Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 The Coinblesk team and the CSG Group at University of Zurich * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * */ package com.coinblesk.payments; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.IBinder; import; import; import android.util.Log; import com.coinblesk.bitcoin.AddressCoinSelector; import com.coinblesk.bitcoin.TimeLockedAddress; import com.coinblesk.client.CoinbleskApp; import com.coinblesk.client.config.AppConfig; import com.coinblesk.client.config.Constants; import com.coinblesk.client.models.LockTime; import com.coinblesk.client.models.TransactionWrapper; import com.coinblesk.client.utils.ClientUtils; import com.coinblesk.client.utils.SharedPrefUtils; import com.coinblesk.json.v1.BaseTO; import com.coinblesk.json.v1.KeyTO; import com.coinblesk.json.v1.TimeLockedAddressTO; import com.coinblesk.client.CoinbleskWebService; import com.coinblesk.payments.communications.steps.cltv.CLTVInstantPaymentStep; import com.coinblesk.util.BitcoinUtils; import com.coinblesk.util.CoinbleskException; import com.coinblesk.util.InsufficientFunds; import com.coinblesk.util.SerializeUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.core.BlockChain; import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin; import org.bitcoinj.core.Context; import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey; import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters; import org.bitcoinj.core.Peer; import org.bitcoinj.core.PeerGroup; import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionBroadcast; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput; import org.bitcoinj.core.Utils; import org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.DownloadProgressTracker; import org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.TransactionConfidenceEventListener; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.TransactionSignature; import org.bitcoinj.kits.WalletAppKit; import; import org.bitcoinj.script.Script; import; import org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI; import org.bitcoinj.utils.ContextPropagatingThreadFactory; import org.bitcoinj.utils.ExchangeRate; import org.bitcoinj.utils.Fiat; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners.ScriptsChangeEventListener; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners.WalletChangeEventListener; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners.WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.listeners.WalletCoinsSentEventListener; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import retrofit2.Response; /** * @author Andreas Albrecht * @author Alessandro De Carli */ public class WalletService extends Service { private final static String TAG = WalletService.class.getName(); private String fiatCurrency; private ExchangeRate exchangeRate; private int downloadProgress = 0; private WalletAppKit kit; private volatile org.bitcoinj.core.Context bitcoinjContext; private boolean appKitInitDone = false; private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledPeerGroupShutdown; private final ContextPropagatingThreadFactory bitcoinjThreadFactory; private Wallet wallet; private File walletFile; private final CoinbleskWalletEventListener walletEventListener; private PeerGroup peerGroup; private BlockChain blockChain; private BlockStore blockStore; private ECKey multisigClientKey; private ECKey multisigServerKey; /* Addresses: * - map for fast lookup by hash, hex encoded (e.g. get redeem data) * - sorted set for fast traversal in time order (e.g. most recent address) */ private final Map<String, TimeLockedAddress> addressHashes; private final SortedSet<LockTime> addresses; private final WalletServiceBinder walletServiceBinder; public WalletService() { walletServiceBinder = new WalletServiceBinder(); walletEventListener = new CoinbleskWalletEventListener(); bitcoinjThreadFactory = new ContextPropagatingThreadFactory("WalletServiceThreads"); addressHashes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); addresses = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(new LockTime.TimeCreatedComparator(true)); } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Log.d(TAG, "onCreate"); initWalletService(); } private void initWalletService() { Log.d(TAG, "initWalletService with app config: " + getAppConfig()); ClientUtils.fixECKeyComparator(); initLogging(); bitcoinjContext = new Context(getNetworkParameters()); Context.propagate(bitcoinjContext); initFiatCurrency(); walletFile = walletFile(); Log.d(TAG, "Wallet file: " + walletFile + ", already exists: " + walletFile.exists()); kit = new WalletAppKit(bitcoinjContext, getFilesDir(), getAppConfig().getWalletFilesPrefix()) { @Override protected void onSetupCompleted() { final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { wallet = kit.wallet(); peerGroup = kit.peerGroup(); blockChain = kit.chain(); blockStore =; // broadcast current wallet balance (not using serviceBinder!) Coin coinBalance = wallet.getBalance(); broadcastBalanceChanged(coinBalance, exchangeRate.coinToFiat(coinBalance)); initWalletEventListener(); /* * Check that we already have keys. * - if yes: check whether current address is still locked. if no: create new one. * - if no: (1) create client key, (2) execute key-exchange and store server key (3) init address */ boolean keysAlreadyExist = loadKeysIfExist(); if (!keysAlreadyExist) { keyExchange(); loadKeysIfExist(); } initAddresses(); if (walletLRunnable != null) {; } appKitInitDone = true; broadcastBalanceChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Error during wallet initialization: " + e.getMessage(); Log.e(TAG, errorMessage, e); broadcastWalletError(errorMessage); } finally { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; Log.d(TAG, "WalletService - onSetupCompleted finished in " + duration + " ms"); } } }; setChainCheckpoints(); kit.setDownloadListener(new DownloadListener()); kit.setBlockingStartup(false); kit.startAsync(); Log.d(TAG, "Wallet started"); } private void restartWalletService() { shutdownWalletService(); initWalletService(); } private File walletFile() { return new File(getFilesDir(), getAppConfig().getWalletFilesPrefix() + ".wallet"); } private File blockChainFile() { return new File(getFilesDir(), getAppConfig().getWalletFilesPrefix() + ".spvchain"); } @Nullable @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { Log.i(TAG, "onBind"); cancelScheduledPeerGroupShutdown(); startPeerGroupIfNotRunning(); return walletServiceBinder; } @Override public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { super.onUnbind(intent); Log.d(TAG, "onUnbind"); // All clients have unbound with unbindService() // schedule stopping the peerGroup to save resources. schedulePeerGroupShutdown(); // allow rebind? return true; } @Override public void onRebind(Intent intent) { super.onRebind(intent); Log.d(TAG, "onRebind"); cancelScheduledPeerGroupShutdown(); startPeerGroupIfNotRunning(); } @Override public void onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent) { super.onTaskRemoved(rootIntent); stopSelf(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Log.i(TAG, "onDestroy"); shutdownWalletService(); } private void shutdownWalletService() { Log.d(TAG, "Shutdown wallet service."); fiatCurrency = null; exchangeRate = null; stopPeerGroup(); stopBlockChain(); stopWallet(); bitcoinjContext = null; kit = null; appKitInitDone = false; downloadProgress = 0; multisigClientKey = null; multisigServerKey = null; addressHashes.clear(); addresses.clear(); } private void stopPeerGroup() { try { if (peerGroup != null && peerGroup.isRunning()) { if (wallet != null) { peerGroup.removeWallet(wallet); } peerGroup.stop(); Log.d(TAG, "Peer group stopped."); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Could not stop peer group: ", e); } finally { peerGroup = null; scheduledPeerGroupShutdown = null; } } private void stopBlockChain() { try { if (blockStore != null) { blockStore.close(); Log.d(TAG, "BlockStore/BlockChain closed."); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot close blockStore: ", e); } finally { blockStore = null; blockChain = null; } } private void stopWallet() { try { if (wallet != null) { wallet.saveToFile(walletFile); wallet.shutdownAutosaveAndWait(); Log.d(TAG, "Wallet saved to file: " + walletFile); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Could not shutdown wallet: ", e); } finally { wallet = null; walletFile = null; } } private void schedulePeerGroupShutdown() { if (!appKitInitDone) { return; } scheduledPeerGroupShutdown = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); ScheduledFuture shutdown = scheduledPeerGroupShutdown.schedule(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stopPeerGroup(); } }, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } private void cancelScheduledPeerGroupShutdown() { if (!appKitInitDone) { return; } if (scheduledPeerGroupShutdown != null) { scheduledPeerGroupShutdown.shutdownNow(); scheduledPeerGroupShutdown = null; } } private void startPeerGroupIfNotRunning() { if (!appKitInitDone) { return; } if (peerGroup == null || !peerGroup.isRunning()) { peerGroup = new PeerGroup(getNetworkParameters(), blockChain); DnsDiscovery discovery = new DnsDiscovery(getNetworkParameters()); peerGroup.addPeerDiscovery(discovery); peerGroup.addWallet(wallet); Futures.addCallback(peerGroup.startAsync(), new FutureCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(Object result) { Log.i(TAG, "Peer group started."); final DownloadProgressTracker l = new DownloadListener(); peerGroup.startBlockChainDownload(l); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not start downloading blockchain."); throw new RuntimeException(t); } }); } } private void initLogging() { LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("").setLevel(Constants.JAVA_LOGGER_LEVEL); ((ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger) LoggerFactory.getLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME)) .setLevel(Constants.LOGBACK_LOGGER_LEVEL); } private void initWalletEventListener() { wallet.addCoinsReceivedEventListener(walletEventListener); wallet.addCoinsSentEventListener(walletEventListener); wallet.addTransactionConfidenceEventListener(walletEventListener); wallet.addScriptsChangeEventListener(walletEventListener); wallet.addChangeEventListener(walletEventListener); } private void setChainCheckpoints() { try { kit.setCheckpoints(getAssets().open(getAppConfig().getCheckpointsFileName())); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Exception while setting checkpoints: ", e); } } private boolean loadKeysIfExist() throws CoinbleskException { multisigClientKey = SharedPrefUtils.getClientKey(this, getNetworkParameters()); multisigServerKey = SharedPrefUtils.getServerKey(this, getNetworkParameters()); if (multisigClientKey != null && multisigServerKey != null) { Log.d(TAG, String.format(Locale.US, "loadKeysIfExist - loaded client and server key from storage - clientPubKey=%s, serverPubKey=%s", multisigClientKey.getPublicKeyAsHex(), multisigServerKey.getPublicKeyAsHex())); return true; } else if (multisigClientKey == null && multisigServerKey == null) { Log.d(TAG, "loadKeysIfExist - no keys yet."); return false; } else { // we have 1 key but not both == BAD! throw new CoinbleskException(String.format(Locale.US, "loadKeysIfExist - could only load 1 of 2 keys (clientKeyIsNull=%s, serverKeyIsNull=%s)", multisigClientKey == null, multisigServerKey == null)); } } private void saveKeys(ECKey clientECKey, ECKey serverECKey, String url) throws CoinbleskException { final NetworkParameters params = getNetworkParameters(); try { SharedPrefUtils.setClientKey(this, params, clientECKey); SharedPrefUtils.setServerKey(this, params, serverECKey, url); } catch (Exception e) { // clear keys, we either save both keys or none in order to make sure we do not use // keys that the other party (server or client) is not aware of. SharedPrefUtils.setClientKey(this, params, null); SharedPrefUtils.setServerKey(this, params, null, ""); throw new CoinbleskException("Could not store keys.", e); } } private void keyExchange() throws CoinbleskException { final CoinbleskWebService service = getCoinbleskService(); final ECKey clientECKey = new ECKey(); final ECKey serverECKey; final KeyTO requestTO = new KeyTO().currentDate(System.currentTimeMillis()) .publicKey(clientECKey.getPubKey()); Response<KeyTO> response; try { response = service.keyExchange(requestTO).execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoinbleskException("Could not connect to server: " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (response != null && response.isSuccessful()) { final KeyTO responseTO = response.body(); serverECKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(responseTO.publicKey()); if (!SerializeUtils.verifyJSONSignature(responseTO, serverECKey)) { throw new CoinbleskException("Verification of server response failed."); } String serverUrl = getAppConfig().getCoinbleskServerUrl(); saveKeys(clientECKey, serverECKey, serverUrl); Log.i(TAG, "Key exchange with server completed" + "- clientPubKey=" + clientECKey.getPublicKeyAsHex() + ", serverPubKey=" + serverECKey.getPublicKeyAsHex()); } else { String errorCode = (response != null) ? Integer.toString(response.code()) : "(unknown)"; Log.e(TAG, "Error during key setup - code: " + errorCode); throw new CoinbleskException("Could not execute key-exchange, code: " + errorCode); } } private void initAddresses() throws CoinbleskException { loadAddresses(); try { // new address: no address yet or current receive address expires soon. boolean needToCreateNewAddress = false; if (addresses.isEmpty()) { Log.d(TAG, "No address yet. Create new address."); needToCreateNewAddress = true; } else { long nowSec = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); long currentExpiresInSec = addresses.last().getLockTime() - nowSec; if (currentExpiresInSec < Constants.MIN_LOCKTIME_SPAN_SECONDS) { Log.d(TAG, "Current address expires soon (in " + currentExpiresInSec + " seconds). Create new address."); needToCreateNewAddress = true; } } if (needToCreateNewAddress) { createTimeLockedAddress(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Could not initialize addresses. ", e); throw new CoinbleskException("Could not initialize addresses: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void loadAddresses() { addresses.clear(); addressHashes.clear(); try { List<LockTime> lockTimes = SharedPrefUtils.getLockTimes(this, getNetworkParameters()); if (lockTimes != null) { addAddresses(lockTimes); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not load addresses: ", e); addresses.clear(); addressHashes.clear(); } } private void addAddresses(List<LockTime> lockTimes) { StringBuilder addressLog = new StringBuilder(); // we could add each single address - however, it is very slow (up to 30s)... // As an optimization, we first prepare the lists and then use addAll methods. // this avoids synchronization (locks) for each address int numAddresses = lockTimes.size(); List<Script> addressScripts = new ArrayList<>(numAddresses); Map<String, TimeLockedAddress> addressMap = new HashMap<>(numAddresses); for (LockTime lockTime : lockTimes) { TimeLockedAddress tla = new TimeLockedAddress(multisigClientKey.getPubKey(), multisigServerKey.getPubKey(), lockTime.getLockTime()); addressMap.put(Utils.HEX.encode(tla.getAddressHash()), tla); Script pubKeyScript = tla.createPubkeyScript(); // timestamp optimizes wallet replay! pubKeyScript.setCreationTimeSeconds(lockTime.getTimeCreatedSeconds()); addressScripts.add(pubKeyScript); addressLog.append(" ").append(tla.toString(getNetworkParameters())).append("\n"); } // now add to wallet, address lists and hash index addresses.addAll(lockTimes); addressHashes.putAll(addressMap); wallet.addWatchedScripts(addressScripts); Log.d(TAG, "Added addresses (total " + numAddresses + "):\n" + addressLog.toString()); } private TimeLockedAddress addAddress(LockTime lockTime) { // Note: do not use in loop, adding to wallet is slow! TimeLockedAddress address = new TimeLockedAddress(multisigClientKey.getPubKey(), multisigServerKey.getPubKey(), lockTime.getLockTime()); addresses.add(lockTime); addressHashes.put(Utils.HEX.encode(address.getAddressHash()), address); Script pubKeyScript = address.createPubkeyScript(); pubKeyScript.setCreationTimeSeconds(lockTime.getTimeCreatedSeconds()); wallet.addWatchedScripts(ImmutableList.of(pubKeyScript)); Log.d(TAG, "Added address: " + address.toString(getNetworkParameters())); return address; } private TimeLockedAddress createTimeLockedAddress() throws CoinbleskException, IOException { if (multisigClientKey == null || multisigServerKey == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No client or server multisig key, key-exchange should be done first."); } CoinbleskWebService service = getCoinbleskService(); final long nextLockTime = calculateNextLockTime(); final TimeLockedAddress expectedAddress = new TimeLockedAddress(multisigClientKey.getPubKey(), multisigServerKey.getPubKey(), nextLockTime); final TimeLockedAddressTO request = new TimeLockedAddressTO().currentDate(System.currentTimeMillis()) .publicKey(multisigClientKey.getPubKey()).lockTime(nextLockTime); SerializeUtils.signJSON(request, multisigClientKey); Log.d(TAG, "Request new address from server: lockTime=" + org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.dateTimeFormat(request.lockTime() * 1000L)); Response<TimeLockedAddressTO> response = service.createTimeLockedAddress(request).execute(); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { throw new CoinbleskException("Could not create new address. Code: " + response.code()); } final TimeLockedAddressTO responseTO = response.body(); if (!responseTO.isSuccess()) { throw new CoinbleskException("Could not create new address: Error: " + responseTO.type().toString()); } final TimeLockedAddress lockedAddress = responseTO.timeLockedAddress(); if (lockedAddress == null) { throw new CoinbleskException("Could not create new address (server response empty)"); } final ECKey serverPublicKey = ECKey.fromPublicOnly(lockedAddress.getServerPubKey()); if (!checkResponse(responseTO, serverPublicKey)) { throw new CoinbleskException("Could not create new address. Type: " + responseTO.type()); } if (!checkTimeLockedAddress(expectedAddress, lockedAddress)) { throw new CoinbleskException("Could not create new address, address check failed."); } LockTime lockTime = LockTime.create(nextLockTime); try { SharedPrefUtils.addLockTime(this, getNetworkParameters(), lockTime); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoinbleskException("Could not store address.", e); } TimeLockedAddress addedAddress = addAddress(lockTime); Log.d(TAG, "Created new time locked address: " + lockedAddress.toStringDetailed(getNetworkParameters())); return addedAddress; } private long calculateNextLockTime() { int lockTimeMonths = SharedPrefUtils.getLockTimePeriodMonths(this); Calendar lockTimeCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); lockTimeCalendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, lockTimeMonths); long lockTime = lockTimeCalendar.getTimeInMillis() / 1000L; return lockTime; } private boolean checkTimeLockedAddress(TimeLockedAddress expectedAddress, TimeLockedAddress receivedAddress) { if (receivedAddress == null) { return false; } final byte[] addressHash = receivedAddress.getAddressHash(); if (addressHash == null || addressHash.length <= 0 || !receivedAddress.getAddress(getNetworkParameters()).isP2SHAddress()) { return false; } final byte[] clientPubKey = receivedAddress.getClientPubKey(); if (clientPubKey == null || clientPubKey.length <= 0 || !ECKey.isPubKeyCanonical(clientPubKey) || !Arrays.equals(multisigClientKey.getPubKey(), clientPubKey)) { return false; } final byte[] serverPubKey = receivedAddress.getServerPubKey(); if (serverPubKey == null || serverPubKey.length <= 0 || !ECKey.isPubKeyCanonical(serverPubKey) || !Arrays.equals(multisigServerKey.getPubKey(), serverPubKey)) { return false; } final long lockTime = receivedAddress.getLockTime(); final long now = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); if (lockTime <= now || lockTime >= now + Constants.MAX_LOCKTIME_SPAN_SECONDS || lockTime != expectedAddress.getLockTime()) { return false; } if (!expectedAddress.equals(receivedAddress)) { return false; } // all checks ok return true; } private boolean checkResponse(BaseTO baseTO, ECKey signKey) { if (baseTO == null) { return false; } if (!baseTO.isSuccess()) { return false; } if (baseTO.messageSig() == null || !SerializeUtils.verifyJSONSignature(baseTO, signKey)) { return false; } return true; } private void setFiatCurrency(String currencySymbol) { fiatCurrency = currencySymbol; if (exchangeRate == null || !fiatCurrency.equals( { ExchangeRate savedRate = loadExchangeRateFromStorage(); setExchangeRate(savedRate); } saveFiatCurrency(); broadcastBalanceChanged(); fetchExchangeRate(); } private void initFiatCurrency() { String savedFiatCurrency = loadFiatCurrencyFromStorage(); setFiatCurrency(savedFiatCurrency); } private void fetchExchangeRate() { Thread t = bitcoinjThreadFactory.newThread(new ExchangeRateFetcher(fiatCurrency, walletServiceBinder)); t.setName("WalletService.ExchangeRateFetcher"); t.start(); } private void setExchangeRate(ExchangeRate exchangeRate) { if (!fiatCurrency.equals( { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.US, "Exchange rate currency code (%s) does not match current currencyCode (%s)",, fiatCurrency)); } this.exchangeRate = exchangeRate; Log.d(TAG, "setExchangeRate: 1 Bitcoin = " + exchangeRate.coinToFiat(Coin.COIN).toFriendlyString()); saveExchangeRate(); broadcastExchangeRateChanged(); } private ExchangeRate loadExchangeRateFromStorage() { return SharedPrefUtils.getExchangeRate(this, fiatCurrency); } private void saveExchangeRate() { SharedPrefUtils.setExchangeRate(this,; } private String loadFiatCurrencyFromStorage() { return SharedPrefUtils.getCurrency(this); } private void saveFiatCurrency() { SharedPrefUtils.setCurrency(this, fiatCurrency); } private List<TransactionOutput> getUnlockedUnspentOutputs() { final List<TransactionOutput> outputs = new ArrayList<>(); final List<TransactionOutput> candidates = wallet.calculateAllSpendCandidates(false, false); final long currentTimeSec = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.currentTimeSeconds(); for (TransactionOutput txOut : candidates) { byte[] addressHash = txOut.getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash(); TimeLockedAddress tla = findTimeLockedAddressByHash(addressHash); if (tla != null) { long lockTime = tla.getLockTime(); if (BitcoinUtils.isAfterLockTime(currentTimeSec, lockTime)) { outputs.add(txOut); Log.d(TAG, "getUnlockedUnspentOutputs - unlocked output: " + txOut); } } } return outputs; } private Map<String, Long> createLockTimeForInputsMap(List<TransactionInput> inputs) { Map<String, Long> timeLocksOfInputs = new HashMap<>(inputs.size()); for (TransactionInput txIn : inputs) { byte[] pubKeyHash = txIn.getConnectedOutput().getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash(); String addressHashHex = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.HEX.encode(pubKeyHash); TimeLockedAddress txInAddress = addressHashes.get(addressHashHex); if (txInAddress != null) { long lockTime = txInAddress.getLockTime(); timeLocksOfInputs.put(addressHashHex, lockTime); } } return timeLocksOfInputs; } private TimeLockedAddress findTimeLockedAddressByHash(byte[] addressHash) { String addressHashHex = Utils.HEX.encode(addressHash); TimeLockedAddress address = addressHashes.get(addressHashHex); return address; } private Transaction createTransaction(Address addressTo, Coin amount) throws InsufficientFunds, CoinbleskException { Address changeAddress = walletServiceBinder.getCurrentReceiveAddress(); List<TransactionOutput> outputs = walletServiceBinder.getUnspentInstantOutputs(); Transaction transaction = BitcoinUtils.createTx(getNetworkParameters(), outputs, changeAddress, addressTo, amount.longValue(), true); return transaction; } private List<TransactionSignature> signTransaction(Transaction tx) throws CoinbleskException { final List<TransactionInput> inputs = tx.getInputs(); final List<TransactionSignature> signatures = new ArrayList<>(inputs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { TransactionInput txIn = inputs.get(i); TransactionOutput prevTxOut = txIn.getConnectedOutput(); byte[] sentToHash = prevTxOut.getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash(); TimeLockedAddress tla = findTimeLockedAddressByHash(sentToHash); if (tla == null) { throw new CoinbleskException( String.format(Locale.US, "Could not sign input (index=%d, pubKeyHash=%s)", i, org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.HEX.encode(sentToHash))); } byte[] redeemScript = tla.createRedeemScript().getProgram(); TransactionSignature signature = tx.calculateSignature(i, multisigClientKey, redeemScript, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, false); signatures.add(signature); } return signatures; } private void markTransactionInstant(Transaction tx) { markTransactionInstant(tx.getHashAsString()); } private void markTransactionInstant(String txHash) { SharedPrefUtils.addInstantTransaction(this, getNetworkParameters(), txHash); } private boolean isTransactionInstant(Transaction tx) { return isTransactionInstant(tx.getHashAsString()); } private boolean isTransactionInstant(String txHash) { Set<String> instantTx = SharedPrefUtils.getInstantTransactions(this, getNetworkParameters()); return instantTx != null && instantTx.contains(txHash); } private boolean deleteBlockChainFile() { File chainFile = blockChainFile(); if (chainFile.delete()) { Log.i(TAG, "Deleted blockchain file: " + chainFile.toString()); return true; } else { Log.w(TAG, "Blockchain file could not be deleted: " + chainFile.toString()); return false; } } private AppConfig getAppConfig() { return ((CoinbleskApp) getApplication()).getAppConfig(); } private CoinbleskWebService getCoinbleskService() { return getAppConfig().getCoinbleskService(); } private NetworkParameters getNetworkParameters() { return getAppConfig().getNetworkParameters(); } private void broadcastWalletError(String errorMessage) { Intent error = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_ERROR_ACTION); error.putExtra(Constants.ERROR_MESSAGE_KEY, errorMessage); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(error); } private void broadcastBalanceChanged() { Coin coinBalance = walletServiceBinder.getBalance(); broadcastBalanceChanged(coinBalance); } private void broadcastBalanceChanged(Coin coinBalance) { Fiat fiatBalance = exchangeRate.coinToFiat(coinBalance); broadcastBalanceChanged(coinBalance, fiatBalance); } private void broadcastBalanceChanged(Coin coinBalance, Fiat fiatBalance) { Intent balanceChanged = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_BALANCE_CHANGED_ACTION); balanceChanged.putExtra("coinBalance", coinBalance); balanceChanged.putExtra("fiatBalance", fiatBalance); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(balanceChanged); } private void broadcastCoinsSent() { Intent coinsSent = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_COINS_SENT_ACTION); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(coinsSent); } private void broadcastCoinsReceived() { Intent coinsReceived = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_COINS_RECEIVED_ACTION); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(coinsReceived); } private void broadcastScriptsChanged() { Intent scriptsChanged = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_SCRIPTS_CHANGED_ACTION); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(scriptsChanged); } private void broadcastConfidenceChanged(Transaction tx) { Intent txChanged = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_TRANSACTION_CONFIDENCE_CHANGED_ACTION); if (tx != null) { txChanged.putExtra("transactionHash", tx.getHashAsString()); } getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(txChanged); } private void broadcastWalletChanged() { Intent walletChanged = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_CHANGED_ACTION); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(walletChanged); } private void broadcastDownloadDone() { Intent walletProgress = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_DOWNLOAD_DONE_ACTION); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(walletProgress); } private void broadcastDownloadProgress(int progress, int blocksToGo, Date date) { Intent walletProgress = new Intent(Constants.WALLET_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_ACTION); walletProgress.putExtra("progress", progress); walletProgress.putExtra("blocksToGo", blocksToGo); walletProgress.putExtra("blockDate", date); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(walletProgress); } private void broadcastExchangeRateChanged() { Intent exchangeRateChanged = new Intent(Constants.EXCHANGE_RATE_CHANGED_ACTION); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(exchangeRateChanged); } private void broadcastInstantPaymentSuccess() { Intent paymentSuccess = new Intent(Constants.INSTANT_PAYMENT_SUCCESSFUL_ACTION); getLocalBroadcaster().sendBroadcast(paymentSuccess); } private void broadcastInstantPaymentFailure() { Intent paymentFailure = new Intent(Constants.INSTANT_PAYMENT_FAILED_ACTION); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(WalletService.this).sendBroadcast(paymentFailure); } private LocalBroadcastManager getLocalBroadcaster() { return LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(WalletService.this); } public class WalletServiceBinder extends Binder { public AppConfig getAppConfig() { return WalletService.this.getAppConfig(); } public NetworkParameters getNetworkParameters() { return WalletService.this.getNetworkParameters(); } public CoinbleskWebService getCoinbleskService() { return WalletService.this.getCoinbleskService(); } public Coin getBalance() { Coin amount = Coin.ZERO; for (TransactionOutput transactionOutput : getUnspentInstantOutputs()) { amount = amount.add(transactionOutput.getValue()); } return amount; } public Fiat getBalanceFiat() { return exchangeRate.coinToFiat(getBalance()); } public Coin getBalanceUnlocked() { List<TransactionOutput> unlockedTxOut = getUnlockedUnspentOutputs(); Coin balance = Coin.ZERO; for (TransactionOutput txOut : unlockedTxOut) { balance = balance.add(txOut.getValue()); } return balance; } public ExchangeRate getExchangeRate() { return exchangeRate; } protected void setExchangeRate(ExchangeRate exchangeRate) { WalletService.this.setExchangeRate(exchangeRate); broadcastBalanceChanged(); } public String getCurrency() { return fiatCurrency; } public void setCurrency(String currency) { WalletService.this.setFiatCurrency(currency); } public Address getCurrentReceiveAddress() { return getCurrentTimeLockedReceiveAddress().getAddress(getNetworkParameters()); } public TimeLockedAddress getCurrentTimeLockedReceiveAddress() { if (addresses.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No address created yet."); } LockTime lockTime = addresses.last(); TimeLockedAddress address = new TimeLockedAddress(multisigClientKey.getPubKey(), multisigServerKey.getPubKey(), lockTime.getLockTime()); return address; } public List<TimeLockedAddress> getAddresses() { List<TimeLockedAddress> timeLockedAddresses = new ArrayList<>(addresses.size()); for (LockTime lockTime : addresses) { timeLockedAddresses.add(new TimeLockedAddress(multisigClientKey.getPubKey(), multisigServerKey.getPubKey(), lockTime.getLockTime())); } return timeLockedAddresses; } public Map<Address, Coin> getBalanceByAddress() { AddressCoinSelector selector = new AddressCoinSelector(null, getNetworkParameters());, getUnspentInstantOutputs()); return selector.getAddressBalances(); } public TimeLockedAddress createTimeLockedAddress() throws CoinbleskException, IOException { return WalletService.this.createTimeLockedAddress(); } public TransactionWrapper getTransaction(final String transactionHash) { Transaction tx = wallet.getTransaction(Sha256Hash.wrap(transactionHash)); if (tx != null) { tx.setExchangeRate(getExchangeRate()); return new TransactionWrapper(tx, wallet, isTransactionInstant(tx)); } return null; } public List<TransactionWrapper> getTransactionsByTime() { final List<TransactionWrapper> transactions = new ArrayList<>(); if (wallet != null) { for (Transaction tx : wallet.getTransactionsByTime()) { tx.setExchangeRate(getExchangeRate()); transactions.add(new TransactionWrapper(tx, wallet, isTransactionInstant(tx))); } } return transactions; } public ListenableFuture<Transaction> commitAndBroadcastTransaction(final Transaction tx) { Log.d(TAG, "commitAndBroadcastTransaction: " + tx.getHashAsString()); wallet.commitTx(tx); return broadcastTransaction(tx); } public ListenableFuture<Transaction> maybeCommitAndBroadcastTransaction(final Transaction tx) { Log.d(TAG, "maybeCommitAndBroadcastTransaction: " + tx.getHashAsString()); if (!wallet.maybeCommitTx(tx)) { Log.d(TAG, "Tx was already committed to wallet (probably received over network)"); } return broadcastTransaction(tx); } public ListenableFuture<Transaction> broadcastTransaction(final Transaction tx) { TransactionBroadcast broadcast = peerGroup.broadcastTransaction(tx); broadcast.setProgressCallback(new TransactionBroadcast.ProgressCallback() { final String txHash = tx.getHashAsString(); @Override public void onBroadcastProgress(double progress) { Log.d(TAG, "Transaction broadcast - tx: " + txHash + ", progress: " + progress); } }); return broadcast.future(); } public Transaction createTransaction(Address addressTo, Coin amount) throws InsufficientFunds, CoinbleskException { return WalletService.this.createTransaction(addressTo, amount); } public List<TransactionSignature> signTransaction(Transaction tx) throws CoinbleskException { return WalletService.this.signTransaction(tx); } public ListenableFuture<Transaction> sendCoins(final Address address, final Coin amount) { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(bitcoinjThreadFactory); ListeningExecutorService sendCoinsExecutor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(executor); ListenableFuture<Transaction> txFuture = sendCoinsExecutor.submit(new Callable<Transaction>() { @Override public Transaction call() throws Exception { BitcoinURI payment = new BitcoinURI( BitcoinURI.convertToBitcoinURI(address, amount, null, null)); CLTVInstantPaymentStep step = new CLTVInstantPaymentStep(walletServiceBinder, payment); step.process(null); Transaction fullySignedTx = step.getTransaction(); maybeCommitAndBroadcastTransaction(fullySignedTx); Log.i(TAG, "Send Coins - address=" + address + ", amount=" + amount + ", txHash=" + fullySignedTx.getHashAsString()); return fullySignedTx; } }); sendCoinsExecutor.shutdown(); Futures.addCallback(txFuture, new FutureCallback<Transaction>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Transaction result) { Log.i(TAG, "sendCoins - onSuccess - tx " + result.getHashAsString()); broadcastInstantPaymentSuccess(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { Log.e(TAG, "sendCoins - onFailure - failed with the following throwable: ", t); broadcastInstantPaymentFailure(); } }); return txFuture; } public ListenableFuture<Transaction> collectRefund(final Address sendTo) { /* * Bitcoin nodes consider the median time of the last couple of blocks when * comparing the nLockTime (BIP 113). The median time is behind the current * time (unix seconds). As a consequence, a transaction is not relayed * by the nodes even though the lock time expired, i.e. lockTime < currentTime. * The median lags behind ~1h. In other words, a transaction with lock time t should be * broadcasted not earlier than t+1h. Otherwise, the transaction must be re-broadcasted * and it takes a long time for the transaction to be included in a block. * - * - */ ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(bitcoinjThreadFactory); ListeningExecutorService collectRefundExecutor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(executor); ListenableFuture<Transaction> txFuture = collectRefundExecutor.submit(new Callable<Transaction>() { @Override public Transaction call() throws Exception { final List<TransactionOutput> unlockedTxOut = getUnlockedUnspentOutputs(); Transaction transaction = BitcoinUtils.createSpendAllTx(getNetworkParameters(), unlockedTxOut, sendTo); // since we sign with 1 key (without server key), we need to set // the nLockTime and sequence number flags of CLTV inputs. Map<String, Long> timeLocksOfInputs = createLockTimeForInputsMap(transaction.getInputs()); BitcoinUtils.setFlagsOfCLTVInputs(transaction, timeLocksOfInputs, org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.currentTimeSeconds()); // code is very similar to signTransaction, but we use a different scriptSig! final List<TransactionInput> inputs = transaction.getInputs(); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { TransactionInput txIn = inputs.get(i); TransactionOutput prevTxOut = txIn.getConnectedOutput(); byte[] sentToHash = prevTxOut.getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash(); TimeLockedAddress tla = findTimeLockedAddressByHash(sentToHash); if (tla == null) { throw new CoinbleskException(String.format(Locale.US, "Signing error: did not find redeem script for input: %s, ", txIn)); } byte[] redeemScript = tla.createRedeemScript().getProgram(); TransactionSignature signature = transaction.calculateSignature(i, multisigClientKey, redeemScript, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, false); Script scriptSig = tla.createScriptSigAfterLockTime(signature); txIn.setScriptSig(scriptSig); } BitcoinUtils.verifyTxFull(transaction); commitAndBroadcastTransaction(transaction); Coin amount = transaction.getOutputSum(); Log.i(TAG, "Collect Refund - address=" + sendTo + ", amount=" + amount + ", txHash=" + transaction.getHashAsString()); return transaction; } }); collectRefundExecutor.shutdown(); Futures.addCallback(txFuture, new FutureCallback<Transaction>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Transaction result) { Log.i(TAG, "collectRefund - onSuccess - tx " + result.getHashAsString()); broadcastInstantPaymentSuccess(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { Log.e(TAG, "collectRefund - onFailure - failed with the following throwable: ", t); broadcastInstantPaymentFailure(); } }); return txFuture; } public List<TransactionOutput> getUnspentInstantOutputs() { List<TransactionOutput> unspentInstantOutputs = new ArrayList<>(); if (wallet != null) { List<TransactionOutput> candidates = wallet.calculateAllSpendCandidates(false, false); for (TransactionOutput unspentOutput : candidates) { byte[] addressHash = unspentOutput.getScriptPubKey().getPubKeyHash(); String addressHashHex = org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.HEX.encode(addressHash); if (addressHashes.keySet().contains(addressHashHex)) { unspentInstantOutputs.add(unspentOutput); } } } return unspentInstantOutputs; } public TimeLockedAddress findTimeLockedAddressByHash(byte[] addressHash) { return WalletService.this.findTimeLockedAddressByHash(addressHash); } public void markTransactionInstant(String txHash) { WalletService.this.markTransactionInstant(txHash); } public Coin estimateFee(Address addressTo, Coin amount) { if (addressTo == null) { // assume P2SH address addressTo = getCurrentReceiveAddress(); } if (amount == null) { // dummy balance amount = Coin.SATOSHI; } try { Transaction dummyTx = createTransaction(addressTo, amount); Coin fee = dummyTx.getFee(); Log.d(TAG, "Fee estimation - fee: " + fee.toFriendlyString() + ", tx size: " + dummyTx.unsafeBitcoinSerialize().length + ", inputs: " + dummyTx.getInputs().size() + ", outputs: " + dummyTx.getOutputs().size()); return fee; } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Cannot estimate fee: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } public ECKey getMultisigClientKey() { return multisigClientKey; } public ECKey getMultisigServerKey() { return multisigServerKey; } public Wallet getWallet() { return wallet; } public int getDownloadProgress() { return downloadProgress; } public boolean isDownloadDone() { return downloadProgress == 100; } /** * * * Important: quit app and reload such that app and service is initialized again */ public void resetWallet() { Log.i(TAG, "Wallet reset"); // clear transactions wallet.reset(); requestServiceShutdown(); // delete chain file - this triggers re-creating and re-downloading the chain // (wallet replay) in the next start deleteBlockChainFile(); } public void requestServiceShutdown() { shutdownWalletService(); stopSelf(); } public boolean isReady() { return wallet != null; } public void restartWalletService() { WalletService.this.restartWalletService(); } public void onWalletLoaded(Runnable walletLRunnable) { if (getMultisigClientKey() != null && getMultisigServerKey() != null) {; WalletService.this.walletLRunnable = null; } else { WalletService.this.walletLRunnable = walletLRunnable; } } } private Runnable walletLRunnable; private class CoinbleskWalletEventListener implements WalletCoinsReceivedEventListener, WalletCoinsSentEventListener, ScriptsChangeEventListener, TransactionConfidenceEventListener, WalletChangeEventListener { @Override public void onCoinsReceived(Wallet w, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) { broadcastBalanceChanged(); broadcastCoinsReceived(); } @Override public void onCoinsSent(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) { broadcastBalanceChanged(); broadcastCoinsSent(); } @Override public void onScriptsChanged(Wallet wallet, List<Script> scripts, boolean isAddingScripts) { broadcastScriptsChanged(); } @Override public void onWalletChanged(Wallet wallet) { broadcastWalletChanged(); } @Override public void onTransactionConfidenceChanged(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx) { broadcastConfidenceChanged(tx); } } private class DownloadListener extends DownloadProgressTracker { @Override public void onChainDownloadStarted(Peer peer, int blocksLeft) { super.onChainDownloadStarted(peer, blocksLeft); Log.d(TAG, "DownloadListener - started downloading blocks: " + blocksLeft + " blocks left."); } @Override public void progress(double pct, int blocksToGo, Date date) { super.progress(pct, blocksToGo, date); int previousDownloadProgress = downloadProgress; downloadProgress = (int) pct; Log.d(TAG, "DownloadListener - progress: " + downloadProgress + "%" + ", blocks to go: " + blocksToGo + ", date: " + org.bitcoinj.core.Utils.dateTimeFormat(date)); if (downloadProgress > previousDownloadProgress) { broadcastDownloadProgress(downloadProgress, blocksToGo, date); } } @Override protected void doneDownload() { super.doneDownload(); Log.i(TAG, "DownloadListener - doneDownload"); downloadProgress = 100; broadcastDownloadDone(); } } }