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 * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datascience.cascading.scheme;

import cascading.flow.FlowException;
import cascading.flow.FlowProcess;
import cascading.scheme.Scheme;
import cascading.scheme.SinkCall;
import cascading.scheme.SourceCall;
import cascading.scheme.hadoop.TextLine;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tap.TapException;
import cascading.tap.hadoop.Hfs;
import cascading.tuple.*;
import com.datascience.hadoop.CsvInputFormat;
import com.datascience.hadoop.CsvOutputFormat;
import com.datascience.hadoop.ListWritable;
import com.datascience.util.CsvParseException;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVParser;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The CSV scheme provides support for parsing and formatting CSV files using
 * <a href="">Apache Commons CSV</a>.
 * <p>
 * This scheme is designed for use a source or a sink in a Hadoop MR2 flow.
 * <p>
 * To use the scheme, simply construct a new instance, passing either the {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} or a
 * {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat} defining the structure of the CSV file.
 * <pre>
 *   {@code
 *     CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.newFormat(',')
 *       .withHeader("user_id", "first_name", "last_name")
 *       .withSkipHeaderRecord(true);
 *     CsvScheme scheme = new CsvScheme(format);
 *     Tap tap = new Hfs(scheme, "hdfs://users.csv");
 *   }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * The CSV scheme changes its behavior according to the {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} or {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat}
 * provided to the constructor.
 * <p>
 * For sources, this scheme detects headers and applies values to fields according to a set of rules based on the
 * arguments provided. Generally speaking, {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader() headers} define the columns
 * as they are present in the underlying CSV file, and {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} specify how those columns should
 * be presented to Cascading. The scheme may automatically detect CSV header information depending on the fields and
 * headers provided to this constructor.
 * <p>
 * Users can provided different combinations of {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()}
 * values to control the input and output of the scheme. The rules that the scheme uses to resolve {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}
 * and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader() headers} for sources are as follows:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If {@code Fields} is {@link Fields#UNKNOWN} and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} is {@code null}
 * or empty and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getSkipHeaderRecord()} is {@code false}, the scheme assigns positional
 * names to the columns (e.g. {@code col1}, {@code col2}, {@code col3}) and perform no additional validation.</li>
 * <li>If {@code Fields} is {@link Fields#UNKNOWN} and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} is {@code null}
 * or empty but {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getSkipHeaderRecord()} is {@code true}, the scheme will automatically
 * detect the CSV headers using the first record in the file and perform no further validation.</li>
 * <li>If {@code Fields} are defined, {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} is {@code null} or empty and
 * {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getSkipHeaderRecord()} is {@code true}, the scheme will detect the header
 * from the first record in the CSV file and verify that the provided {@code Fields} names are present in the header names.</li>
 * <li>If {@code Fields} are defined, {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} is {@code null} or empty and
 * {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getSkipHeaderRecord()} is {@code false}, the scheme will verify that the number
 * of provided fields matches the number of provided columns.</li>
 * <li>If {@code Fields} are defined and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} are defined, the scheme will
 * verify that the provided headers match the number of values in the first record in the CSV file, and verify that the
 * provided field names are all present in the header names.</li>
 * <li>If {@code Fields} are {@link Fields#UNKNOWN} and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} is defined,
 * the scheme will verify that the provided headers match the number of values in the first record in the CSV file and assign
 * header names to unknown {@code Fields}.</li>
 * </ul>
 * Similarly, the differences between sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader() headers}
 * allows users to control how fields are written to CSV files. The rules that the scheme uses to resolve {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}
 * and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader() headers} are as follows:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} is defined and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getSkipHeaderRecord()}
 * is {@code true}, the provided header record will be written to the output CSV file(s).</li>
 * <li>If {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader()} is not defined and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getSkipHeaderRecord()}
 * is {@code true}, the input {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} will be written to the CSV file(s) as the header.</li>
 * <li>If {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getSkipHeaderRecord()} is {@code false}, no header will be written
 * to the output file(s).</li>
 * <li>If both sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#getHeader() headers} are defined,
 * all field names must be present in the output header record. When tuples are written out to the CSV file, any fields
 * not present in the header record will be written as {@code null}. You can configure the output {@code null} string
 * via {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#withNullString(String)}</li>
 * </ul>
 * Internally, {@code CsvScheme} uses {@link com.datascience.hadoop.CsvInputFormat} and {@link com.datascience.hadoop.CsvOutputFormat}
 * for sourcing and sinking data respectively. These custom Hadoop input/output formats allow the scheme complete control
 * over the encoding, compression, parsing, and formatting of bytes beneath Cascading's abstractions.
 * @author <a href="">Jordan Halterman</a>
public class CsvScheme extends Scheme<JobConf, RecordReader, OutputCollector, Object[], Object[]> {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CsvScheme.class);
    private final CSVFormat format;
    private final boolean strict;
    private final String charset;
    private Map<String, Integer> indices;

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#DEFAULT}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme() {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#DEFAULT}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Charset charset) {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, charset, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#DEFAULT} format.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param strict Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *               parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(boolean strict) {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat#DEFAULT} format.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @param strict  Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Charset charset, boolean strict) {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, charset, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param format The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(CSVFormat format) {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, format, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @param format  The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(CSVFormat format, Charset charset) {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, format, charset, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat}.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param format The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param strict Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *               parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(CSVFormat format, boolean strict) {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, format, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given {@link org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat}.
     * @param format  The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @param strict  Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(CSVFormat format, Charset charset, boolean strict) {
        this(Fields.ALL, Fields.ALL, format, charset, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param fields The source and sink fields.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields) {
        this(fields, fields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * @param fields  The source and sink fields.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields, Charset charset) {
        this(fields, fields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, charset, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param fields The source and sink fields.
     * @param strict Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *               parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields, boolean strict) {
        this(fields, fields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * @param fields  The source and sink fields.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @param strict  Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields, Charset charset, boolean strict) {
        this(fields, fields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, charset, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param fields The source and sink fields.
     * @param format The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields, CSVFormat format) {
        this(fields, fields, format, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * @param fields  The source and sink fields.
     * @param format  The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields, CSVFormat format, Charset charset) {
        this(fields, fields, format, charset, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param fields The source and sink fields.
     * @param format The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param strict Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *               parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields, CSVFormat format, boolean strict) {
        this(fields, fields, format, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * @param fields  The source and sink fields.
     * @param format  The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param charset The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @param strict  Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields fields, CSVFormat format, Charset charset, boolean strict) {
        this(fields, fields, format, charset, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields) {
        this(sourceFields, sinkFields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @param charset      The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields, Charset charset) {
        this(sourceFields, sinkFields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, charset, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @param strict       Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                     parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields, boolean strict) {
        this(sourceFields, sinkFields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields}.
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @param charset      The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @param strict       Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                     parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields, Charset charset, boolean strict) {
        this(sourceFields, sinkFields, CSVFormat.DEFAULT, charset, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @param format       The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields, CSVFormat format) {
        this(sourceFields, sinkFields, format, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * <p>
     * Strict mode is enabled when using this constructor.
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @param format       The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param charset      The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields, CSVFormat format, Charset charset) {
        this(sourceFields, sinkFields, format, charset, true);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * <p>
     * The CSV input/output encoding set defaults to {@code UTF-8}
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @param format       The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param strict       Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                     parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields, CSVFormat format, boolean strict) {
        this(sourceFields, sinkFields, format, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, strict);

     * Creates a new CSV scheme with the given source and sink {@link cascading.tuple.Fields} and a custom format with
     * which to read and write CSV data.
     * @param sourceFields The source fields.
     * @param sinkFields   The sink fields.
     * @param format       The format with which to parse (source) or format (sink) records.
     * @param charset      The character set with which to read and write CSV files.
     * @param strict       Indicates whether to parse records in strict parsing mode. When strict mode is disabled, single record
     *                     parse errors will be caught and logged.
     * @see com.datascience.cascading.scheme.CsvScheme
    public CsvScheme(Fields sourceFields, Fields sinkFields, CSVFormat format, Charset charset, boolean strict) {
        this.format = format;
        this.charset =;
        this.strict = strict;

    @Property(name = "delimiter", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("The CSV field delimiter.")
    public char getDelimiter() {
        return format.getDelimiter();

    @Property(name = "skipHeaderRecord", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("Whether to skip the header record.")
    public boolean getSkipHeaderRecord() {
        return format.getSkipHeaderRecord();

    @Property(name = "recordSeparator", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("The record separator string.")
    public String getRecordSeparator() {
        return format.getRecordSeparator();

    @Property(name = "quoteCharacter", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("The quote character.")
    public Character getQuoteCharacter() {
        return format.getQuoteCharacter();

    @Property(name = "quoteMode", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("The quote mode.")
    public String getQuoteMode() {
        return format.getQuoteMode().name();

    @Property(name = "escapeCharacter", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("The escape character.")
    public Character getEscapeCharacter() {
        return format.getEscapeCharacter();

    @Property(name = "ignoreSurroundingSpaces", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("Whether to ignore spaces surrounding fields and records.")
    public boolean isIgnoreSurroundingSpaces() {
        return format.getIgnoreSurroundingSpaces();

    @Property(name = "ignoreEmptyLines", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("Whether to ignore empty lines.")
    public boolean isIgnoreEmptyLines() {
        return format.getIgnoreEmptyLines();

    @Property(name = "nullString", visibility = Visibility.PUBLIC)
    @PropertyDescription("The string to convert to null.")
    public String getNullString() {
        return format.getNullString();

    public Fields retrieveSourceFields(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap tap) {
        Fields fields = getSourceFields();

        // If fields is unknown and headers is null then detect the header from the file.
        // If fields is unknown and headers is null and skipHeaderRecord is true, this indicates that the field names need
        // to be detected. Assume the first record represents the headers and map the first record to the output fields.
        if (fields.isUnknown() && format.getHeader() == null && format.getSkipHeaderRecord()) {
            setSourceFields(detectHeader(flowProcess, tap, false));
        // If fields is unknown and headers is null and skipHeaderRecord is false, this indicates that no headers are available
        // to be detected. Instead, we generate generic ordinal based field names for each column in the input file.
        else if (fields.isUnknown() && format.getHeader() == null) {
            setSourceFields(detectHeader(flowProcess, tap, true));
        // If fields are provided but header is null and the first record is skipped, use the provided field names as the
        // CSV header names, assume the first record is a header and validate the provided field names against the header.
        // This will allow provided field names to be intersected with CSV columns based on names in the header record.
        else if (!fields.isUnknown() && format.getHeader() == null && format.getSkipHeaderRecord()) {
            if (!validateFields(flowProcess, tap, fields)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Fields passed not present in header");
        // If fields are provided but header is null and the first record is not skipped, simply validate that the number
        // of provided fields matches the number of columns in the CSV file since we have no way of mapping field names
        // to column names.
        else if (!fields.isUnknown() && format.getHeader() == null) {
            if (!doFieldsMatchColumns(flowProcess, tap, fields)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Fields count don't match header count");
        // If fields is unknown but the header is provided, validate that the number of columns in the header match the
        // number of columns in the CSV file and set the source fields as the provided header.
        else if (fields.isUnknown()) {
            if (validateHeaders(flowProcess, tap)) {
                setSourceFields(new Fields(format.getHeader()));
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Headers count don't match column count in input file");
        // Finally, if both fields and headers are explicitly provided, validate that the provided headers match the number of
        // columns in the CSV file and validate that the provided fields are present in the headers. This will allow us to
        // intersect provided fields with real CSV columns.
        else {
            if (!(validateHeaders(flowProcess, tap) && areFieldsInFormatHeaders(fields))) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Headers or Fields are invalid");
        return getSourceFields();

     * Detects the header fields.
    protected Fields detectHeader(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap tap, boolean genericNames) {
        CSVRecord record = getHeaderRecord(flowProcess, tap);
        String[] fields = new String[record.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < record.size(); i++) {
            if (genericNames) {
                fields[i] = String.format("col%d", i);
            } else {
                fields[i] = record.get(i);
        return new Fields(fields);

     * Method to validate if input file has same number of columns as headers passed.
    protected boolean validateHeaders(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap tap) {
        CSVRecord headerRecord = getHeaderRecord(flowProcess, tap);
        int i = headerRecord.size();
        return headerRecord.size() == format.getHeader().length;

     * Method to check if fields are present in format headers.
    protected boolean areFieldsInFormatHeaders(Fields fields) {
        List<String> formatHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
            if (!formatHeaders.contains(fields.get(i))) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Method to validate Fields passed present in the headers.
    protected boolean validateFields(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap tap, Fields sourceFields) {

        CSVRecord headerRecord = getHeaderRecord(flowProcess, tap);

        if (sourceFields.size() > headerRecord.size()) {
            return false;
        List<String> recordList = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < headerRecord.size(); i++) {

        for (int i = 0; i < sourceFields.size(); i++) {
            if (!recordList.contains(sourceFields.get(i))) {
                return false;
        return true;


     * Checks whether the given fields match the columns in the source header record.
    protected boolean doFieldsMatchColumns(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap tap, Fields sourceFields) {
        CSVRecord headerRecord = getHeaderRecord(flowProcess, tap);
        return sourceFields.size() == headerRecord.size();

     * Reads the header record from the source file.
    private CSVRecord getHeaderRecord(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap tap) {
        Tap textLine = new Hfs(new TextLine(new Fields("line")),

        try (TupleEntryIterator iterator = textLine.openForRead(flowProcess)) {
            String line =;
            boolean skipHeaderRecord = format.getSkipHeaderRecord();
            CSVRecord headerRecord = CSVParser.parse(line, format.withSkipHeaderRecord(false)).iterator().next();
            return headerRecord;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new TapException(e);

     * Initializes header index info.
    private void initIndices() {
        if (format.getHeader() != null && format.getHeader().length > 0) {
            indices = new HashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < format.getHeader().length; i++) {
                indices.put(format.getHeader()[i], i);

    public void sourceConfInit(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap<JobConf, RecordReader, OutputCollector> tap,
            JobConf conf) {
        configureReaderFormat(format, conf);

    public void sourcePrepare(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, SourceCall<Object[], RecordReader> sourceCall)
            throws IOException {
        if (sourceCall.getContext() == null) {
            sourceCall.setContext(new Object[2]);
        sourceCall.getContext()[0] = sourceCall.getInput().createKey();
        sourceCall.getContext()[1] = sourceCall.getInput().createValue();

    public boolean source(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, SourceCall<Object[], RecordReader> sourceCall)
            throws TapException, IOException {
        Object[] context = sourceCall.getContext();
        if (!sourceCall.getInput().next(context[0], context[1])) {
            return false;

        TupleEntry entry = sourceCall.getIncomingEntry();

        ListWritable<Text> values = (ListWritable<Text>) context[1];

        Fields fields = getSourceFields();
        if ((format.getHeader() != null) && !areFieldsInFormatHeaders(fields)) {
            try {
                LongWritable pos = (LongWritable) context[0];
                Long position = pos.get();
                String message = String.format("%s: %s",
                        "Failed to parse record. fields not in header record at position: ", position);
                if (strict) {
                    throw new CsvParseException(message);
                } else {
                    return true;
            } catch (CsvParseException e) {
                throw new TapException(e);
        int check = strict ? fields.size() : values.size() != fields.size() ? values.size() : fields.size();
        int checkDiff = check - fields.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < (checkDiff < 1 ? fields.size() : values.size()); i++) {
            int index = indices != null && checkDiff < 1 ? indices.get(fields.get(i).toString()) : i;

            //fill empty values with null for records missing values
            Text value = values.size() - i < 1 ? null : values.get(index);

            if (value == null) {
                entry.setString(i, null);
            } else {
                try {
                    entry.setString(i, value.toString());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (!strict) {
                        Tuple tuple = new Tuple();
                        for (Text val : values) {
                        throw new TapException(e.getMessage(), e, tuple);
                    } else {
                        return false;
        return true;

    public void presentSinkFields(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap tap, Fields fields) {

    public void sinkConfInit(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, Tap<JobConf, RecordReader, OutputCollector> tap,
            JobConf conf) {
        configureWriterFormat(format, conf);

    public void sinkPrepare(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, SinkCall<Object[], OutputCollector> sinkCall)
            throws IOException {
        sinkCall.setContext(new Object[2]);
        sinkCall.getContext()[0] = new LongWritable();
        sinkCall.getContext()[1] = new ListWritable<>(Text.class);

    public void sink(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, SinkCall<Object[], OutputCollector> sinkCall)
            throws IOException {
        ListWritable<Text> record = (ListWritable<Text>) sinkCall.getContext()[1];

        TupleEntry entry = sinkCall.getOutgoingEntry();
        Tuple tuple = entry.getTuple();

        Fields fields = getSinkFields();
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
            int index = indices != null ? indices.get(fields.get(i).toString()) : i;
            if (record.size() < index) {
                for (int j = record.size(); j < index; j++) {

            Object value = tuple.getObject(i);
            if (value != null) {
                record.add(index, new Text(value.toString()));
            } else {
                record.add(index, null);

        sinkCall.getOutput().collect(null, record);

     * Configures the Hadoop configuration for the given CSV format.
    private void configureReaderFormat(CSVFormat format, Configuration conf) {
        conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CHARSET, charset);

        // If the format header was explicitly provided by the user then forward it to the record reader. If skipHeaderRecord
        // is enabled then that indicates that field names were detected. We need to ensure that headers are defined in order
        // for the CSV reader to skip the header record.
        conf.setBoolean(CsvInputFormat.STRICT_MODE, strict);
        if (format.getHeader() != null) {
            conf.setStrings(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_COLUMNS, format.getHeader());
        } else if (format.getSkipHeaderRecord()) {
            Fields fields = getSourceFields();
            String[] columns = new String[fields.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
                columns[i] = fields.get(i).toString();
            conf.setStrings(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_COLUMNS, columns);

        conf.setBoolean(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_SKIP_HEADER, format.getSkipHeaderRecord());
        conf.set(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_DELIMITER, String.valueOf(format.getDelimiter()));

        if (format.getRecordSeparator() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_RECORD_SEPARATOR, format.getRecordSeparator());

        if (format.getQuoteCharacter() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_QUOTE_CHARACTER, String.valueOf(format.getQuoteCharacter()));

        if (format.getQuoteMode() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_QUOTE_MODE, format.getQuoteMode().name());

        if (format.getEscapeCharacter() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_ESCAPE_CHARACTER, String.valueOf(format.getEscapeCharacter()));

        conf.setBoolean(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_IGNORE_EMPTY_LINES, format.getIgnoreEmptyLines());
        conf.setBoolean(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_IGNORE_SURROUNDING_SPACES, format.getIgnoreSurroundingSpaces());

        if (format.getNullString() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvInputFormat.CSV_READER_NULL_STRING, format.getNullString());

     * Configures the Hadoop configuration for the given CSV format.
    private void configureWriterFormat(CSVFormat format, Configuration conf) {
        conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CHARSET, charset);

        // Apache CSV doesn't really handle the skipHeaderRecord flag correctly when writing output. If the skip flag is set
        // and headers are configured, headers will always be written to the output. Since we always have headers and/or
        // fields configured, we need to use the skipHeaderRecord flag to determine whether headers should be written.
        if (!format.getSkipHeaderRecord()) {
            if (format.getHeader() != null && format.getHeader().length != 0) {
                conf.setStrings(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_COLUMNS, format.getHeader());
            } else {
                Fields fields = getSinkFields();
                String[] columns = new String[fields.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
                    columns[i] = fields.get(i).toString();
                conf.setStrings(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_COLUMNS, columns);

        conf.setBoolean(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_SKIP_HEADER, format.getSkipHeaderRecord());
        conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_DELIMITER, String.valueOf(format.getDelimiter()));

        if (format.getRecordSeparator() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_RECORD_SEPARATOR, format.getRecordSeparator());

        if (format.getQuoteCharacter() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_QUOTE_CHARACTER, String.valueOf(format.getQuoteCharacter()));

        if (format.getQuoteMode() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_QUOTE_MODE, format.getQuoteMode().name());

        if (format.getEscapeCharacter() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_ESCAPE_CHARACTER, String.valueOf(format.getEscapeCharacter()));

        conf.setBoolean(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_IGNORE_EMPTY_LINES, format.getIgnoreEmptyLines());
        conf.setBoolean(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_IGNORE_SURROUNDING_SPACES, format.getIgnoreSurroundingSpaces());

        if (format.getNullString() != null) {
            conf.set(CsvOutputFormat.CSV_WRITER_NULL_STRING, format.getNullString());
