Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015,, * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveInputStream; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamFactory; import; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.IOUtils; import; import; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask.packages.PackageEntry; import com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask.packages.Packages; import com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask.release.Release; import com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask.release.ReleaseInfo; import com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask.utils.ControlHandler; import com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask.utils.DefaultHashes; import com.codemarvels.ant.aptrepotask.utils.Utils; public class AptRepoTask extends Task { private static final String RELEASE = "Release"; private static final String PACKAGES_GZ = "Packages.gz"; private static final String FAILED_TO_CREATE_APT_REPO = "Failed to create apt-repo: "; private static final String CONTROL_FILE_NAME = "control"; private static final String FILE_DEB_EXT = ".deb"; private BufferedWriter packagesWriter; /** * Location of the apt repository. */ private String repoDir; public String getRepoDir() { return repoDir; } public void setRepoDir(String repoDir) { this.repoDir = repoDir; } public void execute() { if (repoDir == null) { log("repoDir attribute is empty !", LogLevel.ERR.getLevel()); throw new RuntimeException("Bad attributes for apt-repo task"); } log("repo dir: " + repoDir); File repoFolder = new File(repoDir); if (!repoFolder.exists()) { repoFolder.mkdirs(); } File[] files = repoFolder.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (pathname.getName().endsWith(FILE_DEB_EXT)) { return true; } return false; } }); Packages packages = new Packages(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; PackageEntry packageEntry = new PackageEntry(); packageEntry.setSize(file.length()); packageEntry.setSha1(Utils.getDigest("SHA-1", file)); packageEntry.setSha256(Utils.getDigest("SHA-256", file)); packageEntry.setMd5sum(Utils.getDigest("MD5", file)); String fileName = file.getName(); packageEntry.setFilename(fileName); log("found deb: " + fileName); try { ArchiveInputStream control_tgz; ArArchiveEntry entry; TarArchiveEntry control_entry; ArchiveInputStream debStream = new ArchiveStreamFactory().createArchiveInputStream("ar", new FileInputStream(file)); while ((entry = (ArArchiveEntry) debStream.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (entry.getName().equals("control.tar.gz")) { ControlHandler controlHandler = new ControlHandler(); GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(debStream); control_tgz = new ArchiveStreamFactory().createArchiveInputStream("tar", gzipInputStream); while ((control_entry = (TarArchiveEntry) control_tgz.getNextEntry()) != null) { log("control entry: " + control_entry.getName(), LogLevel.DEBUG.getLevel()); if (control_entry.getName().trim().equals(CONTROL_FILE_NAME)) { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(control_tgz, outputStream); String content_string = outputStream.toString("UTF-8"); outputStream.close(); controlHandler.setControlContent(content_string); log("control cont: " + outputStream.toString("utf-8"), LogLevel.DEBUG.getLevel()); break; } } control_tgz.close(); if (controlHandler.hasControlContent()) { controlHandler.handle(packageEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("no control content found for: " + file.getName()); } break; } } debStream.close(); packages.addPackageEntry(packageEntry); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = FAILED_TO_CREATE_APT_REPO + " " + file.getName(); log(msg, e, LogLevel.ERR.getLevel()); throw new RuntimeException(msg, e); } } try { File packagesFile = new File(repoDir, PACKAGES_GZ); packagesWriter = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(packagesFile)))); packagesWriter.write(packages.toString()); DefaultHashes hashes = Utils.getDefaultDigests(packagesFile); ReleaseInfo pinfo = new ReleaseInfo(PACKAGES_GZ, packagesFile.length(), hashes); Release release = new Release(); release.addInfo(pinfo); final File releaseFile = new File(repoDir, RELEASE); FileUtils.fileWrite(releaseFile, release.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("writing files failed", e); } finally { if (packagesWriter != null) { try { packagesWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("writing files failed", e); } } } } }