Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Demigods RPG * Copyright 2015 Alexander Chauncey * Copyright 2015 Alex Bennett * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; public class Report { private long battleLength; private Battle battle; private Multimap<Participant, String> participantScores; private Multimap<Faction, String> factionScores; private Map<Participant, Double> weightedKillDeathRatios; private Map<Faction, Double> weightedFactionRatios; public Report(Battle battle) { battleLength = battle.getEndTimeMillis() - battle.getStartTimeMillis(); this.battle = battle; // Get the stats together participantScores = getParticipantScores(); factionScores = getFactionScores(); weightedKillDeathRatios = getWeightedKillDeathRatios(); weightedFactionRatios = getWeightedFactionRatios(); } public void sendToServer() { Multimap<Participant, String> scores = getParticipantScores(); List<Participant> participants = new ArrayList<>(scores.keySet()); if (participants.size() == 2) { double delta = getWeightedKillDeathRatio(participants.get(0)) - getWeightedKillDeathRatio(participants.get(1)); delta = delta < 0 ? delta * -1 : delta; if (delta > 0.8) { Participant one = participants.get(0); Participant two = participants.get(1); Bukkit.broadcastMessage(one.getFaction().getColor() + one.getLastKnownName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " and " + two.getFaction().getColor() + two.getLastKnownName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " just tied in a duel."); } else { int winnerIndex = getWeightedKillDeathRatio(participants.get(0)) > getWeightedKillDeathRatio( participants.get(1)) ? 0 : 1; Participant winner = participants.get(winnerIndex); Participant loser = participants.get(winnerIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0); Bukkit.broadcastMessage(winner.getFaction().getColor() + winner.getLastKnownName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " just won in a duel against " + loser.getFaction().getColor() + loser.getLastKnownName() + ChatColor.GRAY + "."); } } else if (participants.size() > 2) { double winningScore = 0; Faction winningfaction = null; List<Participant> MVPs = getMVPs(); boolean oneMVP = MVPs.size() == 1; for (Map.Entry<Faction, Double> entry : weightedFactionRatios.entrySet()) { double score = entry.getValue(); if (score > winningScore) { winningfaction = entry.getKey(); winningScore = score; } } if (winningfaction != null) { Bukkit.broadcastMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "The " + ChatColor.YELLOW + winningfaction.getName() + " faction " + ChatColor.GRAY + "just won a battle involving " + participants.size() + " participants."); Bukkit.broadcastMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "The " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "MVP" + (oneMVP ? "" : "s") + ChatColor.GRAY + " from this battle " + (oneMVP ? "is" : "are") + ":"); for (Participant mvp : MVPs) { BattleMetaData data = battle.getInvolved().get(mvp.getPersistentId()); Bukkit.broadcastMessage(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + mvp.getFaction().getColor() + mvp.getLastKnownName() + ChatColor.GRAY + " / " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Kills" + ChatColor.GRAY + ": " + data.getKills() + " / " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Deaths" + ChatColor.GRAY + ": " + data.getDeaths()); } } } } public void sendToFactions() { // TODO } public void sendToInvolved() { for (Participant participant : participantScores.keySet()) { OfflinePlayer offline = ((PlayerModel) participant).getOfflinePlayer(); if (offline.isOnline()) { Player player = offline.getPlayer(); player.sendMessage(" "); player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Your stats:"); participantScores.get(participant).forEach(player::sendMessage); player.sendMessage(" "); } } } public double getWeightedKillDeathRatio(Participant participant) { BattleMetaData data = battle.getInvolved().get(participant.getPersistentId()); if (data.deaths == 0) { return data.getKills() * 1.2; } return (data.getKills() + data.getDeaths()) / data.deaths; } public Map<Participant, Double> getWeightedKillDeathRatios() { Map<Participant, Double> weightedRatios = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, BattleMetaData> entry : battle.getInvolved().entrySet()) { Participant participant = DGData.PLAYER_R.fromId(entry.getKey()); weightedRatios.put(participant, getWeightedKillDeathRatio(participant)); } return weightedRatios; } public Map<Faction, Double> getWeightedFactionRatios() { Map<Faction, Double> weightedRatios = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Participant, Double> entry : weightedKillDeathRatios.entrySet()) { Faction participantFaction = entry.getKey().getFaction(); double score = weightedRatios.getOrDefault(participantFaction, 0.0); score += entry.getValue(); weightedRatios.put(participantFaction, score); } return weightedRatios; } public Multimap<Participant, String> getParticipantScores() { Multimap<Participant, String> scores = Multimaps.newListMultimap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), ArrayList::new); for (Map.Entry<String, BattleMetaData> entry : battle.getInvolved().entrySet()) { Participant participant = DGData.PLAYER_R.fromId(entry.getKey()); if (entry.getValue().hits > 0) { scores.put(participant, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Hits: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().hits); } if (entry.getValue().kills > 0) { scores.put(participant, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Kills: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().kills); } if (entry.getValue().deaths > 0) { scores.put(participant, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Deaths: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().deaths); } if (entry.getValue().denies > 0) { scores.put(participant, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Denies: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().denies); } if (entry.getValue().assists > 0) { scores.put(participant, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Assists: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().assists); } if (entry.getValue().teamKills > 0) { scores.put(participant, ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.RED + "Team kills: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().teamKills); } } return scores; } public Multimap<Faction, String> getFactionScores() { Multimap<Faction, String> scores = Multimaps.newListMultimap(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(), ArrayList::new); Map<Faction, BattleMetaData> factionScores = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, BattleMetaData> entry : battle.getInvolved().entrySet()) { Participant participant = DGData.PLAYER_R.fromId(entry.getKey()); Faction participantFaction = participant.getFaction(); BattleMetaData participantData = entry.getValue(); BattleMetaData factionData = factionScores.getOrDefault(participantFaction, new BattleMetaData()); factionData.hits += participantData.hits; factionData.kills += participantData.kills; factionData.deaths += participantData.deaths; factionData.denies += participantData.denies; factionData.assists += participantData.assists; factionData.teamKills += participantData.teamKills; factionScores.put(participantFaction, factionData); } for (Map.Entry<Faction, BattleMetaData> entry : factionScores.entrySet()) { scores.put(entry.getKey(), ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Hits: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().hits); scores.put(entry.getKey(), ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Kills: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().kills); scores.put(entry.getKey(), ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Deaths: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().deaths); scores.put(entry.getKey(), ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Denies: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().denies); scores.put(entry.getKey(), ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Assists: " + ChatColor.WHITE + entry.getValue().assists); } return scores; } public List<Participant> getMVPs() { final double max = Collections.max(getWeightedKillDeathRatios().values()); return getWeightedKillDeathRatios().entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue() == max) .map(Map.Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList()); } }