Java tutorial
/* ExtractorTool * * Created on Mar 14, 2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Internet Archive. * * This file is part of the Heritrix web crawler ( * * Heritrix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * any later version. * * Heritrix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License * along with Heritrix; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.datamodel.CoreAttributeConstants; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.datamodel.CrawlOrder; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.datamodel.CrawlURI; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.framework.Processor; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.CrawlerSettings; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.MapType; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.SettingsHandler; import com.cyberway.issue.crawler.settings.XMLSettingsHandler; import; import; import; import; import com.cyberway.issue.util.HttpRecorder; import com.cyberway.issue.util.OneLineSimpleLogger; /** * Run named extractors against passed ARC file. * This extractor tool runs suboptimally. It takes each ARC file record, * writes it to a new scratch file, and then it runs each listed * extractor against the scratch. It works in this manner because * extractors want CharSequence, being able to refer to characters * by absolute position, but ARCs are compressed streams. The work * to get a CharSequence on an underlying compressed stream has not * been done. Other issues are need to setup CrawlerSetting environment * so extractors can run. * @author stack * @version $Date: 2006-09-26 23:47:15 +0000 (Tue, 26 Sep 2006) $, $Revision: 4671 $ */ public class ExtractorTool { // private static final Logger logger = // Logger.getLogger(ExtractorTool.class.getName()); static { // Setup the oneline logger. Handler[] hs = Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers(); for (int i = 0; i < hs.length; i++) { Handler h = hs[0]; if (h instanceof ConsoleHandler) { h.setFormatter(new OneLineSimpleLogger()); } } } private static final String[] DEFAULT_EXTRACTORS = { "com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTTP", "com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTML" }; private final List<Processor> extractors; private final File scratchDir; private static final String DEFAULT_SCRATCH = "/tmp"; public ExtractorTool() throws Exception { this(DEFAULT_EXTRACTORS, DEFAULT_SCRATCH); } public ExtractorTool(String[] e, String scratch) throws Exception { super(); // Setup the scratch directory. this.scratchDir = scratch == null ? new File(DEFAULT_SCRATCH) : new File(scratch); if (!this.scratchDir.exists()) { this.scratchDir.mkdirs(); } // Set up settings system. Needed by extractors. File orderFile = new File(this.scratchDir.getAbsolutePath(), ExtractorTool.class.getName() + "_order.xml"); SettingsHandler settingsHandler = new XMLSettingsHandler(orderFile); settingsHandler.initialize(); settingsHandler.getOrder() .setAttribute(new Attribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, this.scratchDir.getAbsolutePath())); CrawlerSettings globalSettings = settingsHandler.getSettingsObject(null); MapType extractorsSettings = (MapType) settingsHandler.getOrder() .getAttribute(CrawlOrder.ATTR_EXTRACT_PROCESSORS); this.extractors = new ArrayList<Processor>(); for (int i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { Constructor c = Class.forName(e[i]).getConstructor(new Class[] { String.class }); String name = Integer.toString(i); Processor p = (Processor) c.newInstance(new Object[] { name }); extractorsSettings.addElement(globalSettings, p); p.setAttribute(new Attribute(Processor.ATTR_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE)); this.extractors.add(p); } } public void extract(String resource) throws IOException, URIException, InterruptedException { ARCReader reader = ARCReaderFactory.get(new File(resource)); for (Iterator i = reader.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ARCRecord ar = (ARCRecord); HttpRecorder hr = HttpRecorder.wrapInputStreamWithHttpRecord(this.scratchDir, this.getClass().getName(), ar, null); CrawlURI curi = getCrawlURI(ar, hr); for (Iterator ii = this.extractors.iterator(); ii.hasNext();) { ((Processor); } outlinks(curi); } } protected void outlinks(CrawlURI curi) { System.out.println(curi.getUURI().toString()); for (Link l : curi.getOutLinks()) { System.out.println(" " + l.getDestination() + " " + l.getHopType() + " " + l.getContext()); } } protected CrawlURI getCrawlURI(final ARCRecord record, final HttpRecorder hr) throws URIException { CrawlURI curi = new CrawlURI(UURIFactory.getInstance(record.getMetaData().getUrl())); curi.setContentSize(record.getMetaData().getLength()); curi.setContentType(record.getMetaData().getMimetype()); curi.setHttpRecorder(hr); // Fake out the extractor that this is a legit HTTP transaction. if (!curi.getUURI().getScheme().equals("filedesc")) { curi.putObject(CoreAttributeConstants.A_HTTP_TRANSACTION, new HttpMethodBase() { public String getName() { return this.getClass().getName() + "_method"; } public Header getResponseHeader(String headerName) { String value = (String) record.getMetaData().getHeaderValue(headerName); return (value == null || value.length() == 0) ? null : new Header(headerName, value); } }); String statusCode = record.getMetaData().getStatusCode(); curi.setFetchStatus(statusCode == null ? 200 : Integer.parseInt(statusCode)); } return curi; } /** * Format usage message. * @param formatter Help formatter instance. * @param options Usage options. * @param exitCode Exit code. */ private static void usage(HelpFormatter formatter, Options options, int exitCode) { formatter.printHelp("java " + ExtractorTool.class.getName() + " \\\n[--scratch=DIR] [--extractor=EXTRACTOR1,EXTRACTOR2,...] ARC", options); System.exit(exitCode); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(new Option("h", "help", false, "Prints this message and exits.")); StringBuffer defaultExtractors = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_EXTRACTORS.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { defaultExtractors.append(", "); } defaultExtractors.append(DEFAULT_EXTRACTORS[i]); } options.addOption(new Option("e", "extractor", true, "List of comma-separated extractor class names. " + "Run in order listed. " + "If no extractors listed, runs following: " + defaultExtractors.toString() + ".")); options.addOption( new Option("s", "scratch", true, "Directory to write scratch files to. Default: '/tmp'.")); PosixParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmdline = parser.parse(options, args, false); List cmdlineArgs = cmdline.getArgList(); Option[] cmdlineOptions = cmdline.getOptions(); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); // If no args, print help. if (cmdlineArgs.size() <= 0) { usage(formatter, options, 0); } // Now look at options passed. String[] extractors = DEFAULT_EXTRACTORS; String scratch = null; for (int i = 0; i < cmdlineOptions.length; i++) { switch (cmdlineOptions[i].getId()) { case 'h': usage(formatter, options, 0); break; case 'e': String value = cmdlineOptions[i].getValue(); if (value == null || value.length() <= 0) { // Allow saying NO extractors so we can see // how much it costs just reading through // ARCs. extractors = new String[0]; } else { extractors = value.split(","); } break; case 's': scratch = cmdlineOptions[i].getValue(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected option: " + +cmdlineOptions[i].getId()); } } ExtractorTool tool = new ExtractorTool(extractors, scratch); for (Iterator i = cmdlineArgs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { tool.extract((String); } } }