Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 * Copyright (c) 2015 IBM Corp. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import com.cloudant.client.internal.DatabaseURIHelper; import com.cloudant.client.internal.URIBase; import; import com.cloudant.http.Http; import com.cloudant.http.HttpConnection; import com.cloudant.http.HttpConnectionRequestInterceptor; import com.cloudant.http.HttpConnectionResponseInterceptor; import com.cloudant.http.interceptors.HttpConnectionInterceptorException; import com.cloudant.http.internal.DefaultHttpUrlConnectionFactory; import com.cloudant.http.internal.ok.OkHttpClientHttpUrlConnectionFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.squareup.okhttp.ConnectionPool; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Contains a Client Public API implementation. * * @author Ahmed Yehia * @see CouchDbClient */ public class CouchDbClient { static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CouchDbClient.class.getCanonicalName()); private Gson gson; private URI clientUri; private List<HttpConnectionRequestInterceptor> requestInterceptors; private List<HttpConnectionResponseInterceptor> responseInterceptors; private HttpConnection.HttpUrlConnectionFactory factory = (OkHttpClientHttpUrlConnectionFactory.isOkUsable()) ? new OkHttpClientHttpUrlConnectionFactory() : new DefaultHttpUrlConnectionFactory(); CouchDbClient(CouchDbConfig config) { final CouchDbProperties props = config.getProperties(); try { this.clientUri = props.getCouchDbURL().toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error converting account URL to URI.", e); } this.gson = GsonHelper.initGson(new GsonBuilder()).create(); //if OkHttp is available then use it for connection pooling, otherwise default to the //JVM built-in pooling for HttpUrlConnection if (OkHttpClientHttpUrlConnectionFactory.isOkUsable() && props.getMaxConnections() > 0) { OkHttpClientHttpUrlConnectionFactory factory = new OkHttpClientHttpUrlConnectionFactory(); //keep connections open for as long as possible, anything over 2.5 minutes will be //longer than the server ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool(props.getMaxConnections(), TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(3)); factory.getOkHttpClient().setConnectionPool(pool); this.factory = factory; } else { factory = new DefaultHttpUrlConnectionFactory(); } //set the proxy if it has been configured if (props.getProxyURL() != null) { factory.setProxy(props.getProxyURL()); } this.requestInterceptors = new ArrayList<HttpConnectionRequestInterceptor>(); this.responseInterceptors = new ArrayList<HttpConnectionResponseInterceptor>(); if (props.getRequestInterceptors() != null) { this.requestInterceptors.addAll(props.getRequestInterceptors()); } if (props.getResponseInterceptors() != null) { this.responseInterceptors.addAll(props.getResponseInterceptors()); } } /** * Constructs a new instance of this class. * * @param properties An object containing configuration properties. * @see {@link CouchDbProperties} */ public CouchDbClient(CouchDbProperties properties) { this(new CouchDbConfig(properties)); } /** * Shuts down and releases resources used by this couchDbClient instance. * Note: Apache's httpclient was replaced by HttpUrlConnection. * Connection manager is no longer used. */ public void shutdown() { // Delete the cookie _session if there is one HttpConnection conn = execute(Http.DELETE(new URIBase(clientUri).path("_session").build())); // The execute method handles non-2xx response codes by throwing a CouchDbException. } /** * @return The base URI. */ public URI getBaseUri() { return new URIBase(clientUri).getUri(); } /** * Get an instance of Database class to perform DB operations * * @param name name of database to access * @param create flag indicating whether to create the database if it doesn't exist. * @return CouchDatabase object */ public CouchDatabase database(String name, boolean create) { return new CouchDatabase(this, name, create); } /** * Requests CouchDB deletes a database. * * @param dbName The database name * @param confirm A confirmation string with the value: <tt>delete database</tt> * @Deprecated Use {@link CouchDbClient#deleteDB(String)} */ @Deprecated public void deleteDB(String dbName, String confirm) { if (!"delete database".equals(confirm)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid confirm!"); } deleteDB(dbName); } /** * Requests CouchDB deletes a database. * * @param dbName The database name */ public void deleteDB(String dbName) { assertNotEmpty(dbName, "dbName"); delete(new DatabaseURIHelper(getBaseUri(), dbName).getDatabaseUri()); } /** * Requests CouchDB creates a new database; if one doesn't exist. * * @param dbName The Database name */ public void createDB(String dbName) { assertNotEmpty(dbName, "dbName"); InputStream is = null; final URI uri = new DatabaseURIHelper(getBaseUri(), dbName).getDatabaseUri(); try { is = get(uri); } catch (NoDocumentException e) { // db doesn't exist is = put(uri);"Created Database: '%s'", dbName)); } finally { close(is); } } /** * @return All Server databases. */ public List<String> getAllDbs() { InputStream instream = null; try { Type typeOfList = new TypeToken<List<String>>() { }.getType(); instream = get(new URIBase(clientUri).path("_all_dbs").build()); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(instream, "UTF-8"); return getGson().fromJson(reader, typeOfList); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // This should never happen as every implementation of the java platform is required // to support UTF-8. throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { close(instream); } } /** * @return DB Server version. */ public String serverVersion() { InputStream instream = null; try { instream = get(getBaseUri()); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(instream, "UTF-8"); return getAsString(new JsonParser().parse(reader).getAsJsonObject(), "version"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // This should never happen as every implementation of the java platform is required // to support UTF-8. throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { close(instream); } } /** * Provides access to CouchDB <tt>replication</tt> APIs. * * @see Replication */ public Replication replication() { return new Replication(this); } /** * Provides access to the <tt>replicator database</tt>. * * @see Replicator */ public Replicator replicator() { return new Replicator(this); } /** * Request a database sends a list of UUIDs. * * @param count The count of UUIDs. */ public List<String> uuids(long count) { final URI uri = new URIBase(clientUri).path("_uuids").query("count", count).build(); final JsonObject json = get(uri, JsonObject.class); return getGson().fromJson(json.get("uuids").toString(), new TypeToken<List<String>>() { }.getType()); } /** * Executes a HTTP request. * <p><b>Note</b>: The stream must be closed after use to release the connection. * * @param connection The HTTP request to execute. * @return Class type of object T (i.e. {@link Response} */ public Response executeToResponse(HttpConnection connection) { InputStream is = null; try { is = this.executeToInputStream(connection); Response response = getResponse(is, Response.class, getGson()); response.setStatusCode(connection.getConnection().getResponseCode()); response.setReason(connection.getConnection().getResponseMessage()); return response; } catch (IOException e) { throw new CouchDbException("Error retrieving response code or message.", e); } finally { close(is); } } /** * Performs a HTTP DELETE request. * * @return {@link Response} */ Response delete(URI uri) { HttpConnection connection = Http.DELETE(uri); return executeToResponse(connection); } /** * Performs a HTTP GET request. * * @return Input stream with response */ public InputStream get(URI uri) { HttpConnection httpConnection = Http.GET(uri); return executeToInputStream(httpConnection); } /** * Performs a HTTP GET request. * * @return Class type of object T (i.e. {@link Response} */ public <T> T get(URI uri, Class<T> classType) { HttpConnection connection = Http.GET(uri); InputStream response = executeToInputStream(connection); return getResponse(response, classType, getGson()); } /** * Performs a HTTP HEAD request. * * @return {@link Response} */ InputStream head(URI uri) { HttpConnection connection = Http.HEAD(uri); return executeToInputStream(connection); } /** * Performs a HTTP PUT request, saves or updates a document. * This defaults to "application/json" content type. * * @return Input stream with response */ InputStream put(URI uri) { return put(uri, "application/json"); } /** * Performs a HTTP PUT request with content type, saves or updates a document. * * @return Input stream with response */ InputStream put(URI uri, String contentType) { HttpConnection connection = Http.PUT(uri, contentType); return executeToInputStream(connection); } /** * Performs a HTTP PUT request, saves an attachment. * * @return {@link Response} */ Response put(URI uri, InputStream instream, String contentType) { HttpConnection connection = Http.PUT(uri, contentType); connection.setRequestBody(instream); return executeToResponse(connection); } /** * Performs a HTTP PUT request, saves or updates a document. * * @param object Object for updating request * @param newEntity If true, saves a new document. Else, updates an existing one. * @return {@link Response} */ public Response put(URI uri, Object object, boolean newEntity) { return put(uri, object, newEntity, -1); } /** * Performs a HTTP PUT request, saves or updates a document. * * @param object Object for updating request * @param newEntity If true, saves a new document. Else, updates an existing one. * @return {@link Response} */ public Response put(URI uri, Object object, boolean newEntity, int writeQuorum) { assertNotEmpty(object, "object"); final JsonObject json = getGson().toJsonTree(object).getAsJsonObject(); String id = getAsString(json, "_id"); String rev = getAsString(json, "_rev"); if (newEntity) { // save assertNull(rev, "rev"); id = (id == null) ? generateUUID() : id; } else { // update assertNotEmpty(id, "id"); assertNotEmpty(rev, "rev"); } URI httpUri = null; if (writeQuorum > -1) { httpUri = new DatabaseURIHelper(uri).documentUri(id, "w", writeQuorum); } else { httpUri = new DatabaseURIHelper(uri).documentUri(id); } HttpConnection connection = Http.PUT(httpUri, "application/json"); connection.setRequestBody(json.toString()); return executeToResponse(connection); } /** * Performs a HTTP POST request with JSON request body. * * @return Input stream with response */ public InputStream post(URI uri, String json) { HttpConnection connection = Http.POST(uri, "application/json"); if (json != null && !json.isEmpty()) { connection.setRequestBody(json); } return executeToInputStream(connection); } // Helpers /** * Sets a {@link GsonBuilder} to create {@link Gson} instance. * <p>Useful for registering custom serializers/deserializers, such as JodaTime classes. */ public void setGsonBuilder(GsonBuilder gsonBuilder) { this.gson = GsonHelper.initGson(gsonBuilder).create(); } /** * @return The Gson instance. */ public Gson getGson() { return gson; } /** * Execute a HTTP request and handle common error cases. * * @param connection the HttpConnection request to execute * @return the executed HttpConnection * @throws CouchDbException for HTTP error codes or if an IOException was thrown */ public HttpConnection execute(HttpConnection connection) { //set our HttpUrlFactory on the connection connection.connectionFactory = factory; // all CouchClient requests want to receive application/json responses connection.requestProperties.put("Accept", "application/json"); connection.responseInterceptors.addAll(this.responseInterceptors); connection.requestInterceptors.addAll(this.requestInterceptors); InputStream es = null; // error stream - response from server for a 500 etc // first try to execute our request and get the input stream with the server's response // we want to catch IOException because HttpUrlConnection throws these for non-success // responses (eg 404 throws a FileNotFoundException) but we need to map to our own // specific exceptions try { try { connection = connection.execute(); } catch (HttpConnectionInterceptorException e) { CouchDbException exception = new CouchDbException(connection.getConnection().getResponseMessage(), connection.getConnection().getResponseCode()); exception.error = e.error; exception.reason = e.reason; throw exception; } int code = connection.getConnection().getResponseCode(); String response = connection.getConnection().getResponseMessage(); // everything ok? return the stream if (code / 100 == 2) { // success [200,299] return connection; } else { final CouchDbException ex; switch (code) { case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND: //404 ex = new NoDocumentException(response); break; case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT: //409 ex = new DocumentConflictException(response); break; case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PRECON_FAILED: //412 ex = new PreconditionFailedException(response); break; default: ex = new CouchDbException(response, code); break; } es = connection.getConnection().getErrorStream(); //if there is an error stream try to deserialize into the typed exception if (es != null) { //read the error stream into memory byte[] errorResponse = IOUtils.toByteArray(es); Class<? extends CouchDbException> exceptionClass = ex.getClass(); //treat the error as JSON and try to deserialize try { //Register an InstanceCreator that returns the existing exception so we can //just populate the fields, but not ignore the constructor. //Uses a new Gson so we don't accidentally recycle an exception. Gson g = new GsonBuilder() .registerTypeAdapter(exceptionClass, new InstanceCreator<CouchDbException>() { @Override public CouchDbException createInstance(Type type) { return ex; } }).create(); //now populate the exception with the error/reason other info from JSON g.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(errorResponse), "UTF-8"), exceptionClass); } catch (JsonParseException e) { //the error stream was not JSON so just set the string content as the error // field on ex before we throw it ex.error = new String(errorResponse, "UTF-8"); } } throw ex; } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new CouchDbException("Error retrieving server response", ioe); } finally { close(es); } } /** * Execute the HttpConnection request and return the InputStream if there were no errors. * * @param connection the request HttpConnection * @return InputStream from the HttpConnection response * @throws CouchDbException for HTTP error codes or if there was an IOException */ public InputStream executeToInputStream(HttpConnection connection) throws CouchDbException { try { return execute(connection).responseAsInputStream(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new CouchDbException("Error retrieving server response", ioe); } } }