Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.datatorrent.contrib.kafka; import com.datatorrent.api.Context; import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.FieldSerializer.Bind; import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.JavaSerializer; import; import; import; import kafka.message.Message; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern; import javax.validation.constraints.Pattern.Flag; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Base Kafka Consumer class used by kafka input operator * * @since 0.9.0 */ public abstract class KafkaConsumer implements Closeable { protected final static String HIGHLEVEL_CONSUMER_ID_SUFFIX = "_stream_"; protected final static String SIMPLE_CONSUMER_ID_SUFFIX = "_partition_"; private String zookeeper; public KafkaConsumer() { } public KafkaConsumer(String topic) { this(); this.topic = topic; } public KafkaConsumer(String zks, String topic) { this.topic = topic; setZookeeper(zks); } private int cacheSize = 1024; protected transient boolean isAlive = false; private transient ArrayBlockingQueue<KafkaMessage> holdingBuffer; /** * The topic that this consumer consumes */ @NotNull protected String topic = "default_topic"; /** * A zookeeper map keyed by cluster id. * It's mandatory field <br> * Each cluster should have only one connection string contain all nodes in the cluster <br> * zookeeper chroot path is also supported <br> * * Single cluster zookeeper example: <br> * node1:2181,node2:2181,node3:2181/your/kafka/data <br> * Multi-cluster zookeeper example: <br> * cluster1::node1:2181,node2:2181,node3:2181/cluster1;cluster2::node1:2181/cluster2 * */ @NotNull @Bind(JavaSerializer.class) SetMultimap<String, String> zookeeperMap; protected transient SetMultimap<String, String> brokers; /** * The initialOffset could be either earliest or latest * Earliest means the beginning the queue * Latest means the current sync point to consume the queue * This setting is case_insensitive * By default it always consume from the beginning of the queue */ @Pattern(flags = { Flag.CASE_INSENSITIVE }, regexp = "earliest|latest") protected String initialOffset = "latest"; protected transient SnapShot statsSnapShot = new SnapShot(); protected transient KafkaMeterStats stats = new KafkaMeterStats(); /** * This method is called in setup method of the operator */ public void create() { initBrokers(); holdingBuffer = new ArrayBlockingQueue<KafkaMessage>(cacheSize); } public void initBrokers() { if (brokers != null) { return; } if (zookeeperMap != null) { brokers = HashMultimap.create(); for (String clusterId : zookeeperMap.keySet()) { try { brokers.putAll(clusterId, KafkaMetadataUtil.getBrokers(zookeeperMap.get(clusterId))); } catch (Exception e) { // let the user know where we tried to connect to throw new RuntimeException( "Error resolving brokers for cluster " + clusterId + " " + zookeeperMap.get(clusterId), e); } } } } /** * This method is called in the activate method of the operator */ public void start() { isAlive = true; statsSnapShot.start(); } /** * The method is called in the deactivate method of the operator */ public void stop() { isAlive = false; statsSnapShot.stop(); holdingBuffer.clear(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(this); }; /** * This method is called in teardown method of the operator */ public void teardown() { holdingBuffer.clear(); } public boolean isAlive() { return isAlive; } public void setAlive(boolean isAlive) { this.isAlive = isAlive; } /** * Set the Topic. */ public void setTopic(String topic) { this.topic = topic; } public String getTopic() { return topic; } public KafkaMessage pollMessage() { return holdingBuffer.poll(); } public int messageSize() { return holdingBuffer.size(); } public void setInitialOffset(String initialOffset) { this.initialOffset = initialOffset; } public String getInitialOffset() { return initialOffset; } public int getCacheSize() { return cacheSize; } public void setCacheSize(int cacheSize) { this.cacheSize = cacheSize; } final protected void putMessage(KafkaPartition partition, Message msg, long offset) throws InterruptedException { // block from receiving more message holdingBuffer.put(new KafkaMessage(partition, msg, offset)); statsSnapShot.mark(partition, msg.payloadSize()); } protected abstract void commitOffset(); protected abstract Map<KafkaPartition, Long> getCurrentOffsets(); public KafkaMeterStats getConsumerStats() { statsSnapShot.setupStats(stats); return stats; } protected abstract void resetPartitionsAndOffset(Set<KafkaPartition> partitionIds, Map<KafkaPartition, Long> startOffset); /** * Set the ZooKeeper quorum of the Kafka cluster(s) you want to consume data from. * The operator will discover the brokers that it needs to consume messages from. */ public void setZookeeper(String zookeeper) { this.zookeeper = zookeeper; this.zookeeperMap = parseZookeeperStr(zookeeper); } public String getZookeeper() { return zookeeper; } /** * Counter class which gives the statistic value from the consumer */ public static class KafkaMeterStats implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2867402654990209006L; /** * A compact partition counter. The data collected for each partition is 4bytes brokerId + 1byte connected + 8bytes msg/s + 8bytes bytes/s + 8bytes offset */ public ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaPartition, PartitionStats> partitionStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaPartition, PartitionStats>(); /** * A compact overall counter. The data collected is 4bytes connection number + 8bytes aggregate msg/s + 8bytes aggregate bytes/s */ public long totalMsgPerSec; public long totalBytesPerSec; public KafkaMeterStats() { } public void set_1minMovingAvgPerPartition(KafkaPartition kp, long[] _1minAvgPar) { PartitionStats ps = putPartitionStatsIfNotPresent(kp); ps.msgsPerSec = _1minAvgPar[0]; ps.bytesPerSec = _1minAvgPar[1]; } public void set_1minMovingAvg(long[] _1minAvg) { totalMsgPerSec = _1minAvg[0]; totalBytesPerSec = _1minAvg[1]; } public void updateOffsets(Map<KafkaPartition, Long> offsets) { for (Entry<KafkaPartition, Long> os : offsets.entrySet()) { PartitionStats ps = putPartitionStatsIfNotPresent(os.getKey()); ps.offset = os.getValue(); } } public int getConnections() { int r = 0; for (PartitionStats ps : partitionStats.values()) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ps.brokerHost)) { r++; } } return r; } public void updatePartitionStats(KafkaPartition kp, int brokerId, String host) { PartitionStats ps = putPartitionStatsIfNotPresent(kp); ps.brokerHost = host; ps.brokerId = brokerId; } private synchronized PartitionStats putPartitionStatsIfNotPresent(KafkaPartition kp) { PartitionStats ps = partitionStats.get(kp); if (ps == null) { ps = new PartitionStats(); partitionStats.put(kp, ps); } return ps; } } public static class KafkaMessage { KafkaPartition kafkaPart; Message msg; long offSet; public KafkaMessage(KafkaPartition kafkaPart, Message msg, long offset) { this.kafkaPart = kafkaPart; this.msg = msg; this.offSet = offset; } public KafkaPartition getKafkaPart() { return kafkaPart; } public Message getMsg() { return msg; } public long getOffSet() { return offSet; } } public static class KafkaMeterStatsUtil { public static Map<KafkaPartition, Long> getOffsetsForPartitions(List<KafkaMeterStats> kafkaMeterStats) { Map<KafkaPartition, Long> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (KafkaMeterStats kms : kafkaMeterStats) { for (Entry<KafkaPartition, PartitionStats> item : kms.partitionStats.entrySet()) { result.put(item.getKey(), item.getValue().offset); } } return result; } public static Map<KafkaPartition, long[]> get_1minMovingAvgParMap(KafkaMeterStats kafkaMeterStats) { Map<KafkaPartition, long[]> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry<KafkaPartition, PartitionStats> item : kafkaMeterStats.partitionStats.entrySet()) { result.put(item.getKey(), new long[] { item.getValue().msgsPerSec, item.getValue().bytesPerSec }); } return result; } } public static class KafkaMeterStatsAggregator implements Context.CountersAggregator, Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 729987800215151678L; @Override public Object aggregate(Collection<?> countersList) { KafkaMeterStats kms = new KafkaMeterStats(); for (Object o : countersList) { if (o instanceof KafkaMeterStats) { KafkaMeterStats subKMS = (KafkaMeterStats) o; kms.partitionStats.putAll(subKMS.partitionStats); kms.totalBytesPerSec += subKMS.totalBytesPerSec; kms.totalMsgPerSec += subKMS.totalMsgPerSec; } } return kms; } } public static class PartitionStats implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6572690643487689766L; public int brokerId = -1; public long msgsPerSec; public long bytesPerSec; public long offset; public String brokerHost = ""; } /** * A snapshot of consuming rate within 1 min */ static class SnapShot { // msgs/s and bytes/s for each partition /** * 1 min total msg number for each partition */ private final Map<KafkaPartition, long[]> _1_min_msg_sum_par = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, long[]>(); /** * 1 min total byte number for each partition */ private final Map<KafkaPartition, long[]> _1_min_byte_sum_par = new HashMap<KafkaPartition, long[]>(); private static int cursor = 0; /** * total msg for each sec, msgSec[60] is total msg for a min */ private final long[] msgSec = new long[61]; /** * total bytes for each sec, bytesSec[60] is total bytes for a min */ private final long[] bytesSec = new long[61]; private short last = 1; private ScheduledExecutorService service; public synchronized void moveNext() { cursor = (cursor + 1) % 60; msgSec[60] -= msgSec[cursor]; bytesSec[60] -= bytesSec[cursor]; msgSec[cursor] = 0; bytesSec[cursor] = 0; for (Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]> item : _1_min_msg_sum_par.entrySet()) { long[] msgv = item.getValue(); long[] bytesv = _1_min_byte_sum_par.get(item.getKey()); msgv[60] -= msgv[cursor]; bytesv[60] -= bytesv[cursor]; msgv[cursor] = 0; bytesv[cursor] = 0; } } public void start() { if (service == null) { service = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); } service.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { moveNext(); if (last < 60) last++; } }, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public void stop() { if (service != null) { service.shutdown(); } } public synchronized void mark(KafkaPartition partition, long bytes) { msgSec[cursor]++; msgSec[60]++; bytesSec[cursor] += bytes; bytesSec[60] += bytes; long[] msgv = _1_min_msg_sum_par.get(partition); long[] bytev = _1_min_byte_sum_par.get(partition); if (msgv == null) { msgv = new long[61]; bytev = new long[61]; _1_min_msg_sum_par.put(partition, msgv); _1_min_byte_sum_par.put(partition, bytev); } msgv[cursor]++; msgv[60]++; bytev[cursor] += bytes; bytev[60] += bytes; } public synchronized void setupStats(KafkaMeterStats stat) { long[] _1minAvg = { msgSec[60] / last, bytesSec[60] / last }; for (Entry<KafkaPartition, long[]> item : _1_min_msg_sum_par.entrySet()) { long[] msgv = item.getValue(); long[] bytev = _1_min_byte_sum_par.get(item.getKey()); long[] _1minAvgPar = { msgv[60] / last, bytev[60] / last }; stat.set_1minMovingAvgPerPartition(item.getKey(), _1minAvgPar); } stat.set_1minMovingAvg(_1minAvg); } } private SetMultimap<String, String> parseZookeeperStr(String zookeeper) { SetMultimap<String, String> theClusters = HashMultimap.create(); for (String zk : zookeeper.split(";")) { String[] parts = zk.split("::"); String clusterId = parts.length == 1 ? KafkaPartition.DEFAULT_CLUSTERID : parts[0]; theClusters.put(clusterId, parts.length == 1 ? parts[0] : parts[1]); } return theClusters; } }