Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Citrix Online LLC
 * All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
 * reproduction, modification, or disclosure of this program is
 * strictly prohibited. Any use of this program by an authorized
 * licensee is strictly subject to the terms and conditions,
 * including confidentiality obligations, set forth in the applicable
 * License and Co-Branding Agreement between Citrix Online LLC and
 * the licensee.

package com.citrix.g2w.webdriver.pages;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

import com.citrix.g2w.webdriver.PropertyUtil;
import com.citrix.g2w.webdriver.TestLogger;
import com.citrix.g2w.webdriver.pages.recordings.MyRecordingsPage;
import com.citrix.g2w.webdriver.pages.reports.GenerateReportsPage;

public abstract class BasePage {

     * web element used to get catalogs page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[@href='/webinar/catalogs.tmpl']")
    private WebElement catalogsPageLink;
     * instance variable store default timeout value.
    protected final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30;
     * instance variable store download path value.
    protected final String DOWNLOAD_PATH = "src/test/resources/tests/data";
     * instance object variable store driver details.
    protected WebDriver driver;
     * web element used to store generate reports page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[@href='/reporting/generateReports.tmpl']")
    private WebElement generateReportsPageLink;
     * By element for header title of a page.
    private final By headerTitle = By.xpath("//div/h1");

     * instance object variable store locale details.
    protected Locale locale;
     * instance object variable for logger.
    protected TestLogger logger = new TestLogger();
     * instance object variable for resource bundle message source.
    protected ResourceBundleMessageSource messages;
     * instance object variable for broker resource bundle message source.
    protected ResourceBundleMessageSource brokerMessages;
     * web element used to store my recordings page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[contains(@href,'/recordings.tmpl')]")
    private WebElement myRecordingsPageLink;
     * web element used to store my webinar page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[contains(@href,'/webinars.tmpl')]")
    private WebElement myWebinarPageLink;
     * instance object variable for property util.
    protected PropertyUtil propertyUtil;
     * instance variable store report format for csv.
    protected final String REPORT_FORMAT_CSV = "CSV";
     * instance variable store report formate for xls.
    protected final String REPORT_FORMAT_XLS = "XLS";
     * instance variable store resource location.
    protected final String RESOURCE_LOCATION = "src/test/resources/tests/data/";
     * web element used to store schedule webinar page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[@href='/schedule.tmpl']")
    WebElement scheduleWebinarPageLink;
    //@FindBy(xpath = "//a[contains(@href,'/schedule.tmpl')]")
    //WebElement scheduleWebinarPageLink;

     * web element for GoToWebinar page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[@id='g2wLink']")
    WebElement gotoWebinarPageLink;

     * web element for myAccount page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//li[@id='account']/a")
    WebElement myAccountPageLink;

     * web element used to store settings page link.
    @FindBy(xpath = "//a[@href='/settings.tmpl']")
    WebElement settingsPageLink;

     * instance variable to get webinar key.
    protected String webinarKey;

     * Constructor to initialize property utils and localized message objects.
    public BasePage() {
        this.propertyUtil = new PropertyUtil();
        this.locale = StringUtils.parseLocaleString(this.propertyUtil.getProperty("environment.locale"));
        this.messages = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
        this.messages.setBasenames(new String[] { "messages/attendee/messages", "messages/broker/messages-g2w" });
        this.brokerMessages = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
        this.brokerMessages.setBasenames(new String[] { "messages/broker/messages-g2w" });

     * Method to age webinar timings by subtracting the milli seconds given as a
     * parameter.
     * @param connection
     *            (Connection object)
     * @param subtractMillis
     *            (milli seconds to be subtracted)
    public void ageWebinar(final Connection connection, final long subtractMillis) {
        this.logger.log("Aging the webinar by milli seconds : " + subtractMillis);
        try {
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            String query = "update webinartimes set startdate = startdate - " + subtractMillis
                    + ", enddate = enddate - " + subtractMillis + " where webinarKey = " + this.webinarKey;
            try {
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
            } finally {
                if (stmt != null) {

        } catch (SQLException e) {

     * Method : Navigate to Generate report page.
     * @return GenerateReportsPage Object
    public GenerateReportsPage gotoGenerateReportsPage() {;
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Navigate to Generate Report Page", this.driver);
        return new GenerateReportsPage(this.driver);

     * Method to age webinar timings by subtracting the milli seconds given as a
     * parameter for a particular webinar.
     * @param connection
     *            (Connection object)
     * @param subtractMillis
     *            (milli seconds to be subtracted)
     * @param webinarKey
     *            (webinar key)
    public void ageWebinar(final Connection connection, final long subtractMillis, final Long webinarKey) {
        this.logger.log("Aging the webinar by milli seconds : " + subtractMillis);
        try {
            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            String query = "update webinartimes set startdate = startdate - " + subtractMillis
                    + ", enddate = enddate - " + subtractMillis + " where webinarKey = " + webinarKey;
            try {
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
            } finally {
                if (stmt != null) {

        } catch (SQLException e) {

     * Method to age webinar timings after running session by subtracting the
     * milli seconds given as a parameter. This is done in Active schema.
     * <ol>
     * Tables updated are :
     * <li>WEBINARTIMES</li>
     * <li>MEETINGS</li>
     * <li>MEETINGTIMES</li>
     * <li>COMMSESSIONS</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param connection
     *            (Connection object)
     * @param hrsToAge
     *            (hrs to age)
     * @param webinarKey
     *            (webinar Key)
     * @param webinarId
     *            (webinar id)
    public void ageWebinarTimesInActiveSchema(final Connection connection, final long hrsToAge,
            final Long webinarKey, final Long webinarId) {
        this.logger.log("Aging the webinar after running the session by : " + -(hrsToAge) + "hrs");
        Long milliSecondsToAge = hrsToAge * 3600000;
        try {

            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            String query = "";

            try {

                this.logger.log("Update the WebinarTimes in Active DB to age the webinar times");
                query = "update webinartimes set startdate = startdate - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + ", enddate = enddate - " + milliSecondsToAge + " where webinarKey = " + webinarKey;
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

                // wait for 5 sec to reflect the txn's

                this.logger.log("Update time fields in MEETINGS in Active DB");
                stmt = null;
                query = "update meetings set scheduledstarttime = scheduledstarttime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + ", scheduledendtime = scheduledendtime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + ", lastusetime = lastusetime -" + milliSecondsToAge
                        + ", expirationtime = expirationtime - " + milliSecondsToAge + " where amid = " + webinarId;
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

                // wait for 5 sec to reflect the txn's

                this.logger.log("Update time fields in MEETINGTIMES in Active DB");
                stmt = null;
                query = "update meetingtimes mt " + "set mt.scheduledstarttime = mt.scheduledstarttime - "
                        + milliSecondsToAge + ", mt.scheduledendtime = mt.scheduledendtime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + " where exists (select 1 from meetings m where m.amid = " + webinarId
                        + " AND m.meetingkey = mt.meetingkey)";
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

                // wait for 5 sec to reflect the txn's

                this.logger.log("Update time fields in MEETINGSESSIONINFO in Active DB");
                stmt = null;
                query = "update meetingsessioninfo ms set ms.starttime = ms.starttime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + ", ms.endtime = ms.endtime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + " where exists (select 1 from meetings m where m.amid = " + webinarId
                        + " AND m.meetingkey = ms.meetingkey)";
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

                // wait for 5 sec to reflect the txn's

                this.logger.log("Update time fields in COMMSESSIONS in Active DB");
                stmt = null;
                query = "update commsessions cs set cs.createtime =  cs.createtime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + ", cs.deletetime =  cs.deletetime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + " where exists (select 1 from meetings m, meetingsessioninfo ms " + "where m.amid = "
                        + webinarId + " AND m.meetingkey = ms.meetingkey and ms.sessionkey = cs.sessionkey)";
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

            } catch (SQLException e) {
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            } finally {
                if (stmt != null) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

     * Method to age webinar timings after running session by subtracting the
     * milli seconds given as a parameter. This is done in Historical schema.
     * <ol>
     * Tables updated are :
     * </ol>
     * @param connection
     *            (Connection object)
     * @param hrsToAge
     *            (hrs to age)
     * @param webinarKey
     *            (webinar Key)
     * @param webinarId
     *            (webinar id)
    public void ageWebinarTimesInHistoricSchema(final Connection connection, final long hrsToAge,
            final Long webinarKey, final Long webinarId) {
        this.logger.log("Aging the webinar after running the session by : " + -(hrsToAge) + "hrs");
        Long milliSecondsToAge = hrsToAge * 3600000;
        try {

            PreparedStatement stmt = null;
            String query = "";

            try {

                this.logger.log("Update the WebinarTimeEvents in Historic DB");
                query = "update WEBINARTIMEEVENTS set startdate = startdate - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + ", enddate = enddate - " + milliSecondsToAge + " where webinarKey = " + webinarKey;
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

                // wait for 5 sec to reflect the txn's

                this.logger.log("Update time fields in ORGANIZERSESSIONEVENTS in Historic DB");
                stmt = null;
                query = "update ORGANIZERSESSIONEVENTS " + "set sessionstarttime = sessionstarttime - "
                        + milliSecondsToAge + ", sessionendtime = sessionendtime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + " where amid = " + webinarId;
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

                // wait for 5 sec to reflect the txn's

                this.logger.log("Update time fields in WebinarSessionEnds in Historic DB");
                stmt = null;
                query = "update webinarsessionends set sessionendtime = sessionendtime - " + milliSecondsToAge
                        + " where amid = " + webinarId;
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

                // wait for 5 sec to reflect the txn's

                this.logger.log("Update time fields in WebinarSessionStarts in Historic DB");
                stmt = null;
                query = "update webinarsessionstarts ts " + "set ts.sessionstarttime = ts.sessionstarttime - "
                        + milliSecondsToAge
                        + " where exists (select 1 from ORGANIZERSESSIONEVENTS te where te.amid = " + webinarId
                        + " AND te.sessionkey = ts.sessionkey)";
                stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);

            } catch (SQLException e) {
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            } finally {
                if (stmt != null) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

     * Method to change time zone on registration page.
     * @param timeZone
     *            (time zone name)
    public void changeTimeZone(final String timeZone) {
        // click time zone button
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("time zone light box:", this.driver);
        Select dropdown = new Select(this.driver.findElement("timezone")));
        // click set timeZone
        // sleep for making changes available to page
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * method to clear element and enter text.
     * @param elements
     *            (web element to clear)
     * @param text
     *            (value to send)
    public void clearAndType(final WebElement elements, final String text) {

     * Method to close page
    public void close() {

     * Method used to compute date time text to desired date time text.
     * <ol>
     * <li>Input Format: Feb 02, 2014 11:00 PM PST</li>
     * <li>Output Format : Thu, Jan 9, 2014 11:00 PM - Fri, Jan 10, 2014 12:00
     * AM PST</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param dateTimeText
     *            (date and time in text format)
     * @return expectedDateTimeText
    public String computeDateTimeForRecurringWebinar(final String dateTimeText) {

        // Convert date time string to date time object and get the start & end
        // day of month.
        String timeZone = this.propertyUtil.getProperty("environment.timezone");
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        Date startDate = this.convertDateTextToObject(
                this.messages.getMessage("", null, this.locale),
                dateTimeText, timeZone);
        String startDayOfMonth = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long.formatted", null, this.locale),
                c.getTime(), timeZone);
        c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);
        Date endDate = c.getTime();
        String endDayOfMonth = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long.formatted", null, this.locale), endDate,

        // Convert start date time object to desired string format.
        String formattedStartDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                this.messages.getMessage("", null, this.locale),
                startDate, timeZone);

        // condition to check whether end date fall in same day or another day
        // and pick date format accordingly and convert end date to string
        // format
        String formattedEndDate = "";
        if (Integer.parseInt(startDayOfMonth) != Integer.parseInt(endDayOfMonth)) {
            formattedEndDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(this.messages.getMessage(
                    "", null, this.locale), endDate, timeZone);
        } else {
            formattedEndDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(this.messages.getMessage(
                    "", null, this.locale), endDate, timeZone);

        // Get the expected date and time in string format.
        String expectedDateTimeText = formattedStartDate.trim() + " - " + formattedEndDate;
        return expectedDateTimeText;

     * Method used to convert date time text to desired date time text along
     * with specified time zone.
     * <ol>
     * <li>Input Format: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM PST</li>
     * <li>Input Format : Thu, Jan 9, 2014 11:00 PM - Fri, Jan 10, 2014 12:00 AM
     * PST</li>
     * <li>Input Time Zone Format: US/Pacific (for pacific region)</li>
     * <li>Output Format: Friday, January 10, 2014 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM PST</li>
     * <li>Output Format: Thursday, January 9, 2014 11:00 PM - Friday, January
     * 10, 2014 12:00 AM PST</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param dateTimeText
     *            (date and time in text format)
     * @param toTimeZone
     *            (conversion time zone id)
     * @return expectedDateTimeText
    public String computeWebinarDurationInTimeZone(final String dateTimeText, final String toTimeZone) {

        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        int timeZonePosition = dateTimeText.lastIndexOf(" ");
        String timeZoneText = dateTimeText.substring(timeZonePosition + 1);
        String[] dateArray = dateTimeText.split("-");
        String startDateTimeText = this.convertDateTextBasedOnPattern(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long", null, this.locale),
                dateArray[0].trim() + " " + timeZoneText.trim(), toTimeZone);
        String endDateTimeText = "";
        if (dateArray[1].length() <= 13) {
            endDateTimeText = this.convertDateTextBasedOnPattern(
                    this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.short", null, this.locale),
                    startDateTimeText, toTimeZone);
            endDateTimeText = endDateTimeText + " " + dateArray[1].trim();
        } else {
            endDateTimeText = dateArray[1].trim();
        Date startDate = this.convertDateTextToObject(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long", null, this.locale), startDateTimeText,
        String startDayOfMonth = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long.formatted", null, this.locale),
                c.getTime(), toTimeZone);
        Date endDate = this.convertDateTextToObject(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long", null, this.locale), endDateTimeText,
        String endDayOfMonth = "";
        if (startDate.after(endDate)) {
            c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
            endDayOfMonth = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                    this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long.formatted", null, this.locale),
                    c.getTime(), toTimeZone);
        } else {
            endDayOfMonth = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                    this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long.formatted", null, this.locale),
                    c.getTime(), toTimeZone);
        String formattedStartDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long", null, this.locale), startDate,
        String formattedEndDate = "";
        if ((Integer.parseInt(startDayOfMonth) != Integer.parseInt(endDayOfMonth))) {
            formattedEndDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                    this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.end.diffDay", null, this.locale), endDate,
        } else {
            formattedEndDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                    this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.end.sameDay", null, this.locale), endDate,

        // Get the expected date and time in string format.
        String expectedDateTimeText = formattedStartDate.substring(0, formattedStartDate.lastIndexOf(" ")).trim()
                + " - " + formattedEndDate;
        return expectedDateTimeText;

     * Method used to convert date object to string date format.
     * @param pattern  (The pattern of the date time parameter)
     * @param dateTime (Date and time format to format)
     * @param timeZone (time zone)
     * @return formattedDate (formatted date in string)
    public String convertDateObjectToText(final String pattern, final Date dateTime, final String timeZone) {
        String formattedDate = null;
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, this.locale);
        try {
            formattedDate = sdf.format(dateTime);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return formattedDate;

     * Method to convert date text based on pattern.
     * @param pattern
     *            (The pattern of the date time parameter)
     * @param dateTimeString
     *            (Date and time format in String)
     * @param timeZone
     *            (time zone)
     * @return formatted date based on pattern
    public String convertDateTextBasedOnPattern(final String pattern, final String dateTimeString,
            final String timeZone) {
        Date date = null;
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, this.locale);
        try {
            date = sdf.parse(dateTimeString);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        return sdf.format(c.getTime());

     * Method used to convert string date format to date object.
     * @param pattern
     *            (The pattern of the date time string parameter)
     * @param dateTimeString
     *            (Date and time format in String)
     * @param timeZone
     *            (time zone)
     * @return Date (date object)
    public Date convertDateTextToObject(final String pattern, final String dateTimeString, final String timeZone) {
        Date date = null;
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, this.locale);
        try {
            date = sdf.parse(dateTimeString);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        return c.getTime();

     * Method used to convert date time object to string date format.
     * @param pattern  (The pattern of the date time parameter)
     * @param dateTime (Date and time format to format)
     * @return formattedDate (formatted date in string)
    public String convertDateTimeObjectToText(final String pattern, final DateTime dateTime) {
        DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern);
        String formattedDate = dateFormat.withLocale(this.locale).print(dateTime);
        return formattedDate;

     * Method used to convert string date format to date time object.
     * @param pattern
     *            (The pattern of the date time string parameter)
     * @param dateTimeString
     *            (Date and time format in String)
     * @return dateTime (date time object)
    public DateTime convertDateTimeTextToObject(final String pattern, final String dateTimeString) {
        DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern);
        DateTime dateTime = format.withLocale(this.locale).parseDateTime(dateTimeString);
        return dateTime;

     * Method to find clickable element.
     * @param by
     *            (by element)
     * @return (clickable element)
    public WebElement findClickableElement(final By by) {
        WebElement clickableElement;
        try {
            clickableElement = (new WebDriverWait(this.driver, this.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
        } catch (Throwable cause) {
            String errorMessage = "Could not find clickable element: " + by.toString();
            this.logger.logWithScreenShot("findClickableElement failed.", this.driver);
            throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
        return clickableElement;

     * Method to find presence of the element in page.
     * @param by
     *            (by element to be visible in page)
     * @param timeoutInSeconds
     *            (timeout value in seconds)
     * @return presenceOfElement (Web element object of the presence element)
    public WebElement findPresenceOfElement(final By by, final int timeoutInSeconds) {
        WebElement presenceOfElement;
        try {
            presenceOfElement = (new WebDriverWait(this.driver, timeoutInSeconds))
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errorMessage = "Could not find presence of element: " + by.toString();
            this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Could not find presence of element: " + by.toString(), this.driver);
            throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
        return presenceOfElement;

     * Method to find presence of the elements in page.
     * @param by
     *            (by element to be visible in page)
     * @param timeoutInSeconds
     *            (timeout value in seconds)
     * @return presenceOfElement (Web element object of the presence element)
    public List<WebElement> findPresenceOfElements(final By by, final int timeoutInSeconds) {
        List<WebElement> presenceOfElements;
        try {
            presenceOfElements = (new WebDriverWait(this.driver, timeoutInSeconds))
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errorMessage = "Could not find presence of elements: " + by.toString();
            this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Could not find presence of elements: ", this.driver);
            throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
        return presenceOfElements;

     * Method to find presence of inner text for the elements in page.
     * Can be used when elements vissibiliy is changed dynamically to make sure
     * that inner text is vissible.
     * @param by
     * @param timeoutInSeconds
     * @return presenceOfElements
    public List<WebElement> findPresenceOfInnerTextForElements(final By by, final int timeoutInSeconds) {
        List<WebElement> presenceOfElements;
        final int waitForElement = timeoutInSeconds / 5;
        try {
            presenceOfElements = (new WebDriverWait(this.driver, timeoutInSeconds))
                    .until(new ExpectedCondition<List<WebElement>>() {
                        public List<WebElement> apply(WebDriver driver) {
                            try {
                                List<WebElement> elements = findPresenceOfElements(by, waitForElement);
                                for (WebElement element : elements) {
                                    if (!StringUtils.hasText(element.getText())) {
                                        return null;
                                return elements.size() > 0 ? elements : null;
                            } catch (Throwable e) {
                                return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Could not find presence of elements: " + by.toString(), this.driver);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return presenceOfElements;

     * Method to find visible element.
     * @param by
     *            (by element)
     * @return visibleElement (visible element)
    public WebElement findVisibleElement(final By by) {
        WebElement visibleElement;
        try {
            visibleElement = (new WebDriverWait(this.driver, this.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT))
        } catch (Throwable cause) {
            String errorMessage = "Could not find visible element: " + by.toString();
            this.logger.logWithScreenShot("findVisibleElement failed.", this.driver);
            throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
        return visibleElement;

     * Method to find visible element in the page.
     * @param by
     *            (by element to be visible in page)
     * @param timeoutInSeconds
     *            (timeout value in seconds)
     * @return visibleElement (Web element object of the visible element)
    public WebElement findVisibleElement(final By by, final int timeoutInSeconds) {
        WebElement visibleElement;
        try {
            visibleElement = (new WebDriverWait(this.driver, timeoutInSeconds))
        } catch (Throwable clause) {
            String errorMessage = "Could not find visible element: " + by.toString();
            this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Could not find visible element: ", this.driver);
            throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
        return visibleElement;

     * Method to get absolute file path.
     * @param fileName
     *            // * Name Of the file.
     * @return The absolute pathname string denoting the same file.
    public String getAbsoluteFilePath(final String fileName) {
        File file = new File(this.RESOURCE_LOCATION + fileName);
        return file.getAbsolutePath();

     * Method to get aged date time.
     * @param dateTime
     *            (date time)
     * @return agedDateTime
    public DateTime getAgedDateTime(final DateTime dateTime) {
        DateTimeZone californiaTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID(this.propertyUtil.getProperty("environment.timezone"));
        DateTime agedDateTime = this.getGMTDateTime(dateTime);
        agedDateTime = new DateTime(agedDateTime, californiaTimeZone);
        return agedDateTime;

     * Method to get aged date time.
     * @param numberOfDays
     *            (number of days to age)
     * @return agedDateTime
    public DateTime getAgedDateTime(final int numberOfDays) {
        DateTimeZone californiaTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID(this.propertyUtil.getProperty("environment.timezone"));
        DateTime agedDateTime = this.getGMTDateTime().plusDays(numberOfDays);
        agedDateTime = new DateTime(agedDateTime, californiaTimeZone);
        return agedDateTime;

     * Method used to get current date and time.
     * @return currentDate (current date and time)
    public DateTime getDateTime() {
        DateTimeZone californiaTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID(this.propertyUtil.getProperty("environment.timezone"));
        DateTime currentDate = new DateTime(this.getGMTDateTime(), californiaTimeZone);
        return currentDate;

     * Method to create date and time object based on input. By default 1 hour
     * will be added if hrs parameter is 0.
     * @param days
     *            (create date and time object based on number of days)
     * @param hrs
     *            (create date and time object based on number of hours)
     * @param mins
     *            (create date and time object based on number of minutes)
     * @return startDate (return date and time object based on the parameters)
    public DateTime getDateTime(final int days, final int hrs, final int mins) {
        DateTime startDate = this.getDateTime();
        if (startDate.getMinuteOfHour() < 60) {
            startDate = this.getAgedDateTime(startDate.plusDays(days)).plusHours(hrs + 1).withMinuteOfHour(mins)
        return startDate;

     * Method used to get expected date format based on the date time text in
     * manage webinar page.
     * <ol>
     * <li>Input Format: Fri, Jan 10, 2014 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM PST</li>
     * <li>Input Format : Thu, Jan 9, 2014 11:00 PM - Fri, Jan 10, 2014 12:00 AM
     * PST</li>
     * <li>Output Format: Friday, January 10, 2014 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM PST</li>
     * <li>Output Format: Thursday, January 9, 2014 11:00 PM - Friday, January
     * 10, 2014 12:00 AM PST</li>
     * </ol>
     * @param dateTimeText
     *            (date and time in text format)
     * @return expectedDateTimeText
    public String getDateTimeAsText(final String dateTimeText) {

        int timeZonePosition = dateTimeText.lastIndexOf(" ");
        String timeZoneText = dateTimeText.substring(timeZonePosition + 1);

        // Split date time string to construct desired format.
        String[] dateTimeArray = dateTimeText.split("-");

        // Convert date time string to date time object and get the start day
        // of month.
        String timeZone = this.propertyUtil.getProperty("environment.timezone");
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        Date startDate = this.convertDateTextToObject(this.messages
                .getMessage("", null, this.locale),
                dateTimeArray[0].trim() + " " + timeZoneText, timeZone);
        String startDayOfMonth = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long.formatted", null, this.locale),
                c.getTime(), timeZone);
        Date endDate = null;
        String endDayOfMonth = startDayOfMonth;
        if (dateTimeArray[1].trim().length() > 12) {
            endDate = this.convertDateTextToObject(this.messages
                    .getMessage("", null, this.locale),
                    dateTimeArray[1].trim(), timeZone);
            endDayOfMonth = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                    this.messages.getMessage("date.format.registrant.start.long.formatted", null, this.locale),
                    endDate, timeZone);

        // Convert start date time object to desired string format.
        String formattedStartDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(
                this.messages.getMessage("", null, this.locale),
                startDate, timeZone);

        // condition to check whether end date fall in same day or another day
        // and pick date format accordingly and convert end date to string
        // format
        String formattedEndDate = dateTimeArray[1].trim();
        if (Integer.parseInt(startDayOfMonth) != Integer.parseInt(endDayOfMonth)) {
            formattedEndDate = this.convertDateObjectToText(this.messages
                    .getMessage("", null, this.locale),
                    endDate, timeZone);

        // Get the expected date and time in string format.
        String expectedDateTimeText = formattedStartDate + " - " + formattedEndDate;
        return expectedDateTimeText;

     * Method to return web driver object.
     * @return (driver object)
    public WebDriver getDriver() {
        return this.driver;

     * Method to get GMT date time.
     * @return gmtDateTime
    public DateTime getGMTDateTime() {
        DateTimeZone gmtTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID("GMT");
        DateTime gmtDateTime = new DateTime(gmtTimeZone);
        return gmtDateTime;

     * Method to get GMT date time.
     * @param dateTime
     *            (date time to convert to GMT date time)
     * @return gmtDateTime
    public DateTime getGMTDateTime(final DateTime dateTime) {
        DateTimeZone gmtTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID("GMT");
        DateTime gmtDateTime = new DateTime(dateTime, gmtTimeZone);
        return gmtDateTime;

     * Method to get header title for page.
     * @return headerTitle
    public String getHeaderTitleForPage() {
        String headerTitle = this.driver.findElement(this.headerTitle).getText();
        this.logger.log("Current page header title is : " + headerTitle);
        return headerTitle;

     * Method to get list of time zones
     * @return timeZonesList
    public List<String> getListOfTimeZones() {
        List<String> timeZonesList = new LinkedList<String>();
        /* commented due to failure in bamboo */
        // timeZonesList.add("America/Santiago");
        /* Commented out due to DST for 2014 but g2w shows no DST */
        // timeZonesList.add("Africa/Casablanca");
        /* Commented due to no DST but shows DST in g2w */
        // timeZonesList.add("Africa/Cairo");
        /* Commented due to no DST but shows DST in g2w */
        // timeZonesList.add("Asia/Karachi");
        /* commented due to failure in bamboo */
        // timeZonesList.add("America/Chicago");
        /* Commented out due to DST for 2014 but g2w shows no DST */
        // timeZonesList.add("America/Denver");
        return timeZonesList;

     * Method to return list of titles/get text for the given xpath.
     * @param xpath
     *            (xpath of elements)
     * @return List<String> list of titles of WebElements
    public List<String> getListOfTitlesForElementsWithGivenXPath(final String xpath) {
        this.logger.log("To get list of existing elements having xpath : " + xpath);
        List<String> listOfWebElementTitle = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<WebElement> listOfElements = (new WebDriverWait(this.driver, 30))
        for (WebElement element : listOfElements) {
            if (element.getText() != null && element.getText().length() > 0) {
        return listOfWebElementTitle;

     * Method to get the Locale.
     * @return Locale
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return this.locale;

     * Method to get the ResourceBundleMessageSource.
     * @return ResourceBundleMessageSource
    public ResourceBundleMessageSource getResourceBundleMessage() {
        return this.messages;

     * Method to get the tile.
     * @return title
    public String getTitle() {
        String title = this.driver.getTitle();
        this.logger.log("Title of the page is : " + title);
        return title;

     * Method used to create unique string.
     * @return unique String
    public String getUniqueString() {
        return new Date().getTime() + "-" + Thread.currentThread().getId();

     * Method : Navigate to Schedule a Webinar page.
     * @return ScheduleAWebinarPage Object
    public ScheduleAWebinarPage gotoScheduleWebinarPage() {

        System.out.println("gotoschedulewebnarpage method");

        driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);;
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Navigate to Schedule A Webinar Page", this.driver);
        return new ScheduleAWebinarPage(this.driver);

     * Method : Navigate to My Account Page.
     * @return MyAccountPage Object
    public MyAccountPage gotoMyAccountPage() {;
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Navigate to My Account Page", this.driver);
        return new MyAccountPage(this.driver);

     * Method : Navigate to GoToWebinar page.
    public void gotoWebinarPage() {;
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Navigate to GoToWebinar Page", this.driver);


     * Method : Navigate to Settings page.
     * @return SettingsPage Object
    public SettingsPage gotoSettingsPage() {;
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Navigate to Settings Page", this.driver);
        return new SettingsPage(this.driver);

     * Method : Navigate to MyWebinars page.
    public MyWebinarsPage gotoMyWebinarsPage() {;
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Navigate to GoToWebinar Page", this.driver);
        return new MyWebinarsPage(this.driver);

     * Specifies the amount of time the driver should wait.
     * @param timeOut
     *            The amount of time to wait.
     * @param unit
     *            The unit of measure for time.
    public void implicitlyWait(int timeOut, TimeUnit unit) {
        timeOut = (timeOut != 0 ? timeOut : this.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
        this.driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(timeOut, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

     * Method to logout of current account.
    public void logOut() {
        // Wait for login form to show up, don't do anything with returned value
        this.findVisibleElement("loginForm"), this.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

     * Method to navigate back.
    public void navigateBack() {
        this.logger.log("Navigate back");
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("After navigating back", this.driver);

     * Method to refresh page.
    public void refreshPage() {
        this.logger.log("Refresh the page");

     * Method to select an option in drop down.
     * @param optionValue
     *            (option value)
     * @param optionIndex
     *            (option index)
     * @param dropDownElemId
     *            (drop down element id to be selected)
    public void selectDropDown(final String optionValue, final int optionIndex, final String dropDownElemId) {
        this.logger.log("Select option :" + optionValue);
        String driverType = this.propertyUtil.getProperty("driver");
        if (driverType.equalsIgnoreCase("firefox") || driverType.equalsIgnoreCase("ghostdriver")) {
            Select dropDown = new Select(this.driver.findElement(;
        } else {
            this.driver.findElement( + "_trig")).click();
            String xpath = "//div[@id='" + dropDownElemId + "__menu']//li[" + optionIndex + "]";
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("After selecting option", this.driver);

     * Method to set the check box values.
     * @param checkBoxElement
     *            (element of check box)
     * @param check
     *            (boolean to select check box)
    public void setCheckBox(final WebElement checkBoxElement, final boolean check) {
        boolean isChecked = checkBoxElement.isSelected();
        if ((isChecked && !check) || (!isChecked && check)) {

     * Method to set the date value.
     * @param inputId
     *            (id of an element)
     * @param date
     *            (date object)
    public void setDate(final String inputId, final DateTime date) {
        DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat
                .forPattern(this.messages.getMessage("date.format.generateReport.startAndEnd", null, this.locale));
        ((JavascriptExecutor) this.driver).executeScript("document.getElementById('" + inputId + "').value = '"
                + fmt.withLocale(this.locale).print(date) + "'");

     * Method used to set start and end dates for custom report generation.
     * @param startDate
     *            (Start date for custom report)
     * @param endDate
     *            (End date for custom report)
    public void setDateRangeForReportGeneration(final DateTime startDate, final DateTime endDate) {
        DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat
                .forPattern(this.messages.getMessage("date.format.generateReport.startAndEnd", null, this.locale));
        if (startDate != null) {
            ((JavascriptExecutor) this.driver).executeScript("document.getElementById('from-date').value = '"
                    + fmt.withLocale(this.locale).print(startDate) + "'");
        if (endDate != null) {
            ((JavascriptExecutor) this.driver).executeScript("document.getElementById('to-date').value = '"
                    + fmt.withLocale(this.locale).print(endDate) + "'");

     * Method to switch window based on url.
     * @param url
     *            (url of window to be switched to)
    public void switchWindowBasedOnUrl(final String url) {
        for (String winHandle : this.driver.getWindowHandles()) {
            if (this.driver.getCurrentUrl().contains(url)) {
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("After switching window based on url : " + url, this.driver);

     * Method to navigate to My Recordings page
     * @return MyRecordingsPage (my recordings page object)
    public MyRecordingsPage gotoMyRecordingsPage() {;
        this.logger.logWithScreenShot("Navigating to my recordings page", this.driver);
        return new MyRecordingsPage(this.driver);