Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* GenesisChess, an Android chess application
 * Copyright 2014, Justin Madru (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.content.*;
import android.database.*;
import android.database.sqlite.*;
import android.os.*;
import com.chess.genesis.*;
import com.chess.genesis.engine.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.json.*;

public class GameDataDB {
    private final SQLiteDatabase db;
    private final Context context;

    public GameDataDB(final Context _context) {
        context = _context;
        db = new DatabaseOpenHelper(context).getWritableDatabase();

    public void close() {

    public static Bundle rowToBundle(final Cursor cursor, final int index, final boolean closeCursor) {
        final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        final String[] column = cursor.getColumnNames();

        for (int i = 0, len = cursor.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++)
            bundle.putString(column[i], cursor.getString(i));
        if (closeCursor)
        return bundle;

    public String getUsername() {
        return Pref.getString(context, R.array.pf_username);

     * Local Game Queries

    public Bundle newLocalGame(final String gamename, final int gametype, final int opponent) {
        final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final Object[] data = { gamename, time, time, gametype, opponent };
        final String[] data2 = { String.valueOf(time) };

        db.execSQL("INSERT INTO localgames (name, ctime, stime, gametype, opponent) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", data);
        final Bundle game = rowToBundle(db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM localgames WHERE ctime=?", data2), 0, true);
        game.putInt("type", Enums.LOCAL_GAME);

        return game;

    public void addLocalGame(final Bundle game) {
        final Object[] data = { game.getString("name"), game.getLong("ctime"), game.getLong("stime"),
                game.getInt("gametype"), game.getInt("opponent"), game.getString("history"),
                game.getString("zfen") };

                "INSERT INTO localgames (name, ctime, stime, gametype, opponent, history, zfen) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);",

    public void saveLocalGame(final int id, final long stime, final String zfen, final String history) {
        final Object[] data = { stime, zfen, history, id };
        db.execSQL("UPDATE localgames SET stime=?, zfen=?, history=? WHERE id=?;", data);

    public void renameLocalGame(final int id, final String name) {
        final Object[] data = { name, id };
        db.execSQL("UPDATE localgames SET name=? WHERE id=?;", data);

    public void deleteLocalGame(final int id) {
        final Object[] data = { id };
        db.execSQL("DELETE FROM localgames WHERE id=?;", data);

    public void deleteAllLocalGames() {
        db.execSQL("DELETE FROM localgames;");

    public SQLiteCursor getLocalGameList() {
        return (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM localgames ORDER BY stime DESC", null);

    public void copyGameToLocal(final String gameid, final int gametype) {
        final String[] data = { gameid };
        final String type = (gametype == Enums.ONLINE_GAME) ? "onlinegames" : "archivegames";
        final Bundle row = rowToBundle(db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + type + " WHERE gameid=?", data), 0, true);

        final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final String tnames = "(name, ctime, stime, gametype, opponent, zfen, history)";
        final String dstring = "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
        final Object[] data2 = { row.get("white") + " Vs. " + row.get("black"), time, time, row.get("gametype"),
                Enums.HUMAN_OPPONENT, row.get("zfen"), row.get("history") };

        db.execSQL("INSERT INTO localgames" + tnames + " VALUES " + dstring + ';', data2);

     * Online Game Queries

    public void insertOnlineGame(final JSONObject json) {
        try {
            final String gameid = json.getString("gameid");

            if (json.optBoolean("delete", false)) {

            final String white = json.getString("white");
            final String black = json.getString("black");
            final String zfen = json.getString("zfen");
            final String history = json.getString("history");
            final long ctime = json.getLong("ctime");
            final long stime = json.getLong("stime");
            final int gametype = Enums.GameType(json.getString("gametype"));
            final int eventtype = Enums.EventType(json.getString("eventtype"));
            final int status = Enums.GameStatus(json.getString("status"));
            final int idle = (json.has("idle") ? 1 : 0) + (json.has("nudge") ? 1 : 0) + (json.has("close") ? 1 : 0);
            final int drawoffer = json.has("drawoffer")
                    ? (json.getString("drawoffer").equals("white") ? Piece.WHITE : Piece.BLACK)
                    : 0;

            final GameInfo info = new GameInfo(context, status, history, white, drawoffer);

            final int ply = info.getPly(), yourturn = info.getYourTurn();

            final Object[] data = { gameid, gametype, eventtype, status, ctime, stime, yourturn, ply, white, black,
                    zfen, history, idle, drawoffer };

            final String q1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO onlinegames ";
            final String q2 = "(gameid, gametype, eventtype, status, ctime, stime, ";
            final String q3 = "yourturn, ply, white, black, zfen, history, idle, drawoffer) ";
            final String q4 = "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";

            db.execSQL(q1 + q2 + q3 + q4, data);
        } catch (final JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

    public void updateOnlineGame(final JSONObject json) {
        try {
            final String gameid = json.getString("gameid");

            if (json.optBoolean("delete", false)) {

            final String[] data1 = { gameid };
            final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM onlinegames WHERE gameid=?",

            if (cursor.getCount() < 1) {
                if (!checkArchiveGame(gameid))

            final String zfen = json.getString("zfen");
            final String history = json.getString("history");
            final long stime = json.getLong("stime");
            final int status = Enums.GameStatus(json.getString("status"));
            final int idle = (json.has("idle") ? 1 : 0) + (json.has("nudge") ? 1 : 0) + (json.has("close") ? 1 : 0);
            final int drawoffer = json.has("drawoffer")
                    ? (json.getString("drawoffer").equals("white") ? Piece.WHITE : Piece.BLACK)
                    : 0;

            final Bundle row = rowToBundle(cursor, 0, true);
            final GameInfo info = new GameInfo(context, status, history, row.getString("white"), drawoffer);

            final int ply = info.getPly(), yourturn = info.getYourTurn();

            final Object[] data2 = { stime, status, ply, yourturn, zfen, history, idle, drawoffer, gameid };
                    "UPDATE onlinegames SET stime=?, status=?, ply=?, yourturn=?, zfen=?, history=?, idle=?, drawoffer=? WHERE gameid=?;",
        } catch (final JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

    public void deleteOnlineGame(final String gameid) {
        final Object[] data = { gameid };
        db.execSQL("DELETE FROM archivegames WHERE gameid=?;", data);

    public long getNewestOnlineTime() {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username };

        final String query = "SELECT stime FROM onlinegames WHERE white=? OR black=? ORDER BY stime DESC LIMIT 1";
        final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(query, data);

        try {
            if (cursor.getCount() == 0)
                return 0;
            return cursor.getLong(0);
        } finally {

    public List<String> getOnlineGameIds() {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username };
        final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db
                .rawQuery("SELECT gameid FROM onlinegames WHERE white=? OR black=?", data);
        final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(cursor.getCount());

        for (int i = 0, len = cursor.getCount(); i < len; i++) {
        return list;

    public SQLiteCursor getOnlineGameList(final int yourturn) {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username, String.valueOf(yourturn) };
        final String query = "SELECT * FROM onlinegames LEFT JOIN (SELECT gameid, unread FROM msgtable WHERE unread=1) USING(gameid) "
                + "WHERE (white=? OR black=?) AND yourturn=? GROUP BY gameid ORDER BY stime DESC";

        return (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(query, data);

    public Bundle getOnlineGameData(final String gameid) {
        return rowToBundle(db.rawQuery("SELECT * from onlinegames WHERE gameid=?", new String[] { gameid }), 0,

    public void recalcYourTurn() {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username };
        final String query = "SELECT gameid, status, history, white, drawoffer FROM onlinegames WHERE white=? or black=?;";

        final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(query, data);

        for (int i = 0, len = cursor.getCount(); i < len; i++) {
            final String gameid = cursor.getString(0);
            final int status = cursor.getInt(1);
            final String history = cursor.getString(2);
            final String white = cursor.getString(3);
            final int drawoffer = cursor.getInt(4);

            final GameInfo info = new GameInfo(context, status, history, white, drawoffer);
            final Object[] data2 = { info.getYourTurn(), gameid };

            db.execSQL("UPDATE onlinegames SET yourturn=? WHERE gameid=?;", data2);

     * Archive Game Queries

    public void insertArchiveGame(final JSONObject json) {
        try {
            final String gameid = json.getString("gameid");

            if (json.optBoolean("delete", false)) {

            final int gametype = Enums.GameType(json.getString("gametype"));
            final int eventtype = Enums.EventType(json.getString("eventtype"));
            final int status = Enums.GameStatus(json.getString("status"));
            final long ctime = json.getLong("ctime");
            final long stime = json.getLong("stime");
            final String white = json.getString("white");
            final String black = json.getString("black");
            final String zfen = json.getString("zfen");
            final String history = json.getString("history");

            int w_psrfrom = 0;
            int w_psrto = 0;
            int b_psrfrom = 0;
            int b_psrto = 0;

            if (eventtype != Enums.INVITE) {
                w_psrfrom = json.getJSONObject("score").getJSONObject("white").getInt("from");
                w_psrto = json.getJSONObject("score").getJSONObject("white").getInt("to");
                b_psrfrom = json.getJSONObject("score").getJSONObject("black").getInt("from");
                b_psrto = json.getJSONObject("score").getJSONObject("black").getInt("to");

            final String tmp[] = zfen.split(":");
            final int ply = Integer.parseInt(tmp[tmp.length - 1]);

            final Object[] data = { gameid, gametype, eventtype, status, w_psrfrom, w_psrto, b_psrfrom, b_psrto,
                    ctime, stime, ply, white, black, zfen, history };

            final String q1 = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO archivegames ";
            final String q2 = "(gameid, gametype, eventtype, status, w_psrfrom, w_psrto, b_psrfrom, b_psrto, ";
            final String q3 = "ctime, stime, ply, white, black, zfen, history) ";
            final String q4 = "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";

            db.execSQL(q1 + q2 + q3 + q4, data);
        } catch (final JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

    private boolean checkArchiveGame(final String gameid) {
        final String[] data = { gameid };
        return (db.rawQuery("SELECT gameid FROM archivegames WHERE gameid=?;", data).getCount() != 0);

    public void deleteArchiveGame(final String gameid) {
        final Object[] data = { gameid };
        db.execSQL("DELETE FROM archivegames WHERE gameid=?;", data);

    public List<String> getArchiveGameIds() {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username };
        final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db
                .rawQuery("SELECT gameid FROM archivegames WHERE white=? OR black=?", data);
        final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(cursor.getCount());

        for (int i = 0, len = cursor.getCount(); i < len; i++) {
        return list;

    public SQLiteCursor getArchiveGameList() {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username };
        final String query = "SELECT * FROM archivegames LEFT JOIN "
                + "(SELECT gameid, unread FROM msgtable WHERE unread=1) USING(gameid) "
                + "WHERE white=? OR black=? GROUP BY gameid ORDER BY stime DESC";

        return (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(query, data);

    public void archiveNetworkGame(final String gameid, final int w_from, final int w_to, final int b_from,
            final int b_to) {
        final String[] data = { gameid };
        final Bundle row = rowToBundle(db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM onlinegames WHERE gameid=?", data), 0, true);

        final String tnames = "(gameid, gametype, eventtype, status, w_psrfrom, w_psrto, b_psrfrom, b_psrto, ctime, stime, ply, white, black, zfen, history)";
        final String dstring = "(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

        final Object[] data2 = { row.get("gameid"), row.get("gametype"), row.get("eventtype"), row.get("status"),
                w_from, w_to, b_from, b_to, row.get("ctime"), row.get("stime"), row.get("ply"), row.get("white"),
                row.get("black"), row.get("zfen"), row.get("history") };

        db.execSQL("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO archivegames " + tnames + " VALUES " + dstring + ';', data2);
        db.execSQL("DELETE FROM onlinegames WHERE gameid=?;", data);

     * Chat Queries

    public void insertMsg(final JSONObject json) {
        try {
            final String user = getUsername();
            final JSONArray players = json.getJSONArray("players");

            final String gameid = json.getString("gameid"), username = json.getString("username"),
                    opponent = (username.equals(players.getString(0))) ? players.getString(1)
                            : players.getString(0),
                    msg = json.getString("txt");
            final long time = json.getLong("time");
            final int unread = (user.equals(username)) ? 0 : 1;

            final Object[] data = { gameid, time, username, msg, opponent, unread };
                    "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO msgtable (gameid, time, username, msg, opponent, unread) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);",
        } catch (final JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

    public void setMsgsRead(final String gameid) {
        final Object[] data = { gameid };
        db.execSQL("UPDATE msgtable SET unread=0 WHERE gameid=?", data);

    public void setAllMsgsRead() {
        final Object[] data = {};
        db.execSQL("UPDATE msgtable SET unread=0;", data);

    public int getUnreadMsgCount(final String gameid) {
        final String[] data = { gameid };
        final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db
                .rawQuery("SELECT COUNT(unread) FROM msgtable WHERE unread=1 AND gameid=?", data);
        try {
            return cursor.getInt(0);
        } finally {

    public int getUnreadMsgCount() {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username };
        final String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msgtable WHERE unread=1 AND (username=? OR opponent=?)";
        final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(query, data);
        try {
            return cursor.getInt(0);
        } finally {

    public long getNewestMsg() {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { username, username };

        final SQLiteCursor cursor = (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(
                "SELECT time FROM msgtable WHERE username=? OR opponent=? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1", data);
        try {
            if (cursor.getCount() == 0)
                return 0;
            return cursor.getLong(0);
        } finally {

    public SQLiteCursor getMsgList(final String gameid) {
        final String username = getUsername();
        final String[] data = { gameid, username, username };

        return (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(
                "SELECT * FROM msgtable WHERE gameid=? AND (username=? OR opponent=?) ORDER BY time ASC", data);