Java tutorial
/** * Constellio, Open Source Enterprise Search * Copyright (C) 2010 DocuLibre inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.doculibre.constellio.utils.persistence; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.Persistence; import; import; import com.doculibre.constellio.plugins.PluginAwareClassLoader; import com.doculibre.constellio.plugins.PluginFactory; import com.doculibre.constellio.utils.ClasspathUtils; import com.doculibre.constellio.utils.ConstellioSpringUtils; public class ConstellioPersistenceContext { private final static String ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_NAME = "constellio"; private static EntityManagerFactory ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY; private final static ThreadLocal<EntityManager> ENTITY_MANAGERS = new ThreadLocal<EntityManager>(); static { File classesDir = ClasspathUtils.getClassesDir(); File webinfDir = ClasspathUtils.getWebinfDir(); File webappDir = webinfDir.getParentFile(); File workDir = ClasspathUtils.getWorkDir(); String workDirPath = workDir.getAbsolutePath(); String workDirPathFrontSlash = workDir.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); String classesDirPath = classesDir.getAbsolutePath(); String classesDirPathFrontSlash = classesDir.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); String constellioDirPath = webappDir.getAbsolutePath(); String constellioDirPathFrontSlash = webappDir.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/"); System.setProperty("workDir", workDirPath); System.setProperty("workDirFrontSlash", workDirPathFrontSlash); System.setProperty("classesDir", classesDirPath); System.setProperty("classesDirFrontSlash", classesDirPathFrontSlash); System.setProperty("constellioDir", constellioDirPath); System.setProperty("constellioDirFrontSlash", constellioDirPathFrontSlash); generatePersistenceFile(); } private static void generatePersistenceFile() { //Usefull for unit testing String basePersistenceFileName = System.getProperty("base-persistence-file"); if (basePersistenceFileName == null) { basePersistenceFileName = "persistence_derby.xml"; } File classesDir = ClasspathUtils.getClassesDir(); File metaInfDir = new File(classesDir, "META-INF"); File persistenceFile = new File(metaInfDir, "persistence.xml"); File persistenceBaseFile = new File(metaInfDir, basePersistenceFileName); if (persistenceFile.exists()) { persistenceFile.delete(); } // FIXME Using text files rather than Dom4J because of empty xmlns attribute generated... try { String persistenceBaseText = FileUtils.readFileToString(persistenceBaseFile); StringBuffer sbJarFile = new StringBuffer("\n"); File pluginsDir = PluginFactory.getPluginsDir(); for (String availablePluginName : ConstellioSpringUtils.getAvailablePluginNames()) { if (PluginFactory.isValidPlugin(availablePluginName)) { File pluginDir = new File(pluginsDir, availablePluginName); File pluginJarFile = new File(pluginDir, availablePluginName + ".jar"); String pluginJarURI = pluginJarFile.toURI().toString(); sbJarFile.append("\n"); sbJarFile.append("<jar-file>" + pluginJarURI + "</jar-file>"); } } File webInfDir = ClasspathUtils.getWebinfDir(); File libDir = new File(webInfDir, "lib"); File[] contellioJarFiles = libDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { boolean accept; if (pathname.isDirectory()) { accept = false; } else { List<String> availablePluginNames = ConstellioSpringUtils.getAvailablePluginNames(); String jarNameWoutExtension = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(pathname.getName()); accept = availablePluginNames.contains(jarNameWoutExtension); } return accept; } }); for (File constellioJarFile : contellioJarFiles) { URI constellioJarFileURI = constellioJarFile.toURI(); sbJarFile.append("\n"); sbJarFile.append("<jar-file>" + constellioJarFileURI + "</jar-file>"); } String persistenceText = persistenceBaseText.replaceAll("</provider>", "</provider>" + sbJarFile); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(persistenceFile, persistenceText); // persistenceFile.deleteOnExit(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static synchronized void init() { if (ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY == null) { PluginAwareClassLoader pluginAwareClassLoader = new PluginAwareClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(pluginAwareClassLoader); ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_NAME); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(pluginAwareClassLoader.getDefaultClassLoader()); } } public static synchronized EntityManager getCurrentEntityManager() { init(); EntityManager em = ENTITY_MANAGERS.get(); if (em == null || !em.isOpen()) { em = ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY.createEntityManager(); ENTITY_MANAGERS.set(em); } return em; } public static synchronized void setCurrentEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { init(); ENTITY_MANAGERS.set(entityManager); } public synchronized static void close() { if (ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY.isOpen()) { ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY.close(); } ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY = null; } }