Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************** * Elda project * LDA spec: * * Copyright (c) 2014 Epimorphics Ltd. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0. * Full license: *****************************************************************************/ package com.epimorphics.lda.renderers.common; import; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.StrUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.epimorphics.lda.log.ELog; import com.epimorphics.lda.vocabularies.ELDA_API; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory; /** * A basic encapsulation of LDA property paths as represented in the * metadata for a page. * * @author Ian Dickinson, Epimorphics ( */ public class PropertyPath { /***********************************/ /* Constants */ /***********************************/ /** A fake property to denote the star operator in a property path */ public static final Property STAR = ResourceFactory.createProperty(ELDA_API.NS + "__STAR"); /***********************************/ /* Static variables */ /***********************************/ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PropertyPath.class); /***********************************/ /* Instance variables */ /***********************************/ /** The individual segments of the path */ private List<String> segments; /** The predicate names that correspond to the shortnames on the path */ private List<Property> properties; /***********************************/ /* Constructors */ /***********************************/ /** * Construct a new path from an encoded path string. * @param path A path encoded in <code>shortName[.shortName]*</code> form */ public PropertyPath(String path) { this(segment(path)); } /** * Construct a new path from an array of the <code>shortName</code> segments * @param segments The segments of the path as an array * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the segments array is null or empty */ public PropertyPath(String[] segments) { if (segments == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannnot create a PropertyPath with a null path"); } else if (segments.length == 0 || (segments.length == 1 && segments[0].isEmpty())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a PropertyPath with an empty path"); } this.segments = Arrays.asList(segments); = new ArrayList<Property>(segments.length); } /** * Construct the empty path. This is the only sanctioned way to create an * empty path - passing null or empty string into other constructors is not * allowed. */ public PropertyPath() { this.segments = new ArrayList<String>(); = new ArrayList<Property>(0); } /** * Construct a new property path by adding a segment to the given path */ protected PropertyPath(PropertyPath parent, String shortName, Property uri) { this.segments = new ArrayList<String>(parent.segments.size() + 1); = new ArrayList<Property>(parent.segments.size() + 1); this.segments.addAll(parent.segments);; this.segments.add(shortName);; } /** * Internal use: construct a path from existing property and segment lists */ protected PropertyPath(List<String> segments, List<Property> properties) { this.segments = segments; = properties; } /***********************************/ /* External signature methods */ /***********************************/ /** * @return A string denoting the path in infix form, with dot separators. */ @Override public String toString() { return StringUtils.join(segments, "."); } /** * @return A string denoting this path in a form suitable for HTML presentation */ public String toHTMLString() { StringWriter buf = new StringWriter(); boolean first = true; for (String segment : segments) { buf.append(first ? "" : " » "); buf.append("<code class='rdf-path-segment'>"); buf.append(tokeniseWords(segment)); buf.append("</code>"); first = false; } return buf.toString(); } /** * @return The number of segments in the path */ public int size() { return segments.size(); } /** * Return true if the given property matches the first segment in the path - * either because the path's shortname expands to the property URI, or because * the first segment of the path is <code>*</code>. * @param p A property to test * @param snr Short name renderer for converting path shortnames to predicate URIs * @return True if the given property matches the start of the path */ public boolean beginsWith(Property p, ShortNameRenderer snr) { checkExpanded(snr); return !properties.isEmpty() && (properties.get(0).equals(p) || properties.get(0).equals(STAR)); } /** * Return a new property path with a new segment at the end * * @param shortName The short name for the new segment, or null * @param uri The URI for the new segment, or null * @param snr The short name service, which may be null if both shortName * and uri are non-null * @return A new property path corresponding to this path with the segment * <code>.<shortName></code> appended */ public PropertyPath append(String shortName, String uri, ShortNameRenderer snr) { if (shortName == null) { shortName = snr.shorten(uri); } if (uri == null) { uri = snr.expand(shortName); } return new PropertyPath(this, shortName, ResourceFactory.createProperty(uri)); } /** @return The last link along this path */ public Property terminal() { return properties.isEmpty() ? null : properties.get(properties.size() - 1); } /** @return A new path in which the first segment of this path has been removed */ public PropertyPath shift() { if (properties.size() == 0 && segments.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Tried to shift() an empty PropertyPath"); } List<String> shiftedSegments = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Property> shiftedProps = new ArrayList<Property>(); for (int i = 1; i < properties.size(); i++) { shiftedProps.add(properties.get(i)); } for (int i = 1; i < segments.size(); i++) { shiftedSegments.add(segments.get(i)); } return new PropertyPath(shiftedSegments, shiftedProps); } /** @return True if this is the empty path */ public boolean isEmpty() { return properties.isEmpty() && segments.isEmpty(); } /***********************************/ /* Internal implementation methods */ /***********************************/ /** * Segment the path by the '.' character, but don't allow null paths * @param path A path string to be segmented * @return An array of the components of the path * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>path</code> is null */ private static String[] segment(String path) { if (path == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannnot create a PropertyPath with a null path"); } return path.split("\\."); } /** * Check that the shortnames on the path have been expanded into property URIs */ private void checkExpanded(ShortNameRenderer snr) { if (segments.size() > properties.size()) { for (String segment : segments) { if (segment.equals("*")) { properties.add(STAR); } else { String uri = snr.expand(segment); if (uri == null) { ELog.warn(log, "[%s]: warning: property path uses short name '%s' which does not have an expansion to a URI", segment); properties.add(STAR); } else { properties.add(ResourceFactory.createProperty(uri)); } } } } } /** * Tokenise the input string into words based on camelCase boundaries and hyphen characters. * If the input string is already tokenised into words (determined by whether it contains a * space character or not), return the string unchanged. * @param name The input name to tokenise * @return The input string, with camel-case boundaries, hyphens and underscores replaced by spaces. */ protected String tokeniseWords(String name) { if (name.matches("[^\\p{Space}]*(((\\p{Lower}|\\p{Digit})(\\p{Upper}))|[-_])[^\\p{Space}]*")) { String deCamelCased = name.replaceAll("(\\p{Lower}|\\p{Digit})(\\p{Upper})", "$1-$2"); List<String> correctlyCased = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String word : deCamelCased.split("[-_]")) { if (word.length() > 0) { correctlyCased.add(word.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + word.substring(1)); } } return StrUtils.strjoin(" ", correctlyCased); } else { return name; } } /***********************************/ /* Inner class definitions */ /***********************************/ }