Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 DataTorrent, Inc. ALL Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.datatorrent.lib.bucket; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import com.datatorrent.common.util.DTThrowable; import com.datatorrent.lib.counters.BasicCounters; /** * A {@link BucketManager} implementation. * <p> * Configurable properties of the BucketManagerImpl.<br/> * <ol> * <li> * {@link #noOfBuckets}: total number of buckets. * </li> * <li> * {@link #noOfBucketsInMemory}: number of buckets that will be kept in memory. This limit is not strictly maintained.<br/> * Whenever a new bucket from disk is loaded, the manager checks whether this limit is reached. If it has then it finds the * least recently used (lru) bucket. If the lru bucket was accessed within last {@link #millisPreventingBucketEviction} * then it is NOT off-loaded otherwise it is removed from memory. * </li> * <li> * {@link #maxNoOfBucketsInMemory}: this is a hard limit that is enforced on number of buckets in the memory.<br/> * When this limit is reached, the lru bucket is off-loaded irrespective of its last accessed time. * </li> * <li> * {@link #millisPreventingBucketEviction}: duration in milliseconds which could prevent a bucket from being * offloaded. * </li> * <li> * {@link #writeEventKeysOnly}: when this is true, the manager would not cache the event. It will only * keep the event key. This reduces memory usage and is useful for operators like De-duplicator which are interested only * in the event key. * </li> * </ol> * </p> * * @param <T> event type * @since 0.9.4 */ public class BucketManagerImpl<T extends Bucketable> implements BucketManager<T>, Runnable { public static int DEF_NUM_BUCKETS = 1000; public static int DEF_NUM_BUCKETS_MEM = 120; public static long DEF_MILLIS_PREVENTING_EVICTION = 10 * 60000; private static long RESERVED_BUCKET_KEY = -2; //Check-pointed @Min(1) protected int noOfBuckets; @Min(1) protected int noOfBucketsInMemory; @Min(1) protected int maxNoOfBucketsInMemory; @Min(0) protected long millisPreventingBucketEviction; protected boolean writeEventKeysOnly; @NotNull protected BucketStore<T> bucketStore; @NotNull protected final Map<Integer, Bucket<T>> dirtyBuckets; protected long committedWindow; //Not check-pointed //Indexed by bucketKey keys. protected transient Bucket<T>[] buckets; @NotNull protected transient Set<Integer> evictionCandidates; protected transient Listener<T> listener; @NotNull private transient final BlockingQueue<Long> eventQueue; private transient volatile boolean running; @NotNull private transient final Lock lock; @NotNull private transient final MinMaxPriorityQueue<Bucket<T>> bucketHeap; protected transient boolean recordStats; protected transient BasicCounters<MutableLong> bucketCounters; public BucketManagerImpl() { eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Long>(); evictionCandidates = Sets.newHashSet(); dirtyBuckets = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); bucketHeap = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<Bucket<T>>() { @Override public int compare(Bucket<T> bucket1, Bucket<T> bucket2) { if (bucket1.lastUpdateTime() < bucket2.lastUpdateTime()) { return -1; } if (bucket1.lastUpdateTime() > bucket2.lastUpdateTime()) { return 1; } return 0; } }).create(); lock = new Lock(); committedWindow = -1; noOfBuckets = DEF_NUM_BUCKETS; noOfBucketsInMemory = DEF_NUM_BUCKETS_MEM; maxNoOfBucketsInMemory = DEF_NUM_BUCKETS_MEM + 100; millisPreventingBucketEviction = DEF_MILLIS_PREVENTING_EVICTION; writeEventKeysOnly = true; } /** * Sets the total number of buckets. * * @param noOfBuckets */ public void setNoOfBuckets(int noOfBuckets) { this.noOfBuckets = noOfBuckets; } /** * Sets the number of buckets which will be kept in memory. */ public void setNoOfBucketsInMemory(int noOfBucketsInMemory) { this.noOfBucketsInMemory = noOfBucketsInMemory; } /** * Sets the hard limit on no. of buckets in memory. */ public void setMaxNoOfBucketsInMemory(int maxNoOfBucketsInMemory) { this.maxNoOfBucketsInMemory = maxNoOfBucketsInMemory; } /** * Sets the duration in millis that prevent a bucket from being off-loaded. */ public void setMillisPreventingBucketEviction(long millisPreventingBucketEviction) { this.millisPreventingBucketEviction = millisPreventingBucketEviction; } /** * Set true for keeping only event keys in memory and store; false otherwise. * * @param writeEventKeysOnly */ public void setWriteEventKeysOnly(boolean writeEventKeysOnly) { this.writeEventKeysOnly = writeEventKeysOnly; if (this.bucketStore != null) { this.bucketStore.setWriteEventKeysOnly(writeEventKeysOnly); } } @Override public void setBucketCounters(@Nonnull BasicCounters<MutableLong> bucketCounters) { this.bucketCounters = bucketCounters; bucketCounters.setCounter(CounterKeys.BUCKETS_IN_MEMORY, new MutableLong()); bucketCounters.setCounter(CounterKeys.EVICTED_BUCKETS, new MutableLong()); bucketCounters.setCounter(CounterKeys.DELETED_BUCKETS, new MutableLong()); bucketCounters.setCounter(CounterKeys.EVENTS_COMMITTED_LAST_WINDOW, new MutableLong()); bucketCounters.setCounter(CounterKeys.EVENTS_IN_MEMORY, new MutableLong()); recordStats = true; } @Override public void shutdownService() { running = false; bucketStore.teardown(); } @Override public long getBucketKeyFor(T event) { return Math.abs(event.getEventKey().hashCode()) / noOfBuckets; } @Override public void run() { running = true; try { while (running) { Long request = eventQueue.poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (request != null) { long requestedKey = request; if (RESERVED_BUCKET_KEY == requestedKey) { synchronized (lock) { lock.notify(); } } else { int bucketIdx = (int) (requestedKey % noOfBuckets); long numEventsRemoved = 0; if (buckets[bucketIdx] != null && buckets[bucketIdx].bucketKey != requestedKey) { //Delete the old bucket in memory at that index. Bucket<T> oldBucket = buckets[bucketIdx]; dirtyBuckets.remove(bucketIdx); evictionCandidates.remove(bucketIdx); buckets[bucketIdx] = null; listener.bucketOffLoaded(oldBucket.bucketKey); bucketStore.deleteBucket(bucketIdx); if (recordStats) { bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.DELETED_BUCKETS).increment(); bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.BUCKETS_IN_MEMORY).decrement(); numEventsRemoved += oldBucket.countOfUnwrittenEvents() + oldBucket.countOfWrittenEvents(); } logger.debug("deleted bucket {} {}", oldBucket.bucketKey, bucketIdx); } Map<Object, T> bucketDataInStore = bucketStore.fetchBucket(bucketIdx); //Delete the least recently used bucket in memory if the noOfBucketsInMemory threshold is reached. if (evictionCandidates.size() + 1 > noOfBucketsInMemory) { for (int anIndex : evictionCandidates) { bucketHeap.add(buckets[anIndex]); } int overFlow = evictionCandidates.size() + 1 - noOfBucketsInMemory; while (overFlow-- >= 0) { Bucket<T> lruBucket = bucketHeap.poll(); if (lruBucket == null) { break; } int lruIdx = (int) (lruBucket.bucketKey % noOfBuckets); if (dirtyBuckets.containsKey(lruIdx)) { break; } if (((System.currentTimeMillis() - lruBucket.lastUpdateTime()) < millisPreventingBucketEviction) && ((evictionCandidates.size() + 1) <= maxNoOfBucketsInMemory)) { break; } evictionCandidates.remove(lruIdx); buckets[lruIdx] = null; listener.bucketOffLoaded(lruBucket.bucketKey); if (recordStats) { bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.EVICTED_BUCKETS).increment(); bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.BUCKETS_IN_MEMORY).decrement(); numEventsRemoved += lruBucket.countOfUnwrittenEvents() + lruBucket.countOfWrittenEvents(); } logger.debug("evicted bucket {} {}", lruBucket.bucketKey, lruIdx); } } Bucket<T> bucket = buckets[bucketIdx]; if (bucket == null || bucket.bucketKey != requestedKey) { bucket = new Bucket<T>(requestedKey); buckets[bucketIdx] = bucket; } bucket.setWrittenEvents(bucketDataInStore); evictionCandidates.add(bucketIdx); listener.bucketLoaded(bucket); if (recordStats) { bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.BUCKETS_IN_MEMORY).increment(); bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.EVENTS_IN_MEMORY) .add(bucketDataInStore.size() - numEventsRemoved); } bucketHeap.clear(); } } } } catch (Throwable cause) { running = false; DTThrowable.rethrow(cause); } } @Override public void setBucketStore(@Nonnull BucketStore<T> bucketStore) { this.bucketStore = bucketStore; bucketStore.setNoOfBuckets(noOfBuckets); bucketStore.setWriteEventKeysOnly(writeEventKeysOnly); } @Override public BucketStore<T> getBucketStore() { return bucketStore; } @Override public void startService(Listener<T> listener) { bucketStore.setup(); logger.debug("bucket properties {}, {}, {}, {}", noOfBuckets, noOfBucketsInMemory, maxNoOfBucketsInMemory, millisPreventingBucketEviction); this.listener = Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener, "storageHandler"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Bucket<T>[] freshBuckets = (Bucket<T>[]) Array.newInstance(Bucket.class, noOfBuckets); buckets = freshBuckets; //Create buckets for unwritten events which were check-pointed for (Map.Entry<Integer, Bucket<T>> bucketEntry : dirtyBuckets.entrySet()) { buckets[bucketEntry.getKey()] = bucketEntry.getValue(); } Thread eventServiceThread = new Thread(this, "BucketLoaderService"); eventServiceThread.start(); } @Override public Bucket<T> getBucket(long bucketKey) { int bucketIdx = (int) (bucketKey % noOfBuckets); Bucket<T> bucket = buckets[bucketIdx]; if (bucket == null) { return null; } if (bucket.bucketKey == bucketKey) { bucket.updateAccessTime(); return bucket; } return null; } @Override public void newEvent(long bucketKey, T event) { int bucketIdx = (int) (bucketKey % noOfBuckets); Bucket<T> bucket = buckets[bucketIdx]; if (bucket == null || bucket.bucketKey != bucketKey) { bucket = new Bucket<T>(bucketKey); buckets[bucketIdx] = bucket; dirtyBuckets.put(bucketIdx, bucket); } else if (dirtyBuckets.get(bucketIdx) == null) { dirtyBuckets.put(bucketIdx, bucket); } bucket.addNewEvent(event.getEventKey(), writeEventKeysOnly ? null : event); if (recordStats) { bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.EVENTS_IN_MEMORY).increment(); } } @Override public void endWindow(long window) { saveData(window, window); } protected void saveData(long window, long id) { Map<Integer, Map<Object, T>> dataToStore = Maps.newHashMap(); long eventsCount = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Bucket<T>> entry : dirtyBuckets.entrySet()) { Bucket<T> bucket = entry.getValue(); dataToStore.put(entry.getKey(), bucket.getUnwrittenEvents()); eventsCount += bucket.countOfUnwrittenEvents(); bucket.transferDataFromMemoryToStore(); evictionCandidates.add(entry.getKey()); } if (recordStats) { bucketCounters.getCounter(CounterKeys.EVENTS_COMMITTED_LAST_WINDOW).setValue(eventsCount); } try { if (!dataToStore.isEmpty()) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("start store {}", window); bucketStore.storeBucketData(window, id, dataToStore); logger.debug("end store {} num {} took {}", window, eventsCount, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } dirtyBuckets.clear(); committedWindow = window; } @Override public void blockUntilAllRequestsServiced() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (lock) { loadBucketData(RESERVED_BUCKET_KEY); lock.wait(); } } @Override public void loadBucketData(long bucketKey) { // logger.debug("bucket request {}", command); eventQueue.offer(bucketKey); } @Override public void definePartitions(List<BucketManager<T>> oldManagers, Map<Integer, BucketManager<T>> partitionKeysToManagers, int partitionMask) { for (BucketManager<T> manager : oldManagers) { BucketManagerImpl<T> managerImpl = (BucketManagerImpl<T>) manager; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Bucket<T>> bucketEntry : managerImpl.dirtyBuckets.entrySet()) { Bucket<T> sourceBucket = bucketEntry.getValue(); int sourceBucketIdx = bucketEntry.getKey(); for (Map.Entry<Object, T> eventEntry : sourceBucket.getUnwrittenEvents().entrySet()) { int partition = eventEntry.getKey().hashCode() & partitionMask; BucketManagerImpl<T> newManagerImpl = (BucketManagerImpl<T>) partitionKeysToManagers .get(partition); Bucket<T> destBucket = newManagerImpl.dirtyBuckets.get(sourceBucketIdx); if (destBucket == null) { destBucket = new Bucket<T>(sourceBucket.bucketKey); newManagerImpl.dirtyBuckets.put(sourceBucketIdx, destBucket); } destBucket.addNewEvent(eventEntry.getKey(), eventEntry.getValue()); } } } } @Override public BucketManagerImpl<T> cloneWithProperties() { BucketManagerImpl<T> clone = new BucketManagerImpl<T>(); copyPropertiesTo(clone); return clone; } protected void copyPropertiesTo(BucketManagerImpl<T> other) { other.writeEventKeysOnly = writeEventKeysOnly; other.noOfBuckets = noOfBuckets; other.noOfBucketsInMemory = noOfBucketsInMemory; other.maxNoOfBucketsInMemory = maxNoOfBucketsInMemory; other.millisPreventingBucketEviction = millisPreventingBucketEviction; other.bucketStore = bucketStore; other.committedWindow = committedWindow; } @SuppressWarnings("ClassMayBeInterface") private static class Lock { } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof BucketManagerImpl)) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") BucketManagerImpl<T> that = (BucketManagerImpl<T>) o; if (committedWindow != that.committedWindow) { return false; } if (maxNoOfBucketsInMemory != that.maxNoOfBucketsInMemory) { return false; } if (millisPreventingBucketEviction != that.millisPreventingBucketEviction) { return false; } if (noOfBuckets != that.noOfBuckets) { return false; } if (noOfBucketsInMemory != that.noOfBucketsInMemory) { return false; } if (writeEventKeysOnly != that.writeEventKeysOnly) { return false; } if (!bucketStore.equals(that.bucketStore)) { return false; } return dirtyBuckets.equals(that.dirtyBuckets); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = noOfBuckets; result = 31 * result + noOfBucketsInMemory; result = 31 * result + maxNoOfBucketsInMemory; result = 31 * result + (int) (millisPreventingBucketEviction ^ (millisPreventingBucketEviction >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + (writeEventKeysOnly ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (bucketStore.hashCode()); result = 31 * result + (dirtyBuckets.hashCode()); result = 31 * result + (int) (committedWindow ^ (committedWindow >>> 32)); return result; } private static transient final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BucketManagerImpl.class); }