Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Vasilis Vryniotis <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datumbox.common.dataobjects; import com.datumbox.common.persistentstorage.interfaces.DatabaseConfiguration; import com.datumbox.common.persistentstorage.interfaces.DatabaseConnector; import com.datumbox.framework.utilities.text.cleaners.StringCleaner; import com.datumbox.framework.utilities.text.extractors.TextExtractor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * ?<br> * The Dataset class stores a list of Records Objects and several meta-data. All * Machine Learning algorithms get as argument Dataset objects. The class has an * internal static Builder class which can be used to generate Dataset objects * from Text or CSV files. * * @author Vasilis Vryniotis <> */ public final class Dataset implements Serializable, Iterable<Integer> { /** * Internal name of the response variable. */ public static final String yColumnName = "~Y"; /** * Internal name of the constant. */ public static final String constantColumnName = "~CONSTANT"; /** * The Builder is a utility class which can help you build Dataset from * Text files and CSV files. */ public static final class Builder { /** * ??<br> * It builds a Dataset object from a provided list of text files. The data * map should have as keys the names of each class and as values the URIs * of the training files. The files should contain one training example * per row. If we want to parse a Text File of unknown category then * pass a single URI with null as key. * * The method requires as arguments a file with the category names and locations * of the training files, an instance of a TextExtractor which is used * to extract the keywords from the documents and the Database Configuration * Object. * * @param textFilesMap * @param textExtractor * @param dbConf * @return */ public static Dataset parseTextFiles(Map<Object, URI> textFilesMap, TextExtractor textExtractor, DatabaseConfiguration dbConf) { Dataset dataset = new Dataset(dbConf); Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dataset.Builder.class); for (Map.Entry<Object, URI> entry : textFilesMap.entrySet()) { Object theClass = entry.getKey(); URI datasetURI = entry.getValue();"Dataset Parsing {} class", theClass); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(datasetURI)), "UTF8"))) { for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null;) { dataset.add(new Record( new AssociativeArray(textExtractor.extract(StringCleaner.clear(line))), theClass)); } } catch (IOException ex) { dataset.erase(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } return dataset; } /** * It builds a Dataset object from a CSV file; the first line of the provided * CSV file must have a header with the column names. * * The method accepts the following arguments: A Reader object from where * we will read the contents of the csv file. The name column of the * response variable y. A map with the column names and their respective * DataTypes. The char delimiter for the columns, the char for quotes and * the string of the record/row separator. The Database Configuration * object. * * @param reader * @param yVariable * @param headerDataTypes * @param delimiter * @param quote * @param recordSeparator * @param dbConf * @return */ public static Dataset parseCSVFile(Reader reader, String yVariable, Map<String, TypeInference.DataType> headerDataTypes, char delimiter, char quote, String recordSeparator, DatabaseConfiguration dbConf) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dataset.Builder.class);"Parsing CSV file"); if (!headerDataTypes.containsKey(yVariable)) { logger.warn("WARNING: The file is missing the response variable column {}.", yVariable); } TypeInference.DataType yDataType = headerDataTypes.get(yVariable); Map<String, TypeInference.DataType> xDataTypes = new HashMap<>(headerDataTypes); //copy header types xDataTypes.remove(yVariable); //remove the response variable from xDataTypes Dataset dataset = new Dataset(dbConf, yDataType, xDataTypes); //use the private constructor to pass DataTypes directly and avoid updating them on the fly CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withHeader().withDelimiter(delimiter).withQuote(quote) .withRecordSeparator(recordSeparator); try (final CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(reader, format)) { for (CSVRecord row : parser) { if (!row.isConsistent()) { logger.warn("WARNING: Skipping row {} because its size does not match the header size.", row.getRecordNumber()); continue; } Object y = null; AssociativeArray xData = new AssociativeArray(); for (Map.Entry<String, TypeInference.DataType> entry : headerDataTypes.entrySet()) { String column = entry.getKey(); TypeInference.DataType dataType = entry.getValue(); Object value = TypeInference.DataType.parse(row.get(column), dataType); //parse the string value according to the DataType if (yVariable != null && yVariable.equals(column)) { y = value; } else { xData.put(column, value); } } dataset._add(new Record(xData, y)); //use the internal _add() to avoid the update of the Metas. The Metas are already set in the construction of the Dataset. } } catch (IOException ex) { dataset.erase(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return dataset; } } private Map<Integer, Record> recordList; private TypeInference.DataType yDataType; /* Stores columnName=> DataType */ private Map<Object, TypeInference.DataType> xDataTypes; private String dbName; private transient DatabaseConnector dbc; private transient DatabaseConfiguration dbConf; /** * Public constructor. * * @param dbConf */ public Dataset(DatabaseConfiguration dbConf) { //we dont need to have a unique name, because it is not used by the connector on the current implementations //dbName = "dts_"+new BigInteger(130, RandomGenerator.getThreadLocalRandom()).toString(32); dbName = "dts"; this.dbConf = dbConf; dbc = this.dbConf.getConnector(dbName); recordList = dbc.getBigMap("tmp_recordList", true); yDataType = null; xDataTypes = dbc.getBigMap("tmp_xColumnTypes", true); } /** * Private constructor used by the Builder inner static class. * * @param dbConf * @param yDataType * @param xDataTypes */ private Dataset(DatabaseConfiguration dbConf, TypeInference.DataType yDataType, Map<String, TypeInference.DataType> xDataTypes) { this(dbConf); this.yDataType = yDataType; this.xDataTypes.putAll(xDataTypes); } /** * Returns the type of the response variable y. * * @return */ public TypeInference.DataType getYDataType() { return yDataType; } /** * Returns an Map with column names as keys and DataTypes as values. * * @return */ public Map<Object, TypeInference.DataType> getXDataTypes() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(xDataTypes); } /** * Returns the total number of columns on the internalDataset. * * @return */ public int getVariableNumber() { return xDataTypes.size(); } /** * Returns the total number of Records in the internalDataset. * * @return */ public int getRecordNumber() { return recordList.size(); } /** * Checks if the Dataset is empty. * * @return */ public boolean isEmpty() { return recordList.isEmpty(); } /** * It extracts the values of a particular column from all records and * stores them into an FlatDataList. * * @param column * @return */ public FlatDataList extractXColumnValues(Object column) { FlatDataList flatDataList = new FlatDataList(); for (Integer rId : this) { Record r = recordList.get(rId); flatDataList.add(r.getX().get(column)); } return flatDataList; } /** * It extracts the values of the response variables from all observations and * stores them into an FlatDataList. * * @return */ public FlatDataList extractYValues() { FlatDataList flatDataList = new FlatDataList(); for (Integer rId : this) { Record r = recordList.get(rId); flatDataList.add(r.getY()); } return flatDataList; } /** * It extracts the values of a particular column and groups them by the * Response variable Y. This method is usually used when we * have categories in Y and we want the values of a particular column to be * extracted for each category. * * @param column * @return */ public TransposeDataList extractXColumnValuesByY(Object column) { TransposeDataList transposeDataList = new TransposeDataList(); for (Integer rId : this) { Record r = recordList.get(rId); if (!transposeDataList.containsKey(r.getY())) { transposeDataList.put(r.getY(), new FlatDataList(new ArrayList<>())); } transposeDataList.get(r.getY()).add(r.getX().get(column)); } return transposeDataList; } /** * It generates and returns a new Dataset which contains a subset of this Dataset. * All the Records of the returned Dataset are copies of the original Records. * The method is used for k-fold cross validation and sampling. Note that the * Records in the new Dataset have DIFFERENT ids from the original ones. * * @param idsCollection * @return */ public Dataset generateNewSubset(FlatDataList idsCollection) { Dataset d = new Dataset(dbConf); for (Object id : idsCollection) { d.add(recordList.get((Integer) id)); } return d; } /** * Returns a deep copy of the Dataset. * * @return */ public Dataset copy() { Dataset d = new Dataset(dbConf); for (Integer rId : this) { d.add(recordList.get(rId)); } return d; } /** * Returns a particular Record using its id. * * @param id * @return */ public Record get(Integer id) { return recordList.get(id); } /** * Removes completely a list of columns from the dataset. The meta-data of the * Dataset are updated. * * @param columnSet */ public void removeColumns(Set<Object> columnSet) { columnSet.retainAll(xDataTypes.keySet()); //keep only those columns that are already known to the Meta data of the Dataset if (columnSet.isEmpty()) { return; } //remove all the columns from the Meta data xDataTypes.keySet().removeAll(columnSet); for (Integer rId : this) { Record r = recordList.get(rId); AssociativeArray xData = r.getX().copy(); int d = xData.size(); xData.keySet().removeAll(columnSet); if (xData.size() != d) { r = new Record(xData, r.getY(), r.getYPredicted(), r.getYPredictedProbabilities()); recordList.put(rId, r); } } } /** * Updates the meta data of the Dataset using the provided Record. * The Meta-data include the supported columns and their DataTypes. * * @param r */ private void updateMeta(Record r) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : r.getX().entrySet()) { Object column = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (xDataTypes.containsKey(column) == false) { xDataTypes.put(column, TypeInference.getDataType(value)); } } if (yDataType == null) { yDataType = TypeInference.getDataType(r.getY()); } } /** * It forces the recalculation of Meta data using the Records of the dataset. */ public void recalculateMeta() { yDataType = null; xDataTypes.clear(); for (Integer rId : this) { updateMeta(recordList.get(rId)); } } /** * Adds a record in the Dataset and updates the Meta data. The method returns * the id of the record. * * @param r * @return */ public Integer add(Record r) { Integer newId = _add(r); updateMeta(r); return newId; } /** * Adds the record in the dataset without updating the Meta. The add method * returns the id of the new record. * * @param r * @return */ private Integer _add(Record r) { Integer newId = (Integer) recordList.size(); recordList.put(newId, r); return newId; } /** * Sets the record of a particular id in the dataset. The record must already * exists within the dataset or an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown. * * Note that the meta-data are partially updated. This means that if the replaced * Record contained a column which is now no longer available in the dataset, * then the meta-data will not refect this update (the column will continue to exist * in the meta data). If this is a problem, you should call the recalculateMeta() * method to force them being recalculated. * * @param rId * @param r * @return */ public Integer set(Integer rId, Record r) { _set(rId, r); updateMeta(r); return rId; } /** * Sets the record in a particular position in the dataset, WITHOUT updating * the internal meta-info. This method is similar to set() and it allows quick updates * on the dataset. Nevertheless it is not advised to use this method because * unless you explicitly call the recalculateMeta() method, the meta data * will be corrupted. If you do use this method, MAKE sure you perform the * recalculation after you are done with the updates. * * @param rId * @param r */ public void _set(Integer rId, Record r) { if (recordList.containsKey(rId) == false) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); //ensure that the record has already be set with add() } recordList.put(rId, r); } /** * Erases the Dataset and removes all internal variables. Once you erase a * dataset, the instance can no longer be used. */ public void erase() { dbc.dropBigMap("tmp_xColumnTypes", xDataTypes); dbc.dropBigMap("tmp_recordList", recordList); dbc.dropDatabase(); dbc.close(); //Ensures that the Dataset can't be used after erase() is called. yDataType = null; xDataTypes = null; recordList = null; } /** * Implementing read-only iterator on the Record IDs to use it in loops. * * @return */ @Override public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { //Instead of looping through the recordList keyset we exploit the way //that the Dataset builds the Ids and instead we loop through them using //a counter. If the construction of the Dataset changes, this optimization //should be removed. return new Iterator<Integer>() { //private Iterator<Integer> it = recordList.keySet().iterator(); private Integer counter = 0; private final int n = recordList.size(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { //return it.hasNext(); return counter < n; } @Override public Integer next() { //return; return counter++; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } }