Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010 CssWeb Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * CssWeb PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
 * @(#) ?09:40:57 2011-3-7

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.json.JSONException;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.cssweb.quote.util.NameRule;
import com.cssweb.quote.util.Utils;

 * @author hujun
 * @version 1.0
 * @see
 * @since 1.0
public class QuoteGridActivity extends FlipperActiviy {
    private Context mContext = QuoteGridActivity.this;

    protected List<CssStock> list = new ArrayList<CssStock>();

    private Paint mPaint;

    private Drawable localDrawable = null;
    private View.OnClickListener mClickListener;
    private View.OnLongClickListener mLongClickListener;
    private int mFontSize = 18;
    private float textWeight = 0;
    private LinearLayout mLinerHScroll;
    private LinearLayout mLinerLock;
    private int residCol;
    private int m_nPos = 0;
    private int[] residScrollCol;
    private int residSelColor;
    private int residTitleCol;
    private int[] residTitleScrollCol;

    protected int rowHeight = 0;
    protected int len = 0;
    protected int selectTag = -1;

    private boolean nameOrcode = true;
    private String zqname;
    private String zqcode;

    protected int n1 = 2, n2 = 2;
    private String top = "";
    private String low = "";

    public QuoteGridActivity() {
        Paint localPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
        this.mPaint = localPaint;
        textWeight = this.mPaint.measureText("?");
        int[] arrayOfInt1 = new int[3];
        this.residTitleScrollCol = arrayOfInt1;
        this.residTitleCol = 0;
        this.residCol = 0;
        int[] arrayOfInt2 = new int[3];
        this.residScrollCol = arrayOfInt2;
        this.residSelColor = Color.DKGRAY;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        this.residTitleCol = R.drawable.zrfundquery11;
        this.residTitleScrollCol[0] = R.drawable.zrfundqueryh02;
        this.residTitleScrollCol[1] = R.drawable.zrfundqueryh03;
        this.residTitleScrollCol[2] = R.drawable.zrfundqueryh04;
        this.residCol = R.drawable.zrfundquery02;
        this.residScrollCol[0] = R.drawable.zrfundqueryh05;
        this.residScrollCol[1] = R.drawable.zrfundqueryh06;
        this.residScrollCol[2] = R.drawable.zrfundqueryh07;
        mClickListener = new TextClick();
        mLongClickListener = new TextLongClick();

    protected void initQuote(int pageNum, String stocks, String stocksname) throws JSONException {
        String[] temp1 = stocks.split(",");
        String[] temp2 = stocksname.split(",");
        try {
            TextView localView = (TextView) this.mLinerLock.getChildAt(0);
            if (nameOrcode) {
            } else {

            for (int i = 1; i <= pageNum; i++) {
                TextView localView6 = (TextView) this.mLinerLock.findViewWithTag(i);
                if (nameOrcode) {
                    localView6.setText(temp2[i - 1]);
                } else {
                    localView6.setText(temp1[i - 1].substring(2));
        } catch (Exception e) {

    protected void refreshHSZSUI(List<CssStock> list, String[] cols) throws JSONException {
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout1 = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(;
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout2 = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(;
        this.mLinerLock = localLinearLayout1;
        this.mLinerHScroll = localLinearLayout2;

        if (nameOrcode)
            AddViewItem(cols[0], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), mLinerLock, -1, 0, 0, true);
            AddViewItem(cols[1], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), mLinerLock, -1, 0, 0, true);

        LinearLayout l1 = new LinearLayout(this);
        for (int i = 2; i < cols.length; i++) {
            if (i == cols.length - 1)
                AddViewItem(cols[i], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, -i, 100, 0, true);
                AddViewItem(cols[i], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, -i, i - 1, 0, true);


        int mDigit = 1;
        double d0 = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= list.size(); i++) {
            CssStock cs = list.get(i - 1);
            try {
                d0 = cs.getZrsp();
                mDigit = Utils.getNumFormat(cs.getMarket(), cs.getStkcode());
                if (nameOrcode)
                    AddViewItem(cs.getStkname(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), mLinerLock, i, 0, i, true);
                    AddViewItem(cs.getStkcode(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), mLinerLock, i, 0, i, true);

                l1 = new LinearLayout(this);

                if (cs.getStkcode() == null || cs.getStkcode().equals("") || cs.getStkname() == null
                        || cs.getStkname().equals("")) {
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 1, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 2, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 3, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 4, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 5, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 6, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 7, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 8, i, false);
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 9, i, false);

                } else {
                    String str1;
                    if (cs.getZf() == 0)
                        str1 = Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf() * 100, 1);
                        str1 = Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf() * 100, 1);
                    AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZjcj(), mDigit),
                            Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZjcj(), d0), l1, i, 1, i, true);
                    AddViewItem(str1, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZf()), l1, i, 2, i, true);
                    AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZd(), mDigit), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZd()),
                            l1, i, 3, i, true);

                    AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getZje(), false, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 2), l1,
                            i, 4, i, true);

                    AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getJrkp(), mDigit),
                            Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getJrkp(), d0), l1, i, 5, i, true);
                    AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZrsp(), mDigit), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i,
                            6, i, true);
                    AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZgcj(), mDigit),
                            Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZgcj(), d0), l1, i, 7, i, true);
                    AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZdcj(), mDigit),
                            Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZdcj(), d0), l1, i, 8, i, true);
                    AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getAmp() * 100, 1) + "%", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 5),
                            l1, i, 100, i, true);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                for (int j = 1; j <= len - 2; j++) {
                    AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, j, i, false);


    protected void refreshUI(List<CssStock> list, String[] cols) throws JSONException {
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout1 = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(;
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout2 = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(;
        this.mLinerLock = localLinearLayout1;
        this.mLinerHScroll = localLinearLayout2;

        if (nameOrcode)
            AddViewItem(cols[0], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), mLinerLock, -1, 0, 0, true);
            AddViewItem(cols[1], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), mLinerLock, -1, 0, 0, true);

        LinearLayout l1 = new LinearLayout(this);
        for (int i = 2; i < cols.length; i++) {
            if (i == cols.length - 1)
                AddViewItem(cols[i], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, -i, 100, 0, true);
                AddViewItem(cols[i], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, -i, i - 1, 0, true);


        int mDigit = 1;
        double d0 = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= list.size(); i++) {
            CssStock cs = list.get(i - 1);
            d0 = cs.getZrsp();
            mDigit = Utils.getNumFormat(cs.getMarket(), cs.getStkcode());

            if (nameOrcode)
                AddViewItem(Utils.clearSpace(cs.getStkname()), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), mLinerLock, i, 0, i,
                AddViewItem(cs.getStkcode(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), mLinerLock, i, 0, i, true);

            l1 = new LinearLayout(this);

            if (cs.getStkcode() == null || cs.getStkcode().equals("") || cs.getStkname() == null
                    || cs.getStkname().equals("")) {
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 1, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 2, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 3, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 4, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 5, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 6, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 7, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 8, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 9, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 10, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 12, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 13, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 14, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 15, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 16, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 100, i, true);
            } else if (cs.getTp() == 1) {
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 1, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 2, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 3, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 4, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 5, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 6, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 7, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 8, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 9, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZrsp(), mDigit), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 10,
                        i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 12, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 13, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 14, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 15, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 16, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.TP_TAG, Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 100, i, true);
            } else {
                //              String str1;
                //            if(cs.getZf()==0)
                //               str1 = Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf()*100, 1) + "%";
                //            else
                //               str1 = Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf()*100, 1) + "%";

                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf() * 100, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZf()), l1,
                        i, 1, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZjcj(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZjcj(), d0), l1, i, 2, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZd(), mDigit), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZd()), l1,
                        i, 3, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getBjw1(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getBjw1(), d0), l1, i, 4, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getSjw1(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getSjw1(), d0), l1, i, 5, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getZl(), false, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), l1, i, 6,
                        i, true);
                //AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getXs(), false, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), l1, i, 7, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getXs(), false, 1),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, Utils.getColorFromBS(cs.getBsFlag())), l1, i, 7, i, true);
                //              AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getHs()*100, 1) + "%", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 5), l1, i, 8, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getHs() * 100, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 5), l1, i, 8, i,
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getJrkp(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getJrkp(), d0), l1, i, 9, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZrsp(), mDigit), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 10,
                        i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZgcj(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZgcj(), d0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZdcj(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZdcj(), d0), l1, i, 12, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getZje(), false, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 2), l1, i,
                        13, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getAmp() * 100, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 5), l1, i, 14,
                        i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getLb(), 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), l1, i, 15, i,
                //              AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getWb(), 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 5), l1, i, 16, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getWb() * 100, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getWb()), l1,
                        i, 16, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getWc(), false), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getWc()), l1,
                        i, 100, i, true);


    protected void refreshIndexUI(List<CssStock> list, String[] cols) throws JSONException {
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout1 = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(;
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout2 = (LinearLayout) this.findViewById(;
        this.mLinerLock = localLinearLayout1;
        this.mLinerHScroll = localLinearLayout2;

        if (nameOrcode)
            AddViewItem(cols[0], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), mLinerLock, -1, 0, 0, true);
            AddViewItem(cols[1], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), mLinerLock, -1, 0, 0, true);

        LinearLayout l1 = new LinearLayout(this);
        for (int i = 2; i < cols.length; i++) {
            if (i == cols.length - 1)
                AddViewItem(cols[i], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, -i, 100, 0, true);
                AddViewItem(cols[i], Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, -i, i - 1, 0, true);


        int mDigit = 1;
        double d0 = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= list.size(); i++) {
            CssStock cs = list.get(i - 1);
            d0 = cs.getZrsp();
            mDigit = Utils.getNumFormat(cs.getMarket(), cs.getStkcode());

            if (nameOrcode)
                AddViewItem(Utils.clearSpace(cs.getStkname()), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), mLinerLock, i, 0, i,
                AddViewItem(cs.getStkcode(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), mLinerLock, i, 0, i, true);

            l1 = new LinearLayout(this);

            if (cs.getStkcode() == null || cs.getStkcode().equals("") || cs.getStkname() == null
                    || cs.getStkname().equals("")) {
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 1, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 2, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 3, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 4, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 5, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 6, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 7, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 8, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 9, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 10, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);

                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);
                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 11, i, true);

                AddViewItem("", Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 100, i, true);
            } else {
                //              String str1;
                //            if(cs.getZf()==0)
                //               str1 = Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf()*100, 1) + "%";
                //            else
                //               str1 = Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf()*100, 1) + "%";

                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZjcj(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZjcj(), d0), l1, i, 1, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZf() * 100, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZf()), l1,
                        i, 2, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getZje(), false, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 2), l1, i, 3,
                        i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZd(), mDigit), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZd()), l1,
                        i, 4, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getZl(), false, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), l1, i, 5,
                        i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.getAmountFormat(cs.getXs(), false, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), l1, i, 6,
                        i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getJrkp(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getJrkp(), d0), l1, i, 7, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZrsp(), mDigit), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 8, i,
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZgcj(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZgcj(), d0), l1, i, 9, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getZdcj(), mDigit),
                        Utils.getTextColor(mContext, cs.getZdcj(), d0), l1, i, 10, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getAmp() * 100, 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 5), l1, i, 11,
                        i, true);
                //AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getLb(), 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), l1, i, 100, i, true);
                AddViewItem(Utils.dataFormation(cs.getLb(), 1), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 1), l1, i, 12, i,

                AddViewItem(cs.getJtsy(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 13, i, true);
                AddViewItem(cs.getPjgb(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 14, i, true);
                AddViewItem(cs.getZsz(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 15, i, true);
                AddViewItem(cs.getZb(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 16, i, true);
                AddViewItem(cs.getYbjj(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 17, i, true);
                AddViewItem(cs.getYbsl(), Utils.getTextColor(mContext, 0), l1, i, 100, i, true);


    private void AddViewItem(String paramString, int paramInt1, LinearLayout paramLinearLayout, int paramInt2,
            int paramInt3, int paramInt4, boolean paramBoolean) {
        TextView localTextView = new TextView(this);
        float f = this.mFontSize;

        if (paramInt2 == paramInt4 && paramInt3 == 0 && nameOrcode) {

            if (this.mPaint.measureText(paramString) > textWeight)

        if (n2 == paramInt2) {
            String str = (n1 == 0) ? paramString + low : (n1 == 1) ? paramString + top : paramString;
        } else {
        localTextView.setGravity(Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
        localTextView.setOnTouchListener(this); //touch
        if (paramInt4 == 0 && paramInt3 >= 0) {//
            int i1 = this.residTitleCol;
            int i8 = 0;
            if (paramInt3 == 0) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(i1);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            } else if (paramInt3 == 100) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residTitleScrollCol[2]);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            } else if (paramInt3 == 13) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residTitleScrollCol[0]);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
                i8 += 20;
            } else if (paramInt3 == 8) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residTitleScrollCol[0]);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
                i8 += 10;
            } else if (paramInt3 % 2 == 0) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residTitleScrollCol[1]);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            } else {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residTitleScrollCol[0]);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            int i6 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
            localTextView.setHeight(i6 + CssSystem.getTableTitleHeight(this));
            //int i9 = (int) Math.max(i8, mPaint.measureText(paramString));
        if (paramInt4 != 0 && paramInt3 >= 0) {
            int i8 = 0;
            if (paramInt3 == 0) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residCol);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            } else if (paramInt3 == 100) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residScrollCol[2]);
                localTextView.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            } else if (paramInt3 == 13) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residScrollCol[0]);
                localTextView.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
                i8 += 20;
            } else if (paramInt3 == 8) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residScrollCol[0]);
                localTextView.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
                i8 += 10;
            } else if (paramInt3 % 2 == 0) {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residScrollCol[1]);
                localTextView.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            } else {
                localDrawable = getResources().getDrawable(this.residScrollCol[0]);
                localTextView.setGravity(Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL);
                i8 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
            int i6 = localDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
            localTextView.setHeight(i6 + rowHeight);
            //int i9 = (int) Math.max(i8, mPaint.measureText(paramString));
        //      if ((paramInt3 == j) && (paramInt4 == l)) {
        //         int i13 = this.residTitleScrollCol[l];
        //         localDrawable = localResources.getDrawable(i13);
        //         localTextView.setTextColor(paramInt1);
        //         localTextView.setBackgroundDrawable(localDrawable);
        //         paramLinearLayout.addView(localTextView);
        //         return;
        //      }

    public void setSelectRow(int paramInt) throws Exception {
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout1 = this.mLinerLock;
        Integer localInteger1 = Integer.valueOf(this.m_nPos);
        View localView1 = localLinearLayout1.findViewWithTag(localInteger1);
        if (localView1 != null) {
            int l = this.residCol;
            //         int l = this.residSelColor;
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout2 = this.mLinerLock;
        Integer localInteger2 = Integer.valueOf(paramInt);
        View localView2 = localLinearLayout2.findViewWithTag(localInteger2);
        if (localView2 != null) {
            int i1 = this.residSelColor;

        LinearLayout localLinearLayout3 = this.mLinerHScroll;
        Integer localInteger3 = Integer.valueOf(this.m_nPos);
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout4 = (LinearLayout) localLinearLayout3.findViewWithTag(localInteger3);

        if (localLinearLayout4 != null) {
            int i3 = localLinearLayout4.getChildCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < i3; i++) {
                View localView3 = localLinearLayout4.getChildAt(i);
                int i0 = 0;
                if (i == i3 - 1)
                    i0 = this.residScrollCol[2];
                else if (i == 13)
                    i0 = this.residScrollCol[1];
                else if (i % 2 == 0)
                    i0 = this.residScrollCol[0];
                    i0 = this.residScrollCol[1];

        LinearLayout localLinearLayout5 = this.mLinerHScroll;
        Integer localInteger4 = Integer.valueOf(paramInt);
        LinearLayout localLinearLayout6 = (LinearLayout) localLinearLayout5.findViewWithTag(localInteger4);
        if (localLinearLayout6 != null) {
            int i4 = this.residSelColor;
        int i6 = localLinearLayout6.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < i6; i++) {
            View localView6 = localLinearLayout6.getChildAt(i);
            int i10 = this.residSelColor;

        this.m_nPos = paramInt;
        this.cssStock = list.get(paramInt - 1);

    protected class TextClick implements View.OnClickListener {
        public void onClick(View arg0) {
            int tag = (Integer) arg0.getTag();
            //         isClickNotFirstLoad =true;
            try {
                if (tag >= 0) {
                    if (selectTag == tag) {
                        if (list.get(m_nPos - 1).getMarket() != null
                                && !"".equals(list.get(m_nPos - 1).getStkcode()))
                                    NameRule.getExchange(list.get(m_nPos - 1).getMarket()),
                                    list.get(m_nPos - 1).getStkcode(), list.get(m_nPos - 1).getStkname(), mContext);
                    } else {
                        selectTag = tag;
                } else if (tag == -1) {
                    nameOrcode = !nameOrcode;

                } else if (tag == -100) {
                    nameOrcode = !nameOrcode;
                } else {
                    if (activityKind == Global.QUOTE_FENLEI) {
                        if (n2 != tag)
                            n1 = 2;
                        n1 = (n1 == 1) ? 0 : 1;
                        n2 = tag;
                        zqlbDesc2(tag, n1);
            } catch (Exception e) {

    protected void initQuote() {


    protected class TextLongClick implements View.OnLongClickListener {
        public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
            int tag = (Integer) v.getTag();
            try {
                if (tag >= 0) {
                    if (m_nPos - 1 < len) {
                        if (true)
                                    NameRule.getExchange(list.get(m_nPos - 1).getMarket()),
                                    list.get(m_nPos - 1).getStkcode(), list.get(m_nPos - 1).getStkname(), mContext);

            } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

    protected void zqlbDesc2(int t1, int t2) {
