Java tutorial
package com.confidentsoftware.themebuilder; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.util.Log; import com.confidentsoftware.themebuilder.Dictionary.Images; import com.confidentsoftware.themebuilder.Dictionary.Sites; import com.confidentsoftware.themebuilder.content.Author; import com.confidentsoftware.themebuilder.content.DatabaseHelper; import com.confidentsoftware.themebuilder.content.License; import com.confidentsoftware.themebuilder.content.Site; import com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao; public class FlickrParser { private static final String TAG = "FlickrParser"; public static final int MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 100; public static final float IDEAL_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_RATIO = 1.5f; public static final float WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_LEEWAY = 0.3f; private static final String BASE_URL = "" + ApiKeys.FLICKR; private static final String PHOTO_URL = "url_m"; private static final String PHOTO_HEIGHT = "height_m"; private static final String PHOTO_WIDTH = "width_m"; private static final String THUMB_URL = "url_t"; private static final String QUERY_GET_PERSON_INFO = BASE_URL + "&method=flickr.people.getInfo&user_id="; private static final String QUERY_GET_FAVORITES = BASE_URL + "&"; private static final String QUERY_SEARCH_PHOTOS = BASE_URL + "&,5,6,7,8&content_type=1&media=photos&per_page=500&extras=license," + PHOTO_URL + "," + THUMB_URL; private DatabaseHelper dbHelper; private Site flickrSite; private ContentResolver mCr; private static final String[] PROJECTION_ID = { BaseColumns._ID }; public FlickrParser(Context context, DatabaseHelper helper) throws SQLException { this.dbHelper = helper; mCr = context.getContentResolver(); } public void getImagesForWord(long wordId, String text) { Log.d(TAG, "*** Searching for images of " + text); int numImages = 0; for (String group : FlickrGroups.PREFERRED_ANIMAL_GROUPS) { numImages += addImagesForWord(wordId, text, group); } for (String group : FlickrGroups.PREFERRED_NATURE_GROUPS) { numImages += addImagesForWord(wordId, text, group); } for (String group : FlickrGroups.PREFERRED_GROUPS) { numImages += addImagesForWord(wordId, text, group); } if (numImages < 100) { Log.d(TAG, "Searching entire site"); // Look through entire site numImages += addImagesForWord(wordId, text, null); } if (numImages < 100) { Log.w(TAG, "WARNING: Accepted only " + numImages + " images"); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Accepted " + numImages + " images"); } } private int addImagesForWord(long wordId, String text, String group) { StringBuilder method = new StringBuilder(QUERY_SEARCH_PHOTOS).append("&tags=").append(buildTags(text)); if (group != null) { method.append("&group_id=").append(group); } int numImages = 0; try { Log.d(TAG, method.toString()); JSONObject queryResult = JsonParser.getJsonFromUrl(method.toString()); queryResult = queryResult.getJSONObject("photos"); int numPages = queryResult.getInt("pages"); int numPhotos = queryResult.getInt("total"); if (numPhotos > 1) { int curPage = 0; do { try { numImages = addImagesFromJson(wordId, text, queryResult); if (++curPage < numPages) { queryResult = JsonParser.getJsonFromUrl(method + "&page=" + curPage); queryResult = queryResult.getJSONObject("photos"); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } while (curPage < numPages); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return numImages; } /** * Return the set of tags which would best match this word. Currently * returns a single and plural version of the word, without articles. * * @return */ private static String buildTags(String text) { StringBuilder tags = new StringBuilder(); String singular = text; if (text.startsWith("a ")) { singular = text.substring(2); } else if (text.startsWith("an ")) { singular = text.substring(3); } tags.append(singular).append(",").append(singular).append("s"); return tags.toString(); } private int addImagesFromJson(long wordId, String text, JSONObject queryResult) throws JSONException { JSONArray photos = queryResult.getJSONArray("photo"); int numImages = 0; for (int i = 0; i < photos.length(); i++) { JSONObject photo = null; try { photo = photos.getJSONObject(i); } catch (JSONException e) { continue; } try { if (isPhotoOk(photo)) { String url = photo.getString(PHOTO_URL); String title = photo.getString("title"); if (title.length() > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) { title = title.substring(0, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - 3) + "..."; } String id = photo.getString("id"); Log.d(TAG, "Image: " + id); Uri imageUri = Images.findImage(mCr, Sites.CONTENT_URI_FLICKR, id); if (imageUri != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Found existing image: " + imageUri); // Just insert the mapping Uri mappingUri = Dictionary.Words.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendPath(String.valueOf(wordId)) .appendPath(Dictionary.PATH_IMAGES).appendPath(imageUri.getLastPathSegment()) .build(); Cursor c = mCr.query(mappingUri, PROJECTION_ID, null, null, null); try { if (!c.moveToNext()) { mCr.insert(mappingUri, null); } } finally { c.close(); } } else { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Images.URL, url); values.put(Images.SITE, ContentUris.parseId(Sites.CONTENT_URI_FLICKR)); values.put(Images.SITE_UNIQUE_NAME, id); values.put(Images.WIDTH, photo.getInt(PHOTO_WIDTH)); values.put(Images.HEIGHT, photo.getInt(PHOTO_HEIGHT)); values.put(Images.THUMB_URL, photo.getString(THUMB_URL)); values.put(Images.NUM_FAVORITES, getNumFavorites(id)); imageUri = mCr.insert(Dictionary.BASE_CONTENT_URI.buildUpon() .appendPath(Dictionary.PATH_WORDS).appendPath(String.valueOf(wordId)) .appendPath(Dictionary.PATH_IMAGES).build(), values); // // String ownerName = photo.getString("owner"); // Author author = findAuthor(ownerName); // if (author == null) { // author = buildAuthor(ownerName); // } // TODO set license // image.setLicense(License.getLicenseByFlickrId(photo // .getInt("license"))); // dbHelper.getImageDao().create(image); } // dbHelper.getWordImageDao().create( // new WordImage(word, image)); numImages++; } } catch (JSONException e) { // Catch here so that we continue through the loop Log.w(TAG, "Error parsing photo: " + photo, e); } } return numImages; } private Author findAuthor(String authorId) throws SQLException { Dao<Author, Integer> authorDao = dbHelper.getAuthorDao(); Map<String, Object> fieldValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); fieldValues.put(Author.SITE_FIELD_NAME, flickrSite); fieldValues.put(Author.AUTHOR_ID_FIELD_NAME, authorId); List<Author> authors = authorDao.queryForFieldValues(fieldValues); Author author = null; if (authors.size() > 0) { author = authors.get(0); } return author; } private License findLicense(String authorId) throws SQLException { // Dao<License, Integer> authorDao = dbHelper.getAuthorDao(); // QueryBuilder<License, Integer> qb = authorDao.queryBuilder(); // Where<License, Integer> where = qb.where(); // where.eq(Author.SITE_FIELD_NAME, flickrSite).and().eq( // Author.AUTHOR_ID_FIELD_NAME, authorId); // PreparedQuery<Author> query = qb.prepare(); // return authorDao.queryForFirst(query); return null; } private boolean isPhotoOk(JSONObject photo) throws JSONException { boolean result = true; float width = photo.getInt(PHOTO_WIDTH); float height = photo.getInt(PHOTO_HEIGHT); float ratio = width / height; // System.out.println("Ratio: " + ratio); if (ratio > IDEAL_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_RATIO * (1 + WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_LEEWAY) || ratio < IDEAL_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_RATIO * (1 - WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT_LEEWAY)) { result = false; } // System.out.println("Accepting size " + width + "x" + height); return result; } private Author buildAuthor(String authorId) throws SQLException, JSONException { String method = QUERY_GET_PERSON_INFO + authorId; JSONObject queryResult = JsonParser.getJsonFromUrl(method); queryResult = queryResult.getJSONObject("person"); String username = queryResult.getJSONObject("username").getString("_content"); Author author = new Author(username, flickrSite, authorId); if (queryResult.has("realname")) { author.setFullName(queryResult.getJSONObject("realname").getString("_content")); } if (queryResult.has("profileurl")) { author.setProfileUrl(queryResult.getJSONObject("profileurl").getString("_content")); } if (queryResult.has("mobileurl")) { author.setMobileUrl(queryResult.getJSONObject("mobileurl").getString("_content")); } dbHelper.getAuthorDao().create(author); return author; } private int getNumFavorites(String imageId) throws JSONException { String method = QUERY_GET_FAVORITES + imageId; JSONObject queryResult = JsonParser.getJsonFromUrl(method); queryResult = queryResult.getJSONObject("photo"); return queryResult.getInt("total"); } }