Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016, 2017 IBM, DTCC, Fujitsu Australia Software Technology, IBM - All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cs.fabric.sdk.utils; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.helper.Utils; import com.cs.fabric.sdkintegration.SampleOrg; /** * Config allows for a global config of the toolkit. Central location for all * toolkit configuration defaults. Has a local config file that can override any * property defaults. Config file can be relocated via a system property * "org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.configuration". Any property can be overridden * with environment variable and then overridden * with a java system property. Property hierarchy goes System property * overrides environment variable which overrides config file for default values specified here. */ /** * Test Configuration */ public class ClientConfig { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ClientConfig.class); private static final String PROPBASE = "org.hyperledger.fabric.sdktest."; private static final String GOSSIPWAITTIME = PROPBASE + "GossipWaitTime"; private static final String INVOKEWAITTIME = PROPBASE + "InvokeWaitTime"; private static final String DEPLOYWAITTIME = PROPBASE + "DeployWaitTime"; private static final String PROPOSALWAITTIME = PROPBASE + "ProposalWaitTime"; private static final String INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG = PROPBASE + ""; private static final Pattern orgPat = Pattern .compile("^" + Pattern.quote(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG) + "([^\\.]+)\\.mspid$"); private static final String INTEGRATIONTESTSTLS = PROPBASE + "integrationtests.tls"; private static ClientConfig config; private final static Properties sdkProperties = new Properties(); private final boolean runningTLS; private final boolean runningFabricCATLS; private final boolean runningFabricTLS; private final static HashMap<String, SampleOrg> sampleOrgs = new HashMap<>(); private ClientConfig() { // Default values defaultProperty(GOSSIPWAITTIME, "5000"); defaultProperty(INVOKEWAITTIME, "100000"); defaultProperty(DEPLOYWAITTIME, "120000"); defaultProperty(PROPOSALWAITTIME, "120000"); ////// defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg1.mspid", "Org1MSP"); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg1.domname", ""); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg1.ca_location", "http://localhost:7054"); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg1.peer_locations", ","); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg1.orderer_locations", ""); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg1.eventhub_locations", ","); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg2.mspid", "Org2MSP"); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg2.domname", ""); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg2.ca_location", "http://localhost:8054"); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg2.peer_locations", ","); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg2.orderer_locations", ""); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + "peerOrg2.eventhub_locations", ","); defaultProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTSTLS, null); runningTLS = null != sdkProperties.getProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTSTLS, null); runningFabricCATLS = runningTLS; runningFabricTLS = runningTLS; for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> x : sdkProperties.entrySet()) { final String key = x.getKey() + ""; final String val = x.getValue() + ""; if (key.startsWith(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG)) { Matcher match = orgPat.matcher(key); if (match.matches() && match.groupCount() == 1) { String orgName =; sampleOrgs.put(orgName, new SampleOrg(orgName, val.trim())); } } } for (Map.Entry<String, SampleOrg> org : sampleOrgs.entrySet()) { final SampleOrg sampleOrg = org.getValue(); final String orgName = org.getKey(); String peerNames = sdkProperties.getProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + orgName + ".peer_locations"); String[] ps = peerNames.split("[ \t]*,[ \t]*"); for (String peer : ps) { String[] nl = peer.split("[ \t]*@[ \t]*"); sampleOrg.addPeerLocation(nl[0], grpcTLSify(nl[1])); } final String domainName = sdkProperties.getProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + orgName + ".domname"); sampleOrg.setDomainName(domainName); String ordererNames = sdkProperties.getProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + orgName + ".orderer_locations"); ps = ordererNames.split("[ \t]*,[ \t]*"); for (String peer : ps) { String[] nl = peer.split("[ \t]*@[ \t]*"); sampleOrg.addOrdererLocation(nl[0], grpcTLSify(nl[1])); } String eventHubNames = sdkProperties .getProperty(INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + orgName + ".eventhub_locations"); ps = eventHubNames.split("[ \t]*,[ \t]*"); for (String peer : ps) { String[] nl = peer.split("[ \t]*@[ \t]*"); sampleOrg.addEventHubLocation(nl[0], grpcTLSify(nl[1])); } sampleOrg.setCALocation( httpTLSify(sdkProperties.getProperty((INTEGRATIONTESTS_ORG + org.getKey() + ".ca_location")))); if (runningFabricCATLS) { String cert = "src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/v1.1/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/DNAME/ca/ca.DNAME-cert.pem" .replaceAll("DNAME", domainName); File cf = new File(cert); if (!cf.exists() || !cf.isFile()) { throw new RuntimeException("TEST is missing cert file " + cf.getAbsolutePath()); } Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("pemFile", cf.getAbsolutePath()); properties.setProperty("allowAllHostNames", "true");// testing // environment // only NOT // FOR // PRODUCTION! sampleOrg.setCAProperties(properties); } } } private String grpcTLSify(String location) { location = location.trim(); Exception e = Utils.checkGrpcUrl(location); if (e != null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Bad TEST parameters for grpc url %s", location), e); } return runningFabricTLS ? location.replaceFirst("^grpc://", "grpcs://") : location; } private String httpTLSify(String location) { location = location.trim(); return runningFabricCATLS ? location.replaceFirst("^http://", "https://") : location; } /** * getConfig return back singleton for SDK configuration. * * @return Global configuration */ public static ClientConfig getConfig() { if (null == config) { config = new ClientConfig(); } return config; } /** * getProperty return back property for the given value. * * @param property * @return String value for the property */ private String getProperty(String property) { String ret = sdkProperties.getProperty(property); if (null == ret) { logger.warn(String.format("No configuration value found for '%s'", property)); } return ret; } /** * getProperty returns the value for given property key. If not found, it * will set the property to defaultValueidea-IC-171.3780.107 * * @param property * @param defaultValue * @return property value as a String */ private String getProperty(String property, String defaultValue) { return sdkProperties.getProperty(property, defaultValue); } static private void defaultProperty(String key, String value) { String ret = System.getProperty(key); if (ret != null) { sdkProperties.put(key, ret); } else { String envKey = key.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\\.", "_"); ret = System.getenv(envKey); if (null != ret) { sdkProperties.put(key, ret); } else { if (null == sdkProperties.getProperty(key) && value != null) { sdkProperties.put(key, value); } } } } public int getTransactionWaitTime() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty(INVOKEWAITTIME)); } public int getDeployWaitTime() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty(DEPLOYWAITTIME)); } public int getGossipWaitTime() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty(GOSSIPWAITTIME)); } /** * Time to wait for proposal to complete * * @return */ public long getProposalWaitTime() { return Integer.parseInt(getProperty(PROPOSALWAITTIME)); } public Collection<SampleOrg> getIntegrationTestsSampleOrgs() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(sampleOrgs.values()); } public SampleOrg getIntegrationTestsSampleOrg(String name) { return sampleOrgs.get(name); } private final static String tlsbase = "src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/tls/"; public Properties getPeerProperties(String name) { return getEndPointProperties("peer", name); } public Properties getOrdererProperties(String name) { return getEndPointProperties("orderer", name); } private Properties getEndPointProperties(final String type, final String name) { final String domainName = getDomainName(name); File cert = Paths.get(getTestChannelPath(), "crypto-config/ordererOrganizations".replace("orderer", type), domainName, type + "s", name, "tls/server.crt").toFile(); if (!cert.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Missing cert file for: %s. Could not find at location: %s", name, cert.getAbsolutePath())); } Properties ret = new Properties(); ret.setProperty("pemFile", cert.getAbsolutePath()); // ret.setProperty("trustServerCertificate", "true"); //testing // environment only NOT FOR PRODUCTION! ret.setProperty("hostnameOverride", name); ret.setProperty("sslProvider", "openSSL"); ret.setProperty("negotiationType", "TLS"); return ret; } public Properties getEventHubProperties(String name) { return getEndPointProperties("peer", name); // uses same as named peer } private Properties getTLSProperties(String type, String name) { Properties ret = null; if (runningFabricTLS) { String cert = tlsbase + "/" + type + "/" + name + "/cert.pem"; File cf = new File(cert); if (!cf.exists() || !cf.isFile()) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing cert file " + cf.getAbsolutePath()); } ret = new Properties(); ret.setProperty("pemFile", cert); ret.setProperty("trustServerCertificate", "true"); // testing // environment // only NOT FOR // PRODUCTION! ret.setProperty("sslProvider", "openSSL"); ret.setProperty("negotiationType", "TLS"); } return ret; } private Properties getTLSProperties(String cert) { Properties ret = null; if (runningFabricTLS) { // String cert = tlsbase + "/" + type + "/" + name + "/ca.pem"; File cf = new File(tlsbase + cert); if (!cf.exists() || !cf.isFile()) { throw new RuntimeException("TEST error missing cert file " + cf.getAbsolutePath()); } ret = new Properties(); ret.setProperty("pemFile", cf.getAbsolutePath()); ret.setProperty("trustServerCertificate", "true"); // testing // environment // only NOT FOR // PRODUCTION! ret.setProperty("sslProvider", "openSSL"); ret.setProperty("negotiationType", "TLS"); } return ret; } public String getTestChannelPath() { return "src/test/fixture/sdkintegration/e2e-2Orgs/v1.1"; } private String getDomainName(final String name) { int dot = name.indexOf("."); if (-1 == dot) { return null; } else { return name.substring(dot + 1); } } }