Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************** * * * DDDDD iii DDDDD iii * * DD DD mm mm mmmm DD DD mm mm mmmm * * DD DD iii mmm mm mm DD DD iii mmm mm mm * * DD DD iii mmm mm mm DD DD iii mmm mm mm * * DDDDDD iii mmm mm mm DDDDDD iii mmm mm mm * * * ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * Part of the DimDim V 2.0 Codebase ( * * * * Copyright (c) 2008 Dimdim Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * * * * * This code is licensed under the DimDim License * * For details please visit * * * ************************************************************************** */ package com.dimdim.conference.ui.sharing.client; import java.util.Vector; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.client.UIGlobals; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.client.util.DebugPanel; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.client.util.FlashCallbackHandler; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.client.util.FlashStreamHandler; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.common.client.util.GlassPanelWithSize; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.json.client.ResponseAndEventReader; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.json.client.UIPopoutPanelData; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.json.client.UIResourceObject; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.json.client.UIRosterEntry; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.ClientModel; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.ConferenceGlobals; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.PPTSharingModel; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.PopoutPanelProxy; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.PopoutSupportingPanel; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.model.client.ResourceSharingDisplay; import com.dimdim.conference.ui.panels.client.CobrowseWidget; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Jayant Pandit * @email * * This panel simply switches between various shares. Only one of the sharing * panels can be active at a given time. * * This panel manages the resize and redisplay of panels based on the browser * type, because ie does not stop the movies from playing, where as firefox * and safari so. * * The width and height does not need to be exact. The margin and padding * treatment that causes misalignmens in firefox and safari * * */ public class ResourceSharingPanel extends HorizontalPanel implements CollaborationWidgetContainer, FlashStreamHandler, PopoutSupportingPanel, ResourceSharingDisplay { protected UIRosterEntry me; protected ScrollPanel scrollPanel; protected DTPPlayerFrame dtpPlayerFrame; protected PPTBroadcasterPanel pptBroadcasterPanel; protected PPTPlayerPanel pptPlayerPanel; protected WaitingPageFrame waitingPageFrame; protected WhiteboardPanel whiteboardPanel; protected CobrowseSharingFrame coBrowseFrame; protected int lastKnownWidth; protected int lastKnownHeight; protected Widget activeCollaborationWidget; protected UIResourceObject activeResource; protected CollaborationResources collaborationesources; // protected ResourceSharingCallbacksListener resourceSharingCallbacksListener; private PPTSharingModel pptSharingModel; private Vector resourceSharingCallbacksListeners = new Vector(); String resNameDivId = ""; GlassPanelWithSize glassPane = null; boolean isLocked = false; private CobrowseWidget cobWidget; protected SharingStatusListener sharingStatusListener; public ResourceSharingPanel(UIRosterEntry me, int lastKnownWidth, int lastKnownHeight, String resNameDivId) { = me; this.lastKnownWidth = lastKnownWidth; this.lastKnownHeight = lastKnownHeight; this.resNameDivId = resNameDivId; this.collaborationesources = new CollaborationResources(); this.scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); this.waitingPageFrame = new WaitingPageFrame(); this.waitingPageFrame.setContainer(this); this.coBrowseFrame = new CobrowseSharingFrame(); this.coBrowseFrame.setContainer(this); this.pptSharingModel = ClientModel.getClientModel().getPPTSharingModel(); // By default the panel points to the waiting page. this.add(this.scrollPanel); this.scrollPanel.add(this.waitingPageFrame); String url = getParamAddedUrl(); this.waitingPageFrame.refreshWidget(null, lastKnownWidth, lastKnownHeight, url); this.activeCollaborationWidget = this.waitingPageFrame; writeResName(false, null, null); } public SharingStatusListener getSharingStatusListener() { return sharingStatusListener; } public void setSharingStatusListener(SharingStatusListener sharingStatusListener) { this.sharingStatusListener = sharingStatusListener; } private String getParamAddedUrl() { String url = waitingPageFrame.container.getCollaborationesources().getWaitingPageURL(); String paramToAdd = ""; if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) { paramToAdd = "&"; } else { paramToAdd = "?"; } if ( { url = url + paramToAdd + "role=host"; } else { url = url + paramToAdd + "role=attendee"; } url = url + "&cflag=" + Random.nextInt(); return url; } public void resizePanel() { this.resizePanel(this.lastKnownWidth, this.lastKnownHeight); } public void resizePanel(int newWidth, int newHeight) { //Window.alert("Resizing resource sharing panel to: "+newWidth+"--"+newHeight); this.lastKnownWidth = newWidth; this.lastKnownHeight = newHeight; this.scrollPanel.setSize(newWidth + "px", newHeight + "px"); ((CollaborationWidget) this.activeCollaborationWidget).refreshWidget(this.activeResource, newWidth, newHeight); if (glassPane != null) { glassPane.refreshSize(this.lastKnownWidth, this.lastKnownHeight); } } public boolean isSharingActive() { return this.activeResource != null; } public CollaborationResources getCollaborationesources() { return collaborationesources; } public int getContainerHeight() { return lastKnownHeight; } public int getContainerWidth() { return lastKnownWidth; } public UIResourceObject getActiveResource() { return activeResource; } public void addResourceSharingCallbacksListener(ResourceSharingCallbacksListener res) { this.resourceSharingCallbacksListeners.addElement(res); } /** * * @param res */ public void onSharingStarted(UIResourceObject res) { //Window.alert("inside ResourceSharingPanel ResourceSharingPanel::onSharingStarted:"+res); //Window.alert("inside ResourceSharingPanel activeResource = "+this.activeResource); if (this.activeResource == null) { this.activeResource = res; if (res.getResourceType().equals(UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_DESKTOP)) { //Window.alert("Starting desktop share"); if (this.dtpPlayerFrame == null) { this.dtpPlayerFrame = new DTPPlayerFrame(); this.dtpPlayerFrame.setContainer(this); } this.scrollPanel.remove(this.activeCollaborationWidget); this.scrollPanel.add(this.dtpPlayerFrame); this.activeCollaborationWidget = this.dtpPlayerFrame; this.dtpPlayerFrame.refreshWidget(res, this.lastKnownWidth, this.lastKnownHeight); writeResName(true, null, null); } else if (res.getResourceType().equals(UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_PRESENTATION)) { //Window.alert("Starting ppt share"); if ( { if (this.pptBroadcasterPanel == null) { this.pptBroadcasterPanel = new PPTBroadcasterPanel(); this.pptBroadcasterPanel.setContainer(this); } this.scrollPanel.remove(this.activeCollaborationWidget); this.scrollPanel.add(this.pptBroadcasterPanel); this.activeCollaborationWidget = this.pptBroadcasterPanel; this.pptBroadcasterPanel.refreshWidget(res, this.lastKnownWidth, this.lastKnownHeight); FlashCallbackHandler.getHandler().addStreamHandler(this); // this.pptSharingModel.startPresentation(res.getResourceId(),res.getLastSlideIndex()); } else { if (this.pptPlayerPanel == null) { this.pptPlayerPanel = new PPTPlayerPanel(); this.pptPlayerPanel.setContainer(this); } this.scrollPanel.remove(this.activeCollaborationWidget); this.scrollPanel.add(this.pptPlayerPanel); this.activeCollaborationWidget = this.pptPlayerPanel; this.pptPlayerPanel.refreshWidget(res, this.lastKnownWidth, this.lastKnownHeight); } String resourceName = res.getResourceName();//this.getResourceName(res.getResourceId()); writeResName(false, null, resourceName); } else if (res.getResourceType().equals(UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_WHITEBOARD)) { // If the whiteboard panel was never initialized, initialize it. if (this.whiteboardPanel == null) { this.whiteboardPanel = new WhiteboardPanel(); this.whiteboardPanel.setContainer(this); } if ( { this.whiteboardPanel.setRole("P"); } else { this.whiteboardPanel.setRole("A"); } this.scrollPanel.remove(this.activeCollaborationWidget); this.scrollPanel.add(this.whiteboardPanel); this.activeCollaborationWidget = this.whiteboardPanel; this.whiteboardPanel.refreshWidget(res, this.lastKnownWidth, this.lastKnownHeight); writeResName(false, UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_WHITEBOARD, null); } else if (res.getResourceType().equals(UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_COBROWSE)) { //Adding co browse url try { this.scrollPanel.remove(this.activeCollaborationWidget); } catch (Throwable t) { } this.scrollPanel.add(this.coBrowseFrame); this.activeCollaborationWidget = this.coBrowseFrame; syncCobUrl(res); } if (this.sharingStatusListener != null) { this.sharingStatusListener.resourceSharingStarted(res); } } else { // Active sharing must be explicitly stopped by the controller before // starting another sharing. This level cannot implement switchover // transperancy because some of the elements may involve timing issues // and only one object in the system can be given the responsibility // of managing switchover. // Window.alert("Current sharing must be stopped"); writeResName(false, null, null); } } public void syncCobUrl() { //Window.alert("inside sync cobrowse... "+this.activeResource); if (this.activeResource != null) { UIResourceObject currentRes = this.activeResource; this.activeResource = null; ClientModel.getClientModel().getCobrowseModel().syncCobrowse("xx", currentRes, this); } } public void navigateTo(String state) { //Window.alert("inside sync cobrowse... "+this.activeResource); if (this.activeResource != null) { UIResourceObject currentRes = this.activeResource; this.activeResource = null; ClientModel.getClientModel().getCobrowseModel().navigateTo("xx", currentRes, this, state); } } public void lock(boolean lock) { //Window.alert("inside resource sharing panel lock the collab area lock = "+lock +"and isLocked = "+isLocked); //coBrowseFrame.lock(lock); removeGlassPane(); if (this.isVisible()) { if (lock) { //Window.alert("inside res sharing panel ... locking"); //Window.alert("this.lastKnownWidth = "+this.lastKnownWidth+" this.lastKnownHeight ="+this.lastKnownHeight); //Window.alert("this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteLeft() = "+this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteLeft()+" this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteTop() ="+this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteTop()); DebugPanel.getDebugPanel() .addDebugMessage("this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteLeft() = " + this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteLeft() + " this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteTop() =" + this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteTop()); //add glass panel only if he is not active presenter if (! { glassPane = new GlassPanelWithSize(this.lastKnownWidth, this.lastKnownHeight);, this.coBrowseFrame.getAbsoluteTop()); } isLocked = true; } else { isLocked = false; } } if (null != cobWidget) { //Window.alert("inside resource sharing panel changing the lock icon"+isLocked); cobWidget.setLockIcon(isLocked); } } private void removeGlassPane() { if (glassPane != null) { glassPane.hide(); } glassPane = null; } public void setVisible(boolean visbility) { //Window.alert("setting res players visibility.."+visbility); super.setVisible(visbility); setLockMask(); } private void setLockMask() { //if the res being shared in of cob and //set the locking mask here... if (this.getActiveResource() != null) { if (UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_COBROWSE.equals(this.getActiveResource().getResourceType())) { //if ann_on it means res is locked.. if (this.getActiveResource().getAnnotation().equals(UIResourceObject.ANNOTATION_ON)) { //Window.alert("locking it up"); this.lock(true); } else { //Window.alert("unlocking it.."); this.lock(false); } } } } private void syncCobUrl(UIResourceObject res) { String url = "http://" + ConferenceGlobals.userInfoDictionary.getStringValue("dms_cob_server_address") + "/content/" + res.getUrl(); //String url = ConferenceGlobals.baseWebappURL+"cob/"+ConferenceGlobals.conferenceKey+"/"+res.getResourceId(); //Window.alert("inside sync cobrowse... "+this.activeResource); if (UIGlobals.isActivePresenter(me)) { url += "/p_cache.html"; } else { url += "/a_cache.html"; } //Window.alert("setting the url to "+url); this.coBrowseFrame.setUrl(url + "?cflag=" + Random.nextInt()); this.resizePanel(); //writeResName(false, null, res.getResourceName()); writeCobResName(res.getResourceName()); setLockMask(); } protected String getResourceName(String resourceId) { String name = ""; UIResourceObject res = ClientModel.getClientModel().getResourceModel().findResourceObject(resourceId); if (res != null) { name = res.getResourceName(); } return name; } public void onSharingStopped(UIResourceObject res) { // Window.alert("ResourceSharingPanel::onSharingStopped:"+res); if (activeResource != null) { ((CollaborationWidget) this.activeCollaborationWidget).widgetHiding(); if (activeResource.getResourceType().equals(UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_PRESENTATION)) { if ( { FlashCallbackHandler.getHandler().removeStreamHandler(activeResource.getResourceId()); // this.pptSharingModel.stopPresentation(res.getResourceId()); } } else if (activeResource.getResourceType().equals(UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_COBROWSE)) { String url = getParamAddedUrl(); coBrowseFrame.setUrl(url); } this.restoreWaitPage(); this.activeResource = null; if (this.sharingStatusListener != null) { this.sharingStatusListener.resourceSharingStopped(); } } else { // This might be a redundant duplicate call or second event. // Should never happen. } writeResName(false, null, null); //removing the glas panel lock(false); } /** * The sharing panels do not accept any specific updates during their lifetime, * except the ppt player panel, which must change the slides. * * @param res */ public void onSharingUpdated(UIResourceObject res) { if (this.activeResource != null && this.pptPlayerPanel != null && activeResource.getResourceType().equals(UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_PRESENTATION)) { if (! { this.pptPlayerPanel.changeSlide(this.activeResource.getLastSlideIndex()); } else { // Window.alert("On the presenter console"); } } else { // Window.alert("No active resource"); } } protected void restoreWaitPage() { try { this.scrollPanel.remove(this.activeCollaborationWidget); } catch (Throwable t) { } this.scrollPanel.add(this.waitingPageFrame); this.activeCollaborationWidget = this.waitingPageFrame; this.resizePanel(); } /** * Interface to listen to the events generated by the slide change within the * ppt broadcaster. */ public String getStreamName() { if (this.activeResource != null) { return this.activeResource.getResourceId(); } return "PPT"; } public void handleEvent(String eventName) { // Window.alert("Received event from flash: "+eventName); if (eventName.startsWith("stop")) { int size = this.resourceSharingCallbacksListeners.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ((ResourceSharingCallbacksListener) this.resourceSharingCallbacksListeners.elementAt(i)) .onPptBroadcasterStopEvent(); } } else if (eventName.startsWith(UIResourceObject.ANNOTATION_ON)) { // Obsolete event } else if (eventName.startsWith(UIResourceObject.ANNOTATION_OFF)) { // Obsolete event } else if (this.activeResource != null) { int slide = (new Integer(eventName)).intValue(); this.activeResource.setLastSlideIndex(slide); this.pptSharingModel.changePresentationSlide(this.activeResource.getResourceId(), slide); } } public void writeCobResName(String url) { /*if( { writeResName(false, null, ""); //write in the text box if(cobWidget != null) { cobWidget.setTextBoxValue(url); } }else{*/ //Window.alert("write the res name.."+url); writeResName(false, null, url); //} } private void writeResName(boolean dtpShare, String appName, String pptName) { RootPanel rp = RootPanel.get(resNameDivId); //Window.alert("resNameDivId = "+ resNameDivId); if (null != rp) { Label headerLabel = new Label(); ; if (headerLabel != null) { if (dtpShare) { // Presenter is sharing desktop. headerLabel.setText(UIGlobals.getDesktopSubTabLabel()); } else if (appName != null && UIResourceObject.RESOURCE_TYPE_WHITEBOARD.equals(appName)) { // Presenter is sharing a specific application headerLabel.setText(UIGlobals.getWhiteboardTabLabel()); } else if (appName != null) { // Presenter is sharing a whiteboard headerLabel.setText(appName); } else if (pptName != null) { // Presenter is sharing a powerpoint presentation headerLabel.setText(pptName); } else { // No sharing is in progress at present. headerLabel.setText(UIGlobals.getWorkspaceHeaderText()); } } rp.clear(); //Window.alert("adding label text = "+headerLabel.getText()); rp.add(headerLabel); } else { //Window.alert("div tag is null..."); } } /** * Popout support. Same panel is used in the popout. These implementations allow * user to move the panel from main console to popout and back. */ protected boolean inConsole = true; protected boolean inPopout = false; protected boolean consolePanelPoppedOut = false; protected PopoutPanelProxy popoutPanelProxy; protected ResponseAndEventReader jsonReader = new ResponseAndEventReader(); public String getPanelId() { return "panel.resourceSharingPlanel"; } public void panelPopedOut() { this.consolePanelPoppedOut = true; } public void setPopoutPanelProxy(PopoutPanelProxy popoutPanelProxy) { this.popoutPanelProxy = popoutPanelProxy; } public void panelInConsole() { this.inConsole = true; this.inPopout = false; } public void panelInPopout() { this.inConsole = false; this.inPopout = true; } public boolean isInConsole() { return this.inConsole; } public boolean isInPopout() { return this.inPopout; } public void receiveMessageFromPopout(UIPopoutPanelData msg) { } public String getPanelData() { // A simple safety precaution. // Window.alert("Popout asking for panel data"); String str = "no_data"; if (this.inConsole) { // Window.alert("We are in console"); if (this.activeResource != null) { str = this.activeResource.toJson(); // Window.alert("Sending data: "+str); } else { // Window.alert("Now stored event to send"); } } else { // Window.alert("We are in popout"); } return this.encodeBase64(str); } public void readPanelData(String dataText) { // A simple safety precaution. // Window.alert("In popped out resource player: "); // if (this.inPopout) // { String s = this.decodeBase64(dataText); // Window.alert("In popped out resource player: "+s); if (!s.equals("no_data")) { // Window.alert("In popped out resource player: "+s); try { JSONValue jsonObject = JSONParser.parse(s); if (jsonObject != null) { // Window.alert("-"+jsonObject+"-"); JSONObject jObj = jsonObject.isObject(); if (jObj != null) { UIResourceObject res = (UIResourceObject) jsonReader.readObject(jObj); if (res != null) { this.activeResource = null; this.onSharingStarted(res); } else { // Window.alert("JSON parsing error"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // Window.alert(e.getMessage()); } } // } } protected native String encodeBase64(String s) /*-{ return $wnd.Base64.encode(s); }-*/; protected native String decodeBase64(String s) /*-{ return $wnd.Base64.decode(s); }-*/; public void setCobWidget(CobrowseWidget cobWidget) { this.cobWidget = cobWidget; } public CollaborationWidgetDisplayPanel getMoviePanel() { CollaborationWidgetDisplayPanel panel = null; try { panel = (CollaborationWidgetDisplayPanel) this.activeCollaborationWidget; } catch (Exception e) { } return panel; } }