name, or null if not using insert-into * @param statementHandle is the locking handle for the statement * @param statementContext statement context * @param destroyMethod method to call when destroyed */ public EPStatementDesc(EPStatementSPI epStatement, EPStatementStartMethod startMethod, EPStatementStopMethod stopMethod, EPStatementDestroyMethod destroyMethod, String optInsertIntoStream, EPStatementHandle statementHandle, StatementContext statementContext) { this.epStatement = epStatement; this.startMethod = startMethod; this.stopMethod = stopMethod; this.destroyMethod = destroyMethod; this.optInsertIntoStream = optInsertIntoStream; this.statementHandle = statementHandle; this.statementContext = statementContext; } /** * Returns the statement. * @return statement. */ public EPStatementSPI getEpStatement() { return epStatement; } /** * Returns the start method. * @return start method */ public EPStatementStartMethod getStartMethod() { return startMethod; } /** * Returns the stop method. * @return stop method */ public EPStatementStopMethod getStopMethod() { return stopMethod; } /** * Return the insert-into stream name, or null if no insert-into * @return stream name */ public String getOptInsertIntoStream() { return optInsertIntoStream; } /** * Sets the stop method. * @param stopMethod to set */ public void setStopMethod(EPStatementStopMethod stopMethod) { this.stopMethod = stopMethod; } /** * Returns the statements handle. * @return statement handle */ public EPStatementHandle getStatementHandle() { return statementHandle; } /** * Returns the statement context. * @return statement context */ public StatementContext getStatementContext() { return statementContext; } /** * Set method to call when destroyed. * @param destroyMethod method */ public void setDestroyMethod(EPStatementDestroyMethod destroyMethod) { this.destroyMethod = destroyMethod; } /** * Return destroy method. * @return method. */ public EPStatementDestroyMethod getDestroyMethod() { return destroyMethod; } } }