Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016 Couchbase, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package; import com.couchbase.lite.CouchbaseLiteException; import com.couchbase.lite.Emitter; import com.couchbase.lite.Manager; import com.couchbase.lite.Mapper; import com.couchbase.lite.Predicate; import com.couchbase.lite.QueryOptions; import com.couchbase.lite.QueryRow; import com.couchbase.lite.Reducer; import com.couchbase.lite.Status; import com.couchbase.lite.TransactionalTask; import com.couchbase.lite.View; import com.couchbase.lite.internal.InterfaceAudience; import com.couchbase.lite.internal.RevisionInternal; import com.couchbase.lite.internal.database.ContentValues; import; import; import; import; import com.couchbase.lite.util.CountDown; import com.couchbase.lite.util.Log; import com.couchbase.lite.util.SQLiteUtils; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class SQLiteViewStore implements ViewStore, QueryRowStore { public static String TAG = Log.TAG_VIEW; private abstract class AbstractMapEmitBlock implements Emitter { protected long sequence = 0; void setSequence(long sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; } } private static final int REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE = 100; // public private String name; private ViewStoreDelegate delegate; // private private SQLiteStore store; private int viewID; private View.TDViewCollation collation; private String _mapTableName; private SQLiteViewStore curView; // Current view used when update index /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected SQLiteViewStore(SQLiteStore store, String name, boolean create) throws CouchbaseLiteException { = store; = name; this.viewID = -1; // means 'unknown' this.collation = View.TDViewCollation.TDViewCollationUnicode; if (!create && getViewID() <= 0) throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.NOT_FOUND); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of ViewStorage /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public ViewStoreDelegate getDelegate() { return delegate; } @Override public void setDelegate(ViewStoreDelegate delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public void setCollation(View.TDViewCollation collation) { this.collation = collation; } @Override public void close() { store = null; viewID = -1; } @Override public void deleteIndex() { if (getViewID() <= 0) { return; } String sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'maps_#'; " + "UPDATE views SET lastSequence=0, total_docs=0 WHERE view_id=#"; if (!runStatements(sql)) Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't delete view _index `%s`", name); } @Override public void deleteView() { store.runInTransaction(new TransactionalTask() { @Override public boolean run() { deleteIndex(); String[] whereArgs = { name }; int rowsAffected = store.getStorageEngine().delete("views", "name=?", whereArgs); return rowsAffected > 0 ? true : false; } }); viewID = 0; } /** * Updates the version of the view. A change in version means the delegate's map block has * changed its semantics, so the _index should be deleted. */ @Override public boolean setVersion(String version) { // Update the version column in the database. This is a little weird looking because we want // to avoid modifying the database if the version didn't change, and because the row might // not exist yet. SQLiteStorageEngine storage = store.getStorageEngine(); boolean hasView; Cursor cursor = null; try { String sql = "SELECT name, version FROM views WHERE name=?"; String[] args = { name }; cursor = storage.rawQuery(sql, args); hasView = cursor.moveToNext(); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Error querying existing view name " + name, e); return false; } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } if (!hasView) { // no such record, so insert ContentValues insertValues = new ContentValues(); insertValues.put("name", name); insertValues.put("version", version); insertValues.put("total_docs", 0); storage.insert("views", null, insertValues); createIndex(); return true; // created new view } ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues(); updateValues.put("version", version); updateValues.put("lastSequence", 0); updateValues.put("total_docs", 0); String[] whereArgs = { name, version }; int rowsAffected = storage.update("views", updateValues, "name=? AND version!=?", whereArgs); return (rowsAffected > 0); } @Override public int getTotalRows() { SQLiteStorageEngine storageEngine = store.getStorageEngine(); String sql = "SELECT total_docs FROM views WHERE name=?"; String[] args = { name }; int totalRows = SQLiteUtils.intForQuery(storageEngine, sql, args); if (totalRows == -1) { // means unknown createIndex(); totalRows = countTotalRows(); updateTotalRows(totalRows); } return totalRows; } private int countTotalRows() { SQLiteStorageEngine storageEngine = store.getStorageEngine(); String sql = queryString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'maps_#'"); return SQLiteUtils.intForQuery(storageEngine, sql, null); } /** * The last sequence number that has been indexed. */ @Override public long getLastSequenceIndexed() { String sql = "SELECT lastSequence FROM views WHERE name=?"; String[] args = { name }; Cursor cursor = null; long result = -1; try { cursor = store.getStorageEngine().rawQuery(sql, args); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { result = cursor.getLong(0); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Error getting last sequence indexed", e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return result; } @Override public long getLastSequenceChangedAt() { // TODO: Implement return 0; } /** * Updates the indexes of one or more views in parallel. * * @param inputViews An array of ViewStore instances, always including the receiver. * @return Status OK if updated or NOT_MODIFIED if already up-to-date. * @throws CouchbaseLiteException */ @Override @InterfaceAudience.Private public Status updateIndexes(List<ViewStore> inputViews) throws CouchbaseLiteException { Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Re-indexing view: %s", name); if (getViewID() <= 0) { String msg = "getViewID() < 0"; throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND)); } store.beginTransaction(); boolean success = false; Cursor cursor = null; try { // If the view the update is for doesn't need any update, don't do anything: final long dbMaxSequence = store.getLastSequence(); final long forViewLastSequence = getLastSequenceIndexed(); if (forViewLastSequence >= dbMaxSequence) { success = true; return new Status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED); } // Check whether we need to update at all, // and remove obsolete emitted results from the 'maps' table: long minLastSequence = dbMaxSequence; final long[] viewLastSequence = new long[inputViews.size()]; int deletedCount = 0; int i = 0; final HashSet<String> docTypes = new HashSet<String>(); HashMap<String, String> viewDocTypes = null; boolean allDocTypes = false; final HashMap<Integer, Integer> viewTotalRows = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); final ArrayList<SQLiteViewStore> views = new ArrayList<SQLiteViewStore>(); final ArrayList<Mapper> mapBlocks = new ArrayList<Mapper>(); for (ViewStore v : inputViews) { assert (v != null); SQLiteViewStore view = (SQLiteViewStore) v; ViewStoreDelegate delegate = view.getDelegate(); Mapper map = delegate != null ? delegate.getMap() : null; if (map == null) { if (view == this) { String msg = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Cannot index view %s: " + "no map block registered", view.getName()); Log.e(Log.TAG_VIEW, msg); throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST)); } Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, " %s has no map block; skipping it", view.getName()); continue; } views.add(view); mapBlocks.add(map); int viewID = view.getViewID(); if (viewID <= 0) { String message = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "View '%s' not found in database", view.getName()); Log.e(Log.TAG_VIEW, message); throw new CouchbaseLiteException(message, new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND)); } int totalRows = view.getTotalRows(); viewTotalRows.put(viewID, totalRows); long last = view == this ? forViewLastSequence : view.getLastSequenceIndexed(); viewLastSequence[i++] = last; if (last < 0) { String msg = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "last < 0 (%d)", last); throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } else if (last < dbMaxSequence) { if (last == 0) view.createIndex(); minLastSequence = Math.min(minLastSequence, last); Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, " %s last indexed at #%d", view.getName(), last); String docType = delegate.getDocumentType(); if (docType != null) { docTypes.add(docType); if (viewDocTypes == null) viewDocTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); viewDocTypes.put(view.getName(), docType); } else { allDocTypes = true; } int changes = 0; if (last == 0) { changes = store.getStorageEngine().delete(view.queryString("maps_#"), null, null); } else { store.optimizeSQLIndexes(); String[] args = { Long.toString(last), Long.toString(last) }; changes = store.getStorageEngine().delete(view.queryString("maps_#"), "sequence IN (SELECT parent FROM revs " + "WHERE sequence>? AND +parent>0 AND +parent<=?)", args); } // Update #deleted rows: deletedCount += changes; // Only count these deletes as changes if this isn't a view reset to 0 if (last != 0) { int newTotalRows = viewTotalRows.get(viewID) - changes; viewTotalRows.put(viewID, newTotalRows); } } } if (minLastSequence == dbMaxSequence) { Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, "minLastSequence (%d) == dbMaxSequence (%d), nothing to do", minLastSequence, dbMaxSequence); success = true; return new Status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED); } Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Updating indexes of (%s) from #%d to #%d ...", viewNames(views), minLastSequence, dbMaxSequence); // This is the emit() block, which gets called from within the user-defined map() block // that's called down below. final AtomicInteger insertedCount = new AtomicInteger(0); AbstractMapEmitBlock emitBlock = new AbstractMapEmitBlock() { @Override public void emit(Object key, Object value) { if (key == null) { Log.w(Log.TAG_VIEW, "emit() called with nil key; ignoring"); return; } try { curView.emit(key, value, this.sequence); // emit block's sequence int curViewID = curView.getViewID(); viewTotalRows.put(curViewID, viewTotalRows.get(curViewID) + 1); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Error emitting", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; // Now scan every revision added since the last time the view was indexed: // NOTE: Below is original Query. In case query result uses a lot of memory, // Android SQLiteDatabase causes null value column. Then it causes the missing // _index data because following logic skip result if column is null. // To avoid the issue, retrieving json field is isolated from original query. // Because json field could be large, maximum size is 2MB. // StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer( "SELECT revs.doc_id, sequence, docid, revid, // json, no_attachments, deleted FROM revs, docs WHERE sequence>? AND current!=0 "); boolean checkDocTypes = docTypes.size() > 1 || (allDocTypes && docTypes.size() > 0); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder( "SELECT revs.doc_id, sequence, docid, revid, no_attachments, deleted "); if (checkDocTypes) sql.append(", doc_type "); sql.append("FROM revs, docs WHERE sequence>? AND current!=0 "); if (minLastSequence == 0) { sql.append("AND deleted=0 "); } if (!allDocTypes && docTypes.size() > 0) { String docTypesString = getJoinedSQLQuotedStrings(docTypes.toArray(new String[docTypes.size()])); sql.append("AND doc_type IN (").append(docTypesString).append(") "); } // order result by deleted ASC so if multiple revs returned the non deleted are the first // NOTE: Views broken with concurrent update and delete // sql.append("AND revs.doc_id = docs.doc_id ORDER BY revs.doc_id, deleted ASC, revid DESC"); String[] selectArgs = { Long.toString(minLastSequence) }; cursor = store.getStorageEngine().rawQuery(sql.toString(), selectArgs); boolean keepGoing = cursor.moveToNext(); // Go to first result row while (keepGoing) { // NOTE: skip row if 1st column is null // if (cursor.isNull(0)) { keepGoing = cursor.moveToNext(); continue; } long docID = cursor.getLong(0); // Reconstitute the document as a dictionary: long sequence = cursor.getLong(1); String docId = cursor.getString(2); if (docId.startsWith("_design/")) { // design docs don't get indexed! keepGoing = cursor.moveToNext(); continue; } String revID = cursor.getString(3); boolean deleted = cursor.getInt(5) > 0; String docType = checkDocTypes ? cursor.getString(6) : null; // Skip rows with the same doc_id -- these are losing conflicts. // NOTE: Or Skip rows if 1st column is null // ArrayList<String> conflicts = null; boolean isNull; while ((keepGoing = cursor.moveToNext()) && ((isNull = cursor.isNull(0)) || cursor.getLong(0) == docID)) { if (isNull) continue; if (!deleted) { if (conflicts == null) conflicts = new ArrayList<String>(); conflicts.add(cursor.getString(3)); } } long realSequence = sequence; // because sequence may be changed, below if (minLastSequence > 0) { // Find conflicts with documents from previous indexings. Cursor cursor2 = null; try { String[] selectArgs2 = { Long.toString(docID), Long.toString(minLastSequence) }; cursor2 = store.getStorageEngine() .rawQuery("SELECT revid, sequence FROM revs " + "WHERE doc_id=? AND sequence<=? AND current!=0 AND deleted=0 " + "ORDER BY revID DESC ", selectArgs2); if (cursor2.moveToNext()) { String oldRevID = cursor2.getString(0); // This is the revision that used to be the 'winner'. // Remove its emitted rows: long oldSequence = cursor2.getLong(1); String[] args = { Long.toString(oldSequence) }; for (SQLiteViewStore view : views) { int changes ="maps_#"), "sequence=?", args); deletedCount += changes; int thisViewID = view.getViewID(); int newTotalRows = viewTotalRows.get(thisViewID) - changes; viewTotalRows.put(thisViewID, newTotalRows); } String conflictRevID = oldRevID; if (deleted || RevisionInternal.CBLCompareRevIDs(oldRevID, revID) > 0) { // It still 'wins' the conflict, so it's the one that // should be mapped [again], not the current revision! conflictRevID = revID; revID = oldRevID; deleted = false; sequence = oldSequence; } if (!deleted) { // Conflict revisions: if (conflicts == null) conflicts = new ArrayList<String>(); conflicts.add(conflictRevID); while (cursor2.moveToNext()) { conflicts.add(cursor2.getString(0)); } } } } finally { if (cursor2 != null) { cursor2.close(); } } } if (deleted) continue; // Get json blob: String[] selectArgs3 = { Long.toString(sequence) }; byte[] json = SQLiteUtils.byteArrayResultForQuery(store.getStorageEngine(), "SELECT json FROM revs WHERE sequence=?", selectArgs3); // Get the document properties, to pass to the map function: Map<String, Object> curDoc = store.documentPropertiesFromJSON(json, docId, revID, false, sequence); if (curDoc == null) { Log.w(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Failed to parse JSON of doc %s rev %s", docID, revID); continue; } curDoc.put("_local_seq", sequence); if (conflicts != null) curDoc.put("_conflicts", conflicts); // Call the user-defined map() to emit new key/value pairs from this revision: i = -1; for (SQLiteViewStore view : views) { curView = view; ++i; if (viewLastSequence[i] < realSequence) { if (checkDocTypes) { String viewDocType = viewDocTypes.get(view.getName()); if (viewDocType != null && !viewDocType.equals(docType)) continue; // skip; view's documentType doesn't match this doc } Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, "#%d: map '%s' for view %s...", sequence, docID, view.getName()); try { emitBlock.setSequence(sequence); mapBlocks.get(i).map(curDoc, emitBlock); } catch (Throwable e) { String msg = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Error when calling map block of view '%s'", view.getName()); Log.e(Log.TAG_VIEW, msg, e); throw new CouchbaseLiteException(msg, e, new Status(Status.CALLBACK_ERROR)); } } } } // Finally, record the last revision sequence number that was indexed and update #rows: for (SQLiteViewStore view : views) { view.finishCreatingIndex(); int newTotalRows = viewTotalRows.get(view.getViewID()); ContentValues updateValues = new ContentValues(); updateValues.put("lastSequence", dbMaxSequence); updateValues.put("total_docs", newTotalRows); String[] whereArgs = { Integer.toString(view.getViewID()) }; store.getStorageEngine().update("views", updateValues, "view_id=?", whereArgs); } Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, "...Finished re-indexing (%s) to #%d (deleted %d, added %d)", viewNames(views), dbMaxSequence, deletedCount, insertedCount.intValue()); success = true; return new Status(Status.OK); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(ex, new Status(Status.DB_ERROR)); } finally { curView = null; if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); if (store != null) store.endTransaction(success); } } protected void emit(Object key, Object value, long sequence) throws JsonProcessingException { String valueJson; String keyJson = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(key); if (value == null) { valueJson = null; } else { valueJson = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(value); } // NOTE: execSQL() is little faster than insert() String[] args = { Long.toString(sequence), keyJson, valueJson }; store.getStorageEngine().execSQL(queryString("INSERT INTO 'maps_#' (sequence, key, value) VALUES(?,?,?)"), args); } /** * Queries the view without performing any reducing or grouping. */ @Override public List<QueryRow> regularQuery(final QueryOptions options) throws CouchbaseLiteException { final Predicate<QueryRow> postFilter = options.getPostFilter(); int tmpLimit = QueryOptions.QUERY_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_LIMIT; int tmpSkip = 0; if (postFilter != null) { // #574: Custom post-filter means skip/limit apply to the filtered rows, not to the // underlying query, so handle them specially: tmpLimit = options.getLimit(); tmpSkip = options.getSkip(); if (tmpLimit == 0) return new ArrayList<QueryRow>(); // empty result set options.setLimit(QueryOptions.QUERY_OPTIONS_DEFAULT_LIMIT); options.setSkip(0); } final CountDown skip = new CountDown(tmpSkip); final CountDown limit = new CountDown(tmpLimit); final List<QueryRow> rows = new ArrayList<QueryRow>(); Status status = runQuery(options, new QueryRowBlock() { @Override public Status onRow(byte[] keyData, byte[] valueData, String docID, Cursor cursor) { JsonDocument keyDoc = new JsonDocument(keyData); JsonDocument valueDoc = new JsonDocument(valueData); long sequence = Long.parseLong(cursor.getString(3)); RevisionInternal docRevision = null; if (options.isIncludeDocs()) { Object valueObject = valueDoc.jsonObject(); String linkedID = null; if (valueObject instanceof Map) linkedID = (String) ((Map) valueObject).get("_id"); if (linkedID != null) { // Linked document: String linkedRev = (String) ((Map) valueObject).get("_rev"); docRevision = store.getDocument(linkedID, linkedRev, true); sequence = docRevision.getSequence(); } else { String revID = cursor.getString(4); byte[] json = cursor.getBlob(5); Map<String, Object> properties = store.documentPropertiesFromJSON(json, docID, revID, false, sequence); docRevision = SQLiteStore.revision(docID, // docID revID, // revID false, // deleted sequence, // sequence properties// properties ); } } QueryRow row = new QueryRow(docID, sequence, keyDoc.jsonObject(), valueDoc.jsonObject(), docRevision); if (postFilter != null) { if (!postFilter.apply(row)) { return new Status(Status.OK); } if (skip.getCount() > 0) { skip.countDown(); return new Status(Status.OK); } } rows.add(row); if (limit.countDown() == 0) return new Status(0); /// stops the iteration return new Status(Status.OK); } }); // If given keys, sort the output into that order, and add entries for missing keys: if (options.getKeys() != null && options.getKeys().size() > 0) { // Group rows by key: Map<Object, List<QueryRow>> rowsByKey = new HashMap<Object, List<QueryRow>>(); for (QueryRow row : rows) { List<QueryRow> rs = rowsByKey.get(row.getKey()); if (rs == null) { rs = new ArrayList<QueryRow>(); rowsByKey.put(row.getKey(), rs); } rs.add(row); } // Now concatenate them in the order the keys are given in options: final List<QueryRow> sortedRows = new ArrayList<QueryRow>(); for (Object key : options.getKeys()) { JsonDocument jsonDoc = null; try { byte[] keyBytes = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsBytes(key); jsonDoc = new JsonDocument(keyBytes); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } List<QueryRow> rs = rowsByKey.get(jsonDoc.jsonObject()); if (rs != null) sortedRows.addAll(rs); } return sortedRows; } return rows; } /** * Queries the view, with reducing or grouping as per the options. * in CBL_SQLiteViewStorage.m * - (CBLQueryIteratorBlock) reducedQueryWithOptions: (CBLQueryOptions*)options status: (CBLStatus*)outStatus */ @Override public List<QueryRow> reducedQuery(QueryOptions options) throws CouchbaseLiteException { final Predicate<QueryRow> postFilter = options.getPostFilter(); final int groupLevel = options.getGroupLevel(); final boolean group = options.isGroup() || (groupLevel > 0); final Reducer reduce = delegate.getReduce(); if (options.isReduceSpecified()) { if (options.isReduce() && reduce == null) { Log.w(TAG, String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Cannot use reduce option in view %s which has no reduce block defined", name)); throw new CouchbaseLiteException(new Status(Status.BAD_PARAM)); } } final List<Object> keysToReduce = new ArrayList<Object>(REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE); final List<Object> valuesToReduce = new ArrayList<Object>(REDUCE_BATCH_SIZE); final Object[] lastKeys = new Object[1]; lastKeys[0] = null; final SQLiteViewStore that = this; final List<QueryRow> rows = new ArrayList<QueryRow>(); Status status = runQuery(options, new QueryRowBlock() { @Override public Status onRow(byte[] keyData, byte[] valueData, String docID, Cursor cursor) { JsonDocument keyDoc = new JsonDocument(keyData); JsonDocument valueDoc = new JsonDocument(valueData); assert (keyDoc != null); Object keyObject = keyDoc.jsonObject(); if (group && !groupTogether(keyObject, lastKeys[0], groupLevel)) { if (lastKeys[0] != null) { // This pair starts a new group, so reduce & record the last one: Object key = groupKey(lastKeys[0], groupLevel); Object reduced = (reduce != null) ? reduce.reduce(keysToReduce, valuesToReduce, false) : null; QueryRow row = new QueryRow(null, 0, key, reduced, null); if (postFilter == null || postFilter.apply(row)) rows.add(row); keysToReduce.clear(); valuesToReduce.clear(); } lastKeys[0] = keyObject; } //Log.v(TAG, String.format("Query %s: Will reduce row with key=%s, value=%s", // name, new String(keyData), new String(valueData))); /* Object valueOrData = valueData; if(reduce != null && rowValueIsEntireDoc(valueData)){ // map fn emitted 'doc' as value, which was stored as a "*" placeholder; expand now: long sequence = Long.valueOf(cursor.getString(3)); RevisionInternal rev = store.getDocument(docID, sequence); if(rev == null) Log.w(TAG, String.format("%s: Couldn't load doc for row value", this)); else valueOrData = rev.getProperties(); } */ keysToReduce.add(keyObject); valuesToReduce.add(valueDoc.jsonObject()); return new Status(Status.OK); } }); if (keysToReduce != null && keysToReduce.size() > 0) { // Finish the last group (or the entire list, if no grouping): Object key = group ? groupKey(lastKeys[0], groupLevel) : null; Object reduced = (reduce != null) ? reduce.reduce(keysToReduce, valuesToReduce, false) : null; Log.v(TAG, String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Query %s: Reduced to key=%s, value=%s", name, key, reduced)); QueryRow row = new QueryRow(null, 0, key, reduced, null); if (postFilter == null || postFilter.apply(row)) { rows.add(row); } } return rows; } @Override public List<Map<String, Object>> dump() { if (getViewID() < 0) return null; List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); String sql = "SELECT sequence, key, value FROM 'maps_#' ORDER BY key"; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = store.getStorageEngine().rawQuery(queryString(sql), null); cursor.moveToNext(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { Map<String, Object> row = new HashMap<String, Object>(); row.put("seq", cursor.getInt(0)); row.put("key", cursor.getString(1)); row.put("value", cursor.getString(2)); result.add(row); cursor.moveToNext(); } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of QueryRowStorage /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public boolean rowValueIsEntireDoc(byte[] valueData) { return valueData.length == 1 && (new String(valueData)).equals("*"); } @Override public Object parseRowValue(byte[] valueData) { // TODO: Implement return null; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getDocumentProperties(String docID, long sequence) { // TODO: Implement return null; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal (Private) Instance Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private int getViewID() { if (viewID < 0) { String sql = "SELECT view_id FROM views WHERE name=?"; String[] args = { name }; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = store.getStorageEngine().rawQuery(sql, args); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { viewID = cursor.getInt(0); } } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Error getting view id", e); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } return viewID; } private static String viewNames(List<SQLiteViewStore> views) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (ViewStore view : views) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(", "); sb.append(view.getName()); } return sb.toString(); } private static String getJoinedSQLQuotedStrings(String[] strings) { if (strings == null) return null; if (strings.length == 0) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("'"); boolean first = true; for (String s : strings) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append("','"); sb.append(s.replace("'", "''")); } sb.append('\''); return sb.toString(); } // pragma mark - QUERYING: /** * Generates and runs the SQL SELECT statement for a view query, calling the onRow callback. * in CBL_SQLiteViewStorage.m * - (CBLStatus) _runQueryWithOptions: (const CBLQueryOptions*)options onRow: (QueryRowBlock)onRow */ private Status runQuery(QueryOptions options, QueryRowBlock block) { if (options == null) options = new QueryOptions(); // OPT: It would be faster to use separate tables for raw-or ascii-collated views so that // they could be indexed with the right collation, instead of having to specify it here. String collationStr = ""; if (collation == View.TDViewCollation.TDViewCollationASCII) collationStr += " COLLATE JSON_ASCII"; else if (collation == View.TDViewCollation.TDViewCollationRaw) collationStr += " COLLATE JSON_RAW"; StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT key, value, docid, revs.sequence"); if (options.isIncludeDocs()) { sql.append(", revid, json"); } sql.append(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " FROM 'maps_%s', revs, docs", mapTableName())); sql.append(" WHERE 1"); List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (options.getKeys() != null && options.getKeys().size() > 0) { sql.append(" AND key in ("); String item = "?"; for (Object key : options.getKeys()) { // null key should be ignored if (key != null) { sql.append(item); item = ", ?"; argsList.add(toJSONString(key)); } } sql.append(')'); } Object minKey = options.getStartKey(); Object maxKey = options.getEndKey(); String minKeyDocId = options.getStartKeyDocId(); String maxKeyDocId = options.getEndKeyDocId(); boolean inclusiveMin = options.isInclusiveStart(); boolean inclusiveMax = options.isInclusiveEnd(); if (options.isDescending()) { Object min = minKey; minKey = maxKey; maxKey = min; inclusiveMin = inclusiveMax; inclusiveMax = true; minKeyDocId = options.getEndKeyDocId(); maxKeyDocId = options.getStartKeyDocId(); } if (minKey != null) { String minKeyJSON = toJSONString(minKey); sql.append(inclusiveMin ? " AND key >= ?" : " AND key > ?"); sql.append(collationStr); argsList.add(minKeyJSON); if (minKeyDocId != null && inclusiveMin) { //OPT: This calls the JSON collator a 2nd time unnecessarily. sql.append(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " AND (key > ? %s OR docid >= ?)", collationStr)); argsList.add(minKeyJSON); argsList.add(minKeyDocId); } } if (maxKey != null) { maxKey = View.keyForPrefixMatch(maxKey, options.getPrefixMatchLevel()); String maxKeyJSON = toJSONString(maxKey); sql.append(inclusiveMax ? " AND key <= ?" : " AND key < ?"); sql.append(collationStr); argsList.add(maxKeyJSON); if (maxKeyDocId != null && inclusiveMax) { sql.append(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " AND (key < ? %s OR docid <= ?)", collationStr)); argsList.add(maxKeyJSON); argsList.add(maxKeyDocId); } } sql.append(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, " AND revs.sequence = 'maps_%s'.sequence AND docs.doc_id = revs.doc_id ORDER BY key", mapTableName())); sql.append(collationStr); if (options.isDescending()) { sql.append(" DESC"); } sql.append(options.isDescending() ? ", docid DESC" : ", docid"); sql.append(" LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"); argsList.add(Integer.toString(options.getLimit())); argsList.add(Integer.toString(options.getSkip())); Log.v(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Query %s: %s | args: %s", name, sql.toString(), argsList); Status status = new Status(Status.OK); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = store.getStorageEngine().rawQuery(sql.toString(), argsList.toArray(new String[argsList.size()])); // regular query cursor.moveToNext(); while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) { // Call the block! byte[] keyData = cursor.getBlob(0); byte[] valueData = cursor.getBlob(1); String docID = cursor.getString(2); status = block.onRow(keyData, valueData, docID, cursor); if (status.isError()) break; else if (status.getCode() <= 0) { status = new Status(Status.OK); break; } cursor.moveToNext(); } } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } return status; } private static String toJSONString(Object object) { if (object == null) { return null; } String result = null; try { result = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(object); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(Log.TAG_VIEW, "Exception serializing object to json: %s", e, object); } return result; } private void updateTotalRows(int totalRows) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("total_docs=", totalRows); store.getStorageEngine().update("views", values, "view_id=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(getViewID()) }); } private String mapTableName() { if (_mapTableName == null) { _mapTableName = String.valueOf(getViewID()); } return _mapTableName; } /** * The name of the map table is dynamic, based on the ID of the view. This method replaces a '#' * with the view ID in a query string. */ private String queryString(String sql) { return sql.replaceAll("#", mapTableName()); } private boolean runStatements(final String sql) { final SQLiteStore db = store; return db.runInTransaction(new TransactionalTask() { @Override public boolean run() { try { db.runStatements(queryString(sql)); } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } return true; } }); } private void createIndex() { String sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'maps_#' (" + "sequence INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES revs(sequence) ON DELETE CASCADE," + "key TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE JSON," + "value TEXT)"; if (!runStatements(sql)) Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't create view _index `%s`", name); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal (Private) Static Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Are key1 and key2 grouped together at this groupLevel? */ private static boolean groupTogether(Object key1, Object key2, int groupLevel) { if (groupLevel == 0 || !(key1 instanceof List) || !(key2 instanceof List)) { return key1.equals(key2); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> key1List = (List<Object>) key1; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> key2List = (List<Object>) key2; // if either key list is smaller than groupLevel and the key lists are different // sizes, they cannot be equal. if ((key1List.size() < groupLevel || key2List.size() < groupLevel) && key1List.size() != key2List.size()) { return false; } int end = Math.min(groupLevel, Math.min(key1List.size(), key2List.size())); for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) { if (!key1List.get(i).equals(key2List.get(i))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the prefix of the key to use in the result row, at this groupLevel */ public static Object groupKey(Object key, int groupLevel) { if (groupLevel > 0 && (key instanceof List) && (((List<Object>) key).size() > groupLevel)) { return ((List<Object>) key).subList(0, groupLevel); } else { return key; } } /** * in CBL_SQLiteViewStorage.m * - (void) finishCreatingIndex */ private void finishCreatingIndex() { String sql = "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'maps_#_keys' on 'maps_#'(key COLLATE JSON);" + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS 'maps_#_sequence' ON 'maps_#'(sequence)"; if (!runStatements(sql)) Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't create view SQL index `%s`", name); } }