Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2012 NTT DATA Corporation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or Modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ package com.clustercontrol.systemlog.service; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.clustercontrol.bean.HinemosModuleConstant; import com.clustercontrol.calendar.factory.SelectCalendar; import com.clustercontrol.commons.util.JpaTransactionManager; import com.clustercontrol.commons.util.MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor; import com.clustercontrol.fault.CalendarNotFound; import com.clustercontrol.fault.HinemosUnknown; import com.clustercontrol.fault.InvalidRole; import com.clustercontrol.fault.MonitorNotFound; import com.clustercontrol.hub.bean.StringSample; import com.clustercontrol.hub.bean.StringSampleTag; import com.clustercontrol.hub.bean.ValueType; import com.clustercontrol.hub.util.CollectStringDataParser; import com.clustercontrol.hub.util.CollectStringDataUtil; import com.clustercontrol.jobmanagement.bean.RunInstructionInfo; import com.clustercontrol.jobmanagement.util.MonitorJobWorker; import com.clustercontrol.maintenance.util.HinemosPropertyUtil; import; import; import com.clustercontrol.monitor.session.MonitorSettingControllerBean; import com.clustercontrol.notify.model.NotifyRelationInfo; import com.clustercontrol.notify.session.NotifyControllerBean; import com.clustercontrol.repository.bean.FacilityTreeAttributeConstant; import com.clustercontrol.repository.factory.SearchNodeBySNMP; import com.clustercontrol.repository.session.RepositoryControllerBean; import com.clustercontrol.systemlog.bean.SyslogMessage; import com.clustercontrol.systemlog.util.SyslogHandler; import com.clustercontrol.util.HinemosTime; public class SystemLogMonitor implements SyslogHandler { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SystemLogMonitor.class); private ExecutorService _executor; private SystemLogNotifier _notifier = new SystemLogNotifier(); private final int _threadSize; private final int _queueSize; private long receivedCount = 0; private long discardedCount = 0; private long notifiedCount = 0; public SystemLogMonitor(int threadSize, int queueSize) { _threadSize = threadSize; _queueSize = queueSize; } @Override public synchronized void syslogReceived(List<SyslogMessage> syslogList) { String _receiverId = HinemosPropertyUtil.getHinemosPropertyStr("monitor.systemlog.receiverid", System.getProperty("hinemos.manager.nodename")); countupReceived(); _executor.execute(new SystemLogMonitorTask(_receiverId, syslogList)); } public synchronized void syslogReceivedSync(List<SyslogMessage> syslogList) { String _receiverId = HinemosPropertyUtil.getHinemosPropertyStr("monitor.systemlog.receiverid", System.getProperty("hinemos.manager.nodename")); countupReceived(); new SystemLogMonitorTask(_receiverId, syslogList).run(); } private synchronized void countupReceived() { receivedCount = receivedCount >= Long.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : receivedCount + 1; int _statsInterval = HinemosPropertyUtil .getHinemosPropertyNum("monitor.systemlog.stats.interval", Long.valueOf(1000)).intValue(); if (receivedCount % _statsInterval == 0) {"The number of syslog (received) : " + receivedCount); } } private synchronized void countupDiscarded() { discardedCount = discardedCount >= Long.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : discardedCount + 1; int _statsInterval = HinemosPropertyUtil .getHinemosPropertyNum("monitor.systemlog.stats.interval", Long.valueOf(1000)).intValue(); if (discardedCount % _statsInterval == 0) {"The number of syslog (discarded) : " + discardedCount); } } private synchronized void countupNotified() { notifiedCount = notifiedCount >= Long.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : notifiedCount + 1; int _statsInterval = HinemosPropertyUtil .getHinemosPropertyNum("monitor.systemlog.stats.interval", Long.valueOf(1000)).intValue(); if (notifiedCount % _statsInterval == 0) {"The number of syslog (notified) : " + notifiedCount); } } public long getReceivedCount() { return receivedCount; } public long getDiscardedCount() { return discardedCount; } public long getNotifiedCount() { return notifiedCount; } public int getQueuedCount() { return ((ThreadPoolExecutor) _executor).getQueue().size(); } @Override public synchronized void start() { _executor = new MonitoredThreadPoolExecutor(_threadSize, _threadSize, 0L, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(_queueSize), new ThreadFactory() { private volatile int _count = 0; @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { return new Thread(r, "SystemLogFilter-" + _count++); } }, new SystemLogRejectionHandler()); } private class SystemLogRejectionHandler extends ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy { @Override public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor e) { if (r instanceof SystemLogMonitorTask) { countupDiscarded(); log.warn("too many syslog. syslog discarded : " + r); } } } @Override public synchronized void shutdown() { _executor.shutdown(); try { long _shutdownTimeoutMsec = HinemosPropertyUtil .getHinemosPropertyNum("monitor.systemlog.shutdown.timeout", Long.valueOf(60000)); if (!_executor.awaitTermination(_shutdownTimeoutMsec, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { List<Runnable> remained = _executor.shutdownNow(); if (remained != null) {"shutdown timeout. runnable remained. (size = " + remained.size() + ")"); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { _executor.shutdownNow(); } } private class SystemLogMonitorTask implements Runnable { public final String receiverId; public final List<SyslogMessage> syslogList; public SystemLogMonitorTask(String receiverId, List<SyslogMessage> syslogList) { this.receiverId = receiverId; this.syslogList = syslogList; } @Override public void run() { JpaTransactionManager tm = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { for (SyslogMessage syslog : syslogList) { log.debug("monitoring syslog : " + syslog); } } try { tm = new JpaTransactionManager(); tm.begin(); Collection<MonitorInfo> monitorList = null; try { monitorList = new MonitorSettingControllerBean().getSystemlogMonitorCache(); } catch (MonitorNotFound e) { log.debug("monitor configuration (system log) not found."); return; } catch (InvalidRole e) { log.debug("monitor configuration (system log) not found."); return; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("monitor configuration (system log) : count = " + monitorList.size()); } if (monitorList.isEmpty()) { return; } // syslog?hostname?? Map<String, Set<String>> syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (SyslogMessage syslog : syslogList) { String hostname = SearchNodeBySNMP.getShortName(syslog.hostname); if (syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap.containsKey(hostname)) { continue; } Set<String> facilityIdSet = resolveFacilityId(syslog.hostname); syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap.put(hostname, facilityIdSet); } // ?? List<StringSample> collectedSamples = new ArrayList<>(); for (SyslogMessage syslog : syslogList) { // syslog.hostname ?????? "UNREGISTERED" ?????? Set<String> facilityIdSet = syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap.get(syslog.hostname); for (MonitorInfo monitor : monitorList) { // ??????????? if (!monitor.getCollectorFlg()) { continue; } List<String> validFacilityIdList = getValidFacilityIdList(facilityIdSet, monitor, null); if (!validFacilityIdList.isEmpty()) { for (String facilityId : validFacilityIdList) { StringSample sample = new StringSample(new Date(HinemosTime.currentTimeMillis()), monitor.getMonitorId()); //?? StringSampleTag tagDate = new StringSampleTag( CollectStringDataParser.KEY_TIMESTAMP_IN_LOG, ValueType.number, Long.toString(; StringSampleTag tagFacility = new StringSampleTag("facility", ValueType.string,; StringSampleTag tagSeverity = new StringSampleTag("severity", ValueType.string,; StringSampleTag tagHostname = new StringSampleTag("hostname", ValueType.string, syslog.hostname); StringSampleTag tagMessage = new StringSampleTag("message", ValueType.string, syslog.message); // sample.set(facilityId, "syslog", syslog.rawSyslog, Arrays.asList(tagDate, tagFacility, tagSeverity, tagHostname, tagMessage)); collectedSamples.add(sample); } } } } if (!collectedSamples.isEmpty()) {; } // for (MonitorInfo monitor : monitorList) { notifySyslog(syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap, monitor, null); } // for (Map.Entry<RunInstructionInfo, MonitorInfo> entry : MonitorJobWorker .getMonitorJobMap(HinemosModuleConstant.MONITOR_SYSTEMLOG).entrySet()) { notifySyslog(syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap, entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } tm.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { // HinemosException?throw?log??????? // HA??????????????? throw new RuntimeException( "unexpected internal error. : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (tm != null) { tm.close(); } } } /** * ??? * * @param syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap ??ID?? * @param monitorInfo * @param runInstructionInfo * @throws HinemosUnknown */ private void notifySyslog(Map<String, Set<String>> syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap, MonitorInfo monitorInfo, RunInstructionInfo runInstructionInfo) throws HinemosUnknown { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("filtering by configuration : " + monitorInfo.getMonitorId()); } if (runInstructionInfo == null) { // ?? // ??????????? if (!monitorInfo.getMonitorFlg()) { return; } // ?????? List<NotifyRelationInfo> notifyRelationList = new NotifyControllerBean() .getNotifyRelation(monitorInfo.getNotifyGroupId()); if (notifyRelationList == null || notifyRelationList.size() == 0) { return; } } for (SyslogMessage syslog : syslogList) { List<SyslogMessage> syslogListBuffer = new ArrayList<SyslogMessage>(); List<MonitorStringValueInfo> ruleListBuffer = new ArrayList<MonitorStringValueInfo>(); List<String> facilityIdListBuffer = new ArrayList<String>(); if (runInstructionInfo == null && isNotInCalendar(monitorInfo, syslog)) { continue; } String hostname = SearchNodeBySNMP.getShortName(syslog.hostname); Set<String> facilityIdSet = syslogHostnameFacilityIdSetMap.get(hostname); if (facilityIdSet == null) { log.warn("target facility not found: " + hostname); continue; } List<String> validFacilityIdList = getValidFacilityIdList(facilityIdSet, monitorInfo, runInstructionInfo); int orderNo = 0; for (MonitorStringValueInfo rule : monitorInfo.getStringValueInfo()) { ++orderNo; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format( "monitoring (monitorId = %s, orderNo = %d, patten = %s, enabled = %s, casesensitive = %s)", monitorInfo.getMonitorId(), orderNo, rule.getPattern(), rule.getValidFlg(), rule.getCaseSensitivityFlg())); } if (!rule.getValidFlg()) { // ????? continue; } // ? if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format("filtering syslog (regex = %s, syslog = %s", rule.getPattern(), syslog)); } try { Pattern pattern = null; if (rule.getCaseSensitivityFlg()) { // ????? pattern = Pattern.compile(rule.getPattern(), Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } else { // ??? pattern = Pattern.compile(rule.getPattern(), Pattern.DOTALL); } Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(syslog.message); if (matcher.matches()) { if (rule.getProcessType()) { log.debug(String.format("matched (regex = %s, syslog = %s", rule.getPattern(), syslog)); for (String facilityId : validFacilityIdList) { syslogListBuffer.add(syslog); ruleListBuffer.add(rule); facilityIdListBuffer.add(facilityId); countupNotified(); } } else { log.debug(String.format("not matched (regex = %s, syslog = %s", rule.getPattern(), syslog)); } break; } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("filtering failure. (regex = " + rule.getPattern() + ") . " + e.getMessage(), e); } } _notifier.put(receiverId, syslogListBuffer, monitorInfo, ruleListBuffer, facilityIdListBuffer, runInstructionInfo); } } private boolean isNotInCalendar(MonitorInfo monitor, SyslogMessage syslog) { boolean notInCalendar = false; // ????? if (monitor.getCalendarId() != null && monitor.getCalendarId().length() > 0) { try { boolean run = new SelectCalendar().isRun(monitor.getCalendarId(),; notInCalendar = !run; } catch (CalendarNotFound e) { log.warn("calendar not found (calendarId = " + monitor.getCalendarId() + ")"); } catch (InvalidRole e) { log.warn( "calendar not found (calendarId = " + monitor.getCalendarId() + ") ," + e.getMessage()); } // ??? if (notInCalendar) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("skip monitoring because of calendar. (monitorId = " + monitor.getMonitorId() + ", calendarId = " + monitor.getCalendarId() + ")"); } } } return notInCalendar; } private List<String> getValidFacilityIdList(Set<String> facilityIdSet, MonitorInfo monitor, RunInstructionInfo runInstructionInfo) { List<String> validFacilityIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); String monitorFacilityId = ""; if (runInstructionInfo == null) { monitorFacilityId = monitor.getFacilityId(); } else { monitorFacilityId = runInstructionInfo.getFacilityId(); } for (String facilityId : facilityIdSet) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("filtering node. (monitorId = " + monitor.getMonitorId() + ", facilityId = " + facilityId + ")"); } if (FacilityTreeAttributeConstant.UNREGISTERED_SCOPE.equals(facilityId)) { if (!FacilityTreeAttributeConstant.UNREGISTERED_SCOPE.equals(monitorFacilityId)) { // ????syslog??????????? continue; } } else { if (!new RepositoryControllerBean().containsFaciliyId(monitorFacilityId, facilityId, monitor.getOwnerRoleId())) { // syslog????????????? continue; } } validFacilityIdList.add(facilityId); } return validFacilityIdList; } private Set<String> resolveFacilityId(String hostname) { Set<String> facilityIdSet = null; String shortHostname = SearchNodeBySNMP.getShortName(hostname); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("resolving facilityId from hostname = " + shortHostname); } // ???? facilityIdSet = new RepositoryControllerBean().getNodeListByNodename(shortHostname); // ???????? if (facilityIdSet == null) { // IP?? try { // IP?????????????? facilityIdSet = new RepositoryControllerBean() .getNodeListByIpAddress(InetAddress.getByName(hostname)); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("unknow host " + hostname + ".", e); } } // ???IP?????? if (facilityIdSet == null) { // ???? facilityIdSet = new RepositoryControllerBean().getNodeListByHostname(shortHostname); } } if (facilityIdSet == null) { // ????IP????????????? // "UNREGISTEREFD"FacilityTreeAttributeConstant.UNREGISTEREFD_SCOPE??? // ??????? facilityIdSet = new HashSet<String>(); facilityIdSet.add(FacilityTreeAttributeConstant.UNREGISTERED_SCOPE); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("resolved facilityId " + facilityIdSet + "(from hostname = " + shortHostname + ")"); } return facilityIdSet; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s [receiverId = %s, syslogList = %s]", this.getClass().getSimpleName(), receiverId, syslogList); } } }