Source code

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 * Licensed to Cloudera, Inc. under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  Cloudera, Inc. licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.cloudera.sqoop.shims;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.VersionInfo;
import com.cloudera.sqoop.util.ClassLoaderStack;

 * Provides a service locator for the appropriate shim, dynamically chosen
 * based on the Hadoop version in the classpath. 
public abstract class ShimLoader {
    private static HadoopShim hadoopShim;

    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ShimLoader.class.getName());

     * Which directory Sqoop checks for shim jars.
    public static final String SHIM_JAR_DIR_PROPERTY = "sqoop.shim.jar.dir";

     * The names of the classes for shimming Hadoop.
     * This list must be maintained in the same order as HADOOP_SHIM_MATCHES
    private static final List<String> HADOOP_SHIM_CLASSES = new ArrayList<String>();

     * Patterns to match to identify which shim jar to load when shimming
     * Hadoop.
     * This list must be maintained in the same order as HADOOP_SHIM_MATCHES
    private static final List<String> HADOOP_SHIM_JARS = new ArrayList<String>();

     * The regular expressions compared against the Hadoop version string
     * when determining which shim class to load.
    private static final List<String> HADOOP_SHIM_MATCHES = new ArrayList<String>();

    static {
        // These regular expressions will be evaluated in order until one matches.

        // CDH3 (based on 0.20.2) has versions of the form "0.20.2+nnn" where
        // nnn is a build number.

        // Apache 0.22 trunk.
        // Version may have the form  "0.22-SNAPSHOT"

        // ... or "0.22.n-SNAPSHOT"

        // Apache 0.22 trunk snapshots often compile with "Unknown" version,
        // so we default to guessing Apache in this case.

        // Apache 0.21 uses the same shim jars as 0.22


     * Factory method to get an instance of HadoopShim based on the
     * version of Hadoop on the classpath.
     * @param conf an optional Configuration whose internal ClassLoader 
     * should be updated with the jar containing the HadoopShim.
    public static synchronized HadoopShim getHadoopShim(Configuration conf) {
        if (hadoopShim == null) {
            hadoopShim = loadShim(HADOOP_SHIM_MATCHES, HADOOP_SHIM_CLASSES, HADOOP_SHIM_JARS, HadoopShim.class,
        return hadoopShim;

     * Factory method to get an instance of HadoopShim based on the
     * version of Hadoop on the classpath.
    public static synchronized HadoopShim getHadoopShim() {
        return getHadoopShim(null);

     * Actually load the shim for the current Hadoop version.
     * @param matchExprs a list of regexes against which the current Hadoop
     * version is compared. The first one to hit defines which class/jar to
     * use.
     * @param classNames a list in the same order as matchExprs. This defines
     * what class name to load as the shim class if the Hadoop version matches
     * matchExprs[i].
     * @param jarPatterns a list in the same order as matchExprs. This defines
     * a pattern to select a jar file from which the shim classes should be
     * loaded.
     * @param xface the shim interface that the shim class must match.
     * @param conf an optional Configuration whose context classloader should
     * be updated to the current Thread's contextClassLoader after pushing a
     * new ClassLoader on the stack to load this shim jar.
    private static <T> T loadShim(List<String> matchExprs, List<String> classNames, List<String> jarPatterns,
            Class<T> xface, Configuration conf) {
        String version = VersionInfo.getVersion();

        LOG.debug("Loading shims for class : " + xface.getName());
        LOG.debug("Hadoop version: " + version);

        for (int i = 0; i < matchExprs.size(); i++) {
            LOG.debug("Checking: " + matchExprs.get(i));
            if (version.matches(matchExprs.get(i))) {
                String className = classNames.get(i);
                String jarPattern = jarPatterns.get(i);

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Version matched regular expression: " + matchExprs.get(i));
                    LOG.debug("Trying to load class: " + className);

                // Test to see if the class is already on the classpath.
                try {
                    // If we can load the shim directly, we just do so. In this case,
                    // there's no need to update the Configuration's classloader,
                    // because we didn't modify the classloader stack.
                    return getShimInstance(className, xface);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Not already present. We'll need to load a jar for this.
                    // Ignore this exception.

                try {
                    LOG.debug("Searching for jar matching: " + jarPattern);
                    loadMatchingShimJar(jarPattern, className);
                    LOG.debug("Loading shim from jar");
                    T shim = getShimInstance(className, xface);

                    if (null != conf) {
                        // Set the context classloader for the base Configuration to
                        // the current one, so we can load more classes from the shim jar.

                    return shim;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not load shim in class " + className, e);

        throw new RuntimeException("Could not find appropriate Hadoop shim for " + version);

     * Check the current classloader to see if it can load the prescribed
     * class name as an instance of 'xface'. If so, create an instance of
     * the class and return it.
     * @param className the shim class to attempt to instantiate.
     * @param xface the interface it must implement.
     * @return an instance of className.
    private static <T> T getShimInstance(String className, Class<T> xface)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        Class clazz = Class.forName(className, true, cl);
        return xface.cast(clazz.newInstance());

     * Look through the shim directory for a jar matching 'jarPattern'
     * and classload it.
     * @param jarPattern a regular expression which the shim jar's filename
     * must match.
     * @param className a class to classload from the jar.
    private static void loadMatchingShimJar(String jarPattern, String className) throws IOException {
        String jarFilename;

        String shimDirName = System.getProperty(SHIM_JAR_DIR_PROPERTY, ".");
        File shimDir = new File(shimDirName);
        if (!shimDir.exists()) {
            throw new IOException("No such shim directory: " + shimDirName);

        String[] candidates = shimDir.list();
        if (null == candidates) {
            throw new IOException("Could not list shim directory: " + shimDirName);

        for (String candidate : candidates) {
            if (candidate.matches(jarPattern)) {
                LOG.debug("Found jar matching pattern " + jarPattern + ": " + candidate);
                File jarFile = new File(shimDir, candidate);
                String jarFileName = jarFile.toString();
                ClassLoaderStack.addJarFile(jarFileName, className);
                LOG.debug("Successfully pushed classloader for jar: " + jarFileName);

        throw new IOException("Could not load shim jar for pattern: " + jarPattern);

    private ShimLoader() {
        // prevent instantiation

     * Given the name of a class, try to load the shim jars and return the Class
     * object referring to that class.
     * @param className a class to load out of the shim jar
     * @return the class object loaded from the shim jar for the given class.
    public static <T> Class<? extends T> getShimClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        getHadoopShim(); // Make sure shims are loaded.
        return (Class<? extends T>) Class.forName(className, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());