Source code

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Here is the source code for


package com.dagobert_engine.statistics.service;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistributionImpl;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;

import com.dagobert_engine.core.model.AdvancedCurrencyStatistics;
import com.dagobert_engine.core.model.Configuration;
import com.dagobert_engine.core.model.CurrencyData;
import com.dagobert_engine.core.model.CurrencyStatistics;
import com.dagobert_engine.core.model.CurrencyType;
import com.dagobert_engine.core.service.MtGoxApiAdapter;
import com.dagobert_engine.core.util.MtGoxException;
import com.dagobert_engine.statistics.model.BTCRate;
import com.dagobert_engine.statistics.model.Period;
import com.dagobert_engine.statistics.model.Period.PropabilityType;

 * StatisticsService
 * @author Michael Kunzmann (
 * @version 0.1-ALPHA
 * License
public class MtGoxStatisticsService implements Serializable {

    public enum StatisticsServiceStatus {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3776561847459503540L;

    private Configuration config;

    private MtGoxApiAdapter adapter;

    private JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();

     * Current period
    private Period currentPeriod = null;

     * Last period
    private Period lastPeriod = null;

    private final Object lock = new Object();

    private static String getTickerPath(CurrencyType cur, boolean fast) {

        if (cur.equals(CurrencyType.BTC)) {
            throw new MtGoxException(cur + " is no reference currency. Please select any other currency");

        return "BTC" + + "/MONEY/TICKER" + (fast ? "_FAST" : "");


     * Get advanced statistics with the normal ticker
     * @param type
     * @return
    public AdvancedCurrencyStatistics getAdvancedStatistics(CurrencyType type) {
        if (type.equals(CurrencyType.BTC))
            throw new MtGoxException(type + " is no reference currency. Please select any other currency");

        String url = getTickerPath(type, false);
        String queryJson = adapter.query(url);

        try {
            JSONObject root = (JSONObject) parser.parse(queryJson);
            String result = (String) root.get("result");

            if (!"success".equals(result)) {
                throw new MtGoxException(result);

            JSONObject data = (JSONObject) root.get("data");

            AdvancedCurrencyStatistics stats = new AdvancedCurrencyStatistics();
            stats.setHigh(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("high")));
            stats.setLow(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("low")));
            stats.setAvg(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("avg")));
            stats.setVolumeWeightenedAvg(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("vwap")));
            stats.setVolume(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("vol")));

            stats.setLastTradeDefaultCurrency(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("last_local")));
            stats.setLastTradeAnyCurrency(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("last_orig")));
            stats.setLastTradeConvertedToDefault(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("last_all")));
            stats.setBuy(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("buy")));
            stats.setSell(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("sell")));
            stats.setTime(new Date(Long.valueOf(((String) data.get("now"))) / 1000));
            stats.setTimestampMicroSecs(Long.valueOf((String) data.get("now")));

            return stats;
        } catch (org.json.simple.parser.ParseException e) {
            throw new MtGoxException(e);

     * Get statistics for currency with the fast ticker
     * @param type
     * @return
    public CurrencyStatistics getStatistics(CurrencyType type) {

        if (type.equals(CurrencyType.BTC)) {
            throw new MtGoxException(type + " is no reference currency. Please select any other currency");

        String url = getTickerPath(type, true);
        String queryJson = adapter.query(url);

        try {
            JSONObject root = (JSONObject) parser.parse(queryJson);
            String result = (String) root.get("result");

            if (!"success".equals(result)) {
                throw new MtGoxException(result);

            JSONObject data = (JSONObject) root.get("data");

            CurrencyStatistics stats = new CurrencyStatistics();
            stats.setLastTradeDefaultCurrency(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("last_local")));
            stats.setLastTradeAnyCurrency(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("last_orig")));
            stats.setLastTradeConvertedToDefault(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("last_all")));
            stats.setBuy(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("buy")));
            stats.setSell(adapter.getCurrencyForJsonObj((JSONObject) data.get("sell")));
            stats.setTime(new Date(Long.parseLong(((String) data.get("now"))) / 1000));
            stats.setTimestampMicroSecs(Long.parseLong(((String) data.get("now"))));

            return stats;
        } catch (org.json.simple.parser.ParseException e) {
            throw new MtGoxException(e);

     * Get last price
     * @param cur
     * @return
     * @throws ParseException
    public CurrencyData getLastPrice(CurrencyType cur) {
        if (cur == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("CurrencyType mustn't be null");

        if (cur.equals(CurrencyType.BTC)) {
            throw new MtGoxException(cur + " is no reference currency. Please select any other currency.");

        String urlPath = getTickerPath(cur, true);
        // long divideFactor =
        // adapter.getDivisionFactors().get(cur).longValue();
        HashMap<String, String> query_args = new HashMap<>();

         * Params : No params required
        String queryResult = adapter.query(urlPath, query_args);

        try {
            double last;

            JSONObject httpAnswerJson = (JSONObject) (parser.parse(queryResult));
            String result = (String) httpAnswerJson.get("result");

            if (!"success".equals(result)) {
                throw new MtGoxException(result);

            JSONObject dataJson = (JSONObject) httpAnswerJson.get("data");
            JSONObject lastJson = (JSONObject) dataJson.get("last");
            String last_String = (String) lastJson.get("value");
            last = Double.parseDouble(last_String);
            return new CurrencyData(last, cur);
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            throw new MtGoxException(exc);

    public void refreshPeriods() throws ParseException {
        synchronized (lock) {

            final Date NOW = new Date();
            final int periodLength = config.getDefaultPeriodLength();

            if (currentPeriod == null || NOW.after(currentPeriod.getToTime())) {
                lastPeriod = currentPeriod;

                currentPeriod = new Period();
                currentPeriod.setToTime(new Date(NOW.getTime() + periodLength));

            BTCRate rate = new BTCRate();

            // Add rate to current period

            // calculate values for period


            BTCRate maxRate = currentPeriod.getRates().get(calcMaxIndex(currentPeriod.getRates()));
            BTCRate minRate = currentPeriod.getRates().get(calcMinIndex(currentPeriod.getRates()));


            currentPeriod.setPropDown(calcPropability(currentPeriod.getAvgRate(), currentPeriod.getStdDev(),
                    PropabilityType.LESS_THAN, currentPeriod.getLatestRate().getValue()));
            currentPeriod.setPropUp(calcPropability(currentPeriod.getAvgRate(), currentPeriod.getStdDev(),
                    PropabilityType.GREATER_THAN, currentPeriod.getLatestRate().getValue()));

    private static double calcPropability(double avg, double dev, PropabilityType type, double value) {
        NormalDistributionImpl normDistr = new NormalDistributionImpl();

        if (dev == 0.0)
            return 0.0;

        double stdValue = (value - avg) / dev;

        try {
            switch (type) {
            case GREATER_THAN:
                return 1 - normDistr.cumulativeProbability(stdValue);
            case LESS_THAN:
                return normDistr.cumulativeProbability(stdValue);
            return 0.0;
        } catch (MathException exc) {
            throw new RuntimeException(exc);


    private static double calcAvgForRates(List<BTCRate> rates) {
        double avg = 0.0;

        for (BTCRate rate : rates) {
            avg += rate.getValue();

        if (rates.size() > 0)
            avg = avg / ((double) rates.size());

        return avg;

    private static int calcMinIndex(List<BTCRate> rates) {
        int minIndex = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < rates.size(); i++) {
            if (minIndex == -1)
                minIndex = 0;
            if (rates.get(i).getValue() < rates.get(minIndex).getValue())
                minIndex = i;

        return minIndex;

    private static int calcMaxIndex(List<BTCRate> rates) {
        int maxIndex = -1;
        int i = 0;
        for (BTCRate rate : rates) {
            if (maxIndex == -1)
                maxIndex = 0;
            if (rate.getValue() > rates.get(i).getValue())
                maxIndex = i;

        return maxIndex;

    private static double calcStdDev(List<BTCRate> rates) {
        if (rates.size() == 0)
            return 0.0;

        try {

            double avg = calcAvgForRates(rates);

            double var = 0.0;
            for (BTCRate rate : rates) {
                var = var + (Math.pow(rate.getValue() - avg, 2));

            var = var * 1.0 / (((double) rates.size()) - 1.0);
            return Math.pow(var, 0.5);
        } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
            return 0.0;

    public Period getLastPeriod() {
        synchronized (lock) {
            return lastPeriod;

    public Period getCurrentPeriod() {
        synchronized (lock) {
            return currentPeriod;