Java tutorial
package com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.mapred; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.ConfigureConstants; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.builder.Dataset; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.collection.BigTupleList; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.criterion.TupleCriterion; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.datajoin.DataJoinReducer; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.datajoin.DataJoinValueGroup; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.function.base.ExtendFunction; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.function.base.GroupFunction; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.function.base.Projectable; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.model.ReadFieldImpl; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.core.model.Tuple; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.util.SerializableUtil; import com.ebay.erl.mobius.util.Util; /** * Reducer for handling Mobius joining and group * by job. * * <p> * This product is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, * available at * * This product contains portions derived from Apache hadoop which is * licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, available at * * * 2007 2012 eBay Inc., Evan Chiu, Woody Zhou, Neel Sundaresan */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "unchecked" }) public class DefaultMobiusReducer extends DataJoinReducer<Tuple, Tuple, NullWritable, WritableComparable<?>> { private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultMobiusReducer.class); /** * IDs of all the participated {@link Dataset}, in the order * of left to right in a join job. * * If this is a join job, this array is used to keep track the * current dataset is the expected one, if not, then we cannot * perform inner join. */ private Byte[] _allDatasetIDs; /** * array store all the dataset IDs but not the last * one */ private Byte[] _allButNotLastDatasetIDs; /** * A quick reference to get the last dataset ID. */ private Byte _lastDatasetID; /** * Hadoop job config. */ private JobConf conf; /** * the criteria specified by the user and to be applied * before the persistent step. */ protected TupleCriterion _persistantCriteria; /** * the final projection functions. */ protected Projectable[] _projections = null; /** * The final projected column names, in user * specified order. */ protected String[] outputColumnNames = null; /** * A flag to indicate if we have set the reference * of Hadoop reporter to every projectable functions * or not. */ protected boolean reporterSet = false; /** * When set to true, that mean there is at least one * projectable function require columns from different * datasets as the inputs. */ protected boolean requirePreCrossProduct = false; /** * list of group functions that need columns from multiple * datasets as the input. */ protected List<GroupFunction> multiDatasetGroupFunction = new LinkedList<GroupFunction>(); /** * list of extend functions that need columns from multiple * datasets as the input. */ protected List<ExtendFunction> multiDatasetExtendFunction = null; /** * mapping from a datasetID to a list of group functions that * require columns only from that datasetID. */ protected Map<Byte, List<GroupFunction>> singleDatasetGroupFunction = new HashMap<Byte, List<GroupFunction>>(); /** * mapping from a datasetID to a list of extend functions that * require columns only from that datasetID. */ protected Map<Byte, List<ExtendFunction>> singleDatasetExtendFunction = new HashMap<Byte, List<ExtendFunction>>(); /** * mapping from a datasetID to the result of its extend functions * that require only the columns from the dataset. */ protected Map<Byte, BigTupleList> singleDatasetExtendFunResult = new HashMap<Byte, BigTupleList>(); /** * only used when <code>requirePreCrossProduct</code> is true. */ protected Map<Byte, BigTupleList> valuesForAllDatasets = new HashMap<Byte, BigTupleList>(); /** * A mapping to remember the schema of each dataset. */ private Map<Byte/*dataset ID*/, String[]/* schema belongs to the dataset*/> datasetToSchemaMapping = new HashMap<Byte, String[]>(); /** * a boolean flag to indicate this job is outer join ( * including left-outer-join and right-outer-join) or * not. */ protected boolean isOuterJoin; /** * the replacement specified by user to replace * the null columns for outer-join job. */ protected Object nullReplacement; /** * If the extend functions for a given dataset only * require the join key, the engine will not compute * it per values. */ private Map<Byte, Boolean> onlyHasGroupKeyExtendFunctions = new HashMap<Byte, Boolean>(); @Override public void configure(JobConf conf) { super.configure(conf); this.conf = conf; /////////////////////////////////////////// // setup the criteria to be applied in the // final projections /////////////////////////////////////////// if (this.conf.get(ConfigureConstants.PERSISTANT_CRITERIA, null) != null) { try { this._persistantCriteria = (TupleCriterion) SerializableUtil .deserializeFromBase64(this.conf.get(ConfigureConstants.PERSISTANT_CRITERIA), this.conf); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot deserialize " + ConfigureConstants.PERSISTANT_CRITERIA + " from [" + this.conf.get(ConfigureConstants.PERSISTANT_CRITERIA) + "]", e); } } //////////////////////////////////////// // setup <code>_allDatasetIDs</code> //////////////////////////////////////// String[] allDSIDs = this.conf.getStrings(ConfigureConstants.ALL_DATASET_IDS, Util.ZERO_SIZE_STRING_ARRAY); this._allDatasetIDs = new Byte[allDSIDs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < allDSIDs.length; i++) { this._allDatasetIDs[i] = Byte.valueOf(allDSIDs[i]); } if (this._allDatasetIDs.length == 0) throw new IllegalStateException(ConfigureConstants.ALL_DATASET_IDS + " is not set."); //////////////////////////////////////// // setup <code>_lastDatasetID</code> //////////////////////////////////////// this._lastDatasetID = this._allDatasetIDs[this._allDatasetIDs.length - 1]; this._allButNotLastDatasetIDs = new Byte[this._allDatasetIDs.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < this._allDatasetIDs.length - 1; i++) this._allButNotLastDatasetIDs[i] = this._allDatasetIDs[i]; /////////////////////////////////////// // setup <code>_projections</code> ////////////////////////////////////// try { this._projections = (Projectable[]) SerializableUtil .deserializeFromBase64(this.conf.get(ConfigureConstants.PROJECTION_COLUMNS), this.conf); List<String> outptuColumnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Projectable p : this._projections) { p.setCalledByCombiner(false); // save the output columns in user specified order // so that the tuples in the final projections // can emit the columns in user expected ordering. for (String name : p.getOutputSchema()) outptuColumnNames.add(name); } this.outputColumnNames = outptuColumnNames.toArray(new String[outptuColumnNames.size()]); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } // use then in final cross-product. for (Projectable func : this._projections) { if (func.requireDataFromMultiDatasets()) { // there is at least one projectable function require columns // from different datasets, these functions require cross-product // the values from different datasets to compute their values, // we need to set this flag to true so later we will do the // cross product. requirePreCrossProduct = true; if (func instanceof GroupFunction) { if (this.multiDatasetGroupFunction == null) this.multiDatasetGroupFunction = new LinkedList<GroupFunction>(); this.multiDatasetGroupFunction.add((GroupFunction) func); } else if (func instanceof ExtendFunction) { if (this.multiDatasetExtendFunction == null) this.multiDatasetExtendFunction = new LinkedList<ExtendFunction>(); this.multiDatasetExtendFunction.add((ExtendFunction) func); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(func.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " is not a sub-class of " + GroupFunction.class.getCanonicalName() + " nor, " + ExtendFunction.class.getCanonicalName()); } } else { // projectable functions that require columns from one dataset only. boolean onlyUseGroupKey = true; Byte datasetID = func.getParticipatedDataset().toArray(new Dataset[0])[0].getID(); if (func instanceof GroupFunction) { List<GroupFunction> funcs = null; if ((funcs = this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.get(datasetID)) == null) { funcs = new LinkedList<GroupFunction>(); this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.put(datasetID, funcs); } funcs.add((GroupFunction) func); } else if (func instanceof ExtendFunction) { List<ExtendFunction> funcs = null; if ((funcs = this.singleDatasetExtendFunction.get(datasetID)) == null) { funcs = new LinkedList<ExtendFunction>(); this.singleDatasetExtendFunction.put(datasetID, funcs); } funcs.add((ExtendFunction) func); if (!func.useGroupKeyOnly()) onlyUseGroupKey = false; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(func.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " is not a sub-class of " + GroupFunction.class.getCanonicalName() + " nor, " + ExtendFunction.class.getCanonicalName()); } this.onlyHasGroupKeyExtendFunctions.put(datasetID, onlyUseGroupKey); } } this.isOuterJoin = this.conf.getBoolean(ConfigureConstants.IS_OUTER_JOIN, false); //////////////////////////////////////// // setup <code>nullReplacement</code> //////////////////////////////////////// try { if (this.conf.get(ConfigureConstants.NULL_REPLACEMENT, null) != null) { byte[] binary = Base64 .decodeBase64(this.conf.get(ConfigureConstants.NULL_REPLACEMENT).getBytes("UTF-8")); byte type = (byte) this.conf.getInt(ConfigureConstants.NULL_REPLACEMENT_TYPE, -1); ByteArrayInputStream buffer = new ByteArrayInputStream(binary); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(buffer); List<Object> temp = new LinkedList<Object>(); ReadFieldImpl reader = new ReadFieldImpl(temp, input, this.conf); reader.handle(type); this.nullReplacement = temp.remove(0); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot deserialize null_replacement from:" + "[" + this.conf.get(ConfigureConstants.NULL_REPLACEMENT) + "]", e); } } @Override public void joinreduce(Tuple key, DataJoinValueGroup<Tuple> values, OutputCollector<NullWritable, WritableComparable<?>> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // set reporter for all projectable if (!reporterSet) { for (Projectable p : this._projections) {"Set reporter to " + p.getClass().getCanonicalName()); p.setReporter(reporter); } reporterSet = true; } this.clearPreviousResults(); int expectingDatasetIDX = 0; // don't keep the values from last dataset into {@BigTupleList}, // using iterator to iterate them through to perform // cross product Iterator<Tuple> valuesFromLastDataset = null; ////////////////////////////////////////// // compute the result for the projections ////////////////////////////////////////// while (values.hasNext()) { Byte datasetID = values.nextDatasetID(); if (!datasetID.equals(_allDatasetIDs[expectingDatasetIDX])) { // no records coming from the expected dataset, means // 1) not full inner join-able, // 2) no records from the left dataset when this is a left-outer-join, or // 3) no records from the right dataset when this is a right-outer-join, return return; } expectingDatasetIDX++; if (!datasetID.equals(this._lastDatasetID))// values not from the last dataset { Iterator<Tuple> valuesForCurrentDataset =; computeSingleDSFunctionsResults(valuesForCurrentDataset, datasetID, reporter); } else { // the remaining values are all from the last // dataset, keep the reference of the value // iterator to perform cross product later valuesFromLastDataset =; break; } } if (valuesFromLastDataset == null) { if (!this.isOuterJoin) { // no records from the last dataset, not be able to // do full inner join, return return; } else { // no records from the last dataset, but this is a // outer-join job, continue. } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cross product the results for all the datasets except // the last one, the result only contain projectable functions // that don't require columns from multiple datasets only. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Iterable<Tuple> resultsFromOtherDatasets = this.crossProduct(reporter, false, _allButNotLastDatasetIDs); List<Iterable<Tuple>> toBeCrossProduct = new ArrayList<Iterable<Tuple>>(); if (resultsFromOtherDatasets != null) toBeCrossProduct.add(resultsFromOtherDatasets); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // start to compute the results for the final dataset ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// boolean hasMultiDSFunctions = this.requirePreCrossProduct; if (hasMultiDSFunctions) { // there are functions require columns from multiple // dataset, so save the values from last dataset // into BigTupleList so we can iterate it multiple // times. if (valuesFromLastDataset != null) { while (valuesFromLastDataset.hasNext()) { Tuple aRow =; this.rememberTuple(_lastDatasetID, aRow, reporter); } Iterable<Tuple> preCrossProduct = Util.crossProduct(conf, reporter, this.valuesForAllDatasets.values().toArray(new BigTupleList[0])); BigTupleList btl = new BigTupleList(reporter); for (Tuple aRow : preCrossProduct) { this.computeExtendFunctions(aRow, btl, this.multiDatasetExtendFunction); this.computeGroupFunctions(aRow, this.multiDatasetGroupFunction); } if (btl.size() > 0) toBeCrossProduct.add(btl); for (GroupFunction fun : this.multiDatasetGroupFunction) toBeCrossProduct.add(fun.getResult()); valuesFromLastDataset = this.valuesForAllDatasets.get(_lastDatasetID).iterator(); } else { if (this.multiDatasetExtendFunction.size() > 0) { BigTupleList btl = new BigTupleList(reporter); this.computeExtendFunctions(null, btl, this.multiDatasetExtendFunction); toBeCrossProduct.add(btl); } for (GroupFunction fun : this.multiDatasetGroupFunction) toBeCrossProduct.add(fun.getNoMatchResult(nullReplacement)); } } // finished the computation of multi-dataset functions, start // to compute the projectable funcitons results for last // dataset // // first compute the cross product of all other functions Iterable<Tuple> others = null; if (toBeCrossProduct.size() > 0) { Iterable<Tuple>[] array = new Iterable[toBeCrossProduct.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < toBeCrossProduct.size(); i++) { array[i] = toBeCrossProduct.get(i); } others = Util.crossProduct(conf, reporter, array); } if (valuesFromLastDataset == null) {// outer-join, so <code>others</code> is always not null. List<BigTupleList> nullResult = new ArrayList<BigTupleList>(); if (this.singleDatasetExtendFunction.get(_lastDatasetID) != null) { BigTupleList btl = new BigTupleList(reporter); this.computeExtendFunctions(null, btl, this.singleDatasetExtendFunction.get(_lastDatasetID)); nullResult.add(btl); } if (this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.get(_lastDatasetID) != null) { for (GroupFunction fun : this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.get(_lastDatasetID)) nullResult.add(fun.getNoMatchResult(nullReplacement)); } for (Tuple t1 : Util.crossProduct(conf, reporter, nullResult)) { for (Tuple t2 : others) { this.output(Tuple.merge(t1, t2), output, reporter); } } } else { boolean hasNoGroupFunctionForLastDS = this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.get(this._lastDatasetID) == null; while (valuesFromLastDataset.hasNext()) { Tuple aRow =; aRow.setSchema(this.getSchemaByDatasetID(_lastDatasetID)); if (hasNoGroupFunctionForLastDS) { // there is no group function from the last DS, we can // do some optimization here: as we streaming over the // values of last dataset, we also emit outputs. Tuple merged = new Tuple(); for (ExtendFunction func : this.singleDatasetExtendFunction.get(_lastDatasetID)) { merged = Tuple.merge(merged, func.getResult(aRow)); } if (others != null) { for (Tuple t : others) { this.output(Tuple.merge(t, merged), output, reporter); } } else { this.output(merged, output, reporter); } } else { this.processExtendFunctions(_lastDatasetID, aRow, reporter); this.computeGroupFunctions(_lastDatasetID, aRow); } } if (!hasNoGroupFunctionForLastDS) { for (Tuple t1 : this.crossProduct(reporter, false, _lastDatasetID)) { if (others != null) { for (Tuple t2 : others) { this.output(Tuple.merge(t1, t2), output, reporter); } } else { this.output(t1, output, reporter); } } } } } /** * compute functions that require columns from the datasetID only. */ private void computeSingleDSFunctionsResults(Iterator<Tuple> tuples, Byte datasetID, Reporter reporter) { while (tuples.hasNext()) { Tuple aTuple =; aTuple.setSchema(this.getSchemaByDatasetID(datasetID)); if (this.requirePreCrossProduct) { // some functions need columns from multiple // dataset, so remember this value for later // corss product rememberTuple(datasetID, aTuple, reporter); } this.processExtendFunctions(datasetID, aTuple, reporter); this.computeGroupFunctions(datasetID, aTuple); } } private void output(Tuple aTuple, OutputCollector<NullWritable, WritableComparable<?>> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { aTuple.setToStringOrdering(this.outputColumnNames); if (this._persistantCriteria != null) { if (this._persistantCriteria.accept(aTuple, this.conf)) { output.collect(NullWritable.get(), aTuple); reporter.getCounter("Join/Grouping Records", "EMITTED").increment(1); } else { reporter.getCounter("Join/Grouping Records", "FILTERED").increment(1); } } else { output.collect(NullWritable.get(), aTuple); reporter.getCounter("Join/Grouping Records", "EMITTED").increment(1); } } private void rememberTuple(Byte datasetID, Tuple aTuple, Reporter reporter) { BigTupleList tuples = null; if ((tuples = this.valuesForAllDatasets.get(datasetID)) == null) { tuples = new BigTupleList(reporter); this.valuesForAllDatasets.put(datasetID, tuples); } tuples.add(aTuple); } /** * compute the extend functions for the given datasetID, using the * <code>aRow</code> as the input and save the result for final * cross-product. */ private void processExtendFunctions(Byte datasetID, Tuple aRow, Reporter reporter) { // process extend function for this current dataset and save the result List<ExtendFunction> extendFunctions = this.singleDatasetExtendFunction.get(datasetID); if (extendFunctions == null) return; BigTupleList computedResult = null; if ((computedResult = this.singleDatasetExtendFunResult.get(datasetID)) == null) { computedResult = new BigTupleList(reporter); this.singleDatasetExtendFunResult.put(datasetID, computedResult); } if (onlyHasGroupKeyExtendFunctions.get(datasetID)) { if (computedResult.size() == 0) this.computeExtendFunctions(aRow, computedResult, extendFunctions); } else { this.computeExtendFunctions(aRow, computedResult, extendFunctions); } } /** * compute the extend function result using the <code>aRow</code>, * merge the tuple from each function together into single one and * add it to the <code>result</code> list for final cross-product. */ private void computeExtendFunctions(Tuple aRow, BigTupleList result, List<ExtendFunction> functions) { if (functions != null && !functions.isEmpty()) { Tuple mergedResult = new Tuple(); for (ExtendFunction aFunction : functions) { if (aRow != null) mergedResult = Tuple.merge(mergedResult, aFunction.getResult(aRow)); else mergedResult = Tuple.merge(mergedResult, aFunction.getNoMatchResult(nullReplacement)); } result.add(mergedResult); } } /** * For each group function from of the given datasetID, * call their consume method with the <code>aRow</code> * as the input. */ private void computeGroupFunctions(Byte datasetID, Tuple aRow) { List<GroupFunction> groupFunctions = this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.get(datasetID); this.computeGroupFunctions(aRow, groupFunctions); } private void computeGroupFunctions(Tuple aRow, List<GroupFunction> functions) { if (functions != null && !functions.isEmpty()) { for (GroupFunction aFunction : functions) { if (aRow != null) aFunction.consume(aRow); } } } private void clearPreviousResults() { for (BigTupleList list : this.singleDatasetExtendFunResult.values()) { list.clear(); } for (Projectable fun : this._projections) { if (fun instanceof GroupFunction) { ((GroupFunction) fun).reset(); } } for (Byte aDatasetID : this.valuesForAllDatasets.keySet()) { this.valuesForAllDatasets.remove(aDatasetID).clear(); } } protected String[] getSchemaByDatasetID(Byte datasetID) { String[] schema = null; if ((schema = this.datasetToSchemaMapping.get(datasetID)) == null) { schema = this.conf.getStrings(datasetID + ".value.columns", Util.ZERO_SIZE_STRING_ARRAY); if (schema.length == 0) { // should never happen throw new IllegalStateException("Schema for dataset:" + datasetID + " is not set."); } this.datasetToSchemaMapping.put(datasetID, schema); } return schema; } /** * compute the cross product result of the given dataset id */ private Iterable<Tuple> crossProduct(Reporter reporter, boolean usingNull, Byte... datasetIDs) throws IOException { if (datasetIDs == null || datasetIDs.length == 0) return null; List<BigTupleList> resultsToBeCrossProducts = new ArrayList<BigTupleList>(); for (Byte datasetID : datasetIDs) { if (this.singleDatasetExtendFunResult.get(datasetID) != null) { resultsToBeCrossProducts.add(this.singleDatasetExtendFunResult.get(datasetID)); } if (this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.get(datasetID) != null) { for (GroupFunction fun : this.singleDatasetGroupFunction.get(datasetID)) { if (usingNull) resultsToBeCrossProducts.add(fun.getNoMatchResult(this.nullReplacement)); else resultsToBeCrossProducts.add(fun.getResult()); } } } return Util.crossProduct(conf, reporter, resultsToBeCrossProducts); } }