Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.chinamobile.bcbsp.bspcontroller; import; import; import; import; //import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; //import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; //import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin; import; import; import; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.Constants; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.client.BSPJobClient; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.client.BSPJobClient.RawSplit; import; //import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.pipes.Application; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.rpc.WorkerManagerProtocol; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.subgraph.util.MigrateVertexCommand; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.sync.GeneralSSController; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.sync.GeneralSSControllerInterface; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.sync.SuperStepCommand; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.sync.SuperStepReportContainer; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.thirdPartyInterface.HDFS.BSPFileSystem; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.thirdPartyInterface.HDFS.BSPLocalFileSystem; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.thirdPartyInterface.HDFS.impl.BSPFileSystemImpl; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.thirdPartyInterface.HDFS.impl.BSPHdfsImpl; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.thirdPartyInterface.HDFS.impl.BSPLocalFileSystemImpl; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.util.*; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.action.Directive; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.action.LaunchStaffAction; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.action.WorkerManagerAction; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.api.AggregateValue; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.api.Aggregator; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.bspcontroller.Counters.Counter; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.bspcontroller.Counters.Group; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.bspstaff.StaffInProgress; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.bspstaff.Staff; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.workermanager.WorkerManagerStatus; //add by cui import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.util.JobStatus.State; import com.chinamobile.bcbsp.util.StaffAttemptID; /** * JobInProgress is the center for controlling the job running. It maintains all * important information about the job and the staffs, including the status. * @author * @version */ public class JobInProgress implements JobInProgressControlInterface { /** * Used when a kill is issued to a job which is initializing. */ public static class KillInterruptedException extends InterruptedException { /** uncertain */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * exceptions during kill the job * @param msg * uncertain */ public KillInterruptedException(String msg) { super(msg); } } // add by cui private MapWritable mapcounterTemp = new MapWritable(); /** handle log file in jobInprogress */ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JobInProgress.class); /** stare if staffs are initialied */ private boolean staffsInited = false; /** job checkpoint next superstep symbol */ private boolean checkPointNext = false; /** hdfs configuration for handle hdfs file */ private Configuration conf; /** job ID,user,user-specified job name information */ private JobProfile profile; /** job status running,failed,successed */ private JobStatus status; /** job file path */ private Path jobFile = null; /** local job file path */ private Path localJobFile = null; /** local jar file path */ private Path localJarFile = null; /** BSP local file system */ private BSPLocalFileSystem BSPlocalFs; /** job start time */ private long startTime; /** job launch cluster time */ private long launchTime; /** job finished time */ private long finishTime; /** job response ratio for adjust job between different waitQueues */ private long hrnR; /** estimated job processing time */ private long processTime; /** edgenum to estimate job processing time */ private long edgeNum; /** BSP job id */ private BSPJobID jobId; /** BSP job */ private BSPJob job; /** BSP controller */ private final BSPController controller; /** staffInProgress array to hold staffs information */ private StaffInProgress staffs[] = new StaffInProgress[0]; /** job current superstep counter */ private int superStepCounter; /** job total superstep num */ private int superStepNum; /** record taskID and staff status */ private List<StaffAttemptID> attemptIDList = new ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>(); /** total BSPstaffs num */ private int numBSPStaffs = 0; /** general Synchronization conreoller */ private GeneralSSControllerInterface gssc; /** different staffs on the same worker times */ private HashMap<String, ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>> workersToStaffs = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>>(); /** record the same staff run on different workers' times */ private LinkedHashMap<StaffAttemptID, Map<String, Integer>> staffToWMTimes = new LinkedHashMap<StaffAttemptID, Map<String, Integer>>(); /** failed jobs already recovery times */ private int checkPointFrequency = 0; /** staff recovery recovery times */ private int attemptRecoveryCounter = 0; /** */ private int maxAttemptRecoveryCounter = 0; /** max recovery times for a staff */ private int maxStaffAttemptRecoveryCounter = 0; /** checkpoint able to read */ private int ableCheckPoint = 0; /** fault Synchronization super step */ private int faultSSStep; /** failed record for worker workermanagerstatus and failed times */ private HashMap<WorkerManagerStatus, Integer> failedRecord = new HashMap<WorkerManagerStatus, Integer>(); /** worker on the blacklist can't assign staffs */ private ArrayList<WorkerManagerStatus> blackList = new ArrayList<WorkerManagerStatus>(); /** the priority level of the job,normal is default */ private String priority = Constants.PRIORITY.NORMAL; /** for load balance during assign staffs */ private long estimateFactor = Constants.USER_BC_BSP_JOB_ESTIMATEPROCESS_FACTOR_DEFAULT; /** Map for user registered aggregate values. */ private HashMap<String, Class<? extends AggregateValue<?, ?>>> nameToAggregateValue = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends AggregateValue<?, ?>>>(); /** Map for user registered aggregatros. */ private HashMap<String, Class<? extends Aggregator<?>>> nameToAggregator = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends Aggregator<?>>>(); /** map for user registered aggregate values */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private HashMap<String, ArrayList<AggregateValue>> aggregateValues = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<AggregateValue>>(); /** map for user registered aggregate results */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private HashMap<String, AggregateValue> aggregateResults = new HashMap<String, AggregateValue>(); /** workermanager names list */ private List<String> WMNames = new ArrayList<String>(); // add by chen /** counr job messages */ private Counters counters; /** * Accumulate slow phenomenon for migrate(3times) /* Zhicheng Liu added */ private int[] staffSlowCount; /** migratefalg for staff */ private boolean migrateFlag = false; /** open the dynamic staff migrate mode flag */ private boolean openMigrateMode = false; // Baoxing Yang added private boolean cleanedWMNs = false; private boolean removedFromListener = false; /* songjianze added */ // private Application application; /** * jobInProgress construct method. * @param jobId * BSP job id. * @param jobFile * BSP job file. * @param controller * BSP controller * @param conf * BSP System configuration. * @throws IOException * exceptions during handle BSP job file. */ public JobInProgress(BSPJobID jobId, Path jobFile, BSPController controller, Configuration conf) throws IOException { this.jobId = jobId; // this.localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); this.BSPlocalFs = new BSPLocalFileSystemImpl(conf); this.jobFile = jobFile; this.controller = controller; // this.status = new JobStatus(jobId, null, 0L, 0L, // JobStatus.State.PREP.value()); this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //ljn SGA_Graph this.superStepCounter = -2; // this.superStepCounter = 0; this.maxAttemptRecoveryCounter = conf.getInt(Constants.BC_BSP_JOB_RECOVERY_ATTEMPT_MAX, 0); this.maxStaffAttemptRecoveryCounter = conf.getInt(Constants.BC_BSP_STAFF_RECOVERY_ATTEMPT_MAX, 0); this.localJobFile = controller .getLocalPath(Constants.BC_BSP_LOCAL_SUBDIR_CONTROLLER + "/" + jobId + ".xml"); this.localJarFile = controller .getLocalPath(Constants.BC_BSP_LOCAL_SUBDIR_CONTROLLER + "/" + jobId + ".jar"); Path jobDir = controller.getSystemDirectoryForJob(jobId); // FileSystem fs = jobDir.getFileSystem(conf); BSPFileSystem bspfs = new BSPFileSystemImpl(controller, jobId, conf); bspfs.copyToLocalFile(jobFile, localJobFile); job = new BSPJob(jobId, localJobFile.toString()); this.conf = job.getConf(); this.numBSPStaffs = job.getNumBspStaff(); this.profile = new JobProfile(job.getUser(), jobId, jobFile.toString(), job.getJobName()); String jarFile = job.getJar(); if (jarFile != null) { bspfs.copyToLocalFile(new BSPHdfsImpl().newPath(jarFile), localJarFile); } // chang by cui this.priority = job.getPriority(); this.superStepNum = job.getNumSuperStep(); this.status = new JobStatus(jobId, null, 0L, 0L, 0L, JobStatus.State.PREP.value(), this.superStepNum); // new JobStatus(jobId, null, 0L, 0L, JobStatus.State.PREP.value()); this.status.setUsername(job.getUser()); this.status.setStartTime(startTime); // added by feng this.edgeNum = job.getOutgoingEdgeNum(); setCheckPointFrequency(); // For aggregation. /** Add the user program jar to the system's classpath. */ ClassLoaderUtil.addClassPath(localJarFile.toString()); loadAggregators(); this.gssc = new GeneralSSController(jobId); } /** * JobInProgress construct method get the bspjob,jobid,controller staffnum and * staff locations information. * @param job * BSP job * @param jobId * BSP job id * @param controller * BSP controller * @param staffNum * staff num * @param locations * staff location */ public JobInProgress(BSPJob job, BSPJobID jobId, BSPController controller, int staffNum, HashMap<Integer, String[]> locations) { this.jobId = jobId; this.controller = controller; this.superStepCounter = -2; this.numBSPStaffs = staffNum; staffs = new StaffInProgress[locations.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.numBSPStaffs; i++) { RawSplit split = new RawSplit(); split.setLocations(locations.get(i)); split.setClassName("yes"); staffs[i] = new StaffInProgress(this.jobId, null, this.controller, null, this, i, split); } this.job = job; loadAggregators(); } /** * For JUnit test. */ public JobInProgress() { controller = new BSPController(); } /** * load aggregators and aggregate values. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void loadAggregators() { int aggregateNum = this.job.getAggregateNum(); String[] aggregateNames = this.job.getAggregateNames(); for (int i = 0; i < aggregateNum; i++) { String name = aggregateNames[i]; this.nameToAggregator.put(name, this.job.getAggregatorClass(name)); this.nameToAggregateValue.put(name, job.getAggregateValueClass(name)); this.aggregateValues.put(name, new ArrayList<AggregateValue>()); } } /** * get the job super stepnum * @return job superstep num. */ public int getSuperStepNum() { return this.superStepNum; } /** * get BSPcontroller * @return controller */ public BSPController getController() { return controller; } /** * get BSP job * @return job */ public BSPJob getJob() { return job; } /** * get a staff to differernt workermanaget times * @return staffToWMTimes */ public HashMap<StaffAttemptID, Map<String, Integer>> getStaffToWMTimes() { return staffToWMTimes; } /** * get job profile * @return jobprofile */ public JobProfile getProfile() { return profile; } /** * get BSP jobStatus * @return jobstatus */ public JobStatus getStatus() { return status; } /** * BSPjob launch time. * @return launch time. */ public synchronized long getLaunchTime() { return launchTime; } /** * get job start time * @return starttime */ public long getStartTime() { return startTime; } /** * get job priority level * @return priority */ public String getPriority() { return priority; } /** * get BSPstaff total num * @return numBSPstaffs */ @Override public int getNumBspStaff() { return numBSPStaffs; } /** * get staffInProgress inofrmation * @return staffs */ public StaffInProgress[] getStaffInProgress() { return staffs; } /** * get job finish time * @return finish time */ public long getFinishTime() { return finishTime; } /** * get fault Synchronization super step * @return faultSSStep */ public int getFaultSSStep() { return faultSSStep; } /** * set fault Synchronization super step * @param faultSSStep * superstep num to be set. */ public void setFaultSSStep(int faultSSStep) { this.faultSSStep = faultSSStep; } /** * get GeneralSSController * @return gssc */ public GeneralSSControllerInterface getGssc() { return gssc; } /** * If one task of this job is failed on this worker, then record the number of * failing to execute the job on the worker. If the failed number is more than * a threshold, then this worker is gray for the job. That means return * <code>true</code>, else return <code>false</code>. * @param wms * workermanagerstatus of this worker * @return blacklist true,gray list false. */ public boolean addFailedWorker(WorkerManagerStatus wms) { int counter = 1; if (this.failedRecord.containsKey(wms)) { counter = this.failedRecord.get(wms); counter++; } this.failedRecord.put(wms, counter); if (this.failedRecord.get(wms) > 2) { this.blackList.add(wms); LOG.warn("Warn: " + wms.getWorkerManagerName() + " is added into the BlackList of job " + this.jobId.toString() + " because the failed attempts is up to threshold:" + 2); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * add worker to job blacklist * @param wms * workerManagerstatus */ public void addBlackListWorker(WorkerManagerStatus wms) { this.blackList.add(wms); } /** * @return the number of desired tasks. */ public int desiredBSPStaffs() { return numBSPStaffs; } /** * @return The JobID of this JobInProgress. */ public BSPJobID getJobID() { return jobId; } /** * find staffInProgress information with staffID * @param id * staff id * @return if found return sip else return null */ public synchronized StaffInProgress findStaffInProgress(StaffID id) { if (areStaffsInited()) { for (StaffInProgress sip : staffs) { if (sip.getStaffId().equals(id)) { return sip; } } } return null; } /** * get the job staffs initialized or not * @return staffsinitialized flag. */ public synchronized boolean areStaffsInited() { return this.staffsInited; } /** * JobInProgress information toString * @return JobInProgress string information */ @Override public String toString() { return "jobName:" + profile.getJobName() + "\n" + "submit user:" + profile.getUser() + "\n" + "JobId:" + jobId + "\n" + "JobFile:" + jobFile + "\n"; } /** * Create/manage tasks * @throws IOException * exceptions during handle splitfiles */ public void initStaffs() throws IOException { if (staffsInited) { return; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("numBSPStaffs: " + numBSPStaffs); } // read the input split info from HDFS // Path sysDir = new Path(this.controller.getSystemDir()); // FileSystem fs = sysDir.getFileSystem(conf); BSPFileSystem bspfs = new BSPFileSystemImpl(controller, conf); // DataInputStream splitFile = Path(conf // .get(Constants.USER_BC_BSP_JOB_SPLIT_FILE))); DataInputStream splitFile = bspfs .open(new BSPHdfsImpl().newPath(conf.get(Constants.USER_BC_BSP_JOB_SPLIT_FILE))); RawSplit[] splits; try { splits = BSPJobClient.readSplitFile(splitFile); } finally { splitFile.close(); } // adjust number of map staffs to actual number of splits this.staffs = new StaffInProgress[numBSPStaffs]; for (int i = 0; i < numBSPStaffs; i++) { if (i < splits.length) { // this staff will load data from DFS staffs[i] = new StaffInProgress(getJobID(), this.jobFile.toString(), this.controller, this.conf, this, i, splits[i]); } else { // create a disable split. this only happen in Hash. RawSplit split = new RawSplit(); split.setClassName("no"); split.setDataLength(0); split.setBytes("no".getBytes(), 0, 2); split.setLocations(new String[] { "no" }); // this staff will not load data from DFS staffs[i] = new StaffInProgress(getJobID(), this.jobFile.toString(), this.controller, this.conf, this, i, split); } } // Update job status this.status.setRunState(JobStatus.RUNNING); this.status.setState(State.RUNNING); staffsInited = true; /* Zhicheng Liu added */ this.staffSlowCount = new int[this.staffs.length]; LOG.debug("Job is initialized."); } // bug StaffToWMTimes ??????? // StaffToWMTimes??? /** * obtain the initialized staffs for the workers. * @param wmlist * workermanagerStatus list * @param i * staff num * @param staffsLoadFactor * for load balance * @return staffInProgress information */ public Staff obtainNewStaff(Collection<WorkerManagerStatus> wmlist, int i, double staffsLoadFactor) { WorkerManagerStatus[] wmss = wmlist.toArray(new WorkerManagerStatus[wmlist.size()]); //[0] + " " + wmss[1] + " staffsLoadFactor=" + // staffsLoadFactor);"StaffID=" + staffs[i].getStaffID() + ":" + staffs[i].getRawSplit().getClassName()); Staff result = null; try { if (!staffs[i].getRawSplit().getClassName().equals("no")) { // this staff need to load data according to the split info String[] locations = staffs[i].getRawSplit().getLocations(); //"staffs" + i +" and locations size="+locations.length); int tmp_count = 0; int currentStaffs = 0; int maxStaffs = 0; int loadStaffs = 0; String tmp_location = locations[0]; WorkerManagerStatus gss_tmp; for (String location : locations) { gss_tmp = findWorkerManagerStatus(wmss, location); if (gss_tmp == null) { continue; } //"gss_tmp=" + gss_tmp); currentStaffs = gss_tmp.getRunningStaffsCount(); maxStaffs = gss_tmp.getMaxStaffsCount(); loadStaffs = Math.min(maxStaffs, (int) Math.ceil(staffsLoadFactor * maxStaffs)); if ((loadStaffs - currentStaffs) > tmp_count) { tmp_count = loadStaffs - currentStaffs; tmp_location = location; //"tmp_location=" + tmp_location); } } if (tmp_count > 0) {"wmss=" + wmss + " tmp_location=" + tmp_location); WorkerManagerStatus status = findWorkerManagerStatus(wmss, tmp_location); result = staffs[i].getStaffToRun(status); // changed by chen for null bug // updateStaffToWMTimes(i, tmp_location); } else { result = staffs[i].getStaffToRun(findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatus(wmss, staffsLoadFactor)); //"wmss=" + wmss + " tmp_location=" + tmp_location); // changed by chen for null bug // updateStaffToWMTimes(i, tmp_location); } } else { result = staffs[i].getStaffToRun(findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatus(wmss, staffsLoadFactor)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Exception has been catched in JobInProgress--obtainNewStaff !", ioe); Fault f = new Fault(Fault.Type.DISK, Fault.Level.WARNING, this.getJobID().toString(), ioe.toString()); this.getController().recordFault(f); this.getController().recovery(this.getJobID()); try { this.getController().killJob(this.getJobID()); } catch (IOException e) { // LOG.error("Kill Exception", e); throw new RuntimeException("Kill Exception", e); } } String name = staffs[i].getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName();"obtainNewWorker--[Init]" + name); if (workersToStaffs.containsKey(name)) { // add by chen for null bug updateStaffToWMTimes(i, name);"WorkerManagerName=" + name + " StaffAttemptId=" + result.getStaffAttemptId()); workersToStaffs.get(name).add(result.getStaffAttemptId());"The workerName has already existed and add the staff directly"); } else { // add by chen for null bug updateStaffToWMTimes(i, name); ArrayList<StaffAttemptID> list = new ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>(); list.add(result.getStaffAttemptId()); attemptIDList.add(result.getStaffAttemptId()); workersToStaffs.put(name, list);"WorkerManagerName=" + name + " StaffAttemptId=" + result.getStaffAttemptId());"Add the workerName " + name + " and the size of all workers is " + this.workersToStaffs.size()); } return result; } /** * obtain new staffs for worker which contains recovery staff * @param wmss * workermanager status will obtain * @param i * staff num * @param tasksLoadFactor * loadfactor for load balance * @param recovery * staff recovery state */ public void obtainNewStaff(WorkerManagerStatus[] wmss, int i, double tasksLoadFactor, boolean recovery) { staffs[i].setChangeWorkerState(true);"obtainNewStaff" + " " + recovery); try { staffs[i].getStaffToRun(findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatus(wmss, 1.0), true); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Exception has been catched in JobInProgress--obtainNewStaff !", ioe); Fault f = new Fault(Fault.Type.DISK, Fault.Level.WARNING, this.getJobID().toString(), ioe.toString()); this.getController().recordFault(f); this.getController().recovery(this.getJobID()); try { this.getController().killJob(job.getJobID()); } catch (IOException e) { // LOG.error("IOException", e); throw new RuntimeException(" obtainNewStaff IOException", e); } } String name = staffs[i].getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName();"obtainNewWorker--[recovery]" + name); if (workersToStaffs.containsKey(name)) { workersToStaffs.get(name).add(staffs[i].getS().getStaffAttemptId());"The workerName has already existed and add the staff directly"); } else { ArrayList<StaffAttemptID> list = new ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>(); list.add(staffs[i].getS().getStaffAttemptId()); workersToStaffs.put(name, list);"Add the workerName " + name + " and the size of all workers is " + this.workersToStaffs.size()); } } /** * update staffs assign to workers information. * @param i * staff num in staff array * @param WorkerManagerName * workermanager name to added in the workerManagertotimes list. */ private void updateStaffToWMTimes(int i, String WorkerManagerName) { if (staffToWMTimes.containsKey(staffs[i].getStaffID())) { Map<String, Integer> workerManagerToTimes = staffToWMTimes.get(staffs[i].getStaffID()); int runTimes = 0; if (workerManagerToTimes.containsKey(WorkerManagerName)) { runTimes = workerManagerToTimes.get(WorkerManagerName) + 1; workerManagerToTimes.remove(WorkerManagerName); workerManagerToTimes.put(WorkerManagerName, runTimes); } else { workerManagerToTimes.put(WorkerManagerName, 1); } staffToWMTimes.remove(staffs[i].getStaffID()); staffToWMTimes.put(staffs[i].getStaffID(), workerManagerToTimes); } else { Map<String, Integer> workerManagerToTimes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); workerManagerToTimes.put(WorkerManagerName, 1); staffToWMTimes.put(staffs[i].getStaffID(), workerManagerToTimes); }"updateStaffToWMTimes---staffId: " + staffs[i].getStaffID() + " StaffWMTimes: " + staffToWMTimes); } /** * Find the WorkerManagerStatus according to the WorkerManager name * @param wss * workermanagerstatus list * @param name * workermanager name to find. * @return if find the specific name return the workermanager status not find * return null. */ public WorkerManagerStatus findWorkerManagerStatus(WorkerManagerStatus[] wss, String name) { for (WorkerManagerStatus e : wss) { if (this.blackList.contains(e)) { continue; } if (e.getWorkerManagerName().indexOf(name) != -1) { return e; } } return null; } /** * find the most free worker to assign the new staff. * @param wss * workermanager list * @param staffsLoadFactor * locd factor to find the most free worker * @return return the found workerstatus */ public WorkerManagerStatus findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatus(WorkerManagerStatus[] wss, double staffsLoadFactor) { int currentStaffs = 0; int maxStaffs = 0; int loadStaffs = 0; int tmp_count = 0; WorkerManagerStatus status = null; for (WorkerManagerStatus wss_tmp : wss) { if (this.blackList.contains(wss_tmp)) { continue; } currentStaffs = wss_tmp.getRunningStaffsCount(); maxStaffs = wss_tmp.getMaxStaffsCount(); loadStaffs = Math.min(maxStaffs, (int) Math.ceil(staffsLoadFactor * maxStaffs)); if ((loadStaffs - currentStaffs) > tmp_count) { tmp_count = loadStaffs - currentStaffs; status = wss_tmp; } } return status; } /** * update the staff status * @param sip * staffInprogress information * @param staffStatus * staff status to update */ public synchronized void updateStaffStatus(StaffInProgress sip, StaffStatus staffStatus) { // sip.updateStatus(staffStatus); //"ljn test : updateStaffStatus getSuperstepCount before is " + superStepCounter); // if (superStepCounter < staffStatus.getSuperstepCount()) { // superStepCounter = (int) staffStatus.getSuperstepCount(); // } //"ljn test : updateStaffStatus getSuperstepCount is " + superStepCounter); } /** * update staff status in job status * @param status * staff status to update */ public synchronized void updateStaffs(StaffStatus status) { this.status.updateStaffStatus(status); } /** * set fault staff super step counter */ public void setAttemptRecoveryCounter() { this.attemptRecoveryCounter++; this.setFaultSSStep(superStepCounter); } /** * get the job attempt recovery times * @return attempt to recovery times */ public int getNumAttemptRecovery() { return this.attemptRecoveryCounter; } /** * get the job max attempt to recovery counter * @return recovery counter */ public int getMaxAttemptRecoveryCounter() { return maxAttemptRecoveryCounter; } /** * get the staff max attempt recvovery counter * @return staff max recovery counter */ public int getMaxStaffAttemptRecoveryCounter() { return maxStaffAttemptRecoveryCounter; } /** * set the job priority * @param priority * job priority to set */ public void setPriority(String priority) { this.priority = priority; } /** * get the job checkpoint frequency from conf */ public void setCheckPointFrequency() { int defaultF = conf.getInt(Constants.DEFAULT_BC_BSP_JOB_CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY, 0); if (defaultF == 0) { this.checkPointFrequency = defaultF; } else { this.checkPointFrequency = conf.getInt(Constants.USER_BC_BSP_JOB_CHECKPOINT_FREQUENCY, defaultF); } } /** * set the job checkpoint frequency for a certain num. * @param cpf * check point frequency num to be set */ public void setCheckPointFrequency(int cpf) { this.checkPointFrequency = cpf;"The current [CheckPointFrequency] is:" + this.checkPointFrequency); } /** * set next checkpoint command. */ public void setCheckPointNext() { this.checkPointNext = true;"The next superstep [" + (this.superStepCounter) + " or " + (this.superStepCounter + 1) + "] will execute checkpoint operation"); } /** * get the checkpoint frequency * @return checkpoint frequency */ public int getCheckPointFrequency() { return this.checkPointFrequency; } /** * if the job is in checkpoint mode,whether the next checkpoint is true and * the checkpoint frequency>0 * @return in or not checkpoint */ public boolean isCheckPoint() { if (this.checkPointFrequency == 0 || this.superStepCounter == 0) { return false; } if (this.checkPointNext) { return true; } if ((this.superStepCounter % this.checkPointFrequency) == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * if job status is recovery * @return recovery true,not false. */ public boolean isRecovery() { return this.status.getRunState() == JobStatus.RECOVERY; } @Override public void setAbleCheckPoint(int ableCheckPoint) { this.ableCheckPoint = ableCheckPoint;"The ableCheckPoint is " + this.ableCheckPoint); } // Note: Client get the progress by this.status @Override public void setSuperStepCounter(int superStepCounter) { this.superStepCounter = superStepCounter; this.status.setprogress(this.superStepCounter + 1);"ljn test : setSuperStepCounter as " + superStepCounter); } @Override public int getSuperStepCounter() { return this.superStepCounter; } /** * get aggregate result from superstepcontainer * @param ssrcs * contains the aggregate values after a super step * @return aggregate values from all superstepreportcontainers */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String[] generalAggregate(SuperStepReportContainer[] ssrcs) { String[] results = null; if (Constants.USER_BC_BSP_JOB_TYPE_C.equals(job.get(Constants.USER_BC_BSP_JOB_TYPE, ""))) {"[generalAggregate]: jobtype is c++"); // if (null == this.application) { // try { //"jobC path is: " + job.getJobExe()); //"BSPController localDir is : " + controller.getLocalDirs()); //"BSP.local.dir is: " + conf.get("bcbsp.local.dir")); //"localJarFile is" + localJarFile); //"jobID is :" + this.getJobID()); // Path jobC = new Path(conf.get("bcbsp.local.dir") // + "/controller/jobC_" + this.getJobID()); // String jarFile = job.getJobExe(); // String dir = controller.getSystemDir(); // // Path systemDirectory=new Path(dir); // // alter by gtt // // FileSystem systemFS = systemDirectory.getFileSystem(conf); // BSPFileSystem bspsystemFS = new BSPFileSystemImpl(dir, conf); // bspsystemFS.copyToLocalFile(new Path(jarFile), jobC); // this.application = new Application(job, "WorkerManager", // jobC.toString()); // //"new application"); // } catch (IOException e1) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // //"bspcontroller catch exception while new application" + // // e1); // throw new RuntimeException("bspcontroller catch" // + "exception while new application", e1); // // e1.printStackTrace(); // } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // throw new RuntimeException("bspcontroller catch" // + "exception while new application", e1); // } // } else { //"application is not null"); // } // for (int i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; i++) { // String[] aggValues = ssrcs[i].getAggValues(); // if (null != aggValues) { // // for (int j = 0; j < aggValues.length; j++) { // //"aggValue is: " + aggValues[j]); // // } // try { // application.getDownlink().sendNewAggregateValue(aggValues); // } catch (IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // throw new RuntimeException("send aggregateValue Exception! ", e); // } catch (Throwable e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // throw new RuntimeException("send aggregateValue Exception! ", e); // } // } // // results=aggValues; // } //"before superstep"); // try { // application.getDownlink().runASuperStep(); //"after superstep"); //"wait for superstep to finish"); // this.application.waitForFinish(); // ArrayList<String> aggregateValue = null; // aggregateValue = this.application.getHandler().getAggregateValue(); //"aggregateValue size is: " + aggregateValue.size()); // results = aggregateValue.toArray(new String[0]); // for (int k = 0; k < results.length; k++) { //"aggregate results is: " + results[k]); // } // this.application.getHandler().getAggregateValue().clear(); // } catch (IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // throw new RuntimeException("get aggvalue Exception! ", e); // } catch (Throwable e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // throw new RuntimeException("get aggvalue Exception! ", e); // } } else { // To get the aggregation values from the ssrcs. for (int i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; i++) { String[] aggValues = ssrcs[i].getAggValues(); for (int j = 0; j < aggValues.length; j++) { String[] aggValueRecord = aggValues[j].split(Constants.KV_SPLIT_FLAG); String aggName = aggValueRecord[0]; String aggValueString = aggValueRecord[1]; AggregateValue aggValue = null; try { aggValue = this.nameToAggregateValue.get(aggName).newInstance(); aggValue.initValue(aggValueString); // init the aggValue from its // string form. } catch (InstantiationException e1) { // LOG.error("InstantiationException", e1); throw new RuntimeException("InstantiationException", e1); } catch (IllegalAccessException e2) { // LOG.error("IllegalAccessException", e2); throw new RuntimeException("IllegalAccessException", e2); } // end-try if (aggValue != null) { ArrayList<AggregateValue> list = this.aggregateValues.get(aggName); list.add(aggValue); // put the value to the values' list for // aggregation ahead. } // end-if } // end-for } // end-for // To aggregate the values from the aggregateValues. this.aggregateResults.clear(); // Clear the results' container before a // new // calculation. // To calculate the aggregations. for (Entry<String, Class<? extends Aggregator<?>>> entry : this.nameToAggregator.entrySet()) { Aggregator<AggregateValue> aggregator = null; try { aggregator = (Aggregator<AggregateValue>) entry.getValue().newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e1) { // LOG.error("InstantiationException", e1); throw new RuntimeException("InstantiationException", e1); } catch (IllegalAccessException e2) { // LOG.error("IllegalAccessException", e2); throw new RuntimeException("IllegalAccessException", e2); } if (aggregator != null) { ArrayList<AggregateValue> aggVals = this.aggregateValues.get(entry.getKey()); AggregateValue resultValue = aggregator.aggregate(aggVals); this.aggregateResults.put(entry.getKey(), resultValue); aggVals.clear(); // Clear the initial aggregate values after // aggregation completes. } } // end-for /** * To encapsulate the aggregation values to the String[] results. The * aggValues should be in form as follows: [ AggregateName \t * AggregateValue.toString() ] */ int aggSize = this.aggregateResults.size(); results = new String[aggSize]; int i_a = 0; for (Entry<String, AggregateValue> entry : this.aggregateResults.entrySet()) { results[i_a] = entry.getKey() + Constants.KV_SPLIT_FLAG + entry.getValue().toString(); i_a++; } } return results; } /* * Review suggestion: allow user to determine whether to use load balance and * other configure information Zhicheng Liu 2013/10/9 */ @Override public SuperStepCommand generateCommand(SuperStepReportContainer[] ssrcs) { /* Zhicheng Liu added */ String migrateStaffIDs = ""; Boolean migrateVertexFlag = false; this.openMigrateMode = this.conf.get("bcbsp.loadbalance", "false").equals("true") ? true : false; // if (openMigrateMode && !isRecovery()) { // Find the slow staffs to migrate // migrateStaffIDs = this.detectShortBoardStaffs(ssrcs); // if (!migrateStaffIDs.equals("")) { //"staff " + migrateStaffIDs + "should be migrated! "); // // Schedule new staff(using same staff id) // this.migrateFlag = true; // String[] ids = migrateStaffIDs.split(Constants.SPLIT_FLAG); // for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { // StaffInProgress sip = getStaff(Integer.parseInt(ids[i])); // StaffStatus ss = sip.getStaffStatus(sip.getStaffID()); // controller.deleteOldStaffs(sip.getWorkerManagerStatus() // .getWorkerManagerName(), ss); // Update the globle information // this.migrateStaff(Integer.parseInt(ids[i])); // migrate staff // } // } // } MigrateVertexCommand migrateVertexCommand = new MigrateVertexCommand(); if (this.superStepCounter % Constants.K == 0) {"ljn test : this.superStepCounter%Constants.K == 0 "); migrateVertexFlag = evaluateGraphData(ssrcs, migrateVertexCommand); } SuperStepCommand ssc = new SuperStepCommand(); // Note: we must firstly judge whether the fault has happened."[generateCommand]---this.status.getRunState()" + this.status.getRunState());"[generateCommand]---this.status.isRecovery()" + this.status.isRecovery()); if (isRecovery()) { HashMap<Integer, String> partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort = convert();"if (isRecovery())--partitionToWorkerManagerName :" + partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort); ssc.setCommandType(Constants.COMMAND_TYPE.START_AND_RECOVERY); ssc.setInitReadPath(conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_CHECKPOINT_WRITEPATH) + "/" + this.jobId.toString() + "/" + this.ableCheckPoint);"ableCheckPoint: " + ableCheckPoint); ssc.setAbleCheckPoint(this.ableCheckPoint); ssc.setNextSuperStepNum(this.ableCheckPoint + 1); // If the COMMAND_TYPE is START_AND_RECOVERY, then the // ssc.setPartitionToWorkerManagerName must be invoked. ssc.setPartitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort(partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort);"end--ssc.setPartitionToWorkerManagerName(" + "partitionToWorkerManagerName);"); this.status.setRunState(JobStatus.RUNNING); this.status.setState(State.RUNNING); return ssc; } String[] aggValues = generalAggregate(ssrcs); // To aggregate from the // ssrcs. ssc.setAggValues(aggValues); // To put the aggregation result values into // the ssc. long counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; i++) { if (ssrcs[i].getJudgeFlag() > 0) { counter += ssrcs[i].getJudgeFlag(); } } if (counter > 0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("[Active]" + counter); for (int i = 0; i < aggValues.length; i++) { sb.append(" || [AGG" + (i + 1) + "]" + aggValues[i]); }"STATISTICS DATA : " + sb.toString()); if (isCheckPoint()) { this.checkPointNext = false; ssc.setOldCheckPoint(this.ableCheckPoint);"jip--ableCheckPoint: " + this.ableCheckPoint); ssc.setCommandType(Constants.COMMAND_TYPE.START_AND_CHECKPOINT); ssc.setInitWritePath(conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_CHECKPOINT_WRITEPATH) + "/" + this.jobId.toString() + "/" + this.superStepCounter); ssc.setAbleCheckPoint(this.superStepCounter); ssc.setNextSuperStepNum(this.superStepCounter + 1); /* Zhicheng Liu added */ if (this.openMigrateMode && this.migrateFlag) { ssc.setMigrateStaffIDs(migrateStaffIDs); HashMap<Integer, String> partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort = convert();"if (isMigrate())--partitionToWorkerManagerName :" + partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort); ssc.setPartitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort(partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort);"end--ssc.setPartitionToWorkerManagerName(" + "partitionToWorkerManagerName);"); this.migrateFlag = false; } } else { ssc.setCommandType(Constants.COMMAND_TYPE.START);"ljn test : this.superStepCounter last is " + this.superStepCounter); ssc.setNextSuperStepNum(this.superStepCounter + 1); if (migrateVertexFlag) { ssc.setMigrateVertexCommand(migrateVertexCommand); } /* Zhicheng Liu added */ if (this.openMigrateMode && this.migrateFlag) { ssc.setMigrateStaffIDs(migrateStaffIDs); HashMap<Integer, String> partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort = convert();"if (isMigrate())--partitionToWorkerManagerName :" + partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort); ssc.setPartitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort(partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort);"end--ssc.setPartitionToWorkerManagerName(" + "partitionToWorkerManagerName);"); getWorkersToStaffs().size(); this.migrateFlag = false; } } } else { ssc.setCommandType(Constants.COMMAND_TYPE.STOP); ssc.setNextSuperStepNum(this.superStepCounter); } return ssc; } /** * convert the workertoStaffs information and partition to staffs information * into partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort,convert for SScommand * @return partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort information */ private HashMap<Integer, String> convert() { StaffInProgress[] staffs = this.getStaffInProgress(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>> workersToStaffs = this.getWorkersToStaffs(); HashMap<Integer, String> partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); ArrayList<StaffAttemptID> staffAttemptIDs = null; StaffAttemptID staffAttemptID = null; for (String workerManagerName : workersToStaffs.keySet()) { staffAttemptIDs = workersToStaffs.get(workerManagerName); for (int i = 0; i < staffAttemptIDs.size(); i++) { staffAttemptID = staffAttemptIDs.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < staffs.length; j++) { if (staffAttemptID.equals(staffs[j].getStaffID())) { partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort.put(staffs[j].getS().getPartition(), workerManagerName); } } } } return partitionToWorkerManagerNameAndPort; } /** * get workertostaffs information * @return workersToStaffs */ public HashMap<String, ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>> getWorkersToStaffs() { return this.workersToStaffs; } /** * remove a spcific staff from the worker * @param workerName * remove the staff from the workername worker * @param staffId * staffId to remove * @return remove result */ public boolean removeStaffFromWorker(String workerName, StaffAttemptID staffId) { boolean success = false; if (this.workersToStaffs.containsKey(workerName)) { if (this.workersToStaffs.get(workerName).contains(staffId)) { this.workersToStaffs.get(workerName).remove(staffId); if (this.workersToStaffs.get(workerName).size() == 0) { this.workersToStaffs.remove(workerName);"removeStaffFromWorker " + workerName); } success = true; } } return success; } /** * The job is dead. We're now GC'ing it, getting rid of the job from all * tables. Be sure to remove all of this job's tasks from the various tables. */ private void garbageCollect() { try { // Cleanup the ZooKeeper. gssc.cleanup(); // Cleanup the local file. if (localJobFile != null) { BSPlocalFs.delete(localJobFile, true); localJobFile = null; } if (localJarFile != null) { BSPlocalFs.delete(localJarFile, true); localJarFile = null; } // clean up hdfs // FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); // fs.delete(new Path(profile.getJobFile()).getParent(), true); BSPFileSystem bspfs = new BSPFileSystemImpl(conf); bspfs.delete(new BSPHdfsImpl().newPath(profile.getJobFile()).getParent(), true); // clean some ha log if (this.jobId.getId() % 5 == 0) { cleanHaLog(); } } catch (Exception e) { // LOG.error("[garbageCollect> Error cleaning up]" + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("[garbageCollect> Error cleaning up]", e); } } @Override public void completedJob() { this.status.setRunState(JobStatus.SUCCEEDED); this.status.setState(State.SUCCEEDED); this.status.setprogress(this.superStepCounter + 1); this.finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.status.setFinishTime(this.finishTime); this.controller.removeFromJobListener(this.jobId); cleanCheckpoint(); garbageCollect();"Job successfully done."); updCountersTJobs(); } /** * update the job counters status * @author cui */ public void updCountersTJobs() { for (Group group : this.counters) { for (Counter counter : group) { + "=" + counter.getCounter()); this.mapcounterTemp.put(new Text(counter.getDisplayName()), new LongWritable(counter.getCounter())); } } this.status.setMapcounter(mapcounterTemp); } @Override public void failedJob() { this.status.setRunState(JobStatus.FAILED); this.status.setState(State.FAILED); this.status.setprogress(this.superStepCounter + 1); this.finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.status.setFinishTime(this.finishTime); this.controller.removeFromJobListener(jobId); gssc.stop(); cleanCheckpoint(); garbageCollect(); LOG.warn("Job failed."); } /** * kill the job. */ public void killJob() { this.status.setRunState(JobStatus.KILLED); this.status.setState(State.KILLED); this.status.setprogress(this.superStepCounter + 1); this.finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.status.setFinishTime(this.finishTime); for (int i = 0; i < staffs.length; i++) { staffs[i].kill(); } this.controller.removeFromJobListener(jobId); gssc.stop(); cleanCheckpoint(); garbageCollect(); } /** * for kill the job rapidly for test * @author chen */ public void killJobRapid() { // this.status.setRunState(JobStatus.KILLED); this.status.setRunState(JobStatus.RUNNING); this.status.setState(State.KILLED); this.status.setprogress(this.superStepCounter); this.finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.status.setFinishTime(this.finishTime); this.controller.removeFromJobListener(jobId); gssc.stop(); cleanCheckpoint(); } /** * clean checkpoint and delete the checkpoint information * @return chean result. */ private boolean cleanCheckpoint() { if (job.getCheckpointType().equals("HBase")) { String tableName = null; Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); conf.set("", job.getConf().get(Constants.ZOOKEPER_CLIENT_PORT)); conf.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "master"); conf.set("hbase.master", "master:60000"); HBaseAdmin admin; try { admin = new HBaseAdmin(conf); for (int i = 0; i < this.attemptIDList.size(); i++) { tableName = this.attemptIDList.get(i).toString(); if (admin.tableExists(tableName)) { admin.disableTable(tableName); admin.deleteTable(tableName); } } admin.close(); return true; } catch (MasterNotRunningException e) { LOG.error("Exception has happened and been catched!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ZooKeeperConnectionException e) { LOG.error("Exception has happened and been catched!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception has happened and been catched!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } else if (job.getCheckpointType().equals("HDFS")) { try { String uri = conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_CHECKPOINT_WRITEPATH) + "/" + job.getJobID().toString() + "/"; // FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(uri), conf); BSPFileSystem bspfs = new BSPFileSystemImpl(URI.create(uri), conf); // if(fs.exists(new Path(uri))) { // fs.delete(new Path(uri), true); // } if (bspfs.exists(new BSPHdfsImpl().newPath(uri))) { bspfs.delete(new BSPHdfsImpl().newPath(uri), true); } return true; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception has happened and been catched!", e); return false; } } return false; } @Override public int getCheckNum() { // ljn add for migrate staff. if (this.openMigrateMode && this.migrateFlag) {"ljn test : migrateFlag is true"); } HashSet<String> workersAfter = new HashSet<String>(); workersAfter.addAll(convert().values()); // if (this.openMigrateMode && this.migrateFlag) { if (workersAfter.size() == this.workersToStaffs.size()) { return this.workersToStaffs.size(); } else { return workersAfter.size(); } // } else { // return this.workersToStaffs.size(); // } } @Override public void reportLOG(String log) {"GeneralSSController: " + log); } /** * get the staffId list. * @return staffattemptID array. */ public StaffAttemptID[] getAttemptIDList() { return attemptIDList.toArray(new StaffAttemptID[attemptIDList.size()]); } /** * get the recovery barrier of workers for job recovery. * @param WMNames * workermanagername list. */ public void getRecoveryBarrier(List<String> WMNames) { gssc.recoveryBarrier(WMNames); } /** * Only for fault-tolerance. If the command has been write on the ZooKeeper, * return true, else return false. * @return command write result. */ public boolean isCommandBarrier() { return this.gssc.isCommandBarrier(); } /** * get jobs workermanager names list. * @return workermanager names list */ public List<String> getWMNames() { return WMNames; } /** * add workermanager name into list. * @param name * workermanager name to be added. */ public void addWMNames(String name) { WMNames.add(name); } /** * clean the workermanagernames list. */ public void cleanWMNames() { this.WMNames.clear(); } /** * clean the jobs information that are already finished and write the other * jobs information back for HA. */ public void cleanHaLog() { try { HDFSOperator haLogOperator = new HDFSOperator(); // delete workerManagerStatus haLogOperator.deleteFile(conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_HA_LOG_DIR) + this.getJobID().toString()); // clean submit log Map<BSPJobID, String> usingJobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<BSPJobID, String>(); FSDataInputStream in = haLogOperator .readFile(conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_HA_LOG_DIR) + Constants.BC_BSP_HA_SUBMIT_LOG); while (in != null) { try { //"in first while"); String line = in.readUTF(); String[] temp = line.split("&"); if (haLogOperator.isExist(temp[1])) { usingJobs.put(new BSPJobID().forName(temp[0]), temp[1]); } } catch (EOFException e) { in = null; } } // haLogOperator.closeFs(); haLogOperator.createFile(conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_HA_LOG_DIR) + Constants.BC_BSP_HA_SUBMIT_LOG); String jobFile = null; for (BSPJobID jobid : usingJobs.keySet()) { //"refresh the submitLog jobid=" + jobid ); jobFile = usingJobs.get(jobid); haLogOperator.writeFile(jobid.toString() + "&" + jobFile, conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_HA_LOG_DIR) + Constants.BC_BSP_HA_SUBMIT_LOG); } // clean operate Log"clean operate Log"); try { in = haLogOperator .readFile(conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_HA_LOG_DIR) + Constants.BC_BSP_HA_QUEUE_OPERATE_LOG); while (in != null) { try { //"in second while"); String line = in.readUTF(); String[] temp = line.split("&"); BSPJobID jobid = new BSPJobID().forName(temp[0]); if (usingJobs.containsKey(jobid)) { usingJobs.remove(jobid); usingJobs.put(jobid, temp[1]); } } catch (EOFException e) { in = null; } } String queueName = "";"before create operateLOG"); haLogOperator .createFile(conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_HA_LOG_DIR) + Constants.BC_BSP_HA_QUEUE_OPERATE_LOG); for (BSPJobID jobid : usingJobs.keySet()) { queueName = usingJobs.get(jobid); if (!"".equals(queueName)) {"before write operateLOG"); haLogOperator.writeFile(jobid.toString() + "&" + queueName, conf.get(Constants.BC_BSP_HA_LOG_DIR) + Constants.BC_BSP_HA_QUEUE_OPERATE_LOG); } } } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing; } } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing //"you can ignore this exception " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * get the job counters * @return counters */ public Counters getCounters() { return counters; } @Override public void setCounters(Counters counters) { this.counters = counters; } /** * get detect the job slow staffs to migrate * @param ssrcs * superstepreportcontainer array * @return slow staffs id to migrate. */ private String detectShortBoardStaffs(SuperStepReportContainer[] ssrcs) { StaffMigrate[] runStaffs = getStaffMigrate(ssrcs); // Update controller for predict for (int i = 0; i < runStaffs.length; i++) { this.updateStaffSSRunTime(runStaffs[i].getStaffID(), runStaffs[i].getStaffRunTime()); } // this.controller.test(); Set<Integer> slowStaffs = getSlowStaffIDs(runStaffs); Iterator<Integer> im = slowStaffs.iterator(); String ids = ""; while (im.hasNext()) { ids += ( + Constants.SPLIT_FLAG); } return ids; } /** * Staff struct for migrate * @author liuzhicheng */ private class StaffMigrate { /** staffID to migrate */ private int staffID; /** migrate staff runtime */ private long runTime; /** migrate staff current super step */ private int currSuperStep; /** staff migrate cost */ private long migCost; /** * staff migrate construct method. * @param id * staffID * @param currSS * staff current superstep * @param runT * staff runtime * @param mCost * staff migrate cost. */ private StaffMigrate(int id, int currSS, long runT, long mCost) { staffID = id; runTime = runT; currSuperStep = currSS; migCost = mCost; } /** * get the migrate staffID * @return staffId */ private int getStaffID() { return staffID; } /** * get staff run time * @return runtime. */ private long getStaffRunTime() { return runTime; } /** * get staff current superstep * @return current superstep. */ private int getCurrentSuperStep() { return currSuperStep; } /** * get the staff migrate cost. * @return migrate cost. */ private long getMigrateCost() { return migCost; } } /** * get the staffs may need migrate from superstepreport container * @param ssrcs * superstepreportcontainer * @return migrate staffs */ private StaffMigrate[] getStaffMigrate(SuperStepReportContainer[] ssrcs) { StaffMigrate[] runStaffs = new StaffMigrate[job.getNumBspStaff()]; int index = 0; String migrateInfo = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; i++) { migrateInfo = ssrcs[i].getMigrateInfo(); String[] infos = migrateInfo.split(Constants.MIGRATE_SPLIT);"ssrc.worker is " + ssrcs[i].getMigrateInfo()); for (int j = 0; j < infos.length; j++) { String[] staffMigrateInfo = infos[j].split(Constants.SPLIT_FLAG); runStaffs[index] = new StaffMigrate(Integer.parseInt(staffMigrateInfo[0]), Integer.parseInt(staffMigrateInfo[1]), Long.parseLong(staffMigrateInfo[2]), Long.parseLong(staffMigrateInfo[3])); index++; } } return runStaffs; } /** * Strategy for finding slow staff(note: the number of staffs is 5 at least!) * This strategy can be changed * @param runStaffs * runstaffs on workermanager * @return slowstaffs id */ private Set<Integer> getSlowStaffIDs(StaffMigrate[] runStaffs) { int ID = 0;// Feng added for test StaffMigrate tmp; // Bubble sort for (int i = 0; i < runStaffs.length - 1; i++) { boolean flag = true; for (int j = 1; j < runStaffs.length - i; j++) { if (runStaffs[j - 1].getStaffRunTime() > runStaffs[j].getStaffRunTime()) { flag = false; tmp = runStaffs[j - 1]; runStaffs[j - 1] = runStaffs[j]; runStaffs[j] = tmp; } } if (flag) { break; } } long totalTime = 0; long avgTime; if (runStaffs.length > 2) { for (int i = 1; i < runStaffs.length - 1; i++) { totalTime += runStaffs[i].getStaffRunTime(); } avgTime = totalTime / (runStaffs.length - 2); } else { for (int i = 0; i < runStaffs.length; i++) { totalTime += runStaffs[i].getStaffRunTime(); } avgTime = totalTime / (runStaffs.length); } int quarterIndex = runStaffs.length / 4; int threeQuarterIndex = runStaffs.length * 3 / 4; long IRQ = runStaffs[threeQuarterIndex].getStaffRunTime() - runStaffs[quarterIndex].getStaffRunTime();"IRQ is " + IRQ); long threshold = (long) (IRQ * 1.5 + runStaffs[threeQuarterIndex].getStaffRunTime());"staff runtime threshold is " + threshold); Set<Integer> setIDs = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = threeQuarterIndex; i < runStaffs.length; i++) { if (runStaffs[i].getStaffRunTime() > threshold) {"Slow staff" + runStaffs[i].getStaffID() + " is first selected!"); // Second select(using cost model) if ((job.getNumSuperStep() - runStaffs[i].getCurrentSuperStep()) * (runStaffs[i].getStaffRunTime() - avgTime) > runStaffs[i].getMigrateCost()) {"Slow staff" + runStaffs[i].getStaffID() + " is second selected!"); /* * Review suggestion: allow user to determine the times for finding * the slow staff Zhicheng Liu 2013/10/9 */ // Third select(predict worker's burden) if (shouldMigrate(runStaffs[i])) { int id = runStaffs[i].getStaffID();"Slow staff" + id + " is third selected!"); // Fourth select(continuous[3] testing) if (this.staffSlowCount[id] != this.conf.getInt("bcbsp.loadbalance.findslowstaff.maxturn", 3) - 1) { this.staffSlowCount[id] += 1; } else { this.staffSlowCount[id] = 0; setIDs.add(id); } } } } } ID = runStaffs[ID].getStaffID(); if (runStaffs[ID].currSuperStep == 6) { setIDs.add(ID);// Feng added for test"Feng test getSlowStaffID! " + setIDs.toString()); } return setIDs; } /** * Update the register infomation of staffs * @param staffID * staffID to update superstep run time. * @param time * staff superstep runtime. */ private void updateStaffSSRunTime(int staffID, long time) { StaffInProgress sip = getStaff(staffID); StaffStatus ss = sip.getStaffStatus(sip.getStaffID()); ss.setRunTime(time); this.controller.updateStaff(sip.getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName(), ss); // virtual worker // this.controller.updateStaff(ss.getGroomServer(), ss); //really worker } /** * get the staffInProgress information with staffId. * @param staffID * staffID * @return if found return staffInProgress, not return null. */ private StaffInProgress getStaff(int staffID) { for (int i = 0; i < staffs.length; i++) { if (staffs[i].getStaffID().getStaffID().getId() == staffID) { return staffs[i]; } } return null; } /** * Predict the worker's burden in future,whether the staff need to migrate. * @param sm * migrate staff to tell. * @return if the staff need migrate true, not false. */ private boolean shouldMigrate(StaffMigrate sm) {"Predict the worker's burden in future"); StaffInProgress sip = getStaff(sm.getStaffID()); // Check current staffs on the samework ArrayList<StaffStatus> onSameWorkerStaffs = this.controller .checkStaff(sip.getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName());"sameWorkerStaffs is "); for (int i = 0; i < onSameWorkerStaffs.size(); i++) {; } int willIdleStaffSlot = 0; double tolerance = 1 / 5; Iterator<StaffStatus> it = onSameWorkerStaffs.iterator(); // Compute willIdleStaffSlot while (it.hasNext()) { StaffStatus ss =; if (ss.getJobId().equals(this.jobId)) { continue; } // Staff in different job long time = ss.getRunTime(); if (time != 0) { if (time * (this.controller.getJob(ss.getJobId()).getJob().getNumSuperStep() - ss.getSuperstepCount()) < (job.getNumBspStaff() - sm.getCurrentSuperStep()) * sm.getStaffRunTime() * tolerance) { willIdleStaffSlot++; } } }"worker has max Staff count is " + sip.getWorkerManagerStatus().getMaxStaffsCount());"current staff occupy staff slot is " + this.controller.checkStaff(sip.getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName()).size());"willIdleStaffSlot is " + willIdleStaffSlot); if (willIdleStaffSlot + sip.getWorkerManagerStatus().getMaxStaffsCount() - this.controller.checkStaff(sip.getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName()).size() >= sip .getWorkerManagerStatus().getMaxStaffsCount() / 2) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * migrate slowstaffs to other workers * @param staffID * staffID to migrate */ public void migrateStaff(int staffID) { Collection<WorkerManagerStatus> glist = controller.workerServerStatusKeySet();"migrateSchedule--glist.size(): " + glist.size()); WorkerManagerStatus[] gss = glist.toArray(new WorkerManagerStatus[glist.size()]);"migrateSchedule-- WorkerManagerStatus[] gss.size: " + gss.length + "gss[0]: " + gss[0].getWorkerManagerName()); StaffInProgress[] staffs = this.getStaffInProgress(); WorkerManagerProtocol worker = null; boolean success = false; try {"migrateSchedule --------staff " + staffID); this.obtainNewStaffForMigrate(gss, staffID, 1.0, true); worker = controller.findWorkerManager(staffs[staffID].getWorkerManagerStatus()); ArrayList<WorkerManagerAction> actions = new ArrayList<WorkerManagerAction>(); actions.add(new LaunchStaffAction(staffs[staffID].getS())); Directive d = new Directive(controller.getActiveWorkerManagersName(), actions); d.setMigrateSSStep(this.getSuperStepCounter() + 1);"current super step is " + this.getSuperStepCounter()); success = worker.dispatch(staffs[staffID].getS().getJobID(), d, true, true, this.getNumAttemptRecovery()); // Update the WorkerManagerStatus Cache WorkerManagerStatus new_gss = staffs[staffID].getWorkerManagerStatus(); int currentStaffsCount = new_gss.getRunningStaffsCount(); new_gss.setRunningStaffsCount((currentStaffsCount + 1)); controller.updateWhiteWorkerManagersKey(staffs[staffID].getWorkerManagerStatus(), new_gss);[staffID].getS().getStaffAttemptId() + " is divided to the " + new_gss.getWorkerManagerName()); } catch (Exception e) { WorkerManagerStatus wms = staffs[staffID].getWorkerManagerStatus(); LOG.error("Fail to assign staff-" + staffs[staffID].getStaffId() + " to " + wms.getWorkerManagerName()); if (!success) { this.addBlackListWorker(staffs[staffID].getWorkerManagerStatus()); worker.addFailedJob(this.getJobID()); if (worker.getFailedJobCounter() > controller.getMaxFailedJobOnWorker()) { controller.removeWorkerFromWhite(wms); // white wms.setPauseTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); controller.addWorkerToGray(wms, worker); // gray + " will be transferred from [WhiteList] to [GrayList]"); } } else { LOG.error("Exception has been catched in SimpleStaffScheduler--" + "recoverySchedule !", e); Fault f = new Fault(Fault.Type.DISK, Fault.Level.WARNING, this.getJobID().toString(), e.toString()); this.getController().recordFault(f); this.getController().recovery(this.getJobID()); try { this.getController().killJob(this.getJobID()); } catch (IOException oe) { // LOG.error("Kill Job", oe); throw new RuntimeException("Kill Job", oe); } } } } /** * obtain the migrate staffs for the workermanagers * @param gss * workermanagerstatus to obtain the migrate staffs. * @param i * migrate staff id * @param tasksLoadFactor * load factor to assign the staff. * @param migrate * staff migrate flag. */ public void obtainNewStaffForMigrate(WorkerManagerStatus[] gss, int i, double tasksLoadFactor, boolean migrate) {"staffs[staffID] is " + staffs[i].getStaffID()); String oldWorkerName = staffs[i].getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName(); staffs[i].setChangeWorkerState(true);"obtainNewStaff" + " " + migrate); try { staffs[i].getStaffToRunForMigrate(findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatusForMigrate(gss, i, tasksLoadFactor), true); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Exception has been catched in JobInProgress--obtainNewStaff !", ioe); Fault f = new Fault(Fault.Type.DISK, Fault.Level.WARNING, this.getJobID().toString(), ioe.toString()); this.getController().recordFault(f); this.getController().recovery(this.getJobID()); try { this.getController().killJob(job.getJobID()); } catch (IOException e) { // LOG.error("IOException", e); throw new RuntimeException("IOException", e); } } String name = staffs[i].getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName();"obtainNewWorker--[migrate]" + name); workersToStaffs.get(oldWorkerName).remove(staffs[i].getS().getStaffAttemptId()); if (workersToStaffs.containsKey(name)) { workersToStaffs.get(name).add(staffs[i].getS().getStaffAttemptId());"The workerName has already existed and add the staff directly"); } else { ArrayList<StaffAttemptID> list = new ArrayList<StaffAttemptID>(); list.add(staffs[i].getS().getStaffAttemptId()); workersToStaffs.put(name, list);"Add the workerName " + name + " and the size of all workers is " + this.workersToStaffs.size()); } } /** * find the most free worker for the staffs need migrate. * @param wss * workermanagerstatus list * @param staffID * staffID to assign * @param staffsLoadFactor * staffloadfactor to find free worker * @return workermanager status the staff has been assigned to. */ public WorkerManagerStatus findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatusForMigrate(WorkerManagerStatus[] wss, int staffID, double staffsLoadFactor) { int currentStaffs = 0; int maxStaffs = 0; int loadStaffs = 0; int tmp_count = 0; WorkerManagerStatus status = null; for (WorkerManagerStatus wss_tmp : wss) { //"[findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatus]Test: " + // gss_tmp.getWorkerManagerName()); if (this.blackList.contains(wss_tmp) || staffs[staffID].getWorkerManagerStatus().equals(wss_tmp)) { // LOG.warn(gss_tmp.getWorkerManagerName() + // " is ignored because it is in the BlacList! // [findMaxFreeWorkerManagerStatus]"); continue; } currentStaffs = wss_tmp.getRunningStaffsCount(); maxStaffs = wss_tmp.getMaxStaffsCount(); loadStaffs = Math.min(maxStaffs, (int) Math.ceil(staffsLoadFactor * maxStaffs)); if ((loadStaffs - currentStaffs) > tmp_count) { tmp_count = loadStaffs - currentStaffs; status = wss_tmp; } } return status; } @Override public void clearStaffsForJob() { for (int i = 0; i < staffs.length; i++) { controller.deleteOldStaffs(staffs[i].getWorkerManagerStatus().getWorkerManagerName(), staffs[i].getStaffStatus(staffs[i].getStaffID())); // controller.test(); } } /** * get the Queue name of the job in * @return waitQueue name. */ public String getQueueNameFromPriority() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int i = Integer.parseInt(this.priority); switch (i) { case 1: return "HIGHER_WAIT_QUEUE"; case 2: return "HIGH_WAIT_QUEUE"; case 3: return "NORMAL_WAIT_QUEUE"; case 4: return "LOW_WAIT_QUEUE"; case 5: return "LOWER_WAIT_QUEUE"; default: return null; } } /** * get the job response ratio. * @return response ratio. */ public double getHRN() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.hrnR = (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.startTime + this.getProcessTime()) * 100 / this.getProcessTime(); } /** * get the job processing time with job superstepnum,job edgenum and staff * num. * @return job processing time. */ public long getProcessTime() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.processTime = this.estimateFactor * this.getSuperStepNum() * this.getEdgeNum() / this.getNumBspStaff(); return this.processTime; } /** * get the job edgenum * @return edgenum. */ private long getEdgeNum() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.edgeNum; } /** * clean the workermanagernames information on zookeeper when the recovery * staff is assign to other workers for multi staffs recovery,only clean once. */ /* Baoxing Yang added */ public void setCleanedWMNs() { this.cleanedWMNs = true; } /** * uncleaned flag. */ public void setUnCleanedWMNs() { this.cleanedWMNs = false; } /** * if the workermanagernames is cleaned. * @return cleaned flag. */ public boolean isCleanedWMNs() { return this.cleanedWMNs; } /** * set the job removed from joblistenner flag. */ public void setRemovedFromListener() { this.removedFromListener = true; } /** * set the job not removed from joblistenner flag. */ public void setUnRemovedFromListener() { this.removedFromListener = false; } /** * if the job is removed from joblistenner. * @return removedFromListener flag. */ public boolean isRemovedFromListener() { return this.removedFromListener; } /** * if controller's faultmap contains jobID recovery is not finished. * @return finished true,unfinished false. */ public boolean isCompletedRecovery() { if (controller.getFaultMap().containsKey(getJobID())) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * For JUnit test. */ public void setJobId(BSPJobID jobId) { this.jobId = jobId; } public void setStaffs(StaffInProgress[] staffs) { this.staffs = staffs; } /** * evaluate the input graph data for SGA-Graph. * @param ssrcs * @param migrateVertexCommand */ private Boolean evaluateGraphData(SuperStepReportContainer[] ssrcs, MigrateVertexCommand migrateVertexCommand) { float[] splitEdgeGraph = new float[job.getNumBspStaff()]; String splitEdgeInfo = ""; float globalSplitFactor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ssrcs.length; i++) { splitEdgeInfo = ssrcs[i].getSplitEdgeInfo(); String[] infos = splitEdgeInfo.split(Constants.MIGRATE_SPLIT); for (int j = 0; j < infos.length; j++) { String[] staffSplitEdgeInfo = infos[j].split(Constants.SPLIT_FLAG); if (staffSplitEdgeInfo.length > 2) { globalSplitFactor += Float.parseFloat(staffSplitEdgeInfo[2]); } } } if (globalSplitFactor > Constants.GlobalThread) { // migrateVertexCommand.setMaxMigrateNum(XX); // migrateVertexCommand.setMinMigrateFactor(minMigrateFactor); // migrateVertexCommand.setMinActiveBitMap(minActiveBitMap); migrateVertexCommand.setMaxMigrateNum(10); migrateVertexCommand.setMinMigrateFactor(0.1f); migrateVertexCommand.setMinActiveBitMap(new byte[Constants.K]); return true; } else { return false; } } }