Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2012-2013 Eduworks Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.eduworks.russel.ui.client.handler; import java.util.Vector; import com.eduworks.gwt.client.model.Record; import com.eduworks.gwt.client.model.StatusRecord; import; import; import; import; import com.eduworks.gwt.client.pagebuilder.PageAssembler; import com.eduworks.gwt.client.util.Date; import com.eduworks.russel.ui.client.Constants; import com.eduworks.russel.ui.client.extractor.FLRResultExtractor; import com.eduworks.russel.ui.client.model.RUSSELFileRecord; import; import com.eduworks.russel.ui.client.pagebuilder.screen.EPSSEditScreen; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * AlfrescoSearchHandler * Defines globals, methods and handlers for the Alfresco queries. * * @author Eduworks Corporation */ public class ESBSearchHandler extends SearchHandler { public static final String RECENT_TYPE = "recent"; public static final String SEARCH_TYPE = "search"; public static final String PROJECT_TYPE = "project"; public static final String EDIT_TYPE = "edit"; public static final String ASSET_TYPE = "asset"; public static final String NOTES_TYPE = "notes"; public static final String TEMPLATE_TYPE = "template"; public static final String COLLECTION_TYPE = "collection"; public static final String STRATEGY_TYPE = "strategy"; protected Vector<RUSSELFileRecord> pendingEdits; /** * buildTile0 Initiates a tile in the Alfresco results panel. * @param searchTermPacket ESBPacket Alfresco search results * @param index int Index in the search results for the tile to be created * @param objPanel String Name of target panel for the tile * @param td Element Container for the tile * @return TileHandler */ protected TileHandler buildTile0(final RUSSELFileRecord r, int screenPosition, String objPanel, Element td) { Vector<String> iDs = null; if ((td != null) && (searchType.equals(RECENT_TYPE))) iDs = PageAssembler.inject(td.getId(), "x", new HTML(templates.getObjectPanelWidget().getText()), false); else if (searchType.equals(COLLECTION_TYPE) || searchType.equals(SEARCH_TYPE) || searchType.equals(RusselApi.FLR_TYPE)) iDs = PageAssembler.inject(objPanel, "x", new HTML(templates.getSearchPanelWidget().getText()), false); else if (searchType.equals(PROJECT_TYPE)) iDs = PageAssembler.inject(objPanel, "x", new HTML(templates.getEPSSProjectObjectPanelWidget().getText()), false); else if ((td != null) && (searchType.equals(ASSET_TYPE))) iDs = PageAssembler.inject(td.getId(), "x", new HTML(templates.getEPSSAssetObjectPanelWidget().getText()), false); else if ((td != null) && (searchType.equals(NOTES_TYPE))) iDs = PageAssembler.inject(td.getId(), "x", new HTML(templates.getEPSSNoteAssetObjectWidget().getText()), false); else if ((td != null) && (searchType.equals(STRATEGY_TYPE))) { Window.alert("handling a strategy search"); iDs = PageAssembler.inject(td.getId(), "x", new HTML(templates.getEPSSAssetObjectPanelWidget().getText()), false); } String idPrefix = iDs.firstElement().substring(0, iDs.firstElement().indexOf("-")); TileHandler th = new TileHandler(this, idPrefix, searchType, r); tileHandlers.add(th); return th; } /** * getTile0 Retrieves the tile handler for the given tile id. * @param id String Desired tile id * @return TileHandler */ private TileHandler getTile0(String id) { TileHandler tile = null; for (int i = 0; i < tileHandlers.size(); i++) { if (id.contains(tileHandlers.get(i).getIdPrefix())) { tile = tileHandlers.get(i); } } return tile; } public ESBSearchHandler() { doNotShow.add(SEARCH_TYPE); doNotShow.add(COLLECTION_TYPE); doNotShow.add(RusselApi.FLR_TYPE); doNotShow.add(PROJECT_TYPE); } /** * toggleSelection Selects or deselects the given tile * @param id String ID of desired tile * @param record ESBPacket Information associated with the tile */ @Override public void toggleSelection(final String id, final Record recordx) { RUSSELFileRecord record = (RUSSELFileRecord) recordx; if (pendingEdits.contains(record)) { pendingEdits.remove(record); getTile0(id).deselect(); ((Label) PageAssembler.elementToWidget(id + "State", PageAssembler.LABEL)).removeStyleName("active"); ((Label) PageAssembler.elementToWidget(id + "Select", PageAssembler.LABEL)).removeStyleName("active"); } else { pendingEdits.add(record); getTile0(id).select(); ((Label) PageAssembler.elementToWidget(id + "State", PageAssembler.LABEL)).addStyleName("active"); ((Label) PageAssembler.elementToWidget(id + "Select", PageAssembler.LABEL)).addStyleName("active"); } if (pendingEdits.size() == 0) { ((Anchor) PageAssembler.elementToWidget("r-objectEditSelected", PageAssembler.A)) .removeStyleName("blue"); ((Anchor) PageAssembler.elementToWidget("r-objectEditSelected", PageAssembler.A)).addStyleName("white"); } else { ((Anchor) PageAssembler.elementToWidget("r-objectEditSelected", PageAssembler.A)).addStyleName("blue"); ((Anchor) PageAssembler.elementToWidget("r-objectEditSelected", PageAssembler.A)) .removeStyleName("white"); } } public void buildThumbnails(String objPanel, AjaxPacket searchTermPacket) { if (searchTermPacket != null) { RootPanel rp = RootPanel.get(objPanel); if (rp != null) { Element td = null; tileIndex = 0; if (noResults != null) rp.remove(noResults); if (searchTermPacket.containsKey("obj")) { JSONObject jo = searchTermPacket.getObject("obj").isObject(); if ((jo.containsKey("items") && jo.get("items").isArray().size() == 0) || (jo.containsKey("hits") && jo.get("hits").isObject().get("hits").isArray().size() == 0)) { rp.getElement().setAttribute("style", "text-align:center"); noResults = new HTML(NO_SEARCH_RESULTS); rp.add(noResults); } else rp.getElement().setAttribute("style", ""); if (searchType.equals(RusselApi.FLR_TYPE)) { JSONArray ja = searchTermPacket.getObject("obj").get("hits").isObject().get("hits") .isArray(); if (ja.size() == 0) return; RUSSELFileRecord[] fileSet = FLRResultExtractor.walkBasicSearch(ja); int screenPosition = 0; for (int x = 0; x < fileSet.length; x++) { if (screenPosition % 2 == 0 && !doNotShow.contains(searchType) && (showOnly.isEmpty() || showOnly.contains(searchType))) { // SEARCH3DR_TYPE uses the vertStack style, and will not use the table-based layout that requires insertion of cell separators. td = DOM.createTD(); td.setId(x + "-" + rp.getElement().getId()); rp.getElement().appendChild(td); } TileHandler th = buildTile0(fileSet[x], screenPosition++, objPanel, td); th.fillTile(null); } } else { int screenPosition = 0; for (int x = 0; x < searchTermPacket.getObject("obj").get("items").isArray().size(); x++) { RUSSELFileRecord fr = new RUSSELFileRecord(new ESBPacket(searchTermPacket .getObject("obj").isObject().get("items").isArray().get(x).isObject())); if (filter != null) if (filter.contains(fr.getGuid())) continue; if (screenPosition % 2 == 0 && !doNotShow.contains(searchType) && (showOnly.isEmpty() || showOnly.contains(searchType))) { // SEARCH3DR_TYPE uses the vertStack style, and will not use the table-based layout that requires insertion of cell separators. td = DOM.createTD(); td.setId(x + "-" + rp.getElement().getId()); rp.getElement().appendChild(td); } buildTile0(fr, screenPosition++, objPanel, td); } processCallbacks(); } } } } } /** * hook Launches appropriate Alfresco query and assigns handlers for the response * @param seachbarID String Name of the search bar that informs the Alfresco query * @param objectPanel String Name of the target panel for Alfresco results * @param type String Name of the type of Alfresco search */ public void hook(final String seachbarID, final String objectPanel, final String type) { searchType = type; customQuery = null; pendingEdits = new Vector<RUSSELFileRecord>(); t = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { String rawSearchText = ((TextBox) PageAssembler.elementToWidget(seachbarID, PageAssembler.TEXT)) .getText().trim(); final ESBPacket ap = new ESBPacket(); final String searchText = cleanQuery(rawSearchText); ESBPacket sortPack = new ESBPacket(); sortPack.put("field", "updatedDate_l"); sortPack.put("order", "desc"); ap.put("sort", sortPack); if (customQuery != null && !searchType.equals(ASSET_TYPE)) ap.put("sq", customQuery); else if (searchType.equals(ASSET_TYPE)) ap.put("sq", EPSSEditScreen.buildQueryString()); else if (searchText == "") ap.put("sq", ""); else ap.put("sq", searchText); ap.put("rows", 100); if (searchType.equals(PROJECT_TYPE)) { if (searchText == "") ap.put("sq", "mimeType_t:russel/project"); else ap.put("sq", searchText + " AND mimeType_t:russel/project"); } if (searchType.equals(SEARCH_TYPE) || searchType.equals(EDIT_TYPE)) { if (searchText == "") ap.put("sq", util.buildSearchQueryString()); else ap.put("sq", searchText + util.buildSearchQueryString()); //TODO fix sorting //ap.put("sort", util.buildSearchSortString()); } if (searchType.equals(COLLECTION_TYPE)) { if (searchText == "") ap.put("sq", "uploadedBy_t:" + RusselApi.username + " " + util.buildSearchQueryString()); else ap.put("sq", searchText + " uploadedBy_t:" + RusselApi.username + util.buildSearchQueryString()); //ap.put("sort", util.buildSearchSortString()); } if (searchType.equals(RusselApi.FLR_TYPE)) { if (searchText == "") ap.put("sq", "*"); else ap.put("sq", searchText); //ap.put("sort", util.buildSearchSortString()); } if (searchType.equals(STRATEGY_TYPE)) { if (searchText == "") ap.put("sq", util.buildSearchQueryString()); else ap.put("sq", searchText + util.buildSearchQueryString()); //ap.put("sort", util.buildSearchSortString()); } if (searchText == "" && searchType.equals(RECENT_TYPE)) { Date currentDate = new Date(); Date pastDate = new Date(); pastDate.setDate(pastDate.getDate() - 10); ap.put("sq", "updatedDate_l:[" + pastDate.getTime() + " TO " + currentDate.getTime() + "]"); } if (lastQuery != ap.getString("sq")) pagingTokens.clear(); lastQuery = ap.getString("sq"); if (pagingTokens.size() != 0 && flipSearchPage) { flipSearchPage = false; if (!searchType.equals(RusselApi.FLR_TYPE)) ap.put("cursor", pagingTokens.get(0)); else ap.put("cursor", pagingTokens.size()); } ap.put("fields", new RUSSELFileRecord().getFieldList());, searchType, new ESBCallback<ESBPacket>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { if (retries > 2) { retries = 0; tileHandlers.clear(); RootPanel rp = RootPanel.get(objectPanel); if (rp != null) { rp.clear(); int childCount = rp.getElement().getChildCount(); int grabIndex = 0; for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount - ((searchType.equals(PROJECT_TYPE)) ? 1 : 0); childIndex++) { Element removeCursor = null; while (((removeCursor = (Element) rp.getElement().getChild(grabIndex)) != null) && removeCursor.getId().equals("r-newEntity")) grabIndex++; if (removeCursor != null) rp.getElement().removeChild(removeCursor); } } StatusWindowHandler.createMessage(StatusWindowHandler.getSearchMessageError(searchText), StatusRecord.ALERT_ERROR); } else { t.schedule(500); retries++; } pendingSearch = false; customQuery = null; } public void onSuccess(final ESBPacket searchTermPacket) { tileHandlers.clear(); RootPanel rp = RootPanel.get(objectPanel); if (searchType.equals("solr")) pagingTokens.add(0, searchTermPacket.getObject("obj").getString("cursor")); else pagingTokens.add(0, "p"); if (rp != null) { rp.clear(); int childCount = rp.getElement().getChildCount(); int grabIndex = 0; for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount - ((searchType.equals(PROJECT_TYPE)) ? 1 : 0); childIndex++) { Element removeCursor = null; while (((removeCursor = (Element) rp.getElement().getChild(grabIndex)) != null) && removeCursor.getId().equals("r-newEntity")) grabIndex++; if (removeCursor != null) rp.getElement().removeChild(removeCursor); } buildThumbnails(objectPanel, searchTermPacket); setWorkflowStates(); } pendingSearch = false; customQuery = null; } }); } }; PageAssembler.attachHandler(seachbarID, Event.ONKEYUP, new EventCallback() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) { if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER && type != ASSET_TYPE && type != PROJECT_TYPE && type != STRATEGY_TYPE && type != SEARCH_TYPE) { if (searchType == RECENT_TYPE || searchType == EDIT_TYPE) searchType = SEARCH_TYPE; Constants.dispatcher.loadResultsScreen(searchType); } else if (type != EDIT_TYPE) { if (!pendingSearch) { pendingSearch = true; t.schedule(600); } else { t.cancel(); t.schedule(600); } } } }); PageAssembler.attachHandler("r-objectEditSelected", Event.ONCLICK, new EventCallback() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) { Constants.dispatcher.loadEditScreen(pendingEdits); } }); if (type != EDIT_TYPE && type != ASSET_TYPE) t.schedule(250); } }