Java tutorial
/* * dalserver-interop library - implementation of DAL server for interoperability * Copyright (C) 2015 Diversity Arrays Technology * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.diversityarrays.dal.server; import java.awt.Image; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import net.pearcan.ui.GuiUtil; import net.pearcan.ui.desktop.MacApplication; import net.pearcan.ui.desktop.MacApplicationException; import net.pearcan.util.Util; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Closure; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.AuthenticationException; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.DalDatabase; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.DalDatabaseUtil; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.DalDbException; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.DalResponseBuilder; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.DbUtil; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.SqlDalDatabase; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.SystemGroupInfo; import com.diversityarrays.dal.db.UserInfo; import com.diversityarrays.dal.ops.DalOperation; import com.diversityarrays.dal.ops.OperationMatch; import com.diversityarrays.dal.ops.WordNode; import com.diversityarrays.dal.service.DalDbProviderService; import com.diversityarrays.dal.service.Parameter; import com.diversityarrays.dal.service.ParameterValue; import com.diversityarrays.dal.sqldb.SqlUtil; import com.diversityarrays.dalclient.DALClient; import com.diversityarrays.dalclient.SessionExpiryOption; import fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD; import fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Response.IStatus; import fi.iki.elonen.SimpleWebServer; public class DalServer extends SimpleWebServer implements IDalServer { private static final String YOU_NEED_TO_LOGIN_FIRST = "You need to login first"; static final private String DAL_SERVER_VERSION = "1.0.1"; static private void fatal(String msg) { System.err.println("?" + msg); giveHelpThenExit(1); } static private final String[] CMD_HELP_LINES = { "Usage: java -jar dalserver.jar [OPTIONS] [databaseServiceName]", "Options are:", "-- ignore everything after this 'option'", "-version print version number and exit", "-help print this help and exit", "-expire NN auto-expiry minutes for sessions", "-localhost listen on localhost:PORT instead of <ip-address>:PORT", "-port PORT specifies the port number to listen on (default is " + DalServerUtil.DEFAULT_DAL_SERVER_PORT + ")", "", "-docroot DIR specifies a folder from which to service files", }; public static void giveHelpThenExit(int code) { for (String line : CMD_HELP_LINES) { System.out.println(line); } System.out.println("Available databaseServiceNames are:"); for (Iterator<DalDbProviderService> iter = ServiceRegistry.lookupProviders(DalDbProviderService.class); iter .hasNext();) { DalDbProviderService provider =; System.out.println("\t" + provider.getProviderName()); } System.exit(code); } public static void main(String[] args) { String host = null; int port = DalServerUtil.DEFAULT_DAL_SERVER_PORT; int inactiveMins = DalServerUtil.DEFAULT_MAX_INACTIVE_MINUTES; File docRoot = null; String serviceName = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { String argi = args[i]; if (argi.startsWith("-")) { if ("--".equals(argi)) { break; } if ("-version".equals(argi)) { System.out.println(DAL_SERVER_VERSION); System.exit(0); } if ("-help".equals(argi)) { giveHelpThenExit(0); } if ("-docroot".equals(argi)) { if (++i >= args.length || args[i].startsWith("-")) { fatal("missing value for " + argi); } docRoot = new File(args[i]); } else if ("-sqllog".equals(argi)) { SqlUtil.logger = Logger.getLogger(SqlUtil.class.getName()); } else if ("-expire".equals(argi)) { if (++i >= args.length || args[i].startsWith("-")) { fatal("missing value for " + argi); } try { inactiveMins = Integer.parseInt(args[i], 10); if (inactiveMins <= 0) { fatal("invalid minutes: " + args[i]); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { fatal("invalid minutes: " + args[i]); } } else if ("-localhost".equals(argi)) { host = "localhost"; } else if ("-port".equals(argi)) { if (++i >= args.length || args[i].startsWith("-")) { fatal("missing value for " + argi); } try { port = Integer.parseInt(args[i], 10); if (port < 0 || port > 65535) { fatal("invalid port number: " + args[i]); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { fatal("invalid port number: " + args[i]); } } else { fatal("invalid option: " + argi); } } else { if (serviceName != null) { fatal("multiple serviceNames not supported: " + argi); } serviceName = argi; } } final DalServerPreferences preferences = new DalServerPreferences( Preferences.userNodeForPackage(DalServer.class)); if (docRoot == null) { docRoot = preferences.getWebRoot(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "www")); } DalServer server = null; if (serviceName != null && docRoot.isDirectory()) { try { DalDatabase db = createDalDatabase(serviceName, preferences); if (db.isInitialiseRequired()) { Closure<String> progress = new Closure<String>() { @Override public void execute(String msg) { System.out.println("Database Initialisation: " + msg); } }; db.initialise(progress); } server = create(preferences, host, port, docRoot, db); } catch (NoServiceException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (DalDbException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } Image serverIconImage = null; InputStream imageIs = DalServer.class.getResourceAsStream("dalserver-24.png"); if (imageIs != null) { try { serverIconImage =; if (Util.isMacOS()) { try { MacApplication macapp = new MacApplication(null); macapp.setDockIconImage(serverIconImage); } catch (MacApplicationException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } if (server != null) { server.setMaxInactiveMinutes(inactiveMins); } else { AskServerParams asker = new AskServerParams(serverIconImage, null, "DAL Server Start", docRoot, preferences); GuiUtil.centreOnScreen(asker); asker.setVisible(true); if (asker.cancelled) { System.exit(0); } host = asker.dalServerHostName; port = asker.dalServerPort; inactiveMins = asker.maxInactiveMinutes; server = create(preferences, host, port, asker.wwwRoot, asker.dalDatabase); // server.setUseSimpleDatabase(asker.useSimpleDatabase); } final DalServer f_server = server; final File f_wwwRoot = docRoot; final Image f_serverIconImage = serverIconImage; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DalServerFactory factory = new DalServerFactory() { @Override public DalServer create(String hostName, int port, File wwwRoot, DalDatabase dalDatabase) { return DalServer.create(preferences, hostName, port, wwwRoot, dalDatabase); } }; ServerGui gui = new ServerGui(f_serverIconImage, f_server, factory, f_wwwRoot, preferences); gui.setVisible(true); } }); } /** * * @param databaseFolder * @param databaseServer * @param databasePort * @param wwwRoot * @param host * @param serviceName * @param prefs * @param errors * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no provider or unable to create * @return * @throws NoServiceException */ private static DalDatabase createDalDatabase(String dalDbServiceName, DalServerPreferences prefs) throws NoServiceException { DalDbProviderService provider = null; for (Iterator<DalDbProviderService> iter = ServiceRegistry.lookupProviders(DalDbProviderService.class); iter .hasNext();) { provider =; if (dalDbServiceName.equals(provider.getProviderName())) { break; } } if (provider == null) { throw new NoServiceException("No provider for " + dalDbServiceName); } Set<Parameter<?>> required = provider.getParametersRequired(); Map<Parameter<?>, Throwable> errors = new LinkedHashMap<Parameter<?>, Throwable>(); Map<Parameter<?>, ParameterValue<?>> savedSettings = prefs.loadSavedSettings(provider, required, errors); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Parameter errors:"); for (Parameter<?> p : errors.keySet()) { sb.append("\n ").append(; } throw new NoServiceException(sb.toString()); } Set<ParameterValue<?>> parameterValues = new LinkedHashSet<ParameterValue<?>>(); for (Parameter<?> p : required) { ParameterValue<?> v = savedSettings.get(p); if (v != null) { parameterValues.add(v); } } try { Closure<String> progress = new Closure<String>() { @Override public void execute(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } }; return provider.createDatabase(parameterValues, progress, false); } catch (DalDbException e) { throw new NoServiceException("provider " + provider.getProviderName() + " couldn't create DalDatabase", e); } } private boolean useSimpleDatabase; public void setUseSimpleDatabase(boolean b) { useSimpleDatabase = b; } @Override public boolean getUseSimpleDatabase() { return useSimpleDatabase; } static public DalServer create(DalServerPreferences prefs, String host, int port, File wwwroot, DalDatabase dd) { if (host == null) { try { host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { host = "localhost"; } } return new DalServer(prefs, host, port, wwwroot, dd); } private boolean verbose; private final DalDatabase dalDatabase; private WordNode wordNodeRoot = new WordNode(); private DalSessionStore dalSessionStore = new DalSessionStore(); private int maximumInactivityMinutes = DalServerUtil.DEFAULT_MAX_INACTIVE_MINUTES; private long maximumInactivityMillis = maximumInactivityMinutes * 60 * 1000L; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final DalServerPreferences preferences;; public DalServer(DalServerPreferences prefs, String host, int port, File wwwroot, DalDatabase dd) { super(host, port, wwwroot, true); this.preferences = prefs; this.dalDatabase = dd; DalServerUtil.buildWordTree(dalDatabase.getOperations(), wordNodeRoot); } public NanoHTTPD getHttpServer() { return this; } @Override public void setMaxInactiveMinutes(int mins) { this.maximumInactivityMinutes = mins; this.maximumInactivityMillis = mins * 60 * 1000L; } public int getMaxInactiveMinutes() { return maximumInactivityMinutes; } public String getDalServerVersion() { return DAL_SERVER_VERSION; } public int getDalOperationCount() { return dalDatabase.getOperations().size(); } public DalDatabase getDalDatabase() { return dalDatabase; } public boolean isQuiet() { return !isVerbose(); } public void setQuiet(boolean b) { setVerbose(!b); } public boolean isVerbose() { return verbose; } public void setVerbose(boolean b) { verbose = b; } public Response serve(IHTTPSession session) { Map<String, String> filePathByName = new HashMap<String, String>(); Method method = session.getMethod(); if (Method.PUT.equals(method) || Method.POST.equals(method)) { try { session.parseBody(filePathByName); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); return new Response(Response.Status.INTERNAL_ERROR, MIME_PLAINTEXT, "SERVER INTERNAL ERROR: IOException: " + ioe.getMessage()); } catch (ResponseException re) { re.printStackTrace(); return new Response(re.getStatus(), MIME_PLAINTEXT, re.getMessage()); } } Response r = serveImpl(session.getUri(), method, session, filePathByName); r.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST"); // r.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); r.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); r.addHeader("X-XSS-Protection", "0"); // supposedly to allow Safari debugging // r.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, *"); return r; } private Response serveImpl(String uri, Method method, IHTTPSession session, Map<String, String> filePathByName) { Response result; boolean wantJson = "json".equals(session.getParms().get("ctype")); if (verbose) { System.out.println(method + " '" + uri + "' "); Map<String, String> headers = session.getHeaders(); Iterator<String> e = headers.keySet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { String value =; System.out.println(" HDR: '" + value + "' = '" + headers.get(value) + "'"); } Map<String, String> parms = session.getParms(); e = parms.keySet().iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { String value =; System.out.println(" PRM: '" + value + "' = '" + parms.get(value) + "'"); } } if ("/help".equals(uri)) { result = giveHelp(); } else if (uri.equals("/sessions")) { result = doListSessions(); } else if (Method.GET.equals(method) && uri.startsWith("/entity:")) { result = doEntityInfo(uri.substring(8)); } else if (Method.POST.equals(method) && uri.endsWith("/entity")) { result = doEntityInfo(session.getParms().get("entity")); } else if (Method.GET.equals(method) && uri.startsWith("/sql:")) { if (dalDatabase instanceof SqlDalDatabase) { result = createSqlQueryResponse((SqlDalDatabase) dalDatabase, uri.substring(5), null); } else { result = DalServerUtil.buildNotSqlDalDatabaseTextResponse(dalDatabase); } } else if (Method.POST.equals(method) && uri.endsWith("/sql")) { if (dalDatabase instanceof SqlDalDatabase) { result = createSqlQueryResponse((SqlDalDatabase) dalDatabase, session.getParms().get("sql"), null); } else { result = DalServerUtil.buildNotSqlDalDatabaseTextResponse(dalDatabase); } } else if (Method.GET.equals(method) && uri.startsWith("/table:")) { result = doTable(uri.substring(7)); } else if (Method.POST.equals(method) && uri.endsWith("/table")) { result = doTable(session.getParms().get("table")); } else if (uri.startsWith("/dal/")) { String[] returnSql = new String[1]; result = doDal(wantJson, method, uri.substring(5), session, filePathByName, returnSql); if (result != null) { IStatus status = result.getStatus(); String desc = status.getDescription(); System.out.println("\tresult.status=" + desc); if (returnSql[0] != null) { System.out.println("\tSQL: " + returnSql[0]); } } } else { result = super.serve(session); } return result; } private Response doListSessions() { DalSession[] sessions = dalSessionStore.getSessions(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html><body>"); sb.append("<h2>Active Sessions:").append(sessions.length).append("</h2>"); if (sessions.length > 0) { emitSessions(sessions, sb); } sb.append("</body></html>"); return new Response(Response.Status.OK, MIME_HTML, sb.toString()); } private void emitSessions(DalSession[] sessions, StringBuilder sb) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"); sb.append("<table border='1'>"); sb.append("<thead><tr>"); sb.append("<th>Username</th>"); sb.append("<th>User Id</th>"); sb.append("<th>Last Active</th>"); sb.append("<th>Expiry Option</th>"); sb.append("<th>WriteToken</th>"); sb.append("<th>Session Id</th>"); sb.append("</tr></thead><tbody>"); for (DalSession sess : sessions) { sb.append("<tr>").append("<td>").append(DbUtil.htmlEscape(sess.getUserName())).append("</td>") .append("<td>").append(sess.getUserId()).append("</td>").append("<td>") .append(df.format(sess.getLastActive())).append("</td>").append("<td>") .append(sess.sessionExpiryOption).append("</td>").append("<td>").append(sess.writeToken) .append("</td>").append("<td>").append(sess.sessionId).append("</td>").append("</tr>"); } sb.append("</tbody></table>"); } private Response doDal(boolean wantJson, Method method, String dalcmd, IHTTPSession session, Map<String, String> filePathByName, String[] returnSql) { System.out.println("DAL: " + dalcmd); Response result; CookieHandler cookies = session.getCookies(); String sessionId =; DalSession dalSession = null; if (sessionId != null) { dalSession = dalSessionStore.getSession(sessionId); if (dalSession == null) { System.out.println("\tNO session for sessionId=" + sessionId); } else { System.out.println("\tsession: " + dalSession); if (dalSession.hasExpired(maximumInactivityMillis)) { System.out.println("\t **expired**"); dalSessionStore.removeSession(dalSession); // But if they are trying to login again, this isn't an error ! if (!dalcmd.startsWith(DalOperation.LOGIN_STEM)) { return DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "Session expired. Please login again."); } dalSession = null; } } } if (dalcmd.startsWith(DalOperation.LOGIN_STEM)) { if (dalSession == null) { result = handleLogin(wantJson, dalcmd, session); } else { removeCookies(session); dalSessionStore.removeSession(dalSession); System.out.println("!!! Removed session: " + dalSession); result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "You were already logged-in as " + dalSession.getUserName() + ". You are now logged-out"); // result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "Already login."); } } else if (dalcmd.equals(DalOperation.LOGOUT)) { if (dalSession != null) { result = handleLogout(dalSession, wantJson, dalcmd, session); dalSessionStore.removeSession(dalSession); System.out.println("!!! Removed session: " + dalSession); } else { // TODO check if need to do: removeCookies(session); result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "You are not logged-in"); } } else if (dalcmd.equals(DalOperation.GET_LOGIN_STATUS)) { result = handleGetLoginStatus(wantJson, dalSession); } else if (dalcmd.equals(DalOperation.GET_VERSION)) { // We can do this regardless of login status result = createGetVersionResult(wantJson, dalSession); } else if (dalSession == null) { // If there isn't a session you can get past here! result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "(0) " + YOU_NEED_TO_LOGIN_FIRST); } else { if (dalSession != null) { dalSession.delayExpiry(); } if (DalOperation.LIST_OPERATION.equals(dalcmd)) { result = doListOperation(wantJson); } else if (DalOperation.LIST_GROUP.equals(dalcmd) || DalOperation.LIST_ALL_GROUP.equals(dalcmd)) { result = handleListOrListAllGroup(wantJson, dalcmd, dalSession, returnSql); } else if (dalcmd.endsWith(DalOperation.LIST_FIELD_TAIL)) { result = handleListField(wantJson, dalcmd, dalSession); } else if (dalcmd.startsWith(DalOperation.SWITCH_GROUP_STEM)) { result = handleSwitchGroup(wantJson, dalcmd, dalSession); } else if (dalcmd.equals(DalOperation.GET_VERSION)) { // Should have already been done but here for completeness result = createGetVersionResult(wantJson, dalSession); } else { StringBuilder errmsg = new StringBuilder(); OperationMatch match = getOperationMatch(dalcmd, errmsg); if (match == null || match.node.getOperation() == null) { result = DalServerUtil.buildNotFoundResponse(wantJson, "No matching operation for '" + dalcmd + "' (" + errmsg + ")"); } else { result = doOperation(dalSession, wantJson, match, method, dalcmd, session, filePathByName); } } } return result; } public Response createGetVersionResult(boolean wantJson, DalSession session) { try { return DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson).startTag(DALClient.TAG_INFO) .attribute("Copyright", "Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Diversity Arrays Technology, All rights reserved.") .attribute(DALClient.ATTR_VERSION, dalDatabase.getDatabaseVersion(session)) .attribute("ServerVersion", DAL_SERVER_VERSION).attribute("About", "Data Access Layer").endTag() .build(Response.Status.OK); } catch (DalDbException e) { return DalServerUtil.buildInternalErrorResponse(wantJson, e); } } public Response handleGetLoginStatus(boolean wantJson, DalSession dalSession) { Response result; DalResponseBuilder builder = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson); builder.startTag(DALClient.TAG_INFO); if (dalSession == null) { builder.attribute(DALClient.ATTR_GROUP_SELECTION_STATUS, "0").attribute(DALClient.ATTR_LOGIN_STATUS, "0"); } else { builder.attribute(DALClient.ATTR_GROUP_SELECTION_STATUS, dalSession.getGroupId() == null ? "0" : "1") .attribute(DALClient.ATTR_LOGIN_STATUS, "1"); // dalSession implies logged-in } builder.endTag(); result =; return result; } private Response handleSwitchGroup(boolean wantJson, String dalcmd, DalSession dalSession) { Response result; // TODO pass this on to dalDatabase.switchGroup() in case it is a forwarder // and react appropriately String[] parts = dalcmd.split("/"); if (parts.length == 3 && parts[2].matches("\\d+")) { String groupId = parts[2]; try { // Does the database have this group? SystemGroupInfo groupInfo = dalDatabase.getSystemGroupInfo(dalSession); if (groupInfo == null) { result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "User " + dalSession.getUserId() + " is not a member of group " + groupId); } else { // Yup - and this user is a member... dalSession.setGroupId(groupInfo.getGroupId()); result = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson).startTag(DALClient.TAG_INFO) .attribute(DALClient.ATTR_MESSAGE, "You have been switched to " + groupId + " successfully.") .attribute(DALClient.ATTR_GROUP_NAME, groupInfo.getGroupName()) .attribute(DALClient.ATTR_GADMIN, groupInfo.isGroupOwner() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE").endTag() .build(Response.Status.OK); } } catch (DalDbException e) { result = DalServerUtil.buildInternalErrorResponse(wantJson, e); } } else { result = DalServerUtil.buildNotFoundResponse(wantJson, "Invalid command: " + dalcmd); } return result; } private Response handleListOrListAllGroup(boolean wantJson, String dalcmd, DalSession session, String[] returnSql) { Response result = null; DalResponseBuilder builder = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson); try { if (DalOperation.LIST_ALL_GROUP.equals(dalcmd)) { dalDatabase.performListAllGroup(session, builder, returnSql); result =; } else if (DalOperation.LIST_GROUP.equals(dalcmd)) { dalDatabase.performListGroup(session, builder, returnSql); result =; } else { // handled by if (result==null) below... } } catch (DalDbException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); if (t == null) { t = e; } result = DalServerUtil.buildInternalErrorResponse(wantJson, t.getMessage() + ":" + dalcmd); } if (result == null) { result = DalServerUtil.buildNotFoundResponse(wantJson, "Unrecognised LIST command: " + dalcmd); } return result; } private Response handleLogout(DalSession dalSession, boolean wantJson, String dalcmd, IHTTPSession session) { Response r = null; try { dalDatabase.doLogout(dalSession); } finally { r = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson).startTag(DALClient.TAG_INFO) .attribute(DALClient.ATTR_MESSAGE, "You have logged out successfully.").endTag() .build(Response.Status.OK); removeCookies(session); } return r; } public void removeCookies(IHTTPSession session) { CookieHandler cookies = session.getCookies(); for (String cookieName : DalSession.COOKIE_NAMES) { cookies.delete(cookieName); } } private Response handleLogin(boolean wantJson, String dalcmd, IHTTPSession session) { Response result; String[] parts = dalcmd.split("/"); if (parts.length != 3) { result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "(1) missing parameters"); } else { String userName = parts[1]; String seoName = parts[2]; SessionExpiryOption seo = SessionExpiryOption.lookup(seoName); if (seo == null) { return DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "(2) Invalid SessionExpiryOption=" + seoName); } try { String newSessionId = DalSession.createSessionId(); UserInfo userInfo = dalDatabase.doLogin(newSessionId, userName, seo, session.getParms()); DalSession dalSession = new DalSession(newSessionId, userInfo, seo); dalSessionStore.addSession(dalSession); result = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson) .startTag(DALClient.TAG_USER).attribute(DALClient.ATTR_USER_ID, userInfo.getUserId()) .endTag() .startTag(DALClient.TAG_WRITE_TOKEN).attribute(DALClient.ATTR_VALUE, dalSession.writeToken) .endTag() .build(Response.Status.OK); List<Cookie> cookies = dalSession.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { System.out.println("Cookies for dalSession:" + dalSession); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { System.out.println("\t" + cookie); session.getCookies().set(cookie); } } } catch (AuthenticationException ae) { Throwable e = ae.getCause(); if (e == null) { e = ae; } System.err.println(e.getMessage()); result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, "(3) " + e.getMessage()); } } return result; } private OperationMatch getOperationMatch(String dalcmd, StringBuilder errmsg) { OperationMatch result = null; StringBuilder entityErrmsg = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder nonEntityErrmsg = new StringBuilder(); OperationMatch match = DalDatabaseUtil.findOperationMatch(dalcmd, wordNodeRoot, entityErrmsg); if (match.node != null) { result = match; } else { String e = entityErrmsg.length() > 0 ? entityErrmsg.toString() : nonEntityErrmsg.toString(); errmsg.append(e); } return result; } private Response doEntityInfo(String entityName) { Response result; if (entityName == null || entityName.isEmpty()) { result = new Response(Response.Status.OK, MIME_PLAINTEXT, "Entity Names:\n" + DbUtil.join("\n", dalDatabase.getEntityNames())); } else { String usedName = entityName.toLowerCase(); List<DalOperation> ops = new ArrayList<DalOperation>(); for (DalOperation op : dalDatabase.getOperations()) { if (entityName.equals(op.getEntityName())) { ops.add(op); } else if (usedName.equals(op.getEntityName())) { ops.add(op); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html><body>"); if (ops.isEmpty()) { sb.append("<b>No operations found for '").append(entityName).append("'"); } else { sb.append("<b>Operations for '"); sb.append(entityName).append("'</b>"); if (!usedName.equals(entityName)) { sb.append(" (as ").append(usedName).append(")"); } sb.append("<ul>"); for (DalOperation op : ops) { sb.append("<li>").append(DbUtil.htmlEscape(op.getCommandTemplate())).append("</li>"); } sb.append("</ul><hr/>"); try { if (dalDatabase instanceof SqlDalDatabase) { SqlDalDatabase sqldb = (SqlDalDatabase) dalDatabase; appendPossibleEntityTableDetails(sqldb, sqldb.createShowTableColumnsSql(entityName), sb); } } catch (DalDbException e) { sb.append("<hr/><b>Exception</b><br/>").append(DbUtil.htmlEscape(e.getMessage())); } } sb.append("</body></html>"); result = new Response(Response.Status.OK, MIME_HTML, sb.toString()); } return result; } static private void appendPossibleEntityTableDetails(SqlDalDatabase sqldb, String sql, StringBuilder sb) throws DalDbException { Connection conn = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = sqldb.getConnection(false); stmt = conn.createStatement(); // sb.append("<code>").append(DbUtil.htmlEscape(sql)).append("</code><hr/>"); boolean hasResultSet = stmt.execute(sql); if (hasResultSet) { rs = stmt.getResultSet(); DalServerUtil.appendResultSetRowsAsTable("No entity table", rs, sb); } else { int n = stmt.getUpdateCount(); sb.append("Update count=").append(n); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DalDbException(e); } finally { SqlUtil.closeSandRS(stmt, rs); if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { } } } } private Response doOperation(DalSession dalSession, boolean wantJson, OperationMatch match, Method method, String uri, IHTTPSession session, Map<String, String> filePathByName) { Response result; if (DalOperation.LIST_OPERATION.equals(match.node.getOperation().getCommandTemplate())) { /* * Note that we really shouldn't ever get here as this command should * have been detected and dispatched by our caller. */ result = doListOperation(wantJson); } else { // NOT "list/operation" DalOperation dalop = match.node.getOperation(); List<String> dalOpParameters = collectDalOperationParameters(match, dalop); DalResponseBuilder responseBuilder = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson); try { dalop.execute(dalSession, responseBuilder, method, uri, dalOpParameters, session.getParms(), filePathByName); result =; } catch (AuthenticationException e) { result = DalServerUtil.buildAuthErrorResponse(wantJson, e.getMessage()); } catch (DalDbException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); if (t == null) { t = e; } result = DalServerUtil.buildInternalErrorResponse(wantJson, t); } } return result; } /** * List all of the operations available for the DalDatabase we are serving. * @param wantJson * @return the Response */ private Response doListOperation(boolean wantJson) { DalResponseBuilder builder = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson); builder.addResponseMeta("Operation"); Set<String> seen = new HashSet<String>(); for (String op : DalOperation.MORE_OPS) { seen.add(op); builder.startTag("Operation").attribute("REST", op).endTag(); } for (DalOperation dalop : dalDatabase.getOperations()) { String op = dalop.getCommandTemplate(); if (!seen.contains(op)) { builder.startTag("Operation").attribute("REST", op).endTag(); } } return; } // dalcmd ends with LIST_FIELD_TAIL private Response handleListField(boolean wantJson, String dalcmd, DalSession session) { Response result; String[] parts = dalcmd.split("/"); if (parts.length != 3) { result = DalServerUtil.buildNotFoundResponse(wantJson, "Unknown operation: " + dalcmd); } else { String _tname = parts[0]; try { DalResponseBuilder responseBuilder = DalServerUtil.createBuilder(wantJson); dalDatabase.performListField(session, _tname, responseBuilder); result =; } catch (DalDbException e) { result = DalServerUtil.buildInternalErrorResponse(wantJson, e.getMessage()); } } return result; } private List<String> collectDalOperationParameters(OperationMatch match, DalOperation dalop) { List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>(); int nParameters = dalop.getParameterCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nParameters; ++i) { if (i >= match.getParameterValueCount()) { break; } parameters.add(match.getParameterValue(i)); } return parameters; } static private final String[] HELP_LINES = { "help gives this output", // "dbinit[:NAMEs] initialises the database (?yes to actually do the init instead of just showing the commands)", // " if supplied then NAMEs will only action the names provided", "sql:SQL runs the SQL statement (SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE)", "table:NAME describes the NAMEd table or lists all tables if NAME is not supplied", "entity:NAME lists the operations for NAME or all entity names if NAME is not supplied", "sessions lists details of all sessions", "", "dal/... are treated as DAL commands" }; private Response giveHelp() { return new Response(Response.Status.OK, MIME_PLAINTEXT, DbUtil.join("\n", (Object[]) HELP_LINES)); } private Response doTable(String tableCommand) { if (!(dalDatabase instanceof SqlDalDatabase)) { return DalServerUtil.buildNotSqlDalDatabaseTextResponse(dalDatabase); } SqlDalDatabase sqldb = (SqlDalDatabase) dalDatabase; String tableName = tableCommand.trim(); String sql; if (tableName.isEmpty()) { sql = sqldb.createShowTablesSql(); } else { sql = sqldb.createShowTableColumnsSql(tableName); } return createSqlQueryResponse(sqldb, sql, null); } private SqlWorker createSqlWorker(SqlDalDatabase sqldb) { SqlWorker w = new SqlWorker(sqldb); w.setVerbose(isVerbose()); return w; } private Response createSqlQueryResponse(SqlDalDatabase sqldb, String sql, String metaTagName) { SqlWorker sqlWorker = createSqlWorker(sqldb); try { return sqlWorker.createResponse(SqlResponseType.TEXT, sql, metaTagName, null); } finally { sqlWorker.close(); } } }