Java tutorial
// // // This is the main callout class for the AES Crypto custom policy for Apigee Edge. // For full details see the Readme accompanying this source file. // // Copyright (c) 2016 Apigee Corp // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // @author: Dino Chiesa // // Saturday, 21 May 2016, 08:59 // package com.dinochiesa.edgecallouts; import com.apigee.flow.execution.ExecutionContext; import com.apigee.flow.execution.ExecutionResult; import com.apigee.flow.execution.IOIntensive; import com.apigee.flow.execution.spi.Execution; import com.apigee.flow.message.MessageContext; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec; import; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrSubstitutor; import com.dinochiesa.edgecallouts.util.CalloutUtil; import com.dinochiesa.edgecallouts.util.PasswordUtil; @IOIntensive public class AesCryptoCallout implements Execution { private static final int AES_IV_LENGTH = 128; private static final int defaultKeyStrength = 128; private static final int defaultPbkdf2Iterations = 128001; private static final String defaultCipherName = "AES"; private static final String defaultCryptoMode = "CBC"; private static final String defaultCryptoPadding = "PKCS5PADDING"; private static final String varprefix = "crypto_"; private static final String defaultOutputVarSuffix = "output"; private static final String TRUE = "true"; private static final byte[] defaultSalt = "Apigee-IloveAPIs".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); private static final SecretKeyFactory secretKeyFactory; // private static Pattern fullCipherPattern = Pattern.compile("^(DES|DESede|AES)/(CBC|EBC)/(NoPadding|PKCS5Padding)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // private static Pattern cipherNamePattern = Pattern.compile("^(DES|DESede|AES)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static Pattern fullCipherPattern = Pattern.compile("^(AES)/(CBC|EBC|CFB)/(NoPadding|PKCS5Padding)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static Pattern cipherNamePattern = Pattern.compile("^(AES)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private final Map<String, String> properties; static { try { secretKeyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1"); } catch (final Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create secretKeyFactory instance in static block.", ex); } } public AesCryptoCallout(Map properties) { = CalloutUtil.genericizeMap(properties); } enum CryptoAction { DECRYPT, ENCRYPT }; enum EncodingType { NONE, BASE64, HEX }; private static String varName(String s) { return varprefix + s; } /* * returns a variable name that contains the source, the data to * be encrypted or decrypted. * ******/ private String getSourceVar() { String source ="source"); if (source == null || source.equals("")) { // by default, get the content of the message (either request or response) return "message.content"; } return source; } private byte[] decodeSource(MessageContext msgCtxt, String source) throws Exception { EncodingType decodingKind = _getEncodingTypeProperty(msgCtxt, "decode-source"); return decodeString(source, decodingKind); } private String getOutputVar(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String output ="output"); if (output == null || output.equals("")) { return varName(defaultOutputVarSuffix); } output = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(output, msgCtxt); if (output == null || output.equals("")) { throw new IllegalStateException("output resolves to null or empty."); } return output; } private byte[] getIv(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { return _getByteArrayProperty(msgCtxt, "iv"); } private byte[] getKey(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { return _getByteArrayProperty(msgCtxt, "key"); } private byte[] getSalt(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { byte[] result = _getByteArrayProperty(msgCtxt, "salt"); return (result == null) ? defaultSalt : result; } private EncodingType _getEncodingTypeProperty(MessageContext msgCtxt, String propName) throws Exception { String decode =; if (decode == null || decode.equals("")) { return EncodingType.NONE; } decode = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(decode, msgCtxt); if (decode == null || decode.equals("")) { return EncodingType.NONE; } return EncodingType.valueOf(decode.toUpperCase()); } private byte[] _getByteArrayProperty(MessageContext msgCtxt, String propName) throws Exception { String key =; if (key == null || key.equals("")) { return null; } key = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(key, msgCtxt); if (key == null || key.equals("")) { throw new IllegalStateException(propName + " resolves to null or empty."); } EncodingType decodingKind = _getEncodingTypeProperty(msgCtxt, "decode-" + propName); return decodeString(key, decodingKind); } private byte[] decodeString(String s, EncodingType decodingKind) throws Exception { if (decodingKind == EncodingType.HEX) { return Hex.decodeHex(s.toCharArray()); } if (decodingKind == EncodingType.BASE64) { return Base64.decodeBase64(s); } return s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private CryptoAction getAction(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String action ="action"); if (action == null || action.equals("")) { throw new IllegalStateException("specify an action."); } action = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(action, msgCtxt); return CryptoAction.valueOf(action.toUpperCase()); } private int getKeyStrength(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String bits ="key-strength"); if (bits == null || bits.equals("")) { return defaultKeyStrength; } bits = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(bits, msgCtxt); return NumberUtils.toInt(bits); } private int getPbkdf2IterationCount(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String iterations ="pbkdf2-iterations"); if (iterations == null || iterations.equals("")) { return defaultPbkdf2Iterations; } iterations = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(iterations, msgCtxt); return NumberUtils.toInt(iterations); } private String getPassphrase(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String passphrase ="passphrase"); if (passphrase == null || passphrase.equals("")) { // by default, get the client_secret. // This string is often just 16 chars long. MAY not have enough entropy for DESede ! passphrase = msgCtxt.getVariable("client_secret"); } else { passphrase = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(passphrase, msgCtxt); } if (passphrase == null || passphrase.equals("")) { throw new IllegalStateException("passphrase resolves to null or empty."); } return passphrase; } private String getMode(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String mode ="mode"); if (mode == null || mode.equals("")) { return defaultCryptoMode; } mode = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(mode, msgCtxt); if (mode == null || mode.equals("")) { throw new IllegalStateException("mode resolves to null or empty."); } return mode; } private String getPadding(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String padding ="padding"); if (padding == null || padding.equals("")) { return defaultCryptoPadding; } padding = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(padding, msgCtxt); if (padding == null || padding.equals("")) { throw new IllegalStateException("padding resolves to null or empty."); } return padding; } private String getCipher(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String cipher = (String)"cipher"); if (cipher == null || cipher.equals("")) { return defaultCipherName + "/" + getMode(msgCtxt) + "/" + getPadding(msgCtxt); } cipher = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(cipher, msgCtxt); if (cipher == null || cipher.equals("")) { throw new IllegalStateException("cipher resolves to null or empty."); } Matcher m = fullCipherPattern.matcher(cipher); if (m.matches()) { return cipher; } m = cipherNamePattern.matcher(cipher); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalStateException("that cipher name is unsupported."); } // it is a simple algorithm name; apply mode and padding cipher += "/" + getMode(msgCtxt) + "/" + getPadding(msgCtxt); m = fullCipherPattern.matcher(cipher); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalStateException("that cipher is unsupported."); } return cipher; } private boolean getDebug(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { return _getBooleanProperty(msgCtxt, "debug", false); } private boolean _getBooleanProperty(MessageContext msgCtxt, String propName, boolean defaultValue) throws Exception { String flag =; if (flag == null || flag.equals("")) { return defaultValue; } flag = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(flag, msgCtxt); if (flag == null || flag.equals("")) { return defaultValue; } return flag.equalsIgnoreCase(TRUE); } private EncodingType getEncodeResult(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { String encode ="encode-result"); if (encode == null || encode.equals("")) { return EncodingType.NONE; } encode = CalloutUtil.resolveVariableFromContext(encode, msgCtxt); if (encode == null || encode.equals("")) { return EncodingType.NONE; } return EncodingType.valueOf(encode.toUpperCase()); } private boolean getUtf8DecodeResult(MessageContext msgCtxt) throws Exception { return _getBooleanProperty(msgCtxt, "utf8-decode-result", false); } public static byte[] aesEncrypt(String cipherName, byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] clearText) throws Exception { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipherName); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv)); byte[] cryptoText = cipher.doFinal(clearText); return cryptoText; } public static byte[] aesDecrypt(String cipherName, byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] cipherText) throws Exception { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(cipherName); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv)); byte[] clearText = cipher.doFinal(cipherText); return clearText; } private void clearVariables(MessageContext msgCtxt) { msgCtxt.removeVariable(varName("error")); msgCtxt.removeVariable(varName("exception")); msgCtxt.removeVariable(varName("stacktrace")); msgCtxt.removeVariable(varName("mode")); msgCtxt.removeVariable(varName("padding")); msgCtxt.removeVariable(varName("action")); } private void emitEncodedOutput(MessageContext msgCtxt, String name, byte[] data) { String encoded = Hex.encodeHexString(data); msgCtxt.setVariable(varName(name + "_hex"), encoded); encoded = Base64.encodeBase64String(data); msgCtxt.setVariable(varName(name + "_b64"), encoded); } private void setOutput(MessageContext msgCtxt, byte[] result) throws Exception { EncodingType outputEncodingWanted = getEncodeResult(msgCtxt); String outputVar = getOutputVar(msgCtxt); if (outputEncodingWanted == EncodingType.BASE64) { msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("output_encoding"), "base64"); msgCtxt.setVariable(outputVar, Base64.encodeBase64String(result)); } else if (outputEncodingWanted == EncodingType.HEX) { msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("output_encoding"), "hex"); msgCtxt.setVariable(outputVar, Hex.encodeHexString(result)); } else { // emit the result as a Java byte array msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("output_encoding"), "none"); msgCtxt.setVariable(outputVar, result); } } public ExecutionResult execute(MessageContext msgCtxt, ExecutionContext exeCtxt) { boolean debug = false; try { clearVariables(msgCtxt); debug = getDebug(msgCtxt); byte[] key = getKey(msgCtxt); byte[] iv = getIv(msgCtxt); byte[] result; PasswordUtil.KeyAndIv params = null; if (key == null) { // derive the key from a passphrase using PBKDF2 String passphrase = getPassphrase(msgCtxt); int keyStrengthBits = getKeyStrength(msgCtxt); int iterations = getPbkdf2IterationCount(msgCtxt); byte salt[] = getSalt(msgCtxt); emitEncodedOutput(msgCtxt, "salt", salt); msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("pbkdf2_iterations"), String.valueOf(iterations)); params = PasswordUtil.deriveKeyAndIv(passphrase, salt, keyStrengthBits, AES_IV_LENGTH, iterations); key = params.getKey(); if (iv == null) { iv = params.getIV(); } } String cipherName = getCipher(msgCtxt); msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("cipher"), cipherName); CryptoAction action = getAction(msgCtxt); // encrypt or decrypt msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("action"),; Object source1 = msgCtxt.getVariable(getSourceVar()); byte[] source; if (source1 instanceof byte[]) { source = (byte[]) source1; } else if (source1 instanceof String) { source = decodeSource(msgCtxt, (String) source1); } else { // coerce and hope for the best? source = (source1.toString()).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } if (iv == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("missing IV during decrypt"); } if (debug) { emitEncodedOutput(msgCtxt, "key", key); emitEncodedOutput(msgCtxt, "iv", iv); } if (action == CryptoAction.DECRYPT) { try { result = aesDecrypt(cipherName, key, iv, source); } catch (javax.crypto.BadPaddingException bpe) { // a bad key or IV msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("error"), "decryption failed"); return ExecutionResult.ABORT; } // maybe decode from UTF-8 if (getUtf8DecodeResult(msgCtxt)) { msgCtxt.setVariable(getOutputVar(msgCtxt), new String(result, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } else { setOutput(msgCtxt, result); } } else { result = aesEncrypt(cipherName, key, iv, source); setOutput(msgCtxt, result); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debug) { System.out.println(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); } String error = e.toString(); msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("exception"), error); int ch = error.lastIndexOf(':'); if (ch >= 0) { msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("error"), error.substring(ch + 2).trim()); } else { msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("error"), error); } msgCtxt.setVariable(varName("stacktrace"), ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return ExecutionResult.ABORT; } return ExecutionResult.SUCCESS; } }